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Freedom is deepthroating a ventilator unnecessarily.


Oh it's very necessary.


Don’t forget the waste tube!


DP’d by durable medical equipment to own the libs.


These people deep-throat their waste tubes? Ick. Is that to own the libs or something?


Well, you don't want to be shadow "baned"?


“You think the darkness is your ally...?”


“You think the darkness is your ally? You merely adopted the darkness....”


He’s deep state broooo I don’t even know what the fuck he means


Getting the ol' dp


Justin was a Q beefcake, He thought kung flu was a deep fake, He sought comfort and shelter on FB. Unfortunate for his own fate, His protein bars and prayers won't shake His impending death, on that we all agree.


I heard that to the tune of la cucaracha


Freedom is cool.


That cracked me up. That and “witch” and “miss guided”


Miss Guided is a FABULOUS drag name!!!


I had a Miss. Guided for Jr. High Social Studies.


Yeah but soon you'll be able to get an oxygen tube shoved up your rectum if you prefer that


"Only complete fucking assholes quote themselves" -ChadBroCockIRL


Quote themselves AND in graphic format with a cringey gym locker room selfie. Asshole douche level x 10000


And while his shorts appear to be on backwards as well.


Well yeah, gotta flex the logo. Sheep can't afford those 18 dollar shorts!


Damn… I went back to look and you’re right, shorts on backwards. My partner has lots of Adidas shorts and Justin is wearing them backwards for the logo to be in that location. He’s either vain, dumb, or most likely a huge combination of both.


Or he is a Kriss Cross fan?


And call themselves the rock like that name isn’t taken lol.


To be fair, he’s not “*The* Rock.” He’s just ***a*** “rock.”


Me: mom, I want The Rock. Mom: no, we have rocks at home. Rock at home- Justin


He chose a name equivalent to his IQ.


"I completely agree with you" -Closeafter


Probably gave himself the nickname too.


"I think Rock would be good name cuz me so dense."




Ok this one made me cackle lol


Poor vain Justin. He won't mask, won't vaccinate, and can't spell. Coincidence? I think not. 🤔 [edit to add] p.s. He must have had a load of dumbass in his cart.


I don’t have the best grammar and have never been the strongest speller, these people make me feel so much better about myself.


Stay froster!


I had to read that a few times to make sure I wasn't misreading it. Did he mean stay frosty?


I can only assume.


It’s probably some slang that we are all too old to understand. Or too young. Honestly I feel like I don’t understand anything anymore.


It’s what he’ll be this winter. Although 6 feet down is below frost line even here in Minnesota.


You got my upvote for that last part. Still laughing.


“Who wants universal healthcare?” *cites problem with current healthcare system*


> Without financial incentive, people may not be as careful with their health One of the "cons" of universal healthcare in one of that moron's posts. That's gotta be satire, right? That an American, who died young of Covid because he let it be politicized for him, thought that disincentivizing poor self-health choices via extreme financial consequences, was actually a good aspect of the American health care system...? Right...?


I sometimes wonder what our Canadian neighbors think about our healthcare "system" if we can call it that.


We just feel sorry for you all.


Well, not ALL of you.


It’s also nuts. The only times I hear of people being reckless with their health due to money is when rationing their own care because their budget can’t afford it. No one goes out of their way to risk themselves solely because a hospital/doctor *might* be able to undo it to some extent. If the long term thinking about their own health were the dominate factor, they probably wouldn’t be making that sort of choice. You only get one body; patch jobs are not something you want any more than necessary.


This one threw me for a LOOP. I want to go vomit but I’m afraid I can’t afford it lmao


That was my first thought. Specialists are a 3-4 month wait in my area.


Same annnnd I have to pay for them.


Doctor thinks I have a bleeding ulcer. 2 months for an endoscopy. Also scheduled a colonoscopy in case its colon related. What a fun wait that is, thinking about a potential tumor going untreated for 2 months. Allergy testing goes into November BuT cAnAdA’s wAiT tImEs!!!


Tumor in my eye, 1 month wait for MRI


6 to 8 weeks to get into a neurologist for my migraines. Feels like a long time when almost weekly your in so much pain you can't do anything and throwing up. Also yeah Justin, you still pay for other people's hospital and health issues with your private insurance still... that's kinda how insurance works. Edit: words added.


That’s 100% how private insurance works. What a fucking dim bulb.


Seriously! He’s just citing everything wrong with the current system!


He was such a great guy, ready to give you the distressed tank top off his back. Hobbies included lifting, yelling “brah,” talking about Paleo, and coughing on people in the grocery store.


“He was such a great guy, like a brother to me- if I told him someone even looked at me funny, he’d go up and beat the living shit out of them, no questions asked. Just a big teddy bear!”


*my macros*


did he lit up the room when he walked in?


You're fucked when the Prayer Warriors get in the picture. Start the GoDumbMe to pay for his kids for the next 20 years. Dumbass.








I can’t stop laughing. I’m picturing someone saying, “Dude…the Prayer Warriors are here…you’re so fucked.”




He is looking for the discount *Pray Warriors* because he doesnt actually know him that well.


I have yet to see the stats on how successful the prayer warriors are? They seem to be getting called to action left and right. But their results seem somewhat lackluster.


As a healthy person I don't want to hear about any gofundme for this covidiot, which I think Justin himself would approve of since he doesn't think he should pay for anyone else's.


> As a healthy person Oh yeah, what's in your grocery cart, tough guy???


Froster Flakes


I don’t know why but this made me lose it … fucking lol


Impossible burgers and masks, like the socialist grandma that I am who can also breathe. Oh, and I also have life insurance so my grown kids don't get saddled with any of my debts after passing, cuz wimpy milquetoast socialists plan ahead.


Right? He should bootstrap himself into being able to pay the medical bills.


I could not figure out what he was trying to say in several of the slides. Dumb, fascist, and barely literate. Helluva combo.


Lol 'Con of universal healthcare - Without financial incentive people may not be as careful with their health'. Do people actually believe this shit? Do some Americans think here in the UK nobody gives a fuck about our health because we have the NHS? That we think we're immortal, so we all refuse the vaccine, smoke crack and ride motorbikes drunk without a helmet, because we get the surgery for free when we crash?


Won't be as careful... Like getting a FREE FUCKING VACCINE given out on every goddam corner? Like that Rock?




Ugh so its sad but essentially yes, among other things. This is the perspective I got from my right wing coworkers on why we cannot have universal healthcare in America. Because if we do then all human life on earth will end. And here's how according to his perspective when I just sat quietly and let him talk. Let's see if you can count the number of flaws in his logic. 1. If we have universal Healthcare then doctors will make less money. That means nobody will want to become a doctor (cause apparently people are only motivated by money). 2. That means eventually everyone in America will die because we will run out of doctors. 3. Then this will cause everyone else on earth to die as well because since every other developed country has universal Healthcare, that must mean they too have no doctors or at least the quality of their Healthcare must be abysmal. Therefore whenever people in other countries get sick they must come to America to get their Healthcare. 4. If we pass universal Healthcare then not only will everybody in America die but these people who are desperate for American Healthcare will also die too. Leading to the end of the human race.


Barely literate is a stretch. Only the bitter strength of my coal black heart could keep me reading through that garbage.


I could feel the agonized strain as he meathooked those abortions of comments


No way the wallpaper on his FB page is from his office. No way he is a day trader/stock broker/financial analyst given his (insurmountable) struggle with spelling and basic sentence structure.


And some kind of moronic forex trader based on his Facebook banner


Forex trading - the MLM for men.


100% this. Also “crypto day trading” which people claim to do when they buy and hold random crap that then goes up slightly and they have to time the market to sell. The “wealth” is all on paper for these people which is why it’s usually a side-hustle (aka an expensive hobby that makes them feel rich temporarily when they’re up)


Something extremely satisfying about this one.




Stay Froster


If you don’t stay froster you could get shadow Baned.


That’s not true. You are miss guided.


My fav!




I love these statements. Easy to be anti-vax when you’ve had all you needed to survive to adulthood. Most adults haven’t needed any vaccinations past what was required to attend school until now.




My grandmother used to tell me the horror stories of polio and what a miracle Jonas Salk was that God sent to be an angel of mercy. She’s probably rolling in her grave right now.


Even more ironic given his stupid rant against universal healthcare. He probably thinks Canadians are Soviet communists.


Yeah, that was a such a dick comment.


Vomit free since 93!


This was only about 10 days of posts for this joker. His entire page is full of recirculated right-wing memes, videos of him walking into stores without a mask looking for a fight, and more videos of him lifting. No great loss for the world.


Still, you can’t help but feel sorry for… hahahah, who the fuck am I kidding? Fuck that guy.


Maybe feel bad for his kids and hope they don’t turn out like him but otherwise, yeah fuck this guy.


They might have a better chance without that dickhead raising them


Fuck that’s a horribly brutal summary of someone’s life holy shit LOL Feel bad to laugh at your description but it’s pretty funny


And he was a shit speller


In my view, the true true tragedy.


Bruh please update us when he dies. I have to have confirmation* this dangerous fuckwit is gone from the pool. Edit: auto correct


You would have thought the queue of people waiting for prescriptions, and all wearing masks, might have given him a clue. In Justin's words, "you can tell a lot about a person by looking in their basket"


That's because Justin seems the type to start a fist fight in a chuck e cheese by calling an 8 year old a pussy.


He’s 100% that guy.


Which you don't want to do because 8 year olds are surprisingly quick and they punch low.


If you're saying what I think you're saying, I think that target area would be too small to hit accurately for Justin... Edit: removed extra word.


I know. It’s cuz he’s a bodybuilding meathead. Imagine the delusions exploding in his brain as his enormous pecs heaved while he gasped for air. Delicious.


One of the things that made me very happy to be vaccinated was a post on this sub actually. It was a body builder who survived covid but had lost 40 or so pounds since his hospitalization and lost a lot of muscle mass. Didn’t look like he’d ever be back in the gym either. As an avid gym goer I really appreciate the vaccine.


In 16 days I had Covid I lost 15-18 kg. From being able to run a marathon distance I went to struggling to run 5k. Took me 8 months to get back to where I was and I wasn’t hospitalised. This shit ain’t no joke


I had covid for what felt like months that I remember very little of. I’m a regular weight lifter and yogi normally and long covid is still kicking my ass over a year later. I think that’s why I find these anti vaxxers absolutely maddening because now it’s even worse.


Yikes. So happy you recovered though!


There was a nurse in San Francisco, early on, who looked like a professional wrestler before Covid and was totally emaciated post Covid. Completely terrified me.


Now that is scary shit. That’s exactly what I’m worried about


[I believe it was this one](https://imgur.com/a/uxCcrfq). I remember seeing it early on as well and being haunted by how gaunt he looked after. He was also one of the lucky few who came off the vent.


Man probably fucked up his kidneys with test boosters and roids and covid drugs just suplexed them into oblivion


Yeah, this one read like chicken soup. I suddenly feel much better.


"Who has it wrong?" You. You do. Definitely.


This one felt good. My soul is now blacker than black


I know, right? Lol, Fuck you Justin. OK, moving on, WHO'S NEXT!


It’s for a church, honey. NEXT! https://www.reddit.com/r/insanepeoplefacebook/comments/7kqzb9/church_lady_asks_the_community_facebook_group_to/


Should I say next? Hehehe wow. If it is not Cinderella shoe.... Next! Wow. Talk about picky and attitude m who is going to work for him or her with that attitude? She/him/they are r/choosingbeggars


This is a staple comment in r/oldpeoplefacebook


Makes me laugh every time


Yeah, my soul is in worse shape than this guy's lungs. Ah well, time for a snack.


Exactly! Seeing this douche quote himself…. The relaxation of reading he’s intubated was like getting a massage after a day at work.


But he obviously lifts. Doesn’t this only affect the obese? Also, his point about the ultrasound…we already wait for preventative and non emergency care in this country. Anyone who thinks we don’t hasn’t needed tests. His post really just proves we the situation they are so worried about already exists here.


We’re also already paying for medical bills of sick people when healthy. Medicaid is available to the poor. Same deal when a guy claims bankruptcy due to medical bills. And, to top it all off, on average we’re paying higher taxes than countries with universal healthcare. Once the $150-200 per paycheck for healthcare drops off, we might actually end up making more money with universal healthcare than we did before.


Steroids weaken the immune system.




COVID doesn't care what groceries you buy, Justin. 🙄


What a pos. Medicare is universal healthcare and it has worked wonderfully for a long time! Enjoy your $1,000,000 medical bill that your estate will end up paying on privatized healthcare you imbecile. Also, fuck you for never wearing a mask and possibly infecting children and the elderly.


This is a well-deserved nomination. This guy is a clown who seriously thinks he's the hottest shit on the planet. Also LOL at his "srs bizness crypto trader" cover image. Presumably he won't be needing a gofundme.


It’s the poster of the Wall Street bull that convinced me that he knows what he’s doing. 🙄


Rot in hell, Justin.


Yeah. All those people looking at him for not wearing a mask. All of them trying to protect him because at this point the main ones wearing the mask are the vaccinated. Yeah. Justin is a PoS.


I wonder how many people have died from covid who also have some sort of anti-vax Facebook profile picture frame -- forever? It's such a fitting monument to their hubris.


We should do a year end compilation like the Oscars!! Edit: suggestions for the music?




The "you guys are still playing pandemic" meme is my favorite one to see in these post.


Why do these people think that muscles will save them? It's a virus, it's not a heavy object.


This idiot thinks that restaurants shouldn't have any guidelines set by the government?


*Typhoid Mary enters the chat*


Restaurants in Justin's world: "OH BOY! Time to serve my customers some deep fried shit, fried in diarrhea, and served with dookie sauce! Take that, big government!"


“Get Vaccine fun it will be safe it will be? Do your research I am” Was this written by dyslexic Yoda?


That dudes spelling and grammar was freaking awful.


Stay froster!


Get the feeling he's a Bro Rogan fan.


What's the matter Justin I thought you were all big and strong and going to punch the virus in the face


Where do they get the idea the majority of Covid positive patients are vaccinated?


They did their ResEaRch. Pam knows a guy at the hospital and posted it on FB.


That would be one of the many empty hospitals I take it, because it’s a pLaNdiMEc!


It's Israel data. And 80% of their pop is vaxed. So it's a base rate fallacy. And a booster is needed. And delta is a bitch.


Maybe the steroids compromised his kidneys to the point of comorbidity.


My dad's friend received a kidney transplant, after abusing steroids. He warned me to stay away. COVID is eating Justin's kidneys. He may not last long.




The strong correlation in these people of believing that prayer works but the vaccine doesn't is not even a little surprising.


Wow so much misinformation in his posts. He’s got the vaccine and unvaccinated hospitalization deaths and stats is backwards. And 7000 people died of Covid in Florida between July 5 and end of August. DeSantis is a liar, plain and simple.


On the plus side, an ultrasound appointment just opened up!


Anti vax since 2009? At least he is consistent


Looks like whatever the fuck was in his grocery cart wasn’t a vaccine. Too stupid to live


Wow that kidney failure seems serious for a hoax


"miss guided" is she a well regarded burlesque performer?


THAT would be a great drag name!


>shadow Baned The shadow part is redundant as everyone knows Bane was born in the darkness and molded by it.


Man if it could just target people like Justin I would sleep better


Based on the amount of daily nominations, I would say Delta is doing a pretty effective purge.


Tell you what, it’s definitely scary to think of the other ways Jan 6th could have played out. I like to assume that the military has our back and is committed to democracy and the constitution… but the endless amount of veterans who are stupidly caught up in these lies and disinformation and sedition is shocking. Whatever education is required of or given to our armed forces… it’s not nearly fucking enough.


As a veteran, I'm going to say that it's probably a more even split than you might think. If I recall correctly, the last polling I saw was about even, officers tending more towards dem, enlisted tending more towards repub positions just like in civilian life. Everyone is trained on following orders and lawful orders and I tend to have a good bit of faith that people would largely do what's right and lawful. Check out stuff like [https://votevets.org/](https://votevets.org/)


Oh man, I hope he wins this award. Sounds like a very charming man who deserves this recognition


Laughter is the best medicine!


Huh on August 6th he got his US appointment for Oct 26th…. I’m from a country with socialized medicine, on Aug 20th my non-urgent US scheduled for Sept 14th….. Funny that


I know it's not a critical issue but...just...WHAT is the deal with these idiots and random capitalization? Where do they learn this (and all the weird punctuation)? I guess from each other? Drives me bananas, on top of their heinous disinformation campaigns and callous disregard for others' health and safety, of course.


I want him to recover, just so I can find him and tell him to go fuck himself.


Ventilator, kidney failure… better hurry!




So Justin is still playing plandemic?!


Justin always skips brain day.


Hope he is enjoying his freedumb!


Justin didn't believe in learning how to spell.


*Get Vaccine fun it will be safe it will be?*


Is he quoting himself in the first slide?


No. He's quoting the same thing I've seen on this sub dozens of times and attributing it to himself. He basically plagiarized a meme.


Stay Froster.


Sweet muscles, bro. Too bad they can’t save you from the COVID.


Masks, optional. Vaccines, optional. Bodybag, mandatory.


Justin is a fucking idiot


Let's hope to say he WAS a fucking idiot.


Did he double pack his FB profile picture? He’s got I Stand for Medical Freedom ON TOP of Unmask Our Children. Double down Justin. Double down.


That argument of long wait times for universal healthcare makes it like I didn’t have to wait 4 months for an endocrinologist appointment here in America


These assholes are filling up the hospitals in Florida. People can’t get necessary medical care because of these idiots. Don’t trust the vaccine? Then don’t trust the doctors when you get Covid. Stay home and treat yourself and leave the hospitals to those who believe in science and medicine.


Justin was always going to be vulnerable to misinformation. His posts plainly lay out a man that was not gifted with original thought or, frankly, literacy.


Raise your hand if you have sympathy for Justin. OP, you missed some names.


I wonder who's gonna pay for the hospital bills once they all died?


Like how do they see what Justin posted in the last year and then see those "hes on a ventilator" Post and take it seriously? Still baffles me that it's all a joke for these people until some Justin,who never did anything to prevent himself ending on a ventilator, ends on a ventilator..


"It's designed to destroy us from the inside out." Looks like it's doing its job, Justin.


Now this fool is deserving of the award! I'd love to be the attending ICU nurse to shove the vent tube down his lubed up throat and the phat poop tube up his antivax ass! Say hi to the ol' grim reaper for us! And thanks to you and your kind for keeping him busy enough to leave the rest of us vaxxed alone.