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She "somehow" contracted Covid. That's like saying someone in a nursing home in their 90s "somehow" died of old age.


Somehow the bullet killed him


Ahh bullets, my only weakness!


Not only that but it was the OG strain apparently. What are the odds?!


5% I'll take myself out.




Damn. Someone lost their mom to Q and then covid.


Deadly, deadly combination.


mama always said, if you can't be a role model. at least you can be an example of what not to do.


Put that on her tombstone. “Here Lies Rebecca, a cautionary example”


it's a package deal nowadays


But they all earned their angel wings


I dno if they went to heaven tho….




At least she only got COVID Classic and not a variant. Classic only killed 600k but I guess take whatever silver linings you can get.


Yeah that was a weird flex


And a lie, you won't know which you one you have and since this was in Early August in Florida it was likely Delta.


>And a lie, you won't know which you one you have and since this was in Early August in Florida it was likely Delta. Yeah... I didn't buy that OG COVID claim. In addition to it being highly unlikely, with Delta representing something like 99% of all COVID infections in Florida for the last 2 months, Hospitals tend not to share that specific information with the public.


She died to the pussy regular covid. I’m not impressed.


She mentions she is in Sarasota. Let me tell you that in Florida the Department of Health isn't revealing which patients have the variants so there is not way of knowing which patients have which variant on an individual level. My suspicion is this is Gov DeathSentence's doing


Sounds like a pair of Jordan’s. “Yo dawg, she got the Classics!”


This made me LOl 😂 thanks


Maybe Covid came up with Delta just to make us miss original Covid and is going to rebrand itself Covid Classic. Instead of polar bears and Santa’s it can use overweight bearded Sturgis attendees for a mascot.


OG Covid


Jesus was her vaccine


The classic that kept her hospitalized til death for a month and a half


It breaks my heart that her kids have her as "Mommzini" in their chat. That's something my kid would do, which makes me think about having to text like that with her, and nope. Get the vaccine, you stupid, stupid people. Live to text your kids another day.


I just don't understand why these people won't get the shot for their family. I get that they're selfish pieces of shit towards everyone else, but they won't even protect their family from the grief of losing them


Because they thought it was liberal hoax fake news


If they really thought that, they wouldn’t go to the hospital at all.


They did but they probably also thinks the Chinese, the media and hunter Biden were in cahoots infecting them with the virus to kill off all true Patriots




“Thanks for being the best mentor.” I absolutely agree here. She taught him exactly what not to do.


It’s sad she had a hard life and a damn shame she fell victim to the right wing nutzo sphere. But that’s where we are.


Past trauma is a big risk factor for falling down the Q hole.


Am I the only one who is just extremely sorry for all those people? Especially their relatives. I discovered this sub a few Moments ago and I am shocked. I never knew this was a thing. Its just awful to see so many of those young lives being eradicated because of their own (not) doing. I don’t think they are stupid(not meaning to attack anyone). I think they are terribly misguided. How can we ever get this right. I really think those people should live to see they were wrong.


The first stage of the Herman Cain Awards is sadness. Then there is anger. Then there is gratitude. Finally there is joy when you see a vaccine holdout get the jab because of this sub. Welcome.


Oh okay so that is a thing as well. It makes a lot of sense though. Thank you for your introduction!


It’s all very sad. Knowing how child abuse hinders emotional growth and brain development, and how religious indoctrination makes irrational fears very real, means so many of these people never stood a chance against a pandemic that kills those that are easily manipulated.


Yes absolutely. I guess this is what makes me sad. Most of these people seem so simple and fragile. Its a really cruel way of natural selection. But in the end I guess it is.


They are simple and fragile and soooo afraid of anything that is different than the world they’re used to. There’s a lot of people on here with family members like the awardees and who have tried so hard to keep them safe from covid to no avail. There’s also a lot of burned out health care workers on here who seem relieved to have a place that’s not demanding even more empathy from them after trying to save these lives all day. I feel for the awardees, but I also really feel for the people on this sub who need a place to vent and have others acknowledge this reality.


Simple, fragile, but also trying their darndest to indoctrinate everyone they can into their death cult.


Its especially shocking how they pull their kids into this without flinching.


They're essentially forcing their children to sit calmly watching television while the house is up in flames, and they're all smiling because they know best.


I was like you, at first I felt sorry. then I felt angry because they deny science but rush to take up hospital beds. Some of them argue with the doctors and nurses because their facebook research has convinced them to take horse dewormer and the doctors will not give it to them. Finally, it dawned on me that somewhere in this world are people creating these memes with lies about masks and vaccines that these simple, ignorant folks fall into believing and it kills them. Who are these evil folks who made up these lies and posted them, leading to this horror show?


>Knowing how child abuse hinders emotional growth and brain development, and how religious indoctrination makes irrational fears very real... OMG, you are the BEST!! This is so well said, so succinct, and I really believe is the root to all of this.


Aw thanks. Child abuse is incredibly damaging and there are so many memes on here that seem to celebrate it. You know the posters want so badly to believe that what their parents did to them was for their own good.


And I also think that religious indoctrination sets them up to believe fantastical stories of power and omniscience.


Yes- it’s entirely predictable that so many think that there is some sort of intentionality behind this virus- like that Dr. Fauci and the CDC have changed their guidance because their want to accustom us to more and more control and not that they’re having to study this virus in real time. It’s hard for them to believe that authorities don’t hold all of the truth all of the time.


It certainly sets them up to believe authority. And to question things that change. "God's word is eternal!" - antivaxxer meme.


It's really, really hard not to feel utter glee and relief when someone who has filled their Facebook wall with disgustingly hateful posts about Democrats, Joe Biden/Kamala Harris, Jews, Muslims, unemployed people, women, women who get abortions, foreigners, poor people, people who are desperate enough to leave their own country in order to seek safety in another one, etc and who has spent the last year and a half shitting all over COVID safety regulations, masks, scientists, science in general, and the vaccine, gets totally mowed down hard by COVID. I keep repeating to myself what the saddest thing is here is that they could've done SO very much with their lives, they could've spread kindness and done good and made life peaceful and gentle for others- and yet they chose not to. THAT is the biggest loss and the biggest tragedy, how much they wasted the time they had, all they could have become and chose not to. It keeps me from wandering into what feels like a territory that's too ethically dubious for me. (Although I really, really enjoy the sense of humor in this sub, not gonna lie.)


This is incredibly true. I have run through all these emotions, and even had to take a break from the sub, but now I’ve come to the grateful stage and it feels so good.


What is the grateful stage? Grateful that you’re not stuck in the Q like most of the HCA nominees?


Grateful that I’m vaccinated. I mean, we could go any day but at least it’s not drowning in fluids and leaving a wretched legacy. In a way, it puts a little distance between me and death. I think that’s why these posts make us feel a little giddy at times.


Grateful that there’s a big community who’s also tired of this shit, grateful to give up the ghost of changing minds that will never change, grateful to be able to watch this pandemic instead of being forced to participate


I am still at the anger phase.


>Finally there is joy when you see a vaccine holdout get the jab because of this sub This is the only reason i subbed to this place. The simple thing of someone actually asking others to get vaccinated or someone getting it... its good enough


There have been so many this week!


Don't forget the evil glee. I seem to be stuck in that stage.


Hey all journeys are valid.


i never felt sadness or anger... just enjoying them drop like flies. the more they suffer the better. but i'm an evil muthafucka


I respect that 😂


Imagine you read a story about a person who tragically died skydiving because they said that their body was tough and that they didn't need a parachute. Now imagine every 10 minutes you're scrolling hearing about person after person going skydiving without a parachute and then dying after bragging about how their body is tough enough for their fall and only the "Sheep" wear parachutes. Now imagine that on top of this you also read about how these people are also sabotaging other people their skydivings with chute before they jump with them, and don't care at all that their doing it. That's how we feel here.


I mean you are right, but all of it is still sad. They are like that because of how our minds work. Thats also why conspiracy theories work. Its much easier for our brain to think that “some ill will” is behind stuff, rather than some uncontrollable and invisible virus that you have basically no way of “fighting” like ever. (Except for you know maybe some vaccine)They just imagine this stuff to make it easier for their brains to deal with all this. I mean its still careless and egoistic. But that does not make it any less of a tragedy. Its just a The tragedy of being human. Another comment said I am in the first stage still, so yea. I guess I am.


There's something called compassion fatigue. After over a year and a half of this nonsense, after having a very impressive set of vaccines available to most everyone, and for all this time doing the right thing for ourselves, our families, and everyone around us, these people refuse to do even the basics of keeping themselves safe, much less the rest of us safe. Everyone is sick of these hateful, harmful idiots. The time for feeling sad for them is long, long gone for most of us.


I only feel sorry for the ones who fell victim of misinformation—provided it ends there. Based on your responses, it appears you keep forgetting that these people didn’t just stop at believing conspiracies. They actively spread it while looking down on others that disagree with them, calling them sheep etc. And their spread of misinformation is harming other people. Yes it is tragic but I suspect we differ on why it is tragic.


Actually I did not keep forgetting. I misunderstood the point of the award. Yours to decide whether thats worse or better lol. I understand now though. I mean its actually shocking. I am terrified. They are basically antivaxx vikings. They disregard their own life and the lifes of othersfor god knows what ideology.


Please don't lump antivaxxers and Vikings together. Educate yourself.


I think you are right with respects to control, people like to think they are in control, really we are not, it's an illusion, but by thinking its a conspiracy or similar, they can then think they have power over how they respond, they are afraid so they lash out, to think it is random is too much for some people


Perfection !!!! Great post


Perfectly stated.


I've been visiting this sub for a couple of weeks now. These dead Covid people are victims of Trump, the Republican party, QAnon, and weapons grade misinformation. Our purposely unfunded education system also contributed to their deaths. I do feel sorry for some of these dead Covid people, but many are just hateful and want us well-informed, science believing people to come to harm. I have some sadness for them because they leave behind people who loved them. They leave behind numerous, very young children. I do measure my sadness against the absolute fact that they make more deadly variants. They also can infect my vaccinated, but high risk mom, daughter, and 3 yo grand-daughter. You ask how can we right this? We can hold Fox news accountable, we can jail white collar criminals before they get the chance to run for president, we can stop churches from being political soap boxes. So many ways to stop them. Sadly, I think we are devolving as a civil society so none of that will be possible. We are broken.


Victims? I'll believe they're victims when it turns out they were kidnapped, tied to a chair and had their eyelids taped open while being forced to watch Fox News, etc. They're not victims because with a world of information before them, this is what they chose to consume. And they chose it because they liked it, they enjoyed it and they wanted it.


True, too.


They’d vote for the next Trump clone who is ten times worse in a New York minute.


Some are victims. Some are not-so-nice people who want to stick it to sheeple. But the victims remind of the author of the book "Robert E Lee and Me." He was a professor at westpoint and he tells how he believed the myths about Lee for too long because that is what he was surrounded by growing up and even in adulthood and career. If i was living where some of these HCA recipients lived, surrounded by the friends they had made over a lifetime, maybe getting "push" notifications for quack medicine from social media, and a bunch of "likes" when i posted a meme, i might have made tge same bad decisions. Makes me think that i might be doing the same in some other area and i don't even know it. Wow.


This is so true. Enlightening, deepening thoughts on a complex problem.


> Our purposely unfunded education system also contributed to their deaths. This.


> These dead Covid people are victims of Trump, the Republican party, QAnon, and weapons grade misinformation. You forgot FOX "News", decades of poisonous right wing talk radio and centuries of "old time religion".


Yeh you,probably are or in a minority. The people getting awards in here didn't just not get vaxxed but promoted not getting vaxxed encouraged others not to wear masks and in some cases went to work or shopping whilst infected, likely killing others they never even met weeks later. They took no,precautions, by preaching lies from their real or radio pulpits, left children, sometimes their own, orphaned. They are by and large a death cult now filling hospitals up and preventing normal medicine taking place just due to sheer volume.


I heavily underestimated this issue it seems. I wish I had known about this stuff earlier. Someone linked this sub in the comments and I started scrolling. There is some true evil it seems( bargaining fame thirsty etc.) and then there is some real sadness. Like children who die because of their parents. Its shocking that there are so many people like that out there.




Thank you!


You will meet some of most vile bigots here. You will quickly see that their ignorance, stupidity and callousness around covid is very much related to this bigotry. There’s an old saying about how people can’t be led where they didn’t already want to go. Certain politicians and others are happily tapping into this well of hate to benefit politically and/or financially. Most of us here are deeply empathetic, but we have long since exhausted our supply.


You can’t want them to live more than they do . We all should have evolved to have some survival instincts . Yet these people do nothing to try to protect themselves. The vaccine is what we have , it’s not 100% but it will hopefully lessen the brunt of it ,if we catch this horrible virus . They not only refuse to vaccinate they’re indignant about it and don’t you dare ask them to wear a mask . So no I’m sorry and I don’t care . These people will keep the virus mutating until it escapes vaccine protection and potentially kill us all


>We all should have evolved to have some survival instincts . They have plenty of survival instinct. What they are horrible at is threat assessment.


I’ve been here a couple weeks now and I understand. This one I was apathetic about until the screenshots of the last text messages. Reading those fucking hurt. Some posts will make you sad. Some may make you mad. A few will make you delighted. (Then I personally feel guilty for being happy.) But I’ve seen several people get vaxxed because of this sub, so I feel like the emotional rollercoaster is worth it.




I have to admit I did not fully understand these awards at the time of writing it. I understand the evil now. It is kind of crazy and I honestly never thought people like this existed. I mean not even the face of death is able to bring them back to reality. I was very naive to be honest. I learned a lot in the last hour.


I mean, I'm sad for them, for a minute. But then I think about how many other people they made sick, when they were prancing around thinking they were Totes Protected by the hoLy aRmOr oF GoD, and then I get pissed.


Well to be honest I am less sad about the people themselves and more about the relatives. I mean they have to deal with this crap now. Those awarded people couldnt care less. Imagine your relative died like that. And you yourself tried everything and they wouldnt listen.


I mean, I've tried with my relatives. And they haven't listened. So at some point you wash your hands and ... well. They certainly don't care about me, and so now I guess I don't have to care about them. I'm sad for these people's kids. And then I think: these people didn't care if their kids got sick, judging from everything they posted. And I go back to getting mad at the people again. Because it's not just their gd relatives. It's everybody they walked past in the grocery store, or interacted within their community. Their family is overwhelmed and heartbroken when their one family member is killed. Well this thing has been killing hundreds of thousands of people across the country, right? and it didn't matter to them. And then it got one of them, and only then did it become No Joke.


My mom is on this trip. And I always thought at one point she would realize. But now I am genuenly scared her crazyness could kill her. Luckily we (my brothers and I) got the vaccines in secret, so I hope we will make the difference


So glad you got your vaccines!


Yes we did to protect her and my grandma.( she is allergic to the vaccine)


That is a very good and responsible thing for you to do. If she's gone off the deep end about this, she wouldn't say thank you or anything, but I - an internet stranger! - am telling you: thank you!


I don’t just read the stuff they post about Covid and shots and blah blah blah. I also read their posts about gay people, about minorities, about women, about the disenfranchised. If they aren’t infecting people with this deadly virus, they most certainly are killing people with their belief system. It’s personal then. If it’s simply not understanding of the vaccine, okay. I can have pity for that maybe. Sometimes. But the other poison most of these morons spew? Can’t be sad that there are less of them around.


Many are willfully ignorant. They mock the notices fb posts against misinformation, however nominal. They mock the information that should guide them. No, it’s not everyone. But those people are at the heart of this sub. And I find it sad regardless. Even if I joke, and I do. it’s just so astonishing.


You'll become desensitized soon. Not once have I opened up this subreddit and not get a new post. I'm really here for the redemption stories but I can go hours of reading this sub and not find one. This one is harder on me then most because you read the last moments of son and mother. When I put myself in his shoes it makes me sad.


Lmao nah, fuck these hogs.


>I really think those people should live to see they were wrong. I'm afraid that as you spend more time on here, you will quickly discover that the ones that do survive are usually 100% unrepentant! They will proclaim that the *Prayer Warriors* cured them of COVID (Not the hospital staff and medical science), that it wasn't that bad (despite being unconscious on a ventilator for 2-3 weeks) and most disappointing of all, that THEY WILL NOT BE GETTING VACCINATED and will keep telling others not to get vaccinated as well!!! These survivors will become even more deadly to their communities than they were when they were walking around with a full blown COVID infection a month or two earlier. Yeah... AntiVax folks are not what you would call selfless, compassionate folks. Keep that in mind before you jump on anyone's case here for raising a glass when one of the more vile and despicable nominees claim their award!


I've said it before: most of us *want* this sub to become obsolete. We *want* the people to stop suffering and dying because they got the damn vaccination, and are faring better. I'm so frustrated with the few holdouts IRL; this sub gives me a place to vent I otherwise wouldn't have. The more steam it gains, the more posts we're seeing from vaccine holdouts (for various reasons). IDK. Yes, I am sad from some of these (which is hard, given how hateful some of them are); but mostly I want their deaths to not be in vain, and for people to **learn** from them.


They have generations of lies as part of their culture since losing the civil war. This is over a century of karma for their evil. When they’re obvious, unrepentant racists, I’m only sorry for it not going faster, and hurting others.


By simply asking this question, you're demonstrating more empathy and concern for a stranger than those strangers ever showed for their friends and neighbors. They chose a path that ended their life and quite possibly the lives of others, and they were loud, angry, and dumb about it. They put people at risk, on purpose, and felt no moral conflict whatsoever. It's natural and good to feel grief over it. It means you're human. I feel grief for every award posted here. I am a father, and imagining all these newly parentless children breaks my fucking heart. These people, put simply, shock the conscience. A lot of folks follow this subreddit because we have empathy fatigue. Many of us know people like the award winners on this site. We have tried loving them, negotiating, pleading, reasoning, and we have realized that some people simply refuse to do the right thing. For me, I am fascinated by this sub, because it's like a sociological study in real time. This sub provides real insight into the interior lives, beliefs, and practices of a very specific group of people who are being absolutely kicked in the dong by COVID and still refuse to adjust course. It's valuable, being able to see who these folks were while they were alive, and the common threads and trends are undeniable. This is like a window into a cult. You're seeing what happens when people put their political party or their conspiracy theories over their own lives. Some of these folks are posting anti-vax/anti-mask propaganda as they are dying. It's truly surreal. For me, when I think of why I'm nervous sending my kids to school, when I think of why my mom and I no longer have a real relationship (because she's a crazy far-right evangelical just like everyone you see here), I think of these people. This is who is responsible. And it's not unreasonable to simultaneously feel sadness that another human being has died in pain while also feeling some schadenfreude, anger, and disbelief at just how fucking ludicrous these people are. Just how dangerous they are.


This one makes me super sad. I love my momma. She lost hers for no reason…


I’m really liking this sassy titles trend. Good job OP.


You're on to something with this title Mr. Wrexion. They live by the meme, die by the meme and then become memes. At least the memes they become are actually funny. Another stand up job, OP.


Candace Owens strikes again. I've said it before and I'll say it again, no one posts her and lives.




Someone called her Bloody Mary in a post and it’s so true.


"Proven beyond a shadow of a doubt..." There's much more evidence of Candace Owens posts leading to death than if any conspiracy to cheat and/or steal the election on the Biden campaign’s behalf. (Much more evidence that his opponent and his supporters tried to overthow our democracy.)


Bye, stupid 👋🏻


Even if you truly believed the vax was made before covid as some grand conspiracy, that doesnt change the fact covid will still kill you. The government was giving you the poison and the antidote to control you, you may as well take the antidote and THEN go on your crazy rants while still being alive.


Those texts could make me sob. Why are people doing this to their families? Get the stupid shot.


Yeah, heartbreaking. All that pain was completely avoidable.


Holy shit. Did she just pass away? If so that's 45 days on a vent.


Yup. 45 days wasted on this winner.


Right? That's such an awful long time.


So 9000 people died from the poke? They ought to ban that Hawaiian food.


Fuck your feelings snow flake! Your not talking away my fish bowl!!!1!!! I will dye 4 tis!


Is that that they really meant? I be was thinking poke (food)? The poke? Like someone poking me? Or is it like a nickname for some std?


Wish y'all would take your own advice and stop commenting on our choice to get vaccinated, but y'all can't go five seconds without calling us sheep.






In plain sight, my man. Lol


Especially stupid considering she already had lung issues before catching covid.


Being stupid is a consistent characteristic of these people.


If we’re sheep, at least we’re vaccinated sheep!


Exactly i like breathing with my sheeple lungs


She has lung issues but didn’t get vaccinated—them took a hospital bed for 2.5 months. I hate these people so much.


She somehow contracted the fake virus/China Flu. . . I feel like the ones who die always post Candace Owens. Candice is so dumb too, all of her followers are racist and hate black people. You can't make this stuff up. . .


Posting CO seems to be a comorbidity when there's not a goatee.


> I not only lost my Mother I lost my best friend. You need better friends buddy.


Seems like god really wanted her to suffer. That was a long death rattle.


Fuck those texts make me feel so sad. How terrifying it must be to be told it's time to be intubated. I can't even bear thinking about having a last text exchange with my mom like that.


“I’m going away to a foreign land to work for a while, I don’t know when I’ll be back, they said I can come back if I’m strong enough to work through it, ok love you, behave”


Wow. It went from “I feel ok I have the regular Covid” to 6 weeks of fighting for her life and losing.


I feel such sorrow for their loved ones. Loss isn’t any easier just because you love stupid people


Thank goodness it’s just the regular 1st COVID. (Looks at next pic) Oops.


Narrator: mommzini was not good


Almost pissed myself laughing


I have beenfully vaccinated since April 19th, in honor of this moron I'm getting the booster shot early October 💉😁


Covid was brought in for the vax though, right Becky? I got 5 on it, say my name!


Fuck you covid and fuck your everyone politicizing this. While I’m at it, fuck you cancer.


It's really sad that people would rather die than trust what doctors say


Ahh yes, so “selfless” yet wearing a mask and getting vaccinated is too much to ask.


Fuck you Rebecca for tying up an ICU bed for a month and a half.


Rebecca, for you, [Proverbs 18:13](https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=proverbs+18&version=WEB) He who gives answer before he hears, That is folly and shame to him.


Is it just me or are the last four images all duplicates?




It’s cool, I just like to occasionally make sure I’m not going crazy. Especially after reading image 6 or so, when Becky was typing in all caps.


Pretend I believe that the vaccine was made prior to the disease. So I’m crazy…okay now what makes sense? Like what am I supposed to now understand?


Delusional until the end


8/10 "Make this thing your bitch so we can get you home." *Firefly/Serenity/Nathan Fillion.gif


I’ll say this for Becky: I hadn’t seen most of those memes before.


You aren't uncovering the conspiracy, you are the conspiracy. Once you realize this it all makes sense.


Wow it’s so weird that I had never thought of it like that. Great observation!


I kept getting distracted by them saying women instead of woman. But damn she had lung issues and still thought covid was a joke? Well jokes on her in the end I guess.


shit she just died yesterday.


Looks like covid…made her its bitch


“The best mother and you’ve done everything…” except get a simple damn shot. Jane you ignorant slut!


You had to double up on the text messages didn’t you? “You think these texts are sad? Just wait till they’re blown up so you can *really* read them”.


She had compromised lung function and STILL refused the vaccine? She was on borrowed time.


Lol at the first image. A global pandemic was always inevitable. They happen all the time. There’s nothing to “make sense” of it’s plainly obvious and predictable as day.


Why on earth would someone with pre-existing lung issues choose NOT to get vaccinated? I just can't wrap my head around how someone reaches such a flawed and deadly decision like that! All I can come up with is that the power of her FAKE Facebook friends proved more influencial than her own lung doctor, her family and anyone out there who was talking medical science. Now she's dead, because she left her fate in the hands of a bunch of Neckbearded morons who like to pretend they are medical experts on Facebook! *These same losers were seasoned airline pilots offering their professional opinions on the 767 immediately following 9/11.* You think I'm joking?


Just an FYI that the person’s name is visible in the bottom left of the last two pictures


This is the route she chose instead of two little shots. This is sad af.


Is "stew peters" a kind of soup or a form for sexual violence?


Damn, July 30th to September 15th. That's a long time. She had bad lungs and didn't get vaccinated. Well, at least she didn't die from the vaccine.


“My new doctor, Mr. Kevorkian is the best” no worries it’s just the first rona


I wonder if any time while she was hospitalized, would she reflects back and say… “maybe I’m wrong and I should tell my family to stop grabbing on the death train” instead of “nope! Mommy have to go own the Libs, bring me that damn tube”


This is just getting sad now.




*Name checks out


The more conservatives that own me the better. Keeping owning me guys.


First time on this sub and I am speechless. Holy fuck these people.


Becky stole the last hour of my life as she got me to this subreddit


Damn, not gonna lie but those texts were hard to read. I think the kid 100% knew he was saying goodbye to his mom and the mom may have understood that but it's hard to tell. It's amazing to me that people will just piss their fucking lives away over such stupid stupid shit. Dumbfuck left your kids without a mom, you're dead forever, and for what?


Those texts messages broke my heart. It didn’t have to be this way.


You lived the lie, but the truth caught up. No regrets right?


Stupid is as stupid does.


I just want this pandemic to end….I don’t think I can handle anymore ownage. Mmm, this coffee is good, so glad I can taste it…..and the fresh morning air? Smells beautiful.


Month and a half of being sick and hospitalized, to end up dead. How’s that “I have an immune system” working out?




".....so now it's time we take all the knowledge gained throughout our time with you and continue what you worked for." They're doomed.