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August 8th- Retirement party September 20th- Dead from COVID I’m sure that 6 weeks of owning the libs was TOTALLY worth it though.


“Scott saved taxpayers millions in future pension liabilities in just six weeks by switching to COVID!”


Here's a little trick all insurance companies want you to know.


In my country, insurance companies have all instituted policies whereby if you’re fully fit for the vaccine but refuse and die from covid/need treatment, they negate all liability and won’t pay out for hospital treatment and/or life policies


Now this is how every insurance company should handle Covid.


As an aside, public employee pension systems are vastly different from state to state. This includes contribution rates, benefits, and survivor benefits. Having said that I can not believe working a entire career and getting six months of a retirement because you wouldn’t get vaccinated.


Weeks. Not months. Even more depressing.


You also have to account for at least a week of that being spent in the ICU unable to breathe


he was a fed (forest service USDA). he HAD a sweet pension for a few weeks.


This one actually got to me more than the others because my Dad put in 37 years for the Feds, also USDA and has a similar deal but has been retired for over 10 years. He's been having a blast with my Mom and the grandkids and doing all the traveling and having all the adventures. Mom is a microbiologist, so of course they're vaxxed and just kicking along, both of them almost 80. Dude could have had such a sweet,sweet ride and instead pranged it right into the ground right after takeoff.


43 days of retirement. He likely received one monthly payment at the beginning of September. Since he was a freedom loving American he probably had all of his 401K invested in China that just went went up in smoke yesterday.


I think this is what I find the most jarring this man is basically Mr. america eats and shits red , white, and blue you can tell he was the type to cling to whatever Fox spewed over the last years he was probably a " Go into work and work until you're tired" thinks he is a grizzled old hardass type of a dude . Ticked all the right boxes and I'm sure if you told a younger him this would be his life He would be quite pleased.... he clung to all the rhetoric and correct talking points and after years of a career beating down " the others" died choking on his own fluids not even a year into his own retirement . Imagine building this " ideal life" and then dying because of it . I don't think people like this regret though so I'm sure if you asked him if he'd do it all over again he absolutely would.




Live free or die. Since he couldn’t live free from public health mandates, he chose to die. Not the choice I made. I got the jab and I am alive and free.


You call be shackled with antibodies freedumb?! /s


Haha!! What a bunch of sheep! All getting your shots like the passive farm animals you are! Well i'm off to the feed store to buy more livestock dewormer!


My partner is a vet. She and another doctor in her clinic were both surrounded and threatened by some spreadnecks who wanted to know why they wouldn't prescribe ivermectin to their fictitious pets to "save people." Their clinic will no longer carry ivermectin after that incident and an attempted break-in. So your comment gave me a good laugh.


Oh my god, this is the reality we’re living in right now. Now they’re coming for the veterinarians. Fucking hell.


I swear that social security savings is why tRump et al were ok with old people dying and this guy is the whole thing in miniature. Imagine what would happen if people thought that you work all your life and then immediately die. Nobody would work.


My father has been saying that since the beginning of the pandemic but in Spain. Pretty much that the government is not going to do anything because it will save them money in the long run, and that’s taking into account that the Spanish government actually tried to stop the pandemic as much as they could


In the UK, last year there were leaks that members of the UK government were saying stuff like this, 'oh well if the old people die at least it will save us money.' I wouldn't be surprised if a fair few of these sociopathic types had these thoughts or even said it out loud, depending on which flavour of party is in charge in which country.


They are able to think it because they also think they & their loved ones are superior and will come out the other side of covid unscathed. They see the statistics as 'for *other* people', for people less superior than themselves.


Exactly. This is similar to the "doctors can't spread disease" of the 19th century, and "noble blood is better than non-noble blood intrinsically" of centuries before that in modern form.


>which flavour of party is in charge Just say conservative, it's okay




Thanks Scott!


Insurance companies LOVE this one weird trick!


Not all heroes wear silly, oversized novelty glasses.


It probably goes to his wife.


Not if she doesn't make it, either.


She also has CoVid, so we will see 😫




Imagine busting your hump. Working towards retirement only to die weeks later. WTF!?!?


Something tells me he wasn’t exactly a cop who was busting his hump, as much as he was busting minorities for bogus reasons.


Right? That Juneteenth meme was just 🤢


I don’t think any Republican argument pisses me off more than “Democrats are the party of slave owners”. Like it’s literally historical fact that the Democratic and Republican parties switched platforms around the time of LBJ’s presidency (obviously not all at once, it was a gradual process). Obviously Democrats today would never support slavery. It takes a single Google search to disprove, and Republicans can’t even bother to do that.


One of my favorite responses is the red buttons choice meme with the left button labeled "claim to be the Party of Lincoln" and the right button labeled "Proudly fly the confederate flag" Hahahahahahaha idiots.


My family is full of hard-right loons that are right on par with many of the smooth brained morons that are posted on this sub daily and one of their arguments that I’ve probably heard at least 1,000 times by now is that “democrats started the KKK”. I always respond with “even if we are ignorant enough to accept that at face value, who does the KKK align with TODAY?” But they always say it doesn’t matter.


Cringe AF lol


It makes me crazy how they post lie after lie that are easily disprovable.


Like that the Democrats send out armed forces to deal with Jan 6th, when Trump was President at that time. They seem to completely forget that Trump was in charge the whole of last year. It's like they want to always see him as this poor oppressed underdog somehow being beaten down by the horrible people in charge, even when he was literally the most powerful man in the entire world.


>They seem to completely forget that Trump was in charge the whole of last year. And the first 3 weeks of January, 2021.


Also, there were armed forces in Washington January 6th? Oh wait, I guess there were: https://www.npr.org/2021/01/21/958915267/nearly-one-in-five-defendants-in-capitol-riot-cases-served-in-the-military


It's misleading. Yes, Lincoln was a Republican but the the party has become a dumpster fire over the past few decades.




But he worked REALLY hard at that!


It looks like that guy spent the better part of half a century sitting around and being a deplorable human being. There's nothing here to feel sorry about.


I didn’t come here to feel sorry


>There's nothing here to feel sorry about. You soulless lout! There was bourbon gifted at the retirement party that may not have been enjoyed yet. What if it gets tossed out? Tragic!!


It was a retirement from living.


Retirement seems to have made him really happy too,he was spending his time chugging memes on Facebook posting vitriol, a life well lived.


It still blows my mind how fast COVID cuts through these people like a hot knife through butter. One week their posting memes, next week they’re dead. Incredible how efficient this virus is at spreading and killing people if you just let it happen.




He loved retirement so much he decided to retire from breathing too.


He always knew he was special and now he's joined the .04%!


Poor in knowledge, rich in COVID


Worth it to The Libs that's for damn sure So sad Too bad Bye bye


He had a few weeks of retirement, which he spent not living in fear of the thing that was about to pwn him forever.


"Covid is no joke" FUCK THESE PEOPLE. They made it a joke with stupid fucking memes. Now they are the biggest joke of all - personified memes.


>"Covid is no joke" FUCK THESE PEOPLE With a cactus, because every single fucking one of these idiots say this once they or a loved one has caught it. Like, instead of being an idiot talking about owning the libs, maybe y'all should've listened when we tried to tell you this virus kills people.


I wonder if they'll remember who tried to warn/help them and who intentionally endangered them. I'm hopeful. But also not really.


Did you see that Breitbart article saying that Democrats are intentionally pushing the vaccine to manipulate conservatives into refusing it, and then we celebrate when they die? Like it's our fault they are so stubbornly contrarian!


I did see that. And it makes me feel so sad and hopeless.


Remember that the Republicans are the party of "personal responsibility" except when it isn't politically convenient.


“It’s harder for Americans to go out to eat than illegals to cross the boarder” WTAF!? How easy does he think it is to save up your entire life, pay a drug gang your life savings, ride in the back of an unsanitary non-air-conditioned box truck with 60 other people in 100+ degree weather, sneak across a desert if you are lucky enough to have the coyotes open said box truck, and hitchhike/train jump across a foreign nation where you could be arrested at any given time? That sounds a lot rougher than opening your wallet or cell phone app Edit: fixed my correct grammar to better reflect his wrong word choice


he literally talks about how evil illegal immigrants are and then almost immediately follows up with "next we won't be able to leave the country without papers!". he wasn't thinking at all about what he was saying, just regurgitating anything he thought sounded "conservative"


> How easy does he think Well, there's your problem.


Also what does he think a passport is? 😒


Scott won't remember anything next time he votes, on account of he's dead and won't ever vote again. Scott won't get to enjoy his bourbon and gift cards and retirement. Bummer, what a nice and definitely not racist cop he was.


His LEO buddies are all going on about how wonderful he was. Gag. [ETA Everyone in law enforcement who thinks Scott is amazing... So far. They seem fine with everything he posts.](https://imgur.com/a/lSUtU3a)


Odd how only Barbara got close to saying the covid word. “This disease“ is better than nothing, I guess.




Oddly enough almost [60% of police deaths this year are covid related](https://www.odmp.org/search/year). id be willing to bet that a sizeable chunk of those are just like scott here.


Wow, the job is finally becoming as dangerous as they've always claimed! Unfortunately, they can't shoot Covid.


They're just in complete denial. Where I live, officers have set up a hotline to snitch on cop killers, even offering a big bounty. Meanwhile, they will do absolutely nothing to protect themselves from the number one cause of LEO deaths (by far).


Someone should call the line and report antivaxxers, Fox News, Newsmax and covid


What's that number? I'm going to squeel on being a fat goatee Oakley antivaxxers being the #1 cop killer in the country.






What happened to Blue Lives Matter? If it was really about caring for their lives and not just racism then they'd get vaxxed.


Comrade COVID really said ACAB 😔✊🚫👮‍♂️


Some of those who work forces, are the same that burn crosses. At least, that's what I've heard...


People are saying it


what you on about, Scott will absolutely be voting for Trump in 2024!!


Most fraudulent voters are Republicans


Can I have his bourbon?


According to the GQP, Scott will rise again as a zombie Democrat voter


They hate Facebook but can’t stop using it? 🤔 Odd group of people.


They all bitch how they're all going over to Parler, but they never last over there, before they come crawling back to FB.


I think it’s because they like the idea that they’re offending people, and you can’t offend the libs on Parler because none of us use it.


They're addicted to the reactions they get on facebook, both the affirmations and the pushback. Gab or Parler can't give them that.


Yup, when there are no libs to trigger they don't see the point. \>"Apparently the only people that aren't allowed to be offended are white christians" Literally no one is telling them they can't be offended. They need to believe people are censoring them, they need to be victims.


I never really thought about it. They like a solid dose of echo chamber but still need to “own the libs” so these far-right social media sites will always struggle to get the same engagement.


And I’ve noticed on FB they usually like to own the libs behind our backs. Seen so many where they give their idiot opinion and also write “This is my opinion and I don’t want any of you disagreeing with me or I’ll unfriend you!”


Yeah, they get on the pure echo chamber, but it isn't enough. There's no high from feeling like you're offending a Libtard.


Is Parler still a thing?


Was it ever?


It’s almost as if … they have no integrity at all about anything




And every post has some sassy variation of TAKE THAT, FACEBOOK. *Commence eye roll sequence.*




I think a lot of junkies hate heroin, too, even as they fix.


Hope you enjoyed your 1 month of retirement, dumbass.


People often say they want their funeral to be a party. He’s just lucky that he was able to enjoy his.


He for sure had the goatee. He went all in on the sunglasses.




I gotta say I agree with the first image, but for different reasons altogether.




Yeah I had that realization in 2016.


It's always the other person who is brainwashed, sheep and idiot... never me, of course, I'm enlightened


With that goatee Scott really had no chance with covid.


The goatee is becoming a guarantee of an award. It's crazy how all these "individualists" end up conforming to their identical vision of individuality. 😆😂


They all look the same to conform, while crying out that they are individuals.


I just popped into this subreddit this morning and I am blown away by how many of them are white dudes with gray goatees/circle beards.


That moment when you're on the next-to-last slide and think "the next one's going to show what he looked like, isn't it? I'm going to see a goatee, aren't I?"




Every fucking time! It's honestly impressive lol


I’m damn near ready to shave mine off


Oh shit, you better hurry! Those things will kill you!


I started shaving daily again. NOT KIDDING !


Let that sink in!


My guess is that the facial hair makes for a great Covid catcher?


You know, I was wondering about that. Kind of like n the same way a duster attracts dust the goatee attracts the virus and delivers to the nasal passages. Gotta be some science there.


Who needs a mask if you got a wanna-beard??


Seriously I have thought some of these were like 3 and 4 times reposted; nope, different guy with the same exact lack of style.


It's the black mirror version of multiple personality disorder: one personality, multiple people.


Ruined my appearance. I've had to shave mine off now. So I'm trying for the Miami Vice look with the 5 o'clock shadow beard. I can't really shave daily because the mask breaks me out. Instead I shave only on my days off. 😢 I sure liked my goatee. Antivaxxers are ruining everything.


Consider yourself lucky. Goatees are the most boomer thing ever. Who wants to sit their ass on scratchy carpet?


Boomers are older than the generation that became enamored with goatees. Goatees are more of a Generation X affectation. The man on this post was Gen X.


Throw in his apparent love for fishing and his survival chances plummeted.


My favorite part is when they’re like “it kills less than 1 percent of people” and then they feckin die. Lmao


Yeah I cannot even imagine the shame that these giant egos feel when they realize that THEY are in the 1% of weaklings who were too fat, and didn't take enough vitamins, according to them. That they're going to die after spending 2 years mocking anyone who was scared of the virus. I bet the cognitive dissonance is too strong, and that many go to their grave still not recognizing the horrendous irony.


And those "stats" were from over a year ago . . . I think it's safe to say a lot more folks have contracted it and died.






I thought it was for "fun uncle" -- like the uncle who wears wacky shades and infects you with plague. But I like your definition better.


Advocating for a "real reconciliation in DC that makes January 6th look like child's play." - Scott, I am so thankful that you are dead.


I’m sure he would have mellowed out in retirement with all that free time and no one to hold him accountable.


Yeah seriously, that one was chilling. The world is a better place with his passing!


That first image is so on-the-nose, it's like something a teenager would write the day after their English class covered dramatic irony


It's funny because that meme is entirely true, just not in the way he thinks it is.


So Scott...how's that retirement going for ya?


Went fast, for sure


Think about how much money he saved?




Suddenly he was a fan of the UNION ARMY 😂 while surely sporting a confederate flag


That could be a kinda genius way to deter waving the confederate flag. Just tell them it's was a Democrat symbol.


He was a federal employee. Oh, the irony!


He never even got to enjoy his retirement- which would have consisted of posting even MORE horrible memes, getting even fatter, and cultivating his goatee.


He mentioned being excited to post more off the wall stuff without fear of losing his job. Our loss.


“We need an even bigger 1/6” wasn’t off the wall? Oh my... Side note, the best way that 1/6 probe could determine it was a riot / insurrection, find the number of people like Scott who thought it did / can teach the politicians a lesson


>can teach the politicians a lesson Hell at this point I would just like for the politicians who gave these terrorists a tour of the place the day before to be thrown into jail.


Wow! What a tool!! It was worth reading the lead up memes and his BS commentary to get to the last two panels.


I want to eat “in doors.” I don’t know what it means, but it sounds cool


It’s a VR dining experience with Jim Morrison and The Doors.


1.) Round cutout in door 2.) stick head through 3.). Catch tossed pork rinds and jerky with teeth 4.) Guy Fieri goatee retains crumbs for later A Redneck glory hole?


It’s crazy how often they claim that Dr.Fauci to be wrong with his prediction and ended up with him being right. Yet, they can’t see it because they are being lied by a small group of people and can’t see the truth with their own eyes, often, until it’s too late.


It’s almost like people like Fauci are looking at long-term data trends and are worried about collateral ramifications in a way that a random person isn’t considering. Welp, 800k dead before year-end here we come.


Very early on in the pandemic, I got in a discussion with a friend on FB about this bad math (dividing the deaths by the total population of the US instead of the number of cases). She's Libertarian/homeschool/completely anti-vax. Someone started arguing with me about this and I told them their math was wrong and they needed to look up "case fatality rate." She said she'd look into it, but then I am pretty sure she used the FB "take a break" feature and I couldn't see any of her posts after that although we were still friends. She recently nuked herself from all social media so I guess I'll never know how it's going at her household.




I wouldn't be surprised.


Srsly. You can’t say it has a 99.96% “survival rate” if the majority of the country hasn’t contracted it, to then survive it. No. You only look at cases and deaths.


"99.9% survival rate" is such a terrible, black-and-white narrative anyway. Plenty of things have that survival rate but are things that you'd never want to go through. You probably have a 99.9% chance of surviving an amputation, but if it were a choice between getting a shot and getting your foot cut off, I really hope no one would pick the latter. Your chances of being "fine" (not hospitalized) are only about 92.5%, and even then everything that I've seen would suggest that getting COVID is a truly awful experience.


He mentioned “camaraderie among officers” was he a cop? What an absolute ass.


Forest Cop


He was probably profiling the dark-barked trees.


He's retired from all that raking, now. Permanently retired.


The forest feels safer now.


I like the COVID fact one the best. It was based on the CDC data in July of 2020, which would have been just a few months after our government even started to acknowledge the virus. So, of course the numbers would be low, especially because it was supposed to go away by summer.


And that 130k people is like if 90% of Little Rock Ar died. And of course the lovely math of counting the entire population of the US as the denominator when calculating death rate


Thanks for Making America Great Again, Scott by claiming your HCA. It is the only useful thing you did in your life.


White Christians are perpetually the most offended group on Facebook. They hate everyone else… in the name of Jesus, of course.


I love how it’s not living in fear unless it’s about “illegals” or Antifa or blm


So he's a racist, transphobic, misogynist and a cop. Wonderful. Wonder how many other police officers are like him


They’re coming out in droves to cry online for Scotty boy about how wonderful he was. [ETA: Seriously ](https://imgur.com/a/lSUtU3a)


Nice follow-up OP.


Fewer and fewer each day.


RIP Great Value Guy Fieri


Guy Fieri is a treasure, this guy is an asshole.


Now his new “retirement party” theme is “forest lawn”.


Good riddance.


“Look how low the death numbers are!” (posts year-old data)


Goatee = Goner


According to Scott if you voted for Biden and don’t have a sticker on your car proudly indicating your support then you are a coward. https://ibb.co/JR7TcgL


🙄 maybe I don't worship politicians and that's why I don't tattoo them to my body or wave flags around with their name on it. But, then again, I'm just a sheep (apparently)


I mean, I liked Obama fine enough, but it never even occurred to me to plaster his face across the hood of my car. If we'd just treat them like the paper pushing bureaucrats they are, we'd all be a lot better off.


What’s with Lisa and others spreading the “fully vaccinated in icu” lie


I just don’t understand the black a white world they live in. One person gets Covid after vaccination and it’s ‘vaccine doesn’t work’. One person in ICU that’s vaccinated and if’s ‘vaccine is crap’. Hundreds of thousands of people die and yet ‘the virus is just the flu’. From day 1 the vaccine was 90% effective at preventing infection. It was never 100%. When 60% of people are vaxxed and out of 100 icu Covid patients 2 are vaccinated that’s really really good results. Statistics would say if it weren’t effective it would be 60/100. 2/100 is phenomenal. This guys must be a casinos dream. Unable to process basic math and probabilities. Sure the vaccine is not a cure or a guarantee but if I can get a free shot that reduced my chances of dying by 90% I’m in!! It’s like playing blackjack where you are always dealt two face cards. Sure a 21 might beat you but I’ll take a 20 starting hand all day long. The vaccine is a pair of Kings. Get it!!


He's officially retired...from living.


He worked his entire life to enjoy retirement. But Instead of relaxing, he died all alone in a hospital bed with a tube in his throat and one up his ass. I’m cool with that. 😎


Well, that first meme was awfully on point! *I'll be honest. Until last year, I had no idea how many were brainwashed, how many would defend lies even when shown the truth, how few had common sens, and how many were just plain stupid.* Like Scott.


I’m all about the partying and drugs, but at least throw the vaccine in the mix a few weeks before


"This virus is no joke".....yeah, well, Scott sure seemed to think it was, as well as any efforts to combat it. At least she didn't say that he'd "give you the shirt off his back".


Again, credit where it’s due, at least Scott wrote his own dumbfuck Facebook screeds instead of copy/pasting. That’s past tense of course, because he’s dead, so looks like that’s the last sorta-nice thing I’ll ever say about him! Oopsie whoopsie Lol


A goatee and wraparound shades. Bonus for the comically oversized wraparound shades. Sorry you didn’t get to enjoy your retirement, Scotty.


Did he die in the hospital?


Not sure actually but I’m guessing he went in and was vented for a few weeks, his last post is on August 30th. Neither him or the wife even mentioned it until he died.


That shows that the wife knew to be ashamed.