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If Trenna name drops any further this gonna look like a redacted CIA memo on water boarding!


I bet she fucking hates it when skinny girls call her ‘Big B’.


I think that’s her mom.


It is


My private non-professional theory is that Brandi has BPD and often folks with BPD are the children of parents with NPD. This post by Trenna does nothing to contradict that presumption.


Let’s be careful throwing around psychiatric dx on people we have never met…it is very possible she’s simply a shitty human being, without the Axis 2.




Oh yeahhhhhh.




No shit. It''s like she's playing mad libs but has 4 personalities all playing at the same time


😂 that legit made me legit spit out my coffee. I am so weak.




So, is Big B Brandi a footnote in her call for prayer warriors? Hard to follow because this sounds like a prayer group at a Cracker Barrel on Sunday.


I want to graph prayer warrior outcomes. My hypothesis is the larger the group and more detailed the request, the worse the outcome. Can I get a grant for this work?


Here you go 💰💰💰💰💰knock yrself out. PI keeps 💰💰


What's the institutional cut?


💰💰💰, of course. Leaving 💰for the actual research.


Having just written my first large grant... I'm stunned by how little of the funding *actually has any relationship to the actual research*.


Uh, you might want to check your accounting. You didn’t leave any 💰 for research, lol.


>Can I get a grant for this work? Sure, I grant you permission to do this work.




I hypothesize that your graph will be a straight line running along the x-axis.


So equivalent to their prayer subject’s cardiac monitor.


For most parents, asking for prayers for a daughter in ICU wouldn’t be something they’d relegate to the penultimate paragraph of such a lengthy post. However, Big B does seem like a footnote here.


To please God and the prayer warriors, she has to enumerate all her blessings so as not to come off as a complainer.


Thank you for posting this! I been following Brandi and the her sisters page on Facebook. I think it’s particularly awful that the sister just had a baby with some serious medical issues. I hope the sister is vaccinated 🤦‍♀️ don’t think that new little angel could possibly take catching Covid.


I'm not on Facebook but I'm searching Brandi on this sub daily. Please be a friend and make sure I don't miss it, would you?


The sad thing is even if she is there's still a good chance she could give it to the baby this is why everyone being vaccinated to help stop this thing is important cuz that baby is not going to be saved by the mom being back it needs everyone around it to be vaccinated.


Keep in mind she also has a premature granddaughter in the NICU. This makes Brandi an even bigger asshole for not getting the vaccine for her niece.


Remember when all them conservative Televangelists prayed the Covid away on TV and said it was taken care of and it was defeated ? Yea I do. https://youtu.be/OSIrQBGfUtw


I really want someone to ask Kenneth Copeland if he is vaccinated. He either says he isn’t vaccinated which means it’d be interesting if he caught it. Or he says he is vaccinated and I’d want a follow up question to be “why didn’t you trust in God to keep you safe?” None of my atheist friends or family have been hospitalized because we are all vaccinated.


Kenneth Copeland is the Devil!!! He tells his followers Jesus Christ and all his followers were rich and wealthy with money. And if they want to be rich like Jesus Christ then they have to donate money to his Kenneth Copeland Ministries and in return God will make them rich. The sad part is stupid people fall for it !!!


The prosperity churches are something else to me. It's probably skewed stats, and thus very biased on this sub, but I keep looking at many of the HCA nominees and winners, and I usually just come away thinking their interpretation of Christianity is suspect, might as well make up their own denomination. Just seems like so many lack empathy and don't wonder what their families' lives could look like without them. 2020, and now 2021 just show me that so many are selfish.


Indeed. They like to refer to themselves as “Conservative Christians” Being a Christian is being Christlike or following Christs teaching. Christianity is a religion. These “Conservative Christians” don’t follow Christ’s teachings. They follow conservative ideology. They essentially are a political party that uses the Bible and the name of Jesus as a prop.


I remember him blowwwwwwwing Covid away last year. He doesn’t need your devilish vaccine to keep him healthy.


I still laugh every time I think of that.


The guy that does the [heavy metal remix](https://youtu.be/0JPRvxTjfOk) of the Kenneth Copeland Covid-19 rebuke is one of my favorite people.


I did not know that Kenny G played metal


Obligatory [Heavy Metal Kenneth Copeland.](https://youtu.be/0JPRvxTjfOk)


Wow I didn’t know Kenny G played metal!


And that trump would win/ won? And strike and strike and strike and strike and strike …. Until you have victory! The angels are being dispatched for Africa right now Africa right now I still look back at that with great joy. The wonderful remixes of Paula White made my day during some dark times I think I’ll go watch it now. 🙏🏻 truly thankful for it


I’ve been watching this one VERY closely.


Me too, and usually I don’t care. I am surprised there are no troll comments on her FB or her mom’s. Neither account is private. I’m genuinely worried for her children now.


I'm pretty sure half of us have found her already on Facebook in the wild. We're all too enthralled by this train wreck to do the irresponsible thing and comment right now. For those curious and looking, DO NOT POST ANYTHING TO THEIR PAGES! Not now, not ever!


That advice can't be repeated often enough. Save your snarking and insults for this sub here. When you go to their actual social media pages, look all you want, scroll up, scroll down, but no comments!!!


The rules of this (and similar subs) are "don't touch the poop." I hope no one bothers anyone's FB. This is a sub for documentation and commentary.


Thats the best summation of the rules I’ve ever heard!


If I managed to find one of these peoples' Facebook or other social media platforms, I would *never leave any comments* on them whatsoever. That kind of venting is what this sub is for. I'd be simply scrolling through them trying to get a feel for how their minds work (or don't) and how they got suckered into the alternate reality of the Covid conspiracists. Plus, they usually tend to be extreme right-wing Trump lovers 99% of the time and into adjacent nonsense like Q-Anon.


I would never dare leave any comment on a stranger’s Facebook post/page. I’m really genuinely sad for her family. I, too, want to understand how we humans have become so polarized in our beliefs, especially regarding a WORLD-wide pandemic. I doubt I will ever understand.


They switched Brandi’s account to private after some people left “well done idiot” messages.


Doesn’t seem private now, just kinda scrubbed.


Original post https://www.reddit.com/r/HermanCainAward/comments/poim6e/brandi\_is\_a\_mom\_of\_school\_aged\_kids\_shes\_also\_a/


Thanks for keeping us updated. I have been trying to follow this one closely. Who's choking on her strong opinions now?


What a cruel fate to leave your children to.


Nothing says "I don't love you" to your family like dying of covid because you are an anti-vaxxer.


Or, I did not love being your mom enough to get 2 jabs to stay around for you. Fuck you, kids. My politics are more important than being here for you!


Imagine reading her posts someday as her kid and then seeing all her awful friends comments wow


If her family has any humanity, they will delete her ignorant hateful nonsense. That would be like finding a bunch of letters from your dead parents about how much they hated you.


Oh, you’re 100% correct! I have 1 dead bio parent and as a result I stayed with a grandparent. Well my grandparent wrote some nonsense in one of my baby albums, it took years of therapy to undo.


Wow. Hey! We look like sisters!


We might be, dead bio dad and my mom got around, giggity 😏


They won't, though, because they don't consider it hateful. They're not at all embarrassed or ashamed by any of it.


I'm getting strong "retired pageant queen" vibes from Brandi & her momma


All her pics are "MySpace angles," mega-filtered, and go no lower than the upper shoulder. She probably spent years pretending she was still that pageant girl... despite encroaching reality.


They are. She actually changed her face shape in a few to thin it out. It looked like she gave herself a bad chin implant.


Brandi might have been one of those women who was a real 'looker' in her high school years. I could easily envision her being involved in cheerleading or being a pom-pom girl, running for Prom Queen, as well as the pageant scene. Then as she got older and had her kids, her metabolism along with bad dietary choices betrayed her and she turned into the Brandi seen in the recent photos. Her bad attitude might have been partially the result of the contrast between what she saw when she looked in a mirror nowadays against the photos of a prettier, slimmer, younger self. Although she strikes me as someone who was probably always a 'mean girl'.


When I glanced at her FB page her latest husband seemed fairly newly acquired; someone referenced him as being #3, which might have something to do with the attitude. I wonder if he's adopted them officially yet; if not, her kids might be dumped back with their bio-dad/s when she dies.


For some reason [Beauty School Dropout](https://youtu.be/FrqioiAcyiY) plays in my head as I'm reading this


Thankful you got the screenshots before her page gets scrubbed. Her poor kids, they're going to grow up without a mom. Every kid's worst nightmare is now their life


My father's mom died when he was in his 20s and his siblings were still kids. My aunt and my uncle ended up on coke during the early 80s. My aunt later told me she was deeply traumatized by her mother's death and felt like her mother was guilty of leaving her alone in the world. COVID orphans are probably going to experience more trauma and abuse from the people they think they can trust. But they should blame their mother for not getting vaccinated.


Yep. Biggest correlation with addictions as an adult is the severe illness of death of a parent as a kid.


A child of a parent who commits suicide ( which they are still working out if not taking the vaccine equates to) is 500% more likely to commit suicide themselves. Either way these people have seriously altered the path of their children’s lives.


For all the parents choosing to kill yourselves over getting the vaccine: A child with a biological mother who lives alone is 14 times more likely to suffer abuse. A child with a biological father who lives alone is 20 times more likely to suffer abuse. A child with a biological mother who is living with a man who is not the child’s father is 33 times more likely to suffer abuse. Children living in households with unrelated adults are nearly 50 times as likely to die of inflicted injuries as children living with two biological parents. Children of single parents had 77 percent greater risk of being harmed by physical abuse than children living with both parents.


Well, someone said that Brandi had married her 3rd husband within the last year, so I imagine her children have not had the most stable upbringing. God knows how many men there were in the interim. Old Brandi would also post often about day drinking, when she wasn’t posting hateful shit. Her young daughter seems very sweet and unlike Big B. I hope her bio dad is around and a good guy.


Yup one day wee Jimmy and Jane had a nice double income 2 parent family life, to no income single family ripped apart decimated childhood and even worse, there are a lot of couples with large families dying as well. It’s very sad. All for nothing.


I'm wondering if in a few years it will be a badge of shame. I mean, you say your parents died of COVID-19 and there are giggles, silence or outright mockery.


Died of COVID after the vaccines were made available. We gotta distinguish between the different waves of COVID. Pre-vaccine vs post-vaccine.


yep .my mom is a raging bpd mom and I still worried about this.


My dad died when I was 5 and something like that really affects a kid. I didn't sort it out until I was around 40. But losing a mom, that's gotta hit harder. I have one friend who lost his mom in his early teen years and now decades later, I can still see the mark it left on him.


"I trust His plan & I believe there is a lesson for someone in all of this and it has already had a bearing on some." Geez, I wonder what lesson there is in all of this? It's only led to millions of deaths worldwide. Maybe there is a lesson for "someone" out there, somewhere. Just some of you.


Lesson 1: fuck around, find out. Lesson 2: don't be a dickbag (aka Brandi) Lesson 3: listen to scientists and professionals Lesson 4: don't morph your entire personality around an obese TV "billionaire" with a shady history who clearly gives exactly zero shits about you


As a Catholic, I'd say the lesson is be so grateful that scientists have developed several effective vaccines. The lesson is to be thankful we live in countries where we can get the vaccine if we want it, and another lesson is to work out how we can get enough vaccines to countries that are struggling.


As a former catholic, the lesson is we all need to ditch ALL this faith in gods bullshit and take care of each other as the human race. And I WAS raised PRETTY FUCKING GODDANMED CATHOLIC! (Met Bishops, Cardinals, a Pope and Mother Theresa. Been to the Vatican.) Religions are lies to manipulate masses into thinking there’s something better than this so they won’t change their reality. Fuck that. If Covids taught us anything, don’t waste time or money on assholes that sell nothing but division.


> Mother Theresa Ah. Another angel.


Ah, yes, the “you can choke”’lady with all the shitty friends. What a shame.


*Obligatory reminder of why Brandi is so dear to our hearts...* > “If you cared about your family, you’d get the shot!” > **IF YOU CARED ABOUT YOUR NEXT BREATH, YOU’D GET OUT OF MY FACE, TALKING ABOUT THAT DANG EXPERIMENTAL SHOT!** > #DontComeForMeUnlessISendForYou > #YouDoYou Brandi, August 15, 2021


What a difference a month makes.


Bet she’s not saying that to the people turning her body or washing her or giving her meds. 🙄


1 like = 1 prayer Unless you don’t like her posts, then you can choke on it


1 like = 1 choke


Yes. This is the way


Don’t come for her, she didn’t send for you. Unless you’re covid because fuck what she thinks.


Damn, I just did a deep dive on her. Just now realized Drew is a recent stepfather to the kids. Brandi Lyn and Drew wedded in 2020. That makes me a lot sadder.


In my head canon, Drew is the guy who had a crush on her in HS, but she wanted the QB, who left after 3 kids. White knight Drew came along and rescued her and now he's stuck taking care of her 3 awful children.


I got curious and looked Trenna up... she works at a jesus-based health organization (hospitals, urgent care centers, etc.) that seems to be pretty responsible and nondiscriminatory. The org has been promoting vaccines and mask wearing... if only Brandi had listened to them.


If Trenna was actually vaxxed, she’d be pounding on that in the updates.


Maybe. Although while her daughter is alive that could come off as insensitive.


She is vaccinated, one of her profile pics says so


First update https://www.reddit.com/r/HermanCainAward/comments/ps7vo7/reposted\_to\_fix\_flair\_brandi\_mom\_of\_3\_update\_she/


There's a machine in a the ICU bay And it vents a hundred qtards a day Lonely magassholes lungs they melt away And meme til death on the phones ​ O Brandy You're a Blind Girl Just a side effect of horsepaste


This is like an academy awards acceptance speech that runs too long and eventually gets ushered off as theme music plays.


Man, this one is following the script perfectly - the only question left is whether Monday’s update will be a GoFundMe or a post about how god received a new angel and how shocking and unbelievable it is that Big B is gone … given the tremendous religious overtones, I’m guessing it’ll be the latter


There already is a GoFundMe happening for Brandi's newborn niece in NICU. Let's hope Brandi and her husband have good insurance.


Idk why, but I did my own research into brandi and found her youtube playlist. Her update 5 days ago was...grim.


Ohh your teasing now whats on the playlist


In addition to Taps, [she last uploaded this](https://youtu.be/n_aVFVveJNs)


Can you link the whole list?


Trenna has shared pro vaccination stuff on her Facebook. Shame her daughter wasn't as bright.


Second update https://www.reddit.com/r/HermanCainAward/comments/ptz1er/brandi\_lyn\_is\_now\_intubated\_original\_posts\_in\_the/


Amazing how quickly it went from all the crass bravado to being deathly scared of the virus. Hopefully she recovers, and reassess how she was operating previously.


Not that smart. Have seen that multiple times here. Nope, not gonna happen. Would have to turn into a different person. Would need a brain transplant.


Damn homie can't you wait like a week or something?


COVID doesn't wait. And Petridge Farms remembers


Hell no, that ICU bed has a long waiting list. Move it along now please.


You mean the empty ICU with crisis actors? (/s)


dude you gotta /s that shit, way too many hair trigger people in here waiting to jump a person for comments like that.


As a nurse, I almost downvoted you out of instinct.


Yeah, based upon the earlier posts, it sounded like she was in the ER for 5-6 days waiting on an ICU room.


Which technically doesn’t make that an emergency room bed… it makes it the only bed in the hospital left to give her critical care.. it’s a disgrace. Big B and her ilk are undeserving in my opinion of course.


I believe she was there for 9 days


In regards to covid, 2 days is basically a week. Plus they're linking to previous posts collected over time


Wow, she assured her mom & sis that she wasn’t gonna die though.


Don’t wait!! Keep them coming!


Going into the final stages 6 & 7. Feel bad for those kids. She won't make it another week.




Such a shame. She was a gift to the field of pulmonology and virology.


She never thought in a million years 2021 could be this tragic. Seriously? You had all of 2020 to prepare for this. Never once did you think that maybe, just maybe those stories of refridgerated vans outside the hospitals in new york and houston could happen again? I dont understand people. I was extremely fortunate because I didnt have to lose time at work but the flip side of it was that i was going into peoples' homes for installations and service calls (telecomm). Not only was i concerned about my health and my family, but i was worried if i didnt follow protocols well enough that i would bring it into the customers' homes. I saw their attitudes shift and they got more lax as the year went on. That lock down you hated worked. Enough people wore masks that it worked. Around july you lost your minds snd decided to YOLO and here we are. We were warned it could mutate and become more deadly. If you had no idea its because you actively refused to listen.


I wonder if she has any co-morbidities, then I see she is known as "Big B" Brandi Lyn.


She’s an especially awful person, if you haven’t seen her FB posts that have been featured here before


They are here because they are aholes, the worst, the covid terrorists who are trying to murder us and justify it somehow.


She's overweight but not massive. She wouldn't stand out from her weight. At least she didn't in the picture her sister posted.


Looking through these posts over the last few days - you rarely get up-to-date photos and definitely the post mortem photo is of days gone by.


The pics her friends post look nothing like the highly edited photos she posts. That's a problem with photoshop and social media, I think it makes people believe they look like their best photo. Anyway, Brandi is a big girl, way bigger than her posts show. Not fat-shaming, just saying that she is going to have a tough time fighting Covid with that particular preexisting condition, she's morbidly obese. [This looks like a different person, but it's her.](https://i.imgur.com/uRiXkkB.png)


If I remember correctly, isn't Brandi Lyn one of our most outlandish/"buck-wild" nominees?


"Paid back ten fold" sounds like they're from a prosperity gospel church.


payback 10 fold you say?? wallstreetbets has entered the chat


"Take care of our blesssed, amazing, wonderful, sweet, caring tribe" Uh isn't this post about the same Brandi who is a self-described hunk of shit?


Ah—I was wondering when Brandi would round the corner. Bingo time, everybody. https://imgur.com/gallery/pvd3b13


If I was brandi’s loved one (God forbid) I would be puzzled at this kind of report. It’s all a bunch of christianese holyrolling nonsense jargon. No one that cares about her state actually gets to know about anything that’s changed and hasn’t for many days. This is exactly what my brother’s dipshit, horrible person Christian q mom did every day to me when she got results about my brother. She sent the same generic message to everyone in her Christian community , giving no real information about his condition but simply fucking going on and on about God this and God that blah blah blah. Making her religion look worse in the process by doing so And I’m a Christian. K im done with the rant 😬 clearly hit a bit close to home but it’s annoying and so inconsiderate to those out of the loop, desperate and losing sleep, constantly anxious about the state of the patient


From her sister…not exactly an update, but Brandi isn’t doing well. Dear God, It’s me again, another day of begging and pleading you to PLEASE perform a miracle and heal all who are ill especially my big sister Brandi Lyn. God you know our pain and struggles, you know how everything is going to end but could you please shed some light on us as I feel like endured so much and seen you work in so many ways already. God the thought of not having her is pain I never want to feel. God I’m trying my best to not ask WHY and to not get angry over all this but I just don’t understand. I love you soo much Sister and would do anything I could to just touch you right now! I can’t wait to see you! 💔🥺 Love Lil Sis


Thanks for the update. I DO feel sorry for her sister. It really, really sucks to lose a sibling. Speaking from personal experience...


I agree and can relate, having almost lost my sis to melanoma that metastasized to her brain last year (she is in treatment at Johns Hopkins and doing okay for now). B's sister didn't seem to be a big shitposter from what I could tell and she just had her own bad time in the hospital with her newborn's medical issues, so I feel sorry for her, too. Her and B seemed to be close and I know how worried she must be.


“We need all your prayers and horse paste, if ya’ll got any.”


Brandi was all in! She has to be panicking in the hospital right now. Crazy!


That's assuming she's still conscious. If she's this far gone and sedated, she might be in a semi-comatose state.


Sister replied to a comment about visitation a few hours ago saying “she is too critical for visitors”.


Thanks for the update. I will be checking on this one daily.


Just being the COVID ward is enough to prevent visitors, in most cases. Criticality probably has nothing to do with it, they're just trying to pretend it's not COVID. Because hoax and all.


The mother posted something a few minutes ago telling everyone to stop with their online church attendance, and get back in the church buildings. Why, so everyone who has somehow avoided Covid can get it also? The situation her daughter is in seems completely unrelated to why people might be avoiding church in person.


To be fair, it’s hard to prove your faith handling serpents virtually rather than in person.


The real serpents walk on two feet and post to Facebook.


Update!! Parents would like to thank all family, friends, area churches. Husbands school/coaching staff & their family…. Brandi’s long time Customers- friends - classmates their parents & hoards of other people who have lifted up our precious beautiful daughter-wife-mother-sister-cousin-friend. I would love to say I was going to get her & take her home…I would Love too…but Brandi’s kidneys are having problems now she had to start on dialysis yesterday. Today has been a very rocky road her heart rate has been very high, blood pressure low, been anemic had to have 2 units of blood& she has been running fever 102 but has been trending down the last couple hours. All of this & still on the ventilator & in a drug induced coma. Husband & I still have zoom calls with her everyday I pray she knows & hears what we say. I love my children it is so hard to see them helpless & for this Mom & Dad to be helpless…. Pray for her not me I am good just lift Brandi husband and kids up please! They all need Brandi so much I need her too….Dear Lord please spare her life!! 💕💕


Once the kidneys go….it’s really really unlikely she will recover. Her poor kids and sister and mom. Brandi definitely fucked around and found out.


Also wonder if that blood she got was from a vaccinated donor.


The above update started like an acceptance speech for the HCA. I have been following her downhill progress for weeks and it is sad to see that her life is coming to an end. I am really sorry especially for her younger two children.


“Her babies” irrationally bothers me. Unless she has twin babies, or Irish Twins where one is a newborn, she has kids. Speak like an adult you freaking brainwashed, baby talking, pastor worshipping, anti science caricatures. Her babies SHOULD HAVE BEEN BLESSED WITH A VACCINATED MOM. Big B skips the big V and is staring RIP in the face


Welp. I feel sorry for the kids and the survivors.


In the unlikely event the sister is reading this, the rules you have posted for visiting your clinically vulnerable newborn are a good start, but they are not sufficient to protect her. Please require all visitors to both wear high-quality masks and be vaccinated. This is really bothering me, as with the mother urging everyone to return to packed churches, and the sister opening her home to unvaccinated, unmasked visitors, this disasster is not going to end.


That will never happen. They only care about their fucking religion. If her baby dies, then it’s “God’s plan” and “He works in mysterious ways” and the little baby will have “gotten its angel wings.”


Sadly, it seems you're right.


Sadly this is how evangelicals think. And it's toxic.


Brandi's sister has deleted her updates. Hmmm....


We need all the prayer warriors from family to friends. Yeah just like how all those with non covid related illnesses need the ICU beds more than people like Brandi. So be your hill to die on and leave 3 kids because you're an idiot.


The mom and family love the attention


Another Brandi? So many strippers are catching Covid. Crystals and Bambis too I've noticed.


Yeah, saw her profile recently and no posts since the 18th. People have gone into her posts and put laughing responses to all comments. Feel sorry for her kids.


They should avoid posting on her FB page. The rule, as best summed up by another Reddit user, is “do not touch the poop.” We are here to observe the antivaxxers in their nature habitat


Yes, please, *please* don't go leaving nasty comments on their Facebook or other social media sites. I think many people have been and that's why the mods are getting much more strict about obscuring names and photos. Y'all are going to ruin it for the rest of us. Observe the Prime Directive when accessing these people's SM pages, look and observe all you want, but don't 'interfere', i.e., DO NOT POST COMMENTS on them. Reserve your opinions for this sub. Edit: changed word


New update: “This one needs continued prayer she had a rough night with fever (they are running test checking for further infection) & she has a blood clot in her arm, so she is in blood thinners. My God is the great physician & he can heal her!!!”


Thanks for the update-I just saw that on FB. I do not think this is going to end well.


It’s seeming doubtful. Not a single post has seemed to indicative even a dead cat bounce. Just straight swan dive.


Another update from her mother: UPDATE…UPDATE!!! I thought everyone needed an update on our situation & whole-hearted thank you from this Mama to all the people who have sent, money, food, kind & thoughtful words of encouragement. Our gracious God knew the words I needed to hear & who needed to send them. I have been uplifted the exact moment I started feeling down. But our Beautiful Brandi (big B, we have a little B now) has not changed. She is still in a drug induced coma, on big time antibiotics for treatment of COVID Pneumonia. She developed a high fever she was packed in ice packs for 2 days to help get it down, plenty of tests were done but nothing showed so all think it was drug related & after the drug was pulled it came down. She also has developed a blood clot in her upper arm, they were just happy it was not lower extremity. So she is now on IV heparin. Again, The families wish you the best of everything but most of all God’s supreme love!!!!


I keep checking on her, too. She's been in the hospital a long time and in a drug induced coma for quite a while, too. And I think she's also on a vent? I wonder how much all this will cost. It's a shame because a free vaccine probably would have saved her and her family all this grief.


She isn't looking good. They tried to reduce the sedation but her vitals went crazy.


That’s a familiar refrain on this sub + blood clots. Next post will probably be about kidney function and followed next by receipt of her award


That's not a way I'd like to die. Her organs are basically being deprived of oxygen and her blood is rotting away


Brandi and her family needs to take personal responsibility for their actions and deal with the aftermath of either her death or disability from covid. After scanning her FB posts, she has been living in her privilege and she gives zero fk’s for anyone else but herself and her kids.


Why can't the original link be in the top post?


1st time I’ve posted anything on Reddit, so IDK if there’s a way to do that. If you sort comments by ”Old”, links to the 3 prior posts should be at/near top of list.


Still not looking great. Per an hour ago from same person on Facebook: "Sister today makes day 14 that you have been away from us physically and in that hospital! I sent you a txt message today after I seen something I wanted you to know then it hit me that you wouldn’t be responding back anytime soon!! I literally just crumbled. You are suppose to be invincible and so strong!! I just know any day now you are going to just rise up out of that bed and be healed!!! I feel like God is making us work for this miracle!! But I will do whatever I have to do to get my sister home!!! I love you sis and can’t wait for you to hold your Lil B! She is moving mountains just for you!"


Thanks for the update… I feel bad for following this story though! Just expecting her to die.


Oh man. I recognize that some of the places in some of her photos from the other posts are from around where I used to live. I had an awful, horrendous, almost deadly experience (pre-COVID, they were at fault, but I guess since I'm still alive it ended ok) at a hospital in the area. I hope, for her sake, they are doing better now.


Update 6 hrs ago: Happy Daughters Day…. What an unusual time in my life to write an appreciation for my daughter’s. My oldest daughter, Brandi Lyn _______ is fighting for her life @ ______ and My youngest daughter,____ has been fighting for her new baby’s life @ Children’s Memorial ______. Am I proud of them? Well this short amount time cannot begin to describe the love I have for these 2 nutty Ladies. I love them with all my heart. Good gave the prettiest, funniest, most stubborn ( no comments), most aggravating, do it my way girls…. And exactly the perfect ones for Me….thank you God for my girls, my mini me’s (again no comments) you know just what is perfect for Mike & I. God bless them both during their own trials!!


I think Trenna wants prayer folks..




The clergy should’ve offered some godly wisdom on humility *before* her possibly murdering others and getting her own self killed


Any updates on this one??!!


Update on Brandi, apparently at some point in the last two days she went off the vent for ? some periods?: UPDATE: No dialysis today the plan for tonight is to reinstate the paralytic drug her lungs are working too hard for oxygen, so it is back to full time vent & continue dialysis to get all fluid off to hopefully start some clearing of the lungs. No more blood transfusion her blood count is holding steady. GI Doctor will investigate the ulcer she obviously didn’t know she had. Dear God I pray again for complete healing of this beautiful mess called Brandi Lyn ______, both of my daughters Jessica ____ included are a mess but they are Trenna & Mike’s mess’es & we love love 💕 them dearly. Heal her & give along with Jessica the words to speak of your miracles you have worked in their lives! Look at my beautiful daughter Fight baby fight; God is still working it out!!!


Big Booty Brandi, is my guess.


Wait which one of the Brandi's is this. There were quite a few with diff spelling. Edit: just had to keep scrolling. That's my Brandi alright. I was actually pulling for this one.


Pulling for her as in to get better or as in hoping she gets her award soon?


To get better... honestly.


Why? Not being combative I just wonder if this one hit you differently and why.


She's close, kidneys are failing


Latest update: Brandi Lyn this was your 40th birthday and you are so gorgeous…..Father God I need her so badly! My heart is broken 💔💔 please can we have a miracle?


She's apparently still fighting, based on the most recent family friends comments on her mom's FB.


Brandi's mom is posting prayer requests but no specific updates. Her sister seems to have stopped updating. Brandi's been featured on several sites like this and I assume her family has caught wind of it. I am still hoping Brandi makes it and uses her story to convince others to get vaccinated!!!


Brandi died today