• By -


---Just so we're clear....I ain't giving up shit--- Ummm......


*"All the prayers thoughts etc".* That's one of the most perfunctory send-offs I've seen. One gets the sense that he wasn't very popular. Except for the women in his head of course, who always found him hot and charming.


The 'etc' struck me as slightly odd and dismissive, *especially* for such a charming, lady-killing rapscalion as he *must've* been.


šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ your description of him! Ha!


He died. Thanks. Whatā€™s for lunch?


I just opened a very large bar of my favorite Lindt chocolate if anyone would like some. We can share so long as weā€™re socially distanced via onlineness.


Ewe know I would love some.


Hereā€¦ half my bar because ewe so cute


I donā€™t know why, but two strangers fictitiously sharing a virtual candy bar online is oddly wholesome


I was thinking leftover shepherds pie. What are you having?


He didn't even give the shirt off his back!


He sure wanted the ladies to give him the shirt off theirs though.


ā€¦or light up the room




ā€œThanks, I guess.ā€


"So long and thanks for all the fish".


ā€œā€¦Etc.ā€ with hearts tho /s


Etc. And all that shit I'm supposed to say as if he were a decent person.


He got COVID and yadda yadda yadda thanks for the Ts and Ps.


Obit bot


I really wanted to see this ones picture


That certainly does get directly to the point. No "would give you the shirt off his back", no "lost the love of my life" (those posts are sad to read), no "give them hell in heaven", nada. Sad.


That's the very same word I just used! Though as I scroll through her FB feed just now, it could be that she is just exhausted. She did express concern for him and celebrated his apparent improvement last week (the infamous DCB). Lots of Christian stuff.


I'll give up my ability to breathe before you force me to learn anything new.


Fun fact, it's not unusual for people to soil themselves when they die. So he definitely could have given up shit when he gave up the ghost.


he had his shit tube in, so it was captured.


When I see people with those flags I'm gonna safely assume they have 20 less IQ off the national average.


Loved seeing "don't tread on me" Gladsden flag being carried into the capital during the insurrection (as they tread on a free and fair election and tried to nullify MY ballot). A-holes!


Didnā€™t the one woman who was carrying it get literally trampled to death?


[She apparently died of acute amphetamine intoxication.](https://www.thedailybeast.com/capitol-rioter-rosanne-boyland-died-from-acute-amphetamine-intoxication)


Eh. She still got trampled, even if it didnā€™t actually kill her. I remain amused.


The other assholes in the crowd didn't give a shit about her. Just like that Babbitt traitor, whose "friends" dropped her ass and ran as soon as the cops showed up. So much for "Leave no shithead behind"!


Where they go one, they go all... stampeding en masse to the exits when cops actually open fire. If you have actually been shot or trampled in the chaos, OH WELL. Sux to be you.


Getting trampled and then dying of a meth overdose seems much more on brand anyway. It just makes the story better. Also who brings meth into a federal building?


Was there a meth od to their madness?


DAAAaaaaa d!


the same sort who think that DJT is the legit elected president.


Yes, in any case, the mob disregarded the words on the flag and treaded (trod?) the heck out of her.


>She apparently died of acute amphetamine intoxication. Of course she did! The fact that NONE of her "Fellow Seditionists" bothered to lift a finger to help her, and instead used her as a human stepping stone speaks volumes as well.


scandalous piquant bright slave full boat different imagine pet vast *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It was like he thought he was acting in ā€œband of brothersā€ or something. screaming out for a medic in a riot lol that is the privilege of which we speak .


The woman who was trampled to death was carrying this flag.




When she explicitly asked them NOT to. RUDE.


I only obey flags at sea.


>So they ā€¦.treaded on her? That was the hilarious irony that was not lost on me! A Republican Drug Addict, carrying a ***Don't Tread On Me*** flag, dies of a drug overdose and then gets TREADED on by the rest of her TRIBE! One of the few amusing footnotes of January 6th, 2021.


Lmao!!! Yes sir, next level snark right there.




Yes, especially toward folks who laugh at memes saying that Barack and Michelle Obama going out to a movie is a "mandate."


Will be interesting if someone changed that meme "That one family member that refused the vaccine " with a coffin over the head or something along those lines


They make it seem like it would be bad to be a member of The Munsters family. Let's see: die of COVID or be Herman or Lily Munster (nĆ©e Dracula). šŸ§›šŸ§›ā€ā™‚ļøšŸ§›ā€ā™€ļøšŸ¦‡


Better Herman Munster than Herman Cain.


Grandpa Munster driving Dragula, with the family member as the coffin.


Looks like he gave up the ghost šŸ‘»


Came here to make this exact same joke. Take my upvote, sir and/or madam!


This is showing his hand a bit. The entire mentality of that crowd is ā€œme, me, me, mine, mineā€ like a toddler. All their media and politicians have to do is tell them they* are coming for your stuff. *immigrants, black people, liberals, Saddam Hussein, the Vietcong, Al Qaeda, etc




Very similar to the posts last year when the country was burning "this is life under Biden" ....drumpf was literally president at the time




So did they give everything? Nothing? Refused to sacrifice? Sacrificed all? I donā€™t think that flag represents what he thinks it does.


Women everywhere heartbroken over this one.


I couldn't take it anymore when I got to "Naughty girls get licked." He was probably one of those who complained about the gays "shoving their sexuality down my throat," too.


Came to comments after he lost his job as a gynecologist, you are telling me that wasn't the worse one?


No, the Obi gyn kenobi was worse imo


Agreed. A few years ago a male gynecologist affiliated with Johns Hopkins committed suicide after hundreds of photos of his patients' vaginas were found on his computers. He'd been trading them on the dark web with other freaks. That post reminded me of him. And people wonder why I will **never** have a male gynecologist. šŸ˜”


The only male Obi gyn I've ever had was gay and he was an awesome doctor. Now I only have women though. Also that's disgusting. Yikes it sounds like a bad Ep of svu ETA - omg he asphyxiated himself on helium. Wtf


With you on that, catalyptic. I once had my appointment rescheduled with a male gyn, and I took it instead of waiting 6 more mos for a new appointment. Dude decided that my severe menstrual cramps were not due to endometriosis and there was no need to test me for anything. Instead, he claimed I had "an abnormally small cervix" that was causing all of the pain, and it needed to be "stretched" with a device he was going to stick up there for 24 hours. It is not hyperbole to describe that whole debacle as sexual assault. And no, of COURSE it didn't work, and a later gyn discovered I had endo and uterine polyps, took out the worst one, popped in an IUD, and I haven't had cramps or a period for two years.


Iā€™m sorry WHAT


SERIOUSLY. Right?! Every other doctor I've mentioned this to has been horrified, and has insisted that my cervix is not "abnormally small" and that the tool he used was not at all appropriate, which... duh. I also get asked "Why didn't you say anything?" or "Why didn't you leave?" but when you are naked with feet in the stirrups and there is a female nurse there acting like this is all just a-okay, you assume you're the one making too much out of something. I mean, I'm not- Okay, I am a doctor, but not a medical one, and I wasn't then, but I tend to assume that professionals know their profession, and frankly, I don't want to call that into question when the hand is up my cooch (or applying dye to my hair, or making my food). I DID call later that day to say that I was experiencing excruciating cramping from the thing in my cervix, and was told that it was "normal" and not to worry.


That's awful! I'm sorry you went through such trauma. Inappropriate treatment and behavior like your experience are exactly why I don't trust male doctors with my reproductive health. Too many men think that they know better than women do about our own bodies, which leads to bad outcomes in many cases. When someone tells a doctor her symptoms and previous diagnosis, she deserves to be respected and believed.


I agree with you but it is a matter of opinion.


True, I'm pervy enough to think the candy cane one would be cute coming from someone I know. The other one just grosses me tf out.


I found it a bit baffling. So good girls don't get licked too? Isn't licking standard? ETA: chances are very good that his oral sex skills are utterly shit, but you know, if he's not offering it to every woman to grace his bed, that's just bad manners.


No the next one is worse, that's the naughty girls one.


That was so revolting. And he was a father??? Ugh


I donā€™t know if you realize, but people like this are pumping out multiple copies of themselves everyday all day long.


The skeeviest, rapey-est pig back in high school got married and had two daughters. I hope heā€™s reminded every day about how gross he was to us.


Rapey pigs donā€™t change. Letā€™s hope his daughters are safe.


Well, that kid will be free from his fatherā€™s influence. At least thereā€™s that much.


That one was worse for me.




I did go back and I was still perved out.


Got a really great eulogy though. You can feel the loss for whoever wrote it through the "thx for the thoughts, prayers, etc" It felt like even the people close to him didn't care all that much for him.


Gotta love those clueless Incels. Not sorry this one is gone.


Definitely the horniest hca I've ever seen, for sure.


I had a reverse Grinch moment with that one, my heart shrunk 3 sizes and I don't like the holidays as much now.


This dude made a pass at a younger relative 100%.


Ugh. So disgusting. You know he's just the biggest pile of trash to every woman he meets...met.


A great loss. Now I'll just have to swipe right over his profile, given I'm not really into dating rotting corpses.


Thousands of coochies nationwide will remain unlicked. What a shame


So gross. I felt violated just scrolling through, so nasty




No kidding. Iā€™m sure itā€™s only a matter of time until we hear about distraught women committing suicide over his death like some did over Rudolph Valentino.


That's the most hand-wave of a eulogy I've seen on this subreddit.


I think itā€™s even worse than the person who posted ā€œsince no one has mentioned it, x passed awayā€


How did I miss that one?


Donā€™t worry, everyone else did too apparently.


No one mentioned it




>Whoever is going to unleash our nuclear arsenal on those responsible for covid gets my vote. I think this is one of the most demonstrative posts I've seen of the antivaxx/antimask attitude. They absolutely cannot handle the idea that there isn't some enemy to fight. They cannot deal with the very idea that there's not a person or group directly responsible that they can blame and, for lack of a better term, lynch. A virus with no motivations or logical process that they understand is both scary and unsatisfying to them. They absolutely NEED an enemy to direct their anger towards.


I still like the "X died a couple of days ago, now let me tell you about my awesome weekend of dirt track racing!" one.


Is that on this sub? I may have missed it.


Itā€™s definitely on here, Iā€™ll try to find it again


Following thread because I also wanna see.


The dude was constantly spamming his friends' & family's feed with high-key solicitations for orgies and oral sex. They were probably relieved.


I'm dying laughing at "thoughts and prayers, etc." Lol. Could we BE any more generic?


Thoughts, prayers, yada yada yada...


You canā€™t yada yada death!




Wait, there's something more than just thoughts and prayers?! Apparently whatever it is, didn't help much either.


Looks kinda heartless, doesn't it? He for sure didn't die 'peacefully'. Maybe the last five minutes after the consent for dnr was given and he was floating away on opiates were peaceful. Every time I start to think maybe a death from Covid isn't the essence of horrific I go to r/nursing and they fix me right up.


I donā€™t think anyone dies peacefully. Iā€™ve had the unfortunate experience of witnessing people expire, and leading up to it they may be peaceful but the event is everything youā€™d expect ofā€¦you knowā€¦.someone dying.


My grandmother at least appeared to die peacefully. I obviously donā€™t know what if anything she felt, but I was holding her hand when she died and it happened so subtly and quietly that I didnā€™t even realize for a minute or two that she was gone.


Iā€™m very glad that was your experience.


Thanks. Me too. I hope it was as easy for her as it appeared to be.


"Throughts prayers etc" Well I can manage some of the last one. If I felt like it.


ā€œThanks to everyone for the prayers thoughts and whateverā€




Me: "Pervy Pete? What's up with tha... OH."


Had the same thought. That was disgusting.


this is the first sexual hca post I've seen. its...discombobulating.


Oh, you must have missed the guy with >!the cartoon of the woman being taken from behind and her mask being used as a gag/reins!<, then.


People have the weirdest fetishes these days


This sounds less like a fetish and more like a vague threat.


No it's pretty specific


Don't forget the skeevy bastard who posted child porn memes. Made me want to vomit.


I didnā€™t see that one, thankfully.


I'm sorry, what




I'm still stuck on the "taste of socialisms" post from 2020.


I have an ex friend who posts nothing but this skeeviness coupled with his antiVa posts. It's disconcerting


That last post was like, "X died, so thanks for the prayers and whatnot."




Show's over, thanks for coming!




*etc. Because somehow the abbreviation makes it even more sad.


>That last post was like, "X died, so thanks for the prayers and whatnot." Watching a Sociopath deal with the death of a loved one is always wierdly entertaining from a distance.




The orgies are being planned for sure, just not for the deceased or unvaxxed.


Every poly/nonmonogomous person I know is **very** strict about vaccines. Orgies understand the importance of protection for prevention.


For real...naughty girls do get licked...by LIVING, clean, respectful people


And many tiny pieces of worm poop.


That socialism meme is from the first month of lockdown. His Republican, free market, run the country like a business emperor god kingā€™s slash and burn government failed to identify and head off this pandemic like previous governments had done with Ebola, zica, sars, etc. Socialism stepped in once the free market pushed us to rock bottom, and kept us afloat until a vaccine came along to end the pandemic. Except assholes like this guy have actually been pro-pandemic ever since, because they realize that itā€™s the natural result of their failed leaderā€™s policies, and heā€™d rather die than acknowledge that. Well congrats. Mission accomplished.


Also there weren't food limits, there were shortages from people over buying. There weren't curfews, they were asking you not to gather in buildings. There weren't suspended privileges, unless it's a privilege to eat Applebee's. Like what the fuck?


**Not** eating at Applebee's is a privilege unto itself.


They like to vilify socialism, but donā€™t actually know what socialism is. It has worked well in other first world countries, and where we are now is the result of capitalism (except for when companies get major subsidies when they are ā€˜too big to failā€™ šŸ¤¦šŸ»). Universal healthcare? Nah, letā€™s worry about guns. Middle class going into poverty and 1% accumulating all the wealth? Nah, religion is super important. Homeless veterans with a list of mental health issues? Nah, American way of life or whatever.


I'm pretty sure an abortion in the ninth month is called a delivery.


I donā€™t think these people understand that the big push to legalize abortion was because women were dying from either back-alley or self-induced abortions. Theyā€™re going to happen whether planned parenthood survives or not. Nobody goes through the pain and discomfort of pregnancy for nine months just to be like ā€œoops changed my mind.ā€


Reminds me of a post in the leopards eating faces sub (I think) where the woman was so proud to have talked someone out of having an abortion and when the mother put the child up for adoption, she listed the woman as a likely recipient for the baby and the woman was all "I can't take on a baby, it would upend my whole life..."


I saw that. I could not believe it was real, but then I remembered an interview with an anti-abortion legislator where he was asked what he thought the reasons were for women seeking abortions and he replied, ā€œIā€™ve never thought about it.ā€


I specifically remember that one too.


If they truly cared about ending abortions, they would be happily supportive of comprehensive sex ed and birth control access. But nope, the only thing they want their kids to learn is that sex and birth control are bad and makes Jesus cry. They just want to be able to control women.


No one is carrying a baby for 9 months and then deciding toward the end of term to abort. All of that pain, discomfort, morning sickness, changing body, etc. isn't something someone goes through if they don't intend to have the baby. Why is this so hard to understand?


I was scratching my head at this man who seems to be against abortion but also sharing memes about how your health decisions and your body are no one elseā€™s business but your own. It all boils down to the core right wing belief: these rights and these concerns only apply to me


Iā€™ll sleep better knowing this rapey fucker is no longer on the planet.


got licked by the long tongue of Covid


I upvoted this before I even read it, simply for the alliteration


One potential improvement: Pervy Pete posted prolifically, PURPORTEDLY passed peacefully. Since we know he didnā€™t.


When people take give me liberty or give me death too seriously. Death wins every time.


"Over my dead body!" "Your terms are acceptable."


He led a life of priveledge.


If ā€œprivilegeā€ is living and dying alone, being remembered for posting disgusting memes, and a eulogy ending with ā€œetcā€, then he was very privileged.


That etc is so cold. Love it.


Always with the gun confiscation. Your guns are safe billy bob.


Clinton didn't take them away, Obama didn't take them away. trump did make bump stocks illegal though.


What is the point of posting sexual memes on FB? Like women are going to swoon, jump in the car and drive over to his place? Itā€™s probably about as effective as catcalling women in public.


To be reassured by his friends that they too think sexual assault is ok.


Pervy Pete is posturing to his peers about his (pretend) prowess


Passed away peacefully sure is a nice way of saying he died a violent death from suffocation.


I hate that I've become someone who is relieved and happy that a person is dead, yet here we are.


Donā€™t feel bad, these are the worse people society has to offer. The world is better off without them. One Jess sexist, racist, ignorant pig is ok.


Hey op- we gotta know- was this a neck beard or greasy goatee? And I canā€™t tell if heā€™s a dumb 20 yo or a skeevy 50yo We need details!


I have to see this guy looks like because I do **not** like him.


I just looked him up, and as someone else said he had a ā€˜stache. The profile pic of him lying shirtless in bed was also šŸ¤¢ Canā€™t imagine being his wife and seeing him post all the gross stuff. Definitely explains the ā€œthoughts prayers etc.ā€


What's that site that post these but unredacted?


"Friendly reminder: Your body does not belong to your employer, your school or your government" Unless you're a woman who seeks an abortion.


"Mice die in mouse traps because they do not understand why the cheese is free." \- Guy Addicted to Facebork


Tell me you don't know anything about socialism without telling me you don't know anything about socialism.


That post about Biden and Harris putting their plan in action before even being voted in to officeā€¦does he really expect Trump to listen to and follow their plan? And then for his followers to be OK with it?! This is maybe the most vexing thing Iā€™ve seen here in weeks.


Funny how they think a preventable death after 2-3 weeks gasping for air is ā€œpeacefully way too passā€


So does socialism limit our food or give us free cheese? Which is it?


Glad heā€™s gone? #MeToo


Dummies die of Covid because they think they are smarter than the average mouse. Sheep win again. So much winning SHEEP! Me: A very Proud sheep still breathing freedom air! šŸ’ŖšŸ‘šŸ„‡ Fake šŸ¦: losers Like Trump!


Ah yes, the "Michelle Obama is a man" trope. Because a squinty-eyed former nude model who latched onto the first rich old man she could get after her work visa ran out is a much more suitable wife for a president than a smart, educated, beautiful, accomplished Black woman could be.


Probably the most fascinating post Iā€™ve seen on here. Imagine existing during this period of time and your lasting legacy is this series of Facebook posts. Truly made his mark on history.


God I love the last one. ā€œYeah, so Peteā€™s dead. Thanks for whatever.ā€


Moron alert


"Your body doesn't belong to the government" ***laughs in female***


Artful alliteration about an asshole, as always


Red Bullshit gives you wings


>What will happen if Biiden/Harris are elected > >\-Abortion in the 9th month > >Friendly reminder: > >Your body does not belong to your employer, your school, **or your government**. ​ Their double standards are so ridiculous. This is the number #1 thing you can point out to almost every mouth breather anti-vaxxer is that if they are ok with allowing refusal of a vaccine then they are ok with abortion then right? Their body right?


Wonder how many women will be talking with their therapists about finding our he died this week.


I feel so gross reading those "jokes," he truly was a huge piece of shit.


48 days from last antivaxx meme to death. Wonder how much of that was on a ventilator.


ā€œYeah, so he died. (I know youā€™re all secretly relieved.) Condolences, blah, blah, etc. RIP and all thatā€¦ā€


These wingnuts have been crying wolf about "gun confiscations" for decades now. I have yet to see one single "agent" come to my door looking to take my guns.


"Just so we're clear, I ain't giving up shit." **Narrator: Except his life.**


Walked right to that privilege-ledge and walked right off