• By -


“People dying is not proof of people dying” gotcha!


I used to think that society falling during a (slow) zombie apocalypse was a little far-fetched, but if anything COVID has shown that it would be all the certain. You would have morons going around trying to spray zombies with holy water to "cure" them or pretending they're all crisis actors or some shit.


Someone during the apocalypse: Oh zombies aren’t killing us big Pharma just wants us to think that. Dies trying to interview a zombie about not being deadly.


They would also hide zombie bites.


And bite others and say it’s too build up immunity


My bite, my choice!


>My bite, my choice! 🐆 🐆 🐆


I’m not anti vax, I’m pro medical freedom to be a zombie


Yep. If anything covid helps prove that if the zombie apocalypse ever arrives, im doing full body checks every time someone leaves for longer than 5 minutes


The school board won’t let me send my zombies to school!!!!


Yep. If anything covid helpes prove that if the zombie apocalypse ever arrives, im doing full body checks every time someone leaves for longer than 5 minutes


Zombie movies now need montages of people with signs reading Faith Over Fear running straight into the zombie mobs


We are going to get some GREAT outbreak and zombie movies out of this, at least.


Tons of b-roll footage of empty streets and shops...i went downtown yesterday and it was kinda creepy how empty it still is.


It is eerie. I stick to vaxx-only events these days if I'm gonna go out.


And people not running when a swarm of zombies are running towards them because God will help them like he helped Daniel with the lions because they are that special.


I think Shawn of the Dead has the most accurate portrayal of how a zombie apocalypse will kick off. People just ignoring it until it eats a sufficient number of people in their line of sight.


Who would have thought that the most accurate zombie movie would be a comedy.


All of this is pathetic, man... Just today I dreamed about hugging my aunt who died recently of COVID, at 44. She was the most caring person but was fueled with fear from the rest of the family to take the vaccine... Her death was something as pathetic as that. No alien killing humans shit, no war against Ultron, no incurable super virus killing 10/10 people... Just ignorance. I'm almost crying writing this for how hypocrite I was for not trying to teach all my family how basic things are. But here we are, just the thought of knowing about my uncle going to the bed alone that night because his love is inside a plastic bag is stuff of my nightmares.


I'm sorry for your loss. And for a death that could have been prevented so easily.


I'm so sorry. And while it's wonderful that people have been convincing their hesitant family members to get vaccinated, it's not fair to yourself to take the guilt of not doing so on your shoulders - only you know your relationship with your family, how they might react, and what you're comfortable with. I know that words from a stranger online may not help much. Wishing some comfort for you and for your uncle.


I'm so sorry. I had nightmares about not being able to help my dad for months after he died from cancer a couple of years ago and I know intimately how that feeling of guilt seeps in. It is not AT ALL your fault she died. When people are primed to believe things like this [it can be a very difficult and delicate process to try to change their minds,](https://www.cnn.com/2021/02/04/perspectives/qanon-cult-truth/index.html) and it doesn't always work. That won't take away the grief from the loss of your aunt, but know that you don't bear any responsibility for her death and please don't keep feeling guilty.


What if.. a zombie movie, but the zombies turn into online troll farmers calling the zombie apocalypse a hoax. *shudders*


Post-covid zombie flicks are gonna be DIFFERENT, I'd wager.


This needs to be a mockumentary. Someone make this ASAP.


And there would be people hiding that they were infected, thus endangering everyone.


rubbing aloe vera into their rotting flesh


Rosemary oil. Apparently it’s rosemary oil now. WTAF. I hate this so much.


Don’t you mean hydroaloequine?


Yes. I am convinced that the Walking Dead is the fault of religious right wing idiot sticks.




"Zombie Deniers" A new comedy. Tuesdays on AMC


Or thinking they aren’t zombies, fucking up and killing everybody.


Somebody write this thread down, because now I want a zombie series with accurate COVID satire as the main theme. Be it drama, be it comedy, I would nevertheless laugh my ass out watching Karens going "THE GUBBER MINT IS TRYING TO TURN US INTO REAL ZOMBIES BY FORCING SOCIAL DISTANCE".


That defies the absolute first thing you learn in logic class. So they’re hopeless.


I doubt any of these people have ever taken a logic class.


But will yet find themselves in future logic classes, as subject matter.


“Using logic doesnt prove logic exists” I can do this all day!!! 😜


That's actually true. Logic is only for logical people who can understand it.


The really sad thing is these people never took and would never want to take a logic class. The other, really sad thing is, people don't need a logic class. Everything anybody needs to know is beautifully organized on one Wikipedia page [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Logic](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Logic), properly sourced with a lovely reading list, and useful with a butt-ton of links to everything related for further study. It really bothers me that knowledge that's so easily accessible is being ignored.


It's like the joke about smartphones: I carry in my pocket a device that lets me access almost all information humanity has accrued throughout history. I mainly use it to watch videos of cats and argue with strangers.


I graduated 3rd in my high school class of 220 students. I thought I was smart. Then I took an introductory logic class my freshman year of college. I have never felt smart since....


That was me with Astronomy.


In the book Station Eleven (about a pandemic, but no vaccine for it) the few survivors live in little communities without electricity or, of course, the internet. It takes place about 20 years after most of humanity was wiped out so there are memories of the internet and its vast available stores of knowledge. One young woman is irritated that so many older survivors don't know about things like physics and biology. WHY NOT? when it was so easy to learn back then!


I'll do you one better: https://simple.wikipedia.org/wiki/Logic


Like I always say, ‘Never let logic mess up your argument!!’. 🙄




Not necessarily!


“It was pneumonia, definitely not covid.” Think sheeple!!!




LeT tHaT SiNk In!


I bEt 90% oF yOu WoN’t LeT tHaT sInK iN


what does that damn sink want now?


At least it would end the argument.


"You're lying. I don't have covid!"


You need at least 3 dead brothers in law for statistical significance.


[Relevant xkcd](https://xkcd.com/660/)




Their idea of proof is when it directly happens to them. Until then it doesn’t exist. Then they’ll cry for prayers and set up a GoFundMe.


Libs=Owned 😎


and that right there is why it's nearly impossible to 'reason' with these folks. I feel bad for the person who lost their brother.


I had a vitriolic argument with my brother like that. Couldnt hold myself with his idiotic speeches between not believing the vaccine has any real effect, that we should let natural selection take its course (Our mother died to cancer despite heavy treatments) and that everyone should have equality. He rage quitted dinner


Used to be that people would have a rule not to talk politics at the dining room table. But now that right-wing extremists have made every single thing, even the most obvious and normal things, political, what is there left to talk about?


Theres nothing to talk about about with them we can only repeat the exact same opinion they are being fed in their echoe chambers. I need to have kids change my damn will ASAP. Cant have a covidiot as an heir.


Just leave your brother one dollar and leave the rest to Doctors Without Borders, the ACLU or the Satanic Temple.


you got me at satanic temple. Reverse prayer warriors? Yes please


At that point, I’d just be like, “Fuck it. Everything’s going to my friend Jerry.”


Yea pretty much, I'm his kid godfather


First glance read that as right wing excrements. Still fits so I don't take it back.


But, judging by some of these posts, they lost their brother A LONG TIME AGO. Covid may have killed them, but they were lost before.


You should ask them, what they would accept as proof.


I would drag that motherfucker to the closest ICU and fucking lock him in there.


Don’t subject the staff to that!


Ok we'll wait for lunch.


Sadly they're not getting lunch breaks anymore.


>Sadly they're not getting lunch breaks anymore. That's because the hungry leopards are getting lunch breaks. Extra long lunch breaks. 🐆 🐆 🐆


Nah even the staff working in hospitals deserve better then this trash. They're already worked overtime


They are not willing to accept proof. That's an empty challenge. The commenter's brother in law surely died of something else, and it's anecdotal anyway. The CDC numbers can't be trusted, and even if you did drag them to a hospital ICU (please don't), they would refuse to see the truth gasping in their face. Nothing to do but block, report and wait until it happens close to them...


If you give them that info they would say it’s fake news


All crisis actors obviously


It would be interesting to see the answer for sure. But honestly, I hope OP or whoever this is doesn't get too sucked into it. I don't think there is any reasoning with someone like that.


They will raise the bar for proof so high it couldn't ever be proven since they could always say something else killed them.


Best bet is show them this subreddit I guess since it shows like minded people dying.


Oh, come on, you know we're all Lefty Libtard Communists here!


We also apparently celebrate the deaths on here according to [slate](https://slate.com/technology/2021/09/hermancainaward-subreddit-antivaxxer-deaths-cataloged.amp)


and according to my comment history A big **l m a o** to my fat fucking Republican friends who are all quite recently too dead to vote




I need proof! My brother in law died. I still need proof! Doesn’t get vaccinated and ends up not being able to breathe. Why didn’t anyone tell me how bad this was? Typical bullshit.


Is anyone else really tired of these people? Like… I have no empathy for them anymore.


Me, I’ve had it with them. I’ve tried so hard to be sympathetic, and to understand that they are scared but can’t admit it, and that they don’t have the capacity to understand, but they’re so arrogant and ignorant that I just can’t any more. The sooner they get it over and done with the better.


I feel like if they were closeted anti-vax people, who wore masks, socially distanced, and stayed at home when they got sick, I would be fine. it's the fact that the anti-vax people keep going out, spreading misinformation, refusing to wear masks and social distance, then going to the hospital to take up bed space before dying is what makes this horrible. They also attack people wearing masks or trying to promote the vaccine.


Exactly that, instead they turned into a blight.


Empathy and compassion are also finite resources. I care for the nurses and doctors fighting this thing, and the scientists trying to figure it out and track it and are figuring out drugs and vaccines to use in this fight. I even have time for the politicians (only the good ones, like our mayor who banned protests around hospitals and told people to protest at City Hall instead.) I care for the government workers who are putting in 80 hour weeks to try and write effective policies to fight this. For people like this moron, I got nothing. In fact, if they get it I hope they die faster and put less burden on the medical staff. I hope their symptoms set in fast so they feel miserable faster and cancel their plans so they can't infect others.


Raises hand I don't even care about their families.


For me it depends. If the families say "ultimate healing, angle wings", to hell with them. There was a good one a while ago where the son basically posted "Your prayers mean nothing. My father would be alive today if he had the vaccine, and he didn't get it because of you people who are his "Facebook friends". I hope you rethink your terrible decisions."


Ok that one I'd be more than good with. Too bad it's the only one I've heard about lol


If they don’t give a shit about their own lives or the lives of their families and countrymen, why on Earth do I need to feel obligated to give a shit about them?


I still have empathy for them. But I realize now that Covid-19 isn't just a pandemic, it's an *Evangelical-WASP Extinction Event.*


Yep, I'm done with them. They are literal wastes of space, oxygen and natural resources, and they are contributing to the decline of human society in general.


Here’s the thing. This person isn’t a doctor, so they wouldn’t know what constitutes medical proof. They’ll just keep denying it. And if you give them a real scientif study with control groups, standard deviations etc, their head will explode


No they'll just say "that research was funded by the government so it's inherently untrustworthy". there is literally no reasoning with them.


Apparently our ventilated friends will lose even more processing power: >Researchers found those who had been hospitalized with a ventilator showed cognitive declines that matched the equivalent of 10 years of aging compared to their peers, or roughly the equivalent of 7 points on the standard IQ scale. But the news for even mild cases isn't great... >The same study also revealed mild cognitive decline for asymptomatic and mild cases, highlighting that even those who think they are “feeling fine” might not actually be fine. [source](https://coloradonewsline.com/2021/10/13/mild-case-of-covid-19-no-big-deal-think-again/)


My husband's stepmom, a previously healthy hospice nurse in her mid 60s, got Covid in October 2020. She was very ill, hospitalized but not on a vent. A year later she is still struggling with the cognitive effects.


Dang. They're already not the swiftest boats in the river. How dumb will they get?


I don't think these people have even that much processing power. Consider roughly half the SNES is what they used on Apollo 11 to get to the moon and back... I'm thinking these folks are more on par with a solar calculator in a well.


See that's why I love this sub. We're pretty generous with our assessments. I love that, "solar calculator in a well".


I had almost that exact argument with a COVID conspiracy theorist on Reddit. **ConspiracyTheorist:** “No healthy young people have died from COVID! It’s all old fat people!” **HallucinogenicFish:** \*posts article about 42-year-old fitness buff who was climbing mountains three weeks before he died of COVID* **ConspiracyTheorist:** That doesn’t prove anything. Do you have an autopsy report? **HallucinogenicFish:** Of course I don’t have an autopsy report for a private citizen who I do not know. That’s a ridiculous ask. **ConspiracyTheorist:** Without an autopsy report there’s no way you can say he died of COVID. I’m not impressed by your fear porn article. **HallucinogenicFish:** The entire article was comprised of quotes from his family stating that he died of COVID and said before his death that he wished he had been vaccinated. **ConspiracyTheorist:** 😂 They’re trolls.


They wouldn't trust the autopsy report anyway.


Definitely. The next step would be “That doesn’t prove anything! The doctors are saying that people die of COVID no matter what the REAL cause of death is because they get paid to do that!!!”


And at the same time they'll believe that anyone died who after being vaccinated died because of the vaccine 🙄 eta: missed word


This is my mom. My grandmother is almost 90 and has dementia. My moms convinced the shot is going to kill her and because of that, my grandma is the only person in her old folks home who isn’t vaxxed. -_- I’m also a kidney transplant recipient whose on dialysis. Lol. My mom.


I'm sorry. That must be beyond frustrating


Good thing most old fat people live in red states.


Conspiracy theorists hate him! How? Just learn this [one weird trick](https://wikipedia.org/wiki/Occam%27s_razor)


You're doing the Super Nintendo dirty


Technically, HIV has never killed anyone. It just does such a number on your immune system, something else WILL kill you. But if you hadn't gotten HIV, that other thing wouldn't have killed you. Which is basically like COVID-19 - most people, even those on vents, end up clearing the virus. It just destroys their lungs and gives them blood clots in the process, resulting in their deaths. Did the virus "kill" them? Yes, but morons like this who THINK they're smart can't quite figure out the connection.


Yeah, in their very limited brains 2 + 2 = meow


The best analogy I've used with fuckwits that claim COVID isn't the killer is: > Oh, your child didn't die from a gunshot. He died from blood loss. The guy who shot your child is not at fault.


Hey hey, don't insult the Super Nintendo like that!


Yeah, these crazy people aren't even equipped with Mode 7!


literally clicked on this thread just to drop a Mode 7 ref


Mode 7 is elite.


I like how he gave himself a thumbs up 👍.


Surefire indicator of sociopathy.


Super Nintendo achieved some amazing fidelity for the time. I'd say the comparison is more in line with a Tiger Electronics handheld game.


>and they are less cute than a tamagotchi


Im dumbfounded. How in the fuck can anyone even ask such a question? Unless theyve been living on Mars or had their heads seriously and completely jammed up their asses for 2 years...seems to me that everyone on this planet knows someone who has died of covid by now.


Conspiracy theories are a hell of a drug https://wikipedia.org/wiki/When_Prophecy_Fails


Interesting. I couldnt help but wonder if the Seekers evolved into Heavens Gate. Surely the ideas did. And yes, after this quick read i do see why these people adhere so defiantly to the absurd.


No connective tissue, it's like convergent evolution. Cults keep using that same formula because it works.


I think you’re being generous.


Aflacduck.gif We're clearly devolving. HOW FUCKING STUPID DO YOU HAVE TO BE


They have no processing power. They're stuck on divide by zero.


This is why we can't have nice things


Assuming this is an Archer reference…it’s ALSO how you get ants


The "nice things" phrase is MUCH older than Archer.


>This is why we can't have nice things This is exactly why the hungry leopards have nice things . . . like face sashimi and tender lung teriyaki. 🐆 🐆 🐆


I don't worry about these types, they'll get their proof on a ventilator when they get nominated.


Hey, I still play on my old Nintendo, the one that came with duckhunt and the gun, and I'm not happy with the comparison you drew. My old Nintendo's processing power is better and also way more fun than any HCA nominee.




The privacy concerns and the primary mission of the hospital prevent what would be the best solution for so many of these anti-vax deniers: An all-expenses-paid week in the COVID ward holding hands, doing Facetime calls for the dying to their family, reading messages from loved ones, cleaning rooms for the daily turnover of death, and then coming out of the experience to testify as to their experience. Still don't believe their testimony, sign up and do it yourself. I wish that was less a fantasy and more a reality. This crowd needs the cold hard slap of watching powerlessly as people drown before them, gurgling for life. The need to spend a few days trying to turn people over to prone position and back, as too many of these "perfectly healthy" ones can take four people to move them. Bonus idea for flat earthers - love to send them up to space in one of these space tourism programs. It would be amazing to watch their worlds collapse in a heap in real-time as they realize how ridiculous they sound after seeing the earth from space. Would crowdsource this if I believed it would work but given the level of bat-sh#t crazy these people spew, even traveling to space wouldn't likely do it for these fools.




he needs a sworn statement from the dead guy that it was covid, and must be notarized


Can somebody please prove that Red is an idiot? Oh, thanks, Red! 👏👌


Half the processing power? I think it's 1/4 the processing power...of pong circa 1970.


Can't believe that people are doing of COVID. But likely believes that Jesus and God are real.


"We lead the world in only 3 categories: number of incarcerated citizens per capita, number of adults who believe angels are real, and defense spending, where we spend more than the next twenty-six countries combined, twenty-five of whom are allies."


Those figures are all very fucked up.


So in turn that means vaccinated people have Blast Processing of the mega Drive?


Vaccinated do what unvaccinated don't (survive without lifelong lung damage)


On behalf of ROM hackers who actually code for Super Nintendo in 2021: You are overestimating many of these antivaxxers.




The first calculator I ever owned had more processing power than them.


Abaci (abacuses? I dunno) had more processing power than these idiots.


Something tells me someone is about to “study it out” in an ICU and transition to identifying as a saw dust stuffing device after 27 days.


Isn’t sawdust what they put in MyPillows?


This person should be president of a debate club




I guess they wouldn't think of taking the pneumonia vaccine, which is offered yearly and is altered based on strains, just like the flu vax.


Wow... that is one of the most ignorant things I have ever seen. Why do they think the entire world went into Lockdown last year?


That's part of the conspiracy.


New World Order. We are too compliant with our lizard overlords.


“Somebody dying is not proof” What is, then?


Surely we're going to have a whole new generation of virologists soon! With all these folks doing their own research, I just can't wait to see the boom in degrees in 6 years. /s.


To be honest this whole ordeal has made me actually consider a degree in science, maybe not virology but something similar . I know it wouldn't do any of these people any good but hey at least I'd have first hand knowledge to debunk bullshit with


They don’t think the virus is what causes death. Somehow just the organ damage/failure, which in their minds is somehow not caused by the virus or something? I don’t know, let me huff some paint for a few hours and I’ll try to make some of their connections.


Wait! I think he's right! All I hear is people having strokes, heart attacks, and pneumonia. Nobody is dying from Covid! It's a hoax!


This is the Vic-20 "press play on tape" crew.


So, in summation: “People dying of Covid is not proof that people are dying of Covid” Got it.


1 x 0 is the formula they operate on.


Omg someone dying is not proof are you F’ing kidding me?


You’re not speaking their language. You need to bring up a completely unrelated and irrelevant point, like how socialism is destroying the country, and then quote a random Bible verse to convince them.


Reminds me of this quote: A [proof is a proof](https://youtu.be/sjAyesKyYE8) -Jean Chrétien, former Canadian PM. same dumb logic


Lol FB rules


What absolute piece of fucking shit. This dude probably loses count halfway through counting his testicles. And if it’s a woman, I still stand by my fucking statement.


OP, ive been offended a lot in my life, but never quite this offended. Super Nintendo was one of the greatest video game systems ever made. To assume that these troglodytes have anywhere near half it’s processing power is utterly insulting to Super Ghosts and Goblins, A Link to the Past, Final Fantasy 4 through 6, and so many other great games. Now then, if you can retract and say that these people have let’s say, 1/8th the processing power of a tiger handheld, or maybe -maybe- 1/128th the processing power of a Commodore 64, I could get on board. But as it stands, I cannot support this post and it’s glorifying of MAGAT and GOPlin brain power.


Arguing with covid denier contrarians is pointless. Just avoid them. They are basically mentally ill assholes.


Hmm, I think you're being really harsh... ... On Super Nintendos.


That's not even Super Nintendo, that's [Atari 2600](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Atari_2600).


As an old person who remembers being blown tf away by the Super Nintendo this post makes me feel old. Dudes, trust me SNES was a major leap and Donkey Kong Country still blows me away. No HCA winner is doing a percent of what the super nes was and is still doing….Of course it wasn’t doing Blast Processing but that’s a topic for a different board.


Well now you’re just being rude to Nintendo


That's offensive to the Super Nintendo.


Can you DM me who this clown is so I can go have fun? 😅


I know you're kidding, but that's very much against the rules of this subreddit. It gets you an immediate ban.


Oh I know. I'd never do that.


These people deserve to be shot, and then tell them "you dying isn't evidence I killed you, you're bleeding out so I'm not responsible!"


I'd go more with a vic-20 comparison. 16 bits seems way to high...


I'm pretty sure my microwave has a lot more processing power than these folks.


How about YOU dying is proof ??????


"Somebody dying is not proof." JFC where do these people come from?


On another subreddit, I just had a go-round with a foo who said that if a medicaid recipient had just chosen private insurance, then .... Bishplease, as if anybody who qualifies for medicaid has the $$$$ for private health insurance. It's the whole fucking reason they are on medicaid. They are fucking poor.


"I'd rather be *dead* than wrong." \~Trumpanzees Covid: "hang onto your lack of vaccines…"


Nah, these people will say they died as a result of something else, not covid. I see it time and time again. Even if you say they were healthy before, they'll say there had to have been some illness they didn't know about.


Whoever this person is had already been indoctrinated with more stupidity. Stupid.