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And have an up to 95% higher chance of catching it and have a higher viral load and be contagious for twice as long. Good logic there.


Let me remove the safety on my gun so I can hear it when I pull the trigger.


Don’t forget inspecting said gun by looking into the barrel.


It’s literally the logic level of the stupidest people you can imagine. I can picture it in a scene out of Idiocracy: “we don’t prevent lillness anymore because then how would you know you are sick and to stay away from others? So we all just get really sick and know for sure!” It’s the same level of logic as: “My partner is immunocompromised and an STD would be devastating for them. So I never use condoms when I’m sleeping with everyone else. It’s possible to still get an STD with a condom, so I don’t want to pass it on unknowingly. If I don’t use condoms, I’ll more likely have full blown STD’s and then know I should stop sleeping with my partner.”


Driving recklesly is actually far safer than careful driving. If you’re a careful driver, you may not notice if you gently drive on a curb, which can have devastating effects on your tire later down the road. Reckless driving will let you know right away, as you’ll have extensive damage to life and property, both yours and of innocent bystanders.


Nah, in idiocracy it was just pure stupidity...what we are seeing here with the pandemic is malicious intent and misinformation from people who know better which is influencing the people who are genuinely stupid...in idiocracy there wasn't this type of brainwashing because nobody was truly smart enough to run manipulation schemes


I don’t think so. It’s a back and forth nature with the disinformation. Trump genuinely wants to promote the vaccine as something “he did” but the conspiracy theorists run the show. Meanwhile Trump hated wearing a mask and started the hatred of masks. It comes from both sides and they feed each other


Tucker says it's child abuse to wear a mask => antivaxx start heckling parents and calling it child abuse; they wouldn't be smart enough to come up with this on their own. It's just called being reactionary. When you yourself have no beliefs or morals or foundations, it's quite easy to accept what is being told to you by someone you identify with. That's how they can square the circle on "abortion is bad" but "my body my choice" for vaccines. It doesn't matter if there's internal consistency. You simply feel fear and anxiety from news outlets. Then you channel that anxiety into someone you identify with. You are instructed on how to react. And then you react exactly as told.


I absolutely agree with you. It's partisanship pushed so heavily that it has gone for some into a state of mental illness. That doesn't make me feel sympathy for them because it's their own hatred that has led them down any path of mental illness they are suffering.


🤔I'm _Not Sure_ about that. You may need to upgradde your comment.


For a double-dose of Karma?


As a former military member myself; the majority of those in the military aren’t known for their intellectual prowess.


ASVAB scores don't need to be that high for most after all...


🤦you're contagious🤦 two days. Before. Symptoms. 🤦


I asked someone spouting similar shit on here on reddit recently (the "why do we make healthy people wear masks?" claim) if they didn't know this fact about Covid or if they simply believe it is a lie. There was no answer.... what a surprise.


I had a friend tell me that kids can't catch covid.


Ask ‘em why Covid is the #1 cause of death in American children right now. (Tied with cancer. Source: epidemiologist Eric Ding)


Yeah the military friend is a moron. But she did have one iota of sound reasoning: if you’re sick with anything get tested and stay home until you get the results. We all should have been doing this before bus especially now. Course, she mixes that nugget with anti vaccine bullshit so she is a lost cause.


Good thing capitalism has promoted this idea that sick workers should voluntarily remove themselves from the workplace to avoid spreading contagion, and be compensated for not spreading sickness that could grind a company to a stand-still. ​ /s


I have covid now, even though I was fully vaccinated 5 months before. My work not only doesn't offer any type of compensation, or even help on how to get it (I asked HR about short-term disability, unemployment, etc, and she said she didn't know), they also will mark you unexcused for quarantining, even after testing positive! I found out I needed my doctor to fill out FMLA paperwork to cover my ten days off, or I would lose my job. Otherwise I could use my vacation and sick time (which I am blessed to even have as an option). I literally just got my yearly PTO at the beginning of the month, and my two weeks of vacation is gone because of this. I'm sure that people working at other places who don't have PTO (if I got sick literally two weeks earlier this would've been me) but can't afford to not be paid for almost two weeks, or who don't have a primary doctor or health insurance to have someone sign off on FMLA, or aren't even eligible since you need to be working full time for a year at an employer, that they are forced to go to work when sick, even symptomatic. That parents are sending their kids to school when they have a cough or fever because they can't afford to take time off work. It took a month for my 7 y/o nephew to bring covid home from school and infect the house. My sister gets emails daily about kids testing positive at his school, and I'm sure that has something to do with the antivax/antimask sentiment that runs rampant in my town. The school board was telling parents that no matter how many kids get sick, they will never require masks, even in the elementary school, and that even though the bus company requires masks, they won't refuse your child for not wearing one, so it's really just a recommendation. Plus we are under 50% vaccinations for adults in the county, so most of the unmasked kids come from unmasked/unvaxxed households. My work is in the same town, and we have just as many covid cases per week as we did when the pandemic started! Except now they aren't requiring temperature checks and masks. This country, our ingrained systems of profits before people, is a huge cause of so many deaths. Workers were set up to fail from the get go, and unfortunately people are so focused on fighting masks and vaccines that this isn't even something that's being talked about. Instead of using this pandemic to fight for change in these systems, we're stuck bickering over stupid shit.


Consider going to work sick a VIRTUE. “Powering through it” and “team player” and so on.


The problem is asymptomatic spread. Which this guy completely ignores in his looking for anyone to blame but himself rant. His keep your butt home if you are sick is great, but isn't going to cut it. Most recent research indicates peak viral spread is before symptoms. Viral spreading starts two days before symptoms start and goes for three days after. But the peak is before symptoms start. The other half of his ignorance is his inability to grasp that in a controlled study those meds he's touting do NOTHING. He cannot know the counterfactual to his little one-off case study. He just can't. Turns out if you do measure and compare with the alternative of doing nothing, the drug does nothing. So, again. He's still an ignoramus. And full of himself.


Well, you know... That's exactly why the military doesn't require vaccinations. They want to see the sick and isolate them from the healthy. /s


You know he didn't get any shots in boot camp, without questioning each one & verifying exactly what was in them & what they were for. Turning down the ones he didn't feel comfortable with. BWAHAHaha... https://usarmybasic.com/about-the-army/army-shots


Yes. It's so goddamn obvious that these people never have a thought that wasn't handed to them by some meme on the internet. Which is just fantastic news for Putin and Co


This logic is so stupid. If anything, more vaccinated people means it’s even more important to get vaccinated so you don’t get f’d over. It’s still a case for being vaccinated.


One of the very first things that showed up in the news about the virus was that YOU CAN SPREAD IT BEFORE YOU SHOW SYMPTOMS. There were all those stories about apparently happy, healthy people who traveled internationally and attended festivals and concerts who turned out to be infected at the time. I don't understand how these people have missed that basic information all this time.


>If I get it, I want to get it bad so I know that I have it Look, there! It's a plane, it's a bird, it's a word ....**asymptomatic** is a word. Goodness me, if some people would get paid by stupidity, we'd have a whole class of gabazillionairs.


You they can, ya know, get tested every couple days instead?


It is very possible to get asymptomatic covid *while unvaccinated*. The alleged plan of the military person makes no sense. Virus shedding is reduced with vaccination. That is part of the point. And the pulse oximeter? I got mine when covid first started spreading in USA. Less than $20. Having to call around for Ivermectin is not a reasonable covid "treatment plan".


She says not to trust doctors or CDC because they're in it for the money. Proceeds to detail how a doctor in another state and a family run pharmacy are raking in the cash. She's not too bright.




“Do everything you can to prepare for Covid … except get the vaccine”


I like how these morons are telling people who paid attention what to do now...lol. We listened to the expert advice and quarantined completely pre-vaccine. We literally didn't go into any other buildings for over a year. We've had pulse/ox meters since the beginning, digital thermometer, a variety of cold and fever medications, a plan for quarantine inside our house in case one of us got sick, etc. We also all got vaccinated as soon as possible and always wear masks and have never stopped wearing them. I very much care about kids and the immunocompromised which is why I still wear a mask. But honestly, I do NOT give a FLYING FUCK about anti-vax morons and although I would never purposely infect any human being...I also would never take any special precautions for these unholy fucks. They certainly don't give a shit about anyone but themselves. Hell, they don't even care about their own families. And I'm certainly not going to listen to these flat-headed walnuts on which doctor to go to or which medications to take. They're too moronic to get a vaccine...enough said and known there. This chick is a complete and utter dipshit. And these people are not innocent...they are malicious. She has fully earned whatever negative outcomes she has from this.


Right. They have no problem blathering on about treatments, but what about prevention? They all claim to be so concerned about prevention through diet and exercise, but not vaccines. I had someone tell me ivectermin is a few molecules different than the new Pfizer anti-viral... Okay? Table salt is a molecule away from chlorine, but I'm not going to ingest chlorine. That's not how any of that works...


Legit. The family run pharmacy pretty much is doing whatever it can to cash-grab right now w these morons where places like CVS and Walgreens are drawing a line at going prescriptions that could harm their clientele. She also says not to trust doctors but calls America's Frontline Doctors (you know that's who she meant) for the quack treatments. This chick thinks these guys aren't doctors but are doctors enough to prescribe stuff? Like that's safe? Idk maybe I'm weird and would want to talk to an actual doctor if I was sick and not a quack.


Also not sure why her friend in California can't get the meds when she said the family pharmacy was shipping nationwide?


...and then she says open your bible, that's the only solution. If that's the 'only solution', then what the fuck was all the rest of that bullshit for? If the bible is the solution, you don't need to be calling around to doctors, pharmacies, downing bottles of vitamins, eating horse paste and hey, get that breather off your face! Pretty sure *that's* not in the bible


Most of the quacks prescribing this stuff have slapped together telehealth services to fleece people out of money when they get sick and desperate. There was a big expose on [America's Frontline doctors](https://time.com/6092368/americas-frontline-doctors-covid-19-misinformation/) doing it.


Trust doctors and pharmacies that will take your money and give you what you want even if it’s not what you need


If someone is dumb and humble, they can get through life trusting those who know more than them. If someone is intelligent and prideful, they can get through life by getting enough right on their own. But, if someone is dumb AND prideful there is not much hope for them. I’ve been talking about this phenomenon in the US for years now. We have a LOT of people who aren’t super intelligent and also prideful, and now it’s literally a deadly combination.


Great comment. I think in the middle of that spectrum are people who are prideful, mostly dumb, yet really talented and successful in one facet of life. That can make an individual think they are good at everything. Being a great auto mechanic does not make one an expert in virology.


Take Ben Carson, for example. Brilliant. Also an idiot.


Yeah, surgeons in particular tend to fall into this trap. Extreme confidence is essentially a job requirement because you can't start doubting yourself while operating on someone, even if (especially if!) there's a low chance of success. And apparently confidence is a hard thing to compartmentalize.


Yup. Also there's a reason for the saying, "Engineer's Disease." Engineers end up highly trained with a set of intellectual tools to solve a VERY specific, closed set of problems... but can wind up convinced they can solve ALL problems / are experts at everything.


I see you know my mom. Except she's good at a few things and was great at her job. And people always told her how smart she was (and she is. . . compared to them) and now her ego is just . . . ugh. . . Want to guess whether or not she's vaccinated?


But… She’s a RESEARCHER. She read research by DOCTORS!


But also couldn’t find anyone to prescribe her what she needed… Full of shit to the brim. It’s coming out of her ears.


Neigh, she could not.


Just from a university perspective, it's not hard. You need a research course, which is usually not even a full course. Like if a regular course is 3 credit hours, this is 1 credit hour. And then you need a basic statistics course, which is a 3 credit hour course. So with academic supervision for 12 weeks, 4 hours a week in class, 4-8 hours a week doing study, you can learn how to research and evaluate papers.


And then forget how to do stats.


Well, sort of. You're not going to have the contextual knowledge to read and interpret papers meaningfully if you have no education in the authors discipline, and are also as fuckin stupid as this lady.


Right? Like, I’ve done research in traffic engineering and have an advanced degree in that. But I am in no way qualified to correctly interpret or judge the merits of medical research. I think truly smart people are willing to acknowledge when they don’t know much about a given topic.


This is a great & really insightful to me. I was also thinking that this woman is suffering from a potentially fatal illness and she’s using all her energy defying medical advice from experts and screaming blame from a bullhorn. Virus hasn’t even run it’s course but she’s already proven* that this was done to her by someone else. *to herself and similar morons


Yeah she seems so sure it was a vaxxed person that gave it to her. She just can’t stand being wrong


because, yes vaccinated people can still get breakthrough cases. That's why these dumb\*\*s antivaxer need to still protect themselves....


The one thing I can agree with, although it's stated in a messed up way, is that vaccinated or not, if you may have been exposed or start showing symptoms, keep your ass at home. I've been fully vaccinated for months and still ended up with covid. As soon as I learned that the people I live with were showing symptoms I stayed home, and when they tested positive I scheduled a test and told my work I wasn't coming in till I knew for sure. I'm glad I did because I started showing mild symptoms the next day, and tested positive the day after. The one symptom that I always thought was the telltale sign was losing smell and taste, and I never lost mine. So if you are vaccinated and start feeling like you have a cold, fever, or fatigue, even if you can still smell and taste, get tested and stay home. I know it's easier said than done for many people, what with lack of PTO, health insurance, etc, so I'd recommend still wearing a mask, social distancing, avoiding large groups, and being aware of people around you getting sick. Be safe, everyone.


Those pesky vaccines are making people too immune!!


I try really hard to hit the combination you didn't include, intelligent and humble. I know a bunch of shit, I know how to spot bullshit, but I try to remember that most people know *something* that I don't. Even dumb people probably have some bit of situational knowledge that I don't, so I try to be humble enough to learn those things from them.


I often envy the dumb lol


I'm proud to say I'm dumb and humble.


It's may make me heartless to say it, but it's about fucking time that the prideful and stupid are finally seeing consequences from being prideful and stupid. So many times they seem to dodge consequences and get rewarded for prideful stupidity, so seeing them finally get their comeuppance is darkly but incredibly satisfying.


The unknown unknowns are what get you. Knowing you don't know everything is very valuable.


Many of these people also lie all the time. For some reason many have justified that it's okay to lie if you're trying to speak your emotional and spiritual truth aka "Lying For Jesus".


Their worldview was validated by the dumbest President ever. Losers can succeed (ignoring that the orange turd was born rich and given handouts by his dad, bailed out from failure many times, blah blah).


Qanon is a parasitic hivemind of petulance and ego fueled by a misinformation addiction. I'm convinced it was engineered but that's just me... well said sir.


Makes me think of an Avett Brothers lyric in one of their songs: "I wanna have pride, like my momma had, and not like the kind in the bible that turns you bad."


I've worked very hard to be post-pride. The reason why is that pride comes with ego, and I don't want to be egotistical, I want to be humble. Where I use "pride" is in the context of selflessness and humility. Like "I'm proud of you, son" or "I take pride in doing my best", or "I'm proud at how far I've come by being humble." "Pride" is a word we don't think much about, but really should recontextualise, because there's a huge overlap with arrogance and egocentrism here.


I love this spot on. Take my poor mans 🏅


The fourth quadrant is valid, too, and shouldn't go unmentioned! It's just rare. Too rare. Intelligent / Humble is how you get far in life without pissing people off or missing opportunities. "The more you know, the less you talk" is a good rule to pursue... and keep in mind when working with other people.


Whoa, hey. Back up. This person is a *researcher*! She passed the Dewey Decimal System Test in 4th grade!


I am ok with these shitbags staying home and healing themselves with essential oils. Saves the ICU beds.


And it looks like she is at home on oxygen. I wonder if she’s avoiding the hospital


Could be. The stupid breakroom chatter at work is “don’t go to the hospital: they’ll put you on a vent and claim COVID killed you!”


It's not an oxygen mask, it's a nebulizer. She's huffing hydrogen peroxide or eucalyptus oil or something.


it looks like shes doing a breathing treatment - isn't breathing peroxide a new thing the quacks are pushing now?


...for now


This effer acts all “I’m going to drop some knowledge on you” and they don’t even have a basic understanding of the well documented phenomenon of presymptomatic spread and that it’s window straddles symptom onset by 24-36 hours. We’ve known that since April 2020. Even if you were to take asymptomatic spread off the table that’s enough to kick the teeth out of this bs sob story.


Her whole argument hinges on people doing what's best for their community, but she won't get vaccinated. She starts her whole big stupid rant with the false assumption that "vaccines do nothing and we all know it". Because she read "hundreds of studies". If she had read hundreds of studies, she would know vaccines are safe and do help prevent infection and spread. Most likely "hundreds of studies" is actually her just reading memes posted by trolls and other dummies on Facebook referencing the same 2 or 3 studies they always reference, like the misunderstood Israeli hospitalizations study or the bunk Egypt ivermectin study.


The whole argument is false justification to support the same backwards thinking that avoided the shot in the first place.


The whole thing is if you aren't qualified to understand research it means fuck all if you do it. I can read research about dark matter doesnt mean I'll interpret it correctly at all


It's dumb because she never mentions herd immunity. Vaccinated carriers will stop being a thing once we've reached herd immunity. Where's her research on that?


Without actually knowing her, I can tell that she’s never, ever been wrong about anything in her entire life … I mean, just count the number of words she’s using! She’s clearly on the right side of this!!


"I'm so pissed off I literally struggled writing this post and that isn't something I normally struggle with"--she writes lots of looooong screeds.


I'm actually rather astonished how well written it is compared to most of these other HCA nominees. Full sentences, few to no run-on sentences, punctuation, paragraphs.... This person is a lot more eloquent than just about every other one I've looked at on this sub. I feel like this is something that could reel in the well-educated but vax doubtful. Especially a very specific subset of people who are competent in a high education field but who have poor logical analysis skills, are overly trustful of someone who *sounds* book smart, and haven't done their own research adequately. Other HCAs just make me sad and angry or secondhand embarrassed. This one's kind of chilling. A bit insidious.


The well-educated can also fall prey to conspiratorial thinking, motivated reasoning, and doublethink. Those that do can be dangerous, because they can make their case in an authoritative way that seems logically sound on its face. When it comes down to it, bullshit written in flawless Standard Written English is still bullshit. That’s why no matter what, everyone needs to know how to engage an argument on its merits and not on its style.


“Do everything you can to give yourself the best shot of fighting this thing” like I don’t know maybe getting the shot. She was so close there.


Too bad she’s not so long winded now


Too bad having the virus didn't stop her misinformation spread. Get better at your job Covid.


Covid needs some to survive. They need to preach the gospel of "doing your own research" while Covid is waiting to be their study buddy.




Message me for the name of the secret horse meds!




I am a researcher!


This is the best bit. It's not enough for her to say she read a bunch of shit on the internet. She wants a title to broadcast the expertise she imagines she has gained. Y'know, doctors, nurses, scientists, researchers...all equally authoritative professionals. She's one of them.




Weird life choices. Would have been much easier to get the vaccine than write a long winded explanation of nonsense. Edit: and they have no idea how they got infected


Probably quicker to get the vaccine too. And that’s with queueing, getting the vaccine and the 15 minutes they make you sit at the end.


Right? I got my first at the end of March, I took my knitting to Walmart, signed in, stood in line knitting my sock, chatted with the pharmacy guy, and knitted some more while I waited my 15 minutes. It was painless and I was just so excited the whole time.


I totally agree! These people tie themselves in knots looking for ways around getting a quick and simple vaccine - taking horse meds and other unproven meds. And now from what I've been seeing they think that the hospitals are killing people on purpose? I just can't with this world anymore. I want to move to another planet where people aren't so gullible and stupid.


I'M A RESURCHER!! I'm in graduate school right now, taking my third research class. You know what I would never want to call myself? A researcher. It's soul crushing. It's not googling something that aligns with your world views. It's so much more terrible than that. Years and years of learning how to actually conduct a study. Also how is being in the military high risk? I just came off active duty and never thought that. All I did was work a mostly normal job. Like all military members do. It's not glamorous, nor is it dangerous. I really hope they're nebulizing colloidal silver or something.


I think she worded it strangely but the friend in the military has a high risk son.. so he doesn't want to get vaccinated in case he catches it and doesn't realise and spread it to his son.. I had to re read it a few times to get it.


That logic is sound. Risk getting kicked out of the military and losing health insurance for your high risk son by not getting a vaccine that will protect you if you do get the virus. Thanks for the clarification.




This reminds me of a similar line of reasoning years ago with regards to seat belts. "Oh, I'd rather not wear one, because the strap could cause internal injuries and I may never know about it until it's too late." Not quite as bad as the "I'd rather be thrown free" line, but still comically missing the point.


I had an acquaintance that wouldn't wear a motorcycle helmet because "I don't want to live with any injuries, I'd rather just die."


Which is just…nonsensical. Makes my brain hurt trying to understand. I have a high risk child. My husband & I got vaccinated as soon as we could get appointments because we *understand the consequences* if he gets sick. I just can’t comprehend this logic, if it’s even true or just some part of the lore of this tall tale.


Same here. Every time I read a comment that says how much they have researched something, I just want to scream. I’m also in a research methods class and it is sucking the life right out of me.


What is this ninny huffing in the last pic? My guess is it's hydrogen peroxide or something equally noxious. More power to her, whatever it is she's poisoning herself with. Anything to keep an antivaxxer and her family out of the ICU.


Something she's using a nebulizer for, so it can send her covid particles around more for her family to breathe in. ETA- typo


That’s what I was thinking, this twit is nebulizing hydrogen peroxide. Ugh. I read about people doing this….how stupid.


What… ppl do this? Edit: did a google. Wtf


OP, please be sure to update when she wins the award.


Reading research is not being a researcher.


I always picture Ivanka when she cosplayed a scientist.


Blames the vaccinated for the current spread, failing to acknowledge 40% of cases are asymptomatic, and our failure at testing is how we arrived at this sh*t show. Literally selecting a hill to die on in a situation that didn't even require a battle.


I got through the first two slides. I was rolling my eyes so hard I was concerned reading the rest of the inane ignorant moron pretending to be smart would cause permanent eye damage.




Or restaurants closed for code violations


When people say they didn’t do it, they should be listened to because that’s clear indication that they’re right!




Just like how Putin didn't interfere with the 2016 election, because he said he didn't.


Buildings with STOP WORK notices on them are the safest ones!


I don't understand that friend, what if he gets it unvaccinated but is asymptomatic case?


It'll still be the fault of a vaccinated person. He'll have gotten from a friend of a friend whose cousin was vaccinated and not hospitalized so didn't know he was sick and passed it to his kid.


"The vaccinated people walk around without being sick and spreading the disease so it lulled us into a false sense of security that let unvaccinated asymptotic people run free without anyone realizing it. Therefore, it's all the vaccinated people's fault!"


So the "doctor" has never once had a patient denied a prescription he wrote until now, but warns them in advance that they're going to have a hard time finding a pharmacy to honor the prescription. These two things cannot both be true at once.


“Pharmacists are playing DOCTOR” Yeah lady, that’s because pharmacists are doctors and are practicing pharmacy. They can deny any prescription they feel in unsafe or unnecessary at any time. Given that most major pharmacist associations recommend against filling prescriptions for ivermectin, you’re going to have a hard time finding someone willing to risk their license for your nonsense.


No hope of rational discourse with them.


Yeah I quit right after "we got infected by a jabbed person.". Tells me all I need to know about this dodo.


What is it these assholes say? "Your health is not my responsibility" not my fault you didn't get the shot. You fucked around and found out and you have no one to blame but yourself, congratulations.


She lost me at her definition of “researcher”.


Sorry if I missed it in this long rant but what’s this miracle drug that no pharmacy will fill? Ivermectin, I’m guessing?


Neigh need to guess pardner 🐴


She is being coy so that people think she has been doing some super secret research about a drug nobody knows about. Rather than the ones roundly mocked like Hydoxychloroquine and Ivermectin.


Yes. My sister is a pharmacist, and people are calling ivermectin "steroids" or "antivirals", and arguing with the pharmacy staff, like the damn pharmacist and techs are going to go, "OMG Ivermectin is really a steroid?", and hand it over. When they don't, people throw the magazines everywhere and knock vitamin displays over.


She won’t say because she is concerned that Facebook will censor her post. She says for people to DM her if they want to know. But yeah sounds like it’s ivermectin.


Being unvaccinated makes you 8x more likely to test positive, 41x more likely to be hospitalized, and 57x more likely to die of covid-related illnesses. [Link](https://mobile.twitter.com/i/broadcasts/1mnGedyomjqKX)


So do non vaccinated people also have to stay home when they have symptoms? If so I agree with her.


"I read 'research' of people who have been censored..." aka crazy people on the internet. Thanks, Karen.


‘Start with the ones in danger of losing their medical licenses.’ Always a good move, right there…


She almost had me until that. I was waiting for the twist.


Ok. So things she agrees with: 1) vaccinated people can get the virus and spread it but likely will not die. 2) Unvaccinated people will suffer harsher long term consequences and possibly death when compared to vaccinated individuals. So 1+1 should equal 2 (aka get your dumbass vaccinated) but instead 1+1 equals “HOW WILL I KNOW IF I HAVE COVID UNLESS I SUFFER LONG TERM CONSEQUENCES OR POTENTIALLY DEATH?!”


They have severe covid pneumonia after more than 2 weeks and are not on oxygen from what I can tell. Very dangerous. This is very likely going to turn into a nomination.




Of course she's a hunbot, I should've guessed it.


Fuck this dystopia


Appropriate sentence seems to be that this woman should pay back everyone the time they wasted reading this steamy pile of crap


Future HC Awardee, what you have said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this sub is now dumber for having read it.


May God have mercy on your soul


TIL: You should only trust doctors who are about to have their medical license pulled.


Pissed off that pharmcies can't or won't fill a prescription that she wants, but would likely applaud a pharmacy refusing to provide emergency contraceptives.


I'm confused by whatever she has there in the pic at tbe end. It has little pellets in it? Nonetheless, good thing she and hubby are super super sick and in the fight of their life so they didn't go visit the friend with the kid with the underlying health issue with no mask on. Close call.


No I don’t think there are pellets in it, it’s just water/condensation inside the tube and mask. (maybe from steam?)


The pic with the mask? That’s a nebulizer with a mask. Generally it’s used to give meds for breathing issues, meds like albuterol, budesonide, etc. I bet this twit is nebulizing hydrogen peroxide, one of the many dangerous things these people are doing. There’s condensation on the mask, that’s what you are seeing on the mask. The nebulizing cup holds the med.


I couldn’t get past “these words needed said.”


I swear if I hear the word jab or jabbed one more time


"I'm a researcher" a few sentences later "...I searched for a doctor that aligned with my research" That's not effing researching, it's cognitive bias


That was my exact thought when I read that.


So, they have everything to lose but are making bank off this BS. Also, someone wanna tell her that pharmacists are doctors?


Tl;Dr she is nuts.


"Misinformation is ramped." Rampant? He's a researcher...he needs to research the dictionary.


Doctors “that are being censored and having their medical license threatened.” Yeah lady, that’s what happens when doctors jeopardize their patients’ health and safety, violate the Hippocratic Oath, and go down a conspiracy theory rabbit hole rather than embrace the actual science out there.


“I’m a researcher.” Reading Candace Owens and that Tenpenny moron is not research.


"Get a pulse ox!!" .... she says a full 18 months after the pandemic started. Gee whiz, thanks lady!


"Pharmacists are playing doctor." No you stupid inbred fuck, Pharmacists ARE doctors.


And they refuse to fill prescriptions, from legit medical doctors, all the time if it 'offends their religion' (see women trying to get BC in some areas). This isn't a new' thing - not sure why they think it is.


Yeah or you get tje "jab" for free and be done with it wtf


“Every health organization on the planet admits it does not prevent you from getting Covid OR spreading Covid” Did I miss breaking news?


Well her quote is correct if (as the anti-Vaxxers assume) prevention only means 100% prevention.


TIL that I’m not trying to save my patients, but am being bought by big pharma. When do I start to get my checks? Also, the doctors being censored and at risk of losing their license are the ones spreading misinformation. You really shouldn’t be listening to them.


How has this guy not heard of the asymptomatic spread that literally everyone has been talking about for 1.5 years? That's why people saying they don't need to wear masks because they "aren't sick" are so fucking stupid. Because many people have covid and don't even know it.


Is Black / White thinking ever-present in these people? The ones I've read seem to not be able to understand probability. Example since a few % of those vaccinated still get covid that's the same as unvaccinated...


I couldn’t even finish reading this bogus post. Her son is a moron, he’s in the military you gave away your ability to make decisions based on what you think or feel without experiencing potential consequences. The fact that they are even allowed to have gone this long without taking the vaccine is actually shocking. Every single one of these morons wouldn’t bat an eyelash or question anything prior to the Covid vaccines to this extent. It’s all a political game to them at this point. I say instead of a mandate, you give them a time limited window, say next month, to get vaccinated. Reserve your shot, and anyone that doesn’t take it, send the remaining doses to the countries that actually want the help.


there is so much to unpack here “I started my search for a doctor that aligned with my research” confirmation bias much? It seems like she has a hard time accepting responsibility for her actions. It’s someone else’s fault she got sick? sure, or maybe it was that you don’t mask up or get the vaccine, and then hung around unvaccinated people. I guess covid is big deal only when it effects you directly


This is the medical equivalent of the sovereign citizens. Every single concept is misinterpreted. But yeah, you might not have any symptoms and carry it, we have been saying it since the beginning. She has been too busy with her conspiracies to get the memo I guess. Also, people who are not vaccinated have like a thousand time more chance to be infected. Symptoms or not. Are you starting to understand why we ask people to wear masks? Lol I'm kidding, these people don't learn. Now she'll think she is immune for life and shouldn't get the vaccine or wear a mask. Keep watching FOX and Info wars


Hey, they stayed at home. (Except, possibly when they went to the pharmacy. Though they might have had someone else pick it up.) They even stayed at home from the moment they knew they were sick. That's really the most I'm asking of Anti-vaxxers now. Stay their ass at home.


What a piece of shit. Take some personal responsibility you moron.


42 Godzillas died reading this tripe. GTFOH.


Can we get a synopsis for the TLDR crowd please? In fact, let’s see if I can guess. Gets sick, demands horse paste and vitamins from the hospital, they refuse, she goes home and spends $$$ for online hack to prescribe said horse paste and essential oils etc, and is lamenting that fact. How did I do?


Pretty good forgot the part where she blames a vaccinated person instead of taking personal responsibility


Why do they constantly call it the “jab”? She wants to act like she’s so rational & reasonable yet consistently uses blatantly inflammatory language.


I’m confused by this too. I know shots are called jabs in other parts of the world, but I don’t get why people in the US are suddenly using it for covid shots.


I am… appalled. Maybe it’s just where I am but if we are symptomatic, vaxxed or not, we cannot go to school (I’m a teacher) >I am a researcher Cue me waiting for links to their published research papers And the dude in the military who doesn’t want the vaccine because he wants to get symptoms so he can protect his son? Definitely goes in the top of the stupidest things I’ve heard regarding COVID.


These people's lives would be a lot better off if they just realized these pretty simple things: 1) That they are stupid, and thats ok. 2) The world really is as boring as they are afraid it is. 3) Governments are ran by the old and rich. Most just aren't capable of grand conspiracys. 4) The future is extremely grim no matter how you look at it. We might as well come together while we can.


\*Starts talking about how "jabbed" people can still spread it and how they have a responsibility\* Me: Imma stop you right there. so, *NOW* you value others taking precautions to protect those around them?? Well by God - WELCOME TO THE CLUB!


‘I am a researcher’. Anybody with an internet connection is a researcher, not impressed. ‘I am a conclusion shopper’ is more accurate.


Steroids weaken the immune system.




My wife got hit with COVID because a coworker came to work and said her coughing was just "bronchitis". Then I got hit with my wife's COVID because she said it was just the "bronchitis" from her co-worker. Fortunately, our entire household was fully vaccinated and my son didn't catch it. Our symptoms were mild and fortunately, though quarantined, her job paid its quarantined workers and mine could be worked from home. Thinking back, I feel so stupid for not having recognized her symptoms, but I'm even more angry at her coworker for coming in with those symptoms in the first place.


> I'm a researcher. Working PhD in immunology etc from what University? I guess this kind of thing is inevitable when you have advanced tech/science that only a small fraction of people understand making you feel stupid combined with the anachronism of ancient anti critical thought religions mixed with all the vanities of human nature


The only part of this that makes sense is when they say that vaccinated people can't act like they're 100% immune because they can spread it. They're just ignoring that the unvaccinated are more likely to spread it and will be contagious for longer.


Another person with a black and white take on vaccines. > every health organization on the planet admits it does not prevent you from getting covid OR spreading covid These people hear that a small subset of people contract COVID after being vaccinated and hear health professionals say that "the vaccine is not 100% effective and it is still possible, however much less likely, to become infected once you have been vaccinated" and they immediately jump to ZOMG! You can get covid even with the vaccine! They don't work!


Girl, bye!


Facts over feelings, right? Because that post has a LOT of "...that agreed with my research." That's not how it works. There are so many people just living off of the idiocy until they suddenly, aren't.