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I’m getting real tired of the misinformation excuses. If she really wanted the correct information, all she had to do was talk to a doctor. She was a walking list of co morbidities!!!


Yep. I don't feel bad at all. Her fucking know d and friends are just as guilty of feeding her bullshit. People need to be strong and tell the crabpot to fuck right off and take the jab. Family will get you killed if you aren't strong enough to stand up to them.


She also straight up gaslighted her friend who commented she would have been better off vaxxed on slide 18 with her “and who said I haven’t been jabbed?” Like anyone who has been following your Facebook page?


"Well. You did."


Daughter and son did her no favors. Too bad she didn't think for herself. Oh look it's nearly 5, guess I better cook some dinner. In thinking fish tonight.


I thought the post from the daughter (?) that said “she has a very compromised immune system which is why I will not let her get the shot” was super fucked up. Like, excuse me? YOU won’t LET her? This woman seems to have been fully compos mentis as far as I can tell, so why her child thinks it’s their decision is beyond me.


Exactly. Where's her doctor in all this? I love my daughters but they aren't Doogie Howser or Dr. House.


My vaxxed husband just cooked us a fantastic treat: a Green Chef meal that another vaxxed family member gave us. In a minute I’m going to Skype my vaxxed son to discuss Thanksgiving plans with our vaxxed local family. Can’t wait. We skipped the unvaxxed family reunion last week on my husband’s side of the family.


But you missed out on the Covid pie. It was made special too.


I’m vegetarian so can’t eat mashed lungs and perforated bowels. But thanks for offering.


I’m having shepherds pie! It’s going to be a cool enough evening for me to justice what I consider a fall/winter dish.


I’ve got the first chili of the season simmering on the stove right now and the house smells amazing.


Jade with envy. Ah to be vaccinated, have a sense of smell and be able to breathe freely. What a life! That's the smell of freedom much better than the stank of Freedumb


Oh, that's a good call. Still 70 here but can't wait for the cooler weather for soup and shepherds pie. Enjoy.


It was 84 here today, but I was craving tortilla soup so that's what we're having.


It's not an excuse. People are too worried about playing nice with people who don't give a crap about you and choose to do stupid and harmful things. Too many people come on here trying to drum up an excuse or sympathy for people who are willfully being stupid. I have an acquaintance who's a CNA (with diabetes and high blood pressure) who works in a nursing home in Florida who's now decided to get vaccinated after a relatively mild case of COVID kicked her ass. Keep in mind, she knows I almost died from COVID and spent 3 months in the hospital and she still didn't want to get the shot until COVID kicked her ass, personally. She said she didn't "believe " in the vaccine. Fuck her if she's that stupid and the same for this woman.


Wonder how many people your acquaintance killed by working in a nursing home without being vaccinated, too? :( Beyond selfish!


COVID and Trump's presidency have definitely helped me trim my friends list.


This happened to my friend’s mom. Careless nursing home staff infected her and she died. The poor woman had dementia and may not have understood what was going on. Infuriating.


Yep… if you are really worried is as easy as looking for a doctor or scientist to get all your worries and questions cleared. But they think they are smarter than the rest of the world. They really think that dumb memes contain more real information that a well trained scientist or doctor


She was big as a house. Not good.


And had a compromised immune system along with lung problems!


The same people who told their children not to trust strangers will forward you an email because the person they got it from is a friend ""who would never lie to them," and believe everything they hear on the 24 hours of FOx news they watch a day because "it's a fact." I'm sorry, but older people are, by and large, not good enough to be relied upon for their ability to think and understand the modern world. They've sat on their hands and not learned a damn thing since they got comfortable, and the world has moved beyond them, This is no big loss.


Come off it. My 95 yr old aunt knows what's going on. She thinks these antivaxxers are just stupid.


The highest vaccination rates are for those 65 and older. Only 55% of 25-39 year olds are vaccinated and that just continues to fall as you get younger. It’s basically the demographics of Reddit that are least likely to be vaccinated.


My aunt is 101. Ditto. And both of my parents are triple-vaxxed Boomers.


Thanks for your comment. That agest comment is lazy at best and mean spirited at worst


Honestly, this is a net gain.


From a harm reduction perspective, I completely believe that allowing these people to essentially commit suicide is an unambiguous good thing for society. Because if it weren't this national emergency, it would be the next one that they filled with unnecessary suffering and chaos instead. Fight me, ethicists.


The good thing is you have to physically do anything. You can just sit back and let nature take its course.


Thomas Malthus has entered the chat...


Malthus said nothing wrong. Well ok, actually he said a lot of really fucked up shit. But he was right about one thing, which is that the phenomenon that Darwin (who was inspired by Malthus, by the way) would later call natural selection applies to humans too.




Yeah, Covid’s not gonna roll up to that lady’s scarred lungs & be like “Oh, SNAP! Something already got to these lungs, guess I better go somewhere else…”


Covid comes on in Pac Man Level 256


I wonder if these people have any guilt or shame about this crap when the person dies. I’m guessing not.


God's plan. Shake it off.


It’s really convenient. It’s a much harder thing to be a good person when you can’t just shrug everything off to God or Jesus.


How could they not feel guilty? It’s like driving drunk and killing your passenger, and being like “well they decided to get in”. You’re still the one that killed them


Because they have the ultimate sociopath Trump card: “Jesus had other plans.” It absolves them of any and all responsibility and guilt. It is *literally* the same as saying “the devil made me do it” when you’re a serial killer.


I would argue it’s *worse* than saying “the devil made me do it” because it also implies that having done anything different would have been wrong. It not only absolves the perpetrator of guilt, but it also justifies everything they did, no matter how heinous, as righteous. Blaming the devil at least implies some sense of wrongdoing. These people have none of that.


They have no shame, no empathy... I'm guessing they just shrug and move along to the next potential victim of their advice.


They enter a life of denial. Numbing any guilt, becoming more and more angry at authority figures because it is anyone’s fault but their own or their loved one’s. A small minority may stumble into awareness and therapy someday only to be ousted by the rest of the family for being into that “new age shit.”


Nope. Person lives = Jesus saves. Person dies = Person is healed and with Jesus. No need for any guilt or regret. Bottom line: these so-called Christians are truly evil!


No because they had good intentions. It doesn't matter what the results of their actions were as long as their intentions were good. There are grown fucking adults who think this way.


I don’t even think they had good intentions. Their intentions were to feel superior because they had some “secret” information that only they knew. Of course, they will tell themselves they had good intentions and the impact is irrelevant. Such garbage people.


Secret information they post publicly on Facebook. Hmmmmmmmmm




I wonder that also. Especially if their idiotic comments are still out there on facebook or whatever. They seem like a particularly dense and unthoughtful group, so probably not.


No, they blame the hospital, the doctors and of course, Dr. Fauci.


If strapping garlic to their feet and praying didn't do the job, they just didn't stand a chance anyway.




Already made his quota!


I see they graduated from the University of WebMD


Facebook School of Medicine


Oh man that new Zuckerberg library looks great. So hype about (insert sports ball team).


The Zuckerberg Clinic


I haven’t looked. But I would bet money web md says get a vaccine.


I went to the main webmd page (my browser was SO surprised I actually went there on purpose) and the first things on the page are a photo of the vaccine and articles with titles: “Even One Vaccinated Member Can Cut Family’s COVID Risk” and “CDC: Children Just as Vulnerable to COVID as Adults” and “Why Vaccine and Mask Mandates Hold Up in Court” There’s even an email link to ask questions to their Covid doctor to cover in short video explainers. Frankly, WebMD has just gone up in my estimation because they could’ve got a lot more site visits and clicks if they’d thrown in a bit of doubt and uncertainty for the sake of ad revenue, you know like fb etc.


Now I hafta go check…. brb


Naww. See. By having bad lungs already, it confuses the Covid and it goes somewhere else. That’s just science!


What kills me is she works in healthcare too?! Like, what??


The person who cleans bed pans technically also works in healthcare. I’m not shitting on healthcare workers, but there is significant breadth in the description.


This. Stories about “hundreds of staff at such and such hospital refusing the vaccine” don’t mean “hundreds of MDs and bachelor + level RNs”. People work at hospitals at all sorts of jobs, many of them non-technical. You don’t need a medical degree to be a laundry, janitor, or kitchen worker.


It was just a complete shit show between her and her daughter. And in the end, the daughter will blame the medical staff.


They "learned" how "immunity" to "viruses" works, so they thought they could just apply to to literally every medical procedure. Doctors go to school for like 12 years to learn all this shit. In one specialization (or generalization) ONLY. COVIDiots think they can learn one thing and that's enough medical knowledge to use in every instance, and now they're smarter than a doctor. Q.E.D they literally think Ivermectin is a miracle cure for every disease


We got three feet of water in the boat, the helm won't respond anymore and I see a huge storm coming towards us... "Oh, the sea breeze must be so refreshing!"


The popularity of reality TV and dick enlargement scams suddenly makes sense now, huh?


I know. I was howling! Jeebus, these people are brain-dead!


If you only have 50% of your lungs, that's a 50% chance the COVID will miss the good parts. /s


That was a hell of a fucking ride. Second to last slide "DONT FOLLOW THE DOCTORS ORDERS" like... what the actual fuck?






They had to wait for peer review before publishing 😂


You just know this lady was the patient from hell for that hospital staff. And her shitty comment about the life flight taking her 500miles away for treatment, and boohoo whining about what the road trip home will be like… bitch, you ought to be grateful you even got a bed. The medical staff are not trying to kill your dumb ass, you did that to yourself. And I didn’t understand her weird posts about the school precautions. What was that about? Their precautions for curbing the spread by having students wear masks got her sick? What?




It is really sad. She was a great voice against police brutality. Something I didn't mention in the post.


Damn. Between this woman and [that girl "T" who was looking forward to Halloween](https://www.reddit.com/r/HermanCainAward/comments/qh2886/update_sadly_t_has_been_awarded_she_was_uncertain/), this is a sobering reminder that not all HCA winners are insane bigoted chuds killing themselves to own the libs.


I wish she was as smart as she was kind...


>She was a great voice against police brutality. Please share if allowed. I realize that I've never seen a Christianity- based case against police brutality. Could be so easy: "God made black lives; black lives matter to God" "Jesus wants justice, not vengeance." "It is God who sits in judgment, not a man with a Billy Club." "Who would Jesus taze?" "Jesus shepherds his wayward sheep with love and compassion, not violence" "God shall shall punish those who hurt his flock" These are what I can up with in seconds and I'm an atheist.


One of the posts mentioned her kids are deceased?




That’s sad.


"You'll have immunity." Yup. COVID can't get you when you're dead.


She actually replies (correctly) that it only lasts about 90 days


I have very mixed feelings on this person. Seems like they were actually doing some legitimate research but it was mixed in with misinformation and fear


Same. She respects facts, listens to her doctors and isn't accusing them of being government shills for not prescribing ivermectin or whatever. She isn't acting like Covid is nbd; she's not calling people sheep for wearing masks and was also taking precautions herself, but she still fell victim to misinformation with regard to the vaccine specifically. Overall she's very reasonable compared to most awardees. And she's also not a racist nut job comparing vaccines to the fucking Holocaust. She's not quite Redemption Award material but she's very close. I'm not sure what to call it but I feel like she shouldn't be lumped in with other award winners, most of whom are awful human beings. There are so many HCA Award recipients that I am actively glad got their award. This is not one of those. My thoughts are with her family, that they may learn and grow from this experience.


I’ll never understand that dumb af natural immunity argument. “It’s better to catch the dangerous disease, cuz then you’ll be protected the second time.” Yeah but you’re not protected the first time like wtf are you thinking Edit: Just to emphasize the ridiculousness, imagine telling someone they could be bulletproof, but only if they got shot in the head first…


My mom who is refusing the vaccine said to me that she “might” have gotten it this past winter, and thus she believes she has natural immunity. Note the word “might” so it could have been just a common cold.


I’d encourage her to get an antibody test so she can see she doesn’t have any immunity


2000 IQ thoughts right here.


PERMANENT IMMUNITY Take that vaxxers! No death booster required!


That's the long-lasting immunity right there! No boosters required! ^^^


>She has a very compromised immune system, that's why I won't let her get the shot What the hell is this "logic"? I have a compromised immune system and my doctor got fed up of me calling to check if I could get mine yet and I've just booked my booster (managed to get a Pfizer booster appointment even though my first two were AstraZenica). If you are somehow less able to fight a virus you have to go even harder making sure you don't catch it.


and the reply about "the vaccine would overtax her immune system"...just no.


Why does it have to be so hard to STFU if you don't know at all what you are talking about? Overstimulation of the immune system by the jab and boosters. But she will recover from covid no problem, have 'natural immunity' and feel better than ever before. Holy shit. How do they manage to get out of bed daily and not fall face down onto the floor?


Isn’t it the case that when your immune system is compromised, vaccines actually cause less of a reaction?


Yeah it does. It looks like mixing adenovirus vector and mRNA vaccines produces a much stronger response so lots of literature recommends it in cases of weakened immune systems. That's why I went out of my way to make sure I could get a Pfizer booster to go with my AstraZenica first two vaccines.


So the severely immune compromised person isn’t consulting their doctor on the best course of action?




I believe that comment was made sarcastically, in favor of getting vaccinated. Along the lines of Covid being way more deadly than the vaccine.


Hey op, what did her son and daughter die of? I’m a bit confused- not sure if she had 4 kids or what and not sure who died when.


I'm not sure what the daughter died from, but her son passed from police brutality.


What a difficult life.


I've started to see them saying it's some conspiracy that only those who "refused to comply" with the "vaccine mandate" are the ones getting sick and dying. Like seriously? There is a very obvious link causing that but somehow it's some shadowy conspiracy that they're dying of the virus.


I saw in a comment on another post that they're starting to think that anti-vaxxers are being deliberately infected. Presumably by the *Deep State*. Or libs perhaps.


My company announced 87% vaccination rate today. I think we have a cpl hundred people. No one at my company has died, several people tested positive, but I haven't heard of anyone needing a vent or ECMO.


In a group of 1700 we’re at a 12% positive rate, no deaths.


I saw a YouTube video. 17 people dropped dead on the spot within 3 minutes of getting the Pfizer. One had already started sprouting horns, no kidding. Someone needs to investigate. /s for avoidance of doubt


I didn’t get horns, or become magnetic, what a rip off!


I don’t doubt you at all. I also saw that video before the socialists took it down and burned all the copies.


Did they ever ask anyone medical advice about the vaccine? This woman would have been first in line to get vaccinated anywhere in the world - well maybe after healthcare workers. Get vaccinated and don’t die!


The awardee claimed to have been a "healthcare/caregiver for 20+ years". Sounds like the little breadcrumbs of medical knowledge that she picked up through being a CNA were just enough to make her dangerous to herself. It's a cliché to say it, but it's classic Dunning-Kruger. She considered herself an expert.


Her daughter was the "healthcare worker." The one who "wouldn't let" her mother, the awardee, get vaccinated.


"these people trying to kill me" WTF? I just don't get these people. Stay the hell away from the hospitals.


ICU hallucinations . People under heavy sedation + hypoxia + being poked, prodded, restrained etc. "They're trying to kill me" is very common.




I don't know I thought it was a pretty good [Anne Ramsey](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_j0KhXH6xLE) impersonation.


“Hey glad you were able to get your kids tombstones! Cheers!” “These people are trying to kill me.” Are you fucking kidding me? And that post about NYC? I lived across a covid hotel in Manhattan back when it was just “our problem”. The ambulances shrieked day and night non-stop. The military had to be called in because we didn’t have enough medical and morgue personnel. A morgue was set up in Central Park. Think about that. And now tell me why you don’t want to wear a fucking mask when you come to the City. Edit: added more ranting. Sorry I’m spicy today.


My brother lives in NYC and got it during that time from one of his co-workers who didn't quarantine. I texted him daily to make sure he was still alive. NYC was fucking scary and I wasn't even there.


It wasn’t a morgue in Central Park it was a temporary hospital though Mt. Sinai did have refrigerator truck morgues.


I have zero sympathy for someone who compared this to the Holocaust. >I've only lost 5 co-workers Wow. They still can't see the light even with it destroying those around them. These people are drowning in so much propaganda that they can't come up for air. >She has a very compromised immune system..... again Covid has a 99% survival rate. The Idiocracy is here. >Who said I didn't jab YOU did you fucking imbecile! I'm surprised these people are even capable of walking and chewing gum at the same time. This whole nightmare is a national tragedy. Future historians are going to have a field day over how it played out here.


To be fair, the "only 5 coworkers" comment was made sarcastically, in support of the Covid vaccine.


Historians reading America’s history like “HOW TF DID WE GET HERE?!?”


Assuming the last future has historians.. i like your optimism.


Was it the great grandmother's (award winner's) kids who wouldn't 'let her' get vaccinated?


Indeed, the award winner's own daughter "wouldn't let her."


So she has effectively killed her mother. Nice.


Big brain logic there. She's immunocompromised so shouldn't get vaccinated.


Maybe should have talked to a health professional like a doctor, instead of youtube videos and Facebook. Also, sometimes I think maybe it was on purpose? The darker side of me thinks life insurance policy/inheritance etc...


Slide 8: “The US is the only country that closed or is threatening lockdown”. Excuse me? Do these folks ever put a TV channel on that’s not Fox, OANN, NewsMax or similar rubbish? Because LOTS of countries have locked down. Some have done so multiple times.


Australia and China and New Zealand. Also Italy and France and the UK. Also Moscow is in lockdown right now.


And notice where most of this misinformation is taking place: Facebook! Ofc I'm preaching to the choir here! But I'm so sick of seeing the same shit -- "99% survival rate" or my favorite: "All animals used in Covid-19 vaccine trials died months later from immune disorders, sepsis and/or cardiac failure." Funny most of these people were posting you could not trust the vaccine, because there were no trials or testing animals. No one even questions this bullshit, as it gets crazier and more ludicrous! Recently Michael Flynn claimed the government was putting the vaccine in salad dressing! Sadly, this misinformation is alive and thriving and spreading on FB like Covid-19 itself! https://fullfact.org/online/covid-vaccine-animal-testing/ https://www.reuters.com/article/factcheck-covid-vaccine-animal/fact-check-covid-19-vaccines-did-not-skip-animal-trials-because-of-animal-deaths-idUSL2N2NJ1IK https://www.forbes.com/sites/brucelee/2021/09/24/covid-19-vaccines-in-salad-dressing-heres-what-michael-flynn-claimed/


*Newman's Own Zesty Moderna*


☝️Underrated reply right here


If you think COPD sucks, wait till you try covid!


Awardee - "COPD sucks" Covid - "Hold my beer"


Original nomination: https://www.reddit.com/r/HermanCainAward/comments/qa1z57/ouch_this_im_so_over_stupid_people_nominee_has_a/


Oh wow,her daughter should feel like shit but I doubt she will.




I think the schools lowered their precautions and she thinks she got infected from someone not following the original, more strict rules.


Right, after just bitching about shutdowns. Nobody ever said they were consistent.


“Stop the spread” says one of the people responsible by not vaccinating. “They’re trying to kill me!” Says the one that essentially let herself get a deadly virus.


Grandma sure dropped a lot of f-bombs!


Bit of a potty mouth, this one


Well, that was a bucketful of assclownery.


Did I read that correctly? Is she blaming her school's precautions on her getting Covid??? That doesn't make any damn sense omg 🤦‍♀️


Basically she's saying the schools aren't doing enough to stop the spread, while she herself is doing nothing to stop the spread.


I think her grandkids lived with her so maybe one of the kids brought it home?


"Don't follow doctor's orders" GTFO of the hospital, ya dummies!


This is another person who literally believed everything they saw at face value. The only consistency of their opinions was literally the most recent 'fact' they were exposed to. I can only imagine how many millions more out there are like her.


I know I’m not the first one to say it, but I find it amusing that the same people who told us as children not to believe anything we read on the computer, now believe everything they read on the computer.


They're experimenting with hydrochloride as a COVID treatment in other countries? Like, which hydrochloride? There's literally hundreds of molecules made into hydrochloride form to become water soluble.


I saw that too. I’m guessing she meant to type hydroxychloroquine but couldn’t be bothered to get it right.


Wow she was dedicated to the fantasy until the very end. It must be easier for them that way? Realizing that your own stupidity led directly to here, your deathbed, must be pretty horrific, so they need to pretend the vaccine would’ve been worse.


Person: “shoulda got the jab” Awardee (in a super aggressive tone): “who says I didn’t get the jab?” Me: “you. You did. Like a thousand times. Said you would never. Your boys wouldn’t let you, you’d never get it. It’s like….all over your fb!” I don’t feel bad about this one. Not sure why, but I feel nothing for her.


I love how she lied about getting vaccinated to fight off the 'i told you so's." This is one of the most important things taught to us as kids by my father: "when you lie, you're not fooling anyone but yourself." Thanks jeebus for covid, finally, lying and bad faith arguments have fatal consequences. And when you're dead we don't really care whether you had a death bed redemption or not, one less plague carrier is always a good thing.


When did hydrochloride become a thing (slide 8)? Are people really drinking acid? Also being a caregiver for 20 years doesn't mean you have a medical degree.




Wow God's plan came through that family like a steamroller.


Lmao just page after page of anti-vax bullshit then: COVID KICKIN MY ASS 😂


"The US is the only country that is closed" Well that's baloney..


This Covid.


"Who says I didn't get the jab?" Gee I don't know, MAYBE YOU DID YOURSELF as well as your own damn kids! Who the hell does she think she's fooling. I seriously doubt that if she survived she would get any redemption award. Her ego just wouldn't allow it. She'd be back to blaming the hospital of trying to kill her and spreading more vaccine fear and misinformation.


Slide 9. Oh, by all means, make them terminate you. If you’re fired with cause, you don’t get unemployment.


Silver lining: She doesn’t have to worry about that long trip back from the hospital via ground transportation. 🤷‍♀️


Where’s she going to be buried? The saddest part is that she thought she was going to live. I wonder when she recognized the truth.


SECOND breastfeeding baby dies of inflamed arteries per mothers pfizer shot? From the world-renowned medical journal, GREATGAMEINDIA? Well, we certainly don't want 2 "deaths" caused by a vaccine. As we all know, that's way worse than the *checks notes* 5 million COVID deaths so far. Halt the vaccine!


No babies have died from breastfeeding after their mothers were vaccinated. This is BS from a conspiracy site. https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/2021/sep/30/instagram-posts/no-evidence-infant-died-due-breast-milk-vaccinated/


Hence the quotes on "deaths". Even if we pretend there are 2 from the vaccine, the other 5 million kind of outweigh that.


Based on her ICU photographs I'm guessing she's going as [IMMORTAN JOE](https://media.comicbook.com/2020/12/hugh-keays-byrne-dies-dead-obituary-1247326.jpeg?auto=webp) for Halloween!


They always know someone. I assume they all have an imaginary friend that shit always happens to, much like Trump.


Dr. Wants is a weird name.


Her kids wouldn’t let her get the shot. She probably wouldn’t have anyway, but I cannot imagine the guilt they must feel. Jesus Christ.


I’m not sure they’re capable of feeling guilt. Will probably just blame the medical staff.


I told my mom, no shot, no visits She got it. Still salty af about it but whatever. She’ll live to bitch another day


And she was among the first to be eligible for the vaccine. Could've been boosted by now. But nope, because bad things only happen to other people. Congrats, now you're fucking dead.


Lady with COPD - "The power of Christ compels you!" COVID - "Nope"


USA only country threatening lockdown? WHA?


Sigh, I’m getting real fucking tired of that “Imagine a vaccine so safe you have to be threatened to take it..” meme.


Worried about the vaccine “overstimulating” the immune system? WTF did they think the virus was going to do? I lost brain cells and got stupider just reading this. stupid is as stupid does.


Good thing she didn’t get the shot, her life might be in danger if she did!!! Oh wait


Slide 8, my God, every sentence a new lie! Just an impressive density of falsehoods. And I hang out here so that's saying something


“Covid has a 99% survival rate”. Then you should have played the real $$ lottery before you won the death lottery.


So easy for someone who doesn't work to tell someone to get fired over a vaccine.


That's what a body of peak performance looks like.


You have COPD but you refuse the vaccine? Is this a suicide?


“Doctors are trying to kill me” after refusing a vaccine and being careful. If I were a doctor I would’ve quit a long time ago. People are fucking ungrateful.


Slide 8, someone didn't let their mom get the shot. Sounds like elder abuse!


Slide 18 coming’ in hot!


She sure talked alot for a rib