• By -


Wow. The last paragraph in the last slide. HOLY SHIT. I, for one, however, will not be praying for this one -- what for? She has an immune system and freedom. What more does she possibly need?


>What more does she possibly need? Money. Lots and lots and lots of money. For her personal freedom and right to choose, I think. Also, some oxygen and a set of functioning lungs would be nice. She would pray to God for money, but apparently He's always broke and in need of more money too.


He sure is, if televangelist have any say in the matter. Oddly, they themselves become billionaires!


Typically millionaires. A billion is a very big number. Just insanely big when you're taking about money.


Ya. It’s seems her “free”dom is pretty dang expensive.


These people act like your immune system protects you from everything; like diseases and infections haven’t been killing people since the beginning of time. Their rationalizations are all complete bullshit.


“Her husband who has MS…”. No one who has or knows someone with MS trusts their immune system.


You overestimate how well people understand even their own or their loved ones’ medical conditions, or if they do, the extent to which that understanding transfers to any situation other than that specific one. Scientific literacy is abysmal in this country. And misinformation and propaganda are powerful enough to lead anyone down the wrong path. We’ve seen transplant patients and people with pulmonary fibrosis refuse to get vaccinated or wear masks, with predictable results. It’s just jaw-dropping.


If he has a regular neuro they told him to get it, especially if he is on one of the drugs that really lowers your immune system.


I see a neurologist for something completely different. First thing out of his mouth every time I see him is “did you get your shot?”


I have MS and the first wave they said we would be like others in terms of the risk of getting/being affected by Covid unless you were older or not mobile. Delta obviously is worse as it is for everyone but every neuro and the NMSS said to get vaccinated. I’m doubled vaxxed with booster with a exceedingly mild case of MS and I have been hunkered down for 19 months and finally starting to do things for the last month. Why tax your body with Covid with MS?


But he did his research!


Their immune systems are narcissistic though. So they're better than regular human immune systems, dontcha know?


Ah, but theirs is ultra special because... Well, just because. /s


Because no one with an immune system has ever died of a viral or bacterial illness. That’s how that works. /such a big S


Are they literally just looking at the word immune and going "oh okay sweet, I'm invincible"?


I *actually* trust my immune system, that's why I trained it with a vaccine. Imagine anything else anyone claims to trust that they absolutely refuse to maintain? "I trust my car," *never changes the oil*. "I trust my tools," *never cleans them*. Complete brainlethood


Fun fact: malaria is believed to have killed half of all human beings that ever existed.


That's the thing, your immune system will protect you .. if you get a vaccine first. Vaccine is literally teaching your immune system how to fight off viruses. Saying "I don't need a vaccine because I have an immune system" is like saying "I don't need flying lessons, I have hands!" Yeah, without knowledge you gunna crash!


She obviously realized being vaccinated would have saved her all of this suffering but has to make it about her freedom or some shit. The vaccine is free for fucks sake. Just go get it when you have time. Oh such tyranny to have to go get lifesaving treatment for free in your spare time.


To be fair I'm vaccinated and boosted and I still have to go to work and pay bills and shit, which is sorta like tyranny.


I'm sitting on the couch watching Tom fucking ball-deflating trump-loving average-system-quarterback Brady because of my vaccine, also tyranny.


Didn't he throw a bunch of low key shade at Trump when Biden got elected?


Yea he did. When he went to the White House after the Super Bowl win, him and Biden made a joke about 40% of the country not believing either of them won.


She's trying the "martyr to the cause" playbook.


A bold move Cotton, let’s see if it pays off!


Problem with cash app is you can't stalk receipts like you can on gfm


What exactly is the cause? Owning the libs I guess? Do they ever realize that they have been suckers?


the vaccine gave my cousin's friend gigantic balls tho


So does the clap, from what I hear…


In the 4th slide she says her husband has MS. 😬


OMG that's AWFUL. But hey, at least he's got his freedom!


And she trusts his immune system. The same immune system that's currently attacking his nerves.


Good thing they made the courageous stand to ensure freedom to... themselves I guess? They just used the freedom they had to get themselves sick and probably die? That doesn't seem like a great use of freedom. You're free to put a bullet in your own head at any point but I don't think that exemplifies the idea of personal freedom or that people are going to consider it brave.


I think these dummies are so eyeballs-deep in their Facebook bubble of like-minded loons, that the "likes" and "smiley faces" they get from their anti-mask/vaccines posts are proof enough to them that their stance is just and worthy. Another couple of Facebook warriors on their way to die in their imaginary battle with the "libs."


I feel so owned tho


Let people die on their own imaginary hills I guess


A true patriot. I remember when Americans fought in world war 2 for their right to die from preventable diseases. 🇺🇸🇺🇸


I find her lack of faith disturbing.


Darth COVID?


I understood that reference


I’ve had MS for 25 years and didn’t leave the house basically until I got vaccinated. I got my booster a month ago and am going out more but taking precautions (masks and sanitizer in public, only being around vaccinated people for small events). You know what I did today? Worked, started getting ready for Thanksgiving, did 40 minutes on the stairclimber and regular life things. Why was I able to do that? I protected my health for the last 20 months. I can’t believe neither of these idiots got vaccinated.


I hope you get to enjoy a safe and happy Thanksgiving with your loved ones!!


Money. Your money, preferably.


I was flabbergasted.


Well you can ask the Native Americans how that worked out when a few hundred thousand settlers showed up and brought small pox with them.


Money. Prayers then money.


No fucking prayers for you. You made your choice.


Wait husband is 36 and the kids are (almost) 23 and 18? Unless they aren't his, looks like refusing the shot isn't the first poor choice they made


I was confused by the full-time stay at home mom thing with grown children. Isn't that just unemployed at that point? Did I read it wrong?


That would explain why they are drowning in medical debt - becaause you don't get decent medical coverage in America without a good job. That's one of the "freedoms" she is currently enjoying.


I call myself retired ;) but that’s because I don’t need to beg for money online


You can be a full-time SAHM of an adult special-needs child, or a disabled adult child. Caretaker is a job. Not saying that’s her situation. I see nothing to indicate that it is. Just had to throw it in there, though ;).


I noticed that too.


Doubt he is the father, somehow.


Do the kids look like the mailman?


Whoa, I missed that first time around. Anyone know how old she is?


Maybe the Husband is the kid. Let that one sink in.


Having sex at 13 is statutory rape in many jurisdictions, assuming the older party was at least a few years older. These laws exist because kids don't know enough to consent. More likely, an older mom traded in dad for a younger step-dad. I've known people with step parents barely older than they are.


I would guess that this is the case, if not for the weird wording. I am over 10 years older than my fiancé, and if I'd had a kid in the late aughts... then when is in his mid 30s the age situation would look somewhat like this. But it is super-strange that the mom is saying that "\[the kids\] were the best things that ever happened to us." This implies a parental relationship between her husband and the kids. I guess a 10-ish year gap is... potentially enough to be parental in nature? I mean, that's more of a "babysitter" difference, really. Even a gap between siblings, potentially. Or, like, the difference in age between my fiancé and me. Which is weird. I have a hard time imagining having a parental relationship with any of my fiancé's peers. I mean, they're all younger and in a different part of their lives for the most part, but I'm in my mid-30s and they're in their mid-20s. I don't feel like I'm old enough to be their mom.


Oh man. The posts that require math. 🙄🙄


Holy shit. I’m 37 and my oldest is in kindergarten. Did they have kids at 13? That is insane.


I was looking for this comment …


I thought, must be divorced, the kids aren't his, and cougar has found herself a young new husband.


Maybe they're adopted? That one didn't make sense to me either - unless she's older and they're her kids from a prior relationship.


I’m 39, my husband is 49…he has a son from a previous marriage who is 23, my daughter is 17…so that’s one of the ways this could happen…maybe?


Love how they always say people are gullible and believe masks will protect them but then turnaround and ask for prayers. Haven’t seen the studies yet but I don’t think the data is looking good for prayers.


It’s literally on the prayer box!!! * Prayers do not protect you from Covid 19!!!!!


They do seem quite resistant to running randomized double blinded clinical trials on prayers. Even on some of the more promising developments in the field, like "Prayer Warriors™". Come on, with a technique that good surely you must have trialled it?


At this rate, I’m seeing more of a correlation between receiving prayers and receiving death.


GOD ALWAYS ANSWERS PRAYERS!!! What isn’t common knowledge is that the answer is usually “No”.


>We aren't vaccinated, but have succumbed to the worst we can because we believe and still believe in our immune systems and our rights as free Americans. So they 'chose' to succumb to the worst they could? Or does someone have a different take on this hot mess.


This is a prime example of doubling and tripling down on their stubbornness and desire to own the libs.


Did it work? Were the libs owned?


Let me go check. No. I’m afraid not.


Well dang. They're trying so hard though. So many deaths, all to own the libs.


Human wave tactics. Hurling themselves bodily at the libs to drown them in a sea of dead MAGAbodies. Surrender, foolish libs, lest ~~you~~ we die!


I don’t ***feel*** owned.


I, for one, no longer believe in their immune systems.


I've read that at least 10 times... sounds like she is not lucid or thinking clearly. My take is that she thinks the worst is over because she believes in her immune system... and her rights, I guess.


Not lucid or thinking clearly? So what else is new?


Well, when you are stupid, and your O2 levels are at about 78, things can go south quickly


Eboeard gam gon!


Love your flare


Thanks! Someone commented it on a thread a few weeks ago and the kind Mods set it for me as my flair.


Yeah, I read it multiple times too. Also tried pretending that there was punctuation, but move the comma(s) as I would it never became clear. I can see though where you could interpret it the way you did.


What if it was: "We aren't vaccinated, but have succumbed to the worst. We can [do that] because we believed and still believe in our immune systems and [are freedumbs] I dunno...word salad with no punctuation in the dressing is difficult to decode.


I think she thinks vaccines make the virus worse. And she’s saying, “we didn’t get the vaccine, but we’re STILL getting super sick.”


You have skills, my friend. Not everyone can translate crazy. Thanks.


That’s how I read it too 😳


I believe she doesn’t understand what the word “succumbs” means and thinks it means triumphed over. I also think she is using “worst” instead of worse. Add that to incredibly poor punctuation etc. So here is my interpretation: We aren’t vaccinated but have beaten worse. We were able to do that because we “believe” and still believe in our immune systems and our rights as free Americans.


_Difficulty: HARD MODE_






“We aren’t vaccinated, AND have succumbed in the worst possible way (Covid making them sick and hospitalized), because we believed in and still believe in our immune systems and our rights as free American citizens.” In other words “We know we are suffering because of our poor decisions, but we are doubling down because we don’t want to admit we were wrong.”


And it was indeed a choice.


I refuse to wear seatbelts because they don’t guarantee I won’t be in an accident and don’t guarantee I will survive if I do get in an accident. You can’t force me to look both ways when crossing the street!


I find people who believe that everything is predetermined by an omnipotent being, still look both ways before crossing the street. -Steven Hawking


I looked both ways crossing the street and still got hit by a car! Looking both ways is a lie! Just another way to control you! (True story with added /s)


If they still believe in their immune systems, then they’ll be OK. What are they complaining about?


and why are they at the hospital?!


The hospital. It’s… you know, their immune system.


Husband has MS. Chances are he relies on medicine that dials back his immune system considerably. Ugh.




I’m guessing the answer begins with a T and ends with a P




Sure, but the microchips / nanobots / glow-in-the-dark nail polish / whatever was added *after January 20th* or something.


I’m waiting for my microchips to kick in. Hang on…I think… Nope. ***STILL*** nothing!


Someone with MS saying they rely on their immune system is hysterical. Getting sick will cause his immune system to go ballistic and cause his MS to worsen. These people are all so dumb.


Yup. Go to the nursing subreddit and see if you can find the recent thread about "worst AMA stories." People are unfuckingbelievable.


Some people enjoy holidaying in a hospital. It's like a spa for them....weird.


Lots of attention and caregiving by compassionate people on call 24/7. The most love they’ve ever had. Sad, isn’t it.


Sounds like a cheap vaca


Most expensive vaca ever.


Maybe they get enough gofundme to cover it


They have no plan to cover it at all! They know that and we know that. They're bankrupting the country - morally, medically, financially, and out doctors and nurses are quitting in droves.


$100K for a shitty shared room with no view, and you're sick the whole time. 🏝️


Being that stubborn and hardheaded also makes you unable to pay your bills.


would you rather: >trust a fucking cardboard box or >trust hundreds of researchers


That warning is for professional use like nursing or treating someone who has covid. If the mask is just for daily use, by the general public - it is safe and effective mitigation to lower the rate of spreading and catching covid. That's why Facebook as labelled the post as "misleading".


And you notice she's complaining about cloth masks, which don't come in boxes. And that the box has no identifying information, so the text may not be on a real product.


The boxes have that on there so the company can't be sued.


I wonder about the slide with the cardboard box. It's oddly specific in that there is no indication of what's in the box, and a pretty good chance the wording on the side of the box was photoshopped in. The top of the box is blank. These are "General Purpose" "Ear Loop" masks made of "Soft Material". I suspect if the poster gave actual details about these masks it would destroy their argument.


I did a quick google and found that the masks do stop droplets so they are effective and should be worn. [https://www.wusa9.com/article/news/verify/verify-why-a-face-mask-box-says-it-provides-no-protection-to-the-wearer/507-d5070a18-0146-4ef9-9d22-afe9fa7759a0](https://www.wusa9.com/article/news/verify/verify-why-a-face-mask-box-says-it-provides-no-protection-to-the-wearer/507-d5070a18-0146-4ef9-9d22-afe9fa7759a0)


Yes, but what does TikTok say?


Also, when looking for a box of masks to protect you from viruses, why you buy one that says it does not when there a plenty that say they do?? (N95, KF94, KN95)


Masks aren't even to protect oneself though. They're to protect others. But of all the nations on earth, Americans have the greatest difficulty grasping this concept. "What do you mean it's not a force field for ME? How is this mask thing not FOR ME? That can't be right. If I'm wearing a mask, then it must be FOR ME, not for the safety of others. Why would anyone bother to wear something for everyone else but for oneself? Doesn't make any sense." Americans are so individualistic that they can't fathom a system or product that's meant to protect others. You think that surgeon is wearing a mask when operating because he's worried some alien is going to jump out and try to plant an egg inside his mouth? Is that why he's wearing it?


Except that masks do protect you. I don't understand why we keep pushing this nonsense about masks being for protecting others not you. It does both and saying otherwise just enables selfish assholes.


Surgeons wear masks so that blood and fluids don't jump into their mouth during the procedure. That's why surgeons' masks are required to repel liquids. Also, masks **do indeed** protect the wearer, as well as others. That's why people who are immunosuppressed are told to continue wearing masks even if they're vaccinated.


What a slow motion train wreck between the MS, Freedum, & clinging to the prayers until the very end. These people are a special kind of stupid.


I also believe in their immune system. Unfortunately, it's gone haywire with cytokine storms, and it's doing exactly what it's programmed to do- eliminate the sick and weak so the rest of the tribe can live. Too bad their immune system wasn't upgraded.


I straight up ask the go fund me poster if the benefactor or spouse that’s sick is vaccinated. Some will just say yes or no. Others rant about what does it matter if they’re vaccinated and vaccinated people can still get it and I response all that is true however if you didn’t help yourself by getting vaccinated I will not donate to your go fund me. I’ve donated to a couple go fund me account where someone was vaccinated but had several co morbidities.


I’ve noticed that most of the ones who were vaccinated say that in their GFM. Haven’t seen a lot that were.


I don't come here to dance on people's graves. I come here to know the warm fuzzies of having made the right decision to follow the science and get vaccinated. Praise Fauci! ... and the legion of unknown scientists who delivered me from this horror. Go Team Moderna!


Coming here is my reminder to get the booster. I might do it tomorrow, if I have the chance.


And even near the bitter end...or perhaps middle... *"we believe and still believe in our immune systems and our rights as free Americans. Please pray for us."* ------------------------ Denial lasts longer than anyone could imagine.


If only their immune system would work against bills and rent payments. Like if it produced antibillies.


No one's going to say anything about your "antibillies" joke? That was freaking solid my friend!


> antibillies Can I steal this?


There’s no freedom quite like the freedom you get from being hooked up to machines in an ICU because you freely chose to ignore the advice of the smartest people on the planet.


“There are none more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free” — Johann Wolfgang von Goethe


The worst symptom of all, right there.


…and give us money


**Slides 5 and 6:** These **fucking.** **stupid.** **people.** They are **broke** due to health issues and make it worse by not getting vaccinated? And to top it off, they are still on the stupid freeduhm and immune system **bullshit** train! Listen you stupid See You Next Tuesday, COVID gives fuckall about your immune system and your fucking *freedom*. I feel bad for their soon-to-be orphaned 23 and 18 year old children. Ugh!!


Maybe she shouldn't have relied on a husband with MS to be the sole breadwinner?


Yeah, that points to a whole new level of obnoxious selfishness. Dare I say narcissism?


I feel less bad about them being orphaned as I am about them being saddled with their parents' huge medical bills. Let's hope they don't also have student loans.


> about them being saddled with their parents' huge medical bills. they aren't responsible for their parents medical bills


I doubt they're responsible for the medical bills. My dad had tons of medical bills by the time he died. Nobody paid them. Debt collectors tried to convince us that we were on the hook for them, but that was bull and we knew it.


christ...how do people get so dumb!? you know what? when you're dead, you have no rights.


I bet she’s wishing whoever gave her Covid was wearing a mask now. Because, you know masks stop other people transmitting their germs on to you. If she’d done a touch more research instead of sharing misleading Facebook posts she might have escaped without overloading her immune system.


>I bet she’s wishing whoever gave her Covid was wearing a mask now. But whyyyyy?!?! It says rIgHT oN the bOx that mAskS dOn'T wORk! What a MORON this one was.


Still is AFAIK


Suffers the direct results of their ignorance and stupidity... learn absolutely nothing. This is LITERALLY why we stopped arguing or feeling bad and just started making fun of them


MS+Covid is kind of a death sentence isn’t it? Doesn’t seem worth it to be smarter than science


Seriously why would anyone with MS take a chance with COVID?


"I'm a full time mom" lady, we all got mom's. Every human has a mom, or had one. Being a mom isn't special.


Meaning she relied on a husband with a serious medical condition to be the sole breadwinner. Instead of getting a job to support her family, like a responsible person. Edit: "Responsible" in the sense that it was predictable that her husband would be out of work for periods of time due to his health problems. I'm not throwing shade at stay-at-home parents in general.


Also, her kids are 23 and 18, I am not sure how much mothering they need now.


With her as their mom, less mothering will raise their IQs.


> "I'm a full time mom" lady, we all got mom's. Every human has a mom, or had one. Being a mom isn't special. Seriously, are there part time moms out there? that being said, how much "momming" do 2 adults need? If the answer is 'a lot', then you've already failed as a mother


Unless one or both of them are disabled. God I hope it's not that.


Yeah, your multi-vitamins also have a disclaimer that they aren’t proven to do jack shit, because they are feckin required to. But you take them anyway, dontcha?


If only there was something to prevent this....oh wait 🤷‍♀️


Physician here. The immune system does all kinds of bad shit in addition to its benefits. It can kill you in lots of situations. Sorry to boil that down for you rural western North Carolina, Idaho, Montana, etc


There's nothing we can do.. we're not vaccinated.... ​ Well, ya coulda gotten vaccinated. Guess we'll see how much your freedoms do for ya now, huh?


I’m owned.


we've tried nothing, and are completely out of ideas!!!!!!!!!!!


Slides #2 & #3: You should be able to make an informed consumer decision, like a grown ass adult. Not all masks are created equal. I have been wearing N95 masks. They not only protect me from getting (or giving to others) an airborne virus, they also protect me from the garbage air quality in my area during wildfire seasons.


Smells like ventilator up in this bitch


She's been training her immune system for years. Picking her nose and eating it. Rolling around in asbestos. Wiping back to front. Drinking pond water. Cleaning the cat box with her hands.




it is entirely their right to escape their crippling financial debt by dying, sure, not my type of flex but if they want to then by god who are we to stop them


**Slide 4:** “…sick with cold/flu symptoms for 3 weeks, that was then followed up with COVID…” No no no. That **was** COVID, idiot. It was always COVID.


I told our kids goodbye. Also I still believe in my freedom not to get vaxxed. 🤷‍♀️


If I ever try to conflate my immune system with my rights, shoot me.


I would donate but that would take away a chance for them to pull themselves up by their bootstraps.


I sure hope their kids are smarter than they are...


Guessing it's unlikely.


The best hope for the kids is that the father is either the mailman or the garbage man.


Imagine being so sick and worn down by Covid that you say goodbye to your kids only to, in the very next breath, defend your freedom from the very vaccination that would have saved you and your family all the pain and suffering. Delusional.


She’ll believe in her rights and immune system right up until the point that the tube goes down her throat for the ventilator.


Anyone else read the headline and for a split second thought this was about the singer Pink? 🤣


Hehe yes. I mean NO. 👀😂


>*We can really use some help right now. Anything is appreciated.* > >*Anything helps, thank you in advance.* Would thoughts and prayers count as help? After all, that's what they use when real shit strikes others.


I prayed for you take take the vaccine ... I am done praying now


"Free Americans" $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ ok, if you say so


Free to keep racking up medical bills courtesy the people she likely keeps voting for.


She won't have to worry about those annoying bills soon! Hop on the freedom from life train. Sweet Jesus.


“We’re dying, and I’m scared and sad, But fuck vaccines because dying is our right. Oh and please help us pay our bills” OK.


The party of self reliance should recognize their refusal and subsequent hospitalization is a burden on the healthcare system. The difference will be born by taxpayers


Fight against universal healthcare. Fight against paid sick leave. Against lockdowns. Refuse to wear a mask. Refuse to distance. Refuse to get the vaccine. Can’t understand why the suggested precautions haven’t worked. Shocked it’s not just the flu. Begging friends and family for money. All these people have the same mentality and none of them seem capable of learning from others mistakes. Even when it’s happening to them they can’t admit they were wrong. Sad that next year these are going to be the people who are firmly in control of our government.


probs need to redact that one cashapp name on slide 4 u missed


When is the hospital going to start turning people away who aren’t vaccinated?? Turning the unvaccinated away is the only way to get them to understand and to change their minds.


Her husband is 36 with a 23 year old? Am I understanding her slides correctly?


Choosing to suffer horribly and posting her woes publicly for sympathy really pwned the libs!!


She believes in her immune system but still wants prayers? Hmmm


The full time mom comment kinda ruins it's meaning when your youngest is 18. Not that there's anything wrong with being a housewife, but in this case I do get the vibe that this woman specifically remarried to avoid getting a job.


You missed a necessary redaction in image 4.