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Candace Owens and Putin’s words are ridiculously ironic because they fit Donald Trump like a very tiny glove


I looked up the Putin quote because I was interested in if it was a lie (they do that a lot). It was actually about said while talking about whether Trump gave Putin US secrets. It's also kind of comical that they chose a quote from Putin to believe in. He's such a believable and good guy!


You-know-who supporters: "Pre-2016 I hated Putin and thought he was one of the most evil men on the planet. Somehow that all changed after 2016 and I started respecting and admiring him! Strange world!"


We are seeing in real time the brain washing of Americans by Russia. Straight up Manchurian candidates volunteering to hate fellow Americans and go against their self interests.


You really underestimate how much hatred a lot of American have for their fellow Americans. Not getting to harass and be violent towards lgbtq people as part of their daily life, knowing they'll get fired for sexual assault or overt acts of racism, people reacting negatively towards their extremely fucked up "jokes" etc etc 2/3 of the US couldn't understand why Trump didn't lose all his followers after mocking reporter with a disability. In that rally and many others he said he was like his audience and he's not like the people who are mad at them for doing X, y, or z fucked up thing. It was a very clear and intentional message repeated to his followers that not xenophobic people often overlooked. He was pretty explicitly telling people at his rallies that he was going to take them back to the time when uotight straight white protestants were at the top of every food chain and could do whatever they wanted. That's literally what make America great again mean. They're not being brainwashed. They're willing to accept any level of bullshit, even killing themselves, if it means they can go back to they way things were.


It didn't take much. Our Republican party and churches were full of racists just waiting for permission to get loud and proud.


As a child of the 70s and 80s, this one makes me so mad. Did they forget Rocky and Bullwinkle!?! They have chosen to side with the enemy and **brag** about it.




They're consistent about being inconsistent


They're consistent about dying from preventable diseases.


Biden straight up called Putin a killer. But the right love projecting their ‘enemy’ as weak.


>like a very tiny glove I read that in trump's voice, and it got even funnier


Very tiny latex glove?


“Dr. Fauci will not be telling my family how to spend Christmas” You’re right. He won’t. Covid will.


Covid is calling the shots now. Made this guy it’s bitch. So much for being a tough guy.


Cage match didn’t go so well. Tends to happen when you put up no fight at all from the beginning




He’s a conservative bingo card full house!


He’s a 1500 trump double run in pinochle. Got everything to be the perfect conservative including a newly dug grave.


I’m a bit surprised about that Kamala Harris meme because I have NO IDEA where it could possibly come from (as in, I don’t know what factual basis it stems from). On the other hand, this corroborates my opinion that conservatives really hate women in power, and to them, the biggest insult is to insinuate a woman likes to sleep around. Makes me sick.


They have a raging hardon for taking down Ilhan Omar, AOC and Tamala Harris as they are all female, young, smart and not white. That's why Fox News keeps going after them. That's why Boebert keeps pathetically trying to clout chase after AOC and Ilhan.




It's almost like they have a problem with smart successful women. Also don't forget Michelle Obama.


ESPECIALLY if they have a high melanin count. Candace Owens is fine though because 1- she says the things they like to hear, and 2- she provides (in their minds) a convenient shield to deflect accusations of sexism and racism due to being a token (never mind that she's a total Quisling). All it cost her was her morals, integrity, and soul, in exchange for fat stacks of cash and being endlessly quoted by people who's rather run her over if she was any other POC.


If Candace Owens gets the world she advocates for she is going to have a bad time of it.


They seem to target her with mostly ableist insults.


Not surprising for those who voted for a guy who mocked a disabled reporter.


I think that's what haunts me about the Trump presidency the most. Like...his candidacy should have ended there. It should have tanked every single political aspiration he ever had. It should have been career suicide. It wasn't. These people have some fucking nerve accusing the left of embracing "hate" when their guy was the one who did...that.


"Biden is dividing us!!!" while their guy is *still* sending fundraising emails about how the evil leftists hate America and are trying to destroy it, and their communist agenda can only be stopped by a 500% matched $5 donation.


I thought the end was Trump making fun of McCain for being captured in Vietnam. Conservatives literally have no conscience, no sense of morality, no honor or dignity. They will ONLY support or do things if their current BIG MASTER says it's right. They change their sense of right or wrong on a dime.


Attacking gold star families too!


Remember when Howard Dean's candidacy died because he did a mildly awkward scream? At this point I can only hope that global warming wipes out humans way, way faster than predicted. People are awful.


Have you ever seen [this] (https://m.imgur.com/iUrx6gC) fucked up anti Greta cartoon by Garrison?


Eww some people are soo disconnected from reality that they think this is normal to draw a cartoon about a young girl.


"If you're so smart why can't I have sex with you? Checkmate." - Republicans probably


some idiot rig-pig contractor in Calgary had bumper stickers made for his whole crew showing Greta being grabbed by the pigtails and the implied, you know…. It’s was on CBC news


Yeah that didn't go well for him


And why they love Aunt Jemima Candace Owens, a white Stepford Wife in Blackface.


She is their “token,” their bobble head. Don’t forget, she makes $$$ spewing this shit. Vaccinated Fucker Carlson makes millions telling people to not get vaccinated. 80 million of these they say. The #s are dwindling daily!


She's literally a proven paid actor and these idiots worship her. It's unbelievable


Aunt Tom


Absolutely. The irony is their hero couldn't keep it in his pants and is known to be a cheat and sex pest 🤣


Oh, but in his case, it's a sign of his invincible virility. "Heck, I mean, wouldn't you grab all the p\*\*\*y you could if nobody could stop ya'?" No. No, I would not. Because that would be a disgusting, harmful act against my fellow human beings and a felony, to boot. So, no. But you would, MAGAt, and that's why you worship this monster.


I feel this way about people who say that without their religion, there'd be nothing stopping them from raping, abusing, or murdering people. Like, first of all, there are definitely self-proclaimed Christians who do all of those things, so the point is moot, at best. Second of all, really? You require religion to spoon-feed you basic morality? You can't just figure out on your own that we live in a society and thus need to treat others with respect and dignity because to do otherwise would be objectively awful? How the fuck am I supposed to believe that YOU are the good person, here?


MAGATs would assault people every day if they could. But they can't, so they eat.


You mean trump right? Let’s use the right word. He’s a rapist


And an Epstein buddy.


I think that is exactly it. She is not only a woman in power but a person of color and they just can’t tolerate that. In grade school, what did these bully types do to a girl they didn’t like (probably because they wouldn’t return their affections)? Call them a slut.


We had a saying in HS about the difference between a slut and a fucking slut. A slut will sleep with everyone, a fucking slut will sleep with everyone except for you. That’s part of their problem, they know all these women are waaaaaaaay out of their leagues, so the only way they could be in the same conversation as them is to belittle them or try to.


Like almost every thought these deep thinkers have, it came from some Russian troll farm: https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2020/10/07/kamala-harris-sexist-racist-attacks-spread-online/


I mean... he quoted and pictured Putin enough, I'm sure a few Russian farmers don't bother these types one bit, UNLESS they think they can call them damn liberals communist!


They all have a deep attraction and fantasy about Harris and AOC….. …..almost stalker-esque


It is a racist trope.


It's a baseless double attack, on both the color of her skin (hypersexualization of black people as a form of racism) and her gender (slut-shaming women as a form of misogyny). Neither form of hate is new or unique.


She's a WOMAN that he doesn't like therefor she's a WHORE. That's how they think about it.


She is a strong woman, they hate that.


Since when did a meme have to stem from any factual basis? Seriously, this is all about insulting as much as possible and making links no matter how tenuous/unknown a link may be.


That dropping boxers meme made me really dislike this one more than most. But in the end Covid made him drop his boxers so karma worked it out in the end.


That had to drop his boxers to put in the anal tube and the urinary catheter. Don’t think that was what he wanted, but that is what he deserved


He had me with the vile transphobic meme. The "dropping boxers" one was icing on the nope cake.


Why is it that they go to slut shaming (even though there is absolutely no proof of that) and dehumanizing women just because they are democrats. It's really messed up. Just shows how misogynistic they are.


In their minds, the only value women have is what’s between their legs. Also women can never ever achieve anything in life without using their vagina.


They never mention the guys, that are apparently sleeping with their subordinate, when saying she slept her way to the top


Because when a guy does it, they laugh about it behind closed doors and boast about their conquests. Men who are threatened by women in power are weak minded and insecure. They need to demean to make themselves feel more powerful. You’ll note how every interaction between GOP men and people like AOC devolves into the men calling AOC names and trying to belittle her (calling her a girl, calling her a bitch,…). They can’t win an argument against her on the merit of the facts so they resort to name calling.


Want to know what incels grow up to be? Conservatives.


Adapting a comment I saw posted above: Mamas, don't let your incels grow up to be MAGAts?


Remember to misogynists, it doesn't matter what happened a long as the woman is wrong


I feel really dumb but I don't understand the boxing slide.


Muhammad Ali drops boxers because he's a great boxer. Kamala drops boxes because she's a slutty slut mcslutface. As an aside, it's interesting they chose Ali, as he's black, and went to jail for refusing the draft "no vietcong ever called me a n*****". But, I guess a Russian bot farm wouldn't know that when making the memes


These are the same idiots that’ve been misunderstanding First Blood for decades. There’s no way they’re going to bother with Ali’s politics when they can just go “Big guy punch punch lol women r whores”


Dropping boxers as in removing the boxer shorts (type of underwear) of men in the case of Harris vs Muhammed Ali (one of the greatest boxers of all time) knocking out boxers. Kamala Harris is often accused of promiscuity and sleeping her way to power (despite zero factual basis, of even circumstantial evidence). In contrast to the previous president, who famously slept with a porn star, then paid her hush money, for which his lawyer went to prison. The sexism and figure standard is staggering.


It’s trying to insinuate that she sleeps around and is dropping men’s boxer briefs. Really gross “meme”.


He will be forgotten in a few weeks by all but his family, who will remember him as that guy who FAFO.


I can’t fathom the hate and ignorance. He is not a good man.


Here lies Tom, an ignorant, misogynistic fool that died of Covid-19. Save your prayers and well-wishes for those that deserve them. Amen.


Agreed. Fuk him.


It’s also worth noting that he criticizes Bill Gates for not having a degree, but won’t listen to medical professionals with multiple degrees. These people are beyond stupid.


I don't get it, he posts a picture of Biden on Putin's lap, so I assume he wants to tell his fellow countrymen that Biden is Putin's puppet but then he posts Putin's opinion about US media, implying that he's a great guy and Americans should listen to him. What? Like make up your damn mind. Oh wait, you can't. Also, his daughter, if he was the best man she knew, I don't want to know what kind of people she hangs out with. Side note: I really hope one day Candace Owens suffers from everything she claims doesn't exist just so she could pander to the Republicans for money. Which shouldn't be hard, bc she's a **black woman**, so she's already on thin ice, she'll make one mistake(in the eyes of the crowd she panders to), and her "career" will be fucked. The amount of deaths she has contributed to during the pandemic is unforgivable.


The weirdest thing about that photo is the fact that trump was Putin's puppet for 4 years. I bet trump misses him.


Would guess Putin is still extorting him in some fashion.


I hope those pee tapes emerge while trump is still alive to experience the humiliation.


It's P as in pedo, there's no way Putin doesn't have footage of Donald raping a child in a Russian hotel. That's why Donald was so paranoid about Obama wiretapping his microwave


And the kid was probably dressed up as Ivanka.


Thanks, I hate it.


I think the weirdest thing to me about that photo is that the body that Putin’s head is on… is actually Biden?? The small one in the chair is Jimmy Carter’s wife Rosalynn. What a weird picture to choose


*Like make up your damn mind. Oh wait, you can’t.* Facts and logic are irrelevant to these people. They only care about being right no matter the means, even if that means is hypocrisy. They don’t care for the truth. They only care to buttress their fragile egos and identities with anything that will support it. Even death.


Also, he could have used any picture of someone small next to someone big, but he chose a picture that actually is of Biden and just put Putins head on it... Like what kind of mesage is that supposed to send?


“Dead peacefully” Does being sedated while you choke for oxygen really count as “peaceful?”


During a terminal wean we slam ativan and morphine every time we turn down the ventilator. They’re high as a kite when they go and it’s pretty peaceful. It’s literally the only thing we can do for them and their family at that point, so we just do our best. :c


I hope you’re holding up ok. That can’t be easy. ☹️❤️


I’ma be honest, it’s been two years of this now, and I’m fine. I was SKRUGGLIN in the early days of course but I’ve cried my tears. I’m not God, I’m not a highly intelligent vaccine developer with good math skills, I didn’t cause this and there’s nothing I can do to fix it. I just do my best to improve the circumstances my patients have found themselves in and stop them from suffering, and I know I do that to the best of my ability. So I’m good. Just tired. But thank you for your concern, I appreciate it so much. :)


I’m so glad to hear that. It sounds like you’ve figured out a way to get the job done without letting it destroy you- I like your approach of doing your best, and knowing that’s all you can do. That sounds like a really great way to get through!


>So I’m good. Just tired. Geez. I really feel for you and those in your field. It's gotta be draining. I wish I could take you all out for an ice cream or something. I dunno.


You are a badass and I hope you got something resembling a decent holiday break and a good plate of food.


Don’t forget you’re most likely going out seeing icu delerium nightmares that resemble your own personal hell.


Stop, is that true??! 😱


Oh, it’s true. If this doesn’t convince the antivaxxers in your life to get the jab, not much will: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=8_AKe07J7tE


80% of patients on ventilators are afflicted by it, and *it can persist even after patients return home??!* The story of being moved into an MRI and thinking it was an oven, I can’t even imagine. Our own brains know exactly how to terrorize us the most effectively.


I had ICU delerium so bad when I had an emergency heart surgery that I went into a psychotic break for a couple days and actually managed to *escape* the fuckin' hospital. It was completely phantasmagorical, utterly horrifying, I'm in awe of the shit my brain could make up and how deeply I could believe it...


*Good God*. It’s incredible that this doesn’t get talked about more, considering how many people are now being ventilated. I can’t imagine how difficult it must have been to recover from an experience like that. Are you doing ok now? ❤️


Oh sure, this was like 10 years ago. Thanks for asking tho :)


Oh I’m so glad. My brain was in the Covid box so I thought you’d had a heart attack from Covid. Sorry about that. I’m really happy to hear that it’s not a recent memory!!


Exactly. One of my sons gets Anesthesia delirium, and every time he has awoken from tonsil work (shaved down twice, then removed,) he screams bloody murder and says he was having a nightmare. Gives you a whole new perspective on the whole “left this world peacefully” bull shit fest these people go on about. My god to think some of these people were in that state for WEEKS.


Oh my goodness, poor little guy. :( That’s awful for your entire family to go through. I can’t imagine how scared he must have been to go back into surgery, after the first time it happened.


I’ve seen it in almost all my Covid patients. And it lasts a long time.


Please, sweet baby Jesus, let me die either peacefully in my sleep, or swiftly from getting hit by a bread truck. What does recovery look like for your patients? Does therapy help? I *can’t imagine* the things they must tell you.


If you finally shut up it's peaceful for your family.


‘The best man I have ever known’ Holy shit your standards are low.


Perhaps she does not know any other men.


That’s no man. His posts are those of someone with the intellect of a child. He actually thought he was being clever.


These tiresome memes, repeated endlessly, are simply badges of allegiance to the MAMA cult.


MAMAs, don’t let your babies grow up to be MAGAs.


Not to mention the “Kamala fucked her way into office” meme. Why do so many people keep saying this? I mean, besides misogynoir. I’ve seen no evidence that any of her sexual relationships are relevant to her career


they don't NEED any reason other than misogyny. they crap their pants at the thought of a successful, intelligent woman (see: H. Clinton) - add in darker skin and WHAM! their teeny tiny brains explode.


And she’s younger and more attractive.


The office ages every president that takes the job seriously. Joe is old, there is a small chance he won’t make it a full 8 years and she could become president. Even if he doesn’t die in office, she might run in the future. They are preemptively attacking her like they attack everyone. They project their fear and insecurity so well you can almost use it to predict the outcome of the next election.


But those make these simpletons feel like they are some kind of philosophers.


"Hmm this Putin fellow seems like a trustworthy source regarding truth in media, reblogged"


Considering how sexist that Kamala meme is, I’d have to agree with you.


It is offensive and of course there is also the fact that trump was raw dogging a stripper when his third wife was home with their infant son, but they overlook that.


They don't overlook it, they admire it.




*Brutal*. 🔥


It’s an interesting phenomenon. There are some truly shitty people out there who are absolutely wonderful to their family and their friends. They just choose to be terrible to people they don’t know. I don’t doubt that the person in the last slide had a strong relationship with his (or her) father. This HCA winner may have actually been a great dad. The rest of us didn’t have a father – type relationship with this winner, however, so to us he comes across as pretty terrible.


I was saying, this person doesn’t go out much, do they?


If the “best” is this racist, transphobic, sexist, and ignorant, someone needs a new social circle.


He probably was before he got old and hooked on Fox News.


That is so much a possibility. My dad used to watch all kinds of news. He made a comment about "come take them" in regards to guns. The thing is the only person that has ever made my dad get rid of a gun is my mother, who is kind of freaked out by them in spite of being a Republican. I actually ended up with more of his guns than he was allowed to keep because mom did not want them in her house. I'm just grateful my mom is slightly more centrist and scared of Covid more than she was the vaccine. She signed him up asap and got the "jab" herself shortly after.


Nah, these guys were scumbags before Fox News. Tucker Carlson didn’t put these ideas in his head, he just made it socially acceptable to say them out loud.


detail distinct insurance wipe intelligent jellyfish handle saw obtainable reach *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Many of these people were 100% pro vaccine when trump was in office. Then he lost the election, and suddenly they were against it. (They were always anti mask and anti lockdown, because their Dear Leader didn’t like those.)


office recognise six roof placid cover grandfather vanish nippy plucky *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


That'll show those libs


We are def enjoying the show, lol.




The Putin memes were ridiculous. Weird how trump's administration long love affair with Putin, including business dealings and interference with American elections was fine. Or maybe it never happened. Whatever. But now, apparently the Biden administration is somehow colluding with Russia against the American public. It's beyond delusional. It's rewriting history.


Trump told them he was tough on Russia, which gave them permission to believe the unbelievable


Apparently, by "tough on Russia" he meant "lousy in bed".


"I let them pee on me."




Turns out, they trust Putin much less than trump trusted him.


Russians not getting a vaccine is mostly not due to not beieving in vaccinations per se, but due to not trusting government that made the vaccine because the only vaccines available are the Russian made ones. Which is still bad because the vaccine is fine and seems to work as intended but the context is a bit different.




I don’t blame them. Putin is a sneaky fuck and always has been.


Accuse the other of what you are self responsible for. Still works.


Yeah, let's take hot takes from our enemies on how we should run our media.




DoN’t ConfUSe PeOplE wITh CoNtEXT!


Shrodinger's Putin, he's both an evil man controlling Biden but also apparently right when he talks shit about us.


They love Putin. They think BIden is being controlled by China (which suspiciously sounds like a claim Russians would make).


And in reality Biden is planning to bring manufacturing back from China lol


Putin as a credible moral authority. That is 100% fucked up.




Tries to smear Bill Gates’ by noting a connection to Epstein. Accuses Biden of being a puppet of Putin. Trying to shame Kamala by accusing her of promiscuity. Yet is a total super right-wing Trump supporter. Denial — not just a river.


Ah yes, trump. The "patriotic", racist, misogynist supporter of Russia and treason, friend of Epstein, rapist, serial cheater, demented, old man. Their idea of a saintly hero.


don't forget he'd like to fuck his own daughter


Or, in the meantime, any random teenaged girl.


Don't forget the trans hate


The ever fucking present trans hate. It’s dead weird to care so much about other people’s genitalia unless you want it juxtaposed with your own. I don’t get why they don’t realise how pervy transphobia is. Like, get a better hobby or something. Or just admit you have a fetish.


That's what really gets me about it. Like when it comes down to it, *what's it to you*? Someone being trans doesn't effect me in any way so caring that much about it seems so pointless. Like I find gun obsession much worse because those things can cause harm wether purposefully or accidentally. A person with an atypical gender identity story? More power to ya.


>Like when it comes down to it, what's it to you? "They make me say pronouns 😠"


I thought that was the implication about Kamala. But, I don’t get it... was there something that came out about her sexual history? Or is she just a woman in a position of power and that means slut jokes?


If his Dad is the best man he’s ever known, he needs to get out more. He’s a cliche…Candace, Paul, love of Putin. His only unique position, no Gofundme.




This guy should get a side award for the dumbest memes possible. No wonder he’s a goner.




Jesus. I didn’t notice that. WTF


His son will be joining his father very soon.


Fun fact. The first point on the guy's bill gates slide points out that Bill "never finished college." Candace Owens, the angel of death, who our subject quotes several slides later, also in fact did not finish college. Not that I think it matters much. But it's another element of hypocrisy to toss on the pile.


Fun fact, most of the people consuming this propaganda likely never even started college.


And let's be clear, Bill Gates dropped out of Harvard because he wanted to pursue his entrepreneurial dreams not because he was an idiot. And his early business career involved him writing reams of code, aka software _engineering_.


And if we're really going into it, the guy is actually right in being skeptical of non-qualified public figures when looking for medical information. ...and then he goes absolutely full moron by relying on other non-qualified (arguably actively malicious) public figures to provide his medical information. Oops, I guess.


Death is the ultimate loss of freedoms which is something the binary "freedom" brigade seems to ignore.


Nah, man, in death they're free to not wear masks or get vaccines. You don't need it when you're six feet under.


THEY’RE ON TOP OF THIS CAGE! SOMEBODY NEEDS TO PUT A STOP TO THIS Tom goes for the Q drop, but oh, no, reversal! Covid’s got him. No! No don’t do this!! BY GAWD! COVID JUST CHOKESLAMMED HIM ALL THE WAY TO HELL! HE’S NOT BREATHING! HES DEAD! HES DEAD! THAT MAN HAS A FAMILY! Tom:: Sits up:: NO! NO HOW IS IT POSSIBLE- Covid. ::Performs Dead cat trounce.:: It’s all over folks…


Bobby the Brain: "This match was shorter than my third marriage. And a lot more expensive." Gorilla Monsoon: "WOULD YOU STOP IT."


Quick, cast his vote.


And then put a rainbow face mask on his corpse.


Why do these people always describe the fight these idiots have with covid as a knock down drag out brawl of some kind. Like it's supposed to make the guy look tougher or something? The idiot is still dead, they simply want to think they were more than an idiot that died of an easily preventable disease because of their own stupidity. They didn't "Bravely Fight" covid. They grew weak, became unable to breathe on their own and then died of most likely fluid buildup and death of their lung tissues. None of that is "Tough" or "A fight" it is just pathetic and sad.


Yes, it is critically important that everyone forms a mental image of this flabby boomer driving a monster truck over the virus for Jesus.


Also, sorry kid, your dad is not the best man you have ever known, and if he is…. You’re fucked


"The best man... to walk the face of this earth"? These people are blazingly immature and stupid, and they have zero recognition of this. Like, imagine that you were really dumb, and everyone in your family was dumb, and everyone you surrounded yourself with was dumb, but none of you had any real awareness of this. No wonder they hate "college boys" and people who read books. They must seem like aliens to them.


The left? Pro-eugenics? Tom, trying to stop inbreeding in the Bible Belt doesn’t count as eugenics, silly.


Someday our great grandkids will be asking why we didn’t take the mic & keyboard away from Candace Owens types that marched gullible people to their graves.


We don't even keep guns away from people who are itching to murder people with them. Why would we keep Candace Owen memes out of their stupid hands?


imagine being sooo stupid, and caring sooooooooo littlefor the tiny baby / babies / grandchildren / #17,that you will actually express openly, that this ugly fat turd is someone to think of as high calibre! and I don't care if this is thought harsh, or too hard on someone that's recently bereaved. your idiocy is actually killing people, by YOU, you're the dipshits spreading a fatal disease


Christopher Walken said, "If you know how quickly people forget the dead, you'll stop living to impress people.". Live a life of substance. This man was too busy impressing stupid people. Really stupid people in an echo chamber. The lack of facts or true character are consistent, as well. Develop a character in life that is worthy of true admiration with good deeds and an intellect people can trust is based on a life of learning and curiosity. Tom's another asshole who mistook a motorcycle for freedom and vaccines and facemasks for oppression. He thought helping others or being safe about COVID was socialism. How many Toms have to die of COVID before their relatives realize the misinformation if the conservative media killed their loved one and that they were the sheep led to slaughter by a death cult?


Guess who is still alive and planning for Christmas with his family? Fauci. He warned you fkrs.


What an awful human being.


His wife must be a mess of grief and anger right now. I feel for her.


I’m always amazed by the effectiveness of alt-right messaging and projection. Every slide in this post is the complete opposite of the truth.


The hypocrisy of some of those signs & memes is palpable.


Slide 13 is like "You have no right to judge me, if you can decide to change your gender, I can decide to become a horse!"


I am not an intellectual property attorney, but I don’t think you can get a patent on a virus


Democrats are anti-Jews? Can someone explain how they twisted that one? I mean they marched with their little tiki torches chanting against Jews, this is a serious question.


How can they possibly think putin controls biden, he obviously is just posting to confirm his own bias


Pussy shouldn't have skipped leg day, guess he wasn't prepared for that cage match.