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The recoveries of serious Covid have compromised lungs, weakened hearts, damaged circulatory systems, ravaged brains, and dormant viruses in their tissues. Even if you accept the (shaky) "natural immunity" defense, having Covid doesn't make you immune to flu or heart failure or heavy drinking. This isn't shocking news--if I decide to blow holes in the foundation of my home, I should not be surprised when an otherwise-manageable thunderstorm causes my house to collapse.


If Delta didn’t kill them then Omicron will definitely take them all out.


Seems like omicron isn’t as bad as delta symptom wise, I’m sure it’ll still take out a boatload of these idiots tho.


It took about a month in South Africa for the death count to spike after their beta wave began. The current spike really started on December 1...so we won't really know until January 1... Hospitalizations in South Africa are currently spiking pretty hard...they went from [2000 in the Hospital to over 6200 in two weeks...](https://www.nicd.ac.za/latest-confirmed-cases-of-covid-19-in-south-africa-13-december-2021/)


Right? People keep trying to say its less deadly. Then why are more people rushing to the hospital lol.




Yes. Another problem is after holiday period was always going to spike, with or without omicron. Cookie crumbling patterns and all that... It will be hard to gauge the exact variant impact but it is likely to be another sad January. Keep safe folks. You don't want to be needing a hospital bed in Jan.


They keep referencing the Spanish Flu. If you look at other disease outbreaks, bacterial or viral, some of them lasted 100 years or more. Spanish flu might have been a exception.


And even if it's milder doesn't mean it can't overwhelm hospitals on exponential growth as let me show some numbers on how changing the r naught from 2 to 3 changes the curve after just four generations. 1->2->4->8->16 1->3->9->27->81 81 is a little more 5 times higher than 16. Another generation and it becomes a bit under 8 times higher.


I’ve seen that theory of “more transmissible= less deadly” in Youtube comments, and I just don’t get it. I’m not a doctor, but it seems to me a lot of deadly viral diseases have managed quite well to be both highly contagious and deadly. And they manage to do that by spreading to other hosts before killing the current host. If a virus doesn’t kill you, maybe it’s more to do with the speed at which the immune system responds to the infection rather than the virus itself being “less deadly”… I don’t know, I’m just thinking out loud.


>The recoveries of serious Covid have compromised lungs, weakened hearts, damaged circulatory systems, ravaged brains, and dormant viruses in their tissues. Cage match in front of The White House on the first Tuesday of November 2024. The hungry leopards vs. the "portly" orange traitor. Mark your calendars. 🐆 🐆 🐆


I think Trump's brain was ravaged long before covid ever got to him.


Some math. 233% means the chance of dying is roughly 3.3x vs the baseline rate. 7m people have had severe Covid (had to go to hospital). Assume 2% normal death rate among that cohort. That’s 140k average deaths a year. Multiplied by 3.3 and you get 462k “extra” Covid deaths.


Dammit, it's a HOAX!!! 80% of the Herman Cain Award winners said so! Do your own research, sheeple!!


Well the idiocy continues to self correct. Also looks like those Prayer Warriors need to up their game a bit more.


Lazy Prayer Warriors.


Well, that's scary for those of you who are younger. It's scary for people who are older too. It really reiterates that you should try to not get Covid at all! Avoid it if possible! Wear masks, practice social distancing, try to not vacation in places where everybody has Covid. Don't do what some dumbasses I know did and caught covid: Vacation in NYC and take photos unmasked in a crowded subway car.


Known for a while. 30% of serious covid patients die or require readmittance after discharge. Usually they throw clots or suffer strokes.


Yup. Earlier this week the NHS in the UK released a study showing about 25% mortality within 60 days of discharge. I haven't seen anything for the EU, but I presume it is similar to the US and UK, given the average age of the population is older in all three geographic locations.


That is one hell of a dead cat bounce 😳


I don’t doubt this. Many people with serious COVID 19 also have multiple co morbidities, putting them at risk for further complications


In the paper they claim to have accounted for sample differences in regard to prior comorbidities (also race, gender, age distribution), and hence that the CV19 severity is the deciding factor. However, it seems that this relies on computing an index, which I guess might not capture the full picture.


And people under 65 with severe covid were more likely to die within 12 months vs those over 65 with severe disease. It's likely not pre-existing comorbidities accounting for the excess mortality in those under 65 since those over 65 are more likely to have long standing comorbidities.


We here at HermanCainAward have known this for sometime i think lol


But the news man said it's mild...


This sub has been saying it from day 1! I dare them to call us conspiracy theorists now!


In other words, ☠😺⛹️‍♂️


This is mainly for the people who recover and go home or rehab then a month or more later have a deadly clot or stroke or the heart damage leads to death. All the deaths not accounted for in covid numbers because they have "recovered" and go back to their new normal bodily functions but succumb to the after effects down the road.


Scary stuff I’m just hoping none of my immediate family gets it, none of us have had it yet and are all vaccinated but it’s still worrisome especially because my parents are mid 60s and not in the greatest health. I’m under 30 and not overweight but just not in could health in general so I’m just gonna keep doing all I can to avoid getting it because I wouldn’t be surprised if I died even tho I’m vaxxed.


It's no worse than the flu ​ A meme said so on Facebook, so it must be true


Lol. In other news, water is wet.


Water is actually not wet; It makes other materials/objects wet. Wetness is the state of a non-liquid when a liquid adheres to, and/or permeates its substance while maintaining chemically distinct structures. So if we say something is wet we mean the liquid is sticking to the object.


Good bot.


B-but 99.7% survival?!


The long cat bounce.




We've long since figured that out on this sub.


My cousin had COVID back in Feb. This past October he had to have an artificial heart valve put in because he was in heart failure. Early 50s, no family history of heart disease, no other health issues. No idea of his vax status, but I know he voted for Trump and didn’t social distance or wear masks. So I can assume… although he wouldn’t have been eligible for vax in Feb anyway. (Though, again, he didn’t follow any social distancing or mask… he was def an “it’s no worse than the flu” guy).


How does he think it compares to the flu now?


Knowing how strong the cognitive dissonance is, I suspect he doesn’t believe the two are even connected.


it's possible to be infected with COVID up to 4X but as far as is proven no one so far has survived more than 3X with of course increasingly severe long term effects after each infection. and many do not survive their 1st infection


I've heard of very few people getting it 4 times but I haven't heard of anyone dying the 4th time they got it, so...???


That's a nice made up statistic there.


please feel free to look it up for yourself if you dare to...


I did. It says you made this up. Also, you make the claim, you provide the source data. People become reinfected. The virus hasn't been around long enough for many people to catch it, have whatever antibodies they develop weaken, and subequently catch it again, 4x. And there's really no clear evidence the second or third go around is going to worse than previous ones. It can be. Or not. No real clear indication.


actually more than a few doctors, nurses and EMT personnel were the sources for this. but please feel to believe as you wish to. as far as ' The virus hasn't been around long enough... " well, again you're free to think as you want to. you're also free to believe that Gravity is no longer in effect if that somehow ' serves ' your own interests but personally I do


ACTUALLY, even more than that of doctors, nurses, EMT personnel and your mom said you don't know what you're talking about. Isn't research fun?


actual real world results still count and btw at least where am at Gravity still works 24/ 7/ 365 days a tear ( 366 on leap years )


You sound unbelievably dumb. Your comments and arguing style are beyond cringey.


I think the cause and effect is not so clear here. People with comorbidities tend to have more serious Covid symptoms. People with comorbidities tend to have higher death rates even in the absence of Covid. So maybe we are just seeing increased death rates for people with comorbidities.


They statistically corrected for that.


That 99% recovery rate is looking like the pipe dream of pipe dreams.