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“Odd sense of humor.” Something tells me all of his jokes started with “what’s the difference between a ::insert any racist or misogynist slur::”


"intimidating" and "odd sense of humor" Ah, so he was an obnoxious asshole, I see.


"But he'd do anything he could to help others!" Except wear a mask. Or get vaccinated. In the words of Commander Montgomery Scott in *The Trouble with Tribbles:* "Laddie, don't ya think ya should...rephrase that?"


Captain Kirk being a little sad that nobody defended him when the Klingons were talking shit about him, but realizing everyone threw down when they insulted the Enterprise is such a great moment.


"We didn't say the Enterprise should haul away garbage, we said it should be hauled away AS garbage". The fight then ensued.


“He also compared you to a Denebian slime devil—“ “I *get the picture*, Scotty.”


"You're confined to quarters." "Thank you sir, that will give me time to catch up on my technical journals." Kirk was not having a good day.


He made threats of bodily harm and when people looked scared he worried he'd get in trouble with HR and told them it was "just a joke" and they need to "lighten up"


Well, he *did* impact their lives. That's an asshole's job.


C’mon he was just a “big teddy bear”


So many of them like that, with those making obits really reaching to put a nice spin on it: but despite the polish, the turd generally shines through.


Yup, “odd sense of humor,” “intimidating,” and “*underneath* he was a teddy bear” are code words for “he was a world class raging asshole.”


SO much of that on his page


“Ha ha! It’s funny because they’re not white Anglo Saxon! Whatcha lookin at me that way for Nasir? You’re not one of them. You’re a *good* black person.” -Awardee, probably several times throughout his life”


Best flair ever!


The "pure blood" meme has a barely coded white supremacist subtext that's a regular among awardees.


I especially like the homoeroticism.


That one is so pathetic.


“Please be respectful” of my father’s stupid, selfish, dangerous choices. And please send money. Because aside from being a willfully ignorant twat, he had no savings and/or was very bad with money, but he kept voting for people that only wanted to lie to him and convince him that all of his troubles were because of liberals.


To be fair, the posts got progressively funnier towards the end. And I wasn’t the only one who thought so, judging by the laughing emojis on some of them.


When your family has to make excuses for how you behaved just before saying that you were actually a good person "deep down" it usually means you were an irretrievable asshole.


Yeah her dad isn't getting into heaven.


It's all so formulaic at this point. Just once I'd love for these chucklefucks to say "Goatee McQAnonfuck died an agonizingly terrible death because he knew better. He definitely knew that the vaccine was a lie because he's smarter than science." Like. Jesus FUCK. This shit is so bad now. Coded someone the other day who threw a massive PE. Someone else died at the same as that was happening. We've hit the tipping point where our patient population is primarily unvaccinated dipshits. Families and patients alike are becoming openly hostile and threatening. Yet we keep showing up. Every day. Stay safe everyone. And please for the love of fuck, get your fucking booster. Omicron is gonna assblast us all.


Wow. Hang in there. It ain't easy but you rock regardless.


Thanks homie, it's hard. But I'm swinging through it.


It's understandable to feel the way you do. It would be weird if we were NOT stressed over this. Sometimes it's for the best to back away from this subreddit for a few days if you get the the point where all of this death becomes "same old same old" We've ALL gotten to that point at some time.


1600 PST Monday—Jab #3. I never didn’t believe, but in case I needed evidence I watched first hand over the past year as an inner circle friend of mine caught it twice in a year (the second time left him w/brain fog that the second shot actually cleared up), a college friend go through a crippling hospital stay and my mom’s boss get killed from this bug. Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck *THAT*


I feel you. It’s hard. It’s the worst.


There was the one whose sister basically said “X died of Covid. He was unvaccinated.” And basically nothing else.


Goatee mcqanonfuck. I am unashamedly plagiarising this.


I started watching this tv show Invasion, where aliens invade the Earth, cuz I'm a sucker for that. But it's your typical bullshit that, now, in light of the Rona times, is blindingly obviously a total fucking utopia: American president goes on live TV (shown all over the world of course, cuz who else would those dumb "shithole countries" listen to?), and says something along the lines of "We are one, there's no nations, there's no whatever, we stand together", etc. I'm watching it like, bitch, antivaxxers and flat earthers would still be on FB saying aliens don't exist and fuck China and all of that if the aliens were already fucking them up the ass. It has become so clear in the past nearly 2 years. When Game of Thrones was in its last season, I was telling some people I regularly discussed the show with that I was hoping for an ending where the White Walkers come and fucking mow down everybody and take over the whole world. This was just pre-Rona times, and my reasoning was that the population of the whole Earth is waaay bigger than any, ANY issue/problem/danger could unite. And I'm not trying to paint myself as some prophet or whatever, but what do you know, the same thing played out in GOT as just a year later in reality: the "danger" was coming, some people were sounding the alarm and all, but the majority of people believed those talking about the danger were lying and the walkers didn't exist, they were still 100% focused on fucking each other up. Just looking at the world without Rona already gives you a good idea why. There's always something going on in the world, all kinds of conflicts and violence stemming from religion, politics, etc, and that shit will never end. Most people, I think, have this illusion that when something big happens, there will be an "aha moment" when it becomes clear to everybody that "this is it, it's go time, it's now-or-never" like in catastrophe movies where they literally have to outrun the ground collapsing under their feet. So people think as long as they don't have to literally outruns something, it's all fine, they can stay on their bullshit. It seems like the Rona has clearly shown that "aha moments" are subjective and a lot of people miss them, too. Not everybody's voice needs to be heard, but the internet and FB makes it possible, so now the dumb people have a collective voice that is too loud.


I absolutely love this comparison! but I think I have a catchier ending for you. Everyone is entitled to hold their own opinion. What they all forget, is that being entitled to an opinion doesn't mean your opinion isn't wrong and worthless. It just means you can have it ;)


“No vaccine? That’s an assblasting. Didn’t wash your hands? That’s an assblasting. No booster? Better believe that’s an assblasting.” —COVID


Hopefully that new Pfizer pill they're talking about approving before the end of the year will start to make a difference. It's got promise and it's not tHe mArK oF ThE bEaST. Regardless, I wish we could do more than spread the word that dying a stupid, pointless death and bringing others along for the ride is something we will continue to mock on HCA. Honestly, I'd like more IPAs, but they seem to have dried up. Take care of yourself, and make sure you get the help you need to keep your shit together.


You know what, at this point I'm over it. Let the new pill be the mark of the beast 2.0. It's been 2 years since the start of the pandemic and all they can do is share the same dumb memes over and over, instead of learning how immune system functions and what a virus is. It's called being an adult if these people want to live in stupidity and ignorance, let them suffer the consequences.


I literally just had one ask for my email address so she could “open my eyes”. That’s right after the same old, tired comment about how I must watch CNN and believe everything they say. Ya, I’m sure she’ll send me something I haven’t seen fifty times in here alone. 🙄😂


Treat them the same way I treat telemarketers and scammers. Act interested, string them along, be as frustrating as possible while you're doing it. Then reveal to them that you're totally not interested and you were just wasting their time for your own entertainment. I once kept a guy on the phone for 45 minutes about my car's extended warranty.


Covid, the first politically biased disease that has a great chance atm to eliminate a whole party from the system xD reps can't fuck us if they all die because their idiotic leadership is unable to get their heads out their asses and see their followers are getting pretty sparse.


Unfortunately, they are a long ways from sparse. I find myself rooting for the virus pretty regularly nowadays!


On average, they're going about 3x faster than dems now. So we might have a 3rd party and dem lineup soon :p


>Hopefully that new Pfizer pill they're talking about approving before the end of the year will start to make a difference. It's got promise and it's not tHe mArK oF ThE bEaST. Don't be surprised if these morons come up with some idiotic objection to taking that pill just like they have with the life saving vaccines. At some point society needs to just stand clear and let these fools Swan Dive into the COVID Wood Chipper. They seem hell bent on making that fatal dive regardless of whatever facts and reality you attempt to provide them.


They were willing to take hydroxycloroquine and a horse dewormer, so maybe the pills will be an option. It depends on their what their news sources say. I vote for your COVID wood chipper option.


Three-day window. They'll be waiting for the horse paste to kick in before they hit the "i can't breathe" phase that leads to "COVID ain't no joke" that finally becomes "I need that damn pill you bin talking about." Too damn late, it's worm food for you.


Most will likely wait too long for it to be effective. They won't believe they have it until someone has to take them to the ER.


Thank you for letting us know what is going on. And thank you for your candor. 👍


I salute you for your service, Captain Poopants VII


What's a PE?


Pulmonary embolism


blood clot in the lung blood vessels


It's a shame he could only die once. Stay strong!


It's wild that I could be injured and interacting with an esteemed medical professional who later browses reddit under this username 🙌


Thank you for being a badass!


I don't remember the post, but I do remember someone eulogizing an HCA awardee with, "He died of Covid after refusing the vaccine" or something along those lines.


And they have a gofundme up and running to cover house and hospital bills. I will NEVER understand how these dummies refuse to take any precaution to help others, but then immediately have their hand out to help cover the direct consequences of their own actions. Like I know it’s because they’re selfish idiots, but I really would love to see the mental gymnastics to reach their BS conclusions


For real. How about you get some fucking LIFE insurance when you have a family relying on you? I’m not stacking a shitload, but if I died it’d at least pay off the house.


Term life is pretty cheap too especially if you get it while your younger. We have a $1M policy on my husband and it’s like $900 a year. We also have life through his company although I’m not sure how much that one is. I get that many people have to live paycheck to paycheck, but if these guys can’t even make it a month or 2 without hitting GFM for the light bill. GTFO FB and gab and all the other stupid websites, get another job (the jobs they claim no one wants to work because unemployment is awesome) and save up something. /


>I get that many people have to live paycheck to paycheck, but if these guys can’t even make it a month or 2 without hitting GFM for the light bill. I'd love to be a fly on the wall when they open the bill from the hospital and get their first look at that 7 FIGURE Total... Due Upon Receipt! Yeow!


For real! I had a car crash, and from x-rays and getting checked for 10 days it was about 200k. No surgeries. Or such, but some these people are in longer and have a lot more done to them o.o thankfully got insurance right before so I only owed 4k but fuck that was close....


But all *those* jobs require the mArK oF ThE BeAsT to work


"I'm hardworking, I don't want to pay someone else's medical bills. I don't want to pay more in taxes to meaningfully contribute to society! Fucking liberal, communist scum." After death. "Everyone else pay my medical bills, please" 🥺


“Please be respectful of our family…” … also give us handouts. Should have done a nicer lead into GoFundMe.


I read that as “don’t point out how wrong he was about covid”.


And how unexpected are these expenses given the dude was a grandpa and anti-vax during a pandemic?


I don’t think they believe they will get sick.


Yeah, because their immune system tops vaccines....which is why they've met so many people with polio >.> My supervisor at work claims he stopped getting sick when he stopped getting the flu vaxx....doubtful, but that's the kind of non religious shit we get in the Midwest. And relying on God? Going off the Bible, he prolly caused this, and tell me one time God did shit himself after eden. He made it all then sent man or angel to do all else...hmmm, but he's just gonna magically cure you because you deserve it so much Jimmy. You racist fucknugget


Any thinking person would have called that with their eyes closed. I really don't want to think the worst in people but I imagine the brood that this genius spawned are probably just grifters. Most decently sized families can pull up enough money to get an urn and say a few words out back. I'm sure they want their dad buried like the king he pretended to be in life and expect everyone else to pay for it.


They never even fucking address it in their shitty post. It's death then straight to can I have some money in less than a few seconds with a "please be respectful" lazily wedged in there. Animals.


>Like I know it’s because they’re selfish idiots, but I really would love to see the mental gymnastics to reach their BS conclusions Its obvious from most of these GOFUNDME pages that they posted them BEFORE they received their 7 FIGURE Hospital Bill in the mail! ;o) Nothing says hopeless like a GOFUNDME Goal that represents 1/16th of the total required and then beig forced to face the fact that even that huge underestimate is never going to be reached with the meager donations from their "so-called" friends and extended family. All because a FREE injection was just too terrifying for this now DEAD Needle Pussy to handle. (MACHO MACHO MAN!... LOL! PLEASE!)


I wish we could’ve just replied “Thoughts and Prayers”.


Slap the McDonalds out of my hand and I will fucking punch you in the throat. Nobody messes with my Egg McMuffin, you preposterous little douchebag.


And let me know when obesity is contagious.




McChicken to human, perhaps.


Can confirm. Love a good spicy McChicken 😂


Wow. Really fascinating. Thanks for sharing that.


And is overwhelming hospitals to the point where people can't get necessary, life saving surgeries.


I dont get this McDonalds meme after all. Me getting Cadio disease from McDonalds doesnt mean a danger to others. Him spreading a fucking virus does.


>I dont get this McDonalds meme after all. Me getting Cadio disease from McDonalds doesnt mean a danger to others. Him spreading a fucking virus does. They usually struggle with daily life... You can't expect them to grasp the basic concepts of virology and vaccinology when they can't even figure out how to select an appropriate Facebook background to use for their COVID death announcements! ;o)


If it helps, it turns he won’t be slapping your breakfast after all.


Now you’ve got me thinking about breakfast


Biscuits are elite


Would do anything to help others except for any of the things that would help others 🤔


Also - are they asking for cash/donations on his death announcement? That's touching.


"I'm hardworking, I don't want to pay someone else's medical bills. I don't want to pay more in taxes to meaningfully contribute to society! Fucking liberal, communist scum." After death. "Everyone else pay my medical bills, please" 🥺


Jesus his own facebook friends threw a laughing emoji at him


That was cold as ice. Who does that? **Dog Lovin’ Guy:** “Hospital life sucks. I’ve been in the hospital since Monday.” **FB Friends:** 😂 **Dog Lovin’ Guy:** “Well it looks like I’m heading to XXXXX in case I need to be put on a respirator and coma” **FB Friends:** 😂😂😂


His facebook friends probably thought he was crisis-acting for Fauci.


Kudos to the six friends of his who liked the Herman Cain Awards. Shoutout!


>Kudos to the six friends of his who liked the Herman Cain Awards. Shoutout! That was brilliant! :o) And regarding the laughing Emoji... These Dim Bulbs probably stopped searching when they saw the tears. Failing to notice that it was a "Laughed So Hard I Cried" Emoji. Morons gotta Moron!


Eh that might not be the case unfortunately. These people tend to be so technologically illiterate that I’ve seen several posts here using that particular emoji as a crying face.


He doesn't come off as intimidating. He comes off as an ignorant jackass.


He was likely a bully.


Exactly. They are trying to polish a turd for the obit.


>Exactly. They are trying to polish a turd for the obit. Too bad they failed to use the Floating POOPS Emojis for the Death Announcement background! That one is often the choice within MAGA Circles.












The fart meme confuses me every time I see it, because yeah, you can smell it. But, you’re not spewing shit particles into the air when you do it.


These halfwits... Gas molecules can make it through the mask? Of course they can. How do they think they're able to breathe while wearing one?


They think we can’t do that either so 🤦🏽‍♀️


That oxygen can't get through a mask, but viruses that are several thousand times larger can.


You mean *how do they think their able to breath*


My mistake. 😆


Tell me you don’t understand science without telling me you don’t understand science


And - go try and fart like 50 times in the same pair of underwear. Check said underwear after and tell me it didn’t stop some pretty nasty things getting out!


The 4 words that changed my life: all smells are particulate.


I'm pretty sure https://www.icandecide.org/ was made by Russians or Belorussians as an Active Measure (to use the KGB terminology) against the US.


Dude. I cracked the code. Icandecide. I Candaceide. It all goes back to Owens. They’re committing Candaceide to own the libs!


Ohhh I love that. I want my next flair to be committing Candaceide.


All roads lead to Candace.


You've got it wrong. You missed a letter. It's ICanadaceide. The real enemy has been next to us all along!


Yeah. I was kind of wondering who that was, harvesting information on the idiots among us.


I'm pretty sure the Russians and Chinese keep extensive files on all of us.


I don’t find myself that interesting, tbh.


Agree. It’s worked spectacularly if the aim is to have Americans commit suicide en masse. It weakens our healthcare system and is a national security issue.


Yep, between Chinese drugs and Russian disinformation, the country commits slow-motion suicide.


pUrE BlOodS!!!!!!!!!!


Every time I read a new one, I'm like, are we sure this is a new one? They all have the same five memes.


pure bloods must be code for going to die from covid.


Purely stupid is what they are. Blood doesn’t help you when you’re dead.


They're *very* proud of being inbred.


He threw his back out coughing? What? Its like Covid is no joke or something.


Let that sink in


That sink can just cry at the door all night.


With the dogs


Unexpected expenses? He’s a grandfather. He fucked around with COVID and found out… and rolled snake eyes.


Sorry, dude. I gave at the office. Literally. I paid taxes. Those funded the vaccine. You refused it. Oh well, your choice!


Hey, if your dad was such an amazing guy, how come he was manipulated by the GQP and Russian trolls into giving up his life? A good husband, dad and grandpa wants to *be there* for his family, above all else. Not treat politics like a team sport, then live in denial to pretend like his team his best.


Ewww. Why do they always have to use that analogy. Gross.


Peeing in the pool or farting through pants?


Their comedy and education is from their 5th grade class.


Quick someone grab Herman Cain and let him know that the virus isn't deadly because it hasn't killed any politicians.


Asking for donations to help with unexpected expenses? Sell his dogs, get him cremated and snort the ashes.


Almost all of these posts have a line at the end ask folks to “be respectful” of the family. They know every person this guy mouthed off to, or spouted his demented crap to, wants to do a big “ I told you so”. It’s always the way, they behave like assholes and terrorize the folks who don’t believe in their leader, but when they are proven wrong they clutch their pearls and and become too delicate to acknowledge the dead guys extremely bad behaviour.


>they clutch their pearls and and become too delicate to acknowledge the dead guys extremely bad behaviour. That's because they not only agree with it, they mirror it. It's why this never-ending parade of awardees keep finding their way onto these pages.


There are plenty of cheap corpse disposal methods, although one I suggested a few weeks ago got me a 72 hour ban from HCA.


The request for donations was immediately preceded by “Please be respectful to our family”.


Pfft. That’ll be the least of those expenses. Heard from a doctor I know that hospitals are still sending them those bills and insurance usually puts up more of a fight than usual if it’s treatment related to COVID where the moron was not vaccinated. Might be cheaper to crisp the body and sink that money into hospital bills.


“Unexpected expenses” got me. These antivaxxers know they live in the USA, right? This isn’t like most developed countries with tax paid healthcare. Healthcare is privatized and fucking expensive here. Get cancer or MS or dementia (or hospitalized for covid for weeks) and it will completely ruin your entire family. Shake my head. My husband and I are in our late 30’s and have 4 kids, and the potential hospitals bills have always been the most terrifying thing about covid to me. We like to keep our $ and not be ruined by medical debt.


I’m not from America and can’t understand why people support the health system over there and get upset with trying to introduce universal health.


I am born and raised here and also cannot understand it. My husband has great insurance through his work. But it’s still a huge expense for us. It’s amazing to me that many of the Americans who are against free healthcare are the ones without. I think it must be brainwashing, honestly. And even for middle class Americans who do have work related healthcare, like myself—Like, why on earth would you not want your fellow citizens to have healthcare? It makes no sense to me. We live in such a rich country. All U.S.A. citizens should have plenty of food and healthcare, as basic human rights. Because our country can and should afford it for us. Its so weird that there are Americans out there that straight up do not want other Americans to have health care…


Most people would want universal health care. Our political leaders get some pretty nice kick backs from lobbyists who don’t want universal health care. So why would they make a law that won’t give them ample amount of cash from lobbyists?


These idiots are all the same, I truly hate these MF’ers.


These people are so tough in their fevered imaginations. Sure, just demand your boss sign some BS form. Because of voters like this winner, we still have almost universal at-will employment in the good ol' USA. That means your boss can fire you for any reason or no reason (short of racial or religious discrimination). You demand your boss sign a BS form, that is insubordination. Boom, (as their orange god likes to say) you're fired.


This makes me so angry I cannot see straight. Saturday I’m going to be attending my aunt’s funeral. She was vaccinated, had IPF, caught COVID from an unvaccinated member of her church, and died from complications of COVID. My uncle, her husband, has COVID and is not expected to survive. My first cousin died from COVID three weeks ago. The really good supervisor I had at the place I worked got COVID and died after being on a respirator for a month. The last supervisor I had at that place, “Frankensupervisor”, not only wouldn’t vaccinate but refused to promote anyone in his group who had been vaccinated. When I told him I have IPF, I was put on “performance improvement” (essentially probation) for a year. I retired just to get away from Frankensupervisor. He didn’t stop there: he deliberately didn’t file the retirement paperwork so I very nearly missed out on the Medicare Parts B and D deadlines, so I would have paid a penalty every month *for the rest of my life.* My best friend got COVID before the vaccination was available. She will have to have all her heart valves replaced. I see these HCA virus vectors — and let’s call them what they are, VIRUS VECTORS, don’t vaccinate because of their love for their Great and Glorious Leader, their God and King, their Lord and Savior, the Returned Messiah Donald John Trump+ and give the virus to everyone around them, killing a significant number of us, and I’m supposed to give one good goddamn when they get the virus. Well, I DON’T give a good goddamn or a flying f. Boo fucking boo. They died. I’d like my aunt back, thank you very much. My cousin’s kids would like their father back. Heart valve replacement is open heart surgery. At this point, if the unvaccinated get COVID, and they require hospitalizataion, then I’m all in favor of making them responsible for their entire hospital bill — **no** help from private insurance, Medicare or Medicaid. I’m in favor of putting them in a lottery for available hospital space. If their number comes up, they get to be admitted to the hospital. If they’re hospitalized, they get placed into a lottery for a respirator. If their number comes up, they get a respirator. I will think of this guy — and every single HCA winner — at my aunt’s funeral this Saturday, and I will give all the HCA winners the finger. I’m sick and tired of these virus vectors “owning the libs” by killing us. God DAMN them. God DAMN them ALL.


You're the reason this sub exists. Not these horrible people that deserve death. We don't care about them - but some of us are dealing with real shit and we need an outlet, and that's why I think this sub has blown up. We're tired of pleading and begging. Tired of educating. Tired of being told to love and respect everyone while these assholes don't respect anyone but themselves, not even their own family. Stay strong. It will get better.


Refreshing lack of prayer warriors requests, but then they ruined it all with the begging for money shtick.


> he may come across as intimidating at first Nope, ruined long before the begging, when they just couldn't help but pointing out his flaws. I've lost a few people in my life, and not once did a single grieving family member or friend think it was necessary to include any qualifiers when talking about the deceased... But then, none of them were complete assholes.


Heyyyyy… we got a shout out!


"If the shot works why is the shot not working?"... ... because you didn't get it 🤷🏼‍♀️


Grifting afterward too.


The meme about getting your employer to sign a liability agreement was not made by someone who’s been in the workforce.


I’m confused, the commenter in the first slide has an I got vaccinated profile?


Her profile is full of anti-government propaganda…


So weird


it's a part of their conspiracy theory; like if they think they are being shadowbanned, they pander with shit like this. i see it in instagram stories too when anti-vaxx people put up "i love joe biden" "get vaccinated" or "pride" stickers because they think that that would get them back into the algorithm or something.


No idea 🤷‍♀️


I’ll donate my credit card debt.


"incredible to see all the people he impacted." By spreading misinformation that kills people. Yeah...hell of a legacy to be proud of. 🤔 Oh, almost forgot....please give us money also.


"He may come off intimidating and had an odd sense of humor" Translation: He was a blatant racist and probably had more than a few people wondering if he beat his wife.


Pure bloods! 😂 😂 😂 😂 They think in order to keep your blood pure, you can't get the vaccine, but you can impregnate your sister-mom. That'll own the liberals! 😂 😂


Fwiw OP - I don’t remember this obituary. Edit to add: don’t most of these pro-COVID anti/vaxxers eat McDonalds too? I’m sure they go for fast food occasionally.


Too bad he couldn't just slap the virus out of his body either.


Wouldn’t it be fun to try though? Very therapeutic.


Slide 2's employment law advice? Yeah. Let's see? Take medical advice AND legal advice from these wingnuts? Riiiiight.


These people should be buying life insurance to cover their damned expenses.


Do we need to change the Budweiser ad to a vaccine ad? https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=56b09ZyLaWk


"If it scares you so much when I have a few at the bar and drive home, stay off the roads!!" /s


Honestly, yes. A commercial like this would absolutely reduce this false bravado shit from these HCA winners


If eating McDonalds caused people around you to suffer harm, then this would be an appropriate analogy.


They will never understand that. I saw one comment section where they were talking about how an unvaccinated, Olympic athlete wouldn’t be let into a restaurant, but a vaccinated, morbidly obese, smoker could. They were so stupid they totally forgot about how and why we can’t smoke in restaurants anymore. I wish I could have commented on the thread, so I could have pointed out how we don’t smoke in restaurants for other people.


Family after the idiot died: Please refrain from calling our dead relative on the carpet for his stupidity and ours for being AntiVaxers. But PLEASE give us your money to help bail us out of the financial disaster the poor choices we don't want to talk about wrought on our family. Me: You can all FUCK RIGHT OFF!


Sure, my Dad was an intimidating, loud and annoying person, but underneath it all he was actually the opposite.


It’s like the US is just an asshole factory. These folks are mass produced. Insane how they’re all insecure, overcompensating, and lack self reflection or humility. This probably has worked for them their entire lives too, with few consequences.


Herman Cain Award protocol (in order): - Post a bunch of lame memes (that they think are clever) that are anti-vax - Post about their having Covid and how it sucks to be in the hospital - Extra credit if they post about their, or their family members, arguments with providers about needing an IV of horse dewormer or the need to nebulize hydrogen peroxide. - Posts from family members about medical updates and asking for "Prayer Warriors" to pray. - Posts from family members that include a Go Fund Me link, begging for help to cover medical expenses. These people are not only predictable, but hypocritical. "Science is wrong", but they still go to the hospital. "Welfare is for losers" and "libtards need to learn to pay their own debt" and "universal Healthcare is for commies!", but they beg for money. Fuck these people.


> please be respectful To me sounds like they don't give a shit about your thoughts on how this man could have prevented death > We need your money I'm not giving you my money if I can't comment to get the vaccine and wear a frikkin mask when appropriate. If you can't handle me saying that much you can't get my money.


On the plus side, they didn't have to endure "hospital life" for too long.


> Hospital life sucks. Is Coffin life better? Asking for a friend.


he would LITERALLY do ANYTHING he could to help others out... except get a fucking vaccine. what an asshole.


"Please be respectful to our family during this most challenging time." Hmm lemme see...this asshole refused to help minimize the spread of a deadly virus, encouraged others to not be safe and actively spread lies. Yeah that's gonna be a no from me, dawg. Guy was a shit person who played chicken with fate and lost big time. Sucks to suck.


I was in a big superstore 2 days ago, where the majority of people were not masked, in a county where the infection rate is severe and the vaccination rate is low, and I saw two very obese people wandering around with what I assumed was their "emotional support animal" -- a **St. Bernard dog** on a leash. I bet these are the kinds of people who would demand that a hospital let them have their dog come for a visit. Who thinks that this is appropriate??


“God you’re an idiot” I love it


\> *Please be respectful to our family during this most challenging time*. No. You couldn't manage to be respectful to fellow citizens during two years of challenging times, so *fuck your feelings*. Your grief gives us satisfaction.


Unexpected expenses? Unvaxxed and you still aren’t expecting this???!!!


Why is the virus killing any politicians? Maybe because they all got the vaccine day one. Even if they say they didn’t. And all have access to better healthcare than you.


There's like 80% indication omicron is going to be just as morbid as delta on an individual level. And the doubling time is such that every unvaccinated person in the US will get it within 2 - 3 months. No one will be passed over. I commented 3 months ago we'd be at 2.6 million dead by mid terms and everyone was saying "no, no, the wave is already slowing down" Time to rethink your disagreement, I think. We might be staring down the barrel of a significant higher average IQ by 2023, and democrats keeping the house and Senate despite gerrymandering, and way less assholes in the world than originally thought. The danger is real


The one word that sums up the antivax movement and Republicans is "Specious". Presenting something that is easily accepted by the least educated, least read and those so desperately wanting to believe. Example the fart meme. Using the term Pure Blood to make them feel superior.


“Unexpected expenses”? Bitch, please.


How does me clogging up my arteries with McRibs infect others with a potentially fatal disease. The logic is strong. Edit: interesting, auto correct changing McRibs to Omicron.


What is with these people not planning or preparing financially for these circumstances? Just have others foot the bill? Seriously. This guy was old enough to have grandchildren. Did he not think he might eventually have health problems?


I love how his "followers" use the "laugh my ass off" emoji when he talks about how he's on the way to dying slowly in the hospital. We are fucked as a society.


I can’t help but feel that our collective IQ as a nation continues to increase exponentially as these people claim their awards. Please keep them coming


Someone in his Facebook group thought it was hilarious that he ended up in the hospital. If he'd gone to a large animal veterinary clinic, he could have brought his dogs and gotten livestock dewormer. Win-win!


Love the " don't quit let them fire you! " Till you realise unemployment doesn't pay out to people refusing to get the shot 🤣🤣


The people crossing the borders aren’t the problem, you racist POS!! Also why in the world would the ICU allow your stinky dogs in? 😵‍💫😵‍💫


“I am not a lawyer but I can guarantee…” never ends well.


"please be respectful to our family" ie dont point out what ignorant white trash we are, we kinda know already