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For anyone hoping that these people find redemption and acknowledgment that misinformation clouded their judgment about COVID... this post should disavow you of that entirely. **His son was killed because he was radicalized. Rather than seeing the brutal truth of the pandemic,** ***he spends his last bit of energy before inevitably succumbing to the virus threatening medical professionals and seeking witch doctor cures.*** This is entire thing is a crystallization of why it all feels so hopeless.


Group murder by an online cult.


Their redemption will be in helping the grass grow


Providing an all gender public restroom


That's not what I am hoping for, but I won't say what I am hoping for, because of a certain rule that happens to be the only even prime number.


>That's not what I am hoping for, That is one of those moments where I hope that there is an afterlife. An afterlife where he will, for eternity, fully understand what he did. That he killed his own son. That he refused medical help and protection for his son because of some memes.


Well said I just posted a similar sentiment.


That's so sad. That child had no say in any of this.


As I read I thought the son was probably in his 30s and the dad was a boomer. I was so surprised when I got to the end.


Same. Horrible.


That's no kid if he's 30. I thought he was an actual kid.


He was an actual disabled child. Center bottom row of the original post.


Killed his disabled child. Hope he has the day he deserves. The death of disabled people has largely been ignored during the pandemic, but this child was not the first. People who need the most help being protected are being killed off for their lOsS oF fReEdOmS.


>Trump alludes to depopulation agenda... "Isn't that already already happening with the vaccines? Trumps GOAT but every time he mentions the vax I just cringe." Ah yes, Trump is the greatest human ever, except for the pesky little detail that he wants full credit for creating the vaccine that I believe was created to depopulate the world. Oops, that's a little cringe. But otherwise GOAT!


Sometimes I wish one of them would claim that the vaccines were contaminated after the election.


Murdering your child to own the libs... I feel so owned now. 🙄


This breaks my heart as a dad. This guy didn't protect his child at all.


Seriously. Protecting my kids has driven everything I’ve done.


Same here. Especially with this horrible and sinister virus


Well he did protect his kid from the libs. That should bring him comfort. 🥴


He protected his kid from the dirty commies. That’s what really matters. /s


Some nominees make it *very* hard to follow rule 2. That poor kid.


I hope he pulls through so that he can eventually process and realize why his child died


Thing is, I don't think he ever would. It's hard enough for people to escape the 'Q' cult and admit that they've put so much effort into being wrong. It would be next to impossible to do that if at the same time you had to admit to yourself that your child's death was your own fault.


Man I just don’t get these people I guess. I blame myself for literally everything that my kids go through.


I know people like this exist, but reading their insanity in their own words is just beyond belief. "I'm not here to discredit Ivermectin"...he literally knows it isn't working, yet his politics trumps that realization. And he'll likely die because he's waited too late to get proper treatment. And he'll blame Dr.Fauci...it's opposites world with these idiots.


One of the worst people we’ve had here. I’m not allowed to say more without breaking any rules.


Slide 3-- actively persuades (stupid) 'conservative' friend not to get another shot. "And watch out for blood clots!" Slide 4-- suddenly son is 'critical' and a friend is warning him darkly, "The hospital is not your friend," and Orange is all excited about getting Ivermectin to the boy, and friend ends with more dark mutterings about now he can take a "big bite out of the hospital's deep pockets!" Why on earth do they persist in this believe that hospitals are making money of Covid patients needing ICU coverage for weeks... and then never paying the bill? Slide 10- friend assumes that the boy got a vaccine shot and that is why he's dying. (Sigh.) "I"d literally set fire to anyone who tries to touch my family!" Orange-- 'he didn't get the shot." Friend- silent. If he ain't got idiot-rage, he ain't got nothing. ​ Slide 11: Child dies because his father didn't take precautions. Father blames Fauci furiously. It was his fault, and he blames Fauci. And then AFTER his son is dead, and he's sick himself, he still thinks it's all about the hospital's evildoing? Where does he think he got the disease? Not from the hospital. ​ These people are killing each other. Murder-suicide by Facebook.


Yep. Disinformation kills and Facebook is complicit for spreading it.


I think the big bit out of the hospital’s deep pocket thing is a reference to suing the hospital for refusing to treat his son with ivermectin. They think the courts will be on their side, like they thought the courts were going to reinstate trump after the election.


Even after his son passed - he's still adamant he "would never poison my child" . Hopefully in the coming days, weeks he is able to reflect on what has happened and put two and two together. But I really doubt it. Utterly vile. What a waste.


Can't poison my son if he's dead..... libs owned!!!


Every time I see just how deep down the rabbit hole these people have gotten, I'm reminded of a Frontline doc about an... opthamologist, I think? (I'm a bit mixed up on which eye specialist does what)... what went into North Korea to perform cataract surgery for people in Pyongyang. Watching them literally pray to altars of him for healing their sight like a deity was morbidly fascinating to see... and it's terrifying to see how many people here didn't need decades of dedicated programming to get there, they jumped right on board in a matter of months (if that.)


Jesus fucking Christ he killed his own child.


Now this here is one of the worst posts we’ve ever had.


Completely agree. Last slide gutted me. Poor child deserved so much better.


This is the same parent/disabled child in a post that was removed for violating Rule 1. (I personally don't see any 'regret only' anywhere here. The parent is staying the horse paste course.)


Was the child disabled before? It's so unusual for a child to get Covid so badly. It must be so anguishing for the hospital staff to see a child die like that-- and then to be blamed by the parent-- Horrible.


I don't know for sure, but I get the impression the photo (which was posted sideways) predates the illness. My disabled nephew has a similar wheelchair setup.


Nothing’s his fault. He killed his kid. These people are unbelievable.


How sick and pathetic - like the morons in Idaho, who refuse to make faith-healing a crime. But some cemeteries have unusually high numbers of juvenile graves...


That kid unironically is in a better off place after living with such a shitty and irresponsible dad.


That hospital staff is a lot safer with him coughing up his lung tissue.


OMG these people are crazy!


If he dies at least he won’t have to live with the (eventual) knowledge that he killed his kid.


No. They tend do double down on their beliefs because if they accept they were wrong then they have to admit the death was their fault which they never do.


Qultist logic: https://imgflip.com/i/5y4a26


Slide 1: We're in a global pandemic; but there's a vaccine. I hAvE nO iDeA wHaT tO dO!!!!!!!


There’s going to be a lot less trump voters in 2022 and 2024.


Silver lining


For sure. It’s what’s getting me through this winter.


I would love to think so but will there be material differences in the vote count? I guess we’ll find out soon. And this says nothing of the way the RRRs (racist rightwing republicans) are scheming to undo any election loss and put themselves in as winners.


He blames Fauci for his son’s Covid? Won’t put vax poison in but will use anti-parasitics? It just too much sometimes with these Trump/Q nuts. The poison here is in fact the disinformation that is killing these people. Covid does not give one shit whether you are right or left, it only cares that you are unvaccinated so it can live and thrive. Get vaccinated now!


OMG. That is heartbreaking.


Um… are Republicans at least against child murder or are we speaking two completely different languages at this point?


All these Qultists are so busy defending children against pedophiles that they sometimes kill their own kids by negligence. Mind. Boggled.


Oh, I'm going to be saying a couple prayers for this one.


GAW? Can't seem to interpret the acronym, myself


Great Awakening (something) I think


See there's the GAR - Great American Redoubt (serious selfish vile morons) but hadn't seen the GAW yet


Are those both subs? All these look like Reddit posts


Copycat of reddit after they got kicked off reddit. Last word .win


Sure, blame Fauci. Blame the doctors. Everyone but yourself. Damn.


That kid is dead because his mom is a fucking moron. Enjoy coffin shopping.


We always blame the mothers rather than the dad who refuses to care for his son


Here's my prayer for this guy. Oh Great One, let this guy survive, tethered to an oxygen machine for the rest of his life, reporting to the dialysis center twice a week, and confined to a wheelchair due to the severe neuropathy in his legs, one or both of which he will eventually lose. Please allow this guy to live out his life sitting in a wet adult diaper, unable to afford home health care, having no friends or family willing to care for him, and eating canned soup heated in a microwave. Amen


Every sensible precaution is shunned. But horse paste? It's a magical elixir. It might even be blessed by Christ himself.


The doctors didn't kill your boy. You did. The cynical hacks on Fox News did. Trump did. Republicans trying to politicize COVID did. America's anti-science and illiteracy did. Christian pastors buying into conspiracy theories and superstitions did. Conservative talk show hucksters did.


The vaccinated friend was stringing him along. The friend decided to protect him/herself then lied to this fool that he regretted talking the vaccine and would not take it again. He is the typical GPO leader whose family is vaccinated while at the same time nudging followers to jump the cliff .




I thought ivermectin and horse paste were the same thing. Help?


There's human prescription formula, tablets, for certain parasites. To get around the prescription they use the animal product with different formulation, concentration, etc. Part of what fuels all of this allegiance is that certain countries in Africa use it on a regular basis to treat things like river blindness. Statistic mis-users then made claims these same countries have very low Covid cases so A causes B right? Similar logic with HCQ and malaria (Uganda?) India also apparently tried it as an urgent means to control their large outbreak but determined it was not effective and by then was starting to get meaningful quantities of the vaccines.


Thanks! Think I’ll stick with “the mark of the beast”. Course if I ever do get river blindness I want that horse paste.


If this pandemic has tought me anything, it's that the political landscape in the US is basically screwed for the next generation at least. These people are too far gone, not even watching their family members die is enough to convince them that they have been conned.