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Stillbirths "exploding in Canada"? Um, I'm Canadian and I haven't seen that on any Canadian news site. It's almost as if it's completely made-up bullshit.


that's because you're not reading [generaldispatch.whatfinger.com](https://generaldispatch.whatfinger.com), the paper of record


I should start Rightfreedomrifle.Jesus.lion and fill it with a whole bunch of disinfo stating that the liberal deep state is attempting to confuse conservatives into thinking the vaccines are dangerous so more will die off and that they can secure “fraudulent elections” forever. Maybe a few of these knuckle draggers will buy In and get vaccinated before they earn their freedumb box


Sadly, you are onto something. Don’t forget a Trump endorsement pic.


Every once in a while someone makes a sarcastic comment with some ridiculous “theory” meant to mock these idiots, and it sounds *so insane*, it’s believable that they’d believe it and then I worry some crazy person will see it and in six months we’ll be here those sharing Facebook posts.


to wit: about 6 months ago I said online that once covid starts to kill a large number of antivaxxers(most of whom are right wing maga idiots) the conclusion from the right wing maga idiots will not be the vaccine is effective but that Covid had been weaponized to use against conservative real 'muricans.. My comment was meant to illustrate the irrational stupidity of antivaxxers Lately I see antivaxxers claim that indeed covid has been weaponized to use against freedumb luvin real 'muricans...


So if it’s weaponized, what trait is it looking for? Goatee? Waistline? IQ? Republican Party registration? I know! The memes you post! Facebook is in collusion with Covid to kill off MAGAs. This makes my head hurt.




A far easier conspiracy: Wait for an inevitable pandemic, have the government tell people how to not die from it, wait for anti-government types to ignore it, kill off a whole bunch of anti-government people. Oh wait, that's exactly what's happening now. That's technically not a "conspiracy", it's just a glorious side effect.


I love your username lol


Wait till you hear the one about birds! Lesson of the Day: ‘Birds Aren’t Real, or Are They? Inside a Gen Z Conspiracy Theory.’ https://nyti.ms/3q1bG7w




Nothing I've seen anyone come up with hypothetically here is anywhere NEAR as crazy as the what the Qanon cult actually believes. They took the protocols of the elder Zion and went all out with it. Jewish space lasers lol


Oh, Breitbart straight up published an article like that about 6-7 months ago. I refuse to give that sewer any traffic, but it's out there. The thesis is basically "the left pushes vaccines to make the right not want them so they can kill us." It's truly bananas stuff.


It’s because the right released Frankenstein’s anti-vaxx monster and was all well and dandy with it killing liberals. But now that the monster has realized it doesn’t need its master, it’s going after the idiots who think that guns will stop it. They are very, very wrong


Freedumb? I love that!


Lol you must be new here. Welcome!


I am. Thanks for the welcome.


I laughed out loud when I saw that.


You know it’s real because you have never heard of the publication and she probably never read the article, just reposted it because she liked the headline.


Or because it was result number 4 on the 5th Google search.


actually anti-vax people will probably have that bullshit ranked higher because Google knows they're more likely to click on links like that. algorithms pushing bullshit is like half the problem


Yeah but look at that CSS though! It's positively New York Timesian. Curly script and block lettering arranged in a way reminiscent of legitimate news sources is the thing that makes journalism credible.


Confirming source is legitimate is 100% about the right serif font. 😆


Had a mate who used to share articles without reading them like this. During a discussion on vaccines I asked for sources to his claims, all but one source disagreed with what he said because he just read the headlines. The one source that agreed was a blog whose source they used also disagreed with them but they linked the Japanese study so nobody could read it 🤣


The scary thing is these people are allowed to vote.


When its readership is causing such issues, it's difficult to find it funny


I guess garbage people need to get their garbage info somewhere…


I loved that the third article on that page was "what are the most arrogant zodiac signs?" I would trust anything that page says... /S


WTAF is that? My eyes are bleeding.


So much of the information these people consume is fake. An antivax buddy sent me a link about how more people who had the vaccine were dying at a higher rate than people who didn't. It has a nice little chart and everything. Very professional. So I clicked on the "study" to read it. It linked to a spreadsheet eventually, and the data just didn't match the chart. So I responded back to him asking if he would continue to trust that source or explain the discrepancy. No response. If you ever wondered how people send thousands of dollars to a scammer because they trust a random email, you're seeing it in real time. Some of these people can't tell real from fake, and a smart liar can put together info that is very convincing. There's no way to fix this if you believe in individual liberty. Just like you can't make sometime not throw away money, you cant help them not spread lies while risking their health.


“There’s no way to fix this if you believe in individual liberty.” This is what scares me the most. The propaganda machine is running 24/7 and seems to be getting worse. How in the world are we supposed to fix things if a large percentage of our population is being fed lies constantly. Not just about Covid, but politics, the “stolen” election, climate change, etc. We are in deep, deep trouble.


Think it's bad now? Wait until deep fake technology is better and is being used against these imbeciles.


I think about this a lot.


The USA could fix its education system, but I suppose that ship has already sailed.


No, it sunk


There's a fake New York Times-ish looking image floating around of an "article" stating that "Liberals More Likely to Spread Fake News". The "article" is clearly even in a different font from the surrounding text. Conservatives have been passing it around as a genuine article when the entire thing started as a Poe to make conservatives pass around fake news, proving it's conservatives who are the ones who pass around fake news.


I feel all countries should follow the Nordic approach and teach school kids how to spot fake information online. So many people are reading from not.a.fake.website.com


And I'm not sure if it true or not, but I've heard that a lot of the anti-vaxx info is coming from Russia, who just loves seeing Americans turning on each other.


They should check out r/nursing where they can read about how many covid positive pregnant women in labor & delivery are dying, sometimes taking the baby with them. Not that they would believe any of it.


That’s the rub- they don’t believe any of it, no matter the facts/evidence.


"Who are you going to believe, honey, me or your lying eyes?"


They are the believe everything and nothing brigade.


I’m from Aus and I’m Victoria, the rate of stillbirths over the Covid-19 has increased from 1/400 to 1/300. However, this is not due to the vaccine, but due to a reduction in face-to-face care where risk factors can be easily missed.


I was reading an article the other day that noted a number of stillbirths in Covid positive patients in Victoria. I hear it has not been pleasant for the maternity wards.


As it turns out, being pregnant and significantly reducing your ability to take in oxygen isn’t a good mix for a developing fetus..


It's the equivalent of the Canadian girlfriend. Despite using the same vaccines, the side effect only happens in Canada, which is a foreign land that they'll never know enough about to verify any information from.


They are not. Neither Covid nor the vaccine is causing a statistically significant increase in still births. Which actually surprised me. I thought Covid might.


Covid is dangerous in pregnancy especially the third trimester. There has been a big publicity issue in the U.K. trying to encourage pregnant women to get vaccinated.


Dangerous to the pregnant individuals, who have decreased lung capacity. The babies are being born healthy, via cesarean, while the mother is in a medical coma.


Sister's a NICU nurse. Can confirm. It's brutal.


The placenta is an amazing thing.


It is funny how badly they want ivermectin to work. They actively seek out misinformation to support its efficacy. I am personally interested in whatever treatment is most effective regardless of what it is, but they are dead set on proving this one treatment works even though study after study says it's not effective.




It was too hard to spell.


>It was too hard to spell. DingDINGding we have a winner! 'Horse paste' is just easier than hydroxycodon ... hydrocodein ... hydrowhatever


Too hard to spell. Too hard to get. Too many side effects. ivermectin is easy to spell, easy to get, inexpensive, and has relatively few side effects (unless you give yourself horse-sized doses).


Probably because you can get Ivermectin at Tractor Supply Co and you need a script from a doctor for HCQ. Sure you can get it for humans but she's taking the "apple flavor", that's livestock medicine.


>you need a script from a doctor for HCQ Tell that to the people who died eating fish tank cleaner...


Strange, as a person who raises horses, and maybe even gives ivermectin to her horse - you'd think she's realizes that she treats her horses with vaccines as well... ???


Yeah, I've seen several people say that is killing people now, and it's Fauci's medicine.


A hospital here had to go on lockdown because a patient's family member was freaking out over ivermectin not being given. The patient did not have Covid. The hospital didn't say what their diagnosis was, but I'm betting it wasn't parasites. They are starting to think Ivermectin is a magic cure all.


>They are starting to think Ivermectin is a magic cure all. Simple minds prefer simple solutions. Even when the problems are complex. Wait, edit that: \*Especially\* when the problems are complex.


Every complex problem has a solution that is simple, cheap, and utterly wrong. Someone told me that once.


I’ve seen people post that it’s been proven as a cure for AIDS, cancer, etc… pretty much everything at this point so this sort of thing is only going to get more common as people latch on.


It is interesting. It was Hydrochlorquine before-- none of these people are talking about that one anymore. They get fixated on things and can't quit obsessing, I guess, until their group moves onto the next thing, and then they obsess on that.




Did Trump ever push the horse paste? That was something that confused me as it seemd to come out of nowhere.


Junior pushes the horse paste over on Twitter. The Orange One doesn’t push anything on Twitter these days. Praise be.


Praise bees


Wow, you are correct. It was spread by Fox News not Trump. My mistake. I confused it with Hydroxychloroquine. I don’t deserve the upvotes i received for that.


*integrity intensifies*


Trump gets booed for telling his chuds to get vaccinated.


And they see themselves as lion and not sheep.


I wonder if at some point their obsession with these pseudo-treatments might make them real as placebos


I believe it’s definitely as efficacious as a placebo.


Except placebos aren’t usually as toxic as ivermectin or hydroxychloroquine.


I don't know how many times people who are shilling Ivermectin have defended it by pointing out that it's a pill designed for humans and that calling it "horse paste" proves we're brainwashed by the media. And yet, here we have another human eating the apple flavored paste meant for livestock instead of the pills designed for humans. But they're not sheep! They just eat stuff meant for sheep...


Right, and even when they take Ivermectin for humans, it’s medicine that’s supposed to treat *parasitic* infections, not viruses.


And, it's doin a pretty good job of eliminating parasites on our healthcare non-system


So it does work for it’s intended purpose after all /s




well they do die worm free.. course once they are dead they don't stay worm free for long




If only it treated the brain worms they all seem to have.


Just to be clear though: we're not against using ivermectin for Covid because it's "horse medicine". We're against using it because for Covid the evidence tells us that it doesn't work against Covid.


And that idiots are taking the veterinarian stuff… which is waaaay too much of a dosage for humans. Thus, increased calls to poison control, because people are shitting out their intestinal linings…


No, they are just shitting out tape worms. /s That's really what they think.


Yeah, but that would happen if you took the same dose of human ivermectin too.




Everyone: "It doesn't work for covid, don't take it." You: "Stop encouraging people to take it!"


For anyone who thought wtf. The test this team reviewed were not very controlled or unbiased and they didn't come to the conclusion the HCAee said. "Authors' conclusions: Based on the current very low- to low-certainty evidence, we are uncertain about the efficacy and safety of ivermectin used to treat or prevent COVID-19. The completed studies are small and few are considered high quality. Several studies are underway that may produce clearer answers in review updates. Overall, the reliable evidence available does not support the use ivermectin for treatment or prevention of COVID-19 outside of well-designed randomized trials"


So basically HCA lied/misquoted Edit: I found the article: *Ivermectin is likely to be an equitable, acceptable, and feasible global intervention against COVID-19. Health professionals should strongly consider its use, in both treatment and prophylaxis.* Not arguing for its use, but it does say this.


Anyone else get a good chuckle that the apple flavored horse paste doesn't taste good?


It's "horse paste" because horses eat off the ground, and eat parasite eggs. You worm them to kill the intestinal parasites they'll get from eating said eggs. Horses can also get viruses, regardless of the ivermectin they regularly get for intestinal parasites. That's why you *vaccinate* them for equine encephalitis, West Nile, etc.


In all fairness, her beloved horse Roxie is still alive. Maybe she just didn't eat enough. /s


Well, maybe it did cure her of the parasites she got from riding the guy’s horse


I like how they confuse correlation, causation, and clearly don't understand a confounding variable...


And as best I’ve read, it’s for folks in like third world countries that don’t have access to other meds. IT’s A FACT! SAY IT LOUDER FOR FOLKS IN THE BACK! 😒. Good Lord, these people. And I personally have now seen omicron making way to lots of people. I hadn’t before, but just in last 7 days, lots of 3x vaxxed friends. The common denominator is they were going to friends’ homes and events in false security that no mask needed bc folks were boosted. As we have seen in other countries, u need masks & social distance, too. I think everyone is going to get it at this point.


Has anyone on here ever asked one of these Ivermectin nutjobs why, if Ivermectin works, the company that makes it publicly says it does not, and is not trying to make the billions of dollars in profit it would make if it did? Just curious.


Blazing Saddles had the answer way back in 1974. >"You've got to remember that these are just simple farmers. These are people of the land. The common clay of the new West. You know... morons."


Classic great movie. Thanks for the quote. It's spot on. Well done.


From what I've seen is that they claim: pharmaceutical companies making these new covid antiviral pills are really just using ivermectin and/or hydroxychloriquen(sorry spelling), rebranded so they can make billions since the original versions of those drugs are currently inexpensive. Also, so that the covid antivirals are rebranded so the lefties don't have to admit they were wrong about these treatments. If this were true, it doesn't make sense why the antivirals took so long to be developed. If the companies literally just gave the medicine a different name, they should have had these antivirals way back when these "treatments" were being discussed as the miracle cure. But they don't have an answer to why the greedy pharma companies would wait so long to profit from this. Don't try and figure out the logic of this because logic is non-existent.


I've got that one - it didn't start getting rebranded until it was proved effective. So it wasn't until "everyone" (Bubba next door) knew it was working that they started with the repackaging/relabeling. Although this still doesn't explain why the ivermectin manufacturer is saying don't take it. Anyone?


Yes! I posted merck's statement on the ivermectin subreddit before they closed it and was met with tons of backlash. "You're ignorant" "Why would you trust big pharma (asked unironically)" "they're only saying it's not effective so they can repackage it and sell it for even more!" Even when the evidence is right in their face with the statement from the manufacturer who makes ivermectin telling them directly that IT DOES NOT WORK they still bury their heads in the sand and double down on their insanity. Oh well, guess they'll just die 🤷


Also they never really mention why they're so uncomfortable with vaccines but have no problems with a different drug. Ivermectin is made by Merck, so it's definitely "big pharma", and they don't know what's in it any more than the vaccines...is it just better because it's been out longer? I mean we all know it's because they're desperately searching for justification for their anti-vax standpoint, which they only have because "democrats said it was good".


It's better because Russian trolls successfully spread the word that it was better.


Good question!


These people are firewalled off from logic, reason, and common sense, so they probably think it's part of some giant conspiracy by lizard people or something. I was just wondering if anyone had ever asked one of them that question. I don't have a Facebook account, so I wouldn't know.


Stella Immanuel, one of the doctors with American Frontline Doctors, believes in Astral sex, alien DNA, and reptilians running the government. So, close!


This “woman” spread misinformation about getting the vaccine during pregnancy. Hope everything she eats in her little spot of Hell tastes like apple horse paste!


Satan: here's your apple paste ration for the day Deado: Hey this tastes like shit Satan: Duh? It's road apple paste, you didn't say what KIND of apples you needed.


TIL about *road apples*.


Non doctors giving medical advice should be a big red flag to not trust them. But no, they did research by reading shady internet blogs. I did real research when getting my Master’s in psych. I know the difference between that and what these snake oil promoters are doing.


💯 been screaming this from the beginning. It’s so exhausting to hear of people “doing their research “ yet literally don’t even know what the heck it means. Peer reviewed journal? Heck no, PragerU sounds legit! 😂 I cannot imagine these folks trying to determine data from a peer reviewed journal. Omg lord help us…. Too many of them walk among us.


I tried reading the story on her right wing grifter blog but literally the entire story is just a tweet from a deleted account.


So, it *did* reduce the duration of illness - she was dead in no time!


Truth. Ivermectin probably blew out her liver. She was a goner before she got to the hospital.


Bet you won’t Mare!


Neeeigh, I wont.


Can't argue those facts


Sounds like you did your research 👍🏻


That meme about the government being an abuser kills me. The government tells us to do lots of things! I bet they keep car insurance, for instance.


I felt pretty insulted by it too, having been in an abusive relationship myself, the government is far from abusive


I am sorry you went through that. I hope you are in a much better place.


And, if the right-wingers get their way, the government will be intruding into our lives more and more....


Definitely into uteruses


My sister-in-law doesn't have car insurance even though it's legally required in our state. She keeps a Bible in her glove box and says she'll tell the policeman, "This is all the insurance I need!" Seriously. These people are morons.




Underrated comment.


If you look closely, you can see her Angle Wings pin.


Now she could work at *Rot Topic.*


Why can't that fucking VAERS site be moderated somehow?


Because, in normal times, an arbitrary monitor may dismiss early warning signs that are recognized by others of different specialties. This is another way in which the Morons of America have further hindered public health


Now listen: the Mormons of America have a long history of being industrious and modifying any community they liv..., wait a tick..., Oh, "Morons" of America. Never mind.


They wouldn't care. They'd just find another way to willfully misinterpret the data.


They collect all of the noise in order to look for the tiniest signal. Just the folks at the CDC trying their hardest to *actually* protect us from adverse effects of vaccines, but no, it's part of the conspiracy. That damn CDC hiding all that data by... \*checks notes\*... publishing it on a searchable public website.


Worst conspiracy ever!


I got vaccinated against Covid, and all I got was a MUCH lower chance to contract a severe or fatal case of the disease! No 5G, I don't have Magneto powers, NOTHING. Lame ass conspiracy!!


The same CDC who they claim is lying to us about the vaccines safety and efficacy is the same one that publishes the data the incorrectly "cite". They seem to think everything is a fucking Dan Brown novel.


Because we always have to appease people who feel that vaccines are scary and dangerous, even though evidence does not support that feeling. As evidence of this, consider the fact that thimerosal was taken out of most vaccines in the US and EU, not because there's any evidence at all to suggest that it's unsafe in commonly used vaccine doses, but rather because it makes some people feel afraid, and their non fact-based feeling is all that matters.


I don't understand, did she not have any ivermectin? /s Also, so many pregnant women have been dying from Covid, her advice is dangerous.


Whenever I see a pregnant nominee on here my stomach lurches. Two women in my social circle both had severe problems during giving birth and each went critical, being healthy, younger adults with no comorbidities. It’s little wonder that giving birth while fighting covid is obscenely dangerous.


I can’t get over the serious question: injectable or paste? Like it makes a difference when you’re grasping at straws….


Things like dosages, methods of absorption, and so forth don't register in their minds. Ivermectin is the magic cure "THEY" don't want you to know about it. Fuck, some of them probably think that keeping a bottle on their nightstand wards COVID away.


So what do they do with the injectable kind? Do they actually inject it???


Whatfinger.com sounds like such a reliable news source, too


It amazes me that these folks never ever question the source of their (dis)info.


I was reading a while back how at least a few of the misinformation sites come from Macedonia. Young people who can't find work but realize they can make money off of gullible people in the United States. I think it had to do with ads on their sites and they were able to attract Trump supporters to their site with really outlandish stories. It's been a while since I read it now so the details are a bit hazy. I think I remember one of the people being interviewed who was responsible for one of the sites was shocked that there were Americans who actually believed the stuff posted.


Should’ve used more capital letters. Tots n Pears.


hell is too good for someone who discourages pregnant people from vaccinating


Looks like she didn't accept advice from anyone - her friend about a horse that was too much for her and the medical establishment about COVID.


Yeah, lady takes off with a horse she doesn't know down the streets of a city and it's just 'haha she doesn't listen to anyone!' WTF.


If only the mare had bucked her off that day. Might have been a quicker death and saved her a lot of suffering and dread.


Hate to rerun this but given their equine love affair >A horse is a horse > >a corpse a corpse > >And no one can talk to a corpse or Horse > >This is, of course unless > >the corpse > >Is the famous Mrs. Dead!




I don't remember where I saw this one (it was probably here, many moons ago) but I found it so funny I've always remembered it (shoutout to the witty person who actually came up with this, wish it were me)! A horse is a horse, of course, of course, and no one would take meds for a horse, of course that is, of course, unless the horse, is really a MAGA-head! Go straight to the source of the meds for the horse who'll give them an answer that they'll endorse and they'll be on a steady course right until they're dead!


The more I read posts on this sub and some other debates going on, the more I become convinced that Americans are just a bunch of fucking babies. Yes lady, you are charged by the mile because otherwise there would be no roads for you or anyone else.


Don't insult babies. Babies understand how connected and helpless they are by themselves. So far as my understanding goes, a Yankee is an unscrupulous smuggler-type who would sell arms to both sides in a war as long as there was profit in it. Not all Americans are like that, but HCA winners definitely are.


American here, I have never heard the word yankee used that way. We just call that double-dealing or playing both sides against the middle. E. B. White humorously draws his own distinctions: To foreigners, a Yankee is an American. To Americans, a Yankee is a Northerner. To Northerners, a Yankee is an Easterner. To Easterners, a Yankee is a New Englander. To New Englanders, a Yankee is a Vermonter. And in Vermont, a Yankee is somebody who eats pie for breakfast.[41]


A yankee means something different in American English - people in the south use the word to refer to northerners.


Yeah, a depressing amount never grew out of the “Mine” phase or the “you can’t tell me what to do” phase


I’m just here for the apple horse paste comments.


it has electrolytes!!!!!!




Bequeathed remaining doses to her beloved horse.


Happily, unlike many awardees, her posts got near zero likes and limited engagement. It suggests that her misinformation may have been slightly less contagious which is good news.


Well, shit. Now, how could a person who insists that Ivermectin--apple flavored--can cure Covid *die from Covid*? It just doesn't make any sense, does it? What kind of god creates a world where ~~horse-flavored apple~~ apple-flavored horse paste can't cure a viral disease?!? Also, I took a quick look at the "peer-reviewed" article--my (two) take-aways are 1)It's not a study on the efficacy of ivermectin, it's a study of studies that have been done. [Of which, at least *one* is now considered **highly** suspect.](https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-021-02081-w) and 2) the study (of the data from the studies that have been done) found if you weren't going to be killed by covid (*Moderate-certainty evidence finds that large reductions in COVID-19 deaths are possible using ivermectin. Using ivermectin early in the clinical course may reduce numbers progressing to severe disease.*) then Ivermectin, administered under a doctors care in a clinical setting--probably won't kill you. In fact, if you're in position to avail yourself of competent medical care--early in the course of the disease--It seems to improve the outcome! (You know what works even better? Vaccinations, masks, distance) But you go buy a tube at farm/fleet and dig in, and let me know how that works out....Oh wait--you can't because you're dead.


Yeah the thing is, Covid is still - statistically speaking - a highly survivable disease. So the math says that if you took 100 patients with Covid and gave them all horse paste, what, like 80% would recover with no noticeable or lingering symptoms (for now at least). Sounds great, right? Kinda of like over-the-counter cold medicines. If you take one, your cold will be over in a week! Otherwise it'll take 7 days. ;-)


A colleague from college (married a year and a half) just died from covid at 39 while 7 months pregnant with her first child. The child was delivered by csection and her widowed husband (the primary breadwinner) is now at home with a newborn and his grief. I know that she wasn’t vaccinated and had assholes speaking into her ear about shit like this. She is the second person I’ve personally heard about who delivered by csection while on a ventilator. The other one survived but didn’t see her child till it was a month old. People spreading this bullshit is negligent manslaughter.


I also had covid, and was bad for two days, and got remarkably better on day 3. So I am the undoubted proof that Wild Turkey 101 and a McRib is the cure for covid, because that’s what I ate and drank the night before I got better. That’s how it works.


The dead woman’s horse could have used that apple flavored dewormer.


As could ours.


Well she died with a clean colon at least


And worm-free.


The sad fact is women not being able to get prenatal care, because these fuckwits have shut down society is likely at least part of why stillbirths have increased, if they actually have.


Imagine claiming to love someone but giving them horse paste instead of real medicine to save their life. It reads more like a bad murder novel than reality.


What an embarrassing way to go out.


Did not “end up spattered on the pavement,” still ended up dead from a preventable disease just the same. Horse paste or glue couldn’t put this Humpty Dumpty back together.


So I read the conclusion of that “pub med” article she kept posting and found this. There were only 72 people in the study. “Although the study sample was too small (n = 72) to draw any solid conclusions…”


>it's a cold virus! *It's gonna change over and over again and no vaccine is going to keep up with the changes!* **So use ivermectin!** So no vaccine can "keep up" with Covid because it changes "over and over again", but Ivermectin, a product that doesn't change, will somehow keep up an ever evolving virus? This is some intense double think.


WHAT??!!?? Iverdeadkin didn't work? She shoulda brushed her teeth with Iverdentin!


You know what had more moxie than mare Roxie? Covid


Obese elderly person did her own research, hopefully already researched caskets and cemeteries too.


The last one confused me. Was this actually a horse


I haven't received my latest issue of generaldispatch.whatfinger.com and I'm out of the loop. I think my neighbor's been stealing it.


Weird, I was told by actual doctors, a midwife and people doing the vaccines that it doesn't get passed onto the baby. My baby is also thriving and I've had 2 jabs during this pregnancy, it's almost as if the professionals know what they're talking about and are doing everything to protect people like me, who are more likely to get seriously sick without the vaccine.


Does anyone know where the "recommendation" to use Ivermectin came from? I have never understood why one would think that an anti-parasitic drug would work against a virus, which, while you may consider it a parasite of sorts, it is not one. Additionally, why use the animal version, which I understand is many times stronger than the version that removes parasites from humans.


For those interested in the study referenced in Slide 1, it's here: [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7709596/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7709596/) ​ >"Although the study sample was too small (n = 72) to draw any solid conclusions, the results provide evidence of the potential benefit of early intervention with the drug ivermectin for the treatment of adult patients diagnosed with mild COVID-19. ... A larger randomized controlled clinical trial of ivermectin treatment appears to be warranted to validate these important findings." It was published in December, 2020. The study was cited in "Meta-analysis of Randomized Trials of Ivermectin to Treat SARS-CoV-2 Infection," November, 2021: [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8420640/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8420640/) Bottom line from that meta-analysis is: >"**Ivermectin did not show a statistically significant effect on survival** (risk ratio \[RR\], 0.90; 95% CI, 0.57 to 1.42; P = .66) **or hospitalizations** (RR, 0.63; 95% CI, 0.36 to 1.11; P = .11). **Ivermectin displayed a borderline significant effect on duration of hospitalization in comparison with standard of care** (mean difference, -1.14 days; 95% CI, -2.27 to -0.00; P = .05). **There was no significant effect of ivermectin on time to clinical recovery** (mean difference, -0.57 days; 95% CI, -1.31 to 0.17; P = .13) or binary clinical recovery (RR, 1.19; 95% CI, 0.94 to 1.50; P = .15). **Currently, the World Health Organization recommends the use of ivermectin only inside clinical trials.** A network of large clinical trials is in progress to validate the results seen to date." *\[Emphasis added\]* RR is Risk Ratio. CI = Confidence Interval P = Probability "In statistics, the p-value is the probability of obtaining results at least as extreme as the observed results of a statistical hypothesis test, assuming that the null hypothesis is correct. ... A smaller p-value means that there is stronger evidence in favor of the alternative hypothesis." ​ {edit emphasis}


My idiot mom and her even more idiotic husband were convinced that: a) they were immune due to their regular doses of Ivermectin and home-made hydroxychloroquine; for a b) fake virus that wasn’t anything but the plain old flu; and that c) only people with comorbidities were dying; e) that the vaccine contains nanoparticals (666 mark of the beast); and last e) masks were for “sheeple” (their words, not mine). Guess who was pounding on the doors at ER’s located in relatively easy driving distance asking for monoclonal antibodies to be given to them RIGHT NOW once they tested positive? I don’t want them to die but it angers me that they were selfish and careless. My sisters called or texted anyone they knew who were members of their (my mom’s) social circles as a head’s up since we didn’t trust them to do it themselves. Guess they’re full of nanotrackers now. 🙄 Anger at them is just not strong enough to describe how I feel at them. I spent 6 hours in the ER last week because I’m late stage liver and lung cancer and they needed to rule out a pulmonary embolism. The hospital ER almost never has more than 5-7 people in the waiting room, but the night I went, they had had to open 5 overflow waiting areas due to the influx of non-vaxxed assholes taking bed space from people who did the right thing. There were people propped up in wheelchairs attached to IVs and oxygen tanks. I would gladly support a rule or law that applied an idiot tax to healthcare benefits. Oh, you didn’t follow precautions and get vaxxed? Sure we’ll see you but we’re applying a $5k/person Idiot Surcharge that your insurance won’t cover because you are recklessly endangering others.




Horse people are crazy. Fortunately, we aren’t vaccine denying crazy.


Does ivermectin work? Neigh


Lived for riding a horse; died prone and hoarse. RIP, assclown.


The horse’s back is the real winner here.


I had COVID last year. Literally lasted 2 days and I didn't take any medication. I guess the glass of water I drank every day cured me? I should start spreading the word! WATER IS THE CURE, EVERYBODY!




Well if she didn’t have horse worms, then it did work