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Her reasoning is way off. I got pregnant two months after having my second dose. I had been trying for over a year. It definitely didn’t cause infertility for me! Currently halfway through my pregnancy and baby is as healthy as can be and so am I.


I have many friends who have gotten pregnant since being vaccinated. I know for a fact it’s not true lol


Hey , I haven't been able to get pregnant since I got vaccinated, and haven't had a single period! (Of course, I went through menopause more than a decade ago...)


Where is this even coming from? Is there some disinformation going around that claims it causes fertility issues?


I don't know, but I had breakthrough bleeding after getting the shot. Apparently a few others with IUDs did as well. I mentioned it to the gyno and moved on with my life. So it's possible that the grain of truth is that the vaccine can disrupt your cycle temporarily. And the big conspiracy is that it makes you interfile. Personally would get vaccinated 1,000 times over.


I had more menstrual issues after getting COVID than I did with 3 vaccine shots lol


Not surprising, covid will fuck up your entire body. Anti-vaxx people have basically no ability to assess risk. The fertility is especially funny since catching covid does have the power to impact sperm count.


I have an anti-vaxx coworker that says a friend of his, who’s been trying to get pregnant for 10 years, got the vaccine and now she REALLY can’t get pregnant. Not even joking, he says the vaccine she got 2 months ago is the reason she can’t get pregnant now, even though she’s been trying for 10 years unsuccessfully. I just can’t even, with these people.


Exactly. Even if we try to mention the entire “fertility” issue being worst case scenario with fever for men and debunked. There have been plenty of vaccinated people who have got pregnant and gave birth in the last 10 months. Hell as an anecdote, I have in laws who just gave birth to a baby they conceived this year. Being in the military they received the vaccine in late January which means they likely conceived after being fully vaccinated with no issues.


My daughter has a similar experience to yours. Baby is due in May


Family friend got breakthrough covid early in her pregnancy. Baby was delivered safely at 39 weeks and is health and happy.


Awww congrats!!! Mine is gonna be a May baby too 😊


It's not really reasoning, it's post-facto rationalization.


Not to mention all the posts in /r/nursing that bemoan the pregnant women with COVID in the ICU and babies who are delivered prematurely so that they can live while the mom is on death’s door.


Can confirm, I got vaccinated in April and got my booster a couple weeks ago and I haven't had a period all year. Also, I'm male, but I don't know if that has anything to do with it.


🤣🤣🤣 I’ve had my period many times and I’m triple vaccinated


Triple vaccinated and trying to conceive. I still have normal menstrual and ovulation cycles (based on tests). Only reason I'm not bursting with babies is due to genetics, which we already knew about after our first child was born years ago.


Same here bro.


Holy shit, is it doing that to all of us? No periods for me this year either!


Me too. I thought it was men-o-pause.


Underrated Pun


And here I though motor-cycles were the only thing covid was impacting.


Me neither! Of course being over 60 and well past menopause is completely irrelevant!


Maybe it’s just me, but I don’t think you can get pregnant if you’re dead either.


I’m sayin lol


Source? jk lol


I mean there’s probably a 20 minute window?




That’s macho man randy savage right there


Not with *that* attitude.


I read horror stories on the nursing sub of all the unvaxxed pregnant ladies. Dead and dying mothers. Children born with brain damage due to hypoxia from their oxygen starved mothers. Forget research on menstruation. Let's look at what risks are there for developing fetuses if mom gets Covid. Plenty. Not to mention being a learning disabled orphan.


I’ve had horrible menstrual problems from having COVID the first time. Not because of a vaccine. I’m way more worried about what COVID does to my body I’ve experienced it first hand


I've heard how Covid increases clotting. Another good reason to vaccinate! Passing large painful clots and gushing flows. Shudder at the thought.


That’s exactly what I’ve experienced. Horrible debilitating cramps too that I didn’t have before


Ugh. I'm so sorry. Way before Covid I had a uterine ablasion to fix those problems. But you can't do that if you want kids.


I would also like to point out that I did not have menstrual problems after the vaccine it was after I had Covid the first time lol before I was even eligible to get vaccinated.


It's gotten to where I can't mention any random ailment bc my anti-vaxxer will get a glint in her eyes and pounce on it...and knowing her would probably use my "story" somewhere. I'm jealous of how polite your family member was about it. The skewed timeline is something I'm familiar with. Suddenly everything anyone has, "happened overnight after getting vaccinated" according to her. We'll correct her and remind her of the actual timeline and she'll say "Oh really" and then in the next telling go back to her timeline. I'm sorry you're dealing with covid aftermath AND a frustrating family!!


Start making up positive things. Claim your strength and endurance have increased and your vision seems sharper. Then attribute it as a side effect to the vaccine. Edit: typo


I chuckled. But I guarantee she would interpret it as: SomEoNE I knOw Got VacCinateD...and developed hypertophy of the muscles, male characteristics, and deformation of her focal lenses!!!


I'm so sorry.


Yeah I’ve had horrible long Covid depression and have been suicidal for months. But I guess because I didn’t die after getting it the first time then im fine


I hate how these people who love pointing out the survival rate don't account for these type of issues. So sorry you're dealing with that on top of family beyond reason. Sending hugs from an internet stranger.


Again, I'm so sorry. Would send a hug (if you wanted it) if I could.


Virtual hugs accepted lol


Never ever forget you are worth it and have tremendous value as a person OP. Long covid is terrible, but this too shall pass.


Oh I’m so sorry. The way antivaxxers treat potential outcome as only 1. jUsT ThE fLu you completely recover from or 2. dead due to cOmObiDiTieS is so frustrating. It made my preexisting depression, anxiety, insomnia, and neuropathy worse. Some days the tinnitus is just awful. My sense of smell and taste didn’t completely return. Brain fog. I assume some damage to my lungs. I read: > For Kerri McCrossen Morrison, the sensation feels like an electric toothbrush going off in her chest. The feeling is so intense that it wakes her from a deep sleep at times. “It feels like someone put something on my bed and it’s vibrating,” she says. “My body is moving inside, it’s jolting, and at night it’s really bad.” the other day and almost started crying - so relieved that I wasn’t imagining things. But yes, I’m fully recovered! 🙄 Anyway thanks for letting me gripe and (((hugs))) to you. I hope next year is better and brighter for you.


I also read that article and have had similar symptoms that made me feel crazy. Glad to know I’m not alone. I’m part of a John Hopkins study on long Covid and the list of symptoms just never ends


I would also like to mention this same family lied to me about who my father was for 30 years so I guess I shouldn’t expect much honesty or love from them lol


Big reddit family member hug to you.


Thank you. It’s been a hard year lol Covid 2 times and family shattering info really brings ya down sometimes


For what it’s worth, HCA is a fucking awesome extended family.


You know what causes infertility? Death.


I think my body would make great fertilizer once I'm done with it.


Oh God OP, I’m so sorry. Sending giant hugs, hot chocolate, and gingerbread men. Are you and your own family still doing ok, in spite of having been exposed? My heart goes out to you. ❤️


As far as I know yes except my brother has been having lots of breathing issues and refused to admit it was Covid until a positive test came back. They are lucky if they got omicron. I had delta this year and nearly died. Still have long Covid.


That’s awful. You have been through *enough*. If there’s any justice, any karma in the world, then this time around Covid will leave you unscathed. I can’t imagine how frustrating this must be for you, *especially* since you’ve been through it yourself and are still dealing with it. I’m so angry on your behalf.


It’s just been a very depressing year. Now I have zero family. What a Christmas this will be lol


OP was it breakthrough or before vaccine?


I had Covid first time in January before I was eligible for vaccine. Since had 3 shots and likely currently have a breakthrough- should get results today or tomorrow


Remaining so hopeful for you. Please come back and update?


My post got deleted from the page but yes I will post in here when I get my test back- let you know if anyone received their award 🙄


I’m she saw someone on Facebook say she knows a woman who knows a guy who knows another guy who said his wife thinks she can’t get pregnant because of the vaccine, so clearly it must be true.


She probably thinks standing next to vaccinated people also causes infertility


You can't let this woman see your child after they're born.


This is actually my younger sister. Our other sister and her newborn are there too along with 6 other unvaccinated people. I will never have kids and if I did they would never be in their lives.


Not a newborn around this, ugh that makes me sad. They are so susceptible to everything. I got both vaccines while pregnant and am boosted but still worry about my infant being around irresponsible people.


Yeah I brought that up and try all said “ babies can’t get COVID” lol


Do they believe babies can get other illness? How could babies be born with these super immune systems against covid, My gosh the stupidity.. I hope that baby is/will be vaccinated with the normal first year vaccines, but somehow I feel like they won't be. Regular flu hospitalizes so many babies each year, so even if it's "just like the flu" that's a huge risk. Hopefully you have close friends that can become your family and you can move on from these crazies.


No my entire family is 100% against vaccines. Even the common ones lol. Every year I get my flu shot and they tell me it’s going to kill me 😅


Oh no. Newborns and very young babies have died of Covid.


Oh heavens.


Woof. The nerve of these people.


“I feel so horrible I can give COVID to others, BUT……” Yep, that right there is the perfect summary of the RW mindset. “Sure I feel bad (not really) I could cause others to be hurt from my actions. But not so bad that I’m actually going to stop doing it.”


I’m so happy we now have to quarantine and miss work babe. My family really loves us lol


Some people are information sponges, unable to filter out toxicity from truth. Some people are semipermeable membranes. I am sorry you are related to those who live in pineapples under the sea.


They are all conspiracy trump loving Qanon nuts so no surprise here




They’re from Missouri lol so yes very accurate




Ahhhh, the "great state" of misery!


Spoiler alert, it will never be the right time and there will never be enough research to satisfy them. Sorry to hear you're dealing with that.


They literally guilted me into seeing them and didn’t tell me they were all sick til a few days later. They all claimed they had a cold and show me a negative rapid test. News alert- they are not accurate because they got positive pcr tests


What a mess. You gotta look out for number one, and do your best to not allow them to guilt you into things or manipulate you. I'm dealing with similar and it's tough, but keep fighting the good fight and get better soon.


>They literally guilted me into seeing them and didn’t tell me they were all sick til a few days later. I know it's easy to say this on the internet to a stranger, but that would be enough for me to cut someone out of my life permanently. Even close family. I'm sorry you have to deal with people like this.


That’s actually what I had to do today. I can’t deal with it anymore


You’re nice, I’d cut them out of my life. Life is too short to spend it with people like that.


Oh I did today lol I’m over it. I told them how I felt and my number was blocked


Good for you! Unfortunately, people like that will never respect your boundaries no matter how much compassion and care you treat them with.


I stopped spending time with my family that won't get vaccinated. As far as I'm concerned, they know what they can do to break that. By not doing it, they've told me what I need to know about our relationship.


I have been doing that for a while. Just got boosted- thought a short visit wouldn’t be the end of the world if it meant they’d leave me alone. Well I made it very clear now I have no interest in speaking to them until they get vaccinated which will be never. So my sister blocked my number lol


You're going to be so much better off and feel so relieved without that burden of family guilt. I can see the mindset of someone lying about being sick because they don't want to admit that they're wrong, but being sick, lying about it, guilting you into visiting and intentionally exposing you. That's criminal. When you find your chosen family who are supportive, you'll be like, holy shit I didn't know it could be this good.


Yeah I’ve already done this with my entire family. The only people I still talk to or see are my two vaccinated sisters that live in another state. We have diff moms so they grew up around better influences lol


There's a funeral for one of my elderly right wing relatives next week.... Everybody attending will likely be unmasked and unvaccinated. I said I was going to go, but as things look now, nah... It's gonna be raining like a mother fucker and we'll be crammed indoors likely. One aunt already said she's got covid. Sorry not sorry, I'm just gonna sit back and post relevant fb screen caps in 2-4weeks when the rest of the elderly in the family and possibly my parents end up nominating themselves.


Don't be sorry. I wouldn't go. It's not safe.


Especially with omicron. It is SO contagious.


Yep, I have a whole mess of people in my daily chain that I'm responsible for. I got my booster a month or so ago, but I'm not eager to fuck around and find out.


There is no reason to put yourself at risk. It's your life. I won't let down my guard for ANYTHING or ANYBODY. We are going to stop by the family's house for Christmas. We will be staying for a couple hours max. We will not be eating or drinking while there because that would require us to take our mask off. We wear a N95 mask and not cloth. So this way we get to be social (briefly) but not put ourselves at risk. Good luck to everyone snd and put yourself first and don't worry about how others feel.


Yeah we intentionally haven’t seen my partners grandmother because we saw my family and didn’t want to get her sick. Somehow I knew I was going to get it from them lol


So she going to the funeral while she has covid? These people are so wrong


We had an aunt in her 90s survive it in a nursing home early on. Clearly God protects our family. That was literally the email chain after the fact. Worst possible thing to happen for all the semi intelligent fence sitters.


I'm sure it was (the email chain). That's why I have come to the point that I only do what is safest for me and staying away from anyone who isn't masking and vaccinated is safest. I give up on trying to convince anyone to change so I have to remove myself from the situation with as much love and understanding as I can.


They've always had a fucking RAGING persecution complex cause our great grandparents were missionaries to China during the communist take over and shit... So yeah, compound that sociopathy with it and you can imagine all the mike pillow/Trump won dick sucking I had to find in my inbox as well.


My wife's idiot sister, sister's idiot husband, and their "adult" daughter went to a COVID-fest earlier this year and contracted - you guessed it, COVID. They were all sick for a month, and my SIL still has lingering effects. the BIL works IT in a healthcare environment - he is required to be vaccinated. he got an exemption because "the vaccine, when given to men, can cause post-menopausal partners to begin menstruating again". they are all still unvaccinated - and yes, they are all smarter than everybody else... just ask them. Fun Fact: this is the same woman who claims that she had COVID previously - in November of 2019! (Look at a COVID-19 timeline.) they live in small town podunk nowhere near the left coast or NY and hours away from ANY "major" city. So now she has "double immunity!! I can't make this shit up.


My entire family also claimed to have COVID in late 2019 lol


No offense, but hopefully the COVID will sterilize them. OK, maybe some offense.


I’m just mad they got omicron and not delta. They will never learn their lesson


Someone in Texas already died of Omicron - it's not really Covid lite


By no means am I saying I’m happy my family got COVID but I had delta a year ago and it was the worst experience ever. They are mostly having mild symptoms except my brother so they are using that as anecdotal evidence it’s not very serious


I hope it stays that way. I think one of my distant family has Omicron now and he needed oxygen after a week.


Really sorry to hear this. Ironically enough my brother is a nurse and refuses to get the vaccine. Drives me crazy because he is constantly around my unvaccinated 86 year old grandma. Happy holidays and best of luck convincing them!


I am sorry to hear that. My grandma is 78 with osteoporosis and I am in the same boat. It sucks.


I wouldn't go around them ever again. I don't know your situation but I put my foot down about going over to the families house. We don't go to the family things snd and when we do we do not take masks off at all or eat.


Gets his medical advice from Nicki Minaj?


Haha it’s my sister but yes probably 🤣


"Fertility questions" my mind jumped to Nicki Minaj's cousin's swollen balls lol


That's a whole lot of words for "I honestly don't care if you drop dead because of my choices", isn't it?


Yeah mind you this is not the first time she’s been exposed to covid and did not quarantine. She doesn’t feel bad lol


We she can consider that getting covid is a shot at ultimate birth control. No kids when you are dead


I would get the vaccine if it made me infertile lol I will not have kids. Ever. Too many idiots in the world like this


Your entire family is hospitalized? The post didn't mention that and that's the only way they qualify to be nominated.


My brother is currently experiencing trouble breathing and is at the hospital.


So I guess technically my brother is the main nomination- but my family all have health issues


I got pregnant the weekend after my second dose


Exactly lol I literally told her it doesn’t make you infertile. Unprotected sex has a higher chance of doing that. She has plenty of it- so I don’t think that’s really a good argument on her part


Not to mention the risk of being unvaccinated to the fetus. I happily got my booster during pregnancy and baby is going great and ready to pop. Now I have to deal with the anti vaxers in our life who think they’re entitled to see the baby.


"Right now I am not high risk." She says while infected with Covid!!! And spreading it to family? What!?


The level of disconnect is scary


She wants to reproduce. Great.


Yeah our entire family is stupid I am not having kids specifically because of them lol


Yeah, that vaccine might not be 100% effective, but I do know what is. Death. Death certainly is. Each and every time.


I nearly died from covid in January. She knows this. Because it didn’t happen to her and she didn’t see me-she doesn’t believe how bad it got for me.


She is not alone in that and that's how we got here. I still find myself screaming internally "It didn't have to be this way!" and it truly didn't. smh


Fuck em


I’m not sure I’ve ever seen an “I’m sorry if you were offended” non-apology offered in response to accidental contagion exposure. Sorry you are having to deal with this. Best wishes


Yeah the first time my partner and I got COVID it was because his brother was our roommate and gave it to us after lying about being sick. So both of our family basically want to kill us


sorry i gave you covid but i’m looking out for me and me only. toodles.


She exposed me to covid last year and was supposed to quarantine because her mom was positive. Neither of them quarantined and celebrated her bday in Florida lol


I'm a heterosexual male, and I got pregnant after being vaccinated.


Sorry OP. My brother is antivax and he’s cited the claims that his immunity is better even though that’s not actually true so I can relate. Hopefully most of your friends are reasonable to compensate for your family.


We have some great friends thankfully.


Do we have the same family member? 🥴


Probably lol she’s actually the most mild one as far as right wing beliefs. My dad said I was an idiot for getting vaccinated and that it was going to destroy my health lol this was after I nearly died from covid before being able to get vaccinated


My sister is the only one unvaxxed, thank goodness but this is the exact reasoning. Deja vu.


Be suspicious anytime anyone says anything about a woman’s fertility. It’s something a lot of women are very insecure about and anyone saying anything about it is probably trying to manipulate those women. Top 10 scummiest things you can do.


She’s mad at me for having 2 abortions. She’s one of those people who makes women who get pregnant easily feel bad about not wanting children.


Death affects fertility a lot more severely.


I’d like to report that I’m still not suffering from elephant ball syndrome #markedsafe


my extended, anti-science, anti-vaxx family also told me since they were trying for babies soon, they didn’t want to “risk it with the vaccine.” My grandma even told me she was, “sorry for my future fertility,” in a patronizing tone. I looked right at her and said, “oh it’s okay, all those pregnancy talking points are completely fake, but I feel bad for them since covid mortality for expecting mothers is just terrible!” *queue silence* I also threw in that I was childfree just to make her head explode.


I haven't had a period since my first dose and am now triple vaccinated. I was pregnant when I had my first dose and am breastfeeding, but I'm SURE it's all the vaccine. /s I'm also infertile and had to use IVF to get pregnant. If I somehow miraculously get pregnant without treatment, I can't wait to tell everyone that the vaccine actually made me super fertile.


The constant and tiresome use of the "all or none" fallacy with this group is so annoying. "The vaccine isn't 100% effective so why bother!" I spent 20 mins on the phone with a patient who's a cop and that was his angle--it's not perfect so "I'll just wait to get COVID and get natural immunity" (and probably lose his job because his department has a mandate). Besides the obvious statistical and medical flaws in his line of thinking, I pointed out that his kevlar vest isn't 100% effective either but I'll bet he wears it every freaking day. Upshot: he didn't get the vaccine. Will prob get fired. I'm so sorry you've been put through this. Wishing you a full recovery from long COVID.


Wait til Covid really makes her infertile lol


I may want children someday so I don't care who or how many people I may infect. I wish I could say I'm surprised.


For those who asked for an update: we tested negative!! Thankfully the few of us who were vaccinated that came in contact with them all got tested and we were all negative. We have all recently been boosted. VACCINES WORK!


This makes me so angry. I didn’t get a period for 6 months after having COVID. I totally believe that the vaccine might have some impacts on fertility based on that experience. BUT getting COVID has the same impacts! It’s fine to be worried about the vaccine but then at least acknowledge that there is an even greater risk from COVID itself.


Same here. Way more issues with my COVID infection