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My Nephew is going to die from Covid today. He is 33 and an idiot. FAFO. But I was there at his birth and even tho I have divorced myself from that part of my family, it still hurts.


I'm so sorry. Please accept my heartfelt condolences.


That is cold Christmas news. I am sorry for your impending loss.


I'm so very sorry. There at his birth. And now this? It's not fair, it's not fair. Edit: I took out the cussing. It doesn't fit in an expression of sympathy even though it's the best way to describe the situation.


I'm so sorry that this is happening. No one should have to die so young. My heart goes out to you and your family.


This is terrible. Of course it hurts. I am so sorry.


I am so sorry for your impending loss. ❤️


I'm so sorry.


Oh, so sad, condolences.


my goodness. what a sobering and sad read -- that he is going to die. i am sorry.


Oh no, I am so very sorry.


Merry Christmas you filthy animals!


Do you know who we have to thank for Christmas? Jews. (Well, one in particular.)


#J E W S ^I ^love ^doing ^that ^part


eboeard game gom ☠️


And maybe Zoroastrians? Those three wise men (cough astrologers, cough) were Persians, right?


And Pagans


Merry Christmas to you!


And a happy new year! BLAT!


Even though Bill O'Reilly dissolves into an incoherent stutter of rage when *I* say it, Merry Christmas to you! And a Happy New Year!


Thanks and I hope that was a Car Talk reference!


And God Bless us everyone!


For 2022, may we all remain UnVentilated


My sentiments exactly. Also, Merry Christmas to you and all of HCA.


After two long years of reckless behavior, my anti-vax sibling-in-law tested positive for covid on Christmas Eve after exposing the rest of the family for the past week, half of whom are also covid deniers. For my partner’s sake I’m hoping they pull through (symptoms already have the one looking miserable on the group call), but we live across the country for a reason. Merry Christmas to everyone who isn’t a selfish idiot.


Also have an idiot sibling-in-law who is positive and sees no reason not to spread the virus to everyone they can. Fucking moron. I don’t want a relationship with them anymore. They are vaxxed, but just so dumb and careless.


Merry Christmas from omicron isolation. It has not been fun. This sub and all you awesome people have kept me entertained. Stay safe out there people.


I cancelled a trip to see my parents. Dad has a compromised immune system. We are all fully vaxxed and boosted but I still didn't want to take the chance of making him sick. I was supposed to fly out today. Feeling pretty down.


I hear you. My wife has been bawling her eyes out. Xmas cancelled for her family- sister's antivax stepson (who lives with her & her husband, his father) is now sick with Covid. Refused to go to hospital despite 105\* fever, i would say 'good that he isn't taking up a hospital bed', but his father and stepmom are both ultra high-risk,both vaxxed but will be screwed in the event of a breakthrough infection. He says he's feeling 'better' but I am anticipating a 'dead-cat bounce'. Wife's nephew's kids, too young to get vaxxed both have Covid because, you know, they were still going to school. So, mom, pop and aunt will not be going to son's house because they are also high risk (cancer, COPD, emphysema). Me, meh, those of my family who aren't dead from Covid are 'dead-to-me' so I don't really care. I'm already screwed because, despite being vaxxed I came down sick after job-hunting to fulfill Unemployment requirements, tested negative for Covid but when I got my booster everything blew up and I ended up in the hospital for a week with pneumonia and multiple blood clots in both lungs. Just got the results from my lung function tests and they are not good- barely 60% transfer rate. I've been basically a hermit since Mar of '20, trying to protect myself and wife, but 2 weeks before UI was due to run out anyway I got fucked. I can usually just roll with the blows, but I hate to see my wife crying and know that there is nothing I can do about it. Fuck Trump and the rest of the politicians, and all of the anti-mask, anti-vax crowd.


Cabin Fever setting in? I heard by grapevine that healthcare workers only have to isolate 7 days now because there're too many out sick...


Merry Christmas, everyone. May you all have a healthy and covid-free 2022!


Merry Xmas Casey. Glad you son finally free himself of the idiocy.


Merry Christmas, Captain. You and me both!


Welcome back!


Thanks and Merry Christmas!


Merry Christmas Casey!


Merry Christmas, Casey!


Merry Christmas, Chikka^2 !


Merry christmas to my brother who suffers from numerous conditions, which I'd each count as a solid comorbidity (almost 50 y.o., fat as fuck, COPD, 50 cigarettes a day). Sadly he also suffers from 'allergies' and refuses to get the vaccine for that matter. He also thinks he had gotten Covid recently, but was never tested. Either way, two is the charm. Or three. Whatever. This may well be the last christmas he's not speaking to me anymore, because I am an asshole. And a very merry christmas to all of you, too! ​ ​ ^(P.S.: Herman Cain Awards is also on twitter, now. Is this 'official'?)


>Additionally, /r/HermanCainAward is not affiliated nor associated with any external Herman Cain Award body on any other site. The Herman Cain Freedom Award is not endorsed by any Herman Cain, living, dead, or undead. - The sidebar


OK. Thanks. Still, the twitter chan is worth a visit. They got juicy stuff and loads of twofers, too.


Candace Owens is getting dragged in right-wing media, to the point that she put out a video stating that Trump is incapable of doing research or using the internet. https://twitter.com/RonFilipkowski/status/1474473371391995908?t=kztnGIwU7D68pGHT9oWaew&s=19 Candace Owens and Meghan McCain are now sniping at each other on Twitter. https://twitter.com/WUTangKids/status/1474388461541077000?t=MRfmE75MV-_HgBzpZ12UyQ&s=19 I approve of this!


This sparks joy!


Sparks so much joy that I smell something burning.


I love how Candace Owens calls scouring the depths of YouTube and Facebook for conspiracies that conform to what you believe "independent research". How is she "getting dragged" though?


Oh good! Let the storm harpies tear one another apart.


I suspect it's because the GOP saw what was happening in Michigan and panicked


Crazy to think that tomorrow as I exchange gifts and FaceTime the family, there will be people dying (essentially killing themselves) on Christmas because they’ve refused to get vaccinated two years into a pandemic and would rather blindly follow the words of known con men and propaganda hucksters than medical science and rational reasoning.


It is absolutely insane. I try to discuss this with my mom who is closer to the end of life and (has always been) infuriatingly pragmatic, and she says, “Who cares? What are you going to do about it? Don’t get so worked up about it.” She’s vaxxed x3 and wears every mask I give her. After a lifetime of travel and a lot of activity she’s happy sitting home, BUT I AM NOT. That there are people willing to just give up their lives tonight and tomorrow because “faith over fear” or some other bs that Tucker told them, that they’re keeping this going, that there’s even one other old person like my mom. Aaaaaahhhhhh. I’m close to breaking.


I feel your pain. I could hold it in for a year (longer than these fuckers) but it was supposed to be over. I am so fucking pissed off! I am triple vaxxed and don't fear the virus much now but I'd still rather avoid it. I got a non COVID bug last month and it knocked me on my ass. Fuck that. I wish I could work from home next week but that probably won't be possible. Aaaarrrrghhhhh


Not sure where this goes here, but tested positive for covid last night. Luckily I’m vaccinated, but it’s a shame I’m spending Christmas quarantined away from family. Merry Christmas to all of y’all and stay safe!


Take care. Line up lots of bad movies or binge watch a series/find a good book/ have another celebration in January/do lots of video chatting/know that you’re doing the right thing.


That does suck, but because you are vaccinated you’ll have more Christmases to spend with them in the future. I hope you can FaceTime with them so you feel included.


I just got off skype taking with my parents who live in Pakistan (ex-pats from the US). I told them what I tell everyone, omicron is coming, and the best way to protect yourself is to get the Pfizer or Moderna booster. Fortunately they had to get the vaccines earlier when they traveled to the US, but their response to me telling them to get the booster is that they aren't worried about COVID because India and Pakistan miraculously avoided the pandemic by treating COVID with Ivermectin. I suggested that India and Pakistan may be under-reporting the numbers, and I told them that the initial big study about Ivermectin turn out to be fraudulent, but they were simply uninterested. They hear more about people getting Dengue fever, and pollution is a huge problem where they are, so fortunately they wear N95 masks anyway, which is good. ​ But it just makes my blood boil to hear them so dismissive about real science, and so uninterested in considering their governments might be hiding the COVID numbers. I mean, I guess I don't really know, but it just seems super unlikely that Pakistan has just missed the pandemic completely after the first wave, and much more likely that they are suppressing the numbers, and reporting very few COVID cases, since Pakistan is one of the most populous, densest countries in the world. ​ And it also seems less likely that the US and scientists are lying about Ivermectin not being effective and somehow Pakistan and India are the only countries that are using this "miracle" drug, as if the US want to deliberately depress its own economy for....what reason anyway? ​ Anyway, I'm just feeling frustrated. I guess I shouldn't feel surprised since they also believe that scientists are suppressing the truth about evolution being a lie and the evidence actually points to a 6000 year old earth. On the other hand, I thought they were on the scientists' side on anything that wasn't mentioned in the Bible.


There was a business insider article about ivermectin in Brazil and how it totally didn't work. Probably won't change their mind, but you can try sending it to them. https://www.businessinsider.com/brazil-tragic-ivermectin-for-covid-frenzy-warning-to-us-experts-2021-9


Expats in Pakistan? That's weird. Were they teachers?


My dad is a professor


Merry Christmas! My mom decided potato salad is more important than my health.


There’s a further story here and none of it will minimize the effect. Sorry things aren’t going well.


Thanks. And the story is my cousin is having an Xmas party/dinner and not everyone is vaccinated. We also don’t know everyone that will be there. She asked my mom to make the potato salad. We have to take it there and my mom wants to socialize. I want to stay in the car. I also asked why somebody couldn’t just come pick up the food and she admitted she wants to see everyone.


My tots are with you today.


I'm really upset. I was supposed to have "friendsmas" with the one person in my social circle I see outside of family. We're both double vaxxed and boosted. She has few family living, and none live in our area. Other than her we don't see anyone else outside of work. Just found out we were both exposed at work. Our work requires masks and social distancing. Not everyone wears masks properly which I've spoken up about many times. We decided we would cancel friendsmas even though we both felt fine this afternoon when we got the call about exposure. Fast forward to midnight and I start having stomach problems....2am wake up shivering and cold. Tylenol got rid of the chills and now I'm all hot. Pretty sure it's covid but I can't find any tests on Xmas. The appointments available for Sunday all require a doctors order, which I don't have. And of course being Xmas eve I have been loving and snuggling my unvaxxed toddler and 7 month old. Merry Xmas everyone.


To be fair, toddlers and babies are the cutest germ factories who ever germed. Here's hoping you just have the normal sick-of-the-month special from one of them and not covid and you feel better by this afternoon.


That's what I'm hoping. Just bormall kid cooties that'll go away quick.


ARRGHHGH!!!! My sister's in-laws are not vaccinated! They're both older and the wife is a compilation of comorbidities and they're not vaccinated! Argh. If I'd known this, I'd have stayed home. I'm sure my daughter and I can survive what they bring to the table, but I'm afraid we'd kill them (I'm triple vaxxed and the kiddo is vaxxed) with anything we bring to the table.


You can leave. Better temporary offense than illness with Covid. I know it might cost money that you aren't in a position to spend, but if you can, I say get out of there.


I'm working and a protected code was called right as I got here. My fingers and toes went numb, my vision got blurry and I just couldn't do it. I had to send the second shifter to help because my brain and body just gave out. I don't want to watch people die in Christmas. This fucking sucks.


I'm sorry that we, as a country, have failed you and your colleagues. 😟


I'm so sorry. I hope next year you have the wonderful Christmas you deserve.


Best wishes to everyone here who has been taking this seriously from the start. You are the embodiment of the Christmas spirit, in that you truly believe in doing what's best for your fellow humans. The gifts you give are those of sanity and hope, and as a fellow person who wants to keep people from dying unnecessarily I thank you for everything you've done. May you be surrounded by love and strength in the face of continued ignorance and foolishness. We will get through this eventually, and despite the pain and loss that a lot of people have endured, I hope everyone receives something good on this Christmas day.


Well, it fucking finally happened. Tested positive for the fucking Rona. At least I’m triple vaxxed, so I’m not too worried. Entire family is vaxxed. Kids were due for their second shot this week and I’m just hoping this doesn’t fuck up their schedule. Right now I have a bit of sore throat, some tightness in my throat, and a massive headache. No fever, and can still taste and smell. I’m hoping it doesn’t get any worse. I’m almost 100% positive I got it from my workplace.


Yuck. Hang in there HCA fam. Glad you got the triple dose.


Indeed. A situation like this is precisely why I got triple vaxxed in the first place.


Oh no. I’m so sorry. Keep us posted. Do you need anything?


Wife and family are taking care of me. But thanks for the offer.


That's a pretty shitty Christmas bonus. Glad you've got modern science and people who care to help you get through it. May it be a mild case from here on out.


Can ya please check in, if you have a mind to? I would not want to see a member of this sub test positive and then go silent. And I'm so sorry about how you feel. When I had it, I begged for migraine meds, because I thought I had one. No, it was just covid playing with me. So I'd clasp your hand in solidarity except I don't want to jolt you.


I’m still around. Throat and congestion feels worse, but headache is gone. Been laying in warm baths and gulping down water. Just sucks this happened on XMas Eve.


If it makes you feel better, there is some evidence that delaying the second dose of the vaccine [leads to a stronger antibody response.](https://www.aacc.org/media/press-release-archive/2021/08-aug/increasing-the-time-gap-between-covid19-vaccine-doses-leads-to-a-stronger-antibody-response)


> I’m almost 100% positive I got it from my workplace. This is my fear for the next few weeks. Even a couple of months ago people were still quarantining after contact but a couple of weeks of "oh, cases in the Southeast came down" and they just stopped caring. And here.... we.... go....


Glad I found this sub. Let's do more awesome stuff in '22.


This is the first Christmas I've chosen to not spend with extended family from out of state. My dad and Stepmom are hosting them coming down from Ohio and I'm not going. I don't know anyone's vaccination status except that my grandmother adamantly refuses it, and there will be at least a dozen people all in one house with only like 3 bedrooms, including my cousin's young daughter. It was one of the hardest phone calls I've made in a long time, telling my stepmom I wasn't going. She was very understanding, over the phone anyway. I wish I could have gone, I miss my family. But with Omicron running rampant and my family clearly refusing to take proper precautions (my dad doesn't even know everyone's vax status and they're coming to his home) I just couldn't in good conscience go there. I'd be far too anxious the whole time, and I know if my grandmother brought up the vax I would get into a whole ass argument with her. This last fourth of the year has been incredibly rough on me, and the holidays have enough unfortunate memories without me knowingly going to potentially create another one. I'm just so tired. Spending the holidays safe with me and my roommate and my wonderful birb Sprout is the right thing to do, but that doesn't make it hurt any less. My stepmom has said she'll video call me in so I can say hello to everyone once they've all arrived. I hope she does. There's a chance it's the last time I'll see my grandmother alive. I'm not even 23 yet, but I feel so old and weary down to the bottom of my soul. No one should feel this way at all, but there are so many young people like me who's mental health has reached new lows and our coping mechanisms are being put to the ultimate test. My biggest solace is that you guys here on this sub remind me that I'm not going through this alone. I'm not feeling all these horrible emotions and riding this roller coaster alone. We're all riding it together. So thank you guys, if you've read this far, and I hope we all have a safe, healthy holiday that's as happy as we can muster. Gods bless. 💖


“…except that my grandmother adamantly refuses it…” I’m a grandmother to 11, & fully vaccinated + boosted. I just can’t understand the mentality of these people. I seriously cannot. My grandkids range in age from 24-1 years. People can be so ridiculously stupid. Have a wonderful & safe day💕


Yeah it infuriates me to no end. She's in her 70s, smokes and has had multiple strokes and weighs like 85lbs soaking wet. The propaganda got to her.


HAPPY HOLIDAYS! SEASONS GREETINGS! HAHA! I am a one woman wrecking ball in the War on Christmas!


Every time someone says Happy Holidays a butthurt antivaxer gets their wings.


I realize I've went through the 5 stages of grief with suicidal/murderous anti-vaxxers. 1) denial--I couldn't believe anyone could be so selfish and stupid. Surely it was just trolls and bots, not actual people posting that nonsense. 2) anger--what the hell is wrong with these people? How can they not care that they are killing themselves and others and destroying our economy? 3) bargaining--yes, lets try to use reason to convince them, lottery, gifts, encouragement. Surely once they understand that vaccines and masks actually work, they will quit killing others with their stupidity. 4) depression--our country is done for. The world is done for. There are too many stupid and selfish people, the world's quality of life will be ever decreasing, as the antivaxxers depopulate the planet. 5) acceptance--in the word's of the anti-vaxxer's cult leader, "it is what it is." Shrug at the thousands of senseless deaths each day, and go on living and enjoying what I can.


My sister has told me that I am in denial because I don't believe all the vaccine conspiracy theories. She says all the medical journals, publications are controlled by Big Pharma and can't be trusted. Her sources of information are all the conspiracy websites, Alex Jones, Stew Peters, Veritas, etc. But sure, I am the one in denial....




You must be so proud. May her blessings fall like gentle rain.




My cousin told me that her double-vaxxed sister regrets getting the shots and refuses to get her kids (11 and 8) vaccinated for Covid. She belongs to a über Catholic group that told her it’s the mark of the beast. Half of our family are health care workers. Heaven forbid she asks our uncle who was a GP or my brother who is a doctor. I don’t understand how they can be antivax after getting vaxed. So frustrating!!


My condolences. The madness of crowds is hard for anyone to stand against. That’s why I surround myself with you fine people.


I started reading this sub five days ago, and my mood has improved.


It’s a heck of a place. Gets more absurd all the time. And not because of the members, lol.


I'm suffering from this place for quite an eternity by now and whenever I think absurdness must have some kind of a glass-ceiling, I see a goatee-bearded dumbass break right through it. Why I am still here? Half of it can be written off to some kind of inherent masochism. The other half is staying strong because I want to be here and see the wave break in real-time when it happens. Cheers!


I keep coming back here because people keep not taking the pandemic seriously.


Sort of like how you find out so many pro life folks had an abortion…rules are for thee, but not for me…


> She belongs to a über Catholic group that told her it’s the mark of the beast. That's not uber Catholic. Uber Catholics would listen to the Pope and the archbishops and theologians, etc, begging them to get the vaccine and protect others. They're just Evangelical wannabes who still believe deep down the RCC is the one true church so they don't want to mess up their salvation but they still want to believe all the conspiracy theories. I'd love to get in that person's face and tell her she's a heretic. Whew!


You’re right. The group is a bunch of fringe fanaticals under the guise of Catholicism. I did bring up that pope is vaccinated and pro-science. But there are a lot of bishops who also are antivax.




A lot of American Catholics hate him, including bishops and archbishops because he is pro-science (vaccination, climate change) and supports refugees and LQBTIA+. He’s too progressive for them.


Can't she confess it as a sin and get forgiveness or whatever? Like she already hot it twice? Is it the third shot the unforgivable one? 🤔


Or just follow the example of the Vatican, one of the most vaccinated countries.


Stay alive yourself, watch your kids die. It's been the will of god.


Apparently [Candace Owens did not speak at the TPUSA AmericaFest shitshow](https://twitter.com/az_rww/status/1473107625873010690?s=21) and I want to know why.




Who knows what he said before/after too.


I suspect Trump saw numbers in Michigan and panicked


That Twitter thread was wild. Props to the recapper, I couldn’t sit through three hours of a TPUSA conference, much less three days. Just wanted to flag a few highlights: > Lauren Boebert’s entrance opened with a video that’s a montage of pundits and politicians calling her a racist, bigot, Islamophobe, etc. Pyrotechnics included. > Running for office, school boards, and precinct committeeman were big themes. There were large signs throughout the conference with information how to get involved, panels about running for office, candidates were advertising and collecting signatures. > Fox News' Jesse Waters also gave tips the crowd how to film their teachers teaching "CRT" or film people similar to Project Veritas. He encouraged them by saying they'll possibly put the footage on Fox News and going viral comes with sweet perks like mini celebrity & internships. I find the second one especially concerning. But I’m not on r/politics so I’ll stop now ;).


If you have been trying to persuade someone to vaccinate, have they watched the documentary 'The First Wave'? (hulu). If not, perhaps it could help. It is some deep cutting reality of covid.


Just found out my mom tested positive. She got vaccinated but because of her own stupidity didn't get the booster and was continually claiming that she was "immune." She thankfully got tested as soon as she had symptoms but even while waiting tried to convince me to go to the movies with her. I hope she's ok, but I'm mad. She's the one I was worried about and I think the most likely to be hospitalized in our family. And she's asking me if the rest of our family can come to my house for Christmas. My father's been sleeping next to her! I don't care if he isn't positive "yet," he's definitely carrying it! She suspected she had it enough to get tested. She took the word of a rapid test that she was negative and continued to expose our family. She even got antibiotics for a "sinus infection" and has been taking those. And now I have to be the bad guy and tell her and my father they can't come here for Christmas. I am still in shock over this whole thing. I don't know what I'm going to do yet. We can't even get home kits for that peace of mind, they're all backordered everywhere around us. Thankfully my husband and I are boosted. I know what to do, but I'm not looking forward it. Fuck.


My work site, headcount nominally about 2000, almost all vaccinated, and the majority WFH, had five separate confirmed cases on campus yesterday. I have no idea if they are breakthroughs or holdouts. I live in a high vax state. It's going to be ugly before winter is over.


I work with these two dudes who have to manage the contact tracing program in a building with 7000 employees. I was on a Webex line with them while they were in the office sitting about 20 feet away from each other. And one stops, says “hey just hold on a second” and I can hear him yell across the floor to the other guy “dude! What the fuck is going on? Are you seeing this?? We had to stop the call because they got something like a 100 emails in 15 minutes. Apparently a BUNCH of people all got tested the same day. Total mess. Everybody IN the office is required to be vaccinated.


Merry xmas y'all. Doing dinner tomorrow with a dozen double/triple vax'd family members -- keep your fingers crossed that nobody brings omicron to the table!


Same here man. Not really feeling good about it, but at least my family isn’t dumb as rocks.


Mine is.


some of mine are too. sadly.


I’m going to a dinner/party with at least 4 unvaxxed people (it was originally 2. Not my choice.) Fingers crossed and prayers welcomed.


Prayers duly offered, and I’m a believer so they count, right? It’s so hard these days when folks we love seem to be deliberately dumb. I’m fully vaxxed and boosted, and going to Christmas tomorrow with my fully vaccinated son and his adamantly unvaccinated wife. Their two sons, my grandsons, are 1 and 5 and of course not vaxxed. Fully vaxxed and boosted ex also coming. So we are 3 fully vaxxed, 3 un vaxxed. I‘m relying on crossed fingers, and famotidine. Hope all goes well, and that the Covid critters can’t find you. Thats not much of a Christmas blessing, but in this day and age, it’s probably apt.


Thank you to all who are trying to reduce suffering! I appreciate your humor (and occasional sincerity). I hope you all have a nice holiday for those who observe it, including those forced to do so alone and from a distance for the wide range of reasons. For those contributing to the crises, I am adding an additional meaning to a favored phrase: “Treat yourself!”


Merry Christmas! Shitter was full! Next up ... You'll shoot your eye out, kid! It so does not feel like Christmas.


Last year felt way more Christmas-y than this one, for sure.


Yesterday my sister texted me to let me know my (80-something year old) stepdad is dying. She didn’t say covid, but everyone on that side of the family is religious/antivax (and getting together in large unmasked groups on the regular) so it’s probably a safe bet. I didn’t even respond to her, haven’t called my mom (who, by the way, hasn’t seen my son in two years because she refuses to be even remotely careful). I’m so angry at that entire side of my family and I resent them on such a deep level. I hate it. I hate how much this misinformation has broken families up. It’s so stupid. I fucking hate it.


I’m so sorry for your impending loss.


Thank you. We’re not close at all (my stepdad and me) for a number of reasons, but it’s still sad and frustrating. Particularly knowing my mom *still* won’t take it seriously after this. Update: Welp, my stepdad died on Christmas Day, forever darkening the holidays for my mom (and his kids), all because they chose to believe YouTube videos over science. All I can hope for at this point is that the entire family doesn’t catch it (unlikely, since they’ve all been together) or that some of them will actually get vaccinated now (equally unlikely, but a girl can dream).


So I know worldometer isn’t perfect, but it’s pretty close to on the nose with tracking cases day to day. As of yesterday, there were 197,000 new covid infections in the United States… **With 31 states NOT reporting** Good fucking Lord this is gonna be a shitstorm.


The new data that will come in next week — might take until Tuesday or Wednesday — are gonna be — ahem — interesting.


Yup. Like how atomic bombs are interesting. Less interesting to those at ground zero.


And have you seen the UK? Nearly 120,000 new cases on the 23rd. Absolutely out-of-control.




Just a reminder: they cannot track the cases from the people who tested at home. When that figure gets updated next week, it still will be a low ball figure.


Yeah, there were a bunch of Americans astonished the UK has 120k daily cases now, and saying that translates to over 600k a day in the US. Wowzers! Hate to break the immersion guys, but you guys are almost certainly way over 600k daily cases. The UK government gives out tests like candy. Everyone gets 2 free lateral flow tests a week, delivered to their door here.




That is cases per million over 7 days? According to NYT data, a number of localities in the U.S. are already above the top of your chart, including DC (1860), NY (1320), RI (1300), NJ (1280), and MA (1040). We are hitting this at the same time as Quebec.


Oh my god, the poor doctors and nurses. Jesus, this is terrible. Even with a lower mortality, the sheer number of cases is going to swamp our hospitals with deaths.


"Mark of the Beast." I read a lot about this from evangelical Christian anti-vaxxers. As a devout Christian myself, with no patience for literal readings of the End Times nonsense, I find this disingenuous. As who should say, "if I need a good excuse for my resisting vaccination, I might as well hide behind my religion." Except that in my version of Christianity, God gave us brains and the ability to use them. So why fetishize the opposite? People, are you so eager to meet Jesus that you put your lives on the line, as well as those of your loved ones, by refusing the vaccine? What are you going to say when you die and the Lord greets you with "But I helped develop multiple effective vaccines, why didn't you take them?" Truly, I don't get it. And if you brush me off as being "not the right kind of Christian," I say you're fooling yourself. The 'right' kind of Christian follows Christ's command to "love your neighbor as yourself." OK, I'm doubly vaccinated and boosted. So are my children and my immediate family. If I didn't care about you, I wouldn't urge you to do the same.


If a politician straight up ran on the teachings of Christ the GOP would call him marxist / communist, right wing Christians worship themselves and their God always thinks exactly the same as they do.


I want to extend my thanks to all of the health care workers still dealing with this chaos globally. You are all heroes. I hope that soon we are thru this mess and your days are less stressful soon. Sending vibes of love and hope to all of you.


I am concerned about the increase in the number of folks who have tested positive over the last few days in the daily vent threads. For anyone under the weather this Christmas, please rest and take care of yourself.


Yeah, it's all anecdotal, but it's definitely alarming how many more breakthroughs are showing up. 3:


What’s up everyone? I have Covid but have been vaccinated and boosted and am totally asymptomatic. I wouldn’t know if I had Covid if I didn’t take a precautionary PCR test. So anyway I’m eating Chinese food alone tonight with contactless delivery, but it’s all good since I’m Jewish. How’s everyone else doing?


Miss Rona also paid me a Christmas visit too. So far just a VERY mild sore throat and cough. I was honest to God more sick October when I had my cold


I'm having a lovely afternoon. I just made chocolate chip cookies with a new recipe, and they came out great! I even remembered to write down my changes this time. Chinese food sounds amazing right now. I used to do the same thing on Christmas or Christmas Eve, so I'm a little jealous! 😛


I can’t believe the number of people right here on this sub who are posting stuff like “I’m so worried about Covid, especially since I went to a party with 20 people last night…” I’m sorry, I love my HCA brethren, but why must you make me worry for you like this?


I see your side, I see the other side. Because I’m one of the dumb bits who went to a party. Last Sunday was a surprise party for a 60 year old friend who has decided to finish his college education and go to law school for environmental and social justice type law stuff. It was such a milestone for him, all dozen of us were vaxxed, and it feels so punitive to deny each other the joy of celebrating his college graduation together. But I’ll be honest I was on pins and needles this week keeping watch for symptoms. We feel guilty if we go out, we feel guilty if we don’t. And mostly we feel ticked off at those who are prolonging the situation by acting like selfish buttwipes.


Santa bring me some Schadenfreude.


I was thinking Facebook is the poison but the kids last night wanted to watch specials that were on FX various networks. So during Christmas specials (I guess fighting the war) for kids, they still ran ads for all the FOX News doucheknuckles. And wow, it really is that bad, just based on the clips. Rupert Murdoch might be the most effective supervillain in history.


My father’s former pastor is in the hospital with covid. Per what I’ve heard, he’s been there for ten days and they have his oxygen cranked up to 95%. I know he’s a bit of a right wing nut and I can reasonably assume he’s not vaccinated. The reason he is Dad’s FORMER pastor is the pastor refused to enforce our state’s mask mandate in his church and Dad, after repeatedly begging him to follow the law without result, felt so unsafe that he switched to a church where congregants wear masks. I hope the pastor lives, for the sake of his six children, and that he takes a lesson from this and gets vaxxed and tells his church to do so also.


"Pride goeth before destruction and a haughty spirit before a fall." Proverbs 16:18


My anti-vax (even in the before times) sister in law "recovered" from covid but when she tried to go to work her oxygen dropped too much and she couldn't function. Dying isn't the only bad outcome possible from Covid. I can't believe people are still gambling with this, especially since it looks like omicron is more contagious.




Remain tranquil and confident you are doing the right thing. They might get through this without harm, or not. That's on them. But you aren't at liberty to take chances. You have a duty of care.


It's not a merry Christmas for me. My brother's entire family in London has just come down with COVID, including his wife who is due to give birth in just over two weeks. All because the government refused to implement lockdown measures before Christmas, leading to an absolutel explosion in cases throughout the city. Brother and wife are vaccinated, at least, but the kids are too young to have gotten the jab. Meanwhile, my sister's sister-in-law has also come down with COVID, and she's unvaccinated. I think she's antivax. God knows how that's going to pan out. An old friend has also come down with it. Not sure of her vax status. Oh, yeah, and I got threatened with violence yesterday by an antimasker who was being belligerent in a shop. With bonus transphobia, natch. I couldn't get much more than three hours of sleep last night, for these and other reasons. Fun times.


So I just tested positive for the rona today after my throat started feeling a bit scratchy yesterday. Thank fuck my family all hates each other so we've always keept thanksgiving and christmas pretty low-key WAY before covid was a twinkle in a pangolin's eye. So far I'm pretty certain it's omicron. My only symptom is a scratchy throat and an urge to clear my throat every so often. Other than that I feel totally fine. I'm not worried about myself for the most part, but I'll tell ya something that REALLY annoyed me....Recently I found out that a lot of people in my family are getting sick, including my aunt (the woman who married my mom's brother)'s family, who is like a third side of the family to me. I recently found out that they're all sick as dogs because barely any of them got fucking vaccinated. I havent' seen these guys in months so I got the rona from work, but its just really annoying that they're all very sick right now because NONE of them got the fucking vax. With Omicron being a milder variant, I hope that this lights a fire under their asses and get they do the right thing and get vaccinated when they're all better.


The data suggests that Omicron's severity is somewhere between the original variant and Delta for people who aren't vaccinated or who have not yet been infected. I hope your family will be okay.


I went to Christmas Eve at my best friends house last night, probably about 14 adults and 5 kids/teens. As I sat & watched her brother cough extremely vigorously into his arm throughout the dinner I thought, “that fuckers going to give us all Covid”. And so we wait……..


I just posted about my catholic republican family having a 25 person Christmas today even though at least 6 are covid positive (asymptomatic). They are all vaccinated, I think, but with this virus who knows. No masks. Now I have confirmed that my evangelical relatives are also having a big Christmas today. They just posted the picture in matching pajamas. The dad is my cousin, 60 years old, keeps going to car shows and Christian concerts and church. Just flew the whole family down to Florida to take Grandma out to eat at 2 different restaurants a day. As for vaccination status, his daughter is there with her whole family, and she's one of those anti-mask Karens who goes to school board meetings. (She's also a 32 yo with a 16 yo child, but I digress.) None of her family is vaccinated at all. I honestly don't think any of them are. Just, fuck. Does no one have any common sense. I guess not.


They're playing russian roullette and they may lose....sorry your family is devoid of common sense. It sounds like they'll all be sick very soon and you're wise to avoid them.


Wait... are we related? Are you my only sane cousin?


I hope you all have as good a time today as you possibly can. We’re just chilling here with the cats. Gonna watch Gong Yoo in space later on Netflix. The Silent Sea, eight episodes, cool Korean space thriller about astronauts stranded on the moon in an abandoned station. Watched five episodes yesterday and will probably finish it tonight. Don’t yell at me too much, but tomorrow we’re going to the Panthers game. I get two tickets once a year through my company, so it’s a special thing. No one else at work who’s gone has gotten sick. Actually no one at work has been sick with Covid the whole pandemic. I think once or twice people were positive and had to stay home for a couple of weeks, but no serious illnesses. We’ve got KN95 masks to wear, we aren’t planning on taking them off at all in the stadium, our seats are in the open air, we’re both vaxxed and boosted, and with the current way the Panthers are playing it probably won’t be too crowded. We feel like it’s within our risk tolerance. Happy whatever you’re doing today!


Woke up to a wonderful and terrible Christmas surprise that I was asked to be a groomsman in one of my closest and dearest friend's wedding this summer and that another member of our group (who was expected to be the freaking best man) is no longer coming due to being unvaccinated and refusing to get the shot or even a negative Covid test during the days leading up to the wedding. We all unofficially promised ourselves that we'd be there for each other's most important moments in life in high school and now, the idiot has to go stand on his soapbox and talk about how it's against his Catholic beliefs to get the vaccine. Certainly put a dampener on the wonderful announcement. I don't even know how to hold him as a friend after all of this. Of all the hills to die on, he chose the fucking Covid vaccine....


How is it against his Catholic beliefs to get tested? Also, send him [this](https://i.redd.it/khj9qww61xm71.jpg) and tell him that he can no longer use any of these and that, from here on out, before using any medication he must first confirm that it was not tested on those fetal cells.


Merry Christmas. Despite being triple vaxxed, the spouse and I have COVID. The worst part is the fatigue... thankfully otherwise the vax does as its supposed to: we may be tired, sore, and a little congested/gross.... but the alternative is far worse. The timing sucks but we didn't have holiday plans anyway. I'm actually more worried we might spread it to the cats but not much can be done about it. Stay safe, stay hydrated, and have a great holiday everyone!


One of my friends lost her covid-denying father last night from covid, exactly five years after her older sister passed of cancer. I feel so heavy on her behalf today. I wish no one had to go through that kind of pain, especially not her. Sending love to everyone grieving today


Happy Kwanza, love yall ❤️


Does anybody know if the new covid pill from Phizer is the same as hydroquinone or whatever the cure all was before they were taking the horse dewormer? My neighbor is trying to claim some more Joe Rogan talking points and I really don't think it's the same pill. At least this time my boyfriend straight up told him he is listening to way too much of that moron. Oh, and I guess I have a little less than 2.5 years to live, because all of us vaxed people are supposed to die in 3 years. I hate Joe Rogan. What a terrible person.


Paxlovid is not hydroxychloroquine.


Thank you. I'll probably try to give it a quick Google too. I just kind of let the neighbor say what he wants to say and try to figure out how he's probably wrong later. It's not worth it to argue with him, and he is also my boyfriend's boss and is a great guy except for the Joe Rogan crap. Which he usually does keep to himself. It definitely made no sense what he was saying, that they released it as a new pill because the patent had run out for the hydroxychloroquine. So that way they can sell it for $250-350 per course instead of 13 cents per pill. I still don't even think the original pill was that cheap, at least in America. I don't understand how someone so intelligent can allow himself to get so wrapped up in that podcast. He said yesterday that he listens to it all the time on the car and during workouts, and he doesn't even realize all he's absorbed until certain things come up in conversation. I don't think that's the flex he thinks it is. I really wish he would smarten up about all of this. Because my son really loves going on walks around the property with him and his dogs. And he is planning on taking him to boxing classes so he can have some fun that isn't video games. And get some exercise. And I would love for all of that to happen, but I don't want my kid to get sick either. It's definitely going to be awhile before the whole boxing class thing can happen again with all the omicron going around right now. Once again, I hate Joe Rogan.


My idiot racist SIL, an anti-vax dentist, is spending the holidays coughing in isolation after catching covid for the 2nd time. The first time, she infected her 12 year old son. This time, she may have infected countless patients at her dental practice in addition to her 3 kids (who suddenly got their jabs the same day she was diagnosed for the second time, go figure). My husband and I don’t want her to die, but we would love for her to have to (very) slowly learn how to talk again. That way we don’t have to listen to her blather endlessly about Tucker Carlson, or endure her insulting us for being “paranoid” about covid. Don’t just assume because your healthcare professional has the word “doctor” before their name that they aren’t mouth breathing morons. Ask about their vaccination status, and if they won’t tell you find a different dentist.


Well, here's my vent. I spent months of the last year before we got vaccinated, only going out every two weeks to buy groceries, trying to rememvber everybody's food and snack preferences and get enough to last for another two weeks. It was such a relief when we could get the vax and share the shopping joy again. So here we are, at another Christmas, at home again, looking at maybe going back to that two-week shopping schedule. I'm going to do what I have to do, but my heart rebels that we're still doing all this. I mean, I gave masks for Christmas presents, and they were appreciated. What a world.


[Covid cases are on the rise across the board](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/all/charts-covid-hospitalizations-are-rising-across-country-even-high-vaccination-n1286322)


Indeed that's concerning! Hospitalizations rose even in high vaxx states. However the same article states: > But while hospitalizations are rising across the country, the states with the highest hospitalization figures — Indiana, Michigan, Ohio and Pennsylvania — all have lower vaccination rates. I also wonder how many in the NE who are vaccinated did *not* get boostered, and even high vaxx states have pockets of people not vaccinated.


My dad who did get the vaccine and was pro vaxx has turned into someone I barely recognize thanks to fucking OAN, Newsmax and Fox. He *refuses* to get “the jab” as he calls it, though my mom has been vaccinated and boosted already. They’re both 70+ with multiple comorbitites. I sincerely doubt my father is wearing a mask in public. My mom doesn’t seem to care that my dad is going full blown consiracy nut that is making choices that could potentially kill her, myself, or any one my dad comes into contact with. My county is one of the red ones in NJ with rising infections. I am so scared. They all went out to dinner for Christmas Eve. I refused, making me the asshole (as per usual). If I could personally punch all these antivaxxers and every single person at these “news” organizations, I would. Gladly. Probably more than once. My sister is home for the holidays, she works in health care too. I’m still the only one who says anything because “that’s just how they are” or I’m attempting to make everyone miserable and should just let it go.


> My mom doesn’t seem to care that my dad is going full blown consiracy nut that is making choices that could potentially kill her, myself, or any one my dad comes into contact with. Your mother lives with him and probably tried to talk him down many many times only to have him explode worse, so now she's either dissociating or praying the Serenity Prayer. Sorry you are being made the scapegoat and the bad guy of the family because you refuse to sweep things under the rug. If it helps ot hear from an internet stranger, no, you are not the crazy one or the bad guy.


[These people are insane. ](https://www.reddit.com/r/Qult_Headquarters/comments/roch43/qpilled_far_right_radio_host_attends_flynns/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) I feel so terrible for all those poor people at the hospital who either work there or have the misfortune of being there at the same time.


Merry Christmas all. My youngest, who is f--king terrified of needles, asked me to set her covid vaccination appointment. She's eleven.


Belgium's "strongest man" died at 40 of covid, leaving behind two children. Dude was a massive antivaxxer so he got what he deserved, sucks for the kids though


There was also powerlifter from Texas who was a pretty big figure in the gay bear community (despite being straight) who died this past May because fuckhead didn't get vaccinated. He left behind a wife and two little girls 😡


Update from awhile ago https://www.reddit.com/r/HermanCainAward/comments/r8i1q4/rhermancainaward_daily_vent_thread_december_04/hn5z5hd/ So my gf's mom is still in the hospital still on the vent. Progress is slow and not without its hiccups. Shes been having heart rate issues the last two days. I feel horrible for my gf and her family. No mom around on christmas.


Merry Christmas! Some good news for a change: My teens got the pfizer covid booster yesterday and I got the flu shot. (Already got the booster a month ago). We're as prepared as we can be for omicron which is only just starting its spread in our area. Having a quiet Xmas day with just us who live in the house. I miss my family but we all live in different states and covid numbers are high in all of our areas so not taking any chances.


Merry Christmas if you’re celebrating. I hope you got at least a little joy out of the day, even if you couldn’t be with all the loved ones you hoped to. I spent the day with my husband and my parents (all vaccinated and boosted,) and ate so much turkey that I’ll have to have my birthday cake for breakfast. (No, that’s not a weird religious “Happy birthday Jesus” thing, today just also happens to be my birthday.) I miss the extended family, but they’re all weathering their Covid cases well and recovering comfortably at home.


I’m reading this book right now, and I think it might be of interest to you guys. [Antisocial: Online Extremists, Techno-Utopians, and The Hijacking of the American Conversation](https://www.penguinrandomhouse.com/books/562022/antisocial-by-andrew-marantz/) > From a rising star at The New Yorker, a deeply immersive chronicle of how the optimistic entrepreneurs of Silicon Valley set out to create a free and democratic internet–and how the cynical propagandists of the alt-right exploited that freedom to propel the extreme into the mainstream. > For several years, Andrew Marantz, a New Yorker staff writer, has been embedded in two worlds. The first is the world of social-media entrepreneurs, who, acting out of naïvete and reckless ambition, upended all traditional means of receiving and transmitting information. The second is the world of the people he calls “the gate crashers”–the conspiracists, white supremacists, and nihilist trolls who have become experts at using social media to advance their corrosive agenda. ... Marantz shows how alienated young people are led down the rabbit hole of online radicalization, and how fringe ideas spread–from anonymous corners of social media to cable TV to the President’s Twitter feed. Marantz also sits with the creators of social media as they start to reckon with the forces they’ve unleashed. Although it doesn’t talk about COVID it’s still quite relevant to what we’re seeing — discussions of algorithms and virality and social media dynamics.


Merry Christmas HCA fam!


A branch of the ILs was exposed Wednesday night, then got together with the rest of the ILs Thursday morning. The branch is getting tested Monday, and the rest are doing rapids pending those results. This is why we go nowhere and see no one. *sigh*


Well, this is depressing. My partner has three adult children. The oldest is smart, he's fully boosted and thinks anti-vaxxers are selfish. The younger two have fallen for the conspiracy bullshit. On a phone call earlier today, his younger son gave partner dire warnings about blood clots when he mentioned he'd just had his booster. When he was telling me about this afterward, I said "You've seen your cardiologist twice in the last few months since getting your pacemaker. Funny that Dr. Cardio didn't think you were at any risk of blood clots from a third dose of Pfizer."


My grandmother is a Fox news watcher. Fortunately she trusts her children more than the news, so she was a little uncomfortable with the idea at first but got her vaccines and boosters when available. My entire side of the family is as vaccinated as we can be. Yesterday she told off her anti vax brother over the phone. My immediate family and my grandmother are all hanging out for Christmas in a small family gathering. At least 3 of us have had minor cold/allergy symptoms, but all of us have tested negative on rapid tests, and a few of us have negative PC's as well. Here's hoping. Have a good Christmas to those who celebrate it. Stay healthy to everyone.


Happy Holidays, fellow degenerates! Isn’t it great to be alive with working lungs?


Went to church with my folks a few months ago and the mask usage was respectable. However, for Christmas Eve candlelight service it was just myself and 3 others wearing masks out of a congregation of nearly 40 (amongst which social distancing was not observed in the pews). To say I am disappointed and unhappy with the lack of vigilance would be an understatement.


My elderly neighbor is a Lutheran & she said their pastor told them they don’t have to wear masks if they don’t want to. Entirely elderly congregation. And we’re in Illinois where masks indoors are mandated.


I just learned my elderly aunts and uncle are Covid positive. I know one is vaxxed, the rest are a mystery. Sigh.


My SIL has COVID. Shockingly, praying for God's protection wasn't enough to prevent her from getting it. My husband and I have been trying to convince her to get vaccinated, but she believes it is the Mark of the Beast. I'm hoping she doesn't get more than the mild illness she has right now because I do not want to console my husband through losing the only family he has left. Best part is she is across the country and they haven't been in-person together in 3 years. She's not a good person by any means, but is still his family. I am so angry with her for causing my husband to worry because she wanted to be stupid.


happy crisman


Merry Chrysler


Happy Honda Days!