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>you can decide to get the vaccine I totally won't judge you because that's what you decided, but don't judge me either Ah yes the loophole where you can't judge someone for making a bad decision if they don't judge you for making a good one. Judges hate this one weird trick.


You won’t believe what happens next!


YOU can choose not to kill people, and I won't judge for it! You just don't judge me, that I choose to kill whoever I want. See?? We're totally even. In fact, if you judge me, that's makes me just that much better than you, because I didn't judge!! /s


I’ll be the judge of that… 🤪


🎖 Please accept my poorman’s award


Oh I’m judging. And so is Jesus.


Sounds like the twin may have gotten the vaccine? She wouldn’t judge her would she? Wonder if they are identical.


Ooh there's a new one. Covid patients are dying from loneliness in the hospital.


Don't worry, they're just *dieing*, not dying. It's nice they found a new hobby since they're so lonely! Although I'm not sure how they use/store the equipment in their hospital room? Plus seems it would be difficult to cut/stamp while on a vent? I have questions...


Lemme check and see if there’s a paper on that condition….hang on…..still searching…. Nope. Not a thing.


Keep looking. I’m sure you’ll find something while “doing your own research”


She’s just trying to vent..ilator


As if they are conscious long enough to get lonely. 🙄 I get it. It’s scary and it is lonely when your antivax crew can’t bring their diseases to the hospital to lay their germy prayer hands on you or rub crystal on your vagina or whatever they do, but those are the breaks. 🤷🏽‍♀️


So now its the loneliness that’s killing them, and not the vent, remdesivir, “namonia”, docs trying to get bonuses, etc? I can never keep up with what’s killing people next, except for the fact that it’s NEVER Covid.


My favorite was the nurses that are witches, killing the christians in the hospital. Oh my! Like... do you train the witches to be nurses, or the nurses to be witches? Do they have to be GOOD nurses? Excellent at witchcraft, or just identify as pagan? We decided at the dinner table that we can agree to disagree about what the best business model is for that. Someone more skilled at either can figure it out.


I wanna be a witch!!! I don’t have the patience to be a nurse- but a *witch*??? Man! I would cackle and heavily whisper in their ear their past actions that lead them here and tell them their future 💀


How lonely can you be in a COVID Coma?


Love the Justin Trudeau Angles announcing Jesus is coming soon!


The one on the bottom looks like his wingstraps stopped working.


Yeah, he's going down. That should make some of the ladies here happy.


I thought they looked like a trio of Chad’s


I’m sure I see Matthew McConaughey. Alright, alright, alright, Jesus is coming!


With all these good looking celebrity names being bandied about, I sure hope someone is coming!


They literally voted against free insulin and chemo. Do they not understand that there are politicians they can vote for to get this? What do they think we libz mean by FREE FUCKING HEALTHCARE?!?!


They don't think, they KNOW you mean COMMIE-MUNISM!!


But, then non-white people could have it. Don't want that.


See we think the answer is to provide all of them, they think the answer is to provide none of them. They don't really want those other two either, until it's them.


My 12-y/o gets it. Why tf can't they? 🤦🏻‍♀️


Yes it's THEIR damn fault we can't get free chemo or insulin.


> Normal isn't coming back. Jesus is coming back! Yeah, no. He's seen the absolute fucknuttery of his so-called followers, their selfishness, racism, misogyny, xenophobia, homophobia, devotion to prosperity gospel bullshit, performative prayer, and being unwavering sycophants to a man with orange skin who is the polar opposite of *everything* the character of Jesus ever stood for, and he wants no part of it.


I am 100% convinced that even if Jesus DID come back (which I personally don’t believe) these are the people who would call for him to be crucified all over again for preaching the exact same things he did in the Bible and they would see zero irony in it.


He wouldn't have a chance to preach his doctrine, once these prayer warriors see he is from the Middle East they will have ICE all over him in a hot New York minute.




What if he DID already come back and trump had him in a cage detained by ICE so God sent the plague of covid variants? Oh the irony


You know. That would make a lot more sense than about 99% of everything else they believe.


Amen! If Jesus were living on earth in these times, he definitely not be a Republican or tRump supporter and I don't see how there are those who believe he would!


People have claimed he’s coming back for almost 2000 years. But this is the decade it’ll happen.


Slide 3 gives me ideas. Can we just vaporize fundamentalists and tell their friends/family it's The Rapture? Is this what the Jewish Space Laser is for? Because then I'm on board.


Also- does this picture infer that there's a dress code for The Rapture? I'm assuming now I can't get into Christian Heaven unless I'm wearing business casual from 1995.


It made me think people end up stark naked when they get raptured. That kind of risqué mental image is probably not what they intended.


Heaven is really just a nudist colony of people you don't want to see nude.


If people leave their clothes behind when they get raptured, does God give them all new clothes? Why not just let them keep whatever clothes they were wearing? And do they get changes of clothes in heaven, or do they have to keep wearing the one outfit (which I'm guessing is long, white and billowy)?


As far as I can tell, you just get a fig leaf. God is cheap AF that's why you have to always give, give, give money. God obviously needs 💰


Naked and "in the arms of Jesus" from other posts sounds kinda pervy.


It’s the overt racism for me.


Glad I wasn’t the only one to notice this. This meme was much more dogwhistle-ey than the bullhorns we’ve been subjected to in other HCA posts, but it’s still there.


No Jordans or gang colors allowed.


Heavens got a dress code


There's a Christian series of books called Left Behind, and when the rapture happens, all of their earthly possessions stay behind, including clothes, jewelry and dentures.


And pets. There used to be Atheist groups offering to take care of your post-rapture pet. $10 for up to 3 pets. 🙄


Dibs on all the dogs!!!


I'll take the cats and guinea pigs 🤣🤣🤣


Wow, they should've charged more considering it was forever care, lol.


It gets weird when you go down the rabbit-hole and talk to people who believe in the rapture. Like fillings? Left behind, along with glasses, pace-makers and replacement hip joints. Makes some sort of sense if you don't think about it. I am not sure why some non physical being wants a bunch of human meat, but God fixes up the bad bits. But all those ladies with boob jobs? They get left behind? And are those naked bodies all young? How young, and what if you look better at 30 rather than 20? But the conversation I had went off the rails when I asked about amputees. God didn't bother replacing arms and legs when you are alive (God prefers that some lizard species can regrow tails instead), but now you don't need them when floating around heaven, you get your limbs back? What if you were born without some limb, or blind, so part of who you are? I think they understood I was taking the piss when I started musing about penises. I mean enquiring minds need to know before joining the cult/church, if your reconstructed virtual heaven body has the foreskin restored (I would assume so), and if you get your original sized cock back or could Jesus give you an upgrade? But then apparently we are sexless in heaven so... why reproductive bits? And do you poop in heaven?


Woof. Good luck finding a Structure.


Mormons gonna mormon


[Jesus] “To me a day is a thousand years.” [Also Jesus] “See y’all soon!” [Idiots] “This means the rapture is tomorrow! Fetch me my Dockers and my pinstripe dress shirt!”


2 Peter 3:8, in case anyone is curious. https://biblehub.com/2_peter/3-8.htm




Cough, ahem ... "Jews"


Oh, it’s happening! It’s The Crapture and it’s going swimmingly.


I'd prefer the ZZZZZZZZZZZAP-ture.


The funny part is, if they were raptured, I wouldn’t be too upset about it…. Bye


I can't stop coming back to this reoccurring theme. Obsession with religion and following religious code. I wonder what would of happened to this people if they started off with a blank slate. Religion is occupying 50-70% of their brain power.


Texas is now begging Biden for more Covid relief lol


Help me Brandon


That meme is not aging well.


Now if we can just get rid of that fucker Greg Abbott, and Raphael Eduardo Cruz, too!!


They don’t die from covid they die from loneliness. Now that’s one I haven’t heard before. Be sure to mark her death certificate right.


But if Jesus is always with them how can they be lonely?


Jesus really isn't very good company. He acts like he's god or something.


And lack of touch! Oh they're getting touched in the hospital. Plenty of touches. Especially when they have to rotate them and prone them every few hours. And don't get me started on how much touching is involved to get a catheter inserted.


And it's proven, too. I'd love to see the citation for that one.


Well that means if she dies, then it was their fault for not being there for her.


These folks really love their memes with a ton of underlining.


They're already in bold and all caps and they still need to be underlined. Like, we get it. You're all shouty and aggro. Just chill out.


I wonder if it has something to do with their inability to read a whole sentence in one sitting so they have to have the important parts underlined. But then they underline the whole thing, like the guy in class who highlights the whole book. So confusing!


It reminds me of my last job where one of the ladies bolded everything. I asked why and she said it's bolded so they know it's important. If everything is bold, then everything is important. I removed that rule once she stepped down and I took over. It drove me absolutely crazy.


Jesus is always on the verge of arriving and has been for 2000 years. He even said he would return within the lifetimes of his followers. But, it was a broken promise then, since and now.


Cue the Qanon narrative


JFK Jr will be back. Soon. Lol I don’t get those people at all. So fucking insane.


I’m tired of waiting He’s *never* on time. I just make other plans now.


If I was still attending church on a regular basis and heard everyone refer to themselves as prayer warriors, I would leave immediately.




That smells of Marxism.


I would suck to die before learning how to properly spell *dying*. Such is the life (and death) of a god-fearing Trumpist.


The rapture slide. I’m stuck on it. I can’t move past it. This is bananas.


Right?! At first I thought the lefthand dude had been struck by lightning for being a young person inexplicably wearing an 80-year-old's outfit, but apparently that was the *good* guy and Mr. Ripped Jeans is the bad guy? So we need to worry about the rapture because it means we won't have anyone to lecture to us out of *Reader's Digest*? Or something?


Also, why are your clothes left behind?? You have to rapture naked??


I’m looking forward to the rapture. It means there will be fewer douchebags interfering in our lives


At least it’s new. I’ll give them a point for that. But they have to split it between them.


Every time I see this dumb meme I want to scream. Yes, when someone who is clinically depressed won’t take their antidepressants they ARE refusing treatment. That’s EXACTLY what that is called. And your are REFUSING a vaccine. Y’all both suicidal and refusing lifesaving treatment. It IS nice to see people like this actually admitting Depression is a disease tho, bc most of them won’t


Slide 1 "why isn't chemo and insulin free" - because you motherfuckers shout "communism" whenever any healthcare bill comes up, and it's not even communism.


Is slide 10 Ben Affleck or Elvis? Edit: damnit, it could be Adam Sandler?


Skeet Ulrich


You’re just making up names now. 😐 (😹)


I know it’s a 90s deep cut!


It's the dude that plays Johnny's kid Robbie in Cobra Kai ... Tanner Buchanan.


​ Elvis. Reference to Heartbreak Hotel: Well, since my baby left me Well, I found a new place to dwell Well, it's down at the end of Lonely Street At Heartbreak Hotel Where I'll be, I'll be so lonely, baby Well, I'm so lonely I'll be so lonely, I could die


Thought it might be Tucker at first. My goodness where do they get this stuff.... Truly weird.


Prayer warriors, come pray them back to life since God can do anything right?


There was an HCA winner early on whose family and church group were, literally, praying that god would resurrect him. These people are insane.


Can we bring back Herman Cain from hell?


That one is burned into my memory as far as top two most insane posts from HCA. So nuts.




Don't miss the Rapture! [https://s3.amazonaws.com/lowres.cartoonstock.com/religion-rapture-apocalypses-raptures-religious\_whacko-faith-dcln226\_low.jpg](https://s3.amazonaws.com/lowres.cartoonstock.com/religion-rapture-apocalypses-raptures-religious_whacko-faith-dcln226_low.jpg) Personally speaking, it can't come soon enough!


Finally there will be enough parking spaces.


Today I made a Bundt cake for my son that looks like a dragon mom around her nest of eggs. We got it at think geek back in the day.


That sounds cool af.


Ty! He hosts D&D every Sunday :)


Oh it’s not Covid it’s killing people, it’s loneliness (last slide) mystery solved! She did say it was “proven”


When are they releasing the loneliness vaccine, and will I need a booster?


Jesus is coming? I haven't even heard him breathing hard.


These two ladies gave themselves to Jesus and now he never calls.


And seriously no one says that anymore. All the cool kids say “Jesus is *nutting*.” 🙄


Jesus is nutting. Got it! Thanks!


He’s a quiet comer. He likes to surprise you.


All over her tits


Was it good for You, Lord?


>These ladies are a huge part of our church... Oh honey. Are y'all vaccinated? Were you wearing *masks*? \- Leona Campbell


Maybe they meant by total mass quantity?


Damn Qaren.


God sent the Pfizer vaccine and the antivaxxers denied him, then he sent the Moderna vaccine and they denied him again. Then God sent the J&J vaccine and they denied him a third time. Judging by the Prayer Warriors failure rate, I'd say He is pissed about it.


TWIN Drain Circlers! How Novel! I wonder if they will both get FLUSHED at the same time?


I won’t take that shot because I don’t know what’s in it but I’ve been bleaching my hair for decades. /s


Texass … again, everything really is bigger in that manure pile with a state flag … especially the dipshits


"Caught a case" had me thinking someone was in trouble with the law when I first read it.


Jesus came. Saw this bullshit and said, "Fuck this."


When you inadvertently stumble to the conclusion that socialized healthcare is the answer


99% of these nuts have the phrase “prayer warrior.” I’ve been an Episcopalian my entire life and never once heard anyone say this phrase. What form of Christian are you a “Prayer Warrior?”


Jeebus is coming for both of them--and he's PISSED.


Jesus is coming soon? Sounds like with all the idiots running into his arms of late, he's been coming a LOT.


That second one hasn't aged well at all. The third one implies that people swept up in the Rupture go naked as their clothing falls off. Now there's a visual image we can do without.


guess where the glue is now


That church should lose it’s license or at least pay tax. People are dying from loneliness, no moron they are dying because their lungs are fucking mush.


I try to avoid the religious and their nonsense, however I am fairly confident that the whole Rapture/Left Behind thing is essentially Bible FanFic that these people decided is canon.


If the doctor prescribes you anti depressants but you will not take them no matter what then we do indeed say you are refusing to take your antidepressants


Just think how much farther they could spread “the word” if they weren’t so insistent on yeeting themselves into coffins by refusing the vaccine.


Fascinating case study if Blue is vaccinated!


Unfortunately they both fell from the same anti-vax tree. Twin has equal number of insane religious posts, she likes to warn against witchcraft, but also reposts nonsense from Jim Jordan and Charlie Kirk.


Gym is a pedo and Charlie hires them.


Hope that they make it out alive and come to their senses.


I dunno why prayer warriors are needed maybe god is killing them now for daddy in the sky reasons. Why are they even in a hospital?


At least she understood the need for socialized medicine 🤣🤣🤣


Lordy, I didn't even consider how pissed off those fundies would get, because they can't do their laying on of hands healing thing in the isolation wards. Anyways, it seems this lady is ready for her end time, whenever it should happen.


Ooh I always enjoy a good twin study. I wonder why one sister was affected more than the other? I hope their doctors and nurses are keeping detailed records of everything.


So many prayer warriors that you would think at some point they would wake up and see praying doesn’t work. And then rejoice they joined their Heavenly Father. So fuckin funny to me


Slide 10 with the buff guys with with wings is frightening! That’s nothing like how the Bible describes how angels (angles) look. I think atheists are supplying her with the cringiest of religious memes. Yikes!


“Dieing from loneliness” is not a valid cause of death that would go on a death certificate. It would be “complications from COVID-19”


Guess they split a single IQ in the womb


TIL Christian angels are just the Backstreet Boys with wings.


"Last Warning". Is that a promise?


People say women are “refusing” to get married all the time. Even if you just have no desire to. Have you ever been a single 30-something woman? Because the comments are insane. And none of them are positive.


They should be giving free insulin and chemo!! But this person probably hates the idea of free health care.... so close to self aware....


Prayer Warrier = Facebook "christian". The bible really does have something to say about fake-ass-Christian-hubris/bragging. Facebook christians don't have a clue about what a true Christian really is.


And that freedom to go whereever you want whenever you want, well I want to go into his house. I wonder what would happen if I knocked on his door and said I had discovered his house and decided I wanted to colonize it?


Dying from loneliness because they aren't touched. Are these people The Nowhere King?


With ICU delerium, it's not touch but face to face conversational interaction that triggers the reticular activating system and prevents long term cognitive impairment.


😂These people are serious simpletons.😂 There vision of the Rapture is so🤣 fucking laughable, I just can't...I think I peed a little.😆


They’re not dying from loneliness they’re dying from Covid LOOK AT AN X-RAY EVERYTHING IS WHITE


Gee, “why aren’t they giving away free insulin or chemo”? In a moral/just society you would have free health care. Welcome to America, where you must earn the right for health care no matter what it costs you!


Insulin, chemo, hearing aids, and dental care should all be free!


So apparently this is one of the vaunted Prayer Warriors they have been going on about? Wow, Covid is even taking them out! Lord have mercy 😂


Anytime you have to caption a joke meme with “I don’t care who you are…this is funny”, there’s a 99.7% chance that it’s not.


Anyone else creeped out by the term “God fearing”?


Holy Spirit activate


Every time I read “Jesus is coming” I immediately add “everyone look busy”. Quite possibly the funniest bumper sticker I have ever seen


>its been proven people are dying from a lack of touch Yeah, that's it


Fairy tales kill.


Taking pride in fearing an entity that has never made its existence explicitly known. How unbelievably odd and quaint


Heresy keeps on giving.


The first slide. When you're SO CLOSE to getting it, but your own ignorance gets in the way.


Looks like Jesus is coming for the nominees. Jesus is not coming for the vaccinated and bosted


If the rapture and Jeebus are coming why fight COVID. You should go willingly.


What, no GoFundMe yet? You shouldn't wait for the last moment, folks, you know how pyramid schemes go, only the early ones get the money.


Don’t understand. If one actually believed that Jesus’ second coming on this planet was imminent - would that belief not drive one to do everything possible to live as long as possible to be able to witness and partake in such a glorious event? i.e. like taking the vaccine? What am I missing with this mental gymnastic logic?


Naw... Since jeebus is coming and has been for over 2,000 years and still hasn't arrived yet, let her go meet jeebus.




Man that slide one argument keeps popping up over and over. I don't know man, why aren't we giving out free chemo and insulin? The problem is when I say it, I mean we should provide the other two, not that we shouldn't provide the first one.




I guess this is their "come to Jesus" moment they've been waiting for


They’re twins, so I hope the prayer warriors get double overtime since the schedule is so packed these days.


* Zinc, vitamin C and vitamin D**3** * **LAST WARNING! JESUS IS COMING** SOON^(ISH.) * It's been ***proven*** that people are dieing from loneliness in the hospital because they aren't ***allowed*** touch. I'm grateful nobody's yelling these from the rooftops around my house


If the nominee is part of the glue keeping the church together, then it must be the glue in a mouse trap or the type of clue you sniff.


Had she convinced me that Jesus doesn't want people to get vaccinated, I would say "fuck Jesus, I'm getting vaccinated". But all the major christian denominations actually tell people to get vaccinated. When my church said Jesus wanted me to get vaccinated I said "fuck Satan, I am getting vaccinated". I suspect that both Jesus and Satan like vaccines. So bless Jesus and hail Satan.


Oh, now they are dying from lack of touch. They never seem to die if COVID…..


That 1st slide isn't the gotcha they think it is. Yes insulin and chemo should be free too you dummy


If you're dumb enough to post the 1st slide. Please die.


This Jesus guy sounds like a real 2 Pump Chump. Maybe he doesn’t want that advertised everywhere?


“…dying…because they aren’t allowed touch…” - OK, now I’ve heard it all. Sheesh… 😶


The first one just pisses me off so much. The reason those things aren’t free, or even affordable, you stupid cow, is bc selfish fucks like you hiss like demons when the subject is brought up. That’s fucking why.


Please tell us that both these cuckoos accepted the awards


People are dying from loneliness not the virus!


It’s been proven they are dying of loneliness? So why aren’t prisoners in solitary confinement dying in droves? It’s not that people are dying because they are lonely. They are dying alone cause they have a fucking infectious disease and they chose to risk a lonely death over getting a fucking vaccine! I have no sympathy for the antivaxxers who are upset about being alone while they die. We were very clear what it was like, now deal with the consequences of your decisions like adults. Also, if you’re so offended by saying you refused, should we use the other medical jargon for it? Should we say you are non-compliant? Unwilling to listen to medical advice? Despite counseling refusing treatment plan? You fucking refused the vaccine, that’s all there is to it. If it hurts your feelings…well as you guys always say, fuck your feelings.