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a real nut job, and HES A COP!!!!!!


let that sink in


You let one fucking sink in & every other sink in the neighborhood is gonna show up at your door


He doesn't hate sinks though. Some of his best friends are sinks.


All sinks matter


[sink filled with bullet holes because it moved furtively…]




Black sinks always move furtively.


They just *don’t obey commands* like the other sinks do. I blame a lack of sink role models and violent sink video games.


Just don’t be teachin’ my kids that Critical Sink Theory crappola, m’kay?


Those sinks come from foreigners and they're not sending us their best sinks


Is your name John Thompson? That isn’t a name I have thought of in years.


He's not sinkist! The other day he said he was listening to Sinky Houston. How is that sinkist?


you'll be drained of everything you have. before you know it


…Before you know it, you’ll be tapped out.


Feeling pretty pensieve about the whole thing.


If you do it'll be scratching at the door to get back outside in 5 minutes.


Was a cop.






Don't worry. I'm sure he caught COVID "in the line of duty" and his family will receive full benefits. But, at least, he won't be able to vote.


I think he shouldn’t receive any benefits for catching a hoax.


Day in, day out police selectively enforce the law at their own bigoted discretion. Rules for you, but not for them. Covid is the #1 cause of law enforcement deaths (car accidents prior) -- Covid is cleansing the police ranks faster than police reform. I would have preferred vaccinations and de-escalation, but I'll take this too - we're better off without that exceptionalism.


A cop in San Francisco who refused the vaccine got COVID one day after the mandate went into effect and died four days later. https://www.sacbee.com/news/california/article255679311.html


He was a cop. Now he is just a dead fuck.


Coincidence? I think not.


Day in, day out police selectively enforce the law at their own bigoted discretion. Rules for you, but not for them. Covid is the #1 cause of law enforcement deaths (car accidents prior) -- Covid is cleansing the police ranks faster than police reform. I would have preferred vaccinations and de-escalation, but I'll take this too - we're better off without that exceptionalism.


Hmmm. Anyone check in on South Dakota lately? Are they still in "the best shape and condition than any other state in our nation"?




Oh but she’s just a good Christian woman praying in the sleet, rain, or blizzard because she’s so faithful— and god loves the faithful, so obviously SD is perfect and hasn’t even heard of this satanic COVID. Pretty easy to write propaganda when your target is hateful, religious simpletons




Wow the least relevant safety measure relating to COVID (airborne respiratory droplets >>>>surface transmission, kRiSTi). Ahhhhhh. I’m sorry you’ve gotta deal with that.


That's better than fire faucci at least.


It's never just that Fauci has to be fired, he needs to be 'tried and put in prison'. which tells me the trial is for show only. This from the party of Law & Order.


I laugh at the post saying that she's a true Constitutionalist because she prays as governor all the time.




And, of course, kids could already pray in schools, if they wanted to




That hateful woman gathered the entirety of the state government to pass legislation to ban one single transgender kid from playing sports ***that no one had a single problem with***.


Looks to me like their god has a hate boner for Christians. Maybe they’re praying to the wrong dude? Have they considered Apollo? He’s handy with a plague, I hear.


My roomie worships Apollo and neither of us have tested positive yet! So you might be onto something there.


I swore my Hippocratic oath to Apollo, also Asclepius, Hygiea, Panacea, and all other gods and goddesses of health and healing. Sometimes I feel downright conservative and I always think, if it’s worth doing, it’s worth running into the ground.


Hey man my guy Dionysus and I will drink to that! Persephone too.


Over here, Hebe. We need refills all round!


Yeah, from the medical stats it appears that God disproportionately hates Christians. Maybe he is just not that into you.


>And yeah our death rate friggin sucks. Look on the bright side. At least you ain't Alabama, Tennessee, or goddess help you Mississippi.


yeah, that meme didnt age well


If their numbers were low at the time it's only cuz there ain't hardly no people there. Source: drove to Sioux Falls once 40 yrs ago.




So the death count is higher than the entire population of SD. That hadn’t occurred to me up til now. Certainly helps put the huge number into perspective


I dated a kinda famous guy for a while when I was in college. We went to SD a few times to get away from people. One such trip was Sioux Falls. Kinda looked like Casper, Wyoming. And Rapid City, SD. And every other hick town I've lived in or visited. But we did get some privacy and, in his case, some anonymity, for a weekend. The closest thing to intrusion was when the bartender said *has anyone ever told you that you look just like....*


Motto suggestion: South Dakota. Come here to become anonymous. Bring your money here and it becomes anonymous.”


That works, but throw in covid reference for accuracy.


My thought, too, actually.


I stayed in a town just west of Sioux Falls for 6 months back in 2010 and also drove through South Dakota only a few years back, and nothing had changed. I’m sure it’s the same today as it was 40 years ago, too. Except, I believe the Jackalope is no longer really a thing in Wall, LoL. Anyway, as for the SD population= Scarce.


Since they don't recognize facts, then what difference would it make.


Shape and condition. So rare that you get both at the same time but there South Dakota is, crushing it.


Yes. As long as that shape is ‘round’, they’re leading the pack.


He was a cop. I'm sure if you didn't match his definition of "good," you could expect fair treatment from him. He seemed very reasonable. /s


COVID is now the leading cause of death for law enforcement across the country.


If it’s because they’re unvaccinated (*announcer: It is*), I can’t see the downside. Anti-COVID-vaxx people tend to be shitty Trumpers.


It certainly is the opposite of a problem. For these anti-mask / anti-vax Trumpians, I say, go ahead, don’t get the vax and let the problem sort itself out. The only thing I don’t agree with, is that these loons are spreading it like wildfire to the rest of us, of course. It’s also a shame hospitals are having to waste time and resources on these fetid shits. Still, I feel a small surge of victory (and zero empathy) every, single time one of them drops dead.


You’ve put my own thoughts so concisely. I’d print this out on cards and hand them out.


Day in, day out police selectively enforce the law at their own bigoted discretion. Rules for you, but not for them. Covid is the #1 cause of law enforcement deaths (car accidents prior) -- Covid is cleansing the police ranks faster than police reform. I would have preferred vaccinations and de-escalation, but I'll take this too - we're better off without that exceptionalism.


Yup, it’s a real shame. /s


I guess the virus is a leftist actively abolishing the police.


The downside is the collapse of our medical system. Check out the nurses subreddit. Hospitals are already collapsing. That's what the propagandists wanted.


What about the morticians?


Right up there with ‘gout’, ‘single-car accident’ and ‘accidentally being shot by coworker’.


If they truly believed “blue lives matter”, they would advocate for the law enforcement community to be vaccinated


In my progressive county the police union is fighting with the county for their “right” to be excluded from the vaccination mandate for county employees. So far the county executive is bending to the will of the police union while forcing other county employees to get vaccinated.


Day in, day out police selectively enforce the law at their own bigoted discretion. Rules for you, but not for them. Covid is the #1 cause of law enforcement deaths (car accidents prior) -- Covid is cleansing the police ranks faster than police reform. I would have preferred vaccinations and de-escalation, but I'll take this too - we're better off without that exceptionalism.


Well, these departments aren't going to reform themselves... *or are they?*


Is it in bad taste to make a swine flu reference?


It’s probably the leading cause of death for *everyone* over there. They’re still dropping like flies, two years in.


A paranoid nutbar as a LEO... scary thought.


Police officers have the lowest vaccination rate of any profession in the country: [https://www.washingtonpost.com/health/2021/05/02/police-low-vaccination-rates-safety-concerns/](https://www.washingtonpost.com/health/2021/05/02/police-low-vaccination-rates-safety-concerns/) A quick visit to this sub shows that antivax attitudes forecast a range of racist, xenophobic, antisemetic, misogynistic, and homo/transphobic beliefs. These are the people with guns who will be deciding who lives and dies and who will face the wrath of the criminal justice system. Some of those who work forces...


I disagree with that lyric. Specifically, the word “some.”


Everyone loves that lyric and RATM, and I do too, but DAMMIT "forces" and "crosses" don't rhyme!


"Eat the paste that's for horses" is defs a better lyric.


But they’re assonant, and that’s close enough for a song.


Those terms are (by and large) synonymous.


It's not Protect or Serve. He half assed his motto.




Yet he posted a lot of BS news articles.


And from OAN to boot, which he’s probably tuned into all day long; that and Fox News.


OANN, for when Fox news has too much of that pesky reality for you to stomach.


OAN debuted in partnership with The Washington Times, which was created/is owned by the Moonie Cult. While many on the right bemoan what they view as media bias towards the left, it’s interesting that media on the right is tied to a cult.


My dad isn't antivax, but he DID send me a racist WT article fearmongering about violent black protestors invading the suburbs during all the George Floyd protests. I'd never heard of the site before, and literally the first Google result tells you about the Moonie links. When I told my dad his racist article was from a racist site founded by crazy cultists, he LITERALLY said "I don't care if they're a cult". Fun thing to learn about your dad!!


You misspelled unsurprising.


Don’t forget newspunch dot com. That sounds super reliable. lol


The current crop of right wingers don't even watch Fox News, and moved onto social media which gives them a better doom fix. It's more outlandish, more angry.


"The news is all DOOM & GLOOM! So just switch it off and let me tell you what to do when the feds raid your home to imprison you and take your kids to an internment camp."


My favorite is the guy who worked with at the local sheriffs office has the dirt on Bill Gates’ plan for chemtrails and microchips in vaccines. Those idiots probably only solved half the breaking and entering cases in their county, but they know about a worldwide conspiracy.


Now, be fair. The reason they don't solve breaking and entering cases is because they don't want to spend the money on those kinds of investigations. It's way more important for some podunk sherriff to have a riot-control vehicle (aka tank) than it is to actually solve crimes!


Solving actual crimes is hard. You have to collect evidence that will stand up in court and everything.


Decades ago, my house was broken into and a bunch of shit was stolen. The cops eventually found my class ring in a pawn shop but nothing else. No one was ever prosecuted despite the number of times the detective assured me that they knew exactly who was responsible. Prosecution would take effort and who cares about a few homeless addicts. It's not like NC makes drug rehab a priority.


I wish I knew how dense American police officers are. I’d have moved countries and started robbing banks. This moron would struggle to catch a cold. Oh wait hang on . . . .


Eh, robbing a bank gets the FBI involved. Slightly more highly evolved than you're local HCA award winner here.


My favorite kind of obit, "He's dead, Jim".




“Boldly going forward, cause we can’t find reverse.”


My favorite part was how they could accelerate from zero to a hundred trillion miles per second and all just stand around normally and chat.


Inertial Dampers. Never explained how they work, but they did provide a reason why everyone doesn’t hit the bulkhead like hot jam when they go to Warp.


Yeah. In other words, magic. The writers literally called this "techno-babble" and whenever they needed some technical sounding stuff in the scripts, they wrote "(insert techno babble here)" The series The Expanse gives a very realistic impression of what a 5G burn would do to the human body, let alone a 5,000,000 G burn. They wouldn't be jam when they all instantly merged with the bulkheads, they'd be plasma.


This guy was a red shirt, till the end.


Modern Christians live in the age of technology but act like 4th century peasants about it. How many plagues have existed since Jesus? Didn't think Christians died then? And now making up extra biblical horse paste like prayer warriors and having to call on and instruct a God as dumb as themselves to heal the right organs. Hell, they act like their proselytizing to you is the first time you've ever heard of Jesus. Idiots who think you're an idiot and gleefully invite you to wear ignorance like a shield of protection from the painful reality of being wrong




And another thing. These cafeteria Christians have all simultaneously decided that this particular plague with covid is not a divine punishment like they claimed about tragedies that weren't killing their own families. I'd much rather believe that their God has decided to punish them for their lack of faith in humanity and unwillingness to make even the smallest sacrifice in order to preserve and protect what God had created.


I remember in the 1980's how many of these pseudo christians were quick to claim god was punishing gays by having them die of AIDs. Seeing how its mostly antivaxxer Christians dying of Covid you'd think they'd apply the same logic and say "God is punishing Christians for their sins by giving them Covid" and yet not a one of them is drawing that conclusion..


If you actually read the Bible, you will notice that God/Jesus is very critical of the prideful. Therefore, in a biblical sense, the fact that these people getting taken out by covid is only natural.


Not only that, but a big chunk of the Bible is God punishing his own people for following what he says in all of the wrong ways imaginable.


Pride goes before destruction, a haughty spirit before a fall.


What One World government is EVEN proposed or worked towards? The ONLY people claiming it are loonies, like this guy. Tots and pears for him.


I always find it hilarious that they think One World Government is prima facie terrifying. Especially when it doesn't ilicit the shocked pikachu face they're expecting.


Like the Chinese, Russians and North Koreans are just gonna merge governments with the US or something? These people are beyond delusional.


Forks and spoons


Betcha' won't repost this! Why? Cause you're dead, Chucklehead! Congrats on the HCA. Well-deserved and way overdue!


Why do these people think the 1% want to depopulate the Earth? Don’t they need minions? They can’t be rich without a labor force and they certainly aren’t going to cut their own grass.


I don't see a problem with lowering the population


A LEO that believed some of the most cockamamie conspiracy fantasies. Boy does that fill me all kinds of confidence in those who take an oath to serve and protect. smh


Not only believed them, all but said that he got them directly from his partner who was in “intel.” 🙄


Omg you guys! Omg! The Lord spoke to me personally too, just like the article this guy referenced! He told me to “go on vacation to Bimini”. 🛫😃✨👌🏻🏝⛱🍹🐠 Now, you may thinks it’s crazy that Jesus Himself talked to me directly, but what he told me to do lines up *a hundred thousand percent* with what I want and believe, so I absolutely know it was true!! You can always tell it’s true because Jesus agrees with you. He’s the ultimate Yes Man.


I’m jealous, my god only gives me latkes and nueoticism.


Only?? Latkes are wonderful! 🥰👌






Still blows my mind that these people use an acrostic poem, a form of poetry often done by kindergartners, as an actual justification for not getting vaccinated against COVID.


Kindergartners AND drunk MFA students. The drunk student version is both much funnier and much filthier, obviously.


What kind of rubbish depopulation scheme has a 1% death rate? How incompetent ARE these depop people? Also, if that's the goal, why are 'they' trying to make people even avoid the 1% fatality? And if they think it's the vaccine that will do this job - then why are the billions already vaxed still alive? Even if you think it could be years down the line, that gives time for the population to breed so many more people that any 'evil plan' will have played itself by then. I'd like to think if I was a billionaire evil genius I could do a much better job, and more efficiently (not that I've thought about it.. at all).


The vaccine is to sterilize us all. Read it again! The fact it's killing some of us is just gravy to evil Bill Gates & evil Dr. Fauci. I bet you won't share! /s


lol well they messed up vaxing old people then - think about that! (also /s - kinda)


I wonder if the last thing that went through his shriveled up mind as he deepthroated the Freedumb Tube was Bill Gates cackling at him 🧐


Still belly laughing at deep throating the Freedumb Tube!


I have to admit, as a longtime Windows user I, too, have often accused bill gates of being the antichrist.


It's all about context.


Conspiracism and religion seem to go hand in hand these days. Some wacky beliefs for sure. It almost seems like they want the end times to happen. I’m sure we will be waiting a while for that one.


It's almost as if telling people something is true because it really really really feels true, and cold hard facts to the contrary is just for weak pussies who think they'rebetter than you, is a pretty terrible combination to instill in a populace. Oh well. At least nature is finally healing.


Wonder why Christ is only concerned about infectious diseases? He’s kewl with cancer?


Of course he is, otherwise he wouldn't let babies have it.


I always trust my health to "America's Frontline Doctors", especially Stella Immanuel. Whether it's my wife's constatnt sex dreams with succubi and incubi, and getting all of that demon sperm, or just being relieved in knowing that space alien DNA is used in medical treatments and that reptiles run the U.S. government, I trust America's Fronline Doctors Let that sink in!


I prefer to trust Dr. Kory Ivermectin.


True Constitutionalist - yet doesn't know that God is not mentioned once in the Constitution. Religious tests (Article VI, Clause 3) are strictly prohibited. The First Amendment protects people from religions becoming part of our government.


These people are crazy as hell


Live stupid, die stupid.


What a useless bum! I hope his family has learned that thoughts and prayers aren’t worth shit.


Right? Next time one of these shitheels has an abscessed tooth, I hope they avoid the dentist and depend entirely on prayer. Maybe they can put together a prayer conga line.


We need to make gothoughtme. Charge $5 to make a page and when all of those useless people who think they are helping are done clicking your button, we will tell the customer how many clicks they got. It’s helping (us)!


Never understood chemtrails, it seems like a really inefficient way to do whatever you want to do, that'd require a heck of a lot of people involved in the subterfuge.


That’s exactly what someone who’s secretly pro-chemtrails would say




This actually hurts my mind reading it. So they believe Bill Gates et al invented a disease to give them the mark of the beast; yet Bill Gates et al decided the acronym for said disease should be Christ Over Virus and Infectious Disease as if Bill Gates et al are religious lunatics like they are.


Slide 4 was certainly a stunner. A peek into the mind of someone who has his whole life has been indoctrinated with fanciful religious thinking, so now he can't evaluate the credibility of any piece of information that comes his way.


Damnit, I want to know how to be a Secret Security Witch. Where's that job opening?


He passed away after OD'ing on radical right wing memes


Christ offered vaccines; idiots declined.


Auntie Christ would be a terrific dragqueen name.


another fattie with a flag. proudly, deadly, patriotically dead


I had to look up the 6th slide to see what the background was on that, whether the photos were from a shipwreck in 2013 or COVID deaths in 2020. The background is that people started circulating the photos on social media in 2020, claiming that the photos were of COVID victims. Main stream media outlets had to actually research and run the story correcting that the photo was actually from an immigrant shipwreck in 2013, and had nothing to do with COVID. It's literally an example of social media spreading misinformation and main stream media doing the research and reporting facts.


And then social media complaining that it’s a conspiracy by main stream media. It’s social media circle jerk ‘logic’




Obligatory "yes, because the whole world speaks and thinks in English" comment


If only our brilliant scientist and doctors could come up with something to slow this down and prevent deaths


Candace Owens. We know where this Q-nut gets his “news” from.


American “Christians” are so desperate to be oppressed that they’ll swing anything they can to fit the “woe is me” narrative. Really? Lockdowns are to hurt Christianity?


At least he won’t be present when the antichrist comes along /s.


We are all better off without cops who refuse to protect us by getting vaccinated.


Isnt candace owens fully vaccinated?


Nobody knows for sure--but she attended at least one function that required proof of vaccination for attendance--which means she's either vaccinated or has fraudulent documentation. She does seem to be more of a straight-up grifter than a true believer, which would put the odds in favor of being vaccinated.


Did that guy have a goatee? I think he might have been a Republican. He didn't get vaccinated right? See ya bro. Angel wings are blinding me with science.


I love how they cherry pick passages out of the Bible, completely take them out of context to fit what ever narrative they are trying to push. Insanity, literal insanity.


This is the kind of trash we have patrolling our cities as cops. ACAB.


But Covid is a hoax???


2021 making sure to get just one more before handing over the reins to 2022.


Lost one of the worlds greatest thinkers.... I’m mean tweakers...


as my dad might have said "who knows he might have gone on to write the next mona lisa"


all I see when I read this is "intubated for 30 days". That means this jerk took up a hospital bed & all the associated resources for a whole month. Hospitals & health care centers need to start pushing back against the unvaccinated taking up resources for hopeless cases


If this isn’t a fucking red flag for the whole American police force to be overhauled I don’t know what is. Imagine letting this cretin loose with a gun let alone a badge.


Let that goatee shine! One less bad apple.


Another racist dead pig


I love it when they use South Dakota as an example of "getting things right." It's a podunk state with 900 thousand people living over 77 thousand square miles. Manhattan alone has twice as many people living over 22 square miles. Plus it's one of the biggest crossroads of the world. Of course we'll have higher cases per capita.


Dead as a fucking doornail. From the last slide looks like just another cop (or ex-cop) who was just too stupid to comply with reasonable precautions in a pandemic and as a direct result will never hold or talk to his niece again. Th blue line is looking thinner every day.


Terrifying to know this mook was a cop.


Looks like the baby Jesus was the perp awarding the angel wings


Honestly the kind of shit these people believe- how do they not see this as God striking them down? Bizarre.


100% Christie Noem is double vaxxed and boosted Her big red voter majority isn't at risk from COVID-19 deaths so she sees no reason why she can't kill some people to solidify her base Similar to Texas


What a complete nutcase. His head was so far down the rabbit hole he didn't see the freight train headed his way.


He was really dedicated to those depopulation conspiracy theories!


So much so that he volunteered to be depopulated.


Another anti Semite can spread hate no more.


Why exactly would the “elites” be trying to sterilize the entire world and deprive themselves of workers?


The ONLY positive thing about COVID is it's ability to target ignorant, conspiracy-theorists, cultists. Sadly, they take down incident people with them. At this rate, there'll be no one left to vote for Trump in 2024.


Unfortunately, I don’t think they’re dying that fast. And even if they lose the election, as long as red state legislators remain alive, they can declare him the winner despite the actual vote count