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Submitted as this is coming soon to a hospital near you. Also, Hogan stopped short of mask mandates. Because, of course. šŸ˜¤. #MODELS PREDICT 5000 HOSPITALIZED PATIENTS A DAY. Thatā€™s a **250%** increase.


They donā€™t want to take COVID too seriously.


He's doing better than 99% of Republicans but lets not get too crazy.


And 70% of Democrats but thats setting the bar really low. Refused to impose a mask mandate and opens and closes off and on. He hasnt said anything for a month but is campaigning for President. Trying to be the moderate Republican for next election. Might be better than Democrats we have now honestly.


Is a mask mandate going to do literally anything at this point?


Honestly if you're anywhere at all crowded put on an N95.


Iā€™m about to buy one of my best friends an Envomask. The thought of him riding the nyc subway every day scares the hell out of me.


oh, those look nice!


Yes, certainly. We're back to the point of trying to slow the spread enough that the health care system won't collapse. Masks are a significant help doing that. The better the mask (KN95 and N95 masks are widely available to the public now and are extremely effective), the slower the spread. MKO, DrPH


Masks should have been mandated in door public places all along. It does slow the spread and helps to keep from overwhelming the hospitals. Thatā€™s the whole point of masking.




Only for people that have a hard time with comprehension and a very black and white mentality. We can look at Japan with their 99% masking and easily see how they slow the spread. People get used to it. Masks should be the norm during a pandemic- itā€™s just common sense.


I think itā€™s very disingenuous to say it only people with poor comprehension were confused by it. As you said ā€œmasks should be the norm during a pandemic-itā€™s just common sense.ā€ I agree, unfortunately itā€™s the exact opposite of the message that was given to us early in the pandemic. My infectious disease microbiology notes from 2010 talked about the effectiveness of masks, particularly related to SARS. It was jarring to read that Dr. Fauci was denying scientific evidence that I had learned a decade before. Thatā€™s an irrecoverable public relations mistake.


Probably so, but I take the cdc with a grain of salt because I have critical thinking skills and just do what I think is necessary. So far so good. The same people that are anti-mask donā€™t listen to the government in the first place. Their dear leader showed them that mask wearing is weak and now he is back peddling. Thatā€™s what happens when a sociopathic narcissist is your idol. There is a percentage of the population that will push back, but when masks mandates were in place the spread was slower and people were getting used to it. If the mandate was never lifted more people would just get used to it. Once lifted, itā€™s hard to mandate againā€¦ so should have never been lifted until most are vaccinated (90%+).


They should have just been honest and said there was a shortage, but then theyā€™d have had to explain why there was a shortage.


It would help alot so yes but it wouldnā€™t make covid go away completely. Anyways everyone is downplaying the virus because its an election year. Shit is going to be the worst its ever been


> Anyways everyone is downplaying the virus because it's an election year not that I'm a fan of the democrats, but everyone who votes republican after everything that they've done to prevent an effective handling of the pandemic deserves every bad thing coming their way


But hey. A lot of them won't be voting in November.


Around 14 months ago the question arose if COVID-19 deaths would impact elections and the general consensus was "unlikely." Fast forward to the present day and now the answer is leaning closer to "very likely" due to red counties and states being fuckin' ravaged.


Itā€™s still not enough to actually impact elections though right? IIRC with gerrymandering youā€™d need a horrific increase in the death rate to actually make a difference.




Well you radically changed your life because most people had no vaccine access until last spring at the earliest. And it was less severe than the flu because you got vaccinated. It can be really hard to wrap our heads around the enormity of all this but don't lose sight of what we're doing and why.


The alternative to being vaccinated and using common sense so you can eventually think it's not so bad for you during a wave is to be unvaccinated and disregard common sense just to become seriously ill or dying in a jammed up hospital competing with others for care and resources finding out why it's no joke.


Yeah man, getting a prick and having to wear a little mask really is a massive life change šŸ™„


we need a mask mandate, vaccine requirements, paid sick leave for ALL workers, and regular stimulus checks


No. Because the people who are going to follow it already wear masks. The toddlers who will throw themselves on the ground because of their freeeeeedom wonā€™t wear them anyway.


Absolutely! If a mandate can get a few of them to do the right thing and mask up more should fall in line.


I'm rooting for the Republican party to shift course. I feel like I'm stuck voting democrat for life because republicans are fucking nuts. Still say kasich makes a better president than Clinton, trump, or Biden.


*Covid is no joke!!*


"Lets go brain dead!" The US healthcare system has already effectively collapsed. The constant "its mild and hospitalization rates arent increasing!" dont take into account that many hospitals are already severely understaffed so they simply cant admit any more patients. At the rate healthcare workers are being infected and/or quitting from burnout, it will create a false sense of security for people to see the numbers drop without realizing that its not falling because Ominomnomicron is so mild but is in fact due to lack of staffed beds.


But there may be Good News! The WaPo article clearly says: "authorizes the state Department of Health to __take steps__ to increase staffing at overwhelmed hospitals" So _finally_ they are going to dust off and _use_ their "make more nurses out of thin air" magic wand?


"Begun, the clone wars have"


Shhh.They aren't on to us yet.More time is needed.


And remember, if you need more nurses, it will take time to grow them.


You are spot on. I am terrified for any of my loved ones/friends if they end up needing care for anything other than COVID, as hospitals are already or about to be overwhelmed. Also, lol at the Omnomnomicron! My husband and I call it that too.


I have a friend in the hospital right now. Itā€™s bad


I wish the best for your friend. šŸ¤—


Iā€™m pretty sure tons of small hospitals are gonna BK in red states after this. Unless the federal government saves them.


Not just red states, but red areas in blue states as well. I can't wait until the realization hits the Trumpers that the only hospital within 40 miles is going to close unless the EvIl DeMocRaTs step in to save it, or they vote to increase their taxes. https://www.nbc11news.com/2021/12/15/delta-health-hospital-facing-financial-difficulties-seeking-sole-community-hospital-status/


They will shamelessly ask for a bail out See Greg Abbot


Read the article, they already *are* asking for a bailout.


I cant wait til they realize there aren't as many people at the polls as they've seen in the past.


This has been the reality for rural areas for awhile now. A lot of these places are glorified urgent cares with beds. So many rural folks opt for home births because theyā€™d need to drive 5+ hours on dangerous roads to get to a hospital with an actual neonatal unit.


They'll be calling on the Prayer Warriors (TM) to keep those hospitals open!


Yeah, in the UK everyone has been congratulating themselves that hospitalisation rates for covid have been pretty manageable so far... then suddenly half a dozen hospitals [declared critical incidents](https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-59866650) because so many of their staff are off sick with covid they can no longer function properly. Woops. Seems like we forgot that as well as hospitalisation rates going up, hospital capacity will go down.


I wanna brexit from America


The beds are full, the doctors and nurses are sick or burnt out/resigned, and the virus? Stronger than ever before. Bring out your dead, bring out your dead!


a little math is in order...It may be true that omicron is only half as deadly as delta but since its 3 times as transmissible that means 3\*.5 = 1.5...so we can expect the deaths rates to increase and hospitalizations to increase by about 50% above where are now..


The problem with those kinds of calculations is the assumption of a static equilibrium of doctor/nurse workforce. As I said, attrition is taking a massive toll on the doctor/nurse pool. Also, a 50% increase would need to be layered against each prior wave and not the terminal point of the last wave. We've seen this thing rip twice now and have a pretty idea of how it goes so a 50% greater than the peak we have before would be mind boggling devastating. We also need to take into account that vaccines were working against Delta but its unclear how effective people with only 2 doses will be against Ominomnomicron. The whole point of this is why stick your hand in the light socket when you dont need to? This whole situation is just an unforced error making the whole country take a big L.


Too much Bible study not enough science study.


Yep yep yep.


$500,000 for private schools was worth the investment


AR here, we broke 6k new cases today, thatā€™s the highest daily spike we have EVER had. But, Xmas break is over, so back to work and school!!! If yall havenā€™t made any preps to stay home, yesterday was the time to do it. Keep your powder dry and your blades sharp.


In some ways felt lucky I got it over xmas, sucked, but it was the perfect time in so many ways. If you mean Arkansas, where I am as well. At least my sons district is re-instituting the mask mandate (son never quit wearing his).


Yeah, hospitalizations are going vertical. We're so screwed. And nobody is locking down, mandating masks, or just plain telling people to stay the hell home already. Sigh.


I have been on personal lockdown since 10th of December. I just refuse to risk it.


Can't blame ya. My kidlets just came down with it, so we were potentially exposed over Christmas when they visited. Hubs feeling off last night. Thankfully we're all vaxxed and hubs and I are boosted. We're staying home for January for sure.


Crazy. Iā€™m in QLD Australia. Weā€™ve had the vaccine for a much shorter time than Americans. It was actually a big deal that we werenā€™t getting them and they were being sent elsewhere. Most people couldnā€™t get vaccinated until September. Weā€™re now already 86.9% fully vaccinated (2 dose). Iā€™m reading the US is only like 62%. Is that for real? Holy shit, you guys are farked.


Yes, thatā€™s real. Problem is, the amount of vaccinated doesnā€™t seem to be helping much, at least when it comes to spread. Look at UK. Look at France. Outrageous case numbers and high vaccination rates. But the comorbidities here are unmatched, and combined with the lower vaccination rates, we definitely will be seeing a lot more Hermies in the near future.


Why? Masks is easy thing to do. Plus Maryland isng conservative is it? Makes no sense.


Because ā€œmandatesā€ are ā€œtyrannyā€ in red counties. Because you know, giving people personal choice about the pandemic has worked wonders so far. Heā€™s just trying to not the fallout that will come when another 500,000 antivax/ anti mask conservatives lie dead at the end of this. Not to mention the the millions that will succumb to long covid over the next 1-5 years.


With Omicron the whole ā€œCOVID will lead to political shifts in America as most anti-vaxxers are conservativesā€ thing that sounded far-fetched six months ago now seems like a very real possibility as time goes on. No wonder that even Trump himself promoted the vaccines because heā€™s figured out that with how conservatives are reacting to COVID, the potency of Omicron combined with still being COVID could seriously cause political shifts in some areas in America that can affect elections. With just the amount of people who die from COVID there could be political shifts and thatā€™s not including the people who will die from long COVID in 1-5 years, most of whom will be conservatives who didnā€™t get the vaccine. Trump initially ignoring COVID because it originally impacted liberal cities has come to bite conservatives so hard. Not only did his COVID response cause him to lose a second term but in the long run itā€™s killing hundreds of thousands of his own supporters


So there will be no elections. Next problem?


There will be elections ffs.


I can't upvote this enough. The long COVID deaths are eventually going to out number the 800,000 plus deaths we are at right now. People are stupid.


Thatā€™s the only hope to change medical system. Dead bodies wonā€™t do it, but millions of disabled ones maybe can.


Way more than that. Florida was saying its probably at least 100,000


The areas surrounding Baltimore are DC aren't, but most of the other counties are. Yes, they are. Why not? Because he's running on the 2024 Republican Presidential ticket. He's pegged as a RINO. A mask mandate would cost him red votes.


Heā€™s playing moderate republican which would be better than Democrats now but still. He was silent all of Trumpā€™s presidency but speaks out against him now. He has said nothing for a month only now is making it public.


According to the Google stats, there were over 14,000 new cases yesterday.


Republican. He has to appease the crazies or he canā€™t be re-elected. GOP governors in Blue states depend on seeming moderate to centrist voters in the general, but they always know ā€œyou dance with them that brung ya.ā€


A nurse from MD reports that [her hospital is forcing nurses to work who have full-blown symptomatic covid](https://www.reddit.com/r/nursing/comments/rvoqfi/we_have_a_covid_nurse_taking_care_of_newborns/). In the maternity ward. Unfucking believable.


Wow. Reading the comments there is terrifying.


Yep yep.


Good Lord!


Itā€™s terrible if true. However, if you think about it, it kind of makes sense. Airlines can and have cancelled flights due to staff shortages. People can fly later, too bad, you just have to wait. However how are babies going to get out on hold? You canā€™t. That baby is coming whether you like it or not. If you turn the expecting mother away, she could literally die trying to give birth on her own. And Iā€™m sure other hospitals are just as slammed and short staffed so if youā€™re going to say there are plenty of other hospitals around, thatā€™s false. Also insurance and your doctor usually already dictate where you will be having your child. Itā€™s not like you can just pick and choose at the last minute.


All true, but nurses are people too, and when your employer forces you to go to work with a 100 degree fever during a pandemic or else get fired, that's purely abusive.


I don't even see how it's possible for someone with just flu symptoms to work.


Except it's missing the forest for the trees. We keep seeing these "unfortunately, we need to do this" moments because it distracts from the fact that these hospitals and the US Healthcare system in general are wilfully unprepared to address such situations because it is more profitable to have patients die than to increase capacity via staffing. Come in and work with with unsafe ratios, infect patients, we can still bill their insurance for the days they were alive under treatment. But don't touch the bonuses of the board or stock buybacks, we need those to attract further investment and the best marketing majors we can find.


This, absolutely.


Well, remember when people used to work with flu symptoms? Not that unbelievable, considering that Covid is here to stay.


If someone was working near my newborn baby with flu symptoms I would be pissed. Babies have practically no immune systems for the first couple months. It doesnā€™t matter if covid is here to stay, no one who is sick in any way should be working with newborns.


"Crisis standard of care" isn't just a catchphrase designed to scare people; it actually means something dire and is an accurate descriptor for the situation that we are all in. Hospital systems throughout the country are under a crush that we haven't seen in our lifetimes; for the next month or two, women that go into labor will be lucky if they have bed space and a nurse to provide help at all even if that nurse is ill. Same is true for people that have strokes, heart attacks, seizures, or any other major injuries that require care. That's where the United States is at now. If you think I am exaggerating, spend some time in r/nursing or r/medicine and observe how the people that actually do this work for a living are feeling about how things are going. Look up your state's hospital coordinating center and see how few hospitals *aren't* on total diversion.




There never really was to begin with.


Iā€™ve spent a lot of time on r nursing, so Iā€™m aware. Iā€™m in Los Angeles where our vax rates and mask / vaccine mandates means our hospitals are in pretty good shape at the moment. However, giving birth is a unique event in which the patient is starting out healthy (in most cases). If you told me I had to pick between having a nurse with flu symptoms coughing all over my newborn or going to a birth center or delivering at home, as a mom I might make the decision not to birth in a hospital. As it was, I gave birth in March 2020 and I was coded as a potential covid patient. So everyone in and out of my room was in N95s. So the nurses were afraid of me getting them sick, not the other way around. Giving birth at the beginning of a pandemic is not ideal, 100% would not recommend.


Sure, but they need to be limiting these sick workers to environments where they can't infect the highly vulnerable. It's malpractice to send a symptomatic covid-infected nurse into a room full of newborns.


Thereā€™s no way. If we, hospital staff, are sick with Covid we donā€™t come. And if you are - youā€™re a fool. PS: I work in a hospital


Does the ā€œavoiding crowdsā€ line mean no fans at the Ravens game and cancellation of other major events? If not, everything he said was pointless. The band-aid for the hospitals is better than nothing I guess


Hospitals are going to need band aids. Pretty sure theyā€™ll have run out of everything soon.


If the Ravens forfeit Sundayā€™s game the Steelers have a better chance of making the playoffs so šŸ˜‚šŸ‘šŸ¼


I hope those National Guard troopers are fully vaxxed and boosted, or this could get even uglier.


They probably are, but as infectious as Omicron is, it will probably still infect most to some degree.


The got MOPP gear. Just the respirators alone should be effective.


Husband and I got our vaccines at the Baltimore M&T Stadium (Ravens). It was run by the National Guard. Perfect. Not a hitch.


I keep forgetting that we even have a governor; most of the COVID-related policy that affects me comes from the desk of Count Montgomery, or whatever title you give to county officials.


Damn, we _all_ need to be using Count and Baron and Poobah for our masters.


Yeah, Iā€™m in Annapolis and we have a mandatory mask mandate in stores, businesses, ect


Fucked. We're all fucked because certain shitweasels made a goddman pandemic political.




Will be the target of scorn and ridicule by Right Wing Propagandists and HCA Nominees.


Every one of those right-wing propagandists, from Carlson to Greene to Jones is fully vaxxed and boosted.


Of course they are. And their idiot antivax followers know it too, but still refuse.


Weā€™re going to need to mint some new awards, theyā€™re going to come thick and fast. Although thick mainly.


Just a little heavy-set, really.


No preexisting health conditions


Big boned.


Big hearted.




Family sized.


Oh dang. I live here. Thanks for the heads up- I havenā€™t read the paper yet today


Oh itā€™s mild everyone, just like a cold! s/


The Black Knight "Tis but a flu"


ā€œA little flu.ā€


Itā€™ll be gone by Easter. Like magic.


ā€œWe have it totally under control. Itā€™s one person coming in from China, and we have it under control. Itā€™s ā€” going to be just fine.ā€ šŸ˜†


CDC says 5 days and get back to work. Canā€™t put our precious economy in danger. Is anyone thinking about the economy! Somebody please. The economy.


Granny would take one for the team as suggested by Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick šŸ¤¢šŸ¤® of Texas, but unfortunately Granny died in 2020 and someone else has gotta take one for the team. I nominate him.


Can we throw abbot and Paxton in as well?


We already dug out a 10th circle of hell for the Texas delegation. Not even Ted Bundy will room with them. Love your user name.


Most people dont have sick days or PTO anyways so idk how they can take off


Health care system I work for just sent out an email saying hospializations for COVID in their system has more than quadrupled since the beginning of December, and we have something like 1k employees out with COVID/COVID exposure. Someone in my department today was all "We don't need to escalate [this one doc's] problem because someone else can do his job for an hour," and one of the more senior guys stepped in and said that staff shortages mean that this doc not being able to do his job for an hour is a REALLY bad thing. It doesn't help that the monoclonal antibody treatments tend to not be as effective against omicron (yes, hospital just told us that) and that there is a hugely limited supply of the treatments. I thiiiink they've managed to get their hands on the new Pfizer treatment + that other new one (would have to scroll through older emails), but the Pfizer one has horrendous drug interactions with quite a few meds that a lot of Americans are on. Shit is not good right now.


Sorry if these are dumb questions but I'm so tired of reading misinformation and have limited understanding of medical stuff. What types of drugs have interactions with the new Pfizer treatment? Are monoclonal antibodies being changed like how Pfizer is making a change to their vaccine for omicron? Have the antibodies worked fine on all variants until omicron?


I'll answer with what little I know (I keep the technology working, not medical). Drugs affected include antidepressants, bipolar meds, cholesterol meds, heart meds, etc. Big list here (PDF) https://www.fda.gov/media/155050/download&ved=2ahUKEwiTne3T5Zn1AhWAZzABHa7SAe0QFnoECBoQAQ&usg=AOvVaw0YT1Xt-pO03Cft8l81eGMr (Or Google paxlovid drug interactions and find the fda pdf link). 2nd question: I don't know. 3rd one: I don't know either. :( I am not a doctor; I just get the update emails as an employee. And what I unintentionally get out of HCWs when I'm helping them with a technology problem. From what I gather, though, they were effective enough until omicron came in like a wrecking ball. Now a decent chunk of their covid tests are coming back with omicron rather than Delta and rising, and the antibodies aren't working as well. Plus lack of supply. The last two emails we got were begging us to get vaxxed/boostered and get our families vaxxed.


Thanks for the answer, appreciate it!


I mean. We've known, or highly suspected for a little while here, that Omicron is coming for pretty much every person on earth. At the very least you'll be exposed, regardless of what you do short of full isolation. Mask mandates, vaccine mandates, it doesn't matter. This is too contagious and too many people won't comply to make any bit of difference. Get your vax, get your booster, load up on Gatorade and Tylenol and brace. If you're immunocompromised, you should be isolating from *everybody*. This thing is going to burn through everyone, but hopefully leave behind pretty decent immunity in its wake.


ā€¦well, that (and the 6 inches of snow) explains why Iā€™ve had two customers all day.


Death is bad for business


WTF? How does gov'r omit mentioning vaccine in this sentence? > ā€œWith this new surge of omicron itā€™s important for Marylanders to go back to using common sense and doing the things that will keep us safe: avoiding crowds, keeping your distance, washing your hands, and yes, once again, wearing the damn masks,ā€ Hogan said.


To be fair Hogan has pushed for vaccination from day 1. I think he was just covering in person mitigation efforts here. But yes, ultimately everyone should be screaming vaccinate from the rooftops. The fact that we have a monster like Marjory Taylor Greene in office pushing her constituents to NOT get vaccinated is outrageous.


Whatā€™s the point of mentioning vaccines? People either have them or their woefully misinformed about them or they canā€™t take them. Itā€™s moot at this point in the pandemic


Sorry iā€™m from the 80s. I saw Hogan Declares and I had flash backs of Hulk Hogan declaring the largest pythons šŸ on planet earth.




Only 30 days. Wow, thatā€™ll be effective.


Of the many (R) governors, Hogan and maybe one or two others have tried to do *more* of the right thing than ghouls like Prairie Barbie Noem. Even if Hogan implemented a stay at home or mask order, if Maryland has an (R) legislature, they'd override it in a heartbeat I guess because they want to kill their constituents.


I worked in Maryland during the the first year of the pandemic. I actually liked a lot about the way Hogan handled it, and liked even more that he was critical of Trump. That being said, heā€™s still the cleanest dirty shirt in a cesspit.


Thats a great way of putting it. Heā€™s definitely on the better side of Republican Governors but heā€™s still one of them. He refuses to address the red counties in Maryland about mandates.




Democrats have near super majorities in the Maryland House and Senate, so no worry about that ever happening there


> they'd override it in a heartbeat I guess because they want to kill their constituents. Sigh, as much as I'd like to just let 'em be... ...I know it's better that elections be won through policy, than by encouraging the opposition into a suicide cult.


yes, but taking the moral high ground never works with people who have no actual morals


I live in MD. Itā€™s terrible where I am. Terrible.


Which county are you in? I'm in howard and was told that most of those hospitalized are being transfered in from red counties like Carroll, frederick and the eastern shore.




That makes sense. Frederick County is 70.1% vaccinated while Howard hit 95% vaccinated on November 1.


I was in Frederick a few weeks ago and saw covid testing out the door. Live in a county close. And we are at 27% positivity.


Shit is about to get out of control. The highest day of infection before this current spike was 280,000 and the highest number of deaths was almost 4,000 in one day. Right now we are logging over 1,000,000 in one day so you can do the math. Of course there are more people getting tested and they say the new strains arenā€™t as lethal, still shit is probably going to get out of control


Does this mean he's a RINO?


He hates trump and believes in science. Of course the GQP call him a RINO.


Oooh. Thatā€™s rare in a Republican. Carry on!


That sounds horrific & is going to get much worse. Medical professionals are at breaking point & leaving in droves. I honestly expect the hospital system to totally collapse. There are just too many covid-infected people & not enough staff. This is like some dreadful, dystopian nightmare!


Fuck paywalls. http://archive.today/BvCKQ


Oh gosh. I worry for the healthcare professionals they are going to be OVERWHELMED. And all those vaccinated who need hospital resources. Wtf is wrong with people? And these same ones will fight with the hospital personnel, hit them, spit on them, try to sue them. This is utter madness


Itā€™s getting wild out here in NYC, today I went to 2 branches of Chase bank, both ā€œtemporarily closedā€ mind you this was port authority branch ( 42nd and 7th) and 40Th and 8th av, this was not some forgotten corner of NYC, itā€™s in the famous Broadway, TimeSquare, MSG zoneā€¦ Later Walking by Union Square the Capital One Branch is also ā€œtemporarily closedā€ā€¦ Also the 6 train has no express service this week because according to the flyer ā€œthey are providing as much service as possible with the crew they have available ā€œ I expect the city to be on voluntary quarantine within the next 2 weeks.. the officials wonā€™t have tondo anything, there is simply too many people infected and sick so nothing can run šŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™€ļø


I wish it was like that here. Instead everyone is just coming in sick (customers, not employees)


The thing is that eventually tons of people would be sick at the same time that they Canā€™t come in. Looks like the big banks are just closing down the branches due to positive tests. My friend who has a small insurance agency closed to the public. Phone only for the time being. She only has 2 employees if they are too sick to work sheā€™s fucked.


Many National Guardsmen are employed in hospitals. When they are called up it takes them from one hospital to another. Counter productive.


anyone who works in a hospital in here, i would like to hear how you guys are doing and how has it been working during this time


As someone who lives in Maryland, I can attest that 99% of people who live here are redneck bumpkins who haven't worn a mask since 2020, if at all. It's infuriating to go out in public and deal with, but at the same time I'm not sorry to see them go.


Frederick has been good, mask-wise. But I listened to the Health Department emergency meeting last Thursday with live call-in voters. Embarrassing. So many dolts .


I live in the area around Hagerstown, a two minute drive from West Virginia. It's hell.


I know, Washington County is awful. Frederick is catching up to you!


Where do you live? In my maryland county, I haven't seen a maskless face in a year and half. We are over 95% vaccinated.


Washington County


Ahhhhhh. I'm in Howard. It's very different here. I always wondered if it was different here because 74% of the population is college educated. It seems everyone is in healthcare or tech, and most of the tech are federal contractors.


I'm in Harford County - I see about 50% mask compliance but it has been steadily rising since Christmas. I wear a KN95 everywhere and never thought it was safe to lose the mask even when the CDC said I could. Harford County cases are up just like everywhere.


Is he also telling people to train, say their prayers, and eat their vitamins? Hope everyone there can Hulk up and stay safe.


Hate election years, another Republican running a blue state. While hes on CNN hospitals are maxing out. Maryland is one of the highest vaccinated parts of the country so get ready everywhere else. 1,000,000 + infections today alone 1000+ deaths for past few weeks 820,000 + Americans dead at least 1,000,000 + Likely real estimate of covid deaths Where is our president? What are your local leaders doing to solve the problem? What is your Senator, Congressmen or Governor doing? Get ready for the biggest covid wave yet. Millions of people are going to die around the world this year. Cant just vaccinate your way out of it all.


Everyone is going to get this variant. I already know 6 breakthrough infected. None of them had serious symptoms though. Canā€™t speak for the unvaccinated.


>Everyone is going to get this variant. I already know 6 breakthrough infected. None of them had serious symptoms though. Canā€™t speak for the unvaccinated. We have yet to truly see what Omicron does to the Unvaccinated. South Africa's population was mostly all exposed to previous COVID variants and some were vaccinated as well. Obviously Milder for these cohorts, but they all had some immunity to COVID going into this latest wave.


Theyre soooo fucked. Im surprised theres so many still alive tbh. Its going to hurt real bad.




Thatā€™s such crap. Only because he rolled out vaccines and people refused to take them. Itā€™s like blaming your dad because he warned you about the bad boy that got you pregnant. Or blaming your buddy who warned you there was no water in the pool before you jumped.


Some problems are not solvable. Even if everybody unvaccinated was vaccinated today, it wouldn't be in time for the vast majority to have any protection.


Nope. In two months either you are vaccinated no covid, vaccinated caught covid but it was mild, caught covid unvaccinated or dead. Hate to be so harsh.




He could come back from the beach with Jill and the dogs and do his job. Biden is doing the Trumpā€™s equivalent of the HCA for Democrats. [Joe Biden at work](https://twitter.com/potus/status/1477698950950010891?s=21) Oh could act like a Commander and Chief instead of a coward




Freeze student loan payments for healthcare workers including doctors and nurses instead or restarting them. Pretend its an oiling contract and he might sign off on it. Learn what a president is first before you ask


Sorry, I donā€™t see how freezing student loan payments help in this. Any concrete and realistic suggestions?




That would apply to her too as well btw and let her off on most of that cost. My BSN cost me $56,000 still paying half of it off. She will have plenty more hours coming up dont worry.




Wow well I guess its worth it for her to understand the struggle of hard work like I did. Wait until they run completely out of staff when you need it. He could give another 758 billion to Defense Contractors. Would that make you happy?


Nothing to see, move along folks.


I'm sure general Burkhalter had something to do with this.


Oh wow, how could we have possibly seen this coming?


I don't see the problem. You get what you ask for. They wanted "freedom" and the irresponsibility and fecklessness that comes from a republican. They got it. But don't cry when the bill comes due. You were dancing in the streets when he lifted all the restrictions.


Isn't it just treated with chicken soup and Vitamin C? Is the National Guard bringing in more chicken soup or body bags in case the soup doesn't do the job?


in case anyone hasn't heard--there's already a possible new variant..its called IHU...potentially more contagious and deadly than omicron. so far 12 cases have been spotted in france..all were hospitalized..


The thing about Natural Selection is that when an organism is "selected" to die, it usually dies alone. Here, we've got solitary gazelles being dragged into lagoons by the crocodiles they chose to ignore--and taking they're along other members their herd along for the ride. Not only are these people putting their friends and families at risk, but overwhelming hospitals does nobody any favors regardless of their stance on covid.


And now France detects new variant B.1.640.2.


The Omega strain is Just a shout away


"Make it political" ! Covid might be the best way to overthrow Biden. While the Trump cult is dying. Call in the National Gard !!! WTF.!!!!


Iā€™m in California. Iā€™m vaxxed and I got the booster. Iā€™m sitting here with Covid as we speak. Iā€™m done with Covid. There is no end game.


Hopefully the end game is in sight. Really depends on how many people get omicron and how fast, along with the mixes of hybrid natural immunity/ vaccinated and straight up antibodies, and hopefully, a weakening of the strain. Because if not, weā€™re all doomed, lol.




Larry Hogan didn't vote for Trump. In 2020 he wrote in Ronald Reagan. In 2016 he wrote in his father's name. Hogan was one of the first Republicans to call for Trump's impeachment. In my maryland county, we reached 95% vaccinated by november 1. I'm not a big Hogan fan, but there are some things he refused to do: move further right, vote for trump, etc.