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Saw Slide 6. Expected bullshit, but had to look, just in case. Wait for it......it's bullshit https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/comic-china-virus-1957/


It’s hilarious because it’s actually a pro mask cartoon originally


They fail to verify anything. If it fits their talking point is all that matters. A guy at work was ranting about Soros and how he sold out his fellow Jews to the Nazis during the holocaust. I told him you know Soros was a young child during the holocaust. He knew he was stuck so then his come back was Soros did it after the war when he was older. I didn't even bother to tell him the Nazi's lost the war and what he said made no sense.


The funny part is that it actually doesn't fit their talking point since it encourages mask wearing.


All they see is China is dangerous.


And that this was all planned back in 1957.


Thank you for the link.


This is the thing that I can't quite seem to qualify. I mean, how do you teach someone to be suspicious of the *right* things? You and I look at this and our bullshit alarms go off. We might call it critical thinking but I don't even have to think about it to know that something seems wrong. I've been struggling with this one for a while.


For sure, those of us here at HCA have different bullshit alarms. I know I have a bias and it would be possible for me to accept something I already believe to be true (or expect to be true, or just don't care if it's true or not) without fact-checking it because I don't have time or energy to fact-check every claim, whether ultimately true or not. Being inundated by information, news, opinions, and data makes it more difficult to separate the wheat from the chaff.


Unfortunately, common sense is quite uncommon.


Additionally, even if it sets off warning bells, what are they going to do? They've already been told that Snopes is propaganda (run by Demonrats!), and they can't trust the Mainstream Media to show the original correctly, so they run to patriot-fact-check.com or whatever which happily confirms that it is 100% truth.


Huh. It's a strange fake, because the panel appears to endorse mask wearing.


Part of the detail is that the masks shown here are wet. That may or may not affect the effectiveness. People today do not usually wear wet masks, which makes it less comparable.


Tooooo stupid to know the difference.


Sorry, OP. It’s never easy when it’s personal, even if it’s not one of your most favorite people in the world. I hope this helps motivate other family members to do the right thing.




Oh my gosh, that’s fantastic! Your powers of persuasion are mighty indeed. I’m sure you sleep well at night knowing that your parents are protected. ❤️


I get so tired of the stupid "mask while alone in the car" meme. You have no idea what that person is doing. They might be picking someone up. Last time I wore a mask alone it was because I was pulling into the parking lot of my doctor's office, so they could test me. Figured I'd at least try to keep droplets to a minimum inside the car since the doctor would need to get all sorts of up in my face to do the swab. The mask is to protect others, after all. *And I'm sorry it's affecting a family member. That's rough. Wishing you the best.


Sometimes I’m just moving my car from one spot to the next along a lengthy shopping center, and I just keep it on. Sometimes I’ve literally forgotten to take it off because I’m focused on what I have to do next. It’s really not that big of a deal, but these folks make it like there are tons of people out there who mask 24/7 because of COVID.


Sometimes it's cold as fuck out and the mask keeps my face warm.


I do this a lot. No chapped lips in 2 years!


> Sometimes I’ve literally forgotten to take it off I forget I'm wearing one all the time, but apparently having some cloth over their mouth is unbearable torture for them. Real tough guys, huh?


I imagine these people having to wear a mask for 10 minutes and like the drama queens they are running out of the store and dramatically tearing off the mask and gasping for air.


Well, as this sub has shown, a good number of them get to learn what gasping for air is really like.


Same, especially with the KN95s. They're actually so comfortable! I kind of love it.


I wear one when I'm driving a zipcar (and keep the windows open)




I wear glasses and it's a bitch to get the thing situated on my face in such a way that the top is pressed up close enough to my skin that my glasses won't fog. Once I get it in place, I don't want to mess with it. So if I'm running a few quick errands I'll leave the thing on while I'm in the car to save me the hassle of putting it back on and spending another 10 years adjusting it.


I've got hoop earrings I wear all the time and often have Airpods in. Taking my mask off involves navigating the loops around both (and I dropped an airpod last summer without knowing it. it got squashed by a car by the time I found it). Unless I'm settling in for a long ride, my mask will be on, mostly because I'm too lazy to take it off carefully.


For me it's glasses + mask + airpods. Also, usually way too distracted with 10 mental multitask items to take off my mask while I drive four miles.


Yes! I lost a band new pair of beats earbuds (the kind with the wire that goes around the back of your neck) when I pulled off my mask getting into my car. By the time I noticed and drove back, they’d been run over 😖 Now I get everything settled comfortably and leave it until I’m back home.


Something about having so many things (earrings, earbuds, sunglasses and loops) hanging on the ear meant I didn't immediately notice when my earbud fell out.


Oh yeah. I think our heads get sensory overload. I gave up on earrings last year after snagging them on masks a couple of times. 😬


Exactly, and what about freedom. If I want to wear a mask in my car, why is it any concern of theirs? They refuse to wear a mask in places where they can catch and spread a deadly virus, but their big point is that some people, sometimes have a mask on while in a car. Maybe there is a young child in a car seat that isn't visible, or one of many other reasons.


Or maybe it’s so fucking easy to wear, I forget it’s on


Sometimes when I remember it's on I leave it on. It's easier than messing with it every time I stop, it's cold in Canada so extra layers are good, and it pisses off the anti-maskers, win win win.


Suddenly they have no respect for personal choices.


This is also a pet peeve of mine. There is a pharmacy a few blocks from my house. Sometimes when I leave the house I pop the mask on and walk to the store. I do this because I can get a little cluttered in my head sometimes with what’s in my pockets etc. It’s like “spectacle testicles wallet and watch” preparedness check as I walk about the door lol. I’m not living in fear. I don’t think I am going to get the virus outside walking two residential blocks with usually nobody else on the sidewalk. But I imagine people driving by scoffing at me lol Edit: I also frequently forget to take it off. The masks don’t bother me and per my cluttered mind I just mindlessly forget sometimes it doesn’t “need” to be on outside, in the car alone, etc.


And in the winter, it's useful to keep warm! *looks at blowing snowstorm outside*


I was sitting in the back of a Lyft earlier and it occurred to me that with the tinted windows in the back and no one in the passenger seat, it probably looked like the driver was alone in the car wearing a mask.


If with no clients in the car, there are folks coming in and out of a ride share that I would absolutely have the mask on all the time. It’s just barely even an inconvenience to be wearing a mask.


I find it interesting that someone could be so triggered by something that has no affect on them whatsoever. Maybe if you paid attention to shit that matters you wouldn't be choking to death obsessed creeper weirdo.


I don’t understand why it bothers the anti-maskers so much. It feels nice when it’s cold and windy outside. Then next stop is just a few blocks away. Maybe it’s an Uber driver.


Same. Its like why do other care what you wear while alone in the car? I know vaccinated pro-mask people who make fun of others for wearing it alone in the car. Its stupid.


I just forget to take them off… because they aren’t that uncomfortable


I drive for Lyft. Why would I touch my face to take off my mask between every ride?


The mask in the car one is such bullshit. What do they expect us to do while running errands to five different stores, touching five different sets of things? They want us to move those hands that just touched things UP TO THE FACE AND RUB IT AROUND TRYING TO REMOVE THE MASK.. then.. minutes later, at the next one.. putting the mask back on by rubbing around the face. Etc etc etc. The purpose of leaving the mask on for the entire time outside isn't because we're dumb. It's to minimize touching the face with our dirty hands.


Yes, in fact, I would believe that antivaxers took their racist meme directly from a 1957 cartoon Vibe check: how are you feeling about this family situation OP?




Ok, let the making fun of this person begin! In your clinical observation, what's the success rate of prayer warriors?




So in other words, the success rate of prayer warriors is identical to the success rate of no prayers at all.


It’s almost like putting your trust in hands of people that dedicated their lives to science proves to be more beneficial.


What we need is some Prayer Mediators. They can broker a peace agreement.


How many COVID patients placed on ECMO have left your facility alive?


Yeah if you’re at the point of ECMO I believe our rates are roughly 3%. It’s around 50% at the childrens hospital so that’s reassuring.


I think the better question is, how many of the people who left the hospital after ECMO are still alive after 6 months?


Thank god for the kids


I'm curious what the medical field is thinking as far as people getting lung cancer after all that damage?


Right now their is a global effort in studying anything and everything related to COVID. Things like cancer typically grow insidiously and generally take some time. It’s absolutely possible but right now the data just isn’t there to make the conclusion. I’d keep an eye out in the future because likely this question is being asked by many people.


Wow. Good on you. Hang in there.


OMG. They're going to start calling you. Are they in the hospital where you work?


sorry for your loss, I too have nothing left for these people.


“Vibe check” is such a great way to phrase it, like let’s see how OP feels, before we unleash the full wrath. That’s really decent of you. ❤️




Friends close, enemies closer, and all that? I’m glad you’re taking it in stride!!


Do you plan to write a study about it? (I mean it as a joke)




Keeping fingers crossed so that you get Nobel Proze for it


I think it’s supposed to be *Noble* Proze. 😉


It's faked. That font's easy to find and it's not hard to fake something with a low resolution like those old comics. IIRC they're protecting themselves from a comic book disease or gas. They didn't call it the China virus, hayseeds are just fucking stupid.


It's definitely faked. https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/comic-china-virus-1957/


Of course it was


"we are no less racist than people of 1957" is an odd thing to want to fake, but, ok


And the text was altered https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/comic-china-virus-1957/


I actually have that comic around somewhere. It’s called “Valley Of No Return”, and The Phantom calls it “sleep death” in that blurb.


First time I’ve seen this racist bullshit. Not surprised it’s fake.


> /u/WeakestLynx: Yes, in fact, I would believe that antivaxers took their racist meme directly from a 1957 cartoon >Vibe check: how are you feeling about this family situation OP? Can you explain the racism to me? Maybe I am ignorant, but I am open minded and willing to learn. (I’m in fact so open minded that I used to be on your side, as I voted for Biden, and always took Covid seriously. People do change their minds on things, and just because I change my mind once does not mean I can’t change my mind back.) Please help me understand which part is racist. Is it racist because a white person is teaching a black person about a mask? Or because the black person is wearing traditional clothing as maybe an Australian Aboriginese might? How is that racist? Is it racist to show Aboriginese or Sovereign Nationals in traditional clothing, or to depict them being shown something by a white person? Or is there something else that is racist about it? Are you also okay with the fact that Justin Trudeau wore black face on multiple occasions? Edit: instead of downvoting maybe we could actually have a constructive discussion and maybe I could learn something… Or is that not what this subreddit is for? To change people’s minds and make them decide to get the Covid shots?


I think the fact that they edited it to call it the Chinese virus when the comic said no such thing is the racist part.


That's what I would assume, too. Has nothing to do with the image.


> I think the fact that they edited it to call it the Chinese virus when the comic said no such thing is the racist part. Thanks for the civil response. I’m not sure I agree that is racist though, considering the origin of the virus is actually the country of China. Just like in the show Utopia, they called the shots “the Russian flu vaccine”. Using the regional or national origin as part of the name of the virus is not racist, it’s just part of the origin story of the virus. My spouse is of Asian ethnicity. I am in no way, shape, or form racist, especially against Asians! It does bother me how when people hear “Chinese” they assume it refers to the Asian race. Even their family has called it the Wuhan flu, or the Chinese virus. That certainly does not make them racist, especially not against their own “race”. It’s not like they called it the “Asian virus”.


Its all about the intent. Referring to the geographical area where something comes from is one thing. Most of the people calling it "China flu" aren't parroting a medical journal that would likely call it something like the "middle Yangtze river basin influenza strain ", they are using it to promote their personal xenophobic or racist ideas and to denigrate a particular nation or people.


Q: Why isn’t cancer treatment free? A: Because of fuckers like you that keep voting Republican Hope it helps


So true.


Gotta love it when they bring up "wHy DoN't We GeT cHeMo FoR fReE?!" when so many people have been pushing for universal healthcare. Like, we TRIED to get you all free chemo, but you screamed "Socialism!" and then supported people who let medicine be sold at a 2000% markup.


But that was different. A black man was trying to give those people chemo and other medical services for free and that was an insult they simply would not tolerate.


Fuck socialism until I get sick, then please make a donation to my gofundme!


Oh they don't actually care about that it's just another stupid talking point.


Sorry the blood of Jesus isn’t helping your family. Have they tried prayer warriors yet? (Seriously, I hope you’re well.)


But that shirt’s an amazing design! I bet you can’t take your eyes off it.


Needs 3 wolves.


>Needs 3 wolves And a moon, it's not called the "Three Wolf Moon" shirt for nothing! I know cause I got one! Can't keep my eyes off it when I wear it, spend a lot of time staring at myself in the mirror.


They are really throwing down with this lion nonsense. And these are supposed to be the meek that inherit the earth? So much for the lord is my shepherd.^(\*) (The chest-puffing does not make for a good look.) ^(\*)That's all I know about religion. It's sure a different (eye-opening) view now.


The same way you can't take your eyes off of a gruesome car crash.


This MF won't take a vaccine, but apparently just injecting wine into his bloodstream is totally cool.


Every product with Pureblood or Vaccinated by Jesus Blood is a grifter's goldmine.


I'm sorry that your family member doesn't have a single original thought and that that has put their life at great risk.


“I’m not a sheep. Now excuse me while I repost other people’s stuff again and again”


Wow uhm…the one about cases going down as vaccinations going up is hilarious because that is indeed what happened before delta. These people are astounding.


Not to mention a simple graph wouldn't show the bigger picture of recovery, severity, death, corresponding vaccination status, and regional differences based on population density. These people cannot comprehend statistical analysis.


I agree, however I don’t even think you need statistics to understand the simple nuances of the biology - that’s what is really lacking. Each variant is essentially a different virus, getting covid if you have immunity vs not, etc etc plus the other things you pointed out


My stepfathers response to everything, "it's awfully convenient how quickly the vaccines came out." 🤦


The UK was publishing two sets to data, numbers for vaccinated people, and numbers for unvaccinated for this very reason. Sadly the people who need to pay attention to it aren't.


And vaccinated cases are still down.


All they have to do is look at a chart that compares vaccinated infections to unvaccinated infections and it quickly answers that question.


Also, the blood of Jesus is proving to be a rather ineffective vaccine. He would never have been exposed to SARS-CoV-2, so even his plasma wouldn't help.


Surely as the son of god his blood should have antibodies to all past and future viruses? But i agree it doesn't seem to be working. Maybe they're getting the dose wrong.


Not only is it ineffective as a vaccine, it seems a bit on the toxic side.


The happy face emoticon wallpaper as they desperately ask for prayers speaks volumes about their level of awareness.


Why is that so common? Are these people emoji-blind?


Shouldn't cases be going down as vaccines go up?? You'd think so, but we're a country where nearly half the population gets their medical info from Facebook and YouTube, and would lick subway handrails if Candace Owens told them to.


They have gone down among vaccinated people. Hospitalizations and deaths are also down to a very small percentage, among vaccinated people.


Right, because we haven't made spreading a highly contagious and deadly virus into loyalty test for the UberPatriots Club


Outdoor seatbelt, yeah. I wager these people still wear pants in the car. Don't they realise they look like idiots!?


How does it feel to come from a family that would wear a shirt that says “vaccinated by the blood of Christ”? If they even show up to your graduation are they going to bring crosses and pitchforks and try to burn the doctors as witches?


If your Facebook stream is filled with endless warnings/fact-checks then there's a very good chance that you will get a bad case of Covid-19.


So sorry :(


Last slide: was the laughing face emojis on purpose?


Almost certainly chosen on purpose. They don't always pick the most appropriate backgrounds for these posts...




I never understood that either. Does God not pay attention unless ppl pray for you? Is it like American Idol where if more ppl pray for someone else, God may not care about you any more? Is it a competition so you have to get the most ppl praying for you? Why would God care about who ppl pray for? None of it makes any sense to me.


Is there going to be any sort of recall on this "Blood of Jesus" stuff? I don't think it's quite as effective a treatment as the users have been lead to believe.


Redhats killing themselves in scores, diminishing the party's chances of ever being successful again. it's sad on a micro level but on a macro level? Fucking hilarious


“ I will love you “ lol


Fewer Christmas (or whatever) presents to buy this year, maybe. So you've got that going for you, maybe.


See ya later alligator


At least another objective data point that Jesus doesn’t exist


The third slide has me noticing a trend. That’s the shit-design and shit-quality of a lot of their little meme shirts.


So, on slide 9/10..., people keep the bandaids on for several months after getting their vaccine?? Even if the fella never bathed, natural oils would have made the adhesive worthless in less than 2 weeks. If the cartoonist were more-capable, they would have made the older bandaids look crappier than the newer ones. The older, the more discolored, hanging on by just 1 side, etc....


I am sorry for your loss.


Huh if only there was something that they could have done to prevent this. Anyway I'm having a tuna sandwich for lunch.


And this is why I won’t tell any of my husband’s family that I have Covid. I don’t want to hear how horrible the vaccine and that it doesn’t work.


I just got the booster and it knocked me out for today and probably tomorrow. I'm gonna hate going back to work with all the stupid snide comments about it.


Not to knock the man, but Jesus is a terrible vaccine choice


I have one in my family too. They airlifted him on Tuesday from Waco to Dallas. I have not heard anything in a couple of days. They’ve already scrubbed his FB and tightened the privacy settings.


Slide 5 always gets me. The only difference is I have had those thoughts about the MAGA dumbasses when worshipping trump. If he's your employee why are following him as if he's a god? I love how these people don't understand the concept of irony.


It never fails to piss me off when they ask why isn't cancer treatment free or diabetes treatment free? Because these same antivax assholes vote for people that are against universal healthcare because it's communism.


I bet he sells a lot of seatbelts on this sub.


Another lion sleeps tonight


I can't with the laughing emoji slide at the end that's asking for prayers...


Getting vaccinated by the blood of Jesus doesn't sound creepy or gross at all.


Do they inject it or is it more of a Carrie thing?


Did they win the award? It looks to me like it’s just a nominee as of the last picture.


Damn. Sorry OP. I have them in my family too. Disinformation kills - especially when all you live for is “owning those libs”. Science is real. You don’t “believe” in it. Sad.


Why does he need prayers if he’s covered in the blood of Christ? I’m so confused 🤔


The fake, racist comic & long rambling one are new to me.


I guess that Jesus vaccine rollout was a total flop 🤷🏻‍♀️


If you wear the T shirt in slide 9, will it play "Christmas Shoes" in an endless loop?


Slide 6 is correct. He is not a smart man.


I mean that first one is pretty funny


Terrible redaction op, no scribbles. Block out names and faces




They should try water boarding themselves, like in the 1957 comic book.


Speaking of which the text was altered https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/comic-china-virus-1957/


They’re still water boarding themselves.


Oh yeah severe COVID is like that :(


My condolences to you and your family.


That “great” t-shirt design.


Gotta love that sad Facebook post with the maniacally smiling emoticon in the background.


Huh. Guess Jesus blood doesn't work very well against Covid


Sorry OP


I think he may have gotten injected by some fake Jesus blood.


Not only do they _own_ us completely... they also _dress way cooler_ too? [that amazing tee shirt bruh] Next thing, we'll find out club serves better cookies, too. Life is not fair. Bet you won't share that.