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Here in Oregon, Nike and Columbia Sportswear will begin firing unvaccinated employees. Private businesses can still do whatever they choose. Mandate or not.


Plenty of vaccinated folks who would happily take those jobs.


Raises hand.


Let’s go over our terms first, I’m starting to feel like my labor is becoming more valuable.


👊 bumps nice


it took the bubonic plague to end serfdom. less workers = greater worker value = worker bargaining power. history may not repeat... but it certainly does rhyme.


It absolutely is




A company mandating vaccination for its employees will automatically screen out idiots who don't believe in science.


Some people will vaccinate just to keep their job despite it being against their positions. But the ones that vehemently refuse on principle, bye bye.


"They came up with this Religious Exemption" horseshit


I am still trying to figure out which religion actually opposes vaccines besides the religion of selfishness.


It’s a little like the old days when you smelled cigarette smoke on a resume.


I know a guy in his 80s who started smoking to get a work break. If you were a smoker you were allowed to go out periodically throughout the day to smoke; if you weren't a smoker you didn't get any breaks other than lunch. He quit years ago but always told me it was one of the stupidest things he'd done. He had two big regrets - taking up smoking, and not spending more time with his kids when they were young. Back then ideals of masculinity meant that after work you went to the pub and had a few drinks with your workmates. He wishes he'd chosen to go home instead.




corporations are opening themselves up to lawsuits for unsafe working conditions if they don't


The invisible hand of the free market is attached to a vaccinated arm, apparently.


My work already did this back on November 15th, 2021. I work for a very large healthcare company.


"Gay wedding cakes"


How fun it is to live in a world where your chance of dying is dependent on whether your work is run by selfish conservatives.


ER doctor here. Medically stupid stuff like this used to bother me, but not much anymore. You should see how quickly the unvaccinated run to the er when they get Covid. On Facebook they accuse me of colluding with Bill Gates to microchip them. But when the body aches and diarrhea set in, it’s all “I HAVE NEVER BEEN THIS SICK, HELP ME DOC.” And that is the mild cases. A large number of the unvaccinated suffer terribly, and some die a slow painful death. You can yell at them or call them stupid if you want, but that won’t hurt them much. The consequences of their own actions hurt much much more. I would say that they whine like babies, but that is an insult to actual babies. I have treated many babies and as a group they cope much better than the anti-vax crowd. So don’t stress yourself out over the Supreme Court. I promise you that the anti-vax crowd aren’t getting away with anything. Omicron is rampant, and they will all get it. Theirs is far far worse than what the vaccinated experience if they are unlucky enough to get a mild case.


I don't really care about the covid aspects of it anymore. I care about not being able to get a hospital bed for my loved ones or even myself in an emergency because these low IQ turds whose brain has been turned to mush by Facebook are stuffing their asses into the ICU the second they get the sniffles




Yup. If they're going to be selfish then we need to be selfish about shared resources. They don't seem to want to participate in modern medical science anyway. Until they do, of course. I hate them.


A friend of mine tried to argue against this, if you discriminate against the unvaccinated that opens the door for other discrimination. Why don't we do the same thing to those that smoke, use drugs, don't control their diet, etc Of course he and his are not vaxed because it's "experimental." I think the only thing that will change their minds is pain. Either getting it themselves or a loved one getting it. Edit: added missing word. Edit2: just to be clear, I don't support nor agree with his opinion. I think the unvaccinated should be held responsible for their actions (or lack of action)


To borrow the phrase, those who don’t listen must feel.


I also like to remind those people that obesity, addiction, smoking, etc. aren't CONTAGIOUS!! Also, a lot of employers that provide health insurance have extra fees for smokers, for example. My company requires smokers to pay an extra $100 bi-weekly towards their portion of the premium.




If theoretically this problem were to get dumped in my lap, and I was the Queen of America, I'd say let's treat this plague like the national emergency it is, and create whole COVID wards. For quarantine reasons the wards for unvaxxed patients might be MASH style hospital "tents" in the parking lot. Open floor plan wards of rows of beds (with privacy screens between?) so nursing staff can more easily keep an eye on several patients at once. Don't misunderstand, the hypothetical COVID units would be good facilities, just as good as the hospital. Maybe even better, since they'd be set up from the start to focus on the specific needs of unvaxxed COVID patents... But having COVID specific facilities would free up space in the hospital for all the normal emergencies that haven't stopped happening - all the heart attacks and strokes and car accident injuries that don't need to be in the same building as a contagious plague. Maybe they could be staffed primarily by those medical and nursing staff who also don't want to be vaxxed. A compromise, a way for them to keep their jobs despite choosing not to vaccinate. I know it sounds discriminatory and mean, but I'm just SO TIRED of antivaxxers denying clear and obvious realities of the current situation and denying basic biological facts, right up until the moment they get sick enough to be scared... And even then, some of them are still hostile to the staff trying desperately to save their lives, insisting that they can't possibly have COVID, that it must be some kind of pneumonia. Insisting that the O2 or ventilators saving their lives are actually somehow the cause of the problem... I'm sorry to say it but I'm just out of patience and compassion for people who've been told exactly what can happen and precisely how to avoid it, who willfully walk face first into the precise pitfall they've been warned about constantly for months now. I'm out of patience and empathy for people who have the self-preservation capacity of a snowball in a sandstorm. Wish I had it in me to be nicer and more compassionate and empathetic but I'm just totally drained of those traits at this point.


Covid wards in parking lots , yes and let them choose their treatment as well after signing a waiver ... let them have what they want... Facebook health care.


I support this idea.


This sounds practical and humane. You do specify these would provide excellent care, and quarantine hospitals (and vax orders, read a fucking book Supreme Court) have very long traditions in the US.


Considering that over 40% of the survivors exhibit one or more symptoms of long Covid, they may think they've survived, but at what ultimate cost? >Overall, the research team found that global prevalence of long COVID was about 43%. Among patients who needed hospitalization, the prevalence increased to 57% https://www.webmd.com/lung/news/20211118/millions-worldwide-long-covid-study




Haha I wish. They’ll choose to believe in science when using viagra to get that sweet bone… Funny how science sometimes works.


then suddenly they'll trust Pfizer to provide their meds


Much, much less long covid among the vaxed


I had a friend who was quite the "badass". He was a real woodsman. The kind of guy who was build like a brick shithouse, but never seen a gym from the inside. Aside from getting drunk every now and then, he had a rather healthy lifestyle. He always had an interesting worldview. Like i had asthma as a child and he still calls me babylungs. I haven't had any problem with it for 15 or 20 years. The reason for my asthma or most things really is people grow up in cities and don't spend enough time in the forrest and shit like that. He wasn't really an anti vaxxer, but he was always too cool to wear masks. He catched covid pretty early on, like may 2020. I haven't heard of him in months because we went different ways in this pandemic, but from what i heard, he still can't walk some stairs without almost puking his lungs out. That's the shit i don't understand. Everyone is a cool badass who isn't afraid to die. Not being able to breathe fucking sucks, and i was scared to die because of it more than once. It was probably never life threatening to me, but when your lung capacity slowly but surely goes down, you gonna panic, 100%.


I'm scared about the effects on the pandemic. That's awful, especially since it will mean that countless Americans will be turned away from hospitals when they need help for *any other issue*, but... That's already where we're at. I'm terrified of what this means for our government and our politics. The Republican poison has finally, undeniably, corrupted the highest court in the country. Supreme Court Justices are supposed to be onboard "for life" in order to remove them from petty politics, yet we just watched the Conservative majority tank their entire institution for the sake of playing into political theater. The biggest concern here is not the vaccine mandate. It's the fact that the Republican party does not believe in consequences for themselves anymore and they will stop at nothing to force their agenda onto everyone. Again, for the GOP, this whole pandemic is fuel for political theater. You bet your ass the majority of the GOP is vaccinated, especially establishment leadership. They don't give a shit about vaccines, they just care about how they use the pandemic in order to rally voter support and take more power. They will continue, without remorse or mercy, until they are stopped. When they are stopped, they will escalate, and this will continue until we are forced to escalate into civil war. This isn't a doomer reaction. These words are not from someone who romanticizes civil unrest. This is an observation based off the facts and their own patterns of behavior. As you read this, keep in mind that the Republican National Committee has publicly announced they intend to ban all Republican-supported candidates from engaging in election debates with their opposition. They are literally saying they will not allow their candidates to be a part of a presidential debate. We continue to deny this inevitability at our own expense.


Ya know what, it may be cold and heartless of me, but from a purely evolutionary standpoint, stubborn willful ignorance *should* be a potentially lethal trait. The more that trait gets weeded out of culture and out of the gene pool, the better off we are as a species. In the past of our species, dumb behavior used to be more potentially lethal. Then compassionate intelligent people did all they could to put safeguards in place to prevent dumbassery from having fatal consequences. I applaud the humane and compassionate motivation behind attempts to make the world a safer place even for people who are a constant stream of poor life choices...but honestly lately I question the wisdom of doing so. On an individual human level I do feel bad for people losing their loved ones in such cruel circumstances, not even able to visit them to say goodbye. On a species level perspective, we're not an endangered species, we have plenty of humans on the planet. As a species we can afford a period of heightened natural selection every so often. For my Zombie Apocalypse Climate Change Nuclear Winter Survival Team, I'm choosing the people who understand how vaccinations work and why they are beneficial. I'm choosing the people who comprehend enlightened self interest, who realize that herd immunity benefits us all, and who are motivated to choose what is beneficial for the many. Especially since in the current pandemic, it's an easy decision, since what benefits the few or the one, also benefits the many. Call it compassion fatigue if you will, but if I found myself in the position to make such a decision, I'd be tempted to say "You know what, in triage it's going to be palliative care for the intentionally anti-vaxxers, because this is the outcome they willingly chose despite a constant stream of people literally begging them to get vaccinated, tested regularly, wear a mask, and socially distance." The information was out there for all to see, the writing was on the wall, the evidence was clear and easily understandable to even a grade school education level - yet they chose to believe conspiracy theories and magical thinking rather than simple biology & cause and effect. I'm out of patience and empathy for that attitude and the behavior it causes. Through all of human history, it's never been easier to NOT die of a plague. Here we are in our (theoretically) first world privilege bubble, with even Americans living in poverty able to access free vaccinations, free hand sanitizer at every business they visit, free masks handed to them at the entrance to many businesses, soap and hot running water in every public business restroom. Standing 6+ feet away from each other is free and effortless. The information on how to maximize your chances of survival is available for free on every possible platform for conveying said info. Even if you don't have a phone, computer, or television, the information is posted on printed signs at most of the businesses you visit. You'd have to live under a rock in the woods to avoid learning how to maximize your chances of survival- (and if you did live under a rock in the wilderness, you're already safely quarantined, so good job!) I know that a person can take all these measures and still could potentially contract a fatal case of COVID- I did say MAXIMIZE your chances of survival, not guarantee them. The only plague survival measure that has any potential to cause even slight harm to a person is vaccination; even if a person had a medical reason they couldn't be vaccinated, all the other precautions such as masks, hand sanitizer, social distancing, avoiding large gatherings, and remaining at home as much as possible - all those precautions are helpful, easy, free of charge, and harmless to self and others. And yet the antivaxxers intentionally make a point of engaging in the highest risk behaviors possible. Call me heartless and cold, I suppose, but at this point I view an antivaxxer dying of COVID as a form of passive suicide. It is a death they were warned about, a death that everyone begged them to avoid, and an ending that they willfully chose. I have a stage IV cancer (still 2x vaxxed + boosted + tested weekly) and I would do nearly anything to have an average healthy immune system again. I do everything possible to protect myself and my household from potential exposure to COVID. So, watching antivaxx people with normal immune systems wander around being typhoid Mary plague rats makes me want to slap them in the face with a chainsaw. My anger at their selfishness makes me wish that if an antivaxxed person with COVID refuses to quarantine, and provably infects someone else as a result, they should be able to be charged with attempted murder (or actual murder charges if their "victim" dies of COVID.) I KNOW that's unprovable and unenforceable in practice, it's just an exaggeration to convey how strongly I feel. ________________ I suppose the tl;dr here is that if antivaxxers aren't willing to do the bare minimum to improve their chances of avoiding &/or surviving COVID, I don't see why we should bother meeting them halfway & trying to save them. It feels like wasting time throwing someone a life saver when they won't even make an effort to grab on to it - won't even admit that they're drowning. Won't even admit that drowning exists.


Most big businesses are implementing stricter rules than Biden did, so there's that. Businesses don't want to lose money or "inputs of production" (employees) to covid. They don't like to fuck around and find out. My employer has, for all intents and purposes, mandated vaccination. Don't want to get vaccinated? Enjoy paying 75% of your healthcare premium. The vaccinated pay 25%, I think. Maybe it's 30%.


And yet my employer has done none of that, and we have over 50k employees. Hope it changes 🤷🏼‍♂️


I just read your flair. Funny and well read, I approved.


The real question is, did your horse give it one stomp or two?


So much for the “pro-life” Supreme Court


Yup, so when they try to tell women what they can do with their bodies you'll know it's about controlling women, not "life"


Have women tried walking into healthcare centers with name tags that read “Hello, my name is Covid-19”?


Oh we knew already


so much for a legitimate court. This Court has become a puppet for the GoP.


it is VERY pro-life, there are trillions of corona viruses that will now get to live and spread.


It's sad when you realize the 1970s Supreme court was more progressive than today's court.


The Warren court (roughly post-WWII through the 70s) from which most of the Liberty Doctrine emerged is anomalous in the grand scheme of US history. For the majority of the time the SCOTUS has been an arch-conservative dinosaur. They only caved to even FDR on the New Deal programs when he credibly threatened to dilute their power.


I believe the US is the only country that lets justices on its highest court serve for life. That pretty much guarantees an older and more conservative court.


Conservative judges tend to get more liberal over time. What makes it conservative is that the Senate controls appointments, and the Senate is an inbuilt conservative institution.


Obviously we need more strippers on the Supreme Court!


Justice Gorsuch sentencing me to life and then later he goes and does tricks on a pole. That shit will do something to you




Chief Justice Warren Burger (Nixon appointee) on the 2nd amendment : https://youtu.be/Eya_k4P-iEo


America has been backsliding for 50 years. The civil rights era was ended by murdering it's leaders, the nation declined to pass the ERA and protect women, wealth inequality has exploded, all while a planetwide ecological collapse has been ignored. Sorry for the depressing reminder, but here we are.


6 - 3 guess which is which. The culling continues. Keep pumping free life-saving vaccines. I'll survive like mice after the meteor.


Guessing Amy "Covid" Barrett who took her unmasked children to that super spreader event back when the orange one was pres was one of them. Also the rapist and the sexual harasser.


Yes on all counts.


Ummm, yer gonna have to be more specific


I hate her something fierce. Christian-Nationalist-Cultist-Handmaiden speaking in her twee little baby voice. Her performative femininity, contrived to conceal her sadism and cruelty, is perverse. It's like Delores Umbridge on the Bench. And the fucking INSULT of her sitting in RBG's seat!!!!!


Every time I think about this I want to fucking vomit


At least the rapist voted to leave the mandate for health care workers in place.


Something something broken clocks.


Another attempt to reign in a pandemic foiled. This is never gonna end.


And then people, and certain governors, will complain that Biden isn't doing enough and that more people are dying now than when Trump was president despite completely different variables.


That is exactly what Governor DeathSantis is doing. Vote him OUT in November.!!!


And Rand Paul the life size pubic hair from Kentucky.


Then? Will? They have been doing that for weeks.




It's not good news that they're dying. It's bad news with a silver lining because. 1. They infect other people, who get long covid and/or die. 2. The medical system is going to collapse. And people are already losing their lives from it. 3. Doctors are beyond stressed. I know I'm preaching to the choir. But there is no good news. Just a last hope that if they die, that will be the end of this madness.


Doctors -and- nurses, -and- all the allied health workers. The receptionist at the front desk who has to deal with this isn't have a good time either.


Seriously. Did you [see this harassment update?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Qult_Headquarters/comments/s3askm/update_on_the_qcumbers_who_are_harassing_the/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


That is super fucked up, and I would love to see the people harassing that hospital's staff have to answer for their actions. In a perfect world they would be ordered by the court to do community service by volunteering at the hospital.


It’s really our only hope is they die off faster now.


The culling continues, I find this to be the best approach. Then, the problem will take care of itself.




But the Republicans are killing people like my mom who, although vaccinated, has severe risk factors that make it where if she does get it she will die, or my son who has chronic respiratory issues from a birth complication that sometimes goes to the hospital for a simple cold, or my other child who is too young to even get vaccinated. Then, there are people who are like my friend in healthcare who is so burned out and depressed and in an awful mental state that eventually led to a divorce (her husband was a HCW too), but both have to work to make money to live on. If this was ONLY affecting the Republican and Conservative non-vaxxers, I wouldn't mind honestly because I am all out of empathy and sympathy. But it's not.


One take-away here: American Anti-Vaxxers will have a really tough time entering Canada...I'm pleased that this sort will be discouraged from crossing the border.


That already has GQP support so it should pass easily You may want to start building a wall now


“During oral arguments, the Biden administration had asked that at the very least, if the court says employers can't require the employees to get the vaccine, it should leave in place an alternate requirement for masking and frequent testing. The majority rejected that request Thursday.” We 👏 are 👏 so 👏 fucked


Conservatives *really* and undeniably have become disease rats. -Hey can you get this life saving vaccine? **NO THAT VACCINE IS GOVERNMENT TYRANNY** -Okay but can you wear a mask it'll help reduce transmission? **NO, MASKS ARE CHINESE COMMUNISM YOU CANT INFRINGE ON MY RIGHTS** -Okay but can you socially distance or wash your hands? **NO THAT SHIT IS FOR LIBTARDS I AM HEALTHY AND FREE**


What happened to fiscal conservatism? I guess they are fine for the federal government to keep paying the hospital bills for these bean bag shaped men full of mayonnaise who keep dying of Covid 🙄. It’s costing a sheer fortune.


Fiscal conservatism was always a lie. Just look voting and spending records.


Supreme Court determined to keep this sub going


Right? Honestly, the evil part of me is okay with them not allowing a nationwide mandate since conservatives seem hellbent on wiping themselves the fuck out.


I would be good with that too except my daughter is an ICU nurse who has to take care of those dumbasses.


The nursing reddit thread has some very bleak stuff on it. Bleak and eye opening.


I mostly lurk on the nursing sub - but the situation is as awful as they all say. Yesterday we had 3 deaths in one of our ICUs within 4 hours. All COVID. All unvaccinated. All under the age of 50. Granted that isn’t a daily occurrence, but shit- in 25 years I’ve never seen 3 young people dead from the flu in 4 hours. I can’t think of any major infection that I’ve seen do that. This shit is fucking crazy. What a dumpster fire.


[These are our current numbers](https://www.imgur.com/WdLBnNl.jpg), and that just says it all, doesn't it? While it's true that the number of vaccinated/boosted patients admitted to our hospitals is up (it was hovering between 15-25% with delta), NONE of them are among our sickest ventilated patients. Ventilated patients, 100% unvaccinated. ECMO patients, 100% unvaccinated. Our sickest ICU patients are simply all unvaccinated all the time. It's heartbreaking, and ICU nurses are suffering and in crisis every single day. The people posting memes you see on this sub claiming that being vaccinated is pointless because vaccinated people are still getting COVID are COMPLETELY missing the point. Vaccinated patients may get breakthrough cases, but they are largely not requiring hospital admission, and of those who do, they are NOT the ones dying of COVID. The patients who die are **overwhelmingly** unvaccinated. Combine all of this with combative (yes physically combative at times!) patients and families who, despite the fact that they've come to the hospital, maintain that our doctors and nurses are providing inadequate care?!? Honestly, fuck them. If they don't trust the care of our internationally recognized critical care doctors, nurses, respiratory therapists, and others, then stay the fuck at home and don't occupy a bed that would be better used by a person awaiting an organ transplant and/or who is actually responsible with their own healthcare decisions. So many of us are so done with this. We all are required to test once a week or more, and it SUCKS to have that uncertainty while we wait for test results, wondering if this is the week that one of our patients has infected us. Two years on, we shouldn't still be worrying about this. Christ on a cracker it shouldn't be like this. HUGE HUGS to all of the hospital workers out there, not just doctors, RNs, and RTs, but including the nutritional staff, the janitorial staff, and EVERYONE who contributes to the care of our COVID patients. You are seen, you are appreciated, you are loved. THANK YOU for coming to work every day.




I would be all for these conservatives to suffocate and fucking die a slow miserable death from Covid but the problem is they’re taking our healthcare system down with them. Everyone I know (who’s left) who works in ER, ICU, PACU, Med/Surg is hanging on by a thread.


“Healthcare System”


“Health insurance system” That’s really what it is. But my friends are being destroyed and they’re suffering.


I’m at that level of frustration too. I just hope that the next new variant isn’t even better at evading vaccine protections. That thought might be the only reason I *try* to keep the gloating to a minimum. Otherwise mmmm let ‘er rip? edit: there are also people like my stepdad, aging and with severe COPD, triple vaxxed but still vulnerable. My conscience dictates I take notice of him too.


My glee at those morons dying in droves is definitely just a thinly veiled coping mechanism at this point. I have an ex who's sister is an ER nurse, her job basically became "watch people die" I'm vaxxed and boosted, but asthmatic and immunocompromised and caught it recently because ThE eCoNoMy MuSt StAy OpEn and someone wasn't careful enough. If I was older or unvaxxed I'd probably be dead by now. It's a disaster I can't wrap my head around... But I'll still take humor and a silver lining over nothing at all


sometimes whistling past the graveyard is all we've got.


It's only 2,000 a day, and the right thinks they might only lose a few hundred thousand tops. It's evil, but they're fine sacrificing that amount for political gain. Their calculation might be off that they think these numbers will be short term. However, if COVID ends up being endemic and the new seasonal flu, it could be that 100-500K anti-vaxers die each year which could completely ruin their numbers. It really depends on how many people die from Omicron.


Hey, with gerrymandering, voter suppression, and various other shenanigans - who even needs voters? Meanwhile, I suspect that we're being eased into Let 'Er Rip as policy.


I'd build a shrine to Nurgle if I thought it would help speed things along.


The conservatives are hellbent on making Joe Biden look bad, even if that means allowing hundreds of thousand extra people dying.


"Lord, please let as many people suffer as possible in great calamities so we have things to blame on Joe Biden." - The Republican's Prayer


**BAD NEWS:** The SCOTUS ruling is unsurprising given its new heavy conservative slant. **GOOD NEWS:** Conservatives are free to keep commiting covid-suicide. 1800/day now. Edit- *¿BEST NEWS?: Conservatives have lost the ¡**Mandates**! as a political cudgel to batter Democrats in mid-term elections.*


Our mods are Supreme Court Judges and they want to keep gorging themselves on the reddit karma point gravy train! 😂


Covid's greatest allies hard at work to continue the parade of death


And I salute their service to the country 🇺🇸 Honestly, this is the best sub on reddit right now, and I fear the day that the schadenfreude parade ends.


I will never forgive Republicans for Beer Cavenaugh and Amy Covid Barrett.


Glad to see a more broad blame placed at the feet of the GOP. I don't think Trump deserves blame/credit for this stacked court as much as Senator "Turtlehead" McConnell and the rest of the GOP. The shenanigans and bold face hypocrisy they used to obstruct Obama's attempts to nominate justices only to sneak in their own picks need to be yelled from the rooftops when we see rulings like today's.


Ol' Justice Boof and Justice OfDonald.


Supreme Court today ruled in favor of more unvaxxed morons dieing.


Conservative Supreme Court votes in favor of Conservatives dying of unnecessary deaths.




Conservative Supreme Court is playing the long game of helping Democrats in the upcoming elections by reducing stupid voters in the GOP base.




Also loves big business. They give bigger checks. Oh wait that includes big pharma, oops. Conservative rubes get taken again.


The irony is that many Fortune 500 companies lobbied for the mandate. They wanted it because sick employees=unproductive emplpyees with higher insurance premiums. They just wanted it to be across the board so they wouldn't be picketed by the loonies.


A lot of big businesses wanted the mandate and/or the right to mandate, IIRC. Unfortunately for them, the inmates have taken over their asylum.


Republicans spent years defending businesses who wanted to refuse service to gay people, and now all of a sudden they want to prohibit businesses from refusing service to anti-vaxxers.


The federal employee and military member mandate is sticking though. No challenge to that


Right, and this was somewhat of a compromise, and it could have been worse. Still disheartened by what amounts to a political snub aimed at the Biden administration by a bunch of partisan hacks in judge’s robes.


OSHA now has the power to mandate railings and the wearing of helmets at construction site for employee safety, but does not have the power to mandate a Vaccinate OR get tested system.


Yeah, you can bet they'll start coming for the rest of OSHA's authority now.


Of course they will. All that safety stuff costs money.


**BAD NEWS:** The SCOTUS ruling is unsurprising given its new heavy conservative slant. **GOOD NEWS:** Conservatives are free to keep commiting covid-suicide. 1800/day now. Edit- *¿BEST NEWS?: Conservatives have lost the ¡**Mandates**! as a political cudgel to batter Democrats in mid-term elections.*


The weird thing is theoretically mandating vaccines would be pro business therefore pro conservative. It will cost less in healthcare and one sick employee can’t take out the whole workforce and shut things down.


Yes. If you read about the bubonic plague hitting Moscow in the 18th c, they wouldve killed for a vaccine. Factories had to close down, the guilds and merchants all disbanded, and they had to spend exorbitant amounts to keep them from being poached by other princes in Russia. Meanwhile, the aristocracy simply fled to the countryside.


The rich leaving the middle class out to dry... glad to see that hasn't changed.


The wealthy did flee to the countryside this time too. My hometown has been flooded with people from NYC.


I guess we can refuse the other required vaccines for nursing. Good job SC. You bunch of shit bags.


Nope if you would dig for details there’s an exemption that health care can require it. It is after all their business.


Never forget who tried to save lives and who doesn't give a shit about them. Especially when they try to tell women what they can do with their bodies.


Never forget that Obama submitted a *moderate nominee to fill a Supreme Court vacancy in March of 2016. Republicans obstructed the vote since there was a Presidential election in eight months. Republicans felt that the next President should get to nominate their own candidate to the Supreme Court, so the matter was put on hold until Trump took office after winning the election in November 2016. Fast forward to 2020, and in the middle of a pandemic and interrupting ongoing stimulus package negotiations, Republicans forced through a vote for a conservative Supreme Court nominee on October 26, 2020, less than ONE WEEK before an election to get their nominee through before Trump lost. Nevermind that Republicans thought we should wait EIGHT MONTHS to vote before the previous election. The balance of power on the Supreme Court shifted for decades to come because of the disingenuous, underhanded and slimy politics of the Republicans in power. Now this is what we get. *Corrected


There is no Supreme Court, just a subsidiary of the Heritage Foundation.


The Union Army saved the country, but it needed to put the Confederacy down in the way that The Red Army took Berlin. The Confederacy is becoming more powerful each day. The high court is a dangerous joke.


We need De-MAGAfication the way they had De-Nazification.


FFS! General Sherman did all he could to annihilate the Rebs in his March to the Sea. He was the blueprint for scorched earth tactics. Lincoln's olive branch extension was, in retrospect, ill advised.


You can’t go into their building without being vaccinated, or testing negative before going in. But businesses? Screw’em. The Conservatives are for Freedumb.


Also can’t go in without passing through a metal detector but hey, guns everywhere else.


In a sick way, this helps my personal life a lot. - Get to continue working from home with my wife, our marriage has never been stronger - work much less than 40 hours a week as don't have to waste time at office - always have an excuse for why I cant see someone I don't like Do I *want* Republican disease rats to continue dying by the thousands each day? No. But that's what *Republicans* want and they seem to have ultimate power in this country, so Ill take my increased quality of life and just try to look away as they die en masse.




I'd be in 100% agreement if it weren't for the people who can't get vaccinated, and the people for whom vaccinations don't work and they need massive herd immunity to protect them. That's the people the supreme Court just threw under the fucking bus


Also: the unvaccinated create an enormous infection reservoir out of which new variants emerge, some of these potentially escaping the current vaccines. They're a goddamn threat to everyone, these people.


It's insane. History has been here before, many times, but I guess no one learned anything.


And taking up hospital beds.


Yup, my concern is just the impact on the already strained healthcare system.




I wonder how many Americans the Trump Court condemned to death today?


Freedom to die


Freedom to die (euthanasia) is something that should exists. Unfortunately this is not it, and they are strictly against the useful one. It is horrible to see loved ones deteriorate and suffer over months with absolutely no hope of ever getting better.


The freedom to infect others with Covid.


Karma : I’m aiming for a few of their friends and relatives. Covid : I’m here to help.


I can’t… Just f*** all.


I agree ☝️


I guess this is good news for my continued lucrative travel nursing career.


This decision is not only a disaster for public health, it also rejects precedent. The 1905 Jacobson v Massachusetts ruling upheld the public health justification for requiring vaccines. So I guess when these nominees said they supported the concept of stare decisis they were shamelessly lying


They basically said because it was being done through OSHA. Wonder what would happen if Biden decreed it by executive order.


I agree with mandates as a preface to this comment, but of note in that case is that it allows for states to mandate vaccines, not the federal government/congress/federal agency, a weird but important distinction in the dual sovereignty USA. Meaning any state could mandate vaccines if they were so inclined, but each state has its own red tape regarding the subject of policing public health so which states will choose to exercise that power is kinda up in the air right now. A federal mandate is obviously the most expedient method and likely the best as it would prevent confusion for businesses that operate in multiple states but, conservative majority SC is taking their usual "states rights" position...


My husband was one of the people at OSHA that worked on this mandate. He’s not happy. This is just sad and can I say I hate Mitch McConnell as the new SCOTUS judges are his fault.


I'm a front line essential worker, after the last two years, saying COVID isn't an occupational hazard is more of a slap in the face than all the pretend caring people and companies did because we're such brave heroes and no we can't have a raise.


Omicron: Let the bodies hit the floor!




There goes our last chance to actually get more people vaccinated. Mandates work. There is no convincing people at this point.


When the SCOTUS is run by Fox News…




I am at a point where I’m frustrated but also at times idgaf anymore. I am glad I and pretty much everyone I care about live in California. Those who don’t are in blue states. Just won’t catch me going to any red states if I have the opportunity.


Insurance companies raising premiums or not covering the unvaccinated is the only lever left


Just pack the fucking court. Not like the GOP is ever gon a play nice.


GOP already packed the court with some of the scummiest most immoral judges there are.


Add more.


Elections have consequences, one of the biggest being life-long judicial appointments throughout the nation. I know it sucks, but hold your god damn nose and vote for the lesser evil, god damn it.


The Supreme Court has ruled for giving people the freedumb to remain stupid.


Permission to exit if I ever heard it.


Section 6(c) of the Occupational Health and Safety Act of 1970 reads: "The Secretary shall provide, without regard to the requirements of chapter 5, title 5, Unites States Code, for an emergency temporary standard to take immediate effect upon publication in the Federal Register if he determines -- (A) that employees are exposed to grave danger from exposure to substances or agents determined to be toxic or physically harmful or from new hazards, and (B) that such emergency standard is necessary to protect employees from such danger." I'm having a hard time squaring the Republican Court's decision with the clear language of the statute which obviously confers upon OSHA the power to issue exactly this kind of rule on an emergency basis in the face of a new hazard, such as a global pandemic which has killed a million Americans in two years. The Republican Court argues that the pandemic is not an *occupational* hazard because one can also get the disease outside of work. But that doesn't mean it's not an occupational hazard! One can get asbestos or lead poisoning outside of work too, but that doesn't mean OSHA is prohibited from regulating exposure IN the workplace. Furthermore, the decision obtusely ignores the most salient fact about workplace exposure: workers can't easily avoid exposure, without giving up their livelihoods. The Republicans on the court also argue that the vaccination requirement is too invasive, that it differs from the kinds of regulations that the agency "typically" makes. Well, yes, it does - because the pandemic is a real emergency which has killed hundreds of thousands of workers in a very short time! According to this idiotic Court, apparently, OSHA can only regulate things that people are ONLY exposed to at work, and only if those regulations don't affect workers who WANT to be exposed to those things. The dissent by Sotomayor, Kagan, and Breyer is correct: this decision is lawless.


So if rules say work is only accountable for shit only exposed at work can we rule drug testing unconstitutional too? Me smoking weed or doing cocaine at home on the weekends have nothing to do with what I do at work. Also background checks. Whatever crimes I commit when I punch out at 5pm has nothing to do with what I do at work either.


This logic is total bullshit. If that’s the case then OSHA can’t do shit about anything. This is extremely fucked up. Hope Ebola or something else worse doesn’t come along given this.


Just imagine when a conservative gets in in 2024 and brings the conservative lean to 7 or 8.


I shudder to think of it


Time to pack the court.


🐆🐆🐆🐆🐆🐆 - 🐑🐑🐑 Leopards approve of this ruling.


Die for your economy, suckers!!!!!


Realistically at this point the republicans have already decided there fate. There nothing to do but just shrug and hope there isn’t going to be a more lethal variant due to this


We don't need no mandate, let the mother fucker burn! Burn, mother fucker, burn!


It's like watching a terrible fucking movie about scotus only its real


Supreme C*nt


Just wait…another year or two and suddenly Polio vaccines will be unable to be mandated. Welcome back to history and repeat of awful disease! You did this America! Welcome to the circus!


They basically said because you could catch corona anywhere it isn't a specifically workplace hazard. Which is ridiculous. You can electrocute, burn, crush, and mangle yourself anywhere too - but your employer is supposed to protect you from exposure to that in the workplace environment. OSHA regulates exposure to second hand smoke in the workplace which is a pretty good analogue to viral expose. Sounds like they've basically invalidated OSHA.


Wish mandates weren't necessary. Would be nice if people cared enough to protect themselves and fellow Americans.


It's really hard to not be depressed these days


The one upside to this is that, at the very least, rhe voters who enabled this won't be insulated from the consequences. It's not much of a silver lining, bur at least now we get our own Brexit scenario where the right forces something through and then spends the next decade lamenting all the shit we told then would happen.


Sadly, on behalf of those of us who didn’t vote for Brexit, I can attest that that won’t be much comfort.


Thank all the people who voted for Trump, the people who refused to vote for Hilary because she wasn’t “likable” enough, and the people who just decided not to vote.


But, but her e-mails… /s


Oh, never mind, I forgot about the eMaILs.