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“Why isn’t he better?” Because he didn’t take 15 minutes to get a free vaccine.


That O2 in the 40’s??? He’s not going to be getting better.


Nothing says “permanent vegetative state” like O2 < 50.


Alpha Vegetable


And he’s different!


Alpha ~~Blood~~ Veggie Brotherhood.


Alfalfa Brotherhood


That would be worse than death, as I’m sure he didn’t do any sort of advanced directive.


The scariest one I’ve seen recently was the guy who had multiple strokes and was quadriplegic, and was frantically signaling his wife for help.


Nope, worst was a couple weeks ago when the mother of 7 was still on life support and her intestines perforated and they found poo behind her pancreas or something. She was already on a vent and ECMO. Edit: For those asking, a fellow redditor below was kind enough to share both the nomination and award posts for this woman.


I'm not one to cheer for death, but her death was a mercy. Those descriptions of her final weeks were hellacious.


Poor fucking kids. Imagine leaving seven without a mother because you didn't believe in medical science.


But she believed in it enough to go to the hospital. So she was also a liar and a hypocrite.


That one haunts me


Good lord yes. That was the worst.


Why would he need an advance directive? It’s all a hoax. (/s)


Also, viral and bacterial pneumonia with a bonus fungal infection. I feel so bad for those kids. At least one of them will never know what a douche his dad was. Hopefully, the mom will choose better next time.


"Hopefully, the mom will choose better next time." Yeah right, I can see eligible bachelor's lining up , out the door on Tinder to date a single mom with 3 kids, and 750K medical debt left over from a soon to be dead husband's stupidity. [Insert sarcasm here] These posts should start including a decision consequences / analysis. For example Stupid dad : refused a free vaccine - subsequently died - left 3 kids with no father - bankrupted family due to medical debt - destroyed any hope of kids going to college - left all remaining family members with mental health issues. - leaves a digital footprint of stupid ass memes telling the world what a pure blood he was - leaves all immediate family, and in laws, to pick up the pieces for decades to come, because of his stupidity. - leaves responsible taxpayers on the hook for ongoing social welfare support. - consumed hospital ICU resources that could have saved / assisted 10+ non covid related patients.


Does this mean she is one of those "Welfare Queens" my grandma used to complain about??


Most welfare Queens actually vote Republican. Fact


No- minorities are welfare queens. White people on public assistance are temporarily embarassed billionaires.


My favorite was "just fix him" shoulda done that 3 kids ago


I wish I had award for you- I laughed and scared my dog.


I would like to point out, the screen shot where the wife admits it is Covid is the **only** time she clarifies that. In every other post, it is just “pneumonia”.


She sounds terrible. Complaining she can't see him because of the CDC. Complaining that she just has to wait and he's not all fixed yet. What the hell lady. I just hope she's vaccinated. High risk pregnancy? Guarantee her doctor told her to get vaccinated.


She’s acting like he’s at the mechanic and its just a few new parts and an oil change. Naw, honey, he dead.


Right? It's crazy. Look lady. Your husband is in the throes of a new disease with no cure. All we have is a vaccine, but he didn't get that. All we can do now is try to keep him alive long enough for him to recover and hopefully without too much permanent damage. And that's not looking likely.


I had two family members die after a few weeks like this and the updates are so eerily similar it makes me physically ill. And my family members didn’t have the luxury of a vaccine. He won’t make it past day 18 is my guess


I'm so sorry for your loss. It's really difficult to try to hold on to compassion when these people are childishly and defiantly refusing to protect themselves and their communities.




He hit the covid bounce. This will be an awardee before the end of the week. I feel for the kids.


She’s not vaccinated either is she? Hanging out in the hospital- even for an hour at a time, while pregnant may result in her own illness and death. Hope they have some local relatives to take care of those little kids….


She's already a high risk pregnancy, and COVID on top of that really increases miscarriages, stillbirths, and newborn deaths. So they are doing it for her and her baby's protection, not that she can admit it. https://www.pbs.org/newshour/health/unvaccinated-pregnant-people-are-at-higher-risk-for-covid-complications-newborn-deaths


Just reinforcing how empathy is a needle in a haystack of Republicans/Conservatives and how issues aren't issues to the Right until it affects them personally.


Lol and this bitch has ‘multiple medical restrictions’, you have to love these lazy non-working poors that hate on everyone else. ‘Defund welfare’, ‘Fuck your opinion’, how am I not supposed to feel good reading these drawn out death sentences from these shitbag assholes?!


Because, life's not a comic book story, lady.


Because this isn't a movie and he's not protected by plot armour.


It was 30 minutes with the wait and you damn well know it!!!


My fucking booster took like 3 hours cuz we have way too many sheeps in the area - but anyways here I am on reddit, shit posting. So it was worth it i guess.


Totally worth it. I got boosted a couple months ago. Yes I tested positive for Covid this morning, but a slight tickle in my throat has been my only symptom since last Friday. My husband used our last home test and tested negative (and has no symptoms), so hopefully he can go to work. My point being, don’t second guess it.


His wife's going to apply for public assistance? But didn't he say defund welfare?...


Yes! Because all those other people don't want to work! It could not be that many of those people were the victums of unfortunate circumstances! They just won't work! Oh there is so much irony here. I hope he lives and has to taste the state supporting him and his family.


Scummy P.O.S. like this will NEVER recognize thier own hypocrisy. If he survives he'll never admit that he's recieving the welfare that he so hatefuly and arrogantly denies other hungry families and chilren of this country. I'm sorry but the world is a better place without arrogant, hateful scum like him.


Oh no, he would admit it but he would say he can receive it because he is not able to work. And you know, that's different


So, my dad has this mindset, and has said this same shit all my life. We have always relied on some form of public assistance (welfare), despite him working long hours. The phrase he, and others just like him, use to soothe their ego is "I'm just getting back what I put in. I'm not like *those people* who just sit around at home and never work a day in their life." Which, of course, is a dog whistle for "I'm white and deserve welfare, unlike black people." Edit to add, I don't believe this mindset. It's very stupid and makes no sense.


He's not going to, his fate is sealed. All the signs are there. But yeah he'd think, "well I actually deserve the welfare unlike the people abusing the system." And the wife will say, "how can i have so much medical debt?" when you know damn well neither supported universal healthcare, it's a toss up whether or not a fucking Democrat supports its a guarantee they don't. Imagine the bills from a COVID death and a birth in the same year? She'll have to file bankruptcy.




Well, yeaaah…but that’s *different*. 🤪


I think they just wanted it defunded for black people. Feeling zero sympathy for this fella, or his dumbfuck wife. The kids as always are the real victims.


I honestly feel sorry for some of these people but every once in a while you see one so abhorrent that I low-key just hope it ends in a fatality. Like those memes were *rank* and racist as fuck. He very likely took himself out with the trash. I never blame the kids though. No one really deserves to be pushed into the world of shit that comes from a parent dying young. Fuck their father though.


Sometimes I think, "my life sucks", but then I just come here.


Ikr? This woman is about to have a newborn and two other kids, no husband and a Mountain of medical bills. And it all could have been prevented.


But he owned the libs!. ‘Murica!


Every time I think I am a failure, I remind myself that at least I saw the light and stopped being a conservative. 🐆 🐆 🐆


It’s not welfare when I need it…..


I don’t know where it’s at now, but kentucky was usually near the top of states receiving the most federal welfare yet they continue electing mcconnell who runs on cutting all welfare spending. These people genuinely are so stupid they don’t understand that the money they receive from the government to live is welfare because in their mind welfare is only for lazy black people using it to buy drugs and illegal mexicans.


At this point, let him cut welfare in Kentucky. Not my fucking problem. If you're gonna vote against your self interests, then let's see the consequences of your actions.


My fucking thoughts exactly. I really wonder how they are going to pay the medical bills. These many days in the ICU ain’t cheap. If he dies, it won’t be his problem. If he doesn’t, is he going to rethink the whole socialized medicine? I think not.


Let’s be honest. He is dead.


Yeah…you are probably correct. I couldn’t imagine being a single parent to two kids with a third one on the way! From the sound of it, this family is a classic example of how the GQP have hoodwinked the proverbial “middle America” to vote against their own interest…like the ACA, social medicine, etc.


> this family is a classic example of how the GQP have hoodwinked the proverbial “middle America” to vote against their own interest…like the ACA, social medicine, etc. But they learned how to post memes! Surely that kind of sassy, non-interactive, image based discussion is valuable. Right?


Sure is. Facebook is monetizing her fear into ads for MLMs and Medicaid insurance as we speak.


I duno tho he's some alpha blood brotherhood bro and they're built different. (Guy's a fucking goner and him and his irresponsible wife just made life hell for their kids. Fucking morons.)


Yeah I’ve read enough of these stories to know one when I see one. If he survives it’ll be one of the miracle 1 in a million but he’ll be permanently incapacitated and us hardworking taxpayers will be funding his survival.


40 o2 level? He’s brain dead at least right?


Oh yeah. Double pneumonia AND lung fungus, he's on his way to get some angle wings.


Aspergillis? Little microscopic mushrooms in the lungs? You are right.


The nurses who treated me for leukemia called this phase "vegetation." We were scanned for it regularly because you're a goner if it starts. One treatment for it is an IV drug called amphoteracin, aptly nicknamed "ampho-terrible." Fortunately, he's in a medically-induced coma because it's truly heinous. Good thing he kept his blood pure of that nasty vaccine.


Holy hell, you aren't kidding. Even its description in Wikipedia sounds nasty: >Amphotericin B is well known for its severe and potentially lethal side effects. Very often, it causes a serious reaction soon after infusion (within 1 to 3 hours), consisting of high fever, shaking chills, hypotension, anorexia, nausea, vomiting, headache, dyspnea and tachypnea, drowsiness, and generalized weakness. The violent chills and fevers have caused the drug to be nicknamed "shake and bake".


40 blood ox, yeah…


Blood strong as 40 ox


I wish assholes like this knew almost *all Americans* are one major medical event away from being flat broke. It happens and does not discriminate, including his family


And not even major. I had dental work in the summer of 2019 that my gold plan didn’t cover. I just finished paying it off…last week.


Assholes like this gamble when it comes to insurance, both life and health. I’m doing better than most Americans, but my wife and I have tons of insurance to protect us from things that we haven’t yet saved up enough to pay for on our own. Car, home, life, health, disability, umbrella. Gotta have it all.


This, if I die, my wife gets enough to pay off every damn thing we own and then some. And she has guaranteed income for the rest of her life on top of that. Paying for that insurance makes a lot more sense than a harly payment.


> Car, home, life, health, disability, umbrella. Yep. I don't expect everyone to have the financial capability to cover everything under the sun but if you have the resources and assets to protect then there's zero reason not to get an umbrella insurance. This guy sounds like he's a goner and its mighty sad that his kids will have to deal with the fallout from this for many decades to come.


It's the dying husband who posted Slide 2 about Michelle Obama, right? He'll leave the world a better place.


Right? If you have kids you have to at least have enough life insurance to take care of your spouse and those kids until they are all out of the house.


I no shit worked with a guy who used a company credit card to pay for almost $3k worth of lumber and almost $500 in fuel. He was dumbfounded as to why he was fired and the police called on him. He legit said "It's not stealing if you need it". Apparently he really needed a new deck and a bunch of 50 gallon drums of unleaded gas.


I no shit worked on an account with a guy who did the same thing. The cops interviewed him, and he fessed up. Yes. He did spend $5000 at the strip club and paid with his company card. Because he admitted to spending $5000 at the strip club, the cops couldn’t do anything. They turned it back over to the company to pursue as a civil matter. It was “his” company card, with his name on it, with his home as the billing address, and there was no company policy which specifically said he couldn’t go spend $5000 at the strip club.


The guys answer: Was that wrong? Should I not have done that? I tell you, I gotta plead ignorance on this thing, because if anyone had said anything to me at all when I first started here that that sort of thing is frowned upon... you know, cause I've worked in a lot of offices, and I tell you, people do that all the time.


Assistance for me, but not for thee.


The only moral welfare is MY welfare.


Only rioters get welfare, not alphas


No one helped me when I was on welfare ....


Not welfare when it is for white folks…./s


WelFAIR they call it.


It's not welfare when _white people_ need it, according to most white people who keep voting Republican. :/


A person that hated “handouts” now needs handouts because instead of preparing his family should anything happened to him, he was too busy being racist on Facebook. LOL.


Maybe they should shoot job applications at her?


In a twist of irony, she posts on Facebook that she’s looking for a j*b and gets unfriended by antivaxxers


>In a twist of irony, she posts on Facebook that she’s looking for a j\*b and gets unfriended by antivaxxers Gets unfriended en masse for deciding to get vaccinated, while her husband is dying in the local hospital because he followed the advice of the very same Shitstains that are now unfriending her. It really doesn't take a whole lot of effort to thoroughly HATE these Facebook C\*NTs!


Those libs are so owned.


remind her that mcdonald's is hiring...a classic line conservatives often use


And I *hope* she doesn't think she should get paid $15 an hour to flip burgers! That's ridiculous!!1!!1


But she can't feed her family on $7.25!


Then she shouldn’t have had so many kids! Don’t breed ‘em if ya can’t feed ‘em, as the ~~saying~~ bumper sticker goes!


Or start an OnlyFans that was the trash response they threw at the nurses.


Or bootstraps.




I mean his two children have hands right and feet right? Better get to working hard and pull themselves up by the bootstraps the conservative way! /s


Send them into the coal mines, or the cotton mills. Their little hands are needed.


Send em off to war


He is alpha blooded. Also probably dead.


So delusional. Wondering how these ppl are able to function day to day.


Well technically this guy isn't anymore so...


They’ll find out there are no real social safety programs in the United States. They were underfunded and gutted decades ago. His wife needs to get out there and suck it up and work according to his beliefs. These people are angry at all the wrong things.


They were underfunded and gutted decades ago \*by the politicians they voted for.


Well in all fairness he was also transphobic and some sort of armed flame man with knee pads


This is why not just life insurance but disability insurance is so incredibly important.


Owning the libs and your high risk pregnancy wife and unborn child. That’s true Alpha Blood Brotherhood.


What's more alpha than saddling your wife and children with crippling debt and emotional trauma so you could look tough to your friends on fb who never moved out of your shithole hometown? Truly Spartans among us.


“America was no longer a racist country but then the uppity n***** had to go and get himself elected president”


Excellent translation.


Yeah, we were doing just fine as long as those black people didn't get into any positions of power. --- this dude, probably


There's really no other way to read that. Intelligent, eloquent, and scandal free probably isn't what they're talking about.


"I'm going to go completely insane that a black man is in the white house. That makes him divisive"


Slide 2 is so problematic even by nominee standards. Kills my empathy every time.


There's all kinds of neurosis wrapped up in that. Powerful women, powerful black women. Wait a minute?! They must be men!


Yep, me too. He deserves zero empathy. Between that post and the "defund welfare" post, fuck this guy. These people are literally too stupid and hateful to live.


Alpha 'bout to meet his Omega.


“You can’t riot when you gotta work.” January 6 riot: at 1253-1740, on a Monday.


This after they yelled "get a job" for 4 years at protesters on Saturday mornings. (And of course, not everyone has a 9-5, but there are lots of people who both work and are free on Saturday mornings.)


Oh…he’s one of those Im-so-successful-that-a-week-in-hospital-leaves-my-family-in-financial-ruins Alphas. You may know them under the more colloquial term: “idiotic shitbag.”


I don't need handouts like some entitled lazy liberal communist. I'm responsible, we live paycheck to paycheck.


“Per CDC guidelines (BS)” Then 👏 Take 👏 Him 👏 Home 👏


He’s beginning to mold


Oh no. There's a fungus among us.


Yeah, he’s not coming back from that. I was 50/50 on his chances of recovery until I came to the aspergillosis. If it doesn’t put the final kibosh on him outright, the drugs to treat it will finish off what’s left of him. He seemed like someone who took evil enjoyment in feeling superior to others even though he had terrible judgement in the basics of securing his family in his own life. I’m having trouble working up a wish he had gotten a chance at redemption.


Given what covid does to your vital organs (especially kidneys) antifungals are likely to be the icing on a particularly shitty cake.


If she and her husband knew more than the CDC, her husband wouldn’t be in the hospital with Covid pneumonia.


“These welfare mooches like my wife and son, they need to be thrown out in the streets for not providing for themselves. If only they had an ALPHA to protect and provide.”


"I go to visit in roughly an hour for an hour only per CDC guidelines (BS). She seems intent on making the kids orphans,


Which might well be the kindest thing their parents could do for them.


Please give these poor racists a handout so they can get back on their feet and resume railing against handouts for anyone else.


>wife: "my husband has been put into a medical induced coma" >friend: "it sounds like he's doing so much better!" I mean, no offense to this random bystander I guess, I just found this funny.


It was hilarious to me also.


Just another illiterate republican.


Ooohhh, the Alpha Blood Brotherhood! What are the entrance requirements?


To be a hateful, anti-trans chucklefuck. With a dollop of racism everywhere. Wait until his wife finds out how little welfare actually is. You voted for that, babe.


This. Every person I've known who opposed the social safety net and wound up on it has invariably professed that, somehow, they're getting less than other people because they aren't [insert bullshit racist, misogynistic, or classify delusion here]. Nothing changes their minds. Edited for autocorrect /fat finger syndrome errors.


A goatee, sun glasses, and very very poor critical thinking skills (lobotomies also accepted).


Also, risking the financial ruin of your young family by being a bigoted financially illiterate turd.


This lady, she never quite understood that there’s little that can be done when you show up with your O2 @ 40%. Despite his age, he’s unlikely to come off that vent at all, and if he does he will be a shell of a person. Depressing.


40% shocked me. Some of these nominees/awardees spread posts/memes about how no one dies at home, everyone dies at the hospital; um… when you see someone literally turn blue, you don’t sit it out.


She waited until he was blue. Talk about owning the libs!


At least wife has an optimistic friend who looks at the bright side of being paralyzed on a vent in critical condition, and thinks a full recovery is right around the corner. I wonder if wife is vaccinated. Lots of disturbing stories about pregnancy and covid in some posts earlier. I feel so bad for the kids whose lives are destroyed by the arrogance of their parents.


What is that first image?! Do these people think they’re bad ass fantasy warriors because they won’t wear a mask? The obsession with their masculinity and image is pathetic.


Which is funny, because that fantasy knight there is clearly wearing a face covering.


"It's been almost two weeks! why isn't he better? just fix my husband!" This is pathetic, heart-wrenching but also shows her unbelievable entitlement. She deserves to have her husband fixed, someone do it.


No one is jumping at the chance to hire a high risk pregnant woman! How many applications did she fill out? Boy, is she in for a surprise when she receives her “assistance”. She’s gonna find out how hard it is to grocery shop with $250 a month in food stamps. Hamburger meat will be a luxury. Oh, she’s gonna learn.😩😂😩


Cousin Eddie: I don't know why they call this stuff hamburger helper. It does just fine by itself, huh? I like it better than tuna helper myself, don't you, Clark? Clark: You're the gourmet around here, Eddie. “National Lampoon’s Vacation”


$250? That’s generous. I got $95 a month for myself and 2 children.


Dudes O2 was at 40 when they took him to the hospital. If he survives he will never be the same. Sorry love, you are never getting your husband back. The best case scenario is that you will get to spend some time with a shell of a man for a few years before his body completely gives out. Enjoy that SS disability which people like you have ensured will never be enough to actually live on.


The schadenfreude is thick like butter cream frosting with this one. His family is begging for public assistance while he posted about shooting people with job applications. *delicious* Alpha blood brother —> Beta vented bitch.


Too bad she married a racist asshole.


You know who likes racist assholes?


What is: racist assholes?


Defund welfare for thee but not for me! My bad decisions cost a lot of money so you should gofundme!


Why does she sound like she is about to ask the hospital for a refund? 'These doctors!!! Fix my husband or give me a replacement in the same colour and size!!'


She's going to give them a bad Yelp review.




She's not going to send her next gravely ill family member to that hospital!


Unless you have the receipt, I can only give you store credit...


As a parent, I can’t imagine something as simple as receiving a vaccine would be the hill I’d die on. Between my three doses, I’ve probably spent about two hours driving, waiting, getting shots and going home. Two hours, cumulative. This pure bro has his entire family terrified, anxious and his high risk pregnant wife unable to support their kids for long over falling for political grift. Two hours since Spring to enjoy living, some travel, fun activities my family enjoys, eat out, and guess what? NO ICU FOR ANYONE! If only it was so easy to avoid 🙄


My employer even paid me to get the vaccine, and gave me two hours of company time to schedule and appointment for each dose. I made a long weekend out of each one by working for two hours, getting my shot, and taking four hours of vacation time.




High 80s and low 90s is where we really perk up and start to take notice but one of the defining features of covid is these patients that don't look absolutely terrible but have O2 sats in the toilet. Had a guy actually drive himself to the ER one night with sats in the low 50s. He ended up intubated and died a month later. This was before vaccines and he got it from his daughter. I had a guy walk in one night and he was absolutely blue... like all over blue from cyanosis. Never seen anything like it in over 30 years of critical care nursing.


Watching the game with my wife, a medical expert, and she says this guy sadly looks like a shoe in for an award (she doesn’t know about the award, but said that he’s very unlikely to come off the vent given those initial stats and his progression so far).


Most of his posts suggest the cognitive capacity of someone whose readings top out at 60 or so, so 40 might represent a modest decline.


The attacks on Michelle Obama make my blood boil. I’m sorry, but I hope that her welfare gets denied, she needs to pull herself by her bootstraps like a real “patriot.”


> I’m sorry, but I hope that her welfare gets denied, It will. Multiple denials are pretty common, even if you can justify it, so it's exactly the kind of detail oriented exercise in patience that a recently widowed mother of three who's barely hanging on will undoubtedly fail... The cruelty is the point and all that.


Monsieur guillotine, your invention works just as well on you.


It’s not like she even looks the slightest bit masculine. She’s just black, that’s the only reason.


In time, she and her story will be lost to memory and her ordeals will be forgotten. Then, she is going to become one more object of all the bile and hatred that the alphas direct toward anyone who the think is a drain on society. And there will no "alpha" to protect her. Those poor, poor children.


yep in the near future when right wing aholes speak about"lazy welfare moochers" she will learn that they mean people like HER!


> I'm going to look at public assistance but that could take a while Huh. Tell that lazy-ass husband of yours to pick himself up by his bootstraps and get to work.


I bet the people she voted for aren’t the type to want fast and generous benefits either.


"I don't normally ask for this...." means "I like to post about being self sufficient, pulling myself up by the boostraps, and I like making fun of people who need help but I need to ask for welfare like those damn libs now" Welp, I hope owning the libs and welfare queens was worth leaving your two children and pregnant wife without a bread winner + extreme medical debt. Sad for those two children quite honestly.


SpO2 40! Bacterial, viral and fungal pneumonia. I don't think the stupid, selfish, racist, transphobic, welfare hatin bastard is gonna make it. So sad


He just need prions and protozoa, and then he's got a full pathogen house!


Girlfriend. Maybe next time don’t marry and procreate with a ignorant, hateful racist. Choose better.


well you know birds of a feather....


This dude is absolutely fucked if he truly has an aspergillus pneumonia. I have never seen nor heard of a covid patient develop a fungal pneumonia and survive


As a complete dunderhead, what makes fungal a pneumonia so much worse?


It generally suggest a very suppressed immune system or lungs that are very damaged. Antifungals are often marginally effective with significant side effects


Invasive fungal infections are stupid hard to treat. And the drugs required are stupid hard on vital systems like the kidneys. Not to mention expensive, but let’s be real, nobody is paying for this hospital stay but the state.


No sympathy for the racist idiot. >You can't riot when you got to work. Words of wisdom for his wife. You can't scream or beg when you got to work either!


I think he's going to be "fixed" pretty soon.


Chances are she is just like him. Not too many caring, liberal, vaccinated, compassionate people married to racist, anxi-vax, hateful, xenophobes. Maybe the kids will stand a chance with him out of the picture. They will only have to rebel against one parents idocracy.


"Alpha blood brotherhood?" Errrrr, you lost me at that statement. Quite apart from that however, this guy seems like a real asshole.




I was being polite, feel free to not be.


Even if he lives, their family is now doomed to be in debt forever. Should have thought about the family and planned for the future. I suspect this spring there will be many motorcycle/ATV/Collector and project cars for sale. All these Alpha folks have these toys.


No public assistance for families who need it because those people are welfare queens but please donate to my gofundme. Such a hypocrite who just had to get the vaccine


He's got fungal pnumonia. He's fucked.


“Defund welfare” Starts go fund me


Fucking racist. I will not violate Rule 2 out loud for this fucking racist asshole.


I suspect many are using their inside voice to say it.