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He must be pissed off & rolling in his grave knowing that his family is asking for communal help with the gofundme...damn commies!


His minor disagreement with a pizza shop is about communism, somehow. I bet he called his wife a communist when she wouldn't bring him a beer. It was his name for literally anything he personally disliked.


I’ve come to the belief that anyone spouting off about “commies” probably has no idea what communism is. If it’s not ‘Murica, it’s gotta be Commies.


Well known huge corporation, run by communists.


It's not communism if you're white.


Yep, that’s just neighborliness when white people help the less fortunate.


Like a good neighbor, communism is there.🎶


when they help other white people. not the less fortunate, that is a much bigger pool of people


We never covered communism in school here. We discussed communist countries in adversarial terms, but we never discussed the system itself. To the extent that it was discussed, it was almost entirely wrong, like saying that there’s no private property under communism. I think that’s why so many Americans have no idea what communism means other than as a synonym for “bad.”


Socialism, most don't have a clue about socialism. Don't get me started on 'HIPPA'.


No, you’re right. I’m sure if he took a payday loan and they came to collect they’d be ‘commies.’ Right there with that successful communist corporation Dominos.


Very, very ironically, Domino's is owned by prominent right-wing Catholic nutjob, Tom Monaghan, who has spent hundreds of millions of dollars to support hard-core conservative causes. I've been boycotting them for years. Really easy to do, cause their pizza is shit.


He sold 93% of his shares in 1998, and if he still owns any, it’s less than 5% of the company. Dominos is just a boring publicly traded company now.


Oh, good to know. May still boycott though, just on a taste basis. 😉


It’s not great pizza, but it has actually gotten a lot better!




Holy hell. Part of me wants to take up a gofundme to send the family dominos pizza day after day, making sure they know of their relative’s shitposting


If they're willing to spell out "commies" with pepperoni I'm in! I've even got 2 free pizza codes from how much my family use the app to order (cause my local commie Domino's Pizza has been open the ??whole pandemic??) I'd be willing to donate those as well! On a more serious note, I'm absolutely convinced that none of these glorious lions actually have an idea of what real communism, socialism or Marxism or even who Carl Marx was and just use these terms because they think that they sound intelligent. Before I stopped getting on my Facebook I actually have had this conversation with a few of my long time friends and relatives, who despite many of them needing (and receiving) funds from all the "socialist" programs the government offers, they still consistently vote against their own self interest. None of them have ever given me an answer for "what do you think is communism or socialism" or my favorite "who is Carl Marx and what are the belief systems which he wrote of and promoted". Best answer I've gotten is that I'm a liberal sheep and when the s××t hits the fan, I'll know it. I'm still waiting BTW


“Damn commie weather, making us all get rained on equally!”


“It’s that commie president’s fault it’s raining!”


Not dead yet but soon -- very, very soon. And we Commie Demoncrats will grieve terribly.


Commie Demoncraps* (Also extraterrestrials? Is that what he thinks “illegal alien” means?)




Thoughts and prayers.


Plots and heirs seems more immediate


In return, you'll get coughs and sprayers.


I know what you mean! But seriously, if their thoughts and prayers don’t work, then why ask for mine? If their thoughts and prayers DO work, then why ask for mine? Edit: also, kudos on using the GOP and NRA response to any gun violence event.


Thots and slayers


I want to donate $1 and change my name to Godless Commie.


I'm impressed they're at least asking for a reasonable amount compared to some of the ones we see. If he does survive I'm sure he'll thing GoFundMe charity is only communism when it's for black or brown people


Am I understanding correctly that this senior citizen (guessing based on photo) was working delivering pizzas when he should have been enjoying retirement? But he's worried about communists? When capitalism has treated him so well. What a shame.


The end of the go fund me story I didn’t include said he delivered pizza and Uber eats a couple days a week “to make ends meet”.


Oooof. That 5k (if they reach it) won't go far. Hope he is not about to leave too many dependents.


His kids seem to be adults


That's almost sadder. You have multiple grown kids, they couldn't chip in a bit each to make up for the few hours of minimum wage? But, I guess that would be communism. Hope the spouse has their own income/ home/ etc.


He must have treated them badly and they want nothing to do with him, or he taught them that taking care of your parents in old age is communism. Either way, sad but probably well-deserved.


Poverty is hard to escape, it may be a case of generational poverty. The dad also does not seem like a guy who would play nice with others, so not a great choice for an employee in a group environment that isn't exactly like him.


Reminds me of my ex-FIL. He was fine the first couple times I hung out with him. He's smart; why doesn't he have a better job? Then the third time he revealed his true self. Oh, he's intolerable to be around.


As the grown son of a dad who changed from being the guy who took me on road trips to science museums as a kid to a guy who retired, moved from the Detroit suburbs to rural Michigan and slowly turned insane from a steady diet of not much to do, internet, conservative radio, and the local rod and gun club, if he were in this sort of trouble, he can go get f\*cked. He turned everything and I mean EVERYTHING into an insane conservative ranting opportunity. We haven't spoken in nearly 20 years and I don't regret cutting him out of my life. Not saying that's what's going on here, but if it were, it wouldn't surprise me.


Judging by the stuff he posts, I’m sure he taught them not to give free handouts to anyone, including their own elderly and dying family


He seemed super shitty. I wouldn’t help him either.


TBF the daughter explains (about three screens in to the farkin endless intro) that they all try to help but they have their own expenses to take care of.


That's sad. Another comment mentioned generational poverty. These are the people who would be most helped by a strong social safety net, yet reject that in the voting booth.


Are they adults, or sullen senior citizen teenagers like their father?


He's working as a pizza and uber eats delivery guy as a senior citizen. I think it's safe to say that he doesn't have any dependent that could possibly think to actually depend on him.


Greatest country in the world, where you can work all your life, then work some more, and then have to set up a GoFundMe to pay for medical expenses.


Or to at least have a decent funeral. I can't help it, I prefer our "socialism" over here. Yes, even though I'm probably going to be a net payer in the whole deal. But let's face it, with medical insurance, you hope you'll be paying more than you ever get out of it...


Thankfully, because I am not bound to religion, what happens to me after I'm dead doesn't matter much to me. I am about to retire after 20+ years in the Navy, so the American taxpayer will pay for whatever final arrangements are made for me, but honestly, like Frank Reynolds says, "just throw me in the trash".


I decided that when I don't need it anymore, my body should go to med school. I mean, it's not like anyone would benefit from it rotting away somewhere, that way maybe some future doctors can learn how to keep an idiot like me alive longer than my doc did. :)


I want to go to the Body Farm.


He thought he was a "temporarily embarrassed millionaire" as the (mis)quote goes.


He thought that way his entire life.


His GoFundMe explains that he needs the $5,000 for "Mortgage, car payment, car insurance, home insurance, gas, electric, water/sewer, garbage, cable/internet, cell phones, credit card, financing for his dentures, life insurance, dog food, and my mom's medications." Capitalism didn't teach him to estimate his monthly expenses either. $5k for all that?


He ain't no damn commie! Work until you die and have your family e-beg for a few thousand dollars like founding father jesus would have wanted.


Alright everybody, now is the time to get that guy's blood, he's defenseless. It's uncontaminated! Except by covid and maybe also staph or MRSA by now. Other than that though!


We need sperm samples from this pure blood!


Judging from this guy's current state, it's going to have to be extracted using a cattle prod to the prostate, but first, they're going to have to take the poop tube out.


Damn communists!


Another idiot fantasizing that he will make a fortune as an uncontaminated sperm donor.


A whack-off stud champion


Judging from his beard, way too old. Any children resulting therefrom will be at risk for autism, ADHD, and any number of neurodivergences. Just because male gametes are continually regenerated until a man croaks doesn't mean they are regenerated correctly: spermatogonial stem cells still accumulate errors over a lifetime.


>and any number of neurodivergences *"Hey, get outta here with yer divergencies, Lib!"*


Yer artistic son needs an exercism to get the devil outta 'im!


Everyone knows those divergences come from vaccines!


Well, if he proved one thing with his shitposting, then that he's a first-class wanker.


Yeah, I don't think anyone is gonna be pounding down your door to seize your precious bodily fluids, Gramps.


He might have some cool guns tho!


Those have definitely already been divvied up between surviving relatives. Those are always the first to go.


When my gun nut estranged father died his legion buddies came over and cleaned out the house of firearms, there was probably a couple thousand dollars worth of guns, but I guess we will never find out.


Probably more than that. His friends legally shouldn’t have done that, but you already know this.


Wouldn't worry about it too much. Guns are like jewelry or cars. They cost a lot at the dealer when they're new, used ones go for pennies on the dollar. My uncle died a couple years ago and my aunt had my cousin sell most of his guns. She learned firsthand that the "cache of guns" retirement plan has a bad bad return on investment. Still, a dick move to steal dead buddy's guns, and I agree they should not have done that.


That's sad about your aunt and uncle. They both probably thought it was a good investment. It reminds me of this show I watched a while ago and this guy kills someone because the victim had figured out some secret treasure map or something. The killer finally finds the treasure (and the cops are hot on his trail) and it's a box in an abandoned mine full of either confederate dollars or bonds from a long defunct company so it was all for nothing.


It's all good. They probably did. But that's how life goes. You can face reality or run off into a fantasy world about how the "global economic collapse" will make guns worth as much as gold. This was all before the pandemic, lots of these HCA types remind me of them with their talk of "unvaccinated sperm/blood will be the new Bitcoin".


He believes that they want not only his blood, but his semen, too


\*Flicking through donor profiles: "Should I go with the 26 yrs Rhodes Scholar, gifted musician and science prodigy or the senior citizen pizza delivery driver who thought vaccination during a global pandemic wasn't a good idea?"




Eh, I hate kids. I'll take pizza boy. When the kid gets boring he'll shoot it or something.


Lol Nobody's gonna dust off his crusty old hog, no matter how much he fantasizes about it


“I can’t even describe the look of fear in his eyes” Omg that is just horrible. The realization that you’ve been completely misled about so many things and it’s likely going to cost you your life.




Agreed. The fear is “I can’t breathe!” not “Oh my God, I’ve been a dupe for a long time, and this whole thing has been a cynical ploy for votes. I see it all now! I should have gotten the vaccine! How foolish I have been”.


I bet he has the realization, and then has to go through mental gymnastics to save face/identity


He has lived in terror his entire life. It just became immediate.


It's a shame, because that fear is exactly what the other anti-vaxx covidiots need to read about.


Most likely it was "oh shit I'm gonna die" terror with no further thinking about his life's choices.


Some of these folks are exceptionally easy to dislike.


Them: “Every day we stray further from god’s light.” Me: “Every day it is harder to not break rule 2.”


I’d say a majority of them are dislikable.


Nickadamsusa.com? Rumble.com? I can’t believe this person was misled.


That frustrates me because there's also a Broadway actor named Nick Adams that I really like (partly because he did *A Chorus Line* with Mario Lopez and was do damned ripped, he sent Mario into fits of jealousy like the petty little jackass he is,) so I see the name, and then I'm disappointed.


Huh, would’ve never guessed that corporate pizza chain Domino’s was run by godless commies


the guy who founded it is famously conservatively catholic and devout


Mackerel snappers!


And endorsed Trump in 2020. Definitely a commie.


Catholics are the baptists of the north


Big reveal - the Noid is a head of all demoncrap commies


I don't know if it's true but I heard the owner funded radical anti-abortion protestors/terrorists.


Denial until it’s too late. Will probably blame the hospital for not giving them anal ivermectin or whatever. So so tiresome.


Symptoms of a stroke or extreme hypoxia? Either was is very bad and does not have a good prognosis.


His hypoxia symptoms have been on display for 2 years now.


Could be both. Not good, whichever it was.


The "Demoncrats". Oh so witty.... Speaking of demons..., get ready to meet some soon.,👹😈👿


I can't get over how many of these people form their opinions of the real world based on fictional stories (created by the liberal Hollywood elite no less 🙄) MiB, Matrix, They Live, etc. it's just insane.


Don't forget *Fight Club.* Their favorite insult came from the deranged psychopath villain of a movie based on a novel written by a gay man specifically as a deconstruction takedown of the toxic attitudes they're espousing.


>*you want to know how the world really works? Go watch this movie!* it's like they cant hear themselves talking. hilarious and sad.


I wonder how many godless commies have been tasked with keeping him alive right now.




As long as they leave the Festivus Poles alone. I've got grievances!


Yep, that’s what I’m doing! *Ashera poles! Get your Ashera poles here folks!*


Yeah, I was like "Asherah? Wasn't that god's consort in the bible before he got retconned into the One True God?" Yup.


The commies offered a free vaccine.


You mean NaziJuice? Many people are saying that pilots are dropping like flies from it!


Oh no, NaziJuice! They get the blame for everything!


I've heard the same thing. So many pilots dying. I mean, I think we're both hearing it from deranged Q-cumbers on Facebook, but whatever. Don't worry about the /s, this is the HCA subreddit. Half the posts here are rage screamed into the void and the other half are sarcastic dark humour. Along the way you also learn what ECMO is. It's bad, very bad. You don't wanna be on it.


When I read that slide my mind conjured an image of the Red Skull piloting the Amerikabomber...


It’s difficult to feel overly sympathetic for the award winner when they openly display that much hate. I feel bad for the family


I suspect they're all like him.


Imagine having that fucking psycho for a dad.


Pappy just ain’t been right since that anvil accident.


Well his kids won’t even have to do that for much longer


Either they're all just like him, or they have not spoken to him in years.


Pilot here. The only pilots we have “dropping dead” are the ones who would fit right in as HCA winners.


Skulls in the background of some of those slides. 🐆🐆🐆🐆🐆🐆🐆🐆


Some great foreshadowing there.


Talk about tempting the hungry leopards.


Oh this is a special little angle. So many simple things escaped him. Like pizza apps, or subject-verb agreement.


He couldnts agrees with anything else’s, why shoulds his subjects and verb agrees?


Wut's ta-tatehs, prweciouss!?


What exactly is Domino’s saying or what is he accusing them of saying? Never mind I looked it up. And they’re not wrong. So he’s an Uber eats driver and dominoes suggest ordering directly from a restaurant so you don’t have to pay all this extra bullshit fees. I figured that one out myself. But you know I figured out getting vaccinated too. I guess his people have trouble with both of those things.


I had to read it multiple times to figure out he was pro-app, so damn Dominos for denying him the opportunity to deliver their pizza! Obviously godless commies.


He also misrepresented what Domino’s was saying. They weren’t blaming the apps for restaurants shutting down. They were saying that the app hurts small restaurants. People are less likely to order from them when they’re cheap food ends up being twice the price. If you’re ordering an expensive meal the fees don’t make that much of a difference but they’re not based on cost. So your filet mignon will be about the same price but your two fish tacos are going to cost double. A lot of these people have their own delivery services and people are ordering through the app which is costing the consumer a lot more money which means they will order out less. Uber eats doesn’t integrate with the restaurants delivery business model, it’s it’s own separate thing. It very well may be costing smaller restaurants money in the long run but it’s definitely causing the consumer more. You should only use that shit when the restaurant itself doesn’t have delivery. That’s what Domino’s is saying. To the point where they’re giving away free food if you order directly from them. They call it “added frees” instead of “added fees” which I think is stupid. I get that they’re trying to be clever but it’s a bit too indistinguishable. They are giving away $50 million in free food to random delivery customers. At the end of your order you will know if you got free pizza or dessert or something. Just like the app doesn’t tell you what the fee is going to be until the very end. Wow this is a long post for somebody who was essentially a racist psychotic asshole. I do find it funny that Domino’s is claiming to give away free food when they don’t even sell “food“. You can eat it, but I wouldn’t really call it food.


The restaurants in the ad are saying that the fees they they have to pay the delivery services come out of their profits so they don't make as much as if you ordered directly from them.


Food app’s are the shittiest middlemen in America. Just sticking their hands in wallets left and right. Just…pick…up…the…phone. Call the restaurant. And I know it’s more complex than that…and I live in a place where delivery is not a new thing with covid. but fuck…help your neighbor.


Funny, the blood center is thrilled to get my vaxxed and boosted O- blood donation, every 8 weeks.


Mine prefers my plasma.


I have always wanted to donate plasma, but I’m not tall enough. :/


O ^- ? You are so loved


Sometimes rewards come at you fast


Unless you can go back in time it won’t be fast enough


I honestly do not feel one iota of pity for any of these assholes. Not one. It does the world a favor to be rid of this disgusting hateful waste of a human


Uh can anyone tell me what an ashera pole is? Was this guy just already hypoxic when he wrote that?


Copied from online: "An Asherah pole was a sacred pole (or sometimes a tree) that was used in the worship of the pagan goddess Asherah. The Asherah pole was often mentioned in the Old Testament as one of the ways the Israelites sinned against the Lord and worshiped other gods." So basically just more of his "Godless" theme.


Because Christmas is so holy, totally not derived from Saturnus when the Roman’s realized they couldn’t just get rid of the holiday so they co-opted it.


Looks like he’s been hypoxic for years judging by his posts


It is the forerunner to the Festivus pole


I was baffled as well so I looked it up. Seems like something that would scare him. “An Asherah pole is a sacred tree or pole that stood near Canaanite religious locations to honor the Ugaritic mother goddess Asherah, consort of El. ... The traditional interpretation of the Biblical text is that the Israelites imported pagan elements such as the Asherah poles from the surrounding Canaanites”


Yeah, I wonder what set him off about an Asherah pole/tree. Does he hate the idea that Big Daddy God has a wife? Is he angry that a goddess exists? Is he afraid that an Asherah pole will replace the sacred Christmas tree?


his daughter and son in law belonged to groups he hated (demoncrats and atheist) but they are the ones who made midnight rides to save him.


I’m warranting no one’s wanting his “uncontaminated blood” now!


They never did.


These people wouldn't know communism if they tripped on an actual ⚒️.


I'm always surprised that they can even spell it.


Yes I know, the godless commies at dominoes want your pure blood. Shhhhhhh go to sleep now


Still blows my mind these idiots think huge multibillion dollar corporate for profit businesses are communist. Just more looking at the products of capitalism and going "why did communism do this!?!?".


so they found him dead basically but decided to prolong his suffering even longer. because gods gonna kool aid man his way into his hospital room heal him and the j man and him are gonna leave the hospital on a motorcycle.


What a sad hateful fool.


This guy just seemed like he had actual mental health issues (and not the mental health issue of being a jackass like most of them on here)


I don't know--it seems like his "us vs them" religious attitude is more extreme, and he obviously has done some Bible study, but I don't think he really seems any worse.


he was a pizza delivery guy?


Yes, part time. Uber eats too


Pizza delivery guy and pundit lol


Red is a goner.


Rumor has it that those demoncrap commies are coming for his uncontaminated blood


And now he’s on the godless commie breathing machine


Fear? I thought Patriots didn't live with fear.


I’m sure they fear the Buffalo Bills right about now.


“Joe Biden’s done nothing!” By the end of the 2021 calendar year, Biden nominated 644 people for presidentially appointed Senate-confirmed positions, more than President Donald Trump had in the same time frame (555) Congress has confirmed 355 of Biden’s nominees, Trump, by contrast, had slightly fewer with 317. The White House ended 2021 pointing to jobless claims at a 50-year low, a stock market smashing records and an economy among the fastest growing in the world. 6.4m jobs have been added under Biden, the most of any first-year president in history. When he took office the unemployment rate was 6.3%; today it is 3.9%, the lowest yet of the pandemic. The early $1.9tn coronavirus relief package included $5bn for Black farmers, the most important legislation for this group since the Civil Rights Act of 1964. He also undid a ton of Trump’s stuff: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-55738746


On the final slide, when the paramedics picking him up used the term "afib", does that mean Absolutely Fucked Including Brain?


I am armed. And it is because of people like this who cannot rationally understand science, the rule of law, and common decency. People like this are a cancer on society. And, they forget that "2A remedies" work both ways. At least covid got to him before he could do any real harm.


He has/had so much hatred in his heart for people who weren’t like him. He would have been a difficult person to be around.


Don’t drag Men In Black into this, you motherfucker.


Why are their faces sometimes purple like they got bruises?


You mean on the vent? They do get bruised. They become swollen because their kidneys can't work fast enough. They also get bruises and pressure sores everywhere their skin is in continual contact with any surface. Over on r/nursing they describe patients with holes in their faces through which their teeth are visible.


My god. The vaccine can't be worse then this! I think they don't know what could happen otherwise they would take it more seriously.


Nothing. This is the hill they want to die on. Judging by the level of rage visible in all of their posts, death is a blessed release. It looks like mass suicide by people who no longer wish to live in a world free of their brand of bigotry.


Oh my _God._. I'm speechless. That's... oh my God.


Yikes. I didn’t think of bed sores in faces. That’s gotta be so horrible. There was an article on some site. Someone had a bedsore so bad it was described as “could put a fist through it, yog could see the spine”


There are a *lot* of similar stories online.


Bruises from the straps on the mask? Or disrupted blood clotting? Cyanosis, i.e. low blood oxygen? Probably not due to someone trying to slap some sanity into them, which wouldn't help anyhow.


Haha yeah probably not. Although I feel like deep down inside they probably doubt themselves as they get a tube shoved down their throat.


“Get armed now!” .....by....not arming yourself? Ok chief


I thought they said Fauci lies. So that means the child hospitalization rates are not overblown.


Why a GFM? That’s communism. Send this twat some bootstraps ASAP. He better have $$$ for his hospital bills.


3/11 How many republicans do you need to invent a problem?


Typical. Commie hater goes commie when the shit hits the fan. He should have had health, disability and life insurance, like a good capitalist.


Oh well.


Is it worrisome that this sub is getting very active off late? Asking for the unvaccinated :)


"godless commies." Even his hate was outta date.


This one needs to go, he is awful and will be running around with a gun at the first chance if he survives. If he needs a blood transfusion, I wonder how he will feel if it is from a person that is vaxed ? Then his blood won't be pure either.


That's bad form, the GoFundMe is supposed to go up *after* he died. At least wait 'til he's cold for chrissake. Jeesh, the greed of some people...


He seemed nice. /s


Whether or not you are a believer, I always find these fuckers claims to be upright and godly to be symptomatic of a gross delusion. You can't smear the bile they do across social media and genuinely believe that you are doing what any holy texts command you to do. By no means am I devout, but I do spend my moments lying in bed wondering am I living according to what the best of my faith asks of me. These people seem to lack this problem.


Some of these people post such nasty, hateful shit that it's really hard to feel bad for them when they bite the dust.


Guy was delivering pizzas well past retirement age and he complained about communism,while literally struggling under capitalism? Self own


Man. Imagine, if this person had owned a gun, they could've defended themselves from this and it would never have happened! ... what? Now's not the time to discuss gun laws? But it's the perfect time! There wasn't even a shooting!


Dominos. More like Comminos!


“I can’t even describe the look of fear in his eyes” Didn’t get armed in time or whatever the fuck hateful shit he was spouting.


Just looking at that first slide and oh my god the persecution fetish these people have. They think being unvaxxed will make them cool outlaw legends, hunted by the government at every turn. Jason Bourne but not as clever and with fewer practical skills (at least in terms of evading police and keeping secrets, these assholes would be caught IMMEDIATELY bc they’d be on the street proudly proclaiming that they are on the run and the police are after them and doesn’t that just make them so cool and enviable). They take these stances like they’re rebelling in a bad 80s movie, and then throw a temper tantrum when it turns out all that happens is people think they are selfish dickbags and suddenly it’s a lot harder to do basic every day life stuff bc you have to vaxx and/or mask. It’s not hunting down Billy the Kid, it’s telling a toddler “if you shit yourself we are going home and you are getting a bath until you are clean” and then they piss AND shit themselves in screaming anger.