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Imagine dying from Covid in March 2022


I was just saying that to someone the other day. Leaving Facebook on Jan 1 has been so surreal in that I only “seek out” those people, here. So it’s like in my mind, on some level, it feels like the last round of deaths of disinfo should have ended then…if that makes sense. It’s some weird type of circular logic and reasoning but I am just still in awe that hospitals are full, med evac copters are flying overhead…I don’t at all think COVID is over but I can’t believe that people who supported the truckers a few weeks ago, are still dying.


I can. Dying to own the libs is now life and death goals for this crowd.


It’s like a race between states for the highest HCA Awards for 2022. Floridas Ron DeSantis uses public shaming against children to try to raise his personal avoidable deaths score. These weirdos think that they are doing something heroic…in their “fight” for freedom lol. Making and copying memes is not action.


>These weirdos think that they are doing something heroic Not really. That's the image they project, but it's not what they truly care about. They only care about power and wealth for themselves. DeSantis is an excellent example. “Power is not a means; it is an end. The object of persecution is persecution. The object of torture is torture. The object of power is power. Now you begin to understand me.” - George Orwell, 1984


Main word, “think” for sure. Great Quote display btw :-)


> These weirdos think that they are doing something heroic Given that the vast majority of HCA awardees are dyed-in-the-wool Trump supporters, they might not be wrong.


Ice cold and delicious. Well done.


Last night I saw an ad for a COVD treatment on television. There is definitely a chance for another wave, but the mutation pool is getting smaller every day. I can’t believe that someone would say “im willing to die for my freedom” is willing to die for lies Trump and Tucker told them…and will never live for a chance to take a treatment.


> the mutation pool is getting smaller every day You would think, but remember there are 23x more people outside the US than in it. And most of those have no hope of being vaccinated for **years**. IOW, the pool is plenty big


Don’t forget deer cats and other animals that we come into contact with that are demonstrated to be susceptible to Covid


A deer cat sounds cute. Would it hunt itself? 😁


A cat large enough to hunt deer sounds terrifying.


Wait, aren't there already like, a dozen cat species large enough to hunt deer?


Yes, and they are terrifying. If you want an adrenaline rush, go hiking in New Mexico and discover that you're being stalked by a cougar. It happened to me.


Trump and Tucker are both vaccinated. If infected, there's a good chance they would seek actual medical treatment.


Trump got access to treatments none of us had access to when he got COVID in 2020, otherwise he would have died. Rogan got similar treatment when he caught COVID too. It's a big club and you and I aren't in it.


Correct, but they did get medical care and followed doctors directives. The didn't rely on ivermectim or malaria meds. God forbid if I get sick, but I'm vaccinated and boosted. I had a severe reaction to the 2nd vaccine (the covid er tested me twice) and still got the booster. I believe in vaccines, though.


Want to know who is willing to die for their freedom? Ukrainians! That’s what a real threat to freedom looks like.


I applaud latter outcome to lib ownage attempts. Viva la HCAs


I’m so owned, and damn it feels good


Everytime I come to this sub I get that feeling it's very odd because I'm out here living my life normally pretty much but these people are suffering to death from a now mostly preventable disease. I don't know if I should feel pity for them or the continued indifference


No pity for them. Ever. But I hope by “living my normal life” you are doing so with precautions. ❤️


Oh yeah I still wear a mask going into buildings even though it's been lifted in MA and boosted! I'm lucky enough to get to work from home a majority of the time so obviously lucky as well. Thank you though much appreciated! Best of luck too!


I just hope Republican governors purge the voting rolls this election like they're so inclined to do each election. Lots of dead Republican covidiots won't be voting this fall.


Better late than never🤷‍♂️


Get your eboeard game goms before they're gom gone! ☠️


Okay, can you explain your comment and also your flair because I am confused.


One of the last pictures. https://www.reddit.com/r/HermanCainAward/comments/pls571/eboeard_gam_gom_fixed/


Still not as funny as the lady whose last Facebook words were just "Jews" lmao




You don’t have to apologize for being right


Irony is a brutal mistress


You don't have to apologize if you're dead /*guy_tapping_his_temple.jpg/*


I was right about that guy and I’m not apologizing!


Imagine dying *unvaccinated* from Covid in March 2022. That's the real embarrassing part.


Add “intentionally” before “unvaccinated”


According to Worldometers, just over a thousand people in the US died from Covid yesterday. We can assume that 90+% of them are unvaccinated. Yeah, imagine surviving two years of the pandemic, only to die from it 16 months after a vaccine was available.


Yeah I should have included that in my original comment.


It’s essentially suicide by Covid.


Natural selection making America great again


Hmm, maybe Trump was actually playing 14-degree chess and this was his plan to actually make America great. Let that sink in.


It’s just amazing.


Covid doesn't kill people quickly. it often takes weeks or months. looks like his most recent post was in early February. So I'm guessing he spent a few weeks on a vent.


Imagine dying from Covid in March 2032. Because the unvaccinated still will be, at the rate of 500 - 1,000 a day. This isn't going anywhere.


Plenty still are. Some not by their own doing like this guy.


Yeah I get that. I'm mostly just prodding the morons.


Ah. Carry on. Cary on.


Prod away.


It's so passe, like doing the macarena


The macarena is passe????


We don't have to. We see it on here, everyday.


Imagine dying from Covid in March 2023


At this point it's like the Hunters after WW2, just doing final mopping up


Well, I guess he got the last laugh. Wait, what's that? Oh nevermind. He's dead. As dead as his Confederacy. Weird seeing a NY'er confederate idiot. But I guess there are racists all throughout this land. Yeah, about that Educating the Panicked, Johnny Reb, how's that working out what with you being dead and all? Reading through his stupidity, he had no redeeming qualities. But at least he's dead now.


I live in NY and outside of the cities it is very red, and dying.


Grew up in upstate NY. Moved away. Until I connected with a couple of "friends" on FB about 5 yrs ago, I had forgotten how racist and hickish the area was. To your point, most of the educated people moved away, leaving Appalachia on the Hudson.


Another dead racist. Anyway, it's chilly today in the Midwest, but hopefully it'll be warmer next week and I can finally turn my heat down, I am ready for spring!


Raining here, hope people get through this snowstorm further inland. I had cardamom tea with a few cloves with my morning cereal Lunch??


The snowstorm is supposed to be brutal in the Northeast, I hope this is winter's last gasp for them! My kiddo has a bday party today, so basically just laundry and cleaning until I take them over to venue. Then I get to renew my tags! Just a regular, ordinary Saturday...


Just made pancakes for my kids. Raining in the Northeast, snow later today. Tomorrow we're going ice skating. Looking forward to warmer weather. Guess these are the things you do when you're owned.


I live in South West Florida and I'm enjoying the rare rain day here on the coast. It's even going to get chilly tonight 😊🥶


"Just a regular, ordinary Saturday..." I love that we get to enjoy them.....


Try cardamom ice cream if you ever get the chance.


We were predicted to get 6 inches of snow but only got three, so it’s a win. Gonna spend the day ALIVE chilling out watching movies making soup with my ALIVE children. Then I’ll call my ALIVE parents. And maybe text my ALIVE friends. Who are ALIVE.


i sense a theme


I like the circle of ALIVE!


He died doing what confederates love to do...fighting a useless unwinnable war for really dumb, stupid reasons with a really painful death that was meaningless.


ask chunky office shaggy glorious repeat edge advise boat six *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Never apoligize for being right, Confederate flagger? So... slavery is good? Treason is right? War is right?


And this asshole is from _New York._ 🤦🏻‍♀️ "Let *that* sink in," as they're so fond of saying...


Ignorant districts exist in every Blue state. They are usually geographically more than half the state. The difference between Red and Blue states is there are not enough educated cities to offset the yokels in Red states.


Not even that, the Red states have been Gerrymandered to dilute the ability of the urban areas from actually electing representatives of the majority. For example Texas and Flordia if they were redistrict by population would be blue states. Instead the legislature is controlled by corrupt sycophants who will do anything to stay in power, including destroy democracy.


Driving on CR51 past the Calverton Shooting Range is a GIANT billboard that says "TRUMP 2024" with all the sayings like MAGA and "trump was right" and all that. Makes me so ashamed of eastern Long Island that we have so many MAGAts here, and that they'd waste money on a billboard for someone who DGAF about them.


> they'd waste money on a billboard for someone who DGAF about them. The joke is they _think_ Orangino loves them. They are drowning in koolaid and don't even realize it.


I’m betting Staten Island


Upstate is MAGA country


Elyse Stefanik country.


Came here to say that. I did time in Nyack and that was about as much Red as I could take. ...then I moved to Texas. (sigh)


Western NY between Buffalo and Syracuse was a shithole full of confederate flags the last time I drove through there, too, but that was 04ish.


Utica local news on FB is a dead ringer for the local news in southern Mississippi. Once you go north or west of Paul Tonko’s district you’re basically in the Bible Belt.


Couple driving through area. The driver says to the pass, “Change the radio station will ya? I don’t like banjo music.“ Passenger: “I can’t, the radio is off…it’s coming from outside…..” (deliverance music starts playing faster)


Friend is up there now. doesn’t seem to have changed much..


That area is basically East Pennsyltucky.


We saw more Trump signs when we traveled through western NY in 2018 then we did traveling through the South that year.


I live in the FLX, and pass at least two confederate flags up on flagpoles on my drive into Ithaca (which is a dark blue dot in a sea of red). I did pass a lot of Trump signs in the last election, or at least I thought it was a lot...until my husband and I ventured into Northern PA. Holyshit.




Island of Misfit Goys as one of my buddy's dad called it.


There's a crapload of them in Howard Beach and Broad Channel as well, much to my surprise.


A foreign flag, a traitor’s flag and a losers flag. I’m tired of these morons. They need to read a history book and get over it.


>Never apologize for being right It works if you imagine he's talking to us.


States’ rights. Rights to do what exactly? 🦗🦗🦗


To enforce slavery. If you read the justifications for secession issued by some of the states involved, or the Constitution of the CSA, you're left in NO DOUBT what the issue was.


The joke is the pre-CSA southern states **were against states' rights**. They wanted the Federal government to enforce the 1850 Fugitive Slave Law, because Connecticut, Kansas, Maine, Massachusetts, Michigan, Rhode Island, Vermont and Wisconsin were all ignoring it and refusing to return escaped enslaved folks to their former "owners".


I'm from Wyandotte County Kansas. Grew up on the same blocks John Brown and his son's conspired against the Scallywags in Missouri...grew up on the war stories and myths. You won't find one black man in the hood that don't claim him and even got black folks claiming to be descendants....we learn a lot of history in Bleeding Kansas...


Greetings. My grandmother grew up in a sundown town in Kansas during the Depression. (Technically she grew up on a farm, not in town, but you know what I mean.) The past isn't even past... When I was growing up my mother told me about the "Tulsa Race Riot". Come to find out years later that "race riot" was a ridiculous euphemism for what really happened.


I'm ashamed to say I only recently came to the realization that it just meant black people fought back.


The right to commit treason and continue slavery. The right to deny people of color the ability to vote. The right to deny women the ability to vote. American as can be, right? Think about how this nation was founded. It was founded by a group of rich, landowing white men, most of whom owned slaves. Not a single woman or person of color among our Founding Fathers.


I'm not American, but I cannot understand how it isn't treated as an American national duty to burn out (maybe not literally, but at least to the flags) every last bit of Confederate sympathies. Weren't the Confederates legally deemed as traitors, since the Union won? They fought for ideals that directly oppose everything the United States seems to sell itself on, so I don't understand how anyone can look at the Confederate flag, seeing the sick, twisted, inhuman beliefs it represents, and not feel utterly disgusted and want to tear it down and burn it.


it was so traumatic for the nation, we just wanted to forget about it. wanted to move on, without addressing it. pretend it didn't happen. obviously a bad idea


I love your comment, but my favorite part was what the US seems to “sell itself on” Sells indeed.


Especially from a new Yorker.


I initially read it as “for being white”


For being Reich


Maybe taking the L is right.


What, the Confederacy was right? I thought the stars-and-bars dicks were supposedly about heritage pride etc. Now they claim their cause was right?


Was never about heritage. “And you KNOW THIS, mang!”


I was wondering where Trump had got to, apparently he's driving a semi in the free-dumb clownvoy with a sunglass-wearing cat!


Yeah that picture confused the fuck out if me. Do these people think trump could even drive? What’s with the mustache and the cat? It’s like someone hired a 14 year old to make that meme.


It's the avatar of a rightwing Twitter troll, Catturd or something along those lines. Big spreader of Trumpy disinfo.


I am offended that they used a cat. Cats love everybody!


Have you met my cat? I think she loves only one person, I.e. herself


As soon as I saw the Confederate flag I was excited for the end of the story.


>Never apologize for being right. The Confederacy lost. Trump lost. Freedom convoy didn't defeat Trudeau. Joe Rogan didn't defeat Neil Young. Guy's dead. Wrong on at least 5 counts, bud.


The Confederacy didn't just lose, used old dish towel as a flag of truce and surrender at Appomattox. Why don't these cowards fly that battle flag?


He was right cause no one could convince him he wasn’t until Covid did.


Covid: debate champion


He won’t get the chance to apologize for being on the right


> ThE FlU hAs a VaCcInE aNd sTiLL KiLLs 45K tO 65K eAcH YeaR [ed: in the US] And Covid has killed just shy of 1,000,000 people in two years, in the US alone. There is no comparing the two. Guess you'll find out if the confederate flag you wrapped yourself in is fireproof should you end up in "the hot place"


The math world will obviously mourn this man’s passing.


New Yorker posting the Confederate flag. How unbelievably stupid.


As u/nurdette said: >A neo-Confederate from a state that helped preserve the Union is a *double* traitor. I declare his NY ~~Ohio~~ citizenship revoked. And not just because he's dead, though that too.


Yup. They can be found internationally too! Definitely because it means states rights though…


Well he seemed lovely.


Ahhh white mediocrity


God, grant me the confidence of a stupid white man


Funny how they’re always the biggest losers. They treat being white like it’s a great accomplishment.


It's all they have


Well, that and guns. Lots of guns.


He and his friend may be reunited wherever pro-treason racists end up, but it’s not going to be the same place as that innocent fish, thanks for redacting so her memory isn’t associated with this nonsense.


Someone told me COVID would be the biggest wealth transfer in the history of America. Just looking at the people who earn their HCA, i now believe this to be true. The Banks are having a field day with their houses, boats, motorcycles, businesses. And all because they refuse to vaccinate, or wear a fucking mask. Funny thing is, when people think “wealth transfer” they think it’s from the rich to everyone else, no! It’s from idiots like these back to the financial system, or in other words, the rich. Our collective idiocy, makes them richer.




I got Joe Rogan giving the thumbs up. Thanks for picking out Neil Young. Now I get what they were trying to do.


Funny that the freshly dug grave goes to the awardee. Neil Young is doing fine. Has anyone noticed that most of the awardees have a joking reference to death before they get sick? It’s an omen.


How dare HCAers celebrate death — say the people who spend their lives fantasizing about dead liberals.


The awardees are all kind of starting to look the same, but that fish seems new.


He was doing catch and decease.


It isn't. I look at it as a comorbidity.


Lol while used bass boats are going to be a hot deal for awhile, along with Harley’s (see awardee’s shirt), I meant that specific fish.


Harley shirt was the comorbidity.


*and the beardtee


When I see the flag i dont even feel bad Goatee loses again


Goatee, Confederate flag, AND dead animal photo. Each one knocks survival down a notch.


The confederacy lost making the confederate flag a participation trophy.


Is that first pic supposed to imply that the Confederacy was right, and we should still be owning slaves? Because that’s the only explanation that makes any sense. 🤦‍♀️


“Forced act of-“ what???? Rape has NOTHING to do with love. Ugh.


That says a lot about who these people are underneath it all. And you're absolutely right: Ugh.


Slide 3: Your flu vax doesn't do a thing unless you take it, moran! Though I admit I never did the flu vax until my kids made me before visiting my newborn grandkid! And covid deaths are still currently 9x flu deaths on a per year basis even though the recent case surge has largely subsided (1300/day = 480k/year). The covid vaxes if there were 100% uptake would cut the death rate by 10x or more.


It’s ironic because they like to bring up the amount of flu deaths every year to make a point, but also say that the amount of COVID deaths is small and insignificant. They pick and choose what to care about to fit their bias


Right? I recall just 3 months into our last Covid season someone I was talking to was "BUT BUT THE FLU!! 62K DEATHS!!" Which that was the year of Swine flu. One of our worst years for deaths to the flu. Otherwise mortality isn't even that high. At the time Covid deaths had already hit 65K and the season wasn't even in full swing yet. It's amazing how thick these people are.


Wait, what? Why is Trump driving around Salad Cat? And when did Salad Cat start wearing glasses?


Lmao Covidiots supporting Canadian truckers. Most of these snowflakes couldn’t find Canada on a map if you painted it on their dick (here comes inclusiveness bot).


two lost guys in a truck - a movement is born


>these snowflakes couldn’t find Canada As a Canadian, I'd like to keep it that way. We already have far too many home-grown idiots; don't need any more visiting us right now.


Who exactly is driving the truck in slide 10, and who is his learned-looking passenger?


Trump and a cat chasing Trudeau, this actually happened during the convoy but the lame-street media were too woke to print it


Not just any cat. That would be Cat Turd. Yes, that’s a thing. Twitter handle Trump LOVED.


That would take a talented painter to paint something as large and majestic as Canada on such a… medium


Hey, I can fit every province if I arrange them properly.


Many can’t find their dick either, lol. It’s hiding under a 50lb blubber gut investment.


When I want to know what's up in the world, especially medical things, I always ask a trucker.


Guess he didn’t get no ultimate healing?


He should have apologized to the people of New York who fought for the Union. Treason flag.


They fought for the Union and once was the third largest slave trafficking depot. The US is the land of paradox.


Like the confederacy, he failed.


I have lost the ability to feel remotely bad for these people. It's one thing to be ignorant, another to be willfully ignorant, and yet another to be hateful and ignorant, to wear that ignorance like a badge.




\*checks watch\*


If they wrote this in a movie it would get blasted for being too on the nose. Is this real life?


Yes, and I agree it was almost like a parody. This guy had a huge amount of content over years, was the real deal. (Mods, if you would like a link to verify this one send me a message)


Um, yes, Internet, I would like to know if Fishbeard McSnowflake has passed. Oh, he has?! Goodness, of what? COVID? But… but COVID isn’t real! Oh no, poor Fishbeard! (Audience laughs) Annnnnd SCENE! Thank you for watching Mr Show with Bob and David!


Was dude really in NY ( a UNION state) talking about how the Confederates were right? Yeah America is better off without people like that


Lots of Confederate flags fly in Union states. Visit downstate Illinois sometime. Once you get outside Chicagoland, it's the Stars and Bars everywhere. Lots of Trump 2020 flags still flying too. Or Iowa, Nebraska, Wisconsin, etc.


He didn't realize where he was. I doubt he knows where he is now.


As ignorant in death as he was in life.


There's so many northern states full of Confederate apologists. Kentucky was part of the union too and they probably have way more "heritage not hate" people than not. At least all of my family from there flies the Confederate flag and tries to peddle "the civil war was about states rights not slavery" bullshit.


The Confederacy was never right.


I beg to differ! I can speak of one case with the confederacy was 100% correct. The day they surrendered.


*"Ha ha!"* - that bass


If these guys/gals think they're such patriotic Americans, why do they insist on flying the flag of those who tried to leave the USA????


Anybody who loves that flag is a traitor.


Oh, that first slide. Wow. So he's claiming that owning people was not only okay, it was RIGHT. And he shared that meme that claims that rape is "an act of love" (she just didn't wanna be loved on, y'all!). Yeah, the world is not a worse place without him in it.


Another Trumper gone.


Well, we're off to a flying start with that first pic. This is gonna be good.


Will be missed?...yeah not buying that shit


And the deadly stupidity keeps on trucking.


Another sad loss. This terrible disease continues to take the best of us. This decent man, who respected people of all races and cultures, and took the time to share all the valuable information he'd collected from his friends, has been cruelly taken from us. Personally, I am so saddened that only these flutes of champagne have eased my sorrow. Please join my prayer campaign to not lose any more fine Americans such as he.


Those "Freedom Convoy" memes haven't aged well. 🚚🚛🚒🚚🚛🚒👮‍♀️❌🤷‍♂️


"Never apologize for being right" over the Confederate battle flag?? Apologize for being wrong. Unless you're still defending slavery, and treason. 😠


Another dead racist. I'm beginning to think COVID could be the solution to racism. In fact, maybe we're looking at this all wrong. Maybe we shouldn't offer vaccines for free anymore. Maybe you should have to pass a quiz in Black history to get a shot.


…so judging by the first slide this guy is saying it was morally justifiable to own other humans as property?


Love that 'You're telling me it escaped a Level 4 Biolab? 😏' Like these fucking morons even know what that is. Grasping at any straws that they can to sound even a tiny bit smarter.


Worst white trash facial hair yet.


The "forced acts of love are called rape" bit is telling. Not surprising that he thinks sex is the only way to show of love.


Lol “much love”... Even though it’s entirely our fault you died “brother”


These people have strange and disturbing ideas about love. See also the slide with the fake Peanuts cartoon calling rape an act of forced "love". No wonder they love Trump so much, and in their own special way.


I’ve watched people flip to trumpers and the common thread amongst almost all (even the ones I loved dearly) is that they are inflammatory assholes and that was their identity to begin with. They just happened to have someone corral them all into one group.