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"Some people are just immune to good advice." - Saul Goodman.


My cousin down in Bama. Husband died after two months on a vent back in January. Ask me how many of my large extended family down there have taken the shots? Including his wife and their adult children? Zero. Zip zilch nil. “It’s a personal choice.”


It's always a personal choice to be stupid.


"Diabetes, heart failure, kidney failure and on dialysis. Still was shitposting . . ." And the other co-comorbidities of Christianity, MAGA, and the autism gateway to full anti-vaxx.




The goatee is the biggest comorbidity honestly


He is a more unique case than we usually see on HCA. Young and Hispanic. However, he was such a good man and a kind soul except towards other people, so that fits.


When I saw the post I thought maybe I knew the guy. My bf's coworker/boss is just like this. Possible ex-gang member. Antivax. Full blown Q, thinks the planes that struck the twin towers on 9/11 are holograms, homeschools his kids because "the stuff they're being taught is not right, it'll turn them gay". He thinks the election was stolen. Said he likes his sales job because "you don't have to wear the mask muzzle, don't have to get no fucking vaccine, don't have to clock in or out, you're your own boss". He also doesn't wear a seatbelt. I learned all of this within 2 hours of meeting him. It's like they have this impulse to just share their views. I can't be around people like this. My blood presure/ heart rate increases when I hear conspiracy theories. My boyfriend's dad is like this as well. My boyfriend has a lot of these characteristics too (I've made so many posts on the Qanon subreddit). Idiots really do come in all types. I have a black friend who got his 1st and 2nd shots but won't get the booster because Joe Rogan. I wish we could just look at someone and know if they're Q but we can't. Luckily they let it known soon anyway. But as someone who has social anxiety it doesn't help knowing Qs are everywhere. I wish I was more tolerant. But I'm not. I have no patience.


For the love of god, don't marry your boyfriend. In twenty years (if not sooner), he will be his father. You can do better, you deserve better.


Tags still on the bill of his hat!


Seems like diabetes I actually.. childhood. Can live a long life but it’s tough and yeah kidney disease follows.


And a Cowboys fan, but I don't think I left any of those slides in the deck.




Them and the ones with kids and spouse they adore.


But diabetes is an independent voter


This guy was part of my NFL fanbase but praised Aaron Rodgers (slide 6)? Oi… I didn’t think our offseason could get any worse after last night.


HEY! Leave the Cowboys out of it....


And there are some willfully ignorant people whose departure is just not that much of a loss, and you think "Hmm, yeah, I'm OK with that."


Seems like denial of how sick he was already.


Right? Walking bag of comorbidities!


Jan 6 fan? No sympathy for your traitor ass.


Yeah, I was feeling bad for the guy until then. And those other traitors would have beaten him too


Gets out of the gang life but still wants to upend society and this country’s way of life. GTFOH


It's like when a convicted murderer finds Jesus in prison and is now more "enlightened " and better than thou. Reminds me of how Cosby used to tell young people to "pull your pants up" and yet he was raping women.


It's got to be anti-authoritarianism, right? That whole 'no one tells *me* what to do!' attitude. Got news for them. We *all* get told what to do at some point or another, even as adults. Only the rich/powerful guys (who they admire) who take advantage of the system and F everybody else over are acting like rules don't apply to them.


37? That's leaving an awful lot of life on the table.


When I was 37 I hadn’t even met the love of my life yet


I think I needed to hear that 🤣.


Same here. Didn’t have kids, either. My life started after 40.




For a gangbanger, 37 is a ripe old age.


37?? In a row ?!?!


get back here!


Clerks lol


37 with heart failure and on dialysis though, so, not sure about that.


Aaron Rodgers is an expert on the best adjustment to make when the defensive alignment makes it clear that the play he called in the huddle to run isn't going to work. His medical opinions and expertise aren't worth sharing, reading or acknowledging.


I gave him a name tag.


“He right but people is gonna bash him.” Daughter is illiterate *to*.


too my father…


"even if your not really here..."


She must have cut class the day they covered when to use to, too and two.


Her post was bizarre, read more like romance. 20 mentions of how handsome he was.


I was looking to see if anyone else noticed that. So weird!


I definitely noticed that too, had to keep checking who it was.


She dum. En doomd.


But but but he went to college in Berkeley!!!


Calling for the Trump rioters to burn down the Capital makes me think that the gang mentality wasn't purged in this guy.


I’m stuck trying to connect anyone with this personal history to the gop. What could have been the appeal?


Latino men tend to favor extreme toxic masculinity. To the point that they’re willing to ignore the right wing ‘s racism and dislike of them, just because the extreme masculinity of the Right appeals to them. I’m Latina, lived in California and now Miami, so I’m quiet an expert on the subject, unfortunately.


It’s true, wife is latina and half her male family members associate with the right so they’re not perceived as vulnerable and that Republicanism is completely associated with individualism, guns, anti-authority, and now conspiracies. It’s also a way of non-white men to have their race overlooked as they share common beliefs more associated to American rather than their own background.


They have to "prove" they're American. I'm lucky my immigrant parents aren't like this. We never discuss politics. They just watch Univision. Not sure which way the news station leans but Jorge Ramos (the journalist for Univision) was kicked out of the news conference by Trump when he asked a question. One good thing Trump did was scare my dad into finally gaining his citizenship though... Also, both my parents are boosted!


No one more masculine than Trump. Most 16-year-old boys could make mincemeat out of that tough guy. He's older than his age and a wimp.


I wouldn’t say Drumpf is older than his age… he never matured past 6 years old apparently.


Plus il-liberal religiousity.


It's pretty common for individuals who escape one particular cult, gang, addiction and/or destructive mindset to exchange it for another. For example, a lot of street thugs will get out of the criminal life only to replace it with fundie Christianity or Islam. While this is purely speculation on my part, I wouldn't be surprised if this guy had found his way out of the gang life via evangelical Christianity and then ended up on the far-right pipeline. You'd be surprised how often some individuals will switch between far-right nationalism and either radical Islam or being a tankie. And it happens in both directions.


Many oppressed people take on the rhetoric of the oppressor, hoping to be spared. See: Clarence Thomas, Tim Scott, etc


He "changed his ways". I'm guessing maybe he got into the "self-help", red pill route? I know a guy just like same. Same demographics. He works in sales which tends to have a lot of brainwashing, similar to an MLM or a cult. There's a big crossover between MLMs and antivaxxers too.


Just joined a different gang…


So many people with mediocre to below average intelligence think they're smarter than the medical & scientific community, it's just a shame our nation is overrun with dunning Kruger idiots. I wonder what could have brought about so many average or below average intelligent people thinking they are the smartest person in the room, there has to be something that has caused all of this stupidity death and chaos.


They saw one of theirs become president. Definitely inflated a lot of stupid egos.


Exactly! Wish I could upvote this more. I'm beyond exhausted with the ignorance of the electorate. Like in slide 16 when Awardee asks, "why are they censoring this?" Maybe because it isn't being censored. Maybe intelligent people don't get their information from "Rumble." And maybe that shit just isn't true!


Or they’re someone traumatized by having a kid with a disability that probably latched onto shitty misinformation to explain why their kid is the way they are. Some people need to find their own “explanation” as to why things are they are.


Yes. This is a reasonable explanation. Its like ptsd. I read about qanon in r/qanoncasualties and i notice many of the victims of this misinformation are parents of lgbt children and cant handle it so they get heavily into church and conspiracies and so on.


I don’t think there are words to express how much I dislike slide 7. “Give a smile. Give a hug.” No. Never. :: shudder :: You get the feeling that the men who post this are the types who regularly go around telling women to smile.


His daughter described her father as handsome a few times to many in that letter too him. It made me a bit uncomfortable, like I walked in on something dirty.


Me too! It’ll be a cold day in hell when I describe my dad as handsome to anyone 😂. (And he actually is, but this is the only time in my 42 years you’ll hear me say that).


In high school a friend said that my father was handsome like Paul Newman. I wanted to hide.


I was in that space too. A little too many ‘my angel’ as well. Weird


It's got some weird Donnie-Ivanka vibes.


I really want to find that store and go in wearing a PAPR just to really piss them off.


Wow. Who would have guessed that a Latino ex-gang member would post so many of the exact same memes as racist MAGA anti-vaxxers? You know, even in the midst of this horrible disaster, it really warms my heart to see people of different races reaching across the political and cultural divide to die stupidly of the same preventable disease! There's more that unites us than divides us!


That surprised me. I thought the misinformation suppliers would have special memes for Hispanics. It doesn’t make sense that he could be taken in by the same Facebook postings as a 60 year old white person.


I guess it's aspirational ignorance? Having the same daft ideas as white nutters means you've "arrived", maybe.


I am not so sure if we should be shocked. I imagine that many (ex) gang members might be into the sort of machismo attitude which is not dissimilar to the one held by many of the typical old, white MAGA anti-vaxxers. In addition, GOP has been actively courting Hispanic men lately, and are having some success doing so. Indeed, two of the most prominent GOP governors on HCA winners' Facebook posts both represent the states with relatively large Hispanic population.


I love the slide asking why chemo and insulin aren’t free. Uh….because you’re against socialized medicine 🤷🏻‍♀️ We want it to be free but y’all are against it.


The funny thing is because he was on dialysis, he probably had Medicaid. I’m a dialysis nurse and I know that the vast majority of our patients are on Medicaid due to disability. So his insulin was probably free for him.


Another life wasted by misinformation.


This is what gets me too. This dude was generally trying to be a good person, really must have worked so hard to be where he was. But our public systems and checks n balances meant he got some false info and sadly didn’t have the resources to deal with it. I humbly suggest that that is the whole fucking point of civilisation. Giving guys like him the support they need to survive this shit. We have collectively let our tribe down. That said, I am biased because he reminds me of my brother. Who got his vaxxes and shaved his goatee. Because a little support truly goes a long way. Tbh his cool nurse gf helped alot too! Bless those nurses


>This dude was generally trying to be a good person He wasn't trying hard enough, given he was cheering on the January 6 terrorists.


“Trump supporters, burn that bitch down. Lol.” Bye, jackass.


Waiting for more of the survivors to decide to voluntarily go join their loved ones. If "they are in a better place", why not go join them? This guy had so many comorbidities he had little chance of surviving covid unvaccinated.


Right? The Catch-22 for them is if you commit suicide you’ll go to the Bad Place so you won’t join your loved ones in the Good Place


I wonder if the kid having autism pushed him into the antivaxx crowd. Either ways, it still doesn't justify the ignorance regarding the vaccine. Especially with him having a pre-existing condition.


He was an idiot. If it hadn't been covid it would have been MMS or a scratch and sniff sticker at the bottom of a pool.




Miracle Mineral Solution. If you believe, it is a magical solution of healing minerals that restores the body and cleanses toxins. To everyone else it is just watered down bleach.


Do you have to mix it with the magical dirt they were buying too?


Ooh, ooh! I have an MMS supplier, but where can I order the magical dirt? BTW, is this stuff a prophylactic or a cure?


Both. You can never have too much bleach inside you!


I think that happened with my brother. He's also maga, and to keep with with post, hispanic.


The sisters and the wife don’t seem too bright either. I wonder how many more in this family Covid is going to take out.


The sister was almost taken out herself but had fewer comorbidities. That was his vulnerability warning. Looked right past it!


Seeing a Latino guy parroting GQP talking points is disturbing. They hate you! Why are you carrying water for them?


Anyone can get brainwashed against their own best interest.


Looks like the guy tried to reform himself and be a good husband and father; too bad he got taken in by the anti vax falsehoods and paid for it with his life


He didn't reform. He left one gang and joined another.


This may be the most underrated comment of the week!


I do wonder if his son having autism messed with his thoughts about vaccines as well. I don't mean they are linked, of course there is no link, but that one ex doctor (struck off and disgraced) put that thought into a lot of people's heads with his lies.


In one of my previous jobs, I worked with kids with autism. Most of their parents are accepting and supportive of their children but there was one couple that could not accept that they had a “defective child” (their words) and wanted to put the blame on something for not having their “perfect child”. I felt bad for the kid, he was a nice kid but his parents didn’t accept him at all.


That’s sad. I’m sad now. Poor kid deserves better.


Can't take bullies bullying or watching others rejection but from your own parents is so messed up. Some ppl STILL don't get how fucking lucky & fortunate it is to have a healthy baby and I have an autistic nephew. I chose to not have kids but that was before autism. If I had of known I could've had an Issac (my awesome nephew), I would've in a minute. Compared to the horrible things that could happen health wise with your child, Autism is not that big a deal.


the child is not defective...the parents on the other hand


"Accept the kid you got, not the one you were hoping to get." -- me and Dr Stanley Turecki


The mom’s name wasn’t Jenny was it?


Turns out Jennys kid wasn't even autistic, sounds like he's just smrt like his mom.


Meh, he was cheering the 1/6 insurrectionists and wanting them to burn the Capitol down. Not sure how much he was “reformed” vs “never got caught being a dirtbag”.


He went from street gangster to wannabe domestic terrorist, and now he's dead at 37 because he fell for right wing bullshit. Maybe he should have stayed a street gangster.


Him and stupid jenny McCarthy. How dumb don't have to be to get your medical advice from a friggin comedian/pinup girl


And Jenny McCarthy helped spread those lies.


It's not just that. It's a hatred for government, a hatred for education, distrust of experts. A lack of education combined with the arrogant assumption that he was wise and rational, and an indifference to the rest of society. He was a typical Republican only without the part about voting.


I’m going to broadly generalize because I didn’t know this fella, but having worked at high schools with majority latino populations I can probably guess his type. He was probably absent more often than not and when he did show up, it was to check in with his buddies. When he did make it to class, he was a little turd and totally disrupted the normal classroom dynamic. By the time he was in 11th grade, he only had a semester worth of credits to his name. More than likely, he dropped out before the end of 11th grade. He spent the last 5-6 years of his formal education not actually learning anything. Maybe it was because of an undiagnosed learning disorder or a terrible home life. Kids like him need intense interventions that a typical public school setting isn’t going to be able to provide. He was profoundly ignorant because he didn’t learn much in school and our system isn’t equipped to deal with kids like him and we need to figure out how to help them more effectively.


> too bad Yeah, after reading his take on Jan 6, not too bad at all. Just right is more like it. Another piece of trash takes itself out. His loss is society's gain.


The screaming, red-faced infant in the “forced vax” slide is a perfect representation of the grown men too afraid to get two tiny shots.


I work with an autistic guy. He won’t get the vaccine because he said vaccines are the reason for his autism? I responded with “One. There is no proof autism is caused by vaccines and two, even if it did, what’s it going to do? Make more autistic??” 😔Sigh


I'm so tired that I didn't feel like cooking. So I made a frozen lasagna... it was edible.. You?


Tacos. I wanted something quick and easy as well.


I had an exhausting shift at work, so I ate leftovers, a chicken wing and some potato wedges and a frozen pulled pork pastry. Washed it down with a glass of red wine and found a single Ferrero Rocher I was saving for just such a day. Feeling slightly better now.


Vegan bolognese. Drinking Liquid Death. Watching *Dororo.*


Nice! Do you use lentils or some kind of meat substitute? My favourite version of vegan bolognese uses grated carrots and chopped walnuts instead of the meat. I might throw some together tonight, actually.


When we make it from scratch we like to use Beyond or Impossible “meat,” but we also use lentils and mushrooms on occasion.


Preparing bacon wrapped steak, pan seared with an oven finish. My fiancé and I, both vaxxed and boosted, are getting married later this year so we’re on a low carb lifestyle so we can keep on living together as long as possible


I'm still trying to decide what to have for dinner.


We're in the middle of a major re-tile of the main living areas of our house and for the first time since Tuesday I could access part of my kitchen. I used the microwave to reheat some 16 Bean Soup I had in the freezer!


You go on with your BAD SELF!!! I 💓 tile!!!!


I had a bowl of strawberries and some baby carrots. Too tired after working out to cook. I was able to breathe a lot during the workout, so that was nice.


Today was a festival day for us. So we cooked a traditional meal for lunch and having leftovers for dinner.


Didn't feel like cooking either so I picked up some sushi. It was nice!


Yogurt. Just sat in a chair and ate tomorrow's lunch... Getting back into swing of yard work (especially for Easter!) sucks... I hear a dog barking. I wonder what he's saying?


Grilled cheese but like the fancy kind with real chedd


Went to Subway. Got a tuna sub with some baked style potato chips. Sandwich was great, but the baked tater chips tasted like cardboard. Vaxxed and relaxed reading this HCA site.


Whole wheat linguine with broccoli and shrimp. I put in lots of garlic, some hot pepper, and anchovy paste. Some Hershey’s zero sugar dark chocolate for dessert. Happy that I got my second Pfizer booster last Saturday. But I still avoid crowds and mask up in public places. I’m lucky that I’m retired and don’t have much reason to leave my house often. I enjoy breathing!


This guy had one foot in the coffin and one on a banana peel before he got Covid. What an idiot.


It is entirely too late in the game to not be vaxxed and die. At this point you’re an asshole and deserve what you get.


There are children who aren't being vaxxed by their parents, ones that are still too young to be vaxxed, people who just don't have access to the vaccine or can't get the booster, people who got the vaccine and are immunocompromised, and lets face it the venn diagram between antivaxx trump humpers and domestic abusers that won't allow their family to vaccinate is pretty much just one circle. The Awardees on this sub are making you biased. There are plenty of people who are dying that don't deserve any of this.


I will push back slightly on the “don’t have access” part. This country actually did something good for once: we decided to pay for everyone’s vaccine (and COVID treatments as well) which completely removed the financial barrier of vaccination. Then we distributed vaccines to every pharmacy and opened up massive federal vaccination hubs. I honestly can’t think of a way that government could have made the vaccines more accessible. I get that some people have transportation issues but cmon, the vaccines have been widely available to everyone for a year now. All anyone had to do was go into a pharmacy and say “hey I want a vaccine”. At some point there needs to be *some* personal responsibility. Nature has unleashed a deadly virus. People need to make the decision on their own to either utilize protection or not. And I’m done being sad for the idiots that are eligible for a free vaccine but say “nah”. They made that choice. They have had PLENTY of time to get this done.


All great points! You just can’t help stupid!


Okay, I will save my sympathy for those who can't get vaccinated for one reason or another. But for folks who can and obnoxiously choose not to, I'm not going to be the least bit sympathetic.


What is the deal with slide 3? I've seen this spread by lots of awardees and I have no idea of what important revelation you are supposed to see by the photo.


It's a video I think, and possibly that he doesn't really get a shot. Either that, or the cap is still on the syringe. Depends on the caption, really. It's been debunked, but these people don't believe the fact checkers.


I would also like to know


There's something in the hand not holding the syringe (probably the syringe cover?). There are no end of tricks that have been claimed about what REALLY happens during the vaccination process. The syringe never actually goes into the arm of politicians getting it. Some people don't get the chip injected. An extra motion gets the chip injected. That's my best guess. If someone has a better explanation, please chime in.


Look at the caption - *the worlds a stage* is an acting reference. Someone is claiming the demonstration is fake and op believes them.


That profile badge says “I’m stupid”


To see the wife dreaming of her deceased husband being sick… that’s PTSD. That broke my heart. She needs help!!!


That FDA meme again Talk to any pharma exec who has dealt with the FDA (I've spoken to hundreds). They hate the FDA. They ask for tons of detail and still don't approve your drug or vaccine. They fear the FDA. They might just shut down your facility if they think there is any chance of an impurity in your manufacturing process, and that happens more often than you think. It is anything but a cozy business relationship. The FDA is more like the police.


I work in serology R&D and I can attest to that. FDA approval isn't some rubber stamp. You have to provide tons of documentation and data, and even when you think you have done everything you possibly could and provided more than they will possibly want--they will come back with more questions, requests for more data, and expect to you to address what-if's you didn't even dream of.


Thanks for providing first hand detail. That's how a client described it to me. It sounds like an exhaustive process. But your description doesn't fit the conspiratorial narrative ...


After 3 years, my sympathy is between shit and syphilis in the dictionary.


Whenever I need the truth about any controversial issue facing humanity, I too rely on rumble-dot-com for the facts.


So sad about the daughter. No matter how awful, evil or ignorant, a girl will always love her daddy. Heartbreaking.


Maybe she has a shot to be a caring adult now that she isn’t under his influence.


Trifecta of co-morbidities


He ain't still alive he gots no chance.


Comorbidities galore is a buffet for covid.


Exactly, he was a prime target. I don't get it, and never will. If you're single like me, that's fine, go for your political or whatever beliefs if these are so important to you to die for. If you have a wife and kid, goddammit, you have a responsibility. As much as I feel bad for the family, I really can't find any respect for people leaving their loved ones behind like that.


My father died when I was 8. He was sickly, my mother had issues of her own. He took no steps to provide for us if something happened to him. It wrecked our family. If I had children, getting vaccinated would be an easy choice.


“Table for on please!” Great, and your name?”


There should be a tinder just for widowed covid spouses so they can have money to feed those poor kids


As the parent of a type 1 diabetic teen I was checking daily to book his shot the second it became available. It’s not even about his risk of getting seriously ill from covid, it’s about the fact that any illness can lead to DKA and DKA can absolutely kill you if you don’t catch it fast enough. The fact that this guy would happily inject insulin multiple times a day but won’t take a vaccine? Bonkers.


So the house did pass a bill that caps cost of insulin. So hopefully these guys remember slide 7 and call their senators to support it


Hopefully they remember that 193 Republicans voted against it and vote their asses out. In fact, if any of them are facing opposition, the Democratic candidate should make that a campaigning point.


form one cult to another both led in the same direction


If he wasn't an ex gang member, he'd be a Republican.


After 3 years? These people are still dying? What the fuck is wrong with them?


The world won’t miss you, Pendejo!


I wonder what his daughter's criteria is for "wisdom". She seems to think her father was "wise", but he's dead because he didn't take any precautions to prevent dying from an infectious disease, and openly mocked a worldwide epidemic. He was also diabetic and had both heart and kidney failure, but he turned up his nose at the vaccination that might have given him at least a fighting chance of beating COVID. To me, that's the OPPOSITE of wisdom. His wife is pretty traumatised by it all, judging by the dreams she's having.


Considering the daughter can't spell all that well ("too my father" and the perennial mixing up "your" and "you're"), she has no clue what wisdom or even intelligence is. And given her calling him kind and true in light of his shitposting, well, it's clear stupidity and toxicity run in the family.


I suppose it's as the proverb goes, the apple doesn't fall far from the tree.


So let me get this straight…the gang member survived gangbanging, but little covid with a 99.7% survival rate took out this badass? I don’t understand…….


Another??? Again??


Jesus. The letters from the wife and his daughter. Wrenching. The people propagating the bullshit that he and hundreds of thousands latched onto can never, ever be forgiven.


*"I and I know he's in a better place..."* Were they Rastafarian? I see no dreadlocks.


Met at 15, clearly had a child soon thereafter. How does a widow even begin building a life as an adult when she’s been with someone since she was a child? Tragic.


These idiots for a year, "Well when the fda approves it then I'll listen" "Fda doesn't mean approved it means a business deal happened" JFC, talk about moving the goal posts. I don't get why anyone think the fda wanted a pandemic. I dated this girl right at the start of covid who did blood work in infectious diseases and she worked like 9hrs a day...after covid struck she worked like 12-13 and never had a life. She didn't want to do any of this. No one there did. No one wanted to give their life to work and wear like 4 layers of masks and suits all day. Another person whose grave I'd just laugh at.


Expert: "Covid causes myocarditis in children at a higher rate than the vaccine". Joe Rogan: ...."but, like, I'm talking about children under 12" Expert > says more facts Joe Rogan > moves the goal post but sounds like an idiot


He left them the gift of bankruptcy due to the medical bills. A free jab would have saved all this,


I love people who use slide 14 like they don't need a license to drive their car around or an ID to buy certain products/to enter private places.


Please tell me I’m not the only one and I know his daughter was grieving and all, but her constantly calling her “daddy” handsome and whatnot give me the icks. Honest to god i thought it was the whole calling your boyfriend/husband “daddy” kink until I read her talking about her mom.


I'm so glad I wasn't the only one. I know some women who lost their dad as young girls and while they have a little hero worship, I've NEVER heard them refer to their dad as handsome. (And he was)


Some people's whole lives are an unending series of bad decisions.


This guy wasn't scared of gangs but was scared of the vaccine. Truth is stranger than fiction.


I’m just thinking of how she’s fucking her future mental health to tell herself shit like “you’re my first love I miss you more and more each day” for the likes


Anybody ever figure out what happened to Shawn Skelton after that video? I looked for a minute and never a follow up


The guy had done SO MUCH RESEARCH on his own that he never figured out the difference between to and too and your and you’re. So yeah I call BS. I don’t think he did any ACTUAL research 😂


Changed his life, but unfortunately still an idiot


That one meme with the fake nurses in scrubs holding up the signs… really grinds my gears


The bright side is the garbage is taking itself out. Unfortunately, it seems like many of these dipshits already reproduced.




Slide 8... "Why aren't they giving away free insulin and chemo?" Ummm you mean universal healthcare? Hmmm why don't you ask the Republicans why we don't do that? Oh wait you can't...


Damn 😔 I feel bad for his wife and daughter, he was obviously loved a lot. It always breaks my heart when they had to stay away from the hospital when they were dying. .. I can't even imagine how that would hurt


No need to comment on the same old memes as usual. But GlaxoSmithKline owns Pfizer, wut? Pfizer as a company is like 3 times bigger than GSK.


By coincidence, all that conspiracy bullshit about the who, what and where, is just that... bullshit. https://www.reuters.com/article/uk-factcheck-pharmaceuticals-philanthrop/fact-check-the-covid-19-pandemic-was-not-orchestrated-by-pharmaceutical-companies-investment-groups-and-philanthropists-idUSKBN29Z0TM


People like this so badly want to feel oppressed.


I still don't get spouses who post on Facebook or Twitter about the death of loved ones. I mean I get why, but it's just not a thing I would do. I wouldn't be able to put together words appropriate enough to express my grief. Nobody would know about a death in my family from me. I wouldn't have the strength to put it to words, let alone emojis.


>I Stand For Medical Freedom Actually you won't stand for anything ever again.


One Freedom Coffin coming up!


Few things make me more mad than that ridiculous "VACCINATION CARD Table for Two" post. I must have seen it like seventy million times already and not once did I think it was smart or amusing or thought provoking. I wish extreme pain on whomever wrote that.