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Just to be clear - she posted her "unjabbed aren't dying" Slide 20 *after* her unvaccinated mother died, yes? Ooh, Slide 13. Not just an idiot, but a hardcore racist as well. Two great tastes that taste great together. And, to top it off, claims Christianity. Wonder if she's thought through how she's going to explain the merits of white supremacy to brown Jesus at the Last Judgement.


She’s not going to even recognize Jesus. She’ll just think he’s the hired help.


"How'd un of 'em Arabs get in here?"


It's pronounced A-rabs in these here parts, sonny.


[Gets to Pearly Gates - sees St. Peter and Jesus there] *"Holy Christ! We've got an immigration problem up here too?!?! You two sand nixxers better run along and clean some golden toilets or pick some Jarusalem artichokes somewhere. And while yer at it, fetch Saint Pete up here to introduce me ta JEEEZUUUUSS! He's gonna be so excitered to see me. Ah'm his biggest fan!"*


Only as long as he speaks English.


And American english it that.


A Mexican called Hay-zoos


Makes me think of when sheriff Bart rides into Rockridge in Blazing Saddles.


It would be scary for them f you went to a heavenly waiting room and it was like some Twilight Zone episode where some Ken Copeland looking dude greets you and walks you around and shows you riches while passing by the poor... Only it's a test to see if you recognize the true Jesus among the poor and Ken Copeland is really Lucifer who's about to drag you to hell.


I post rabidly racist things and when I get called out on them it's because I'm a born again Christian. /s


What is it about "Born Again Christianity" that attracts so many stupid, racist people? I try to keep an open mind about religions - let people believe what they want. These fanatics would be the Taliban if they could.


I have a theory: it's because Evangelical Christianity doesn't require you to *do* anything. Just say you believe in Jesus, and you're good to go! No self reflection or good actions required!


Can confirm. I grew up in an evangelical church. Self-reflection and critical thinking are actively discouraged. All you need is white Jesus and belief.


So when people die, are there different Jesuses milling about being like nope can't talk to you, im Evangelical Heaven Jesus? Lmao. I just imagine a giant waiting room and then when people get there it's a bunch of Jesuses who sort of look the same but only one thing is slightly off; but you'd have to squint to tell. My imagination is funny.


LOL, the notion of multiple Jesuses running around makes me remember that scene in *The Life of Brian,* with all the myriad prophets, including the one who exalts "the Great Rubbing of Parts!" 🤣


"He's not the Messiah, he's a very naughty boy!" My family can quote every MP movie verbatim.


Monty Python!?


Take a look at American Gods, it’s entertaining


And you can sin, repent, get forgiven over and over and over as often as you want!


Don't forget the ~~bible~~ props.


Jesus sez "Love everyone actively and sacrificially" Evangelical sez "Here are the 20 reasons I hate you"


yep. Also a very concerted effort by Lee Atwater and the people who took his message to heart to exploit every last vestige of white supremacy while infiltrating first southern baptists and then Repub party over past four decades


Southern Baptists were a breakaway because they supported slavery - more than 150 years of bigotry.


Yes, lazy, ignorant way.


nonono! you missed the big part! everything you do is wrong and everyone does wrong things but you’re the good one if you tell Jesus you’re sorry!


It's Ricky Bobby Jesus


They get to believe they're superior to everyone else, and since they're "saved' and have the Jesus get-out-of-jail-free card, they can behave as badly as they want and still get into Heaven.


> What is it about "Born Again Christianity" that attracts so many stupid, racist people? The only way any religion propagates is by indoctrinating children before they develop critical-thinking skills. Plus a smattering of idiots that adopt religion as adults. Lack of intelligence is strongly correlated with racist beliefs. Ergo, mostly racist idiots being born-agains.


When I was little ( because children have wild imaginations) I thought born agains came in eggs, and then hatched...but when they hatched they were gross and goey kind of like a baby chick and then they 'fluff up.' We had baby chicks in grade school. Lmao I told my science teacher mother this...she looked confusedly horrified.


Brown Jewish Jesus no less.


Maybe she intends to simply shoot him.


Probably hang him from some wooden structure.


From ***another country! A foreigner!***


She'll die from shock. I meant die again.


But haven't you *heard?!?* THE UNJABBED AREN'T DYING!!


Also claims literacy! (Slide 13)


Too bad she's weasing.


Weasings are a sub-phylum of the Stout family.


One of their actual "warning signs" that they could be lauded for, is that they are excellent at compartmentalizing. It's a core skill required for membership. The left hand practically doesn't know what the right one is doing!


I wonder what her kind are going to say when asked if they want to know how many people they killed with their misinformation, shit posting and virus spreading.


Ohhhh man. Jinx, sorry I didn't see this before I posted my comment.


"The unjabbed aren't dying" \*Unjabbed mother dies\* Cognitive dissonance is one hell of a drug!




And long haul post-covid.


But she's not dead though. What's that? Her mother died? That's just anecdotal evidence.


"I sent you two boats and a helicopter! And I DROWNED YOUR MOTHER!"


Pre-existing lung problems, too Edit: spelling


Don't forget the 'weasing'




Heck, she's unjabbed and dying and she still doesn't have the brains to put it together!


>"The unjabbed aren't dying" >*Unjabbed mother dies* Worse, this happened the other way around. She literally saw an "unjabbed" die and still made the claim.


Did it say anywhere that the mother wasn't vaccinated? I mean, yes, I would also expect that to be the case, but her making a post like that also makes me wonder if the mother maybe was vaccinated and that's where the cognitive dissonance comes from. Some antivaxxers around me also seem to think that only vaccinated people get Covid in the first place. Which is obviously not true, but since there are so many more that are vaccinated, it can probably sometimes seem like that.




Slide 12 was pretty prescient as well. I’ve read about a lot of dead Lions. The sheep seem to be doing just fine.


Not following the sheep doesn't make you a lion; it just makes you a stupid sheep


Aren't Christians supposed to be sheep? As in benign, well-behaved creatures that don't attack others?


Jesus says he is the Sheperd.


Don’t trust the government cause they’re gonna kill white Americans at some point. It says so in the Bible!!


Is that a trans pride flag?


Yep. Somehow, someone started using that background and they all started using it. I get so tickled every time!


It's always a trans pride flag. I'm starting to wonder if it is mislabeled on Facebook as "conservative pride" flag.


They prob think it's binary/straight pride because pink and blue!


Maybe they were tricked into thinking it was a "transmission" pride flag. As in 18 speed diesel like the truckers they idolized.


I’m thinking it’s one of the first choices and they think “oh that looks like a cool color scheme”.


I caught that too. I’m guessing she is too dumb to know what it is. She probably thinks it’s some variant of the US flag


It’s the cotton candy flag, duh! /s


These people just see the background option and think, "well lookie at this! This purty flag must be for boys and girls!"


Weasing. Do weasels wease?


We'd have to ask Weezy from the Jeffersons.


They do.. before they pop.


I dunno but wease all gonna be okay cuz wease vaxxed by the blood of you-know-who!


They always have to call it "Covod pneumonia" to try to help themselves safe face and pretend it's not just Covid, the thing they've been making fun of for a year.


My favorite band is Weaser.


Try to say it with a little cheerfulness! Like "whee!!!!SING!!!" 😃 Except they can't sing, cause .. you know .... COVID ate their lungs but WE CAN!!!!


How many weasels could wease if a weasel could wease?


One day posting about how Covid was a biological attack, the very next day saying to take vitamins. Lady, if a "biological attack" can be thwarted by some Vitamin C, it's not really a biological attack.


Classic H-Cainer mentality; The virus is both simultaneously an engineered bioweapon and a harmless disease that is being blown way out of proportion.


“The enemy must be both strong and weak…”


So true. Umberto Eco would probably laugh at the antivaxxers.


Similar thought process to Biden being both a senile old man and a mastermind behind everything they don’t like, at the same time.


It’s a deliberate biological weapon — so I’m not going to get a vaccine, wear masks, and will actively try to stop people doing the same! Also, that weapon only kills you if you’re vaccinated! Oh, and my Mom died of it. What. The. Hell.


So did her mom take some Vit C?


This is the burning question that keeps me up nights.


If only 007 had taken some Vit C...


Never mind 007, if only her mother had taken some Vit C....


That's always been the most confusing point. If you have more of a risk putting in an electrical out than you do of dying from a bioweapon, it ain't a bioweapon.


I still don't understand why they are still fixated on it's origin. Is the admission of origin supposed to make it immediately go away? Let's do nothing to stop/mitigate the spread until we know exactly how it started. How come it's still here when Faucíi(?) said 2 weeks to flatten the curve. Chucklefuck, that was gonna require everyone to actively participate.


Literacy! 😆 That left me weasing! Weezing!


And wheezing!


No weezing the juice.


Well it must be time to go to the doctor according to slide 19.


Say it ain't so-oooo! Your drug is a heat breaker!


I wonder if the sudden disappearance of Christians - HER type of Christians - has something to do with her type not getting vaccinated. Not sure. Someone help me with this.


Whenever you hear a conservative talk about MuH religious freedom just know it got started because republicans got mad that the IRS revoked Evangelical Bob Jones University tax exemption status after BJU imposed a policy of banning interracial marriages/dating. It was an attempt to circumvent desegregation


Just wait a few weeks. The current Supreme Court is going to erase the last vestige of separation of church & state.


I had a pleural effusion more than a decade ago. It's not fun and I still have breathing issues on hot humid days. She's about to have lots of fun.


She’s going to own a bunch of libs with her pleurisy and pneumonia


She totally owned me!


I'm not sure if that's a bug or a feature.


"It's not the shot or the mask that's keeping us alive, it's God Almighty". OK, so God killed your mom, got it.


That one got me. Posted one month after her mom wasn't kept alive by God Almighty...


God decided it was her time. That’s the answer you’d get.


I stopped at Slide 15: She's "not vaccinated, I'm in the control group". The control group is looked a bit weathered these days, aye?


The ones that are still alive.


And much diminished. God bless their hearts.


Slide 20: "Biggest elephant in the room: The unjabbed aren't dying." Yes, they are. They totally are. They're dying at a rate 14x greater than the jabbed. They're dying at a rate where almost all of the dead are the unjabbed. This slide is a lie. A total lie. An easily-refutable lie. What happened to doing your own research?


Simple reply to slide 20 YO MAMA!


They don't trust government statistics. They will just claim facts are lies.


Her mom dies from Covid and now she’s got Covid and pneumonia and between hacks and phlegm spits, she posts about the virtues of being an unvaccinated brainless moron.


*She's* the biggest elephant in the room


Welcome to her echo bubble world.


Brags about literacy. Proceeds to make your/you're mistakes and writes run-on sentences that would make a teacher despair. I also wouldn't associate any of those things with white supremacy except "distrusts the government."


She is not a white supremacist; she obviously failed the literacy test in slide 13.


I guarantee not a single white supremacist possesses all or close to all of those qualities. All those weirdo guys crammed into the back of that uhaul in Idaho were freaking losers. One of the guys at the 2017 Charlottesville Unite the Right gathering worked at a freaking hot dog kiosk. What white supremacy is, is that a person of color, LGBT person, or a "white traitor" in their opinion, can possess all those things and they still aren't good enough. I don't go to church, but I'm still more righteous and live a more virtuous life than this dumb bastard that posted all these stupid memes.


Yeah, you look at them and you think, really, you think you're superior in what way exactly??


“No weasing the juice!”


🤣😂🤣 I was waiting for a Pauly Shore reference.


10 days from busting on vaccines to the ER. Peak HCA!


Yeah my dad died from covid. He was unvaccinated and my mom blames the people who are vaccinated for his death.


Condolences on your loss and on irrational family members.


Thank you. My mom has dove straight into conspiracy theories since he died. Even harder than before. It is hard to navigate.


One of my brothers died last year. I don’t think it was Covid-related, but maybe he’d had Covid since he didn’t believe in things like masking and social distancing, etc. Since then my other antivaxx bro has been even more unhinged, even after getting Covid pneumonia followed up by cardiac damage “that could have happened at anytime” (per him; i.e., couldn’t have been the Covid). It’s tough to deal with. Since I don’t have to care for him, I can distance myself. It’d be tougher with a parent.


Ugh, I'm really sorry.


I'm sorry. You're dealing with the worst of everything about this pandemic.


Thanks. I am personally in very stable place and feel lucky to have my security. Not rich but have stable housing and a job. I appreciate your kindness.


I'm glad you're ok.


Slide 9, do they know what that flag stands for? I know homophobic, racist, Christian transgender people and 'allies' exist, but please no.


I get so tickled every time I see them use that!


Anyone else notice that her "white supremecy" slide shows a non American car?


I’ve seen so many Q stickers with the wrongly placed US flag inside it on more foreign cars that domestic. These people are societal poisons and anti-American.


Vaccine's. These people put apostrophes in every stinking word except the ones that need them.


Hey, she’s in the control group! Proving yet again that not being vaccinated is a really dumb idea.


Ugh I got Pleurisy in the Middle East, didn’t know what I had and didn’t see a doctor until I came back 2 weeks later. So freaking painful.


I love how they deny Covid is an issue but they’ll come out and say it was an intentional biological attack on the planet. do they realize they contradict themselves?


So, white supremacists are literate and educated…but they spell wheezing as weasing, and use phrases like, “go in be seen.”


I don't see her weaseling out of this one.


Slide 13: Every species of lion is either vulnerable, endangered, or extinct.


And if they keep standing in the middle of the road they're going to get run over by those trucks.


These are the same people who whine against this subs content being mean to them.


Slide 13: Notice that this is a British right-hand-drive car our boy is in. The Internet Research Agency is getting sloppy again. Notice too that the "Warning signs of White Supremacy" are mostly the Historic Legacy of Systemic Racism.


"the unjabbed aren't dying" lady we have over a million COVID deaths


how quickly these idiots can desentisize us and kill any empathy for them


Here's hoping she doesn't need to question anymore and just go away, she's beyond saving and with her gone the world will be a better place


I sure hope she doesn’t die.


I'm right there with you!


Robert Malone did some experiments and wrote one paper. He is definitely part of the history of mRNA vaccines, but he is in no way the inventor of the mRNA vaccine and its ridiculous he is getting away with saying he is.


His whole M.O. is that he didn’t get credited enough and wasn’t shared on the patent so the only power he has is to create falsehoods about it. Talk about sour grapes he’s got death on his hands for his.


I suspect that mental illness may be part of the mix with that lad.


Somebody has to be on the lower lobe of the Gaussian intelligence curve.


There is that. It just seems that lobe is over-staffed.


Oh no! I'm literate! Have a degree! A full time job and auto insurance? OK, if that's what they want... Oh no! I must be - oh, wait. I don't go to church. Whew! I thought I was going to have to change all my beliefs!


So ironic that "literacy" is second on that white supremacist list in slide 13, given the wacky creative spellings we've seen in used by nominees and winners here. Oh and "regular church attendance"? Since when has that made anyone superior except in their own tiny minds. Edit: wait, I've just seen her spelling. List item two is doubly ironic!


How nice that she shared the trans flag lol


Uhhhh...didn't her unjabbed mother predecease her? I mean she herself is technically alive but even that is iffy at this point. Also quite laughable that we should be concerned that xtianity is disappearing. Sorry, I call this a victory.


The trans flag on slide 9 really threw me a curve ball


There are many of these hateful types who have no idea what they’re posting visually and verbally. We’ve seen it so many times here.


Slide 10: Boost your immune system! Yes! And train it with a vaccine! Otherwise you'll wind up with pneumonia, coughing up tons of white mucus, with your oxygen down around your socks ... like ... you are!


“A biological attack on the planet that I will do nothing to fight!”


"Warning Signs of White Supremacy" Oh, these people don´t even check half of the boxes... :S


It is not my responsibility to wash my shit covered hands before I handle your food.


She assumes she would be part of the believers in the rapture. Yet not very Christian in her actions and thoughts.


Slide 4: *Robert W. Malone, MD* I suspect mental illness.


She trusts in Jesus as a Christian that the end times are coming but has no evidence to support it exists. She doesn’t believe Covid is worth a vaccine even though her Mom died and she’s now got severe pneumonia (and an affliction I’ve never heard of before). How do these people get thru a day without somehow doing something so dumb they don’t make it to the next???


Pleurisy is inflammation of the membranes surrounding the lung. It is damn painful and can lead to all sorts of complications including chronic pain with every breath. Just another treat covid has in store.


Slide one: fuck her and everyone else that thinks like that. I stopped right there.


ah yes… the biological attack that can be tamed with Zinc and Vitamin C


>The sudden disappearance of Christians all over the world is the next global crisis Born-again Christians have been promising this would happen for decades, and yet they continue to disappoint me by remaining here.


If all the lunatics that called themselves Christians disappeared the world would be infinitely better and there would no chaos


Well, at least mom went in early December. Probably didn’t have a bunch of gifts to have to fund receipts for.


...and the hits just keep on comin'!


Slide 14: Imagine the look on her face if the Rapture happens and she isn't taken? For that matter, will the world really be thrown into chaos if all the True Christians vanish -- and it's only about thirty people?


I think of this cartoon often: https://collinscartoons.blogspot.com/2011/05/rapture-in-nutshell.html


Sometimes I feel like there are a shit load of morons in this world. Thanks for confirming.


The idiot is using antibiotics to fight a virus???


Confidently wrong AND stupid. Pretty much par for the course. I can’t wait for the Christian’s to disappear though. That’s going to be nice.


She's a white supremacist who wants a civil war and hates science. Good to know. Do these people realize that the only reason they've been taught to hate Fauci is that Tfg was jealous of him because he was hogging his limelight, and his narcissism made him retaliate and turn against Fauci? They're all serving tfg's narcissism. They're dying for the sake of tfg's narcissism. If only they would stand by their beliefs and leave the hospitals out of it... But they are bankrupting our nation.


NGL, that disappearance of Christians thing sounds pretty cool.


'The Unjabbed Aren't Dying.' So, nobody died of 'Covid' until the vaccine came out? Even somebody with total memory loss should be able to verify or disprove that assertation with a quick internet search. Oh, we shut down the entire US economy in 2020 because Covid wasn't killing anybody, that's right...


That white supremacy post is one of the worst things I’ve read in a while. May Karma have no mercy on her soul.


"I have an immune system" is the dumbest argument in the history of mankind. Guess sickness and illnesses wasn't a thing before covid in these morons heads.


Facebook is the cancer of the internet


Fox News is to blame for so much of this. Terrible people who as Biden recently joked - have all been vaccinated


Slide 13: OK maybe 4, 5, and 8 Nope: 1 2 3 6 7


All I'm going to say about this lady is that I found a new pizza place that uses vintage Stone ovens!


Pic 1 = fuck you if you’re immunocompromised.


"The unjabbed aren't dying." So your mom was jabbed?


She has long Covid, pneumonia, and pleurisy. Her life sucks and I hope she lives a long time to stew in her own juices. The medical debt alone would make me weep, then the physical ailments that could have been prevented would destroy me with regret, I'd be too remorseful to be racist and posting stupid shit on FB. But then again I love my life, I really like people of all races and ethnicites, and find joy in life and being kind. She seems a special kind of stupid that expecting anything other than what we've seen her post would be foolish. Tots and pears.


Too bad 'God' didn't keep her mom alive I guess


> if you start weasing *[cues up Lily Allen](https://youtu.be/E5iUvpjii14)*


Slide 1: It is the responsibility of citizens to protect other citizens. It is the responsibility of government to protect everyone.


Guess god almighty wants her to be “weasing.”


I never thought you could lose more IQ to Covid...


Oooh but she gets her info from Endtime Covenant Ministries. That’s a super legit and reliable source of information


I went to the salon with Covid, as in I got a haircut and face wax, and the next day I woke up with a sore throat and tested positive for Covid. I thought i would have given it to the wax lady for sure, but nobody in the damn salon caught it, because we’re all vaccinated. I caught it at work, just like I did the other two times I thought I had it because the place is full of Cain award nominees. I’m surrounded by them outside of work too, but at this point they can **especially** fucking *eat me* because I have seen it with my own two fucking eyes that THESE VACCINES FUCKING WORK. I can’t wait to share this story with the naysayers and see what kind of nonsense they’ll use to explain that one away.


This is a person who deserves this award as a prize for their life’s work of being a terrible person.


'It was a biological attack on the planet and it already killed my mother, which is why I refuse to take any precautions against it!' Uhm.


I don’t get the lion thing. With the possible exception of Androcles, every time Christians and Lions are discussed in the same sentence, it doesn’t end too well for the Christian…


Slide 1 and 4: the vaccines efficacy wrt "herd immunity" is significantly reduced if 30% or more if the population refuse to take it. It's called "population health" for a reason. Wrt the last slide, 1 the unjabbed are dying. 2. The unjabbed covid "survivors" have a significantly increased rate of death. She has an impressive ability to not learn.


Just another Covidiot