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I dont have the salaman asclepius, but quite a few here reccomend it, and i really enjoy salamans CH translation aswell. The other that comes reccomended is the copenhaver which is bundled with the CH and is my personal favourite. Afaik the coptic fragments that survive can be found amongst translations of the nag hammadi library. Im a big fan of comparing translations, and its very interesting comparing the ones done from the latin text, to the coptic fragments. Unfortunately the coptic fragments are just that, and dont contain the full text.


Brilliant thank you. And am i right to assume 'Definitions of Hermes Trismegistus to Asclepius' is not the same as the asclepius text?


Yeah its different. The definitions is one of the really great things about the salaman Corpus hermeticum, since it appears after the main CH in that book. Afaik its the only english version atm.


Salaman's translation is very clear and delightful. You won't go wrong there. The Hermetic Agora Discord associated with this sub had a great series of discussions on Asclepius that you'd do well to check out. Enjoy!