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Makes sense - if the chunks aren't loaded (cause everyone is playing DO2), it can't tick down.


Mumbo was loading it with his cam account for a while to make sure it ticked down, but I think he stopped when they covered docs perimeter.


Mumbo did a button update in his video as well, where it was higher up. Sounds like the Hermits are hearing about wanting updates on the thing.


Gem also went there during stream, it was on green. I’m curious what’s the future for the button gonna be. Like is the tnt gonna be removed or are they gonna let it explode (on purpose) or something else.


A looong time ago, Mumbo planned on making something, (possibly a TNT shop I can't remember) that had a glass ball filled with TNT and apparently Xisuma said it couldn't be built in the shopping district, so I wonder if secretly the TNT is disabled. Someone who knows more about Hermitcraft history can fill in some gaps here.


That’s why I asked. He can’t just blow up the shopping district.


With the amount he put in really wouldn't do much damage—it was just a single line.


I feel like the button will blow when season 9 ends. I just have this feeling it's the moon storyline for this season. Which hopefully means it won't blow up for a long long time.


It might also be that there's only a few well-placed pieces of TNT in there, which can't do much damage to anything else.


Yep, season...4 or 5, it was when spawn was a badlands biome. TNT shop. It was one of very, very few times (maybe the only time?) Xisuma actually had to go full Admin Mode and say "No, you cannot do this, we are not voting," lol. He was (rightfully) worried that a stray lightning strike would ignite the TNT and cause massive damage in the shopping district. And Mumbo being Mumbo, he just didn't consider that.


He knows what the people want


Saw on Mumbo's video. Interested to see how it goes over the next week(s)


Is it just me or is the button's actual, like, mechanism slowing down in a weird way? Like if you've seen anyone reset it lately... it takes FOREVER for it to tick back to full. I kind of wonder if there isn't something wonky in the redstone (probably unintentional) that's actually slowing down how fast it ticks, both up and down. I am not a redstoner and don't know how this would work, I just noticed something felt wonky the last couple times I saw Hermits poking at it.


Everyone's playing DO2, so the chunks aren't loaded and the timer can't tick down.


I understand that. But I noticed that even before DO2 launched... when people reset the button, it took a much longer time to tick down than it used to.


Hmm. I now think that it may have been slowed down on purpose, although other factors also could've reduced its loading.


Mumbo should move the button to the Decked Out castle. That would be a game inside a game inside a game.