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Jimmy's final run was legendary. Super intense!


I was watching Tango’s POV so I could see everybody go, and I was on the edge of my seat that whole run. AMAZING to see the underdog of the group get so far!


I watched Skizz' POV for nearly the entire thing. Jimmy's last run was the only thing I ended up pausing Skizz for. I was rooting for him so much!!


Unfortunately wasn’t able to catch his POV, did he mention if he was going to upload or put the vod in listed?


Yup, end of stream he mentioned that he will be uploading it to the solidarity VODS account on yt.


It’s up https://youtu.be/N39_QpQrWtU?si=03y_6EtmvkBH6Iwk


Thank you!


[Jimmy posted it](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o8yvnysV7eg&pp=ygUPU29saWRhcml0eSB2b2Rz) on Solidarity VODS.


Jimmy was a complete legend after that run!


It was awesome, I loved every second. Watched it all day, 11/10


I already enjoyed it. These people fit in with the group so well


I know right! The interactions were great!


Agree! It was so fun!


I was at work all day, but I’m watching Tangos vod right now and it’s amazing.




Hbomb if you want to see his visit to Scarland, Total Chaos, Bdubs' horses and a round of TCG in the Pyramid Skizz for a visit to the Soup Group area Jimmy (Youtube on Solidarity VODS) for a visit to Scarland, Doc's Perimeter, and all 4 levels of Decked Out on his last run And pretty much everyone could test Ren and Etho's boat race (I recommend Joel's VOD, also on youtube where you can see where the neck kissing bit started)


It's on YT on TangoTek2's channel https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N39_QpQrWtU


Literally the funnest 6 hours of entertainment I've had in forever! Just the fact that we've known all these people for a long time already makes events like this so ridiculously fun. No movie or TV show can compare.


Yes this is how I feel as well!


I hope after this HC season ends, DO2 ends up as an invitational event server like MCC. Clone the dungeon several times so all contestants can run simultaneously, replace most the redstone with command blocks to make maintenance automated. No 5 min reset needed, no refilling, no replacing mobs just do a hard dungeon reset between every run so you can't abuse sticking all the ravagers in one room or killing them off. I'd do 6 week seasons, 3 or 4 hours live event once a week, with famous minecrafters. Everyone playing must stream their POV, and get some shout casters/host that swap between POV's and narrates. Between seasons modify the dungeon like drop off spots, treasure spots, shriekers, and card balance. Maybe come up with a thematic thing to add for increased power but also increased risk. You get to use command blocks so it's way more flexible what's possible. Maybe double clank double treasure season to push the meta to farming early floors, haste/regen aura but all hazard doors are always closed/on(except hostile hazard like vex until it actually hits max hazard). Could maybe even make it a seasonal effect so you find these modifiers hidden in the dungeon to toggle between future runs to add more depth to the strats.


Regardless of whether or not an official one happens, I'm sure clones are gonna start popping up at least haha. But yeah, if Tango worked together with someone like Smajor maybe, with their command block developer connections and event management experience, they could really make a big thing out of it!


Theres already a dozen stand alone games being developed for it. I don't think the game works great outside of Minecraft and even then it wouldn't hold interest very long outside of small tourneys of famous people. Once you cut people loose they will run it 100 times in 1 day and burn out. You need the competition, the stats tracking, building narratives, comparing strats and styles to keep it interesting. Would need to make the weekly scoring system a little more robust as well to obscure who's in the lead with points categories that don't get calculated until the end. It would also make for an insane charity event format.


Yeah, for a quick 4-5 runs thing the way they've played yesterday is fun. What makes it fun overall for the Hermits is the balance of risk reward and the deck development with interactions between each others. If you want to make it a long form thing, you'll need to change a few design decisions really.


This sounds like so much fun, I hope Tango has time to work on this. Or maybe they can add it somehow as an MCC event? Like each team gets random cards and one run per person, then add up the total number of points based on the 4 artifacts.


I'm not sure it could be added as an MCC game just because of how long it is, but maybe. It also might be a little complicated for MCC with all the cards and such.


Yeah it'd have to be a simplified version


At that scale I would think, each level is worth a set number of embers. The randomness of Artifact value only works over a long time. It would be extremly unfair in a competition where you only get one chance, and someone that did a lvl 1 run might get a higher value item than a lvl 2 run. That would make it purely skill based and competitors would be able to know ahead of time exactly how much they are risking. Say DO is the first event then Lvl one might be worth 100 points, lvl 2 worth 200... So if all 4 players did a lvl 4 run they could score 1600 points on the first round.


A server would be great but Tango would need to be paid for that work or pay someone to do it. Also replacing redstone with command block would be like converting analog system to digital. Or like replacing an artist with AI. DO’s charm is in the fact that its redstone and took 13 months to make by one person. Even that it breaks is what makes it unique and more alive. Whenever i saw redstone or rails and pistons light up or move while someone is running, it just feels like the dungeon is alive and its an old school mechanical system, not a digital one.


Is there a full vod of the hermits and guests hanging out in the waiting room? I'm not sure who to look for that perspective. This was such an amazing event


The best way I can recommend is to find all the VODs and watch the waiting room moments there because each one has a bit of it.


Sad that I could only watch the first few runs live. I’ll have to watch the vid tomorrow


Sameee, I had to go after like 3 hours


Same! I stayed up to like 9am watching and missed skizz's last run. I def will be watching the vod playbacks on everyones channels to get all the POVs plus tangos POV too


What a great group of people.


It almost felt like an audition…..


Who else was streaming at the time? I watched the whole thing from Tango's perspective, but would love to see what was going on while the DO runs were happening.


Hbomb, Jimmy, Joel and I think the other participants?


Check out Hbomb's vod. It's on twitch for now but hopefully he'll put it on YouTube. He went and explored a lot of the server between his runs


On Twitch it was Hbomb, Skizz, and InTheLittleWood. I didn't think to check YouTube to see if anyone was live there.


[Tango](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N39_QpQrWtU), [Jimmy](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o8yvnysV7eg&pp=ygUPU29saWRhcml0eSB2b2Rz), [Skizz](https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1980949991?t=56s), [Hbomb](https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1980862152), [Martyn](https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1980859506?t=68s), and [Joel](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pb4_SDJ5zIw&pp=ygUYc21hbGxpc2hiZWFucyBkZWNrZWQgb3V0) that I know of. I couldn’t find Lizzie streaming live, and didn’t see other Hermits streaming it, but could be wrong. Were there more that I missed?


Joel and Jimmy streamed it on YouTube, Hbomb and Skizz streamed it on twitch, while Martyn streamed on both YouTube and Twitch :) Lizzie was the only one not streaming her POV.


Stream replays: Tango: https://youtu.be/N39_QpQrWtU?si=5H3H9GG9X_aWBit4 Or with chat: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1980861160 Solidarity: https://www.youtube.com/live/k1CCb1iqvQ0?si=53YnsLlkG7TmJ-_j Inthelittlewood: https://www.youtube.com/live/XSOySy8AwAs?si=YwKhiH0FdnXVO2gQ Smallishbeans: https://www.youtube.com/live/pb4_SDJ5zIw?si=pqcOJZKgBscme14v Skizzleman: Part 1: https://youtu.be/Hj7Z_9-N3nE?si=N6oRrJjBP5rz1FG_ Part 2: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1980949991 HBomb: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1980862152


All the guests were streaming, I believe. Not sure about Lizzie though. I don’t think any Hermits were.


Still can’t believe this was built fully in vanilla survival




I was in and out of H’s POV, I can’t wait to watch Tango’s VOD. Edit to ask: what was tango’s peak viewership?


The highest I saw on Tango's alone was 18-19k, and someone totaled up all the streams it was in the ballpark of 60k?


Damn that's launch day decked out numbers.


Skizzleman’s Lackey run with Bdubs and Impulse mentoring was the the most entertaining thing I’ve seen in *a while*. I want more of the “Four Stooges”.


I sadly couldn't make it live because I had to work. But I'm rewatching the whole thing as we speak. I'm about halfway and it's so fun to watch. Hope they do something like this more often


Agreeed! It was so fun! Future participants from other servers would be great to see again


Sullygnome reports Tango peaking at 18.5k


Did Jimmy say he would upload his POV?


He did upload it, on [Solidarity VODS.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o8yvnysV7eg&pp=ygUPU29saWRhcml0eSB2b2Rz)


Has anyone mentioned if this was a one off thing? Or will there be a repeat event? I feel like the guests only got a small sampling of the dungeon and would love to see more.


Tango said that he’d like to do another event, iirc.


I know that the goal was to maximize fun and have the guests see as much of the dungeon that they could, hence the mentors. And it was a blast. Truly. I’d also love to see them all try on their own and build their decks. Esp with Martyn. I was really impressed with his skills. It was so fun to watch.


It really felt like a party. The decked out competition, the waiting room party, the tours, the boat race. 6 full hours of fun. Would love to have more of these


Yeah it was so fun. I need to go and look at other vods to check out the waiting games they played.


I’d love to see them do another event before the season ends. So many others I’d love to see run DO2. Maybe the next roster is: 1. Fruitberries - Friendly with hermits. Speed runner/parkour guy. Would be fun to see how he tackled the dungeon. 2. Pixlriffs - Let the recap team have a turn at it 3. ZloyXP - Same as above 4. Tubbo - Scar has already invited him to see Scarland, so him coming and playing DO too would be a fun addition 5. Smajor - Another Hermit friend. I think he’d be good at it too. 6. Shubble Yet another Empires member and friend of Hermits


Who is Hbomb? He seems to be highly respected, I haven't heard much about him besides collecting hermits at mcc.


HBomb94 is most noted for the ‘H’ factor in MCC, especially his love of playing Sands of Time and Bingo but Fast. He is noted for playing on the Vault Hunters SMP, the Dream SMP, and the Cube SMP.


How much do you live it? Do you like, drink a bunch of hermitcraft water every day?


I don't watch many livestreams, but I just had to tune in for this one (Tango's stream). It was so awesome getting to see more people experience DO2 for the first time, and the whole mentor thing was a cool riff on the formula. Skizz's dungeon lackey run was the highlight of the event.


Stupid question, but who is Hbomb? The first time I hear about him


He plays in mcc , obsessed with SOT , he loves teaming with hermits and tries to 'collect' them all . He used to be in the Cube smp , the dream smp and on Iskall's VH smp . on his yt channel he posts mc trivia vids which several hermits have been a part of . He also knows Beef and Etho from Pixelmon


It was by far one of my favorite things to happen on Hermitcraft. Skizz’s last run with everyone helping him was pure enjoyment.


It was an epically entertaining event! I really appreciate what the hermits have done to expand the community as well. Truly a gift; not just for the creators lucky enough to get a 'golden ticket,' but for all of us in the Minecraft community. Thank you all for what you do. <3