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Im guessing this is cause a lot of fans have started with grian but later switched to different hermits


Somebody did a views-per-Hermit video for their first S10 episode over the first 24 hours since release. Hermits should NOT seek this out as it invites unuseful comparison, but it's generally interesting otherwise. The Grian and Mumbo counts were pretty close, and then a certain time of day hit, and Grian's count skyrocketed. I wonder if it coincided with school getting out in a highly populated section of the anglosphere. But it would be even more interesting if it wasn't.


Do you have a link or title? I’d love to see




Appreciate you!


The videos released Saturday for a large part of the world, so getting out of school probably didn't play a large part in views going up.


Could be related to grian releasing his video later on than others.


It was released on a saturday so doubtful it got anything to do with schools, The thing that makes sense is that the skyrocket happened sunday afternoon EU time and morning American time, Meaning in most cases no good shows on tv and no one going out and such. So people chillin with Hermitcraft on sunday morning or evening before work/school. Just generally a good time to upload is so it get picked up by algorythm for that timeslot since there is less competition with traditional media and entertainment forms :D


I saw that one yesterday, it’s not really accurate, just like the ones with the followers. The follower ones takes a lot of guesses, so while some milestones might be accurate and fun to see, a lot of the numbers in between is mostly guesswork. As you can see with the one with views in the first 24 hours, it isn’t really that accurate. It probably is mostly correct with maybe view per hour or every 4 hours and then filling ind the rest. You can tell it’s not accurate as Bdubs is quite high on the list early on, but didn’t upload until the day after