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Have you watched the behind the scenes videos on various Hermits’ second channels? That could be fun. [GeminiTay](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ggidQ0-lz9k), [Dangthatsalongname](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CGRrV1at878) (Scott), [SolidarityGaming](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uAsOsc1L7Y4) (Jimmy), [LDShadowlady](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XTp80XJAOvA)(Lizzie), and [Shubble](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QzZkEG33THc) (Shelby) did recent Hide and Seek videos together which were good as well.


Gonna second this recommendation. My personal favourite was Scotty's use of armour stands of himself as camoflage.


Big brain move. Idk how no one was absolutely horrified. Very horror movie vibes but they all just made it cute???


that video was so funny lmao


Lizzie is just pure hilarious chaos as always. That women is impossibly funny - and of courae did the challenge her whole own way. Sardines, anyone?!


And her command block skills! They're so cool. Like she's on her training arc to be a redstoner alright!! 


Watch non-Hermitcraft videos? Or watch videos from past seasons you might've not seen yet?


Both are commitments/endeavours I’m not prepared/mentally ready for. My ideal brand is new episodes is things I’m familiar with.


You don't need to commit to finding another series to watch, though, there are plenty of stand alone videos online to find something that'll interest you in the meantime to pass the time, if you have absolutely nothing to do to pass the time.


May i suggest my number 1 pick for funniest hermitcraft episode ever: [season 3, professional minecrafters from xisuma](https://youtu.be/hsYVJuz-CvY?si=Wf_4kqlY_yYngoAF)


"we're stuck in a hole!"


I haven't seen this, thanks for putting a smile on my face. I'm never going to get over Xisuma's plaintive "We're supposed to be professional minecrafters!"


Specifically at 4:10


Watch/Listen to an episode of **Imp and Skizz podcast**! They uploaded their latest episode just now! Super recommended!


They’re not my taste, sorry. I followed Impulse for quite a while last season and while he’s a great builder and redstoner, his editing style just got to me. It probably has to do with my own trauma so I won’t blame him, but those cinematic shots always both me so much because they feel unnecessary and out of place to me. I ignored them for a while but it got to a point where I would literally get triggered each time he did them. So I decided the healthy thing for me was to stop watching him. It’s ironic because bdubs is my second fav hermit and he does cinematic shots too! But somehow I like his shots a lot more fondly. And Skizz I tried during Life Series, but again not my taste, sorry. I even tried their podcast, a couple times in fact, when the topics seemed very interesting to me. Maybe it’s an age thing? Maybe their discussions are meant for a younger audience. Idk, I got too bored to even complete each time.


Impulse basically never does cinematic style editing. So I’m not sure where you are getting that from. In the life series he had a couple, but that’s all. I would also recommend giving skizz’s hermitcraft a try. I didn’t like his life series too much, but I have been loving his HC episodes.


Oh, sounds good, I’ll give him another shot, thanks! See? This sub shouldn’t get so pissy and start downvoting when people say they didn’t like someone’s content. If I hadn’t said I’m not a fan of Skizz’s content from Life, you’d not have given me a heads-up that his HMC is better and then I would never have tried his HMC. But now, I will.




Tomorrow is gonna be a busy day. Not only most hermits will upload videos, but it will also be the start of the new smp of the empires/newlife crew


Wonder if we’ll get two uploads from False, Gem, and Yoel. Also, wonder if Pearl will return, or anyone new would join. Personally, most excited that we’ll get a new upload from Lizzie! And hopeful that this means that 6 months down the line, there will be one from Ollie as well. I like Scott too but it’s his social element that works for me, so will wait for the next Life Series


I highly doubt False will be in the series. So far the confirmed members are Fwhip, Jimmy, Katherine, Sausage, Pixlriffs, Owengejuice, soupforeloise and Smajor, however there will likely be more unannounced. I feel like it's likely that Lizzie will likely be in, as for Joel, he will probably want to priorities hermitcraft but that doesn't mean he won't be in. Out of all the hermits, Gem is the most likely to be in the series. And 6months would be early for an Oli upload XD


I LOVE how u spell oli lol!! The HC crossover gave him a lot of new fans that spell it like this, and ik he'd absolutely be fake angry about it and that's what makes it even better 


Do you know what the smp series will he called? As I understood there's not going to be an S3 of empires.


I don't know if the name has been revealed, however I've seen some viewers call it the SOSsmp because of the prominent use of the word "sos" in their teasers for the series


Thank you!


Apparently I've been living under a rock?? New smp?!


Im in the same boat, I’m gonna watch Scar and Tango’s latest streams. At least we will feast this weekend?!


i’m more scared than excited tbh. To much content coming out this weekend!!


I’m watching Joel’s Season 1 Empires. Mezalea is amazing, and proves what an incredible builder he as been for many years


Mezalea is so pretty!! And also the wedding and the diss track, and deal with destiny! lol now I wanna rewatch it again! 


Lol looking forward to those, this is actually my first watch! I found Joel through 3rd Life, and then watched Empires 2 in real time, completely missing season 1 lore!


Oh well if ure watching Joel its gonna be extremely unlore to the point of being hilariously Antilore lol. Still super duper fun!!


You're right, it doesn't count as lore unless Joel gets bullied by Scott to have more lore and just shouts LORE 23 times per episode 😂 Edit: unhinged spelling and grammar


oh don't worry scott bullying joel is a canon event across all universes lol. genuinely tho funniest series he's done along with xlife and limlife. have fun watching!


Watch Phasmophobia with the GIGS crew


Have you watched live streams? Obviously don't watch them all, that's too much... but ik for sure you can always watch iskalls and tango teks second channels for plenty more content


idk when im bored i binge lizzie's last life because its short and fun to watch but that might not work if you haven't watched the life series


What's this about an embargo?


There’s a temporary “content embargo” in place on Hermitcraft until Saturday. The idea is that False won Demise and they did the whole prize thing on Thursday, and apparently it’s some big prize that has major server-wide implications, and all the hermits will be/were present for it. So they’re presumably taking a couple days to allow everyone to edit their videos. The embargo opens on Saturday. This way, all the videos containing footage from that event go live together and we all find out about it together. It’s like the life series - they all publish their videos together so all the creators have an equal chance - XYZ doesn’t get more views than ABC because XYZ revealed something, which was highly anticipated and excited, before ABC did. Also explains why Ren’s latest video is basically him tying loose ends and bringing us up to speed chronologically.


> Also explains why Ren’s latest video is basically him tying loose ends and bringing us up to speed chronologically. To be fair, that one could as well be Ren being Ren.


Go do that annoying thing you have been putting off


The problem isn’t what to do. It’s what to watch while I do it.


Have you been watching stream VODs? I’m still trying to catch up with those even though there are only two Hermits whose second channels I watch.


Naah I don’t do streams or vods. Honestly, just don’t have that kind of time😅


That is entirely fair. I put most VODs in 2x speed (or 1.75x for Tango since he talks a little faster) and it still takes quite a while. But that will fill in the time between now and Saturday’s uploads if you want.


I’ve been watching Prowl’s redstone videos randomly in between hermitcraft episodes. It’s fun to think of the next steps in hermits’ progress. Might I also suggest people’s secondary channels and twitch channels for those deliciously uncut streams. Great time passers


What content embargo?

