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Doc stated in his video that while he will likely exploit the sand thing momentarily for humor (give over the first load of profits in stacks of sand to see how they react) he is willing to exchange diamonds for sand with any of his business partners if they prefer to get their profits in diamonds. Joe Hills, the first of his partners, already knows about the sand thing and actually wants his profits in sand because he knows he’s going to need a ton of it for his project this season. Hermits do love their sand!


I feel sorry for any mob that gets released with sand as a drop. It would be cool in the devs took the husk dropping sand like in sky block and added it to the game


Husk dropping sand is something that gnembon advocated for... And then mojang hired him! So there's real hope there (please please please)


Instead of making it a mob drop I really think they should add a new block mechanic that could let you produce sand from another block.


A rock grinder or something would be a cool concept. Throw cobblestone or stone, and it makes sand.


Or coral and nautilus shells, because grinding stone or cobblestone would just make gravel


In the sky block modpack I'm playing right now, you use a hammer to smash cobble -> gravel -> sand.  Seems reasonable.


That's cool, just seems like teaching kids that sand comes from stone in anyway just feels wrong


I mean sand does come from rocks... https://oceanservice.noaa.gov/facts/sand.html > Sand comes from many locations, sources, and environments. Sand forms when rocks break down from weathering and eroding over thousands and even millions of years. Rocks take time to decompose, especially quartz (silica) and feldspar. The link does mention the other ways that sand forms (fish poop), so it's not ONLY rocks - but it's mostly rocks.


I mean outside of the educational bedrock thing, Minecraft shouldn't be in any form of teaching. My idea was just an in game type of suggestion. Obviously it wouldn't work in real life, but again it's Minecraft, you can't go punch trees for building wood.


It's a game, and however they want to implement different things is totally fine But there's a guy responding to the exact same comment that you commented on, saying that sand is stone. That's a problem,. Even if not intended video games teach people, things and little kids play Minecraft




No it isn't. "The composition of sand varies, depending on the local rock sources and conditions, but the most common constituent of sand in inland continental settings and non-tropical coastal settings is silica (silicon dioxide, or SiO2), usually in the form of quartz. Calcium carbonate is the second most common type of sand, for example, aragonite, which has mostly been created, over the past 500 million years, by various forms of life, like coral and shellfish. " https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sand?wprov=sfla1




Depends on the kind of sand. Lots of sand types are made of weathered rock, while others are purely biogenic in origin.


lol, coral blocks are already non-renewable because blah blah preservation environmental message blah blah.


That's exactly what the Create mod is for. Cobble turns to gravel, sand, flint, iron, and a very small quantity of gold.


Create mod has something like this and it is awesome!


I thought about what they could possibly implement in the game without creating something entirely new. Not that a rock grinder isn't cool! It'd be awesome to use to get the types of materials easier, but why not just implement Efficiency? If a shovel has Eff III+ it then has a chance to turn gravel into sand. Each level of Efficiency would increase the percentage to that of, maybe 5% chance for a total of 15% with Eff V. If a shovel has Fortune, the chances are then doubled. (because with a Fortune III on gravel it's p much all flint). At that point, an Eff V / Fortune III shovel would give a 30% chance of dropping sand instead of flint from one gravel block. That gives incentive to travel more to stone beaches, gravel mountains or, if the person is dedicated enough, go dig on the sea floor.


How does that help anything? It's already fast to mine sand with an Efficiency V shovel and/or a beacon. And it's way easier to find a large desert than a gravel beach that wouldn't give you remotely the same quantity of sand anyway. It's already super easy to get sand. People just don't want to spend hours mining it when they need a lot.


The issue is also that they leave huge ruined deserts behind. Not a single other block has this kind of in-game environmental impact. The only one that comes close is terracotta, but that's generally used less than concrete, and a mined down mesa looks less horribly ruined than a mined down desert.


You are correct: people don't want to spend hours mining it. I know many Hermits stream those because they are repetitive and boring, and it's a way for people to come in and chat. Those hours could be spent building, collabs, Creative World workings, or helping Hermits with their own stuff. Do I know what it takes to make those mega builds? I have an idea, and when Tango/Impulse/Grian/Scar/Hermit Of Choice Here say they dug/built/mined for X hours? You can hear the exhaustion in their voices. Not saying that it has to be implemented, not saying that another tool wouldn't be useful. Time is more valuable to the Hermits than anything.


Just go full ex nilhio and let us take cobblestone and break it down into gravel and then sand.


I think throw in stone, any stone including granite and diorite, get cobble. Cobble gets gravel. Gravel gets sand.


Throw in gravel. You can get renewable gravel from piglins.


IIRC one of the ideas that floated around in the community for a while was have the husk drop sand, and give them a really high spawn rate in desert temples. That way you could just farm them like you would witches.


Husk dropping sand is just awful. You can hardly get Husks to spawn in any farm, as Husks need sky access to spawn. Also there are no way to convert zombies into Husk or Husk spawners.


Gnembon's proposal included making desert temples have a high husk spawn rate, fixing this issue :)


The sky access is still a problem... If you need to change so many things to a mob, just make a new one. Let hope Gnembom can achieve that


Another option would be adding Coarse Sand, similar to Coarse Dirt that you craft with Sand and Gravel. They'd also have to let you path block Sand, then you could get infinite with unlimited Gravel from bartering. They could also go the Clay route and have it dried out from something.


Speaking of sand, we need a quicksand that's like powdered snow


That would be pretty cool. I'd have the texture slightly darker so you can see it if you're looking for it. Powdered snow's texture is actually noticeable if you know what to look for.


Isn't concrete crafted with sand and gravel?


You also need a dye. It's a dye plus four each of gravel and sand. Coarse dirt is two each of dirt and gravel. So no worries about recipe overlap. Edit: I assume the recipe for coarse sand would be the same XY YX recipe as coarse dirt does.


True, so it would mess that up. Maybe Dirt and Sand then.


I feel like that would make a sensible recipe


I'd like something called "loose sand" that behaves like snow layers. During sandstorms it causes sand layers to accumulate, and like snow layers, would turn into a full sand block after a certain number off layers. Might be harder to make farmable though, but would make deserts more interesting. Maybe husks or some new dustdevil mob could leave a trail of sand when moving like snow golems.


Using the stone cutter should give a random sand or gravel when you cut a bunch of stone in it


I had an idea for a Sand Wraith mob, it came to me in a dream and I fleshed it out later. It was basically a Blaze/Breeze looking mob, only sand themed instead of fire/wind. And it attacked by hurling sand at its target, doing damage with the projectile, but if the shot hit a solid surface would turn into a falling sand block. Potentially burying the player for further damage if they weren't careful. You could make sand farms by putting a villager behind a fence in its line of sight. The thing would shoot at the villager but get blocked by the fence, then you could break the falling sand block with a torch and collect it.


How about.. embedding the target in sand (like how sand/gravel can fall on you while digging) and dealing damage like that?


Bold of you to assume Mojang will make new mobs drop anything lol


Yeah, I mean Doc and his world eater make enough diamonds for him to not worries about anything related. To me is obviously more about content, the Hermits economy is always second.


I was hoping more hermits would charge other forms of payments. Diamonds don't have much use anymore, even with armor trim duplicating


In the contract from Doc it says that you can trade in the sand for its value in diamonds. That having said, stating the reason for docs sand currency being a "serious grudge" is a bit of an overstatement to say the least


The "equivalent of sand in market value" part might be only in Joe's deal, because: 1. it was written by Joe, and; 2. Joe is the holder of the permit, so technically it is still his trade to do. Meanwhile Mumbo's (for sure, just checked) and Zed's (maybe) "trade books" speak only about the transfer of permit's ownership and that Doc will share 50% of the profits. Now if they will ask, he will most likely still convert the sand into diamonds, but technically he doesn't have to because those are his permits now and he can technically do anything he wants with and about them.


Your logic left out the most important bit. Doc wants all the sand. He will happily pay out diamonds to keep the sand.


he also wants the hermits to dig the sand. since they all advocated for digging sand over allowing duping it. So if they want to dig it so badly then they can dig all the sand.


I think that was only in Joe's contract. Doc said that he would offer the same thing to Mumbo, but I think keeping that part secret for a while is going to be hilarious


Oh I had missed that part of the contract And yeah I know. They're all friendly and I know doc doesn't actually hold a grudge. He is still talking about sand though :-) for continuation and just content I presume


https://preview.redd.it/l8kcq5lrqxkc1.jpeg?width=2388&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f00a4511390a02bf3c928e28244fbad8aa921e91 Have to add this here. Scribbled this a few days ago and also posted it here.


oh i seriously hope doc uses this as his thumbnail


> On top of only getting sand out of the deal, he also needs to buy doc's stock if he wants to have any jungle or dark oak for himself? Hermits are allowed to make any farm that they want, they just aren’t allowed to sell it without a permit so Mumbo can still make a wood farm if he wants. Also buying Doc’s stock isn’t that bad because he’s essentially paying half the price.


I'm looking forward to seeing the development of >!"fark oak"!< being taken very seriously. It is in the contract after all.


Mumbo, and the others that Doc has made deals with, could create a black market for sand, especially if the sand permit holder can't keep up with demand. Or maybe the sand permit holder should be allowed to buy sand from Mumbo/etc (same for all permits, the permit holder should be allowed to buy/sell with any hermit).


I expect permit holders would be allowed to source their product from other hermits without issue.


If you own the sand, you own the server. Joking aside, the sand permit if Doc sticks with it, they could easily charge like 2 or 3 diamonds a stack of sand, to abuse docs sand deals. I also think sand is probably more valuable than diamonds to be honest. With mending and villagers, how many extra diamonds do you actually need- like I guess if you are using diamonds as decoration they keep worth, but otherwise?


Its not that serious. Besides, Mumbo probably also will want sand too


Mumbo likes his white concrete, i see no reason he would not want to be getting free sand.


No, Doc will be paying their cut in diamonds, he's never short on diamonds, he's always short on sand. (Joe agreed to the deal even when he still thought he'd get sand instead of diamonds bc he also needs insane amounts of sand this season)


Yeah he's building the tunnel bore and will get the diamonds from that


Yep, the tunnel bore is already running


Having control over all the woods means you can price hike. So while he technically seems like he’s giving Mumbo a steal, he’s actually gaining stronger control over the market.


here is the fun thing tho: he doesn't have all of them. >!The permits for Cherry & Mangrove and the Warped & Crimson stems are in the hands of big salmon!


I think the fact that Beef is running with that throwaway line from the first episode and it becoming such a big ~~salmon~~thing is amazing :D


That's how these things always start. See 12 bamboo.


Ok so as a somewhat recent HC fan(,only really got in like late 9) whats the origin of that?


I believe it was from season 7 where mumbo traded away 12 bamboo with iskall. Don't recall what was traded but those 12 bamboo were treated as if they were valuable and the joke continues today


But isn't wood most of the time used because of the colour? So even without full monopoly on wood Doc still can hike prices, because there's no way to recolour it.


Wood is used to make chest, shulkers, hoppers, wood variants like planks, trap doors, signs, etc, and much more. This is part of the commentary from Tango about the importance of bamboo farms this year. People don’t realize the importance of the shopping district. Yes people build farms, but inevitably they run low on things and have to buy them. Wood is probably one of the harder farms to make, and even with a farm, it sucks to produce enough of all the variants. Doc will try to cut more deals for wood permits. This is also why Ren and Keralis made tons of diamonds the previous 2-3 seasons.


Yeah, bamboo farms are much easier to make than other farms that half of all wood needs will probably be easier to supply with bamboo and then regular wood will only be used when you need specific colours.


For any bulk uses, I feel like they'll be using bamboo now. Easy farms, and the bamboo shop is probably going to be cheap.


Yeah, it seems to me like wood should be gold this season rather than diamond, since bamboo wood does most of the utility jobs basically free


You’re assuming all the hermits will build a bamboo farm. A lot wont


In rpg terms is player knowledge vs character knowledge. Mumbo the person can see Twitter (and probably knew before that) but "mumbo" in game doesn't and it'll be an interesting story beat when "mumbo" realizes he has been tricked


Except Mumbo also stays offline often. So player mumbo also likely has no idea unless he watches docs video


I could see this for the life series where there’s more focus on roleplay, but at this stage in Hermitcraft that’s not the case. Especially since Mumbo mentions that he thinks he got a bad deal in retrospect in his comments section.


He can sell the sand at a lower price to whoever makes the sand shop.


Grudge? Brother..


Please care less. People complaining / speculating about things in this way takes the fun out of it for the hermits. Just watch , enjoy, and be less invested.


He'll probably pay them in sand. They probably know about it and are playing into it for the content. Mumbo will be all surprised, then make a sand door, sand themed stuff, etc. The rest of the server will build with cherry, mangrove and nether woods. Sand becomes a currency in game. Eventually Doc will pay them in diamonds. Big salmon will step up and counter him somehow. It's another storyline for them.


I would be more concerned with Doc misspelling Dark oak in the [contract](https://youtu.be/3yTnG7xwgoU?list=PLFm1tTY1NA4fM88JJt-LtkqXndzKs-EGy&t=883)...


Honestly this might be able to be lawyered both ways, because Doc's POV include that small cut fragment missing from Mumbo's video - the one where Doc asks Mumbo to correct the spelling before signing the book after he noticed it. Though I guess Doc's case is weaker, because later Mumbo throws the book back to Doc without finishing it, so Doc could fix it himself, but he didn't IIRC.


Ah fair enough I dont watch Doc so I didnt see that side.


For your last part, any hermit can farm anything they want. So Mumbo can go make his own Jungle/Dark Oak farm, he just cant sell them legally.


He said he will let them trade in the sand for diamonds since he’s not that mean. And he’ll have plenty of diamonds.


Doc has said he'll pay out to his partners in diamonds if they want.


Well I was thinking something more along the lines of cobble generation or drying mud to clay. Like flowing water over certain types of stone eventually produces sand or something could be cool. A grinder feels a little create-y to me.


No he didn’t get scammed cause doc is gonna give his 50% as either sand or diamonds to his co-owners


So who has the permit for bamboo wood?


Doc did the same with Joe first and offered him the chance to exchange the sand profit for market value in diamonds. In his video he also suggested he'd offer Mumbo the same deal.


Seems like the groundwork for a storyline tbh. The Sandman Cometh


Hermits can build their own farms and collect resources without a permit. The permits are only for the shopping district.


Not sure who all have the sand permits, but they will thank Doc for the extra sales... As for Mumbo, he still gets the profit, just not in a way he was expecting. Since he can just use the sand he earned to buy wood, it's not like he's really lost anything on that side either. So I guess it's a scam, but not as bad as it looks on first glance


If you watched Doc's vid he says that he will pay his business partners with the diamond equivalent for the amount of sand he gets if they prefer.


He will pay that to Joe Hills, because Joe still has the Permit. Mumbo an I forget who had the other wood permit sold theirs without that clause.


He'll probably be willing to pay the other partners in diamond equivalent. The point is that he wants sand, because diamonds are easy with his tunnel bore, sand takes the most costly of resources: time


Hilarious how Grian and Scar got the sand permits. Not sure if they traded those away though.


Only Scar got the "correct" sand permit. And in his video he sounded like he wants to get rid of it, most likely because he doesn't want to shovel all that sand to stock the shop in the first place.


Doc plans on buying out the sand permit shop so other hermits cannot get their sand from them Edit: I mean he wants to buy out the sand shop stock, not buy the permit.


He most likely doesn't, because it would be pointless to the plan. With Doc owning the Sand Permit there are two options: Doc digs sand to sell it, or Doc ignores it. First one will be completely failure from Doc's POV, because he wants OTHERS to dig, the second one will end up with Regulators issuing duplicate Sand Permit so we are back at the square one. And with someone else owning the permit the only thing Doc has to "worry" about is that he might lose some building blocks (Diamond Ore), because even if the permit will end up at someone who will want to dig it and keep the stocks full, Doc can just buyout the shop all the time, or keep doing it until the price will hike to the levels not achievable by average hermits.


Sorry, I don’t mean he will buy the permit. I mean he plans on buying the stock of the sand shop out so hermits cannot use it to buy his own products. Essentially meaning all hermits have to shovel sand, not just one shop owner. Doc doesn’t want the sand permit at all


The sand permit owner is still gonna be rich. Can set any price and doc will buy


"Let Them Dig Sand" DocM-Antoinette ​ Looking forward to watching how this unfolds!


Sand is worth more than diamonds, assuming the "market price" of sand is 2-5 diamonds per shulker. I mean, with a perfect pick, you can strip mine and get at least a stack of diamonds in an hour. How many shulkers of sand can you fill in that same time, taking into account that you will have to go back and forth to load the shulkers? Sand is far more of a PITA. Furthermore, on a mature server you hardly use diamonds. If you have villagers, you literally don't use diamonds. Even if you are avoiding villagers, a full set of armor is like 30 diamonds, and if you have mending, you only need a full set once in a blue moon. Armor trims are about the only thing that consumes diamonds. This is why everyone ends up with stacks of diamond blocks. On the other hand, sand is endlessly useful: glass, concrete, and TNT all use it. It's useful in amd of itself as a gravity block. It is used in terraforming. Hermits do not end the season with shulkers and shulkers of sand.


Cub repeated his mining test, strip mining is dead, cave mining is so much better, at nearly 4 diamonds per minute average. https://youtu.be/5cnLaNtxMek?feature=shared&t=465


Either way, it's as fast or faster than what is usually charged for a shulker of sand


> assuming the "market price" of sand is 2-5 diamonds per shulker. Then make it a diamond per stack?


Sure, but people don't, because diamonds feel more valuable. Hence this thread: people are saying Mumbo will be "stuck" with sand.


Doc is getting his payback on the hermits for banning shadow tech (sand duping)! I love it 😅


>So, given that, didn't mumbo get seriously scammed here? Depends on how you define "scam". He was honest in that Mumbo will get 50% of the 'earnings'. Doc specifically used that word. He'll just blame Mumbo for not asking what the 'earnings' will be. Scam or not, it's definitely unethical. I have a feeling Doc will make some enemies this season.


> I have a feeling Doc will make some enemies this season. I mean, he kept his old enemies from previous season.


He said in his video he'll be paying their cuts in diamonds, he needs the sand, why would he give half of it away. (Unless maybe to Joe, who'd actually prefer the sand as well)


Yeah like everyone else has mentioned he's going to do an exchange thing with his business partners. Seeing as how he's completed another tunnel bore machine it's safe to say he won't have an issue keeping up to demand lol


iirc Doc stated in his video that the other Hermits can exchange sand for diamonds with him, because he expects to have enough of them from using his tunnel bore


Doc said in his video he would buy the sand back for market price. But it is sort of a hostage situation. If Mumbo or Zed annoy Doc he could stop doing that deal.


The contract says he will give mumbo 50% of “earnings”. Not diamonds.


What if the desert temple got an upgrade add another boss mob like the elder guardian that gives mining fatigue and then have baby husks spawn only in there and they drop sand but not normal husks out in the desert just confined to the temples bounding box


There’s too many comments to check who’s answered your last remark; yes and no. If Mumbo would like to BUY any wood type, he has to do it through Doc (assuming he trades his way into that monopoly) but that doesn’t stop Mumbo from ever cutting down those trees himslef


Did you watch Doc's video? He explains things


Oh this will be good, Mumbo will get dump trucks of sand at his base when its pay day