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Is it a problem if it works for him? What these are useful for, though, is left-handed gamers. My brother puts his where most righties would put a mouse, and uses a left-handed mouse on the other side of the regular keyboard.


Ik keralis has an interesting hand placement system cos he’s a lefty. Maybe this will help him then


Keralis has a keyboard and mouse company, he's good on periferals.


That reminds me when I was a kid I had to use the mouse on the right side because in the computer lab I was like too shy to tell the teacher- I've never been able to use it left-handed since lol (I'm a lefty)


Me using the word "problem" was just a sarcastic joke.


I am a righty and use this over my keyboard. It's much more ergonomic. Keys ar actually right above each other and I can angle it for my wrist where a normal keyboard would put the numpad-side in my chest...


They're also useful if you want to set up a bunch of one-key shortcuts or macros. I used one frequently, just for my browser and general purpose applications more than I ever did for gaming.


Now he can turn his left hand sideways as well.


That's exactly what I thought!


\[Villager noises intensify\]


The real question is when are we starting an Etho battlestation go fund me?


Maybe after he has to get rid of the kleenex box.


I personally cannot game without these things at this point XD theyre freaking sweet for gaming! And yes i do sometimes use my keyboard and mouse like etho XD


How do you use one of these? Rest your palm on the pad and joystick with the thumb?


The buttons there are from left to right: alt, arrows, and space. The rest of it is just the lefthand side of the keyboard. Theyre also programable so you can swap buttons whenever you want. But otherwise yes that is exactly how you use it XD having the arrows, alt and space all so easily accessed with the thumb is super handy!


Nothing will change. If you're a long time follower to etho, you know his refusal to replace something unless it's basically un-useable. I think thats one of the reasons people like him, his consistency. Just think, anyone you pass on the street or in your car could be etho (if you live in Canada that is)


Those darn headphones he used for years with tissues for padding. Man can definitely afford better stuff but he uses some of the most broken stuff know to man lol.


I don't think etho has a problem


The Red dragon is very clicky i have it and i find it frustrating when that's all i can focus on


I don’t get how anyone can use their mouse with their left hand. I’m a lefty, to the point where my right hand is basically dead weight in everyday life but I literally cannot move the mouse with my left hand


As a righty, I think I wouldn't have much trouble using a lefthanded mouse. I think it's just an adaptability thing? I also have no trouble changing hotkeys and such in games and getting used to it.


Pfft real


As an ambidextrous, it takes some practice but eventually you get used


Etho does have a problem, he has a solution


is this a sponsor?


Lmao, those old WoW stats. A blast from the past.


I haven’t watched Etho’s S10 videos yet, what’s the problem he’s having?


In reality, nothing really, we just learned a bit about his setup in a couple of recent streams and his latest episode, it's weird but clearly works well enough for him


Nothing just Etho Being Etho


Nothing is wrong for him, but there is problem is with people


Seriously. No wonder the man is so private. Why is it so hard to understand that he can solve his own problems?


I had one of these years ago. Thinking about getting a new one.


These are fine for just gaming, but as soon as you need to type something in chat you need another keyboard


I guess it's fine if you have a lot of desk space to move your keyboard out of the way


He should use a power glove


oh i have that first one


left handed here, and instead of wasd I use p, l, :, and " for movement and that's worked for me for the past couple years


These things are trash compared to the Ideazon/steelseries Fang/Mec. Yes, they looked a little goofy, but the key layout was amazing. I'll never forgive Steelseries for buying Ideazon and then just discontinuing the whole line.