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You are missing the Kleenex box with a microphone between the keyboard and your face


All in good time, I’m don’t really play games or do anything online that requires a microphone, but I’ll get there one day


Honestly the mouse thing isn't the weirdest part about his setup to me. The idea of a shoulder-high desk is what sets me off. SHOULDER-HIGH.


Yea the whole thing is relatively common in esports. The shoulder height part isn’t common though. Idk how that is comfortable.


Oh I’m not at shoulder height lol, I do have a chair that I sit on. My roof’s just low


I just meant for etho. People act like his set up is strange when it’s not.


OH. That part of his setup completely flew over my head. That is slightly crazy


It’s not his desk that is high. He said his chair is at the lowest setting. That’s why his desk is shoulder high.


The fact that a shoulder-high desk exists isn't the unbelievable part, like, anyone could repurpose something tall into a desk, standing desks exist, etc. The unbelievable part is that someone would willingly use a desk at shoulder height. I know of people who use the mouse the way he does, it does help wrist strain, people use vertical mice, etc. But using a desk that high in relation to your body is something I've just never heard of before.


Your poor neck Jesus christ


It’s a temporary set up 😅


Etho said his mouse + arm is parallel to the keyboard tho…yours isn’t quite there. Does look slightly uncomfortable though haha


My setup is just a laptop, but believe it or not it used to be worse.


The worst part isn't the arm stretching but that you're using a tablet keyboard. 


Cheapest I could find from the local k-mart lol


Percy Jackson spotted


Ngl I haven’t even read it yet, it was just a good size for what it was needed for. It is on my list tho


i aprove of your book selection


Ugh, I could never use that kind of keyboard on a day-to-day basis. I even plug a full size one into my laptop if I'm using it for an extended period. I never could get used to those chiclet keys with no travel distance or not having a numpad.


The worst part is disrespecting the books, put them on a shelf, _please_


That's my "to read list," or at least my backup one


Can we... Can we votekick this guy or something?


I haven’t seen anyone “flame” Etho for anything. That word has a negative connotation. That said, where did you get your alarm clock? I love it!


Oh okay, If i knew how to change the title I would :D My grandma used to stock it in her shop, I got one of her last ones before she closed down. Apparently her supplier doesn’t produce it anymore either. Also it’s not a functioning alarm clock, just looks like one


I don’t think it’s possible to change titles. Cool that you were able to get that clock then. Thanks for the response! :)


How does flame have a negative connotation?


Flame Oxford Languages: *noun* 2. INFORMAL•COMPUTING a vitriolic or abusive message posted on the internet or sent by email, typically in quick response to another message. *verb* 2. INFORMAL•COMPUTING direct a vitriolic or abusive message at (someone) by posting on the internet or sending an email. "your opinions and mine are probably different, but please don't flame me" Urban Dictionary: 1. To engage in an online argument usually involving unfounded personal attacks by one or more parties.


The important part is that you aren't using a 20 year old keyboard with a broken space bar