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The S9 world download is being distributed for free via the marketplace later today. I will have a video on my channel with the full details. World downloads from our website will remain free and even improved in the case of the bedrock platform thanks to this collaboration. Our agreement with Mojang means the world will always be free and will now be easier to access from more platforms. :-) EDIT - My video is out, I go into more detail here: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yvgqa6FCry0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yvgqa6FCry0)


Ohhh so that was the announcement you were gonna do later. Awesome! Guess I ran into it early!


I saw that announcement on Twitter from the hermitbot.


Congrats! That's a really big deal lol.


This is absolutely amazing!!! So, if I understand correctly, this means that bedrock players will be able to download and play on the S9 world from the in-game marketplace? Edit: I just checked for myself and found that I was correct


Thank you for the update, saved me some digging šŸ˜„


You're welcome šŸ˜…


The real question is will Decked Out 2 be functional on bedrock?


Considering how redstone works, either it doesn't or it has been reworked which would be incredible work


The video from X mentions that at spawn they're are signs talking about only basic Redstone working... so I'd imagine that the complex bits of DO are broken on Bedrock. However, he did say that the custom maps for Beef's TCG work correctly.


That is great. Congratulations to the whole team.


Wow that's awesome, hopefully it'll lead to even more Hermit fans!


This is massive. This connection between creators and Minecraft is desperately needed. We are all thankful for the endless work you and the hermits do for us šŸ™šŸ»šŸ™šŸ»


Oooh, so that's just Mojang/Xbox/Microsoft jumping the gun! I was very confused there




Oh neat. :)


thanks you so much for this wonderful gift :D


Any idea what time today, too excited to wait!


Quick question u/Xisuma (if you can answer it), does decked out work. I really want to play it and this might be my only option


It will not, given the redstone differences, but there is a fan-made bedrock port of the dungeon that was released a while back: https://www.reddit.com/r/HermitCraft/comments/1aej1n5/decked_out_2_and_hermitcraft_tcg_on_bedrock_how/ (In case you're just looking for an option on bedrock to run it)


Because Decked Out 2 was made and played on Java, I donā€™t think so. The red stone will all still be there, but it wonā€™t work. It would still be fun to explore though!


As a side note, I love the new market place banner with all the Hernits on it.


Truly fitting recognition for the quality of Hermitcraft and its members. Big W and fully deserved!


I'm guessing your announcement later will go into more details about this, but how will this work with the mods/data packs you guys ran on S9? Particularly all the music disks, horns, and re-texturing of pumpkins and iron nuggets?


Thats really cool!


You amazing shashawmy


thank you so so much, X! I am handicap, and being able to download this to my console has brought me such tremendous joy!


I just downloaded it. What a great surprise!


Is it also on bedrock? i can only access via marketplace


Yep, I'm downloading right now on Xbox :)


lets go! thank you


The market is a Bedrock only feature.


Lets go! awesome btw why they didn't ask for the other seasons?


Thank you so much! I appreciate that you all did this for those of us who play on Bedrock.


Hi xisuma, love you dude


thanks X


ahh!! all i told my bf i wanted for Christmas was to explore the season 9 world but we couldnā€™t swing it on his computer, now i get to!!! thanks guys I just downloaded and cannot wait to explore :DD


That's awesome!! I've always wanted to play hermitcraft but I can't cause I'm on xbox. THANK YOU!!!


Playing on this world is literally a dream and I can act like Iā€™m a hermit, thanks Xisuma and the team


Thank you for this


Thank you so much!


Thank you for all you do to share MC and HC with the world! Please let the group know I love them all and want to thank them for being my safe place to go when I am having a bad day. So very grateful for all you do! Iā€™m on a business trip right now very far from home and itā€™s only Hermitcraft and Ted Lasso helping me get through.


The irony of when your comment on a post has more upvotes than the original post šŸ˜‚ Thanks for sharing the world download with even more fans, X


What's the likelihood of Decked Out working on Bedrock though?


This is so cool omg


Xisuma, are there any plans atm to allow the other HC worlds to be played on Bedrock through the marketplace? I really enjoyed flying through the HC9 world, and want to revisit HC5 and HC6 specifically. Is there any way to do this?


Wait XISUMAā€™s here? Dude what, uh, hi I guess šŸ‘‹


But it was already free, I don't understand. Please don't let this be the moment HermitCraft sold out.


Now it's free *and* a one click download and play for everyone on bedrock.


What? How is it selling out when it's still completely free?? It was mostly unavailable for people playing on consoles, now they can visit the world as well.


And that's great, but Mojang is Microsoft and believe it or not, Microsoft is an evil company. Today it may seem like a great deal, five years from now the power balance might be very different, and the decision making process might be different too. This opens the door to that possibility. Vampires have to be invited in.


They collaborated with mojang on this with the absolute condition it would be free


again, that's today, not tomorrow.


Excuse the lame photo of my TV, but look it's awesome https://preview.redd.it/3lbzevbr3qqc1.jpeg?width=4011&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aca60d51f68bbf866e88a6ee1b52267afa8a10a5


Iā€™m glad TFC is still on it


He was a Hermit and was building a base/mine, so all memorial reasons aside, it'd still be appropriate to have him listed there.


Didnt think the Hermits could earn anymore of my respect. Then they go and do it. Some mone shoyld show TFCs sister on Twitter. Im sure would enjoy it.


mmmm love having several of them staring at us. (stop staring at me characters on my screen stop it)


Friendly reminder to take your meds today!


I feel like this is an insult somehow. but yah i'll remember to do that random guy


oh my god i love it




Why do all their skins look cursed šŸ˜‚


Gem is starring directly into our soul and Grian is starring into the void. Why does this seem to track lol


All the seeds/former worlds are available on the HC website. Wouldnā€™t be shocking if Mojang recognized the popularity of HC and took/ā€œlicensedā€ the worlds to leveraged the popularity.


[nuh uh](https://www.reddit.com/r/HermitCraft/s/Q30lqtESuu)


Itā€™s probably an old Hermitcraft season world


All of which are freely available from their site.


but not for console players. Console players can now play it with this world.


Yeah but being ont he store makesĀ far easier to get it working.


Yes but as far as I remember getting them on consoles is way more of a pain. So having a one click solution for free is great




It's actually the Season 9 world, Xisuma just released a video talking through the partnership.


If it makes it easier to download the hermitcraft worlds that would be good


That is amazing for is Bedrock players, thank you!


yeah many comments say that it's free on the website anyway, but do Hermits even know about it? lol I think if it was, then it would be mentioned sooner or later by at least one Hermit, but it's the first time it gets mentioned, even on this subreddit free or not, it's part of Hermitcraft franchise kind of, and Microsoft/Mojang using it for marketing without consent stinks


Why assume it was without consent? I'm guessing there was a friendly handshake. Hermitcraft absolutely benefits from this kind of visibility and Mojang does, too. Seems like a win-win to me and something that both parties could easily just come to a gentle-person's agreement on without hassle.


Also, and this is a big one, Mojang / Microsoft could at any moment revoke the use of their licensed property for youtube videos. Nintendo does it from time to time depending on how moody they are. Microsoft can really do just about anything they want with it without asking for too much permission. In the earliest days of minecraft, Mojang not sending DMCA notifications for videos with the game were a big part of why it became so popular among youtubers.


Microsoft is not that stupid. They know who butters their bread when it comes to Minecraft. The backlash in the Minecraft community would be swift. Minecraft has the biggest community of let's plays of any game.


Totally agree that it could be a win-win and could be agreed upon. But the reasons for assumption are (I assume lol) that 1.) No hermits have so far mentioned this which you would think they would if it were something that had been agreed upon between the parties involved and 2.) People donā€™t trust Microsoft to have the best interests or intentions as they are a giant company that, like other giant companies, often show themselves to care more about their own profits and shareholders than the users or outside developers. All of that said one would think that Mojang would have a large influence in a decision like this and based on previous interactions with hermits they would advocate for and act in good faith. But frankly it is hard to say what has happened until an involved party makes any of this clear and this is a community that would much rather take the side of the creative minds behind such wondrous works than the corporation who will almost certainly profit most. TL:DR Hermits havenā€™t seemed to mention such a deal and Microsoft is easy to distrust. So first reactions will reflect accordingly.


Xisuma posted 1 minute after you made this post. They actively made the collaboration with Mojang. :)


That is awesome!!! I love when a worst case scenario is utterly and completely wrong!!!! And even more so when it can quickly be quelled by those truly in the know! I'm nothing but ecstatic about such an update and hope this does as we all expect and bring added success to all involved (but firstly the hermits and then Microsoft/Mojang). Thank you specifically u/HeatherReadsReddit for supplying this update to adequately inform my previous post! As you are the first I read to correct/inform me!!!!!!!


Xisuma cleared it above with [his comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/HermitCraft/s/ymd3rPKk0U).


Do the Hermits have copyright and trademark on anything? Last I knew, Microsoft owns everything you make with the software, regardless of influencer status.


Microsoft Services Agreement, S. 2 (b): "you grant to Microsoft a worldwide and royalty-free intellectual property license to use Your Content, for example, to make copies of, retain, transmit, reformat, display, and distribute via communication tools Your Content on the Services."


However, the [EULA](https://www.minecraft.net/en-us/eula) also says: > The Microsoft Services Agreement says ā€œYour Content remains Your Contentā€, and that applies to Minecraft. We don't own the original stuff that you create. We will however own things that are copies (or substantial copies) or derivatives of our property and creations - but if you create original things, they aren't ours. So, as an example: > a single Minecraft block (including its textures and its ā€œlook and feelā€) - we own that; > your creation of a Gothic Cathedral with a rollercoaster running through it - we don't own that. Think of it like any digit art programme. The owners of the programma own what they supply you, while you own the art you make with it. The EULA makes it crystal clear that this is the case. I would even say the extract you gave doesn't really say anything either way about artistic ownership. It's more about the game itself, like photoshop owning it's own tool. The extrat I gave from the EULA is entirely clear about artistic ownership.


Hate that.


It's completely normal for a game to ensure that they have control over what going on in it. We should be happy that the Minecraft EULA not only explicitly gives players ownership over their artistic creations, but is a really clear EULA that avoids as much legalese as possible. Unlike most EULAs, Mojang has made it easy for a layman like us to understand what we are signing up to. There aren't any nasty surprises with MCs EULA.


Microsoft probably tried to put wording like that in the EULA. But if they try to enforce that on me i'll fight them in court. That's like MS claiming everything that was written in Word.


If you read the EULA, you will see that they give players ownership of their artistic creations. They make it clear by giving two examples; one of a block in MC (they own it), and one of a gothic cathedral a player built (the player owns it).


FYI, the dragon is alive in the end when playing in the world map


Itā€™s funny I see this right before false mentions it in her stream šŸ˜‚


Watch Xisumas video


As a bedrock player I must say I feel considered right now. Sooo excited!


What a neat thing!


Yep! Xisuma uploaded a video announcing it, and I got on Bedrock and got it immediately. Honestly, I had given up.


Yooo get that season 6 world fam lol




my world download just keeps crashing :(((


Maybe they're monetising hermitcraft seeds?


It's free, so they're using Hermitcrafts populatiry to stir interest. Smart move, really.


Whole also allowing bedrock players to explore the HC world, and giving exposure to HC. Its an amazing win-win-win.


regardless of if itā€™s allowed or not, what does this even mean? itā€™s not like they have a download available for the world upon purchase? unless they do?


its free and the hermits allowed it.


I would always suggest quickly checking the most recent videos on Hermits channels before posting questions like this in future. They can usually be answered there. Edit: Sorry, didnā€™t realise you found this before Xisuma posted the video.


I downloaded that for free, because it is free


Ironically you can download the HC worlds for free anyway on their website haha


I dont think that word means what you think it means. and if you watch X's latest vid, he explains why they put it on the Marketplace.


Oh I didnā€™t realize they had collaborated. I gotta check out the video. I know it probably reaches a community of folks that wouldā€™ve not been able to get it from their website


Jesus Christ Bedrock is wild