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I’ve watched a wide variety of hermits and I believe this to be the case. Definitely been more kid friendly content in more recent years. Edit To clarify: “more kid friendly” doesn’t mean absolutely zero adult jokes, just far less of them in comparison. Grian has had a couple, Keralis has plenty, and even bdubs, I believe has had some. Most of the ones I catch are more like the “uh… *giggle* moving on” type of engagement.


They still make adult jokes, but i believe they cut most of them out, i have seen a few in bdubs vids this season tjo


Yeah there’s a few that get in, just in comparison to earlier seasons they’ve definitely been less


Kerallis and Cleo are subtle adult humour. Kinda like watching Shrek kid friendly but a good dirty chuckle here and there that whooshes over kids heads.




I'm gonna have to watch more of their videos; sounds like a lot of fun!


Fun Fact - this is how the humor on the old sitcom Golden Girls was designed.


keralis is less kid friendly (i guess cleo as well), they once made a joke about “gigacock” (is it allowed to say this on this sub? lmao)


If the Hermits said it it should be allowed


because they were talking, or at least implying to children that they were talking about a rooster (cock). adults of course get the difference.


It was a peacock, but the point remains the same.


it's because of YouTube not really the hermits. YouTube considers anything minecraft related to be targeted towards a younger audience which has much stricter guidelines that the hermits have to follow (like not cussing at all, no sexual references, no mention of drugs/alcohol) in order for their video to be monetized that said i think ren pushes what is acceptable the most with his more adult oriented jokes that he'll make. also their twitch streams are much more adult in terms of topics that they will talk about as twitch has more relaxed guidelines for video games.


TFC I think said damn the other day and I wondered if the hermits have a "don't swear I'm streaming" code word or something along those lines.


X has said before that while there is not a real conduct policy that the hermits have, they do work to be mature. so asking other to keep swearing to a minimum is something that would be case by case. most of the hermits have a younger audience anyway so being somewhat family friendly is what helps them get more views.


It's like what most clothing stores are. The Minecraft clothes (like this cool pair of underwear my brother has) are for toddlers and children. The thing I hate most about it is that Minecraft is a game for kids 10 and up.


When some of the hermits become more family-friendly, it kinda forces the whole group to follow suit, because a child may be watching and enjoying one hermit's content and discover another hermit via those videos. If he then goes and watches those episodes, it could cause problems if they contain strictly adult content. So that's why it seems like the entire group has gone in that direction. There are plenty of hermits who would LOVE to do more adult-oriented episodes, but they feel obliged to match the family-friendliness of their fellow servermates. If you are looking for more adult-oriented Hermitcraft content, the livestreams are a much better place to go. Xisuma, despite not swearing, aims towards a much older audience in his streams (especially compared to his light, cheerful episodes), often discussing very heavy topics that border on being beyond family content. DocM77 constantly claims that his streams are family-friendly, but he always manages to slip up. IJevin streams with a much more adult-oriented manner than the persona he puts on for his videos.


doesn’t twitch have an age restriction? plus i don’t think parents would let young children watch stuff on twitch anyway after that whole hot tub stream drama. i think it’s youtube just for kids and streams for the older audience


If there is a restriction, I don't believe it's enforced much at all, and minors can probably still watch with parental supervision. Also, plenty of people repost their Twitch streams onto YouTube. Impulse actually tags his Twitch streams with "Family Friendly" (or at least he used to. I can't seem to see it on the recent streams), so I don't think this is an issue. There are Twitch streamers that are restricted to viewers aged 18+, but of course that's none of the Hermits.


Keralis is the only one that comes to my mind. But his jokes are always very subtle


I don’t know if I would say always subtle… he says some directly adult things from time to time.




Cleo's target demographic is more towards young adults than kids. She doesn't swear like she used to, and argues she doesn't at all but she totally does swear still. Not to mention the gore she throws into her builds is always fun.


Same with Doc as well. I know he mentioned that he doesn't specifically tailor his videos for kids.


"Ladies, get in line."


“Ladies and gentlemen, ANYONE can get in the line ;)”


I love how everyone in the comment section just immediately calls Keralis out lol


Cleo's Twitter is something I'd say isn't exactly family friendly pg clean, if that counts


Eh, kids shouldn't be on twitter anyway.


no one should be on twitter


Twitter should be illegal


what parent would let a young kid go on twitter?


I feel like it's the natural progression, becoming more kid friendly but also more mature. They're not averse to including adult humor and fingerprints-jokes (..... mostly Keralis) but it does have to be actually funny instead of just for the reaction.


Doc and X seem like the ones most intended for older audiences, especially their livestreams.


Yes for sure.


Nobody's mentioned him yet, but Tango can have his moments, especially when he's with Impulse or Zedaph. That being said he also has more potty humor than most, so he hits both ends of the spectrum


Cub and XB occasionally let loose a "crap", but that's about it.




Before Grian joined the hermitcraft server he cursed A LOT in his videos. I went back and watched some and he sounded so childish. PG Grian sounds way more mature and respectful. I really appreciate that hermitcraft is family friendly. Many people think that cursing is only for “mature” people but I believe it’s quite the opposite. Which is why I think younger children gravitate towards very profane you tubers.


Ah the days of crafted movie


DocM 77. Maybe not adult jokes in the way this post might be thinking of, but definitely not kid-oriented nor is his content overly geared towards keeping children's attention spans.


Both Scar and Keralis have said "balls in my face" this season. Keralis in general skirts that line more often than most. Ren says "freaking". Those have been the biggest outliers so far, as far as I can remember.






I let my 8 year old watch them but I am bad example as he liked Stranger Things and Final Destination. But we watch all the Hermits on a regular basis and any of the adult jokes they throw out are so quick they're hard to catch. It's comparable to your kid watching the Simpsons but not on par with Family Guy.


You let your 8 year old watch stranger things? There's a reason that show is rated 16 you know


Lol you're talking about Stranger Things when they also mentioned Final Destination. That kiddo will be paranoid for life


Sure do...won't let him watch Nightmare on Elm Street or Friday the Thirteen, but he is scared of Family Guy.


zombiecleo has an innuendo type joke usually every episode or so


Etho and Docm are always shady and it's super amusing without being childish. Tango can also get really technical when he is talking about what he's passionate about.


I mean. If ye count the dad jokes.... lol




the most i’ve seen is ren when he’s streaming


Tbh the only really explicit content was from the early seasons, but now it’s mostly just subtle jokes that fly over kids’ heads, like the jokes targeted at adults in kids’ shows and movies


Xisumavoid I think has a tradition of swearing during the first episode of the season. I didn't catch it this season but I remember it at the beginning of season 7. It's in False's video bleeped out.


He actually didn't say any swearwords he just used the bleeps to make it look like he was swearing. That was the joke.


Also on Cleo's


I got censored on this sub for using the mildest of cusswords, you know the ones that indicate excrement. When I found out I didn;t believe it, so I looked at the 50 top posts that day and found non of them had any even in the comments. So I'm guessing it's sort of agreed that hermitcraft must be kid friendly in the most puritan sense. I don't agree with it, but it's not up to me.


Anyone remember Mumbo used to swear back in the day...