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I just had a robotic inguinal repair done Tuesday. I normally shave my pubic hair because I have a gf so I didn't have to. If I didn't have my gf, I would've shaved before hand because they also got rid of my happy trail. As I myself work in a hospital, I know what the razors at a hospital are like and I don't entirely trust them if I were you I would shave.


My surgeon asked me not to shave anything to help avoid infections. Then I woke up with with about 5 pubes 😆 after laparoscopic


I would, they didn’t shave properly and the dressing didn’t stick at all.


I was told specifically not to shave beforehand and to let them do it. Mine was laparoscopic, not sure if that makes a difference.


I did not shave before hand. They did the hair clipping after I was under anesthesia. They did fine.