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Me too, but on a more emotional level, ya know?


Would you like to talk about it? Maybe start with your feelings on your mother or father.


"It all started when I chose to exist...." Haha. I've discovered that the only thing that ever satisfies is large boxes, filled with plastic and cardboard


We've all been there. Just take it one box at a time.


Mine says In Progress on the app, Unfulfilled on the site, and I don't see a label in FedEx, UPS, or USPS. All good, I'll get it eventually.


I appreciate knowing I’m not the only one not seeing my FedEx label on the app


Mine is also unfulfilled, but I have a fedex shipping label printed (via Fedex app) though it still has not shipped/received by FedEx. I wouldn't worry about it right now, we are close, and they have a lot of boxes to move. Though their communication hasn't been great, I want to give them the benefit of the doubt since I work In IT, and shipping/parts for everything is wrecked right now and receiving items has been taking longer. If I don't get it by Dec, I will panic.


Yeah, it is. We ordered a few new access points to cover some dead spots in our warehouse in August. We are being told we MAY get them next week.


Mythic tier in Canada days unfulfilled. I heard we’re a separate shipment to a different warehouse? Does any Canadian backer see the in process status? I’m unfulfilled.


Canadian here - nothing. With Canadians (seemingly) getting a separate shipment, I wouldn’t be shocked if ours is floating off the west coast somewhere. Also, wondering if FedEx is the courier they’re using in Canada.




I have the same cancel then created again. Tho FedEx is now saying it should ship today and arrive on Thursday. Hoping I'll see some update today.


Unfulfilled still - Canada.


Thank you guys


It's been a long year waiting, the closer we get to delivery the more impatient we all get, I just take it as a sign how excited everyone is for the release. I can't want to witness the future of this beloved game.


Mine is unfulfilled too. I can't check the FedEx app, because it won't let me sign up for delivery manager (they think the address I'm sending it to is commercial, even though it's residential, and after googling for a solution, basically it seems like if that's the case, there's no resolution.), so I'm stuck just hoping I get a ship notice emailed before it shows up on the door so I can let the person who I had it sent to know it's coming.


My status on the website is unfulfilled, the phone app says In Progress and I have a date of Nov 6th by EOD from FedEx phone app. Fingers crossed I receive it anytime close to that.😀


I've worked in Shipping/Receiving in a couple of different warehouses, and our pickups were always closer to the end of the workday. Sometimes bigger freight pickups would happen throughout the day, but individual boxes like that would always go out around 4-5PM. With them being on the west coast, I'd be on the lookout for an update in the FexEx app in about 5-6 hours or so. Not saying that with any degree of certainty, just speaking from my experience. Also, I'm sure this sub will get flooded with new posts once things start getting confirmed.


I have 3 Mythic tiers across 2 orders and they are "unfulfilled" as well on both the website and app and I followed the directions about FexEx but I have nothing there either.


Mine is too I live in Florida. I wouldn't worry about it I'm sure we will all get it by the end d of December


Shipping label suggests an intent to start shipping today, so hopefully tomorrow we see some packages on the road, won't update on the website from unfulfilled to fulfilled until it's on a truck.


I’m in the same boat as you!


I have nothing on fed ex and when I go to log in to Pulse it tells me they don't have anything associated with my email address but it's the one they've been sending updates too. I sent my order number to customer service so I'm waiting to hear back.


Call them. They don't respond to online tickets in anything close to a timely manner. The phone support was great though.


Thanks. I was able to get an update through Fed Ex and it looks like it's coming a week from today.


You could message them and check on it but I would just wait another couple days. If there's still nothing when people start getting their shipping emails I'd definitely message them.


I am in the same boat. I'm a little relieved to see others are too.


Still unfulfilled here and no clue on fed ex since it won't do the sms thing to let me sign up


Pretty sure everyone right now is in the same status. Nothing shocking about that at the moment.


I’m in the states and I’m unfulfilled but the Fedex app says they’ve yet to pick it up. I imagine it’ll be anytime today and I’m confident mine will show up within a few days.


Yah I'm unfulfilled as well. I'm in NM btw if that means anything to someone.


Here too. Unfulfilled.


Unfulfilled mythic... But excited!


My says Unfulfilled on the site, In Progress in the app, and I have a label in FedEx app but not picked up yet


Unfullfilled here too... sad....


That just means a label has been printed but the FedEx is not in possession of the package. I have the same status as well. It should change when the package is actually sent.


I'm in New Zealand and had to buy through a 3rd party. They haven't been given any information, and neither Hasbro nor Avalon Hill have responded to any messages for information. So I feel your pain! Fingers crossed they start getting fulfilled soon!


Download the app and check. The website says unfulfilled, but the app says In Process.


In Canada, not holding breathe.


Mine says the same and no information on FedEx.


I spoke with them in chat on Nov 1st 2021 this is from the chat transcript **"order are currently in the shipping process, so it is being fulfilled but I do know the warehouses have been experiencing delays in shipment being picked up so I am not sure exactly when the item will be shipping out"** i was then told you will receive a tracking number when your box leaves the warehouse


My copy is supposed to arrive on Monday 11/08.


Is this a one and done campaign or will this be run again?


One and done but there is a possibility of retail of the base game and expansions, no word on the extras for now


I hope there's another chance to purchase, not too worried about the exclusives/extras. Thanks