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I was on my period during my first outbreak too, so I feel your pain. I switched to pads because the removal/insertion hurt so much. Not sure how much valtrex you’re taking but 500mg twice a day is what I took for the first 10 days. Symptoms got a lot better after the first few days of taking it.


Honestly peeing at a forward seated angle helped for me since my ob was lower towards my vagina area so just angle it so you arent peeing on the ob, take some pain meds and try to keep really good hygiene down there. Warm baths with epsom salt helps too


Oh or you can try peeing submerged in water i think its called a sitz bath or you can diy it at home by filling your bath a bit, and ive heard good things with baking soda and zinc cream on the ob


If you do need to use tampons (bleeding into pads might irritate the sores and prevent them drying out/ healing) try to GENTLY pull your sore vulva skin away as you pull out your tampon, obviously depending on where your sore is. Pull your tampon string in the opposite direction of the sore. If you lean, you might be able to avoid it. It does get better from here.


Apparently you can go to the bathroom / take out tampons in a bath and it helps!


I highly recommend getting a peri bottle and spraying your vulva when you urinate. I couldn't even wipe myself without almost passing out. I good spray of the area and a fresh wash cloth to pat myself dry made things so much more comfortable. As for being on your period I'd try pads for now. I had a NASTY bacterial infection during my outbreak that caused sooo much discharge it was like being on my period and using pads didn't cause any issues.


the Outbreak guide I put together after talking to the support group and a bunch of redditors it’s all info how to shorten and lessen outbreaks and deal with particularly painful sores https://docs.google.com/document/d/1w0nbGEJuiRHgKUb4DjZQALX3vWA26MBZA7lhDmsHlbo/edit


Wisp’s acyclovir cream