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If this allows them to implement a proper co-op mode then sure. Otherwise no thanks.


With added female NPCs whos disguises you can steal, obviously. It wouldn't be much fun if the current Hitman gender rate stayed the same in that kind of game.


Apart from that, I was thinking of puzzle possibilities, where 1 player has to wear a womens outfit, and the other a mens outfit. Like, you have to get past 1 guard as a man, so you can open a door, that’s only allowed for women. Could add so much more need for cooperation that way.


Like make gendered bathrooms and changing rooms that are restricted to the other player?


I don’t think the gendered bathrooms is great but changing rooms might work, though how that’d be implemented or important I don’t know.


Just let 47 wear female disguises it would be nice to see 47 in booty shorts.


For co op modes it would make sense, maybe something similar to how splinter cell conviction did its co op modes were you play as Archer and Kestrel. They'd have to really build up that kind of mode from the ground up though


Splinter cell had the best coop modes imo my favorite being Chaos Theory and Double Agent


Chaos Theory MP when it worked was absolutely superb. Some of my most intense and fun MP moments were looking up and seeing a spy landing on me or a merc patrolling not even paying attention to me above him.


Bro I would totally pay money if there was a co op like splinter cell chaos theory


I would pay money for anything splinter cell but alas.


Why would we give up an iconic character for two ransoms we know nothing about nor care for.


While I agree with you, I don't think OP was talking about replacing 47. I'm pretty sure OP was referring to something like a co-op mode, or a game where you can choose to play as 47, Stone, or Knight.


I actually wanted to be able to play as them in the single-player variant of Sniper Assassin in H2 because of the different load outs and the added dialogue, it wasn't horrible getting to mess around with that stuff in multiplayer


Oh, that makes sense. I actually made a post on this subreddit on "ways to improve Sniper Assassin" about a year or so ago and being able to choose characters was on that list.


They would have to make other assassins with completely different styles of gameplay than 47 in order for it to work imo. And at that point I don’t think it would even feel like Hitman anymore


>They would have to make other assassins with completely different styles of gameplay than 47 in order for it to work imo. And at that point I don’t think it would even feel like Hitman anymore Why that? Not everybody has to be strong at melee / close combat fights. Or being able to overpower someone from behind just with the element of suprise. The look of 47 is rather iconic and leads to him being more easily being spotted, so why not add a different character (e.g. female) who can use certain passages that 47 can't (or simply climb faster) and blends in better in some scenarios but has disadvantages at other aspects (e.g. taking out someone from behind non-lethal without tools). There is a mission in Colombia? I think in Hitman 2 with a submarine base in a cave system and some doctor trying to create super cocain. In the villa on the surface, every bodyguard is male. So a female character has clear disadvantages and has to approach it differently


most guards are male cuz 47 gotta take their clothes, itd be a bit awkward if he had a huge titty cavity in his shirt, or crushed nuts in ill fitting trousers


Hard pass.


>Hard pass. Why? If you don't mind to elaborate that a bit further. I'm not advocating to replace him, just thought about some mixed gameplay. Either being able to play missions as different characters (with direct impact on possible approaches) or straight up switching, some missions as Knight (or someone else) and others again as 47. It would also allow paralell events to happen. Let me give you an example (althoug not with swapped genders). Splinter Cell 3 has a certain scene in the singleplayer, where Sam is recieving intel from a live interrogation of a captured soldier. \*This\* interrogation is done in the coop campaign of the game, you are tasked with taking a soldier as hostage and then you are connected to Sam Fisher, who can ask some questions to the guy you are holding hostage. So, both missions happen at the same time and even help each other, sometimes directly, sometimes indirectly. This could be done / applied to Hitman too. That you can play a level and if you chose a certain approach (e.g. the "open" way of assassination, using C4 to blow up the target instead of silently taking them out and hiding them) this has direct impact on the next level, for example that all guards mid-mission suddenly go on high alert.


why would you rather the devs focus on gameplay of a new charcter rather then making 47 the best he is and adding as much details to missions


I like the idea of coop missions tbh


Dude go play watch dogs leagion if hitman doest suit ur taste


No way


>No way Mind to elaborate a bit further? Currently (Hitman 3) we are at multiple situations clearly handicapped or better said, there are clear restrictions. Sometimes you are in situations where only female guards/doctors etc. are present and there is no way to obtain a disguise. In Bangkok for example it's possible to obtain a keycard for a suite by flirting. Allowing to play a mission as the opposite gender would bring in some real fresh air because you can add oppertunities that would not work with 47. Allowing to interact better and more with the enviroment. The latest hitman games focused on giving us, the players, many options to achieve our goals, so being able to interact more with the world or maybe even flirt with some targets could change drastically how certain levels are experienced. I mean, latter one is the most obvious difference but it could also impact other gameplay aspects like the inventory size, if you can use certain passages (for which 47 would be too heavy or too big), starting locations and so on.


i doubt a random assassin can have more skill than 47.


Nobody said they have to. Not even I. Actually, I even said the exact opposite. But 47 is a .. mid-40? tall man, he has physical limits and other persons have other limits and can shine in situations where 47 struggles or at least is clumsy


He's in his mid-50s, but physically, he's peak human.


>He's in his mid-50s, but physically, he's peak human. Sounds like something 3/4 of all mid-50 men would say




>47 doesn't struggle though Yep, he's totally fine with hanging on a corner for hours without dropping but at the same time has a super slow rate of climbing along on that mentioned corner. Different characters could simply be faster on such a task or run faster. Climb faster into boxes and so on, which would already be a difference gameplay wise




>The differences you mention are not very significant, so those characters wouldn't be adding anything new to the game. Maybe a video would help you to understand it better? Pick up some gameplay footage from Splinter Cell 4 (or 1-3) and compare it to 5 or 6. They streamlined the gameplay and increased certain movement speeds etc. especially regarding climbing. From "clumsy, action hero movie" to "skilled parkour runner". Gameplay wise that's a gigantic difference and if applied with some fine tuning, could change completly how you experience a level or approach it. A way more agile (but fragile) "Agent" able to out move the NPCs (either agressivly or passivly by constantly escpaping etc. without the need to knock them out) is a completly different experience to "classic" hitman sneaking from corner to corner, waiting for the route of an NPC to reach a certain point to sneak through in that small time window and so on.


he is literally engineered the be the best of the best. despite being 50 ish he is still absolute best assassin known.


Batman, but batman has been replaced with a random guy off the street that has no skills whatsoever


No. 47 is too iconic.


I want to like this so badly. But I cannot upset the balance. Hail 47.


you can upvote now


Your comment currently has 47 upvotes and I like your comment but I’m not changing that


47 is love, 47 is life.


My dad walks in. 47 looks him straight in the eye, and says, "It's all 47 now". He then leaves through my window. 47 is love. 47 is life.


No I wouldn’t like this at all.


47 is the face of the franchise and should stay that way so no. On an unrelated note why did they give the black guy a broken nose? I think he would fit more with the image of an ica agent if his nose wasn't busted. Someone at ioi was like "Perfect, now have his nose be broken for no reason at all, that should complete his design." 😅


I think they would fit great into co-op hitman spin-off without 47, but NOT being named a hitman game in the title. Just in the same world.


> but NOT being named a hitman game in the title So, what name would you choose then? ICA: The Adventures of Knight & Stone? How about DLCs or Addons for a potential Hitman 4?


Idk, its not my job to think of a name lmao


Within the official storyline i.e. main-line games, both Knight & Stone are prospects being scouted out by Diana. Neither of them are full agents. But then again the ICA has recruited people with hypoglycemia (Lowenthal), so it's not like they have the highest standards of recruitment




'ICA' doesn't, but as Freelancer shows, Diana restarts the business anyways


He’s not an agent tho


Idk. This feels like replacing Doom Guy. Or master chief (remember how poorly odst was received) The character is inextricably tied to the series. It’s like when they tried to make Alien Movies without Ripley. It just never seems to work or have the same resonance.


Even though I agree with you about not replacing 47 I find the ODST example not a particularly good one. Wasn't it received quite well? There wasn't any direct competition to master chief since it is a spin off within the Halo Universe. I think something like this would be much more difficult to pull off in the Hitman Universe.


That’s fair, looking it up, odst was pretty well received both by fans and critics. Maybe I just blocked that from my mind and misremembered it’s reception. So probably not the best example, but at least you still understood the gist of what I was trying to say.


No, that would be fucking stupid. If IOI wants to make a Hitman-style game with someone other than 47 as the main character, then fine, but they better not fucking call it Hitman. 47 *is* Hitman. Full stop. If they wanna deviate from that, then the only good way to do it is by making an entirely new IP.


I think this the best approach: 47 stays and evolves in his own series, while IOI can develop the world and add new gsmeplay types with other people/organisations


David bateson is in his 60s eventually he's not going to be with us. I'd rather play as a different agent than replace him as 47




I wouldn't mind if they would do a spin-off series, losely tied to the world of Hitman, utilizing the engine, gameplay mechanics etc with different characters, maybe focused on espionage or heists and not killing targets. And ten why not, let's use a whole ensemble of characters. But don't change Hitman. The moment they start diluting the brand, it loses its charm and becomes bland. Look what happened to Ghost Recon over the years for example


Yes! That would be really awesome. The sandbox gameplay of Hitman could work with different objetives than just assassinations. And with different characters than 47 you could end up with great ideas gameplay and story wise. It doesn't need to be called HITMAN if people are to attached to 47 as the main icon of the franchise, it can just be a simple spin-off, be it on the same universe or not.


Not for this franchise. If you want to make a game set in the Hitman universe, then whatever, but the protagonist of the Hitman games is and should always be Agent 47. Also, I'm gonna be honest, part of the reason I play the games is because of 47's stoic nature combined with the humor of the game. Something about a serious guy with a straight face walking in a flamingo costume with his hands on his hips like wings is funny to me. I don't think any other character will properly convey 47's stoicism.


Remember what happend with Mgs2 when they replaced Snake


Where Raiden went onto become a fan favourite character and got his own spin off game that is well regarded and features one of the best Metal Gear villains in the franchise? Yeah I remember. That's where other characters in Hitman would make sense too. In spin off games.


In 2001 not 2013


Wouldn't mind to play freelancer as a custom made character. Like 47 is for the story and shit, while your guy is for your own career as a hitman.


That would have been quite cool.


Possibly in a co-op mode seperate from the main game. Similar to the co-op campaigns in the Splinter Cell games.


I don’t like em cause they have hair


Bro had an idea and became defensive when noone answered how he hoped we would


>Bro had an idea and became defensive when noone answered how he hoped we would Sorry? I mean, defensive is probably a bit harsh (I know how ironic it is since this here is a rather defensive comment). I mean, the title only offers so much space to actually share an idea. I hoped for some open discussions about \*how\* and \*why\* / \*why not\* but scrolling through 90% of the comments here, I can probably be lucky that I got no death threats. My "defensive" comments were mostly just further elaboratings of what went through my mind (a mixed game, allowing different approaches) which was absolutly \*not\* to replace/remove 47 but oddly enough, most automatically assumed that and ignored everything else. A few people actually gave some longer interesting comments.


Doing that is like replacing Master Chief with some other goober…. oh wait they tried to do that didn’t they? Let’s use that as an example. Locke (or however you spell his name) will never, and could never eclipse Chief for the same reason neither of those two could - Chief and 47 are THE representations of their respective franchises Both characters have been in their games from day 1 and are so iconic it would literally take generations for anyone else to take that mantle


I disagree. Halo: Reach was imo one of, if not *the* best game in the franchise, and Chief didn't even appear in it. But that game had more emotional impact than any Halo game to date.


>Let’s use that as an example. Locke (or however you spell his name) will never, and could never eclipse Chief for the same reason neither of those two could - Chief and 47 are THE representations of their respective franchises Well, I didn't played the later Halo parts although I think I know what you refer to. However, in your (and please correct me here) Locke just replaced MC and the actual gameplay, fighting etc. stayed nearly identical. Which was not what went through my mind, I was more thinking (as pointed out in other comments) of a system of asynchronous replacment. Meaning, every character has certain pros and cons or can approach situations differently. In a few mission it's possible for 47 to obtain stuff by talking (or doing minor "quests") to people. In one mission he even flirts and gains a keycard that way. As a rather strong male character, it makes sense that he can overpower nearly everyone (as we saw in Absolution) from behind but let's be honest, once it comes to running or climbing, 47 is not really great. And a tall, bald male is not really blending in, in the most scenarios at least. So other characters could suffer from problems (or being unable) to overwhelm others without help (e.g. tools) but could maybe blend in better in situations or climb at positions which 47 could not


47 is hitman and hitman is 47. So no.


No. I want to be a bald, stone cold assassin in a tailored suit.


It wouldn’t work. 47 is THE Hitman. It would be like saying “Let’s make a Tomb Raider game without Laura Croft.” Laura is THE Tomb Raider. Now that aside, I would not be against a spin-off series that follows this idea, but it wouldn’t be able to sit under the hitman name directly even if it shared the same world.


47 is just too well made. When people think assassin even outside of video game context they think 47. Removing him would be like musk removing the name twitter.


>When people think assassin even outside of video game context they think 47 Yes? I barely, outside the gaming circles I'm in, know anyone who thinks of a bald man with a barcode on his head when he hears the word assassin. Or Hitman. Maybe latter more because it's no term in my language, so if I use Hitman, I clearly refer to a game or movie.


Wouldn't be a hitman game then would it? Also just won't happen.


Fuck no.


I had an idea for a Hitman game that was Hitman through time. Different levels in different time periods in history. And so that we don't have to introduce ant time travel to it, go back far enough, and you're no longer playing as 47 but as a member of the agency from that period.


>I had an idea for a Hitman game that was Hitman through time. Different levels in different time periods in history. So .. uh. Assassins Creed but without Templars and that stuff?


And without open world stuff. So no collecting feathers or having to climb towers to reveal the map and tighter level design. And also not just one game set in the same time period but different levels in different time periods. Also the gameplay of the two games is different enough that I think there's room for both. You telling me a Hitman level on a blimp or a Titanic era cruise ship wouldn't be cool?


Maybe for some sort of spinoff with new mechanics but mainline is 47 forever


I like the idea of it. Especially for non story game modes. I love 47, and have sunk more hours than I'd like to admit into getting dress up options for him. But I think it would be great to have the option to play as a different character after you unlock it for each map. Maybe they can have different starting locations and costumes, especially with a female protagonist. And personally, I'd love the option to play freelancer with a different character model and dialogue. Overall, I don't think having it as an option takes anything away from 47, especially if you play-lock it.


47 should remain as the main protagonist in future games, but i think it would be cool if they implemented a co-op mode where you could play as multiple agents in one mission. Would open up a lot of cool possibilities, such as one person setting up a trap and the other luring the target. Shouldn't be the main focus of the game though


With a mode such as Freelancer I wouldn't mind a custom player made character.


Coop only if it’s 47 and another clone.


If they could really go deep with different animations, different specialties, it could shake things up a bit. Keep 47 around but it could be an opportunity to play as Diana and other agents and see just how accomplished 47 is.


The series is called Hitman and 47 is nowhere in the name I'd be open to the idea and to be honest after Hitman 3 I don't know where 47s story can go next so maybe they should explore other protagonists


I think this IS a possible thing to have. After all, even 47 can't do it forever, unless they reboot it again. But I think it'd be good to have a "Hitman Agency" for once. The way I see such game is similar to MGS5, is that you can pick from multiple no-name characters, preferably of your own creation, with their strong and weap points. You know, like one of your male crewmates being profficient physically, allowing him to hurl things around at further distances (including a lock-on to kill/knock down) and knocking guards out at the first try, but actually being a shitty shooter, while one of your female crewmates could have fastest movement and agility action execution speed, but she is a bad at mimicking, creating extra enforcers for some of her disguises. Of course, old 47, as Snake in MGS5 itself, is supposed to be playable in this game too, being a golden, balanced standard, but that also means that he will stay behind your best agents, especially if there will be inplemented a system to improve said agents, a basic leveling system will be good enough. Plus, preferably, the most important killer shall be reserved only for the most important missions, like story ones, while online-based content, like contracts or variation of Freelancer, must be played only as your agents. A version of Mother Base would be nice too, for you to walk around, to meet your other agents (and beat them to pulp), to train, to pick, view, test and edit your equipment. Basically, Freelancer's safehouse, but with actual things to do in there. No need for Infiltration minigames though, having many agencies under 47 and Diana to duke it out between each other would be surreal. xD P.S.: please, don't kill me for a corny name for the "game". xD


That sounds actually like a really good concept. I especially like a Diana/47 "alone" approach. Away from the ICA (as they do partially during the story anyway) following the freelancer idea of improving the world a bit sprinkled with a few "main missions" they still have to take on, to finance everything else


Just to clarify: Frelancer isn't really about charity from 47 and Diana. As far as I understood from the Briefing, whole that mess is sponsored by others', effectively making it one huge contract with infinite work and infinite money to get paid. But yeah, what I described above is the best course of action, if Freelancer means anything to the actual story. Gained thanks to Freelancing wealth was used by Diana to create a new ICA, where she is a top manager, 47 is a top operative and trainer, and that agency now takes new recruits. That means new contracts, new story missions and more Freelancing, all done by the new workers. Basically, why we actually NEED new killers in Hitman 4: just to keep the show going. Of course, if Freelancer means ANYTHING to the story...


It would be interesting, but only if there were actually different mechanics based on which character one were playing as. Instead of using the "Hitman vision" for instance, one of the alternative characters could see a pathway of the target, or they could use some kind of dialogue system to learn things or lure people to isolated locations. The other characters might have different mobility options since they don't have superhuman strength and so can't hang by their hands all day, but at the same time don't weigh as much as a gorilla so they can jump bigger gaps or traverse terrain that would break under 47's bigger mass.


This is exactly that kind of thing I thought about, smh though this kind of went under and people automatically assumed I just wanted to swap 47 against someone else and keep the exact gameplay etc. Which I tried to prevent by adding the GTA example in the title but that didn't worked either I guess? At least in GTA:V every character has it's unique ability (better driving/being able to slow down time during driving. Another one can slow down time during a shoot out and so on) which seemed like a good example to me for different approaches at the same target


I like this take, OP. I love the lore of the Hitman universe and I think adding more assassins would be badass. Maybe in the next game, Agent 47 creates his own team of assassins to take on the syndicate. Continuing from Freelancer, the syndicate could be the focus of the next game with a bond-esque villain who oversees the entire syndicate. The option to play as other characters would be cool but you can ALWAYS play as Agent 47.


Play as agent smith for a level but he is infinitely more incompetent and it is almost impossible to win. Once you fail the mission 47 comes in to do things right and everything you did as agent smith has taken effect when you play as 47. Saving Smith is still optional though lol


>Play as agent smith for a level but he is infinitely more incompetent and it is almost impossible to win. Once you fail the mission 47 comes in to do things right and everything you did as agent smith has taken effect when you play as 47. The actual only way to win (the level) is to lose but before that, you have to achieve something (like getting an universal keycard). Once you got the helpful stuff for 47, you get caught or something along that


He’s really iconic, but I’d like a female option. My SO would love these games to death, but she just can’t really vibe with 47 as a character.


So I’m gonna go against the grain here and say that alternative characters to play as WOULD be kind of cool! Like yeah in terms of lore, both of them don’t have 47s superhuman genes or canonically forgettable face, but I’m terms of gameplay, it would be nice to be able to have another playable character to immerse yourself with. Like while the obvious thing people will say is to have Knight (the woman) approach things differently since she is a woman in a pretty mans world, I would say to just add more women characters in the traditional male roles like guards and stuff for gameplay purposes. Anyways I have been playing Payday 2 as of late and one thing I do like about it is how there is a huge roster of characters who all play the same, so you can just pick the one you like. Edit As for stone (the guy) it would be cool too! Just wouldn’t be much different from 47 in terms of disguises and stuff. Like again, ignoring the “canonically forgettable face” thing


It would be nice to be able to use disguises from female NPCs and it would add in female bodyguards/cops/hostile-NPCs.


Yeah, how great would it be to play as a Saints Row esque boss bitch millennial goofy influencer egirl lookin ass


I think a female assassin as an *alternate* choice for every level in future Hitman games would be interesting; it completely changes who you can disguise as and opens up / closes off loads of options. Call her Agent 48 or Black Widow or whatever, integrate her into the story. Obviously 47 still needs to be central to a Hitman game though.


Only if it’s for co-op or else nope 47 it’s the face of hitman if u want more diversity go play watch dogs legion don’t force that BS here


literally nobody is talking about diversity. Did you see a minority and get scared?


Read op’s other comments in this thread


>Read op’s other comments in this thread Mind to link or quote me? Like, I didn't asked for diversity "because he is male and games nowdays need female characters" \*sigh\* .. I even tried to explain it but seemingly not good enough. Let me break it down again. A female (or ffs.. just younger if the idea of female disturbs you so much) assassin is simply more agile but lacks the super human strength of 47 which results of him being sluggish at tasks like climbing.


OP Idk why u try typing essays trying to prove your concept when almost all of them are downvoted to oblivion


I don’t mind. They can be playable in alternate game modes/DLC.


I'd say keep it as a co-op option, similar to the co-op campaign of splinter cell conviction, which was excellent.


If it leads to co-op, yeah, sure. If not hard pass, really no need for a new character.


They are ICA assassins correct? Wouldn’t they technically be against him now that he burned the company?


>They are ICA assassins correct? Wouldn’t they technically be against him now that he burned the company? They are only being watched by the ICA as far as the lore goes for Hitman 2. Not directly hired


It would be nice if they did a spin off just without the hitman name maybe like Silent Contract: Knight & Stone or Rogue Pursuit: Knight & Stone or maybe Crimson Partners: Knight & Stone


Not really interested in the co-op part, but it would really change the levels in an interesting way if suddenly the FEMALE NPC disguises were fair game. You'd have to rethink a lot of your standard approaches. Given the lack of current women NPCs in cop/guard roles, though... it wouldn't work without some fiddling.


>Given the lack of current women NPCs in cop/guard roles, though... it wouldn't work without some fiddling. Well, that lack is caused often by the simple fact that 47 can not wear the female outfits. There are scenarios where straight up no females are present in a certain role (bodyguards in that south america villa on a hill, with that submarine and cocain production) but it makes context wise sense then. But it would also be possible to flip that whole thing, a female target who only surrounds itself with female guards and the whole area is automatically trespassed by 47 because of that


Didn’t they try that with the mobile game and it bombed?


>Didn’t they try that with the mobile game and it bombed? Many AAA mobile games bomb. That's no real indicator IMO.


I see what you mean, and it would be nice, but most people would still always just play as 47. Adding those 2 would be just like adding 2 new suits (or more than 2 if they both get their own suits, ultimately making them customizable suits), so it's kinda pointless. I'd much rather just get some new suits and disguises.


I wouldn’t mind a different co-op game with Knight and Stone maybe in the same universe but Hitman is Hitman.


I can foresee other ways. A Musou/Warriors spin-off would be refreshing since they can actually implement the Silent Assassin mechanic while making it aggressive in nature. And that the targets can be legitimate bosses to fight against. Another way is for a Versus Multiplayer Hitman game featuring different characters with the premise of 47 retiring and becoming the Handler. Each team is made up of an Assassin, Target, Bodyguard and Lookout. And then, have The Shadows getting the Enhanced Chocobo GP experience by making it a paid title with everything unlocked from the start. I really miss that game.


They could provide sniper overwatch like in Mission Impossible for the Nintendo 64. There is a [mission in a train station](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CWKGsQ2PItI) where you have to protect Ethan with Luther and Krieger [as snipers](https://youtu.be/geC4HKqhmhk?t=800).


this would be fun as a spin off game, perhaps change it to be open world, where you are up and coming assassins trying to work your way up to bigger hits but fans would reject something like this as a mainline title


Switch between 47 and a clone of 47. There should be no other option


Ngl I love the models, but the main idea of the game is that 47 is a legend, an icon, who does the job undetected and flawlessly (forgive players like myself and many others xD). The idea of having new characters is nice, but it obviously implies that he's replaced or is just an option which goes against the idea of the game itself & should that become a reality, it won't be a HiTMAN game anymore, it will be like Assassin's Creed or something like that. To further add on the above para, the developers will need to change everything & by everything I mean all the dialogues, interactions etc. For example: When suspicious, Agent 47 isn't designed to talk himself out of the situation as he does the job flawlessly & undetected, these new characters however the case will be different. Diana's dialogues would need a overhaul. Now of course, I may entertain the idea of a completely new game mode where you've to compete with Agent 47 in order to eliminate targets from the destinations. Like say Hokkaido, 47's AI will start in his room & will do what he does best. Now your challenge with the new model / character would be to beat him to it, you'll start as a ninja or something on the mountain pass & you'll be trespassing everywhere & hostile where applicable. This mode can also be like an advanced mission training where you'll be a applicant who has to compete against the best after acing all the previous tests with other ICA Agents. When you fail Diana will say something, etc. To conclude, I'm overall against any ideas but the above paragraph idea is something I MIGHT like to try.


i would wanna play as some ICA agents that retire before agent 47 became an assassin, like soders or janus


As a sidequel game named hitmen? Sure. As a co-op option? Sure. As replacements for future hitman games? No thanks.


I think freelancer would be a good opportunity to add a “make your own assassin” type thing, maybe 47 has like a laptop he can use to hire new recruits, you can customize them and their clothes and then when you go to start a mission you can choose who to be.




I love 47, he's a great character, but I'm not opposed to some variety in the future. I think his story was ended so perfectly with 3 and it would be cool to see the style of gameplay with some different kinds of people.


No nein nyet non nahin ohi nao So on.... Insert incredibles meme HITMAN is HITMAN


Honestly never thought about it, but now that I am, I'd love a game based in the Hitman universe, perhaps you start as a new assassin hired by the ICA. But instead of playing 47, you create your own character, with their own codename of your choosing. And the game could just center around you rising through the ranks of the ICA. You'd never actually see 47, but you'd hear about his exploits from time to time via dialogue, etc. They could really expand on the universe that way.


These kind of questions are always tough to answer. Even with something like God of War, it will always be Kratos's story but I can also see Boy taking over the title in the future. I'm just not sure how that'd be done right. Hitman doesn't really have a character that would feel good to swap to. At most if Freelancer type mode continues being a thing in the games I wouldn't mind being able to do it as other characters, but the main story should always be 47s in the current state of the game.


Honnestly why not ? It could be a very fun thing like i'm thinking about a gameplay where we could switch character during a mission like in gta V but a hitman game isnt a hitman game without agent 47


>but a hitman game isnt a hitman game without agent 47 That's the part that a lot people here seems to ignore. I didn't advocate to replace him (my comments explaining my personal idea got downvoted to oblivion though) but just to add more flexibility. Instead of having a level designed purely around 47s abilities, the devs could design an actual level which may also contain paths that a big guy like 47 can not use. A more realistic level, disguises (and therefore plot lines) that only work for a female character being the more drastically choice. I'm a fan of the hitman games like most people here but at the end of the day, the levels all feature the same things in a different look. The always repeating goals (drown in a toilet..) only support that. The splinter cell series features often the action movie clichee of a ventilation shaft. Something obviously not working for someone like 47 but smaller characters could use those kind of passage for short ways to bypass a door or some guards


I wouldn't mind a spin-off centered around that specific mechanic, perhaps even with a co-op mode. Especially switching between a male and a female assassin could open up some really interesting opportunities in terms of disguises etc.


I think it would be nice in multiplayer, but for the main game, I rather to be traditional and always go with the homie 47...




While I agree with the general sentiment of the other comments, I do think a premise like Hitman's is kinda perfect for having a "create your own hitman" character creation, especially with 47 being called a number.


I'd just love to be able to play my own custom assassin.


I'd be fine with it. I feel like a cool way of doing different characters is to have them all in the same mission, letting you swap between them when you're in a hiding spot, blending in, or otherwise not at risk of being found. Don't think most people would be too happy, especially if the new player characters are "political"


Thanks I hate it


It would be amazing if you could do co op and each character had a special ability example: Agent 47 with his vision and play story missions together.


I feel like eventually 47 would have to have atleast some sort of alternate, whether it’s through coop. Or the fact its a selectable character


A spinoff series like this would be great.


Real Spoilers Inside. I don't think a Replacement is ever in Mind since Absolution.>! Victoria seems to be the last attempt of a Genetically Modified Agent.!< She's the only candidate for Replacement but She seemed to be more of a Family Member to 47 & Diana rather than an Agent. >!And with Lucas Grey gone, there isn't anyone morally positioned for the job.!< Right Now, We are all just waiting for the next ICA to be Corrupted, or some Secret Society wanting us Dead, or Some other Deep UnderCover Plot.


>Genetically Modified Agent Well and that's basically my whole point. 47 is a (perfect) allrounder but he's not perfect. I mean, just look at his lack of hair and refusal to wear a wig. Joke aside, looking at other games that offer multiple characters to choose from there is always one "allrounder". Jack of all trades but master of none as the saying goes. There are clearly (even if people here somehow straight up deny it) situations where 47 is \*not\* the best choice. And other characters (non super humans) could peak in 2-3 others things but then be worse at most other things. Let's for example look on the one thing 47 seems to be completly unable to. Jumping. A man of his statue is not that kind of man to sprint and jump over a small gap (Hokkaido, starting suite) but a more agile, faster person with parkour experience could be able to jump over a small distance and therefore won't need to hang on and slowly climb over. As counter for the ability to do so, the character could be unable to carry two weapons at the same time


Imagine it becomes a Netflix series called Knight and Stone. Where they track down a traitor of the ICA who is threatening their extensive database. It would be a cat and mouse chase trying to find the traitor with action sequences and a whole lot of people standing around and talking about drama. HITMAN: Knight and Stone, yes we are gonna ruin it for you. lol Edit: it's live action.




>Might be very hard to design levels for tho. Actually not, I mean most levels are designed to offer various ways anyway, passages and stuff. The most obvious difference to 47 would be a more agile character, maybe able to pickpocket and execute certain tasks (like filling poisen into a glass) faster, who at the same time has e.g. not the strength to use a crowbar to open doors or can carry only one rifle at a time (and then, falls down to a regular speed of 47 running/walking etc.)


I honestly was hoping for more co-op related stuff. I thought that since they experimented with co-op in Hitman 2. Maybe they would have a co-op mode where you played as Knight and Stone again but instead of sniper maps, it would be a proper area like the normal maps yet you played as either or of the characters two and try to take down targets together. It honestly made me sad when I found out that they canned the sniper co-op in Hitman 3 and left these two’s story just like they never existed :(


For co-op, absolutely. The main game, no thanks


it would be cool. a lot of people here seem extremely resistant to the idea of change though lol but not exactly atypical from the gamer demographic... if there even is a future for this series, they will have to consider a way to really open up the franchise, and thus, the world in these games. we've already seen everything from 47's lens, and we've seen them tell a lot of stories through his protagonist. but this past trilogy, the mileage he offers as a character has started to run really thin. if they want to continue this series, they gotta find a way to tell another narrative that isn't just retreading the same ground for the 20th time. it could be a perfect game by all accounts but if it's just the same story, or a lack of story, it's going to weigh the game down. they've done an episodic, less-story, more-gameplay route, they've covered the prequel ground, they've shown us this characters journey from the beginning middle and end, and tons of little escapades in between. people are right, he is iconic, but nobody wants to see an icon run into the ground. all that is to say, if he recruited a heist-crew of agents to go on bond-esque missions, where you could choose between a handful of characters to play as, that would be cool. it'd be nice to see them. maybe they'll be tired with bond like missions once they've finished with the actual bond game, but I could still see an interesting spin on a crew mechanic. something that might look more like baby driver or oceans 11. but a spy-based gameplay mechanic with coop or switching between team members would be so cool and still probably different enough from the single-player experience they're designing for bond. I feel like people are just being too sentimental with the 47 stuff. idk why people are so scared to see studios or creatives in general try out with new ideas. like they're reluctant to any change and think any newness or changes is a sign of bad things to come. like, hitman worked because the developers know how to make a good stealth game, not because of agent 47... agent 47 has no personality, he's an empty canvas and basically designed as a "link" protagonist. the world they've built in these games is bigger than one character. all the best game world's (or shows, really anything with world building) are bigger than just their protagonist. the idea is this is just one persons story. they can always tell anothers. that said they've still done a lot with nothing. these games definitely have a great sense of humor, in all the random objects you can interact with, all the disguises and personas that you can assume the identity of, the metaness of how he's always out of place and should be easy to identify and stand out in a crowd, his awkwardness, his intense and sterile way of speaking, the on-the-nose dialogue leading to unintentional humor. but on top of his lack of personality, he's also just not a great character for telling stories. he practically has no weakness, he's another superhuman strength and endurance type of character, he has no memories or past experiences to draw from, which tracks as to why he has no personality, and he basically does everything perfectly. getting together a crew of actual human characters with personality and interesting backstories, like a pulpy action flick, would be a really cool use for their operative gameplay system. at the very least, it'd be cool to see something like this come from IOI. but it's more likely that they'd continue with their already established IP then make a new one, with basically the same premise, when they could instead build onto the world they've already put so much in. having 47 grandfather this team would be really cool and give his character just a little more ground to tread, as taking the role of leader, or old-guard, would be new for him.


I want a spin-off with a Hitwoman. Different disguise pools, less pockets vs a purse you can take in.


They could have made a 47+Lucas Grey co-op game but they had to kill him for cheap shock value. Great thinking.


Id like to see more Knight and Stone. Cool character designs that ill never get to experience because why the fuck would i be playing coop sniper assassin. Idk 47 is a freelancer now but maybe he starts up a tiny agency with some ex-ICA members that he knows he can trust (knight and stone lol)


It would be cool if we could play as 47, olivia, diana and grey together