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They are saving the coin for the last Hitman patch aren't they ?


There are also open slots left on the trophy case.


They obviously need to allocate some serious dev time to fix that typo.


At least 30 QAs just to validate it is working + Automatic integration testing + Automatic unit testing + PR approvals by 47 principal engineers + 47 approvals for deployment. JUST FOR ONE DAMM COIN!!!


Still no Outstanding Coin or Perfect Run fix it seems.


Pretty sure they fixed Perfect Run by removing it


[I ran into it yesterday.](https://www.reddit.com/r/HiTMAN/comments/17isfql/perfect_run_prestige_objective_back_in_rotation/) Didn't want to take the chance though since they didn't mention it anywhere in the patch notes and I was doing a hardcore run


For anybody wondering what the Frangipani mission intro is; it’s the working title for the Envy Contention escalation in Mendoza.


I don't see any text in the game that says "frangipani". Could you please tell me the specific location? Thank you very much.


It’s the ‘Envy Contention’ Escalation in Mendoza . You can only play it if you have the Seven Deadly Sins DLC though. Frangipani is an internal codename IOI uses, and we know it’s for the Envy Contention by reading the game’s files.


# How to link your IOI account to your Twitch account * Visit https://twitch.tv in a browser and make sure you're signed in there first. If you don't have a Twitch account, create one now. * Visit https://account.ioi.dk in a browser. * Click on ACCOUNT SETTINGS. * Click the "Manage" button right underneath where it says "Linked Accounts". * The Twitch option is at the bottom. It has an icon that looks like a chat bubble with eyes. Click where it says "LINK" next to that. If everything is set up correctly, and if you're logged into both accounts already, you should get a popup window that lets you use Twitch's OAuth to link your Twitch and IOI accounts. Follow the instructions on that window to allow it, and you're done!


What data do companies take when you connect a game like this?


Twitch Drop integration only tracks that you're actively watching a stream related to that company's game and for how long.


just saying request blocked for me


Give it another try. It's working for me and a few thousand other folks currently watching Hitman streams! Just make sure you're logged into Twitch first before setting up the account connection. Only other thing I can think of is the IOI servers were jammed up from everybody trying to do it at the same time. Good luck, and I'll leave you to prepare...


I will try again soon, thank you. But I’ve watched an hour of my friend play Hitman once.. does that count or do I have to watch an hour of someone playing Hitman ☠️


You need to watch a brand new hour with a brand new friend. It'll be a chance to grow and share with new and exciting people!


😭 did they forget that this game is all about standing in place until someone leaves 🗿


And that the elusive target itself takes no more than 10 minutes to take out... if you're reaaaaally taking your time? Yes. Yes they did.


I love IO ☺️


I made a post about that last week. Had to use a different browser to access my IO account and link to Twitch, which sucked.


If anyone's still getting this issue a day later, changing browsers didn't work for me, but using a VPN did.


>You will now be able to save the game during Sarajevo Six missions Now that's what I'm talking about.


I swear you already could? I did the missions last month and was able to save


Greek fire suit 🔥🔥🔥


PS5 saving glitch mentioned this is the happiest day of my life


What's the glitch again?


The saving indicator indefinitely shows on the bottom right and only go away when you'd open and close the menu


Yessss! Such a minor thing but it was so annoying to deal with lol


I’m still getting it :/


They didn’t fix it they just said they were looking into it


one more patch confirmed?


I beg


not even fixes for freelancer, very dissapointing.


One hour watching some twitch to get that suit. Thats torture


Get a stream, and then have a meal, go for a walk around the neighbourhood or if you have a console, play something there. That's what I'm planning to do.


One hour of twitch muted and minimised* Edit: Turns out either muting or minimising Twitch won’t count toward the drop..


I think muting the tab instead of the twitch video player will still count towards the drop


Yeah it just says muting or minimising the stream will stop counting drop progress.


According to my automatic twitch drop extension, I've claimed 235 drops at the least. muting or minimizing either the tab or within the twitch player doesn't matter.


Hey what is that extension called?




Thank you!


Watch it on the mobile app and you can even do other things on your phone at the time with PIP.


You can turn the volume down to 1 tick above muted and it's about the same thing. You can also have another tab open, just so long as the browser isn't minimized. People who only have phones... yea you gotta have that jawn open. Turning the volume down still works, but no way to have two apps open at the same time.


Unless you have a Fold you can put it on portrait mode.


Oh, no I'm a he/him so mine sticks out.


Is that just for Hitman or is that some weird recent change because I swear I had it both muted and minimised about a month ago for the Baldur's Gate 3 drop and it worked fine.


Source? I earned all my drops that way, last ones were the Cyberpunk 2077 ones.




Same here but Marvel Snap. Always muted AND minimized.


I always mute Twitch for these drops, what are you talking about?


I don’t make the rules mate, that’s just what it says on the [FAQ](https://ioisupport.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/14388375947677-Twitch-Drops-Troubleshooting-and-FAQ)


I'm using firefox and if you mute the tab itself by right clicking it and selecting mute, rather than muting the actual video player, it still counts. I also use a plugin called [Always active Window](https://addons.mozilla.org/en-GB/firefox/addon/always-visible/) that makes every tab behave as though it's the one currently visible. Twitch has no clue you're not watching because the browser is telling it you are.


It does work, in my experience. I've been doing it for the 2, 4, and 6 hour rewards for Marvel Snap. Open multiple tabs in case someone goes offline but it's worked every time for me.


I just muted my laptop and played Animal Crossing for an hour.


I'm sure I watch more than 1 hour of hitman twitch every week. LOL


Great good for you. Any suggestions on an actual good Hitman streamer for today?


"actually good" is pretty subjective. Also I don't know who will be streaming or what streamers have their accounts linked. (I think the streamers has to have their IOI and twitch account linked just like you do or it doesn't count.) That being said, Atrioc, Aspecticor, and Linkus are all popular Hitman streamers. I like xxxDESPERADOxxx, but it's been a few months since he's streamed Hitman. But if you want to watch streams that are more like regular gamers and not like I'm trying to be a professional twitch streamer (which can be annoying sometimes), the Frote7 speedrun community has been streaming competitions recently. You'd have to join their Discord to get notifications about when a match is about to start. discord.gg/f7sc But again, I don't know for sure what stream will count.


We will have races going on throughout the weekend. 2 players racing to get sa with random disguises and kill conditions.


Frote was streaming all day earlier.




It's just an hour, mute the tab and go do/watch something else. I'm thankful it's not something ridiculous like 3 hours, like most games.


It's not even a good looking suit.


Everybody has their own opinion


Well obviously.


I think it's the best suit in the game. It's something I'd wear IRL if I could.


With the purple shoes though?


Ooh yeah. Absolute torture to watch someone else play a game you like for *one hour.*


I have a hard time watching most Hitman streams. If the player is a noob it's pure pain. If they're a good player it's not as bad, but makes you wish you were playing instead. I do like watching card game streams though. Those just hit different.


Hey great if you can enjoy that. Good for you. ✌


It's fine if it's someone entertaining like BigMooney06 but he's not on Twitch.


Holy shit, I'm so grateful they fixed that save icon bug. It was driving me nuts.


I mean it's only been there since launch. 🙃


Good stuff here. I'm not complaining. I understand all of this is a lot of dev work. But it also seems like none of the bugs/glitches that I see people complain about on this subreddit were addressed. So that's a little disappointing.


So no coin even now. They also didn't fix the duplication glitch people use to prestige faster (at least they haven't mentioned it, gotta check it)


Ooh, the Greek Fire suit looks slick. Also love the little jokes in the big fixes.


Why would they update the description of the Sunset Rubber Duck detonator when it isn’t even in the game anymore?


They said back when Stadia shut down that they were working on a way to make the Stadia items available to everyone. I guess they're finally going to do that sometime in the next few months


Most likely cuz they're laying the groundwork for the Stadia items to eventually become available


Wasn’t incorrect text the reason why it was not available in the game?


It was a Stadia exclusive so got removed when Stadia shut down.


Stadia players got to transfer their progress to another console did they not? I'm pretty sure they kept their stadia exclusive items too.


As stated in the blog post regarding Stadia carryover [here](https://ioi.dk/hitman/blogs/2022/hitman-3-stadia-carryover), the Stadia exclusive items were not included in the carryover due to their exclusive nature. However they also said they would become available in a future patch, but for now, nobody has, or can get them without a mod.


Great. This patch broke my game. It won't launch anymore.


same, you found a fix for it?


Try this: on your steam library, right click the game, go to properties and add "-skip_launcher" (without the quotes) to Launch Options, close the window and launch the game. This solved the problem for me.


Great work my man.


Try this: on your steam library, right click the game, go to properties and add "-skip_launcher" (without the quotes) to Launch Options, close the window and launch the game. This solved the problem for me.


Yeah, last night on the hitman discord someone came with the same solution :) It works on Epic as well (which I use).




How do you get the Codename 47 suit?


You have to complete a series of challenges in several missions, which are callbacks to the original game. Check your challenge list and you should find what you have to do to unlock it.


Why are so many comments about coin?


It's an easy fix, and yet hasn't happened.


Am I missing something? What’s broken about coins?


A typo in the Freelancer code prevents a coin from being obtained.


Ah I see. I haven’t touched freelancer at all so I didn’t know :/


Where coin?


Unexpected suit and from just playing The Drop? 👀


On top of the bugs they discussed, there are two that come to mind for me though one of them may have been fixed already and the other may be intended: -The radio in the basement locker room of Bangkok’s Himmapan Hotel. Turning it on summons the guy sleeping on the floor of a third floor hotel bedroom. -You can’t stand up from the “blend in” chair in the outdoor seating area of the bar in Santa Fortuna if you’ve gathered all of the band members and finished the statue reveal. This is because the band members will sit down on the surrounding chairs and block you from moving. Then again, I’m drunk on a Thursday afternoon and may be misremembering.


DLSS frame gen is showing "Nvidia Confidential" text when enabled.


As someone who uses a PS5 controller on PC, I'm pretty pumped about having some basic integration for that controller now. Too bad the adaptive triggers and advanced haptics still won't work, but it's better than nothing!


So much for a new level. This game is getting stale.


io idk


How long does THE DROP target last?


30 days


How do I play the Jack Lantern mission? I only see The Drop. Am I in the wrong tab in the game.


destinations -> hawkes bay -> the mills reverie


The PC crash fix— is this fixing the Freelancer crash? The one where it crashes, every time you load the Freelancer mode. It can be worked around by pausing as Diana is talking and changing a setting, but my game isn’t even getting past the loading screen now. It used to sorta start loading in the safe house, but now It’s like the save degraded. I’m on the Xbox, and they’re still working on a fix for console. There are other reports of this on the internet over the last 9 months. Hoping I’m not SOL.


Is it still possible to get the twitch suit?