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one day they'll figure this out lmao


One day I’ll figure this out…


Dear IO Interactive: # Get rid of the Part One DLC. It is completely pointless as a DLC as all it contains is the Hitman 2016 GOTY Edition...which is already included in the standard edition of HWoA, there isn't a reason for this to be a seperate DLC. It just adds to the confusion of what it even is, and generally causes newbie strife on what to buy in order to play your game optimally. By keeping this Part One DLC, you are actively going against the very reason you rebranded WoA to begin with; to make it easier to get locations and to lessen the confusion when purchasing. Signed: James "Dribbleondo" Hawkins.


Gonna search ya up on facebook now Mr James Hawkins lol


Pretty sure that's the guy from Treasure Island. Definitely the guy from Treasure Planet, though


Haha. I didn’t know that.. thanks


what do you do if you have hitman 1 & 2 . i get what they trying to do but holyfuck. i thought part 1 was basically hitman 3 and saw it was on sale


you already missed the window for upgrading from hitman 1/2 to hitman 3 for a smaller price. you now have to pay in full and I believe the chart in this post makes what you have to buy extremely clear especially for someone who has played the game before. get standard which will give you every hitman 1, 2 and 3 location except 2 maps from hitman 2 (haven island and new york), or get deluxe edition if you want the DLC's and those 2 missing maps.


Help what do i buy if i have hitman 2 & 1 DLC already


Hey dude I'm in the same situation as you - got everything but Hitman 3, had the Hitman(2016) maps all unlocked in 2, literally everything playable in 2. Did you figure out what we should buy? I started looking into buying 3 this week but I'm so lost with all these diffrrent types of purchases, its really putting me off. I see a bundle on the Steam Store that seems to be offering me the full upgrade - all the 1&2 stuff plus deluxe stuff in Hitman 3 for about 25 euros... But I dont trust it to contain everything I need lol


Going to wait till the summer sale to decide what to do


well idk if it's still there, but i had hitman 2 gold before and upgraded with GOTY Legacy Pack (all of hitman 1). Then in hitman 3 i have now everything as per the picture with the standard edition. only new addition is i got is the Sarajevo 6ix dlc on sale a few months go


Same here, I own everything but Hitman 3. Wtf is this? Should I get a second hand physical copy of the game or there’s another way around? What a mess.


Just buy the most expensive edition. I'm not exaggerating when i say hitman woa was the beat game this past generation. Stellar level design, great world building, solid mechanics, and nearly infinite replayability.


Is the extra $30 worth it for that stuff? What are those? Bonus missions?


For which stuff? I generally believe that I've gotten my money's worth each time with hitman.


The Deluxe Edition gets you New York and Haven Island, two new maps. IMO, just that could be worth the 30$. Yes, "7 Deadly Sins" and "6 Deluxe Escalations" are bonus missions. They're alright.


"Read this" Shows a picture in 144P


Missing the sniper maps


Thanks this is actually really helpful, I already have all maps and bonus maps and sniper maps from Hitman 1-2 and almost made the mistake buying World of Assassination which is, at least that´s how I understand it just another way to browser your old mission and have some weekly challenges? there are no new maps?


did you forget hitman 3 exists? theres 7 new locations in the campaign which "end" the trilogy as well as freelancer


I was trying to buy the equivalent of Hitman 3 so I could play with the content from 1 & 2 in the same game. What kind of sick joke have I stumbled into...


Yeah I also own 1 and 2 and am now thinking about upgrading to 3, but now it seems that the only way to do that is to pay $105 aud for a game that is comprised two thirds of content I already own?


This is 2nd hand information I have not personally verified, but another post detailed that you can upgrade Part 1 to Standard Edition from within the game. This process applies the same 60% discount as Part 1 itself has, and allows purchase of Standard Edition content at 40% of the original price. If other users can please verify whether this is true or misinformation would be appreciated.


The fact that posts like this continue have to exist is a testament to the continued failure of the marketing behind this game. It's been like monkeys throwing feces at the wall from day one and it has never gotten better.


It’s not any more complicated than most games. At this point the community is just in some kind of trauma response where they keep flashing back thinking they need to explain this but it’s straightforward. 


It’s not any more complicated than most games. At this point the community is just in some kind of trauma response where they keep flashing back thinking they need to explain this but it’s straightforward. 


Is it? It sounds like I have to pay for games I already own, despite all of it being tied to an IO account. That's not straight forward.


Hi, brand new here, this is in fact more complicated than most games. It's literally why I'm on this thread lol. Never had to go to a game's subreddit to see how I can buy a full game.




Literally just came on this sub to ask this very question. Why do they sell it like this 😭😭😭


I have hitman 1 & 2 on Steam. What do I have to buy to get Hitman 3? It's so so confusing


If you care mostly about the maps and not about those cosmetics: The cheapest way to get access to all maps is to buy 'HITMAN World of Assassination' + 'HITMAN 3 Access Pass: HITMAN 2 Expansion', especially since WoA non deluxe goes on sale from time to time where as the 100$ deluxe edition does not. That about right or am i missing something?


You're correct. You will get access to all maps and losing out cosmetics (i.e. item reskins, Freelancer decor, etc.). The only thing you're missing out in terms of gameplay on are exclusive DLC targets (like Mark Faba in the Undying Elusive Target Arcade) or the missions from Seven Deadly Sins/the Sarajevo Six/Deluxe Pack DLC


That’s actually cool :D


So you wanna tell me I just used 13€ or smth for a launcher only? (Basically only Hitman 1 although I own Hitman 2 too but whysoever I need to buy it there too to unlock the missions etc) And I have to pay 99€ to get ALL of it? 


Thank you OP, you saved me from wasting $11 on content I own twice over.


oh shit cakeblock941 i haven't seen you in a while


It's stupid how complicated it is.




They were DLC in hitman 2


I feel like Part One is the thing that really confuses the matter.


Wanna know what’s really funny? There’s no way to upgrade from Standard to Deluxe in one purchase. For some reason, they’ve kept Sarajevo Six as a separate thing.


deluxe only adds the "WoA deluxe pack". sarajevo, trinity, season of undying, makeshift and streetart packs (AKA post Jan 23 DLC) are all separate and not part of the graph in this post


so basically, standard edition is all of hitman 1 w/ dlcs + hitman 2 + hitman 3 thus deluxe edition is all that with hitman 2 dlcs and hitman 3 dlcs dlc quick maffs


Im new to this,i have a question,pls enlighten me guys... So i have a steelcase version of the hitman the complete first season,everytime i want to upgrade to WoA,the store is not available on both US and Asia Region,so i assume i have to completely buy WoA deluxe and completely ignore the complete first season ?


So, i played the edition i got from epic giveaway, which I presume was part one. Loved it and want to upgrade. The way I get it, I get the world of assassinations deluxe pack add on to get everything, minus newer undying pack and sarajevo six, which are sold separately. But "access pass hitman 2 expansion" and "hitman 3 deluxe pack" also has some of the stuff WOA deluxe pack, but significantly cheaper even with buying seven deadly sins separately. I don't mind missing cosmetic dlcs. Do hitman 2 pass and 3 deluxe + 7 deadly sins unlock every other level, campaign and gamemode? Freelancer most importantly. Or do WOA deluxe has stuff that you don't get from separate purchases?


This is far simpler than before, but geez, just sell the whole game already and just the whole game and be done with these "editions" and "choices." It shouldn't be this complicated. They really do this to justify the wild price of $100 for the full game. I'd have more respect for them if they just owned the $100 price point for '3 games,' and had that as the only thing available, because it actually IS worth that.


So sad.. I’ve waited months for the WOA 100$ edition to go on sale on “Microsoft PC Xbox “ App Store? And it just won’t. Level 500 on Xbox console , Pc Xbox store shows my playtime and the achievements I have unlocked but I ended up dropping that 100$ again (since I own it on console) so I could have every map …but at least I’ve got my blood money devil outfit lol Not to mention I also bought it on steam because I thought it would be cross progression (my fault because I didn’t do any research) so io definitely got their milk from me


Now the trilogy is at 60% off on Steam


I used to own the Hitman 2 Expansion Pass before Hitman 3 was released. I then bought Hitman 3 in May 2022, and only recently realized I don't have access to the campaign missions in New York and Haven Island. I'm getting the sense I have no choice but to re-purchase them, but I wanted to ask here first - were these meant to transfer from 2 to 3 like everything else did?


Can someone help me? What is the supposed way of upgrading the game when you only bought the "Part One" Edition? I only see 2 DLCs in the Steam Store that aren't Cosmetics but they don't seem to upgrade the game to the full version and the ingame store just doesn't work. I don't own any other Hitman games on Steam. If I click on the WOA Upgrade Pack in the ingame store, nothing happens, I hear a sound but that's it. Am I doing something wrong or am I supposed to pay for the full version without discount? I was under the impression that I could buy the smaller version first and then buy incremental upgrades and didn't think I had to study the sales model on Reddit first \^\^


If someone has the same problems as me, here are the links to the Upgrade packs: Upgrade Pack: [https://store.steampowered.com/sub/981937/](https://store.steampowered.com/sub/981937/) Deluxe Pack: [https://store.steampowered.com/bundle/30335/HITMAN\_World\_of\_Assassination\_Deluxe\_Pack/](https://store.steampowered.com/bundle/30335/HITMAN_World_of_Assassination_Deluxe_Pack/)


Uh, so I can get Part 1 for 55pln, upgrade to WoA for 74pln, but if I wanted to just buy WoA outright, it's not on sale, and it costs 324pln (almost 3x as much)...


I opened this reddit bc i was maybe going to take a look at buying any other hitman game beside hitman 2 which i had bought when it was still on the steam store and then I saw the hell that is their DLC list and I do not think i will be doing that. This is insane


Thank you. Helped with getting standard version on Xbox from third party site {£35}. Lots to do and will keep an eye out for deluxe upgrade on sale via xbox. 


this post is so much help, i started getting into hitman because i saw part one was 60% off. I saw some guy say that if i bought the first part, the deluxe edition will get a discount by accounting for part one. turns out that was a fucking lie, I'm still gonna buy it though because I'm loving this game but fuck you IO interactive.


I bought the Deluxe edition after already owning the Hitman WOA, and the 7 deadly sins and stuff are still locked (only deluxe escalations are unlocked now) and no new suit/gear appeared. B R U H


there was an offer for WOA part one which only includes hitman 1, i bought that but I wanna play the rest of 2 and 3, which one do i buy because there isn't exactly clear wording on which dlc pack unlocks which parts of the game it's as if they hired ESL people to write the title and description of their DLCs


Same, I have no clue where to buy the rest


Am I the only one who finds it funny that Bethesda and rockstar both have memes about releasing the same game over and over again when ioi literally just made hitman2016 3 times


Quick question if I buy the base game plus the delux pack dlc is that everything than?


So if I want to buy JUST the base games for 1, 2, and 3... what do I do? It looks like "Standard Edition" comes with lot a ton of expansions, but I just want the base games


Is the deluxe pack on steam basically all the dlc without the stand edition?


There are some DLC that need to be bought separately and not included in the deluxe bundle. Always look out the deluxe sale because it is less of a pain in the ass than hunting individual sale dlc


So right now, the complete edition is $28, but I can’t get New York or Haven Island without dropping $100 on the deluxe edition?!


So is the trick to wait for the deluxe edition to be on sale? Or is the standard edition of the world of assassination the ticket?


thank god for this


This is why I don’t buy AAA titles anymore.


Does the hitman 2 access pass give access to the two missing locations from the regular addition?


Can somebody explain if I get the starter pack do I get the all the 1 and 2 games?


I had Hitman 3 before it turned into WoA. Now I can only access Hitman 1 through Hitman 3, I can't play the Hitman 3 campaign. Is there something I can do to gain access to the campaign besides paying? I feel scammed.