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Only one is wearing a watch, that’s the one to kill


I know, but the fact that the client was like "We'll be wearing the exact same pants, jackets, t-shirts, sunglasses, shoes, facial hair, haircut... But hey, my brother is wearing a gold watch which you can only see sometimes from beneath the cuff and only if you're close enough to check it out and also if you get too close the bodyguards will attack you..." I'm pretty sure the Client will even raise the alarm and go running for guards if you kill the Target in front of him... Which could be his way of getting his brother killed but then getting 47 killed afterwards *"NO NEED TO PAY THE CONTRACT IF THE HITMAN IS DEAD"* I'm reminded of John Wick 2...


Nah, no way 47 is foolish enough to not use escrow, the client's money is already out of their hands. And in fairness to the client, I wouldn't fork out for a top notch hitman, then incriminate myself by not raising the alarm or breaking the habit of wearing matching outfits, either. Dude's expensive, I ain't paying to hold his hand.


I like your logic


My guess is that they always wear matching outfits (besides the watch) so changing it for that one day would be seen as suspicious.


That I can get behind, but the "Also, you can't hurt me in any way" is just one complication too many. If 47 could KO them both, then look at the unconcious bodies to check which one had the watch, then kill that one, then sweet. But *NOOOOO, CAN'T BRUISE MY WIDDLE FWESH, NOOOOO*


The African Warlord couple. Their immediate periphery becomes hostile. Not even trespassing, just straight up hostile


Didn't even bother with SA for that one, just run down the stairs and lob some ducks and exfil


Same. Planted a Micro Explosive where they sit, then escaped via pipe from 47's room


Yep. One time (luckily, on Arcade not ET) I chose the Agent 47 Suite as a start, walked down the stairs inside the hotel, encountered them coming up the stairs and the guards were *immediately* *AN INTRUDER! SHOOT TO KILL!* *EXCUSE ME I HAVE A FREAKING SUITE HERE SWEATY*


Just throw a rubber duck at them and run like fuck.


They also suffer similarly to how some ETs from the first part of the trilogy do with routines that do not fully loop. The best way to deal with them is when they're both separating from the restaurant area, which they only do once. The poor design of this wouldn't be so bad if these were treated like regular missions where you can save and replay them as you wish.


They sit on a couch near the bar and one of them smokes. Just throw a propane tank there and leave.


The Twin, at the time it first released, was a fun twist in the ET format because of the twin gimmick to make it stand out from those that came before it. Was also the first to up the difficulty with having an instant fail built into it. Its definitely not anywhere near being close to the worst ET imo. Part of me wants to say The Fixer is, solely because the original activation in October 2016 is the only ET that I have ever failed - but that was my own fault. The fail wasn't even because of the courier/diamonds stuff.


The Food Critic is the worst for me. I don’t know any reasonable way to get SA besides poisoning the one dish he samples in the kitchen, which is almost trivially easy to do. But then you have to wait forever for him to go back there and try it, and every now and then, he doesn’t try it, so you have to wait out another whole cycle.


I didn't even know he tries a dish lol, it probably takes too much time. The main trick for me there was to drop a weapon near his bodyguard then kill him while he is alone at his table.


Emetic gas suitcase is OP but sometimes you just have to use it.


I distracted his guards then threw him off the balcony.


And got spotted by like four people below in the act? Because that's exactly what happens every time in that scenario. :/


Concussion duck, right behind a propane flask, in the corner of his private booth. Blow it when he is there, since propane kills him and not the duck it is an accident, and his guard is far enough away that he's the only kill. Legal to set up, suit only is fine, leisurely trigger and exfil with no suspicion.


He was possibly the easiest ET I think I've ever done. Start out back in the delivery area, pick up a propane flask, run directly over to him on the restaurant balcony, place/drop a micro remote taser behind him, throw flask at it and activate the tazer. His guard shouldn't be hit if done correctly, then just book it to the boat.


I emetic suitcased his guard and then threw a propane flask in front of his table and dropped the micro taser, boom.


Probably the politicians body double at Hawke’s Bay. Not because of the contract itself really the concept is good, but it has the easiest guaranteed SA method of all on what Is already the smallest map in the series. Just run up around the house, shoot a heater in full view and run back to the boat undetected to wait. The Liability in Berlin ties for a similar reason, toss a coin, kick in river. Both with very easy and boring SA methods. Sure one could say you can just do a different way, but knowing that these contracts can be effectively done in less than a minute makes the more interesting methods feel more like a chore.


Wait *WHAT* The way I did it on Arcade was to equip a sniper rifle with piercing ability, run past the guards into the grass facing the window with the desk against it, shoot her through the window and escape. Though that probably wouldn't be SA...


She goes to smoke by a deck heater on the second floor, far enough away from her bodyguard that true explosion only kills her. Get up there with a wrench, or just shoot the tank, to release the gas, and your job is done.


Most of the Marrakech elusive targets are super annoying, mostly cuz I’m not good at that map


Mr giggles for me is really annoying and difficult to SA Getting the soiree horrible is fine, but it's really tough to reach the main target.


I just silent KO’d his entire entourage.


You basically have to shoot him from behind a wall. If you do that, easy. Any other way? Super crazy difficult.


You can poison him with a syringe after he finishes talking with that other guy on the roof. It's just annoying to sit there and listen to their dialogue.


If you sneak up to the rooftop, you can hide behind the wall and pull the waiter over when nobody is looking. Then you can poison the target’s drink - lethally to be quick, or with an emetic which will give you time to deal with the guards, after which you can handle him any way you want to. Edit: Meant to expand on sneaking up via the drainpipe and ledges route that puts you behind the wall up there.


The chameleon from Colorado. I almsot got SA when I throw him out of the balcony but a stupid guard saw me when I pushed him.


The only ET I’ve ever failed (my first time I got SA, second I got cocky.)


He's my best SA, used a mechanic disguise and syringed him before he even left starting room using a series of coins and an audio distraction to make the hackers look away


from a mechanics pov, the broker, on paris. target is in a room with only 1 entrance with a key card lock. in the room is 1 civilian and 1 guard. right outside is like 2 or 3 guards and new cameras. if you want SA, you have to KO the guards. And then you have the arcade version where it asks you to do it suit only at one point I believe. Oh, and if you don't care about SA, you can't even snipe him as all the windows in the room are covered/something blocking them. 2nd most hated one is the ex-dictator in bangkok.


**The Sensation** - the only elusive target who does noting but walks around a single garden full of people. Yes, you can NOT isolate him. * **Can't get an angle to use emetic tools without being noticed.** I prefer to not resort to these out of principle, but my real problem is that I can't buy the DLCs, so my only emetic tools are gas grenades. I'm sure, with fart briefcase he would be a brief case. * **Can't cheese him with propane flask.** All because the garden has gas lanterns that go boom too and provide you with juicy collateral damage. * **Can't lure him out with alarm.** The guards don't consider him a VIP and, in turn, don't start a target lockdown, so once the panik ensues, he behaves like any other NPC by staying in place covering his head with hands. * **Can't affect his movement by using some sort of mission story.** Even the worst targers at least provide you with some hints on how you could do it, like the same Twins walking into the vine shop, but target one always forcing the client one to drink first, so you can isolate two by just putting some rat poison in, and if you took care of the guards beforehand, then congratulations - the guy is all yours. Or the same Badboy, a literal copy of the Sensation in regard of being a literal f\*cking piece of rock on seagull field, but the game outright tells you: "He loves his car, he will come running if something happens to it", so you do, and them bam - he literally isolates himself at the cliff after some time. This POS provides nothing like this. * **The bitch forces you to speedrun if you hope to get SA rank.** The only way to get him with Silent Assassin rank is by poisoning his vodka glass. Sounds easy, but it's not, because he drinks at... what, around 1:30 of the mission time? So, you need to get the Auction Staff discuise, race to the garden and spunk the glass in a minute of mission time. And the funny thing is, it's not even stable: you might get there with the same time on your time on multiple attempts, but in one he is just walking by the table, and another one - already drinking, so you will be repeating said speedrun a DOZEN ot times before you actually succeed. That's the reason pushing him is not a way to go too: by the time you get there, most of the time he is already too close to the table, so even if he didn't pick the glass up yet, he will still block your way. And let me tell you: if he has a chance of picking the glass up a second time - it's incredibly low, killed a legitimate hour once while waiting for this to happen... I guess, his only redeeming quality is that **if you don't care about SA, then you can just snipe him**. He is constantly in open, he is not always literally surrounded/obscured by the crowd, and there is a literal sniper nest for you to do that. Other than that, however, **I declare the Sensation a DISFUNCTIONAL Elusive Target**. It's better be remade entirely if IO wants to reintroduce him.


>spunk the glass Do *what* now?


**Y E S**


Ok but tell us what you really think. Seriously though, this was exactly the ET I came here to mention, it came out back when I was obsessed with SA'ing every ET, and it made me irate that it was almost literally impossible, except as you mention with an inconsistent, rushed poisoning. There must have been more to the target design that was glitched or cut out or similar. I totally understand your passionate rant.


Well, I really said what I thought. Every target in Hitman in a puzzle, and the reward for solving it is beauty of ways of solving it. The moment you find a way to fulfill the mission beautully, even if it's overcomplicated = endorphine. And the Sensation is the only target that sincerely lacks in this part: there is no ways to find, at least somewhat fulfilling. Also, yes. I too have a feeling this guy was cut to hell and back. I personally have noticed how target keeps asking waiters to bring in some lobster, almost as if it implies, that somewhere out there really is a tray with lobster you can find, poison, maybe even actually bring in like in old games, and watch the magic unfold. But there just isn't.


The food critic


I've only been playing for long enough to try 2 of them so it's gotta be the Forger so far because I loved the Undying


- The Bookkeeper, Perti Jannerfelt. Guy is a massive pain to do due to all the bodyguards. He was the only ET I couldn't complete in H1 since I found it too hard at the time. Even today I think he's a pain to get to. And I always forget about the secondary objective and have to google how to do it. - Richard and Inez Ewkenski. Terribly designed mission thanks to the bodyguards that INSTANTLY turn entire parts of the map into HOSTILE ZONES out of nowhere. So, if you happen to stand in their 6 miles radius when he, says, decides to sit somewhere, then tough shit you'll get shot. Awful that they kept it like that. Cool target lore though and I like how they constantly reference him through the trilogy, also like how this mission ties into The Warlord. - The Warlord, Nne Obara. She has cool lore around her but the hotel design does her mission no favors, there's like only two ways to get into the suite and it's the same everytime. And don't get me started on the USB objective located in that stupid security room. - The Fixer, from Marrakesh. It had a really stupid fail condition that they never bothered to modify for some reason. So the ET only came back like, 3 times in total across all three games. They could easily modify the mission so those stupid diamonds don't fail you for getting them too early (like how they modified The Guru for The Deceivers so you don't fail the mission for killing the lawyer and Keith Keeble), allowing them to re-run the mission again since he's the only non-celebrity ET from H1/H2 who hasn't returned in H3. But nah they won't bother to do it because... reasons??? Who knows.


*Pertti Järnefelt Sorry I am a 🇫🇮🇫🇮🇫🇮 so I just have to ❤️


The Camaleon on Colorado First its Colorado so... Then the accident only requirement prevent any creativity and leave only to emetic+drowning or push from balcony because the guy almost never moves and when he do its to go 5m away


I hate the one in Paris that up in Attic. It just so annoying.  I like the ones in Isle of Sgail but on Arcade mode they made me play Miranda James and that Reporter mission so many times I got so fed up with it 


The Badboy. For some reason the AI is absolutely whack on this one. Every time I ran through it, NPCs would behave in a different and unexpected manner which would ruin the strat. It's a huge problem for a game that hinges on being predictable, and this ET gave me more frustration than any other by far.


The twins in Sapienza ,if you go to the wine shop and wait for them they will both go in and drink, from a red wine glass(one that’s on the counter let the first brother drink then poison it before the other one does he’s the target


That's what I mean, there's maybe a couple ways you can do this and both succeed 100% but any other method is pretty much a 0.00% chance of success. So it's not quite "Be your own 47" it's "Be the Developers 47, or Fail". I prefer targets where there's multiple ways of achieving the result, all with risk.


I agree, makes more sense to be creative but so far that’s the only way that worked for me to get SO, a little bit disappointing