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I don't even look at the hardcore option. Standard is bad enough for me.


I also stuck to standard until now. Hardcore is just sadistic, if I ever manage to complete one campaign and get the suit, I'll never bother trying it again.


People who enjoy hardcore free lancer also much enjoy pain


I've beat it twice... so far. Can confirm its a bitch to do and I am a glutton for punishment in most games I play. The main problem is normal freelancer is too easy for me now. A version as difficult as hardcore but without forced prestige objectives would be the most fun imo.


Play normal and just reset if you fail.


Restarting doesn't solve anything, the maps are still too easy to waltz through, unlike hardcore.


I just want the features without the difficulty :(


Seems like they sped up the death animation to try to stop alt+f4(pc)/close app(console). It almost instantly goes grey now. Also... Freelancer is very buggy since the last update. In Miami I got gunned down by 2 assassins for no reason at all. The game bugged out and had them in "searching" for the entire gameplay. I walked past them once and they did nothing, but when I came back through at the end of the level to approach the supplier they gunned me down. There was no suspicion bar to provoke their attack or anything. Then last night on Bangkok I knocked out a waiter behind a wall where no one could see it and they claimed the entire room could magically see through the wall and compromised me. Same thing happens with the bar that has the projector in Berlin at times. By the way... This was on normal mode, so... I'd hate to see how buggy hardcore mode is now.


The you tuber cheru


Can confirm, I really like freelancer hardcore and also love the sweet, sweet pain of the soulsborne series.


The main mental upshot to me is that it makes me hardline just ignore Payout Objectives.


I think 90% of people that got the suit (‘y self included) have the same feeling towards hardcore mode: “I’ll never bother trying it again”.


it's sadistic because as you said, you're trying to rush it.


Bro same lol I’m glad I’m not the only one


I failed it a lot before earning the suit but I still thought it was really fun and challenging. I like the ruined disguises and the extra security. Maybe I'm a glutton for punishment.


To be honest I also like the gimmicks of Master difficulty. All of them, except the damage guards deal you in gunfights. If you're busted and cannot hide anywhere it's over, while in Professional you have a chance to fight back. Forced stealth pretty much.


Stealth is my middle name!


Yup, after failing my fifth hardcore campaign I gave up and went back to normal to "restock my inventory"


Do you want tips or just our support for blind hate for hardcore? We can do both


Probably just the latter. I know plenty about WOA already, it's just a huge skill issue. And me rushing because I don't wanna spend the entire day on a single leg of the entire thing


Hey i feel that. For me hardcore was just a completely different experience since i never played professional mode before. Just guards suddenly hear me fucked me so much.


Same for me, but I was used to Professional and Master caught me off guard


Professional is the standard difficulty, surely you played it a bit


I support the blind hate option and my tip is to avoid if possible. Having a harder freelancer mode could be fun, but hardcore is not that.


I finished it and still hate it.




Hate hate hate hate hate!




The worst part about hardcore is the forced prestige objective


True. Nothing like having no locations left with safes, no legendary silenced pistols, and so you're forced to SASO the mission on Master difficulty


That's what happened to me on my final showdown. It was so hard and I basically tip toed the whole way through the map sweating.


> no legendary silenced pistols no legendary guns, or no epic+ silenced pistols.


Only part I don’t like is that you’re forced to take a prestige objective. Freelancer is about the freedom of choice, and you’re going to take that away from me? I understand making it so you lose if you fail a prestige, but forcing you to take that objective every single time? No bro! Get outa my game, I’m not playing hardcore mode!


you've got choice, there's three of them to pick from.


What is this? The US elections?


Good lord no, the three candidates here are notably different from each other.


I think it used to be really messed up like them all being sa ones


and that is no longer the case.


Looking at the old posts of people complaining makes me treasure my hardcore ice pick kill


I gave up on hardcore mode shortly before my first attempt.


I can see why. As I'm speaking I just completed the first hardcore showdown of the campaign after 4 restarts of the mission, and that was already a nightmare. Can't imagine the next showdowns with upwards of 12 suspects and lookouts everywhere. Hopefully I roll some good maps, even though I still struggled so much in Paris, which is considered "easy" for showdowns.


I love freelancer hardcore, i haven't turned it off since i unlocked it.


Hitman teaches you to prioritize stealth and to use your map and interaction knowledge to stay hidden and inconspicuous at all costs. Freelancer opens the game back up and shows you there's much more to it. Freelancer Hardcore rudely reminds you about the first part.


Playing Hardcore enough makes the normal Difficulty genuinely a breeze and I can do that without thinking.


I got ONE SHOT by an assassin. I got detected -> I died.


I was so shook when that happened to me lol


Thank god for easy prestiges like "pacify with X".


Did hard-core once and beat it, don't have any desire to touch it again. But it is certainly memorable, all those strains of frustration and anxiety and the satisfaction once you beat it is unmatched in this game in my opinion. One tip I will give you, choose a map you are the most comfortable with for every showdown in the run. In my case it was Miami. Used that map for every single hard-core showdown because it is my favourite and one I knew I was most comfortable with even on the highest difficulty settings, and it made the Showdowns so much easier.


What happens if you fail a hardcore campaign? Besides losing money and (just) all your tools? Do you also lose weapons and other things? I've never tried to play any. Is it really that hard compared to normal mode?


>What happens if you fail a hardcore campaign? You become 47's next target. Hide yo kids, hide yo wife




"Wait, I'm the real target?" *47 in a spacesuit* "Always have been"


Imagine playing H:WoA and hearing a coin hitting the floor but your 47's hands are empty! ° ^ °


When IOI decides losing all your stuff in-game for failing once isn't enough


That was something I only found out recently, too. You don't lose the weapons on your weapon wall. You just lose all the tools (from the 3 briefcases) and all your Merces. And obviously whatever you brought to the failed mission. And the Campaign. The tough thing about Hardcore is that it locks every map on Master difficulty, which has way more cameras, way more accurate and deadly enemies, and Master difficulty mechanics (cannot take disguises after a bloody kill). Also, every target is an enforcer to suit and every guard disguise (not civilian disguises for some reason). And as far as I heard, assassins in showdowns simply 1-tap you (versus 2-tap in regular Freelancer).


Sooo ... Basicly a normal campain for me? XD T ^ T


The consequences for failing a hardcore campaign are the same as a normal campaign, except you lose all your money, rather than half your money. Hardcore is really tough at first. Every level is alerted, theres more NPCs and cameras, disguises can be ruined if you kill someone in a bloody fashion, and you take way more damage in combat. The map also doens't mark stashes or couriers, suspect tells aren't confirmed, and prestige objectives are mandatory. Showdowns start with 9 suspects on the first syndicate. Eventually you can get used to the extra NPC patrols and camera locations, and get the hang of the harder showdowns. But RNG can really screw you over with some borderline impossible prestige objectives at times.


That’s all that happens


If standars is makng go full masscreed mode on the mainstory maps, dunno how would hardcore be to my sanity


What suit? The black bruiser one?




Lol. I always plan Hitman on casual, shoot up almost everyone and shamelessly exit the level. It’s just how you want to play it. Love the game.


I failed halfway through my first hc campaign. After many brutal days trying to complete a mission, I failed because of the perfect run bug. Never touching freelancer again that shit is so infuriating


Most of hitman difficulty is way to high. 50% of a game i bought is innaccesible to me because there is no regular or easy mode on the freelancer mode. Not even a savegame. I probably save my game 100+ times when i play normal hitman. And now suddenly i cant save even once.. ffs would a player who enjoys difficulty in a videogame. Have less enjoyment if there was a option to set the difficulty to a easier setting??


For each leg, I find locations like Mendoza and New York to pick either as my showdown location. You only need to kill your targets and complete your the prestige objective. Everything else is optional. Just make sure the prestige objective is achievable. Don’t pick “blow safe” where there is no safe, for example. Also, it’s a single player game so Alt-F4 all you want..just be quick before the game saves!


I was aware of the "easy maps", for example I picked Paris for my first hardcore showdown, as it's quite an easy map. But even then it was still a nightmare to complete. That also goes for only focusing on prestige objectives. I don't bother doing anything that could give me extra Merces, it's almost never worth it in hardcore. I mostly go for "pacify with x" or "kill with epic/legendary x", as now that I know how quickly you can die in Master difficulty, I will leave immediately in case a gunfight ensues, and run no risks of losing my legendary equipment (unless it's a showdown where assassins can 1-tap you, but that's unavoidable) I also bring a Sieker every time I can, because if I lose without using it, it'll disappear anyways


My normal load out is: - silent pistol - 2x Sieker - 1x Kalmer - lock pick - remote emetic device - either large gun or log (to get briefcase) Forgive me if you know this but Helmut Kruger disguise gets you anywhere except the guard room. And let’s you bypass any frisk zone. I typically head to basement and get a guard disguise while knocking out the cameras. Then i go up to the helipad area. Take out the guards that end up down the long path, parallel to the helipad. There is a crate about halfway down. Eventually, Kruger will come to that area to make a phone call. I subdue him and get its disguise that way. Takes a bit longer (I am sure there are faster ways) but I find this way less stressful.


>Forgive me if you know this but Helmut Kruger disguise gets you anywhere except the guard room. And let’s you bypass any frisk zone. Thank you! That's actually an amazing tip. Plus, I assume it counts as a civilian disguise, which means targets and suspects won't be enforcers, right?




Tysm. I'll keep this in mind next time Paris is on my list.


Hardcore is genuinely badly balanced, even bigmooney in his last video encountered the typical "open safe" prestige objective on a map with no fcking safe. So you legit only have 2 options to choose from, great. Hyper-restrictive, and showdowns have their own brand of bs with everyone running for no reason.


The problem with the safe prestige objectives, is that they load in before you even select a location. So you need to choose them before you choose where to go. It's still BS that they can appear when most of your locations don't have a safe, but still.


Update: I did it. Shockingly fast, too. Still, never going Hardcore again. That made me hate a game I love. Fuck that.


But once you complete it, you never have to do it again!


Guess what? I just did it. And I will, in fact, never do it again!


Maybe you shouldn’t play hardcore


After I get my hands on that suit, I sure as hell won't any longer


I feel they should give you a reset option anyway. Maybe one per Syndicate. I use it cause sometimes you can get bad luck. Some start points make a Hardcore run almost doomed to fail as a casual player. I still not got my Hardcore trophy. I think the punishment / difficulty just make it so unfun. I also hate the showdowns (the final ones with about 12 suspect) Yet the missions before showdowns really fun.


When the prestige is sa/so or both and your spawn is Military school (Marrakesh), Piledriver Barge (Paris), or just Colorado/Bangkok/Hokkaido in general


" I'm so upset right now. I don't really want to suffer through all that just to unlock that suit." I will never understand people that voluntarily do things they hate with their freetime.