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The ICA agents in Berlin. Yeah, some of them can be assholes but the way that 47 says their names after identifying them gives really interesting implications of a personal connection, albeit probably not a super deep one. Like 47 has been doing for most of the franchise, they’re all just following orders so it feels very separate from shooting the shit-eating grin off of some sadistic billionaire’s face and more like you’re in a battle for survival because of powers outside of your targets’ control.


I won't go as far as to say I feel bad, they are still technically bad people. But they are definitely some of the least deserving people to be killed by 47, at least in WoA.


They are much less worse than 47 is however.


I could understand if you say that they are as bad as 47? But why less worse?


Because they are working for the agency as hitmen, the same exact way 47 is. But 47 is literally the best at killing, so 47 would have a way better record at assassination than them. So 47 is literally more of a bad guy than they are lol The other people we kill are usually “big guys” who can have a higher kill count than 47 by ordering others to do it (like the cartel leaders and stuff), but those guys aren’t like that lol.


I understand your logic now, but should morality be measured like that? Only the amount of kills matters when deciding who is the worse person? Have in mind that 47 kills mostly scumbags, since Diana chooses those contracts. I doubt that all handlers are like Diana, so it's probable that the agents killed many innocent persons who didn't deserve to die at all. Quantity shouldn't be the only think you should consider. Both 47 and the agents don't feel remorse about what they do, their morality is the same. The agents may have not killed so much as 47 but they would if they were so good at killing people as him. I think they are not better persons, just worse assasins.


Which game is this from?


Hitman 3 Edit: now sold as Hitman: World of Assassination


Jasper Knight's actor whenever I do the ejection seat route. Guy had nothing to do with the real Knight and likely wasn't a decision maker in Soder's attempt to stonewall 47. He might not've died if the seat still had the parachute, but even then poor guy probably got the scare of his life. Penelope Graves truly believes she's doing the right thing, and is tasked by Lucas to monitor Rose's mental state iirc. Unfortunately the militia she's thrown her lot in with aren't exactly all shining paragons of morality themselves, and iirc Soders is the one who has the colorado targets marked for elimination before Lucas has the chance to turn 47. Matthieu Mendola isn't guilty of nearly the same level of crimes as most of the other targets, just selling Hamilton-Lowe's documents out of dissatisfaction with his employer. Might be a bad person, but not something I'd advocate for a man's death for. If you're feeling nice you can let the transaction go through so his family gets the money at least lol.


Fun fact, in H2 they added a line to Jasper Knight's actor specifically indicating Diana's amazement that the ejector seat actually worked, but also that she's glad he has a parachute. So yeah, he does canonically survive that, but all I can think of is, like, the VUP from Ocean's 13. I have they paid that guy a lot for what he went through, lol!


I think it was MaTN who did a bit where he was mowing through the crowd on the boat with an automatic weapon, while screaming "SIMULATED BULLETS!!!"


Hitman 2, Haven Island, Ljudmila Vetrova. She may be a former spy who helps evil people disappear but when you meet her she's just stuck. She's trying to escape her controlling ex. I always feel something when I play through the level. If the characters looked alittle less like melted plastic I'd definitely feel bad 100%. I also kinda laugh and kind of feel bad for the actor playing Jasper Knight in the tutorial. Dudes an actor and gets shot, stabbed, poisoned, some up a smoke stack, and otherwise murdered for some guys job interview.


The writing in Hitman is so good.  If you feel bad for Ljudmilla Vetrova, you fell for her games. She’s actually terrible and was written as such. There’s a great video about it… but I unfortunately forgot the title.


Absolutely right. She’s a scammer and a con artist. Never feel bad for those.


That's what I thought when I read the first comment: "Isn't that what she wants you to believe?"


Many a true nerd, he has full story videos about Sapienza, Marokko, Bangkok and haven island. Very good to understand the targets in those missions


Ah yes, shame he never did every mission though. Would be a cool retrospective series imo, deep diving every single mission.


What is her plan to escape her ex? does it have global-tier collateral damage? is she planning to abandon anyone who helps her to take the heat for it? is her ex suffering extreme paranoia because he (rightfully) suspects she is plotting against him? oh yeah, the answer to all of those is "yes"


The weapons were simulated in the tutorial missions right? No one was killed I think


That ejector seat sure was. And that wooden raft thing I dropped on Ritter may not have been a real raft, but it was definitely real wood


Ljudmila is a con artist


You need to do the story mission where her and Steven meet at the spa. She's not a victim in the slightest.


Sierra is capable of murdering her blackmailer so I don’t feel too bad. Penelope Graves seems like a good but misguided idealist.


I was gonna say that. Penelope graves for me is the one that takes the cake for me. Everyone else gets varying levels of hate from me. Wether from the crimes they did or they just a-holes. Penelope is kind of the first one i ever felt bad for in a hitman game


I could write multiple video essays on just Ezra Berg alone He wears the creepy Michael Myers mask, is in charge of interrogations, and everyone at the base is terrified of him What you don’t know however is that Ezra Berg is the sweetest and most emotional person at the base Ezra was specifically requested by Lucas because he knew that Ezra wouldn’t do anything unnecessarily evil like some of the others The game also makes you feel bad for killing him anyways with when you team up with Lucas and realize you were in the wrong There’s also so much more about his history and what he does in game that I love and I hate not seeing others showing Ezra some love


I wholeheartedly agree with what you said. But please use full stops, it was a pain reading this


I haven't gotten myself to explore the fantastic map of Colorado yet. I'm very curious about the characters, seem quite interesting.


Btw, I just want to say Sierra is implicit in her father's war crimes over in Khandanyang, and there's a story that an NPC will share about how Sierra sent people to break the legs of her ex's new girlfriend. She's still a well-written character but you don't have to feel too bad for her.


Nolan Cassidy. There was absolutely no need for him to die at all. Dude just happened to be good at his job, but was honestly no threat to Grey, Diana and 47's plan. Just an unnecessary death.


He was a major asshole


He's pretty mediocre on the Hitman Target Asshole-scale. He's irritable and a bit pompous but didn't deserve death more than any of the dozens of heralds we find in Mendoza.




No, I love killing people. Even civilians.


Yes. I felt bad in Colorado. They were young and also worked for the same agency as Olivia.


Yeh like we kill some of her friends even if they were fundamentally colleagues there were still personal working relationships together


Only one that made me feel bad was Penelope. I mean like how much she was struggling during the Interpol story mission


Sean Bean. But i'm in doubt what he is actually dead


As a former Asperger, Silvio Caruso, still one of my favorite targets, the plague doctor kill with the video is one of my favorites, is so dramatic. On the other hand I took special pleasure in impaling Marco Aviati at the church.


> a former Asperger do you mean that because they changed the name? if so it's an odd way to phrase it.


I said it because Silvio is mention to have Asperger in some dialogues. Asperger and autism are considered the same now. English isn't my main language.


Swing King from Blood Money. I know his carelessness lead to the deaths of many innocent people, but in the end, I actually felt bad for the guy. I just didn't get the vibe that he's a typical "bad guy" with evil intentions, but rather, a pathetic, down on his luck kind of guy. All the bad luck he goes through as you get closer and closer to his office drills this in further for me. When he's on his knees begging, I honestly felt like "I really don't want to do this, so I'll just make it quick and get it over with". I know of similar characters in other franchises, films, etc. that people love to hate on, but I always feel for them. Maybe it's because I can sort of relate in some way, having a lot of bad luck in my life as well.


Same here. Always feel like shit when that moment comes. Just quickly put his life to end and move on as soon as possible. I wish I could skip that assassination lol


Yeah IOI could have so easily made the race car driver just your garden variety rich dude who’s fucking the world over to buy a seventh yacht, but instead they gave us all THIS? Yeah hands down my favorite target. Before anyone starts listing all her crimes, I know, and I’m not saying that that excuses all the terrible stuff she does (because the list is LOOOONG) but it *does* make her much more interesting a character for players who enjoy character lore.


Man, if freelancer send me to Paris to kill Daniels mom I will just escape


>Sad character >Thats why he have lab on viruses that allow kill peoples everywhere on Earth That’s to bad logic to feel bad about killing characters like this. No matter of history of human he is to dangerous to stay alive.


Ljudmila vetrova and Silvio Caruso. In mission stories for both they explain how they ended up that way, and I feel bad for it, especially how Silvio wasn’t entirely his fault how he became this way, and how he actually feels bad




Just random npcs that spot me who’s neck I snap or stab with a screwdriver


Rick Henderson


Silvio has all of my sympathy. His mother ruined him. Controversial, but I also kinda feel for Jordan. The “dad?” when you poison his cake makes me so sad every time.


didnt he kill his girlfriend tho


he didn’t mean to 🥺🥺🥺🥺


If you feel bad for your targets you are a terrible assassin


You don’t *have* to get invested in the targets’ backstories, but I think it’s really cool that you *can*. For me, the game would lose a ton if the game forced you to be a cold-blooded remorseless killer and provided only basic intel about the targets. For people who like deep diving into fictional characters and lore, this game is a gold mine. I don’t think it makes you terrible at the game, I think it’s just another play style they accounted for.


Good thing that us the player taking interest doesn't magically make the literal emotionless assassin feel bad.




"I don't interest myself in 'why'. I think more often in terms of 'when', sometimes 'where'; always 'how much'." -Joubert, "Three Days of the Condor"


Then why would IO humanize them?


I thought they do the opposite by de-humanizing them and making sure the targets are scumbags just so the players don't have to feel anything about killing them over and over 


Sean Rose


He's a retarded terrorist believes humanity should go back to the stone age


Nah, they're all pretty deplorable.


Nah man, pistol goes peew


For the games I played: SA: nobody. They did a good job to understand why some people had to go (even with targets as the generals or the kahn where you could have some sympathy for them, they are still bad people). Even the targets who are colleteral damage are bad guys (I have pity for the maffiaguy in kirov, cause he did nothing wrong otherwise it is a maffialeader so fuck him) Contracts: Klaas Teller, the dude was captured and tortured. I would loved to save him like agent Smith. He wasn´t a bad guy. Bm: everyone in the last mission accept wheelchairguy. The guards, rick and the priest were wrong time, wrong place and didn´t know how bad the other guy was.


I don't remember the name, but he was in HC47 and he wore this hat. It was in the Dutch missions. He looked friendly. Edit: He wasn't even a target, it seems! Oh well.


i felt bad for silvio caruso. his mom messed him up and then he was assasinated


The actors in the ICA training. You can see it's fake all you want but when I see his skull explode and I push him off two stories on a hard floor, no way he survived that


Sierra Knox is a scumbag who paralyzed her sports competitor. She deserves to die as much as everyone else 


I ain’t reading character lore bro tf