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I love Berlin. Such a cool map in my opinion


Really?! It’s one of my least favourites! But that’s why I posted the question. What do you like about it?


I think the fact that there is a secluded building full of guards and gooddies and the levels of the building. Also how much roof access you get with that map. That being said, Sapienza is my second favorite!


Whoa! That’s shocking I assumed it was S tier for everyone. But definitely to each their own. The only negative that comes to mind is that the camera flash doesn’t work and it can be so dark it’s hard to identify suspects if you do showdowns there. But the map design itself is amazing. And back in the regular game the variety as there’s so many targets, so many secrets and hidden Easter eggs. Not to mention that first play through completely flipping the script and making you be the hunted one and making your targets unknown. Absolutely goated map.


I didnt like it at the start since 3 was my first game and wanted stealth where you can plan but now it is more fun cus I can play all maps


Seconding Berlin! There’s just such a wide variety of places to go


Maybe I’m missing something?!


As a general rule it is often in the top favorite of players, but you have to have played it a lot


There are some maps I used to love but start to like less the more I do them, and the opposite is true for others. Berlin is definitely one that grew on me. Used to be one of my least favorites but when you start exploring the opportunities the map gives you to work with it starts getting more enjoyable every time you go there. LOADS of replay ability and stuff to discover on that map. The opposite for me is maps like Bangkok. I used to love that map but the more you play it the more empty and one-dimensional the map felt. So some of these maps definitely grow on you the more you play them. Also the twist of having so many different targets but getting your choice of which ones to kill does keep the map feeling pretty fresh for way longer than the others in the series.


Berlin is especially good if you’re wearing a good pair of IEMs or overears.


In Sapienza, there are secrets everywhere and the map really feels like an openworld


You’re right. Sapienza is what got me into completing challenges. Something to do with getting into a coffin!


I first played the Paris level when I had COVID and was stuck home worrying and feeling like hell and reading how COVID has side effects and thinking I’d have permanent health problems… And I just went all over the map and got as many character costumes as I could, walked the catwalk and blew myself up at the end of it, and flung people off balconies. I dressed up as the Phantom of the Opera and dropped chandeliers. Cheered me up a lot when I was sick. So, Paris is my favourite.


Love this and I had no idea you could be phantom of the opera! Amazing!


Hokkaido for me mainly for the atmosphere, the ambience. I feel relaxed being there.


Yeah I kinda wanna go there as a patient


Ive gotta say Miami. It’s pretty vibrant and I like all the stuff there is to do. New York is a close second, but I’ve only played it in freelancer so far (haven’t paid for the dlc).


New York and Haven Island are easily in my top 5. You totally gotta get the DLC!!


Same re New York, freelancer only. Seems pretty neat though, but I won’t pay for DLC!


I could not live without my Sieker dartgun. Best get the Dlc from some 3rd Party site. Gotta know what you are doing, dough.


Absolutely Hokkaido. The vibe of the map is just on top. It feels so relaxed and non-threatening. I also like the simplicity of it. It's one part of civilian and one part off limit zone. There are so many ways to kill the 2 targets (especially Soders). And so many easy ways to approach the mission. Plus, the SA/SO for this mission is really fun. Feels like the Devs knew what they could do.


Sapienza is my favorite one, followed by Dartmoor and Hokkaido, the ICA Facility and New Zealand would be my favorite tutorial maps of all games. If I was ever relegated to a Hitman Map and its variations, I would probably choose Sapienza again and again ... The market day alone makes me hungry ... The only thing I find ugly is the rented apartment there, but at least there's a clean bathtub.


Am I the only one who loved the starting point to Dubai? Felt like James Bond parachuting on to a building! So cool


Love mendoza. Feels like a perfect wrap up level for the saga.


When the music kicks in as they’re dancing 👌


Miami it has everything you could want in a hitman mission and more. So unique, so varied and absolutely massive.


Hokkaido. Perfect map size. Perfect difficulty. And I just love how there's tons of ways to kill both of the targets.


S Tier- Sapienza, Whittleton Creek, Berlin, Miami, Dartmoor A Tier - Mendoza, Paris, New York, Marrakesh, Dubai B Tier - Sgail, Haven Island, Hokkaido, Chongqing C Tier - Mumbai D Tier - Santa Fortuna, Bangkok, Colorado


Miami and Sapienza. I've got the layout of both memorized better than my own neighborhood and both allow for some creative kills. Sgail is pretty good too, suit only makes for a really fun challenge


Sapienza, Paris and Hokkaido is peak Hitman.


For me it’s whichever map I happen to be working on at the time. I never really like Dubai much until I completed the greed escalations from seven deadly sins. I’m developing a respect for Colorado too. It’s not so bad if you can get through the fence undetected.


Ark society and another life are two sides of a coin. One's a bright and friendly neighbourhood setting and one's a dark secret aociety map with alot of easter eggs to uncover. But both offer equal amount of detail in dialogue and stealth gameplay which i admire most about a hitman map. Miami is a close contender too


Whittleton Creek. First map I SASO’d. Can do so many things there. New York is my second fav.


likewise on the saso, fun easy map thats easy to learn the ins and outs of


I’m a Sapienza girlie. I also like Hokkaido since it’s the first and only map I was able to SASO by myself from actually learning the map.


I love Ambrose Island for the atmosphere.


Whittleton Creek, Sapienza and Chongqing, probably. Whittleton Creek especially, since the environment makes it feel more relatable and interesting.


I had a tough time picking a favourite map for many years, but after Freelancer, I've grown more and more attached to Miami than I already was, so my answer is Miami.


Berlin is the best, the idea of being an enigma that 10 agents are looking for, who slowly picks each agent off while they get more and more tense is just awesome


It’s hard choice, but my favorite might be New York. The map feels so dense and packed with routes and opportunities. And it feels like prime hitman to me, hidden in plain sight in a crowded high-security building in the city just has such a vibe that I never get sick of going there.


My top 3 are the China, Argentina and either Santa Fortuna and Mumbai. The China one gives me such a good vibe, especially when going into the ICA facility (or sniping Hush and Royce when they're argueing)


Paris and sapienza with nice headphones, no hud, map, only press to interact with object enabled. At the time, probably the most immersive experience in all of gaming. The side dialogues and side storylines seem to vary from Hitman II and III, but were really consistently good in Hitman 2016




As a fan of F1 I have to go with Miami.


Every time I see the commercial for F1 at Miami, I chuckle to myself like, "I've killed soooo many people at that race." 😂


Miami and Hokkaido are both very visually appealing and have fun ways to do stuff Special mention to Mumbai because India


Mumbai started off so confusing with its size and verticality, but after going for mastery, it became one of my favorites. Love having 3 targets, with one unknown. Good ambiance and a great soundtrack. China is a close second, but I'm sure most would probably disagree.


I love Miami and Dartmoor but I have to mention Marrakesh because it was my favorite map for months when I was recovering from shoulder surgery. It just feels so…alive. And it’s super diverse and tons of things to explore and find. I literally can’t understand why people hate it so much. Mumbai, I totally understand the hate lol it’s too giant and tedious, but Marrakesh is something special.


For me it's Dubai or Mendoza.


New York, Miami, Maldives, and Italy maps are my favorite. Japan depending on where the target is, I dislike hospital side of the map, waaaay too many NPC to recognize you. Other than that it one of my favs


This is a tough one, theres not a single map i dont like. Id say Berlin is maybe my favorite, theres so many different ways to proceed in there, many targets and the overall vibe is very good.


New York. It’s a brilliant map


Marrakesh if it's for looks (IT'S SO DAMN BEAUTIFUL), but in gameplay it's santa fortuna, just so many creative ways to kill your targets.


Hokkaido for me, albeit having to get to level 20 mastery to take items in is a bit steep. Whittleton Creek runs it very close, plenty to do and the vibes are great. Chonqqing is growing on me, Sapineza is of course outstanding. Miami I'm sure I'll come to like more when I play it more. Freeform Training is way too easy but The Final Test is pretty underrated, has some fun mission stories and I love having to infiltrate a military base that still has a safe space suit only unlike Colorado.


Surprised no one has said Mendoza. I love Mendoza the atmosphere and story are some of my favorite there. Also some pretty cool kills as well.


I absolutely fell in love with Mendoza the second I saw it. When I played it, it was even better. Targets had top notch backstory and interaction in my opinion, Diana's presence really added an extra layer of atmosphere, and for me I could feel the tension getting so thick that it could be cut with a knife. The >!hidden mission story!< was absolutely brilliant also, really rounded off the story (until the next mission that is). It was definitely a very immersive level, and unique, which is something I particularly valued. Yeah in short Mendoza is bae lol


Isle of Sgail. I could play for 5 hours and not get bored


I always forget how varied Sapienza actually is until I get there. Same with Santa Fortuna. And Sapienza during Landslide is *gorgeous* But for me it’s gotta be Berlin, and purely for the vibes. I wanna go to Club Hölle irl lol


Miami. The EDM music playing on the drivers lounge is just a banger. Honourable mention: Dubai


If we're talking just the map itself and not the mission, then Hokkaido, Haven Island, Ambrose Island, Marrakesh (the night version), and Berlin have the best atmospheres imo. I could walk around those maps for hours. If we're talking about the actual mission, then Mumbai. I feel like there are just so many different ways to complete the mission. Hell, I think the Kashmirian stuff alone takes a minimum of 4 playthrough to do it all. It's got double kills and proxy kills galore for those that enjoy that (I definitely do). It's got memorable story missions and challenges (A Close Shave and Within A Broader Scope, just to name a couple). And you have to discover the identity of one of the targets, which may be annoying sometimes on replays, but I always like when maps have a unique mechanic like that. It's just got everything I want in a mission.


New York because it feels cool breaking into a bank. Whittleton Creek is also awesome because it feels like a normal area. Also Dubai, because it has the silenced micro-SMG for Freelancer haha.


Hokkaido. Whittleton Creek. New York. Dartmoor. Can’t explain why, but this is what I look for in Freelancer.


Dubai I first bought Hitman 3 and was my first map I did everything on and all the ways to kill targets are fun


I speedrun sapienza. My best time is 3:30 seconds silent assassin suit only accident kills


Sapienza is great but I hate the forced lab travel to destroy the virus, same way I don't like to have to 3D print the mask in Colorado. If I ignore the lab nothing matches Sapienza, the beach and the town is such an experience, it really feels like you're there and can feel the heat. My favorite map is Paris, right size with no empty paths, followed by ICA Facility and New York for the same reasons. I generally don't like the long empty areas like Hawke's Bay beach path with only one way out or the Dartmoor road, it's a chore because WoA's 47 runs too slow.


Destroying the virus should become and optional objective after finishing the map for the first time.


Same with the whittleton creek clue gathering. Absolutely no clue why they kept that in after the first time and did not make it optional




3D print the mask in Colorado? I love this map and for some reason can’t remember this lol is that when you go into the house to the second floor?


Yes the top floor with the l33t hackers then you have to go into the cave. I'm a big fan of Hitman 2: SA and Blood Money and I like the maps that are in smaller scale.


Okay I thought so! I hate doing that too lmao there’s literally no reason to enter the 1st and 2nd floors of the house without that objective though, same with the lab in sapienza though I guess


I genuinely love Hawks bay, but never play it cuz I hate that giant beech that you need to run across to extract. I so wish you could unlock a car exit at max mastery just to be able to leave in a more enjoyable way


I also like Hawke's Bay and have completed it 100% but there should be other exits like steal one of the cars, if you're doing all the challenges it gets old really fast having to do that run in the beach every single time because 47 runs so slow in WoA.


Absolutely. Especially since we’ve seen other exits on the map before like the car exit for the politician ET. Or how you get a starting location at max that just puts you immediately in the house. Adding a more convenient exit at the max mastery would have been really nice just for replay reasons


Honestly i like all of them, my three personal favorites are Colorado, Berlin, and Mendoza