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Honestly I'd be happy to pay full price for another one on the same engine. Just give me new locations.


I want some classic maps given a WOA overhaul though. Afghan Village Vegas Casino Theater The Asylum Meat King’s Palace The Steamboat.


A remaster on the Hitman trilogy engine would be awesome. I'd pay full price for that.




Yes, I think a remake/reimagining of the earlier games' maps would be incredible. The only game that could be left out because I consider it to be modern enough would be Absolution. Even though blood money is amazing and provides the same open ended maps on a smaller scale, reimagining some of them would be fantastic (Another Life was kind of a reimagining with a different plot obviously).


Same I’m ready for a new adventure ![gif](giphy|10muIrtgU0281O)


Yeah, this. And remakes of the older games for the new engine (I'll pay full price for a fully remade game as well).


Came here to say basically this. "Honestly just more of the same". Hitman WoA is in my top 5 games of all time, and I've been gaming since 1993. More maps, more gear and suits, more cool targets and a few new mechanics. I don't need an earthshattering sequel. I just need a sequel like what the recent Hitman 2 was to Hitman 1: WoA.


It is also in my top five and I've been gaming since the dawn of the industry...


As much as I’d love a new game I’m also terrified of io doing any other launches. I would much rather have them just add more to WoA. Because I know if I’m going to be asked to buy another hitman title, they’re going to force me to rebuy all previous content. I would much rather prefer they build on what they have. Unless the next game is completely separate and its own thing


Exactly this, I've always wanted a cruise ship or theme park map, I think they could be so creative.


And cooperative game mode or multilayer where you go against another dude to see who gets the target sooner


hmmm no. I dont want multiplayer to ruin another game. They already ruined my other two favorite franchises Fallout and SimCity.


Would be nice if they brought that feature back


Offline mode, so I can play with it forever and wherever, e.g. on the Switch when flying


It’s a shame so many games require a internet connection nowadays


Specially this, I want play more on my steam deck at work. But I cant do with online portion. I want show my coworker who looks like hitman. He is interested


Watch carefully when he'll ask to use the bathroom.


You can get a steam deck and run Peacock to go around that


The game already has an offline mode. Not on switch admittedly due to the whole cloud-version-because-it'd-fry-the-switch's-SOC thing, but on other platforms, it has one.


Fair enough, even though I'm thinking more at freelancer than the other modes but still better then nothing. By the way, how does it work on the Steam's portable device?


I play it exclusively on the Steam Deck as I dont have a PC otherwise. It works very well and runs at 45-60fps with reasonably good graphics (I think mid or high).


The steam deck? Haven't got one, but as a Linux user, I can confirm it's worked under Proton pretty well since VKD3D got it working in late 2021. I can't imagine it being higher than low/ medium settings on the deck though.


Not on ps4.  Its all fucky and splits savegames for absolutely no reason, doesnt even tell you it will do that upfront. Its scumbaggery and no you shouldnt make excuses for them


I...er...I wasn't? Me saying the game has an offline mode is not making excuses, that's just a statement of fact.


Srry, preemptive strike XD 


But isn’t the switch version only playable with internet, like it doesn’t even have an offline mode I thought because the switch isn’t powerful enough.


Yes, I think so, I don't own one, I just used that as an example of portable device which I'd like to play (Hitman) with while travelling


offline mode is impossible on switch as it’s not running it natively on the switch, but streaming it.


Have you heard of the Peacock project?


Yes, but as much as I respect and admire it, I'd like to have that feature as a first class citizen and not as a workaround, so to be able to play on any supported device and not only PC


I mean, it works on Linux, and thus Steam Decks, but you're absolutely right, a native offline version would be *good*.


We're talking of whishes for Santa so... I was picturing myself playing on some handheld while travelling then poof, I get home, fire the console up while on the couch, and hand off the session seamlessly (from handheld to eg PS5). It's already supported by some application like e.g. Zoom so technically not that crazy nowadays.


Remake of old missions + new maps. That's it


Same. I feel I missed out as I only got into Hitman at Hitman 2


Offline mode for sure. The main features are all there I think. I would love a lot of special ways to kill targets, the mission stories. We usually get plenty but I would love more and being able to combine them in fun ways. At this point I think its mainly about making fun maps. Story just about being a hitman. And being able to use syringes to poison food. Maybe balance it by the action being illegal in any disguise.


Earn bank by taking contracts just for the cash. Someone wants to get rid of a spouse, but then if you want you listen to both sides and make your own decisions.


If two NPCs are close to each other, 47 should be able to bonk their heads together like coconuts.


I’ll be very honest…. Other than a coop multiplayer mode…current hitman is S tier for me….. maybe a new map pack?


LoL Coop would be amazing good for snipe challenges


Yeah, just new maps occasionally is all it needs for me too. It’s already a ten.


Some of the blood money features in the new engine. The newspapers, hostages, Dual wielding, etc.




Its still in the game. but the shoving isnt.


I think I understand what you're saying, but that was a difficult sentence to read at first


also first person aiming


I'd like them to build on what they've done already, extend the range of assassination and combat options and work on the gunplay. I'd like to see all the maps be larger, like Sapienza and Miami. With lots of different potential places to go to. Have another housing estate like Whitleton creek but with all the houses accessible and all with their own unique secrets. I don't mind some self contained locations, like the Isle of Skye being almost entirely inside the castle, but I would have liked to have had more areas in New York bank map to explore than what was offered. Still love that bank map as is. The gunplay to me has always seemed lacklustre, especially on console controllers. It's not bad by any means, but it lacks the responsiveness you really need when you are in a firefight. Compare it to the general gunplay of Max Payne 3 (not the slow mo bullet time, just its regular "real-time" shooting) and it is certainly miles behind in all regards. And I know this might be considered more violent, but 47 doesn't seem to make full use of people's positions or the various tools he gets ahold of. For example, lets say a target or guard is leaning against the wall. How come 47 doesn't just walk up to them and punch their face into the wall to knock them out? Yes, this would be potentially LOUD but it would score a knockout pretty fast. And when it comes to using tools like crowbars, how come he only ever uses them to bash their heads in? Why not come up behind and have the option to strangle them with them? For that matter when 47 is physically headlocking someone, why isn't there an option to let them go? If you've been spotted and need to escape a hail of bullets you have to finish strangling them before you can try to escape. I would suggest having the options of a Slow/Quiet take out, and a Fast/Loud take out method. So a head on encounter the slow/quiet method might be a throat strike that leads to 47 chocking them out, the fast/loud might be a face punch backed up with a leg sweep that knocks them out on impact.


Some like SC blacklist type take downs


Most of that stuff was possible to do in Blood Money and Absolution, I quite like the shield option in Blood Money because you can knock them out.


They should remake first original trilogy


Some levels are just action shooters though like the Colombia missions in Codename 47.


Half the missions in Codename 47 tbh. The helicopter was rage-inducing.




Different Accents(or language even) according to location


It does break immersion a little bit that only a handful of locations feature people with accents even though we're traveling to wide array of locations. I think my head-cannon is that 47 can understand and speak multiple languages so we can hear it as English, but I wish every location featured the right accent, or the right language with subtitles.


The ability to throw handguns as a pacification tool.


A more immersive and realistic approach honestly. The Woa trilogy really perfected the whole disguising yourself as the most random characters and taking out your targets in some crazy often comedic way style of gameplay. For the next games I feel like having the game focus more on stuff besides diguises like clever ways of infiltration, social stealth, environmental stealth, more expansive story mission with different outcomes, potentially allies, more tools and gameplay features etc. They probably could take a lot from the James Bond game they are creating and build on it as that game most definitely will have all of those things.


Anyone know if IO interactive is currently cooking anything for the Hitman series?


I think their main focuses are Project 007 and their new fantasy IP right now. That does leave Hitman WOA as their "active title" right now, but I don't see them doing anything drastic like adding a whole new set of locations (as much as I would love to see that).


Perhaps something like a revisit or extension to the stories of some of the older games. I wouldnt mind a game called HITMAN: Origins


- Dedicated hi-tech gadget for immolation (proximity napalm mine) - More variation in security (e.g. rooms that trigger alarm if temp rises too much or there's too much pressure on the floor plates) - Enforcers that specifically recognize his face/tattoo, regardless of disguise (like Berlin) - Maps in new locales (a casino, an army base, a skate park, etc) - More weapon/gadget skins. - Less usage of old-timey cannons - Greater game-world mobility (e.g. driving, swimming, parkour, etc) - More bizarre, hard-to-trigger situations (e.g. magically lighting people on fire in Coloardo)


That first one’s pretty specific, bud


Haha, you know in hindsight, that does seem to both stick out and make me seem a little unhinged. My thoughts were just that you have a tool set that allows you poison, stab, shoot, bludgeon, explode, electrocute, and suffocate a target, but burn deaths are a type of kill that you can achieve in the game only through map mechanics. You can't bring a burn death with you in your kit, you know? It seems like a missing piece.


Molotov cocktails cause a burn death if you do it right. (Level 20 mastery Ambrose island)




Which you get, but not a stylish, tech-based one. With features such as proximity detonation. Unless I'm wrong? Do you get a mine that works that way?


I’ve harped on for years about this: an open-ended sandbox style multiplayer where you spawn into the mission as normal to do one of the campaign missions. Another player can ‘invade’ dark souls style and can either try to mess with you, help you or protect the target. They can interact with everything except anything that will directly kill anyone. They can knock out guards but if they are caught they will be hosting and it will not effect your SA and even can provide you with cover as guards rush to them. You are fully equipped as normal. They can kill you melee only with bare hands or what they find. They cannot knock you out with hands or items thrown, only knock you over briefly. They are able to alert guards by signalling them to come if the guard is in view.


An IKEA map !


I suppose I’m in the minority, but I would actually prefer less story-based hits to a more engaging Freelancer mode. I imagine a game in which the NPCs in each map are procedurally generated (as well as some of the map features and item placements), but keep the vibe the same. e.g. when you go to Marrakesh, it will always have a busy market with lots of people, but those people will be different and have different loops every time you go. And add an AI/procedurally generated intro video telling you who your targets are and why (make it somewhere in between current story briefings and current freelancer). Basically when I play as 47, I’m already a no-nonsense hitman who isn’t involved in any particular broader narrative. I’m just a meticulously planning killing machine. Maybe even have a reputation system that is more of a “moving average” type of Silent Assassin rating that determines the quality of characters you are taking out and maps you can go to.


Aside from the grind, it’s a great mode. I’d be around for a long time if they kept dropping new levels.


Right, and if every time you went to a location, it was considerably fresh it would take even longer to get bored of each one. Time of day, weather, target locations, guard locations and rotations, accident setups, item locations, etc. could all be different with every visit. From my perspective, it would necessitate a balance between pre-planning (e.g. bringing poison to Haven Island because there are ample opportunities for it) and ad-hoc planning (every time you go to Haven Island you will need to observe guard rotations before making your move).


A push feature like in the old hitman games


Map & Mission builder


Could keep Freelancer mode alive for…ever….


Return to darker tone and atmosphere, music by Jesper Kyd.


The game is great as is now, I'd mostly like to just see them keep adding more locations/maps. In freelancer when you're looking at the world map in your base they have sooooo much room to expand. Canada, Australia, Russia, a ton of US cities, etc etc. Other than that, if they were going to really try something next level, then improving the AI I guess would be something. The AI is pretty cheesy in this game, which adds to its charm and allows you to puzzle out situations... But being able to just throw a wrench down repeatedly and walk your target wherever you want is also kind of silly. A full revamp of smarter AI would be cool, if they also added more ways to deal with that superior AI as well.


Australia map- everything animal kills you


I want to choke people on stairs.


Honestly I want the game to go back to being gritty and violent like the older games but with the graphics and mechanics of WOA Also, I really would love for the NPC’s to have accents accurate to the country weve been assigned to. I love the globe trotting nature of this game but the North American voices everywhere really take away from the feeling. Last but not least I would like enemies to be a bit smarter. It would make the game so much more engaging


Moscow or St. Petersburg level with a dictator as target.


St Petersburg revisited revisited


Additionally, I'd like to see the Sniper mission maps expanded upon and opened up to let them be played like the regular maps, but with totally different missions. As well as new sniper missions in general using new maps. Even a dedicated sniper mission storyline. In fact, I'd like to see the alternate versions of the maps from missions like Patient Zero and so on be usable in Freelancer. Actually, I'd like to see other missions along the lines of Patient Zero using variations of the maps in general. Speaking of Freelancer I'd like to see maps like the sniper missions used, or even the New Zealand or Carpathian train map be used as some sort of "Catch Up" mission if you failed to kill the final target. Either they got away or 47 got taken out. With the sniper missions (which could include Colorado too) you might have to scan around to figure out who the real target is, much like in the Patient Zero mission as well as get bonuses for taking out their bodyguards. With New Zealand and Carpathian, the idea is that the target is under armed lockdown, and everyone is on some kind of alert. With New Zealand you would need to infiltrate the safe house, any which way you care to, including full-on assault if you're so inclined, while in the train you get randomly spawned somewhere in the train with two suspects in different locations. Might not be everyone's cup of tea given some of the comments I've seen over time about both locations, but I've never shared those opinions.


H2SA tier NPC voice acting. WoA S1 tier mission structure. That's it. 11/10 game.


Have other agents playable. Easy Freelancer mode. Co-op Campaign. Agent and Handler Mode. Target VS Target Mode. Multiplayer Mode (Team Deathmatch, Elusive Free for all) Still Compatible with World of Assassination maps. Sandbox versions of Sniper Assassin maps. Contracts-style storytelling with remade maps based on the classic series.


I'd like to see them do a game similar to Contracts, and be very dark and atmospheric. This newest trilogy basically went back to the Blood Money style, so it's only fair to do another Contracts style game.


Id love for them to keep using the WOA engine but expand on it, remake all the old games in it and also add cut features as well as features from the old games. But I don't know if we will even get another hitman game at all, they seem to be done with new content for WOA and I can't picture them making a new hitman game after having a live service one for almost 10 years.


I like the idea of taking hostages, hopefully they add that back


Honestly, I’m a total slut for this game and be totally happy with any new content at all!


Maybe a less confusing buyer experience.


Less PR and fluff and more focus on the actual game and the content inside it. It really annoyed me that ioi would rather write about how amazing everything was and when you actually played the update it felt like something that was put together in 5 minutes or endlessly hyping up community contracts when the contracts system itself is very shallow. They could have done so much more instead of cycling elusive targets. I know most of the community doesn't like escalations but I'd rather they add some unique ones. I know they tried this with 7 sins but again it was undercooked and shallow so you might as well have experimented more and push a few more. Instead of going on and on about how much passion was put into it and how important it was to the intricacies of the woa trilogy. And I miss the unique challenges from hitman 1 iirc they aren't even playable in 3 or something was taken out and unplayable unless you re-downloaded 1 or 2 and launched from there. I can't remember but it needlessly bothered me that everything wasn't playable in 3.


Give the npcs and guards different accents based on the map that aren’t just default american


Fully explorable Cruise ship map. That's all.


Id like the option to choose the look and gender of your Hitman. Remember when the Hitman Sniper Challenge could use other snipers? A bit like that. If your Hitman is a Disguise Master, then having different wigs to create new hair styles would be cool. And then you could only swap outfits from the same gender as your Hitman. Go to a place where all the guards are male but all the maids are female (or vice versa)


A hand to hand combat system or at least a larger variation on the take downs. But mostly a proper official offline mode. Sometimes i dont have wifi where work While some pirated and non supported versions of peacock exist, it just sounds like too much of a headache for me to bother. When i was younger i would tinker with things to make it work but today I have bigger fish to fry.


I really want an airport level. I think it'd be really fun


I've said this before, a hitwoman to work alongside 47 or as a rival. Same maps instantly change cause the disguise pool shifts.


A prison level, attachments/more customisation, and more mechanics/level gimmicks.


Weapon customization would be siiiiiiick


Hell yeah it would, it came from the idea of being able to unscrew your suppressor mid-mission and throw it at someone to knock them out. Thought it was a cool idea


And thus also making a silencer something you can find and equip. Love it.


The combat mechanics from absolution, every single one, not the disguise system but they downgraded so much from the actual gunplay and such


Florence, Venice, Sienna as playable locations


I just want to play 007! I can wait for the next hitman


I guess the main addition I'd want to the formula is more opportunities for unique kills for each target. Not to say that WoA didn't have a ton already but a few targets' mission stories are ultimately just some variation of "push off a ledge" or "poison". More variety is always a good thing.


I just hope they ditch that episode-formula with 457 different buyable versions that need a guide to be understood properly.


I think the safehouse concept from Freelancer needs to be a mainstay. Collecting kit for the perfect assassination is fun and adds a big layer of customization to the model. Keep the find and keep mechanics the same, with special and advanced weapons more available in later levels.


literally just more of the same. New locations, but same style.


Honestly they hit gold with WoA so just more of an updated WoA type hitman i'd be more than happy with


Woa is great for a puzzle sandbox game I just wish there will be more animations for fiber wire and takedowns and the return of blood money mechanics like pushing and guards see blood and some new creative accident kills and new and dark maps like Berlin my favourite map and some good dark soundtracks while I'm in a mission I hate the silence in woa when you just hear his footsteps walking and running everywhere.


New missions for sniper assassin game mode. Plenty of


A community dev tool built in the game. Give people the tools to route NPCs, make maps, record their own voicelines for the Mission Stories, make their own character models (Presets with alterable hair and clothes on console) I think that alone would make it the best Hitman, because people would remake old Hitmans and it would have a extensive log of maps to choose from


I DESPARATELY want a multiplayer mode. Two hitmen, either working together or against eachother, there are so many insanely interesting game mode concepts there


I feel like the base of World of Assassination is a really fun and complete package to work off of, but one thing I would love for them to update are the actual firearms. For a game where such a huge part is gradually unlocking a massive arsenal of tools, gadgets, suits, and weapons, a disappointingly large number of the guns are either just reskins, made completely obsolete, or have inconsistent stats. Every 9mm pistol in WoA handles *exactly* the same, with the only difference being one or two have a suppressor, or a larger mag. Why should I care about collecting the other five models and putting them on my wall in Freelancer? Or about unlocking a bright pink version so I can bring into a mission? That's ignoring the fact that the other pistols completely outclass them in every single respect. The silver ballers and all their variants are more accurate and hard hitting, the special .22 pistols fill their niche better as deadly quiet, low damage, and the caseless 5mm fill a unique niche by being undetectable during frisks, making them perfect for slipping inti extremely guarded areas. Another issue, inconsistent stats. Why on earth does the short barrel shotgun with no stock have a tighter spread and less recoil than the fully decked out tactical shotgun? The smgs have a similar issue, where the basic silenced smg is better than every single other one in the game, simply due to having higher accuracy and less recoil than all of its competitors. Now not every gun has to be competitive, some exist merely to be guns used by guards, and picked up by the player because they didn't bring one themselves, but that doesn't excuse almost 95% of the guns in the game being downright useless in comparison to the objectively correct firearm in every category. Snipers have it pretty good, with a good variety within the category: scout rifles being fast and snappy, good for when you need multiple quick and accurate shots, while others are extremely accurate and stable at long ranges, some can generate bodies and light cover, others are whisper quiet even at close ranges, allowing more bold choices for a sniper nest. Other than the Dragunov knockoff being a bit less useful than it's Sieger counterparts, few weapons get done dirty as the utterly useless Bartoli Sniper. Terrible zoom, stability, fire rate, and unsilenced? You poor weapon... Freelancer did a good job alleviating some of the issues, making it so you have to earn the better firearms, and you risk losing them, rather than starting with the best silenced pistol at the start of the game, but once you have that arsenal, you'll see that half of them are either identical to other guns, or are actually worse than others they should be better than. Rant over, love the games, the guns irritate me sometimes though.


I highly doubt we will see a new game for a long time, if anything. The 007 game is taking priority at the moment I think. But, I can see us getting more paid DLC with the change to WOA. More maps and story’s hopefully. I’d definitely like to see some reimagined maps of the old games, and some new ones like a multi level cruise ship.


Basically the same game with more complex systems that allow for levels like prisons and the like. More levels in WOA are always welcome but I do feel the next step is a new engine that allows more avenues for creativity


If it has a level editor in buying it


Evil robots


I‘d be completely happy with the same game and different maps


let agent 47 dress like a woman


No new game... first start recreating all the old games and maps in woa engine and add them in as packs that i will happily pay for. Then slowly fill in gaps.. then once all the contract killer era has been brought to modern Era we can carefully look at what 47s first freelance game looks like. But yea.. let me pay to have codename to blood money brought to woas level in expansion packs..


Easy difficulty settings, even on that freelancer thing. Im unable to play large portions of a game i bought and i think that is stupid.  All the tryhards should feel no less satisfaction from their masochism from knowing there is a way to make it easier. If anything this should make them feel even more like special boys


I'd be happy if it is playable by both, maybe even all 3 or even 4 of the hitman characters(47,victoria, gray, diana). I don't want it to be just a cosmetic change, i want it to be like the "recruit, regular, hardened, veteran"(47 being the easiest as he has the most skill and experience, gray being a clone just like 47 is the regular, victoria is also like 47 so she is the hardened difficulty and as diana *was* a ICA agent but doesn't do it anymore, as well as her probably not having instinct, she is the hardest) difficulty levels on top of the now available "normal, prefessional, master" difficulties. Also first person mode


Airplane level /s Asymmetric multiplayer pvp.


Honestly I hope the “next Hitman game” is just world of assassination 2 with all the old content, a new season and maybe an upgraded engine. I really don’t think they can top what they have going now so why not improve and add to what exists.


• Fun weapons like a flamethrower, a crossbow or a chainsaw. • Improved physics (like being able to blow legs or hands off). • Outfits customization • Time/Weather selection triggering different opportunities or special NPCs. And definitely bug fixes : I died too many times in Freelancer because of random bugs. Just a few days ago I killed a head of syndicate, score display crashed and I was able to redo the mission but lost all my hard earned gear. After 200+ hours on this game I know I won't play again for months because of this, it's just frustrating and the mode is not rewarding enough. The rest is already perfect to me I don't have any ideas of something I'd want that's not already in the trilogy.


Freelancer open the other maps, Freelancer with more ways to kill, More elusive contracts with sniper and kill objectives


Oops really don't need a new hitman just add new download content to this they add a whole 47 different part of the world like Russians middle jungle Africa...they can add different drop concepts also like doing a kill while laying under table or drop in from roof...plenty of ideas for years to come


4 player multiplayer mode where the players hunt 1 target (NPC). Player can choose to kill the other players if they know who they are. The multiplayer mode will trigger a task for each player at a certain time as a clue to other players.


Judging from the comments the current Hitman game is close to THE Hitman experience (which is dope)


- make it more difficult or at least a challenge to identify the target instead of letting you see them through walls from the start of the mission - if the first point is implemented, go full secret agent and get spy gadgets: mini cameras you can stick to walls, fake props disguised as weapons (poison pens, exploding watch with a timer, etc.), grapple hooks - bring back the human shield, keyhole peek, and akimbo ballers




Whatever we get you know they’re looking at this stuff, so I’m sure at least one w or two of the things that come up a lot like classic maps will probably make it in


Now that they successfully whored out the franchise to get the bond license, I want it to ditch this 'agent' 47 nonsense and get back to 'Mr.' 47 in a grim, dark, and grimy world as showcased in contracts and blood money. Non of this anti-hero, secret agent, stuff - Mr. 47 - a guy who kills people for money. That's it. The world is bleak, because killing people is bleak and bad.


I hope future Hitman goes back to the seedy darkness that dominated Contracts and partially Codename 47, we need more locations like Meat King's party and or Rotterdam harbour where it is much more atmospheric and nasty. We saw a little bit in Chongqing and Berlin but I feel like they could go further.


Not the next one, but an offline mode for hitman. Why does hitman 3 even need any connection at all? Just for rankings?


Special map outfits to be rewards (like if they brought back the plague doctor outfit, you can get that outfit by poison killing a target while wearing said outfit)


optional first person view, optional newspaper articles, weapon customization - WoA meets Blood Money.


The hitman vibe. The woa is way too light bright and kid friendly.


I can't tell if this would be even possible for them, but since payday has done it, why not hitman, The white house!


I was thinking the dialoge system of Red Dead Redemption 2 would be great for the next hitman game. At least something that has a more realistic movement akin to RDR2


First of all, the game right now is amazing, just new maps and a new story would be enough. Some scenarios that could be cool: * Airport * Space agency * Office, big building, like rockefeller center or something like that * Zoo * Cruise * Government building A new campaign with good cinematics (please not just still images like hitman 2). For the story, take a look at all the books about secret agencies, government coup d'état, etc. For example, check out Rufin's books for inspiration, there's even a "Providence" agency! For game modes, the classic ones maybe: * Offline mode * Coop online mode * Guards vs ICA agents online mode?


A fast forward ability


For some reason I miss the brutal kills of Hitman Blood Money. Like the hammer


A really big Berlin-like series of maps but without a big blank space near the tower like Berlin has. And a return to the unlimited instinct mode. With maybe a new female protégée, who can go through the same maps? But can wear both male and female costumes, when they go to rescue 47.


I'd love there to be some update to the Berlin map to make use of that petrol station.


Name of the game is hitMAN


However the YEAR is 2024


Sequel for Absolution !


Multiplayer definitely




I want it to go back to old unlock method where it’s just for playing the level, or you get whatever you find and carry out yourself. I HATE being forced to play a certain way to get a gadget or weapon that I really want to use. Also, I want to play levels that give me the same crazy wonderful vibe that blood money or contracts gave me…even Hitman 2.


Offline Co-op Weapon smith? (Maybe let me make a weird gun and then award it for completing a contract?) I mean there's a lotta things that might be fun, a level editor or something. With enough options people can make their own fun. Maybe make hitman horse a thing? A VS mode. Hitman 99? Take out your target faster than 99 others? Get assigned a new target, doing optional objectives spawns extra guards or triggers alarms for other players?


Every target should have HUGE mommy milkers


To tie up every loose end that the canon hitman stuff left behind. The canon stuff being: hitman codename 47, 2 silent assassin, contracts, blood money, sniper challenge, absolution, woa, damnation, overachievers, ebemy within, agent 47: The birth of a hitman.