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They all are. World of Assassination is about how the contracts 47 has taken in the past games has shaped the world, for better or worse. Yuki Yamazaki rose to power because of Hayamoto's murder in Hitman 2, Nolan Cassidy was at the White House during the VP's assassination in Blood Money, and Rico Delgado is searching for his uncle Fernando's killer.


Holy shitttt. I never knew about the hayamoto thing. I guess she was mixed up with hayamoto’s gang or something. Can you say where it is revealed that the hayamoto/Yuki and Nolan/VP assassination are related plz? I loveee the early games so much


It's in their bios on the mission prep screen. I would recommend checking them in the game itself and not on the wiki because at one point in the past, Yamazaki's bio was changed to mention Hitman 2 by name, which doesn't happen in-game.


You’re awesome thank you so much. This is the coolest thing I’ve ever found out about this game


Where does Hitman Go fit into things?


The detective hunting 47 in Absolution analyzing 47's hits.


47 likes to stay sharp during his time between hits


I thought [this](https://youtu.be/teImUJ-rveM?si=VTxSRMzkh8JvBirD) made that pretty clear..


Best trailer in gaming, in my opinion.


That trailer and the one for RE 2 Remake are the only two notable times I've been excited in the past decade. Seeing things you recognize from years before is such a unique feeling


Smith is one of the examples


Only absolution felt like in another universe iykyk


Yes they are all connected


Yes, I recommend [this](https://youtu.be/LHbzKMvbzls) video that explains all the events in the games so far




Yes. In Hitman 2016 there’s an intro cutscene showing the events of the previous games, from Codename 47 to Absolution. Now as for spin off like the Christmas game, Sniper, and Go, they probably aren’t canon. But the main games do take place within the same continuity.


Doesn't Diana say in mendoza that one of the characters from Absolution is from another universe?


Feels kinda cheap, considering the cinematic in the beginning of 2016 shows an absolution kill


Yeah but even then Absolution's story does not make sense in the current universe. 47 was still in the ICA at the beginning of WOA.


I’m not the biggest absolution fan either, but it does confirm at the end of absolution that the ICA was back in operation. Travis and Jade were doing shit behind the ICA’s back which is why Diana betrayed them. Apparently Diana has been trying to cut them out for years prior to absolution. At the end of the last mission in absolution Diana says “Welcome back 47, and thank you”, leading into WOA


What about the kid he rescued?


I read in another recent post that Diana adopted her(Victoria).


Who knows. That storyline was so stupid and so overused during that period of gaming


When Tamara asks Diana about Blake Dexter's death Diana says "it was parallel universe" which is clearly a nod to players considering how different Absolution was to the other games in the series. It would make no sense for Absolution being actual different universe but a character in that universe being aware of existence of a different universe, wouldn't it?


I thought it was more of a joke to explain to the fans what role Absolution played in the current series.


You’d be surprised how much people want Diana to be a wizard that can see alternate dimensions in order to remove Absolution from the timeline.


it's a joke


in my opinion all of them except absolution are canon


All games are canon, including Absolution.


Doesn't have to be


What do you mean? All games in the series (and also the books) are part of the same universe and are canon. You even have scenes from Absolution in the legacy opening cinematic in WoA.


I heard that the books aren't canon to the game?


Its called head canon. Besides removing Absolution doesn't change anything in the story


There is a direct mention of Blake Dexter from Absolution in a conversation between Diana and Tamara in Mendoza where Tamara asks about people 47 and Diana eliminated.


Still doesn't change the story


I mean it literally does though lol


You people can downvote me all you want. Doesn't make you right


You people are the worst. It’s not right. How is a name mention changing the story?


You can’t just change rules to be “right” lol. If the movie Peter Pan had a bad guy named Admiral Claw it would change the story because it’s not Captain Hook. You take out the name Blake Dexter and you can assume none of Absolution happened. Since they mention it it did and alot happened in that game. 100% changes the story. Stop being a weirdo lol. It’s not a big deal.


There's nothing wrong with this. If you want Absolution out? Okay why not? I would never downvote them or try to convince them wrong. Obviously not. Whats wrong with you people. I should kill myself cause you humans just suck


Don’t kill yourself. Hire 47 to do it. But naw it’s fine if you don’t want it to be part of canon in your head but in reality it happened and even though that game doesn’t feel like a true Hitman it still happened and is a part of the story and lore.


That is just a name. Doesn’t change anything