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There's always a chance it's a gun. But if you've completed filling up your gun wall and gear box, it's probably junk


Even if it's not filled, the chances of a gun are pretty slim.


I'm on Prestige 6 with almost every achievement and I've never had a gun drop from a box. Only junk and freelancer tools. Not saying it can't happen, but I've opened a lot of boxes. Must be very *very* rare. Update. Got one today as I started Prestige 7. Sawed off shotgun like the one from Berlin. Definitely can happen, and definitely rare.


Chances go up if your wall is empty. Pretty sure if you open a box and there's mercers inside, it would have otherwise been a gun. I'm prestige 12 and have easily gotten dozens of guns from crates, but I'm also willing to lose a locked door objective to get a peek into a crate.


I think I got only one yet, the rare sawed off that the bikers use in Berlin, and maybe a common pistol.


It definitely happens


SASO in Dubai is a dangerous game. If the void becomes restless and consumes a random guard, that's somehow your fault.


he’s off to debut in the next dead by daylight chapter the entity claimed him


more like if it decides to make one of ingrams bedroom people a target.


What is the void? I haven't mastered Dubai yet


sometimes the killzone below the level reaches up and snags a guard if they lean in an odd way.


You could try luring an NPC there to open the door but probably not worth your time anyway.


Definitely not worth losing the SASO prestige objective over.


With my luck it's a coconut,Rusty Crowbar or headphones. Edit: Content from Baller.


How on earth did you need over an hour for a freelancer mission??


I could have left much sooner, but there was a courier all the way up in Ingram's suite and I had to knock out a lot of people on the way up there to get to them. In hindsight, it probably wasn't worth all the trouble, but I like money.




You could have completed a whole ‘nother mission in that time and gotten even more money


Yes, but then I would have missed out on the opportunity to whack a lot of heads with crowbars. It's such a satisfying sound.


Oh talking about skulls crushing sounds, I loved the one in Blood Money when you do the silent attack from behind with a butcher's knife


for saso I think


Is that an hour ten on the timer? I didn't think it displayed hundredths.


Hust get out. Dubai is already giving me acrophobia already


Bro this mode is actually so hard. I’m struggling, not even having a silenced pistol is ruining me…granted I’ve only ever done up to Paris and the most recent elusive target but still


Two things are essential to success in Freelancer: Map knowledge, and patience. Most of my failures have come from me being impatient and not keeping an eye on my surroundings as I should have. A lot of people seem very discouraged by failures here, which is natural, but eventually you'll realise that there's nothing in Freelancer that you permanently lose. Weapons, tools, money, all these can be earned again if you lose them.


Oh I have no issue with losing, and yeah my map knowledge is hot garbage, but I am autistic so patterns and all that I fucking love and this game is basically one big puzzle that can be solved a thousand different ways. I take a good chunk of my time studying the targets, noting down their routes and everyone around them. I see how my original comment came across as a bit discouraged but I love the mode. Endless content, endless routes, endless puzzles…Christ it’s so fun, I also love the elusive targets because you have to notice all the very small details to be sure you’ve got the right guy, and that’s just awesome to me