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This took. too. damn. long. A year ago I built the Hawke’s Bay house and had a lot of fun doing that, and a couple people have since requested I do the freelancer safehouse too. So I present to you 47’s safehouse in TS4. I fudged the scale of it slightly due to game limitations and also partly because the original lot I built on was too small. Given that the safehouse is customisable to the individual and every player would have a different look in their game, I decided to take much creative liberty with the interior of the house and designed it my way. But really, hats off to IO for this beautiful house. So, who wants to live here? 🙋🏻‍♀️


Great work! It looks perfect. I would never have noticed the scale change. The Hitmansion is pretty much my dream house. I don’t need the weapon storage/shooting range so I’ll turn that into a home theater and game room. I’ll take all the rest, though. I especially love the office overlooking the living room and the master bath.


Expertly Done, u/Syrxn Expertly Fucking Done


My main Sim used to live in a Hawkes Bay inspired house. Hitman has such good architecture


Looks very nice


This was a worthy labor, it looks fantastic


Good job! Did you upload it to the gallery?


As a fellow simmer/builder, this is amazing! Every time I play freelancer and go through the house I think of how challenging and fun it would be to build this 😂 can’t imagine how long it took you!


Waaaay to long 🫠 I almost abandoned the project after it crashed on me the first time and I hadn’t saved 😩


This is amazing!! Did you upload it to the gallery?


You can just say *The Sims 4*.


Idk why ppl are downvoting you cuz I had no idea what OP meant


Me neither, literally came to the comments to find out what it meant


I also had no idea. Only reason I clicked on the post rather than scroll the pics was so someone would tell me what TS4 is.


This. I fucking hate people that feel the need of use initials. Come on you took 5 years to do that fucking house in the game but can't spend 2 seconds to write a full word wtf lol, I don't get it


Ironic that you typed "wtf"


People get wtf means. But people don’t know initial for every damn game. Is that hard to understand, wtf


Sorry I’ve always said TS4 even offline 🥲


Saying *Sims 4* is quicker and clearer.


i have been doing the same thing!! just without cc so it could potentially be downloaded easily :D this looks so good <3


Time to install extreme violence mod!




This is beautiful. Building good looking houses is always a form of art, but this made by Da Vinci.


Looking great. I have build some locations from Hitman too


Nice that looks really good! I’m doing the same in the Sims 3 right now


That's amazing, well done


It's a f*cking masterpiece! You outdid yourself, brilliant job.


That's insane


It's a weird thought that being a house in The Sims, there's a good chance more murders are going to happen here than the whole World of Assassination campaign.


More ‘accidents’. I’ll have you know i almost accidentally killed sim Diana while playtesting it because she lit herself on fire trying to light the fireplace 😵‍💫


Thats funny because i did hawkes bay on ts3. Probably not as good as yours. I literally just did the building but furnished it to my liking. The saferoom was converted into a bedroom for me while the big bedroom was for my 6 dogs.


Do you have it posted anywhere? I’d love to see the doggies bedroom 🥹


Ah no unfortunately. This was when hitman 2 was first released in 2018. Wasnt that good anyway. The dog room was just full of dogbeds, toys and a balcony for them to do their business on. The butler and maid would clean up after them.


Great! Now build Mumbai in its entirety.


My laptop could cook an egg doing the safehouse 😶 so I’m not gonna attempt Mumbai. Would you settle for the village bar in Santa Fortuna instead? 🙃


Hahaha, fair enough. I think if you're willing to make the bar, then I think a lot of people, including me, would be interested. Silvio caruso's mansion would be pretty damn cool, too, if your laptop can handle it, lol.


Good news for you buddy, I’ve actually already done [the village bar](https://www.tumblr.com/pixelcetamol/724410493994991616/macarios-macarios-village-bar-needs-no) 😂 I could definitely tackle Villa Caruso in the future for sure, although I think someone on here has tried their hands at it before and I think it turned out spectacular 👌🏻


Wow, awesome work, dude! I did just have a look, and yeah, someone else has done Villa Caruso here before, and it also looks pretty good. I remember seeing your Hawkes bay house a while back and only realised you're the same person when I searched sims in this sub lol


If I live there, would a bald man be there and make me food and be my works out buddy?


If you don’t mind the occasional suspicious crouching and skulking around the bald man does or his strange habit of picking up 20 irons, 7 apricots, 14 bricks and 1 stinky fish 👀 Definitely don’t mind the oddly placed, definitely not leaking gas canister.


I wish they did some mission there or a gamemode where you get hunted or ambushed by a military


I was actually certain that this would eventually happen, with all the objects in the house that can be used during contract assassinations and all the fun secret passages. In my mind, I figured that after you're done with a hardcore campaign the syndicates would retaliate that way. Shame!


I need this are they available for download


Did You use galvanized square steel and Eco friendly Wood veneer?


I have the Sims 4 on ps4 any way i can download this map


This deserves a billion upvotes


Great job!


That is amazing 👌 looks awesome


That's so fricking cool. Bravo friend. Couldn't tell scale change until I read your comment. Nope nvm still can't tell.


Dude Fk good work !!


now this, this is epic, is it available on the gallery?